HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-02, Page 8'Page 8 Tirlies*Advoc4te, may 1, 1963 .pedestrians who might .ether- wise be unnoticed until .clese at hand. Garerei roadaeSpeciallYs. •.drivers- should watch closely, :fi* figures. si.J01100 :Ag441.Pt -the glow 0.4PPrP4chtng uights .the }ieadligtits .of. appreaching tragic create Ting .difficulties, put another Parts lights :can be useful too, says the ,Ontario Safety League, Distant headlights silhouette 4-TInr-z=7, Mrs„ Gerald :McFoils heacls Hy:conc./ale WI tee. lteleUee ee, ...Keeereireeeereeerea • • , • • • • • • • • 131:glitIMI,117=SIVii District 4-H homemakers receive awards tries, Mrs, Alvin. Moir-; hetne economics god health, Mrsi 44- rues Kirkland; historical re- search, and. errent events, Mrs, William Kernicic; Tweectstnuir history, Mrs., .Arthur Rundlei resolutions, Mrs. H. PenGaily Mrs. Harry Strang South Huron district WI eresidept, conducted the election. Roll call was answered by the payment of fees with five new members. The District Annual was an- nounced for May 16 to be held In See-forth. Mrs,Wamp):3rppk and Mrs, Alvin Moir were na- med to look after the in mentor- lam Service fer that Meetieg. Plans were discussed for at- tendanee at Guelph on June 20 when. Mrs. F. J., Van Heekbeff of The Netherlands, ACWW pre- sident, will be the honored visi- tor. The next meeting will beheld in Thames Road church at 8:15 Wednesday, May 29, Hostesses were Mrs. Ben Case, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, Mrs. Mac Hod- gert, Mrs. Lee Webber, Mrs. Robert Mayer and Mrs. Les Gibson. Mrs, Pera144 MeFalla was elected Presideet of NUrondele WI at the annual, meeting held last Wednesday evening in the Trivitt Memorial Hall with 4s- attending the smorgaeboreeupe Per Which Preeeeled the besi- neeS. Past president is 1VIrs.Harry pougall, vice-presidents, Mrs. Lee Webber, Mrs, Edwin Mil, ler; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Deen; assistant, Mrs, Mac Hodgert; district director, Mrs, Harry Deugalli alternate, Mrs. Lloyd Balleptyne;:breneit directors, Mrs, William poug- all, Mrs. William L. am p 0 r t, Mrs. Almer Passmore, Mrs. John Pym; pianists, Mrs. Wit- Liam Rohde and Mrs., William Kerniok; emergency, Mrs. Wil- liam Etherington, Mrs. Carmen Cann, Mrs. William Roweliffe, Mrs. Ross Oke, Mrs. Edna Paesmore, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs, Garnet Hicks; press and public relations, Mrs. Roylance Westcott; Conveners of standing core , rnittees: citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs, GladysSims; agri- culture and Canadian indue- Elizabeth Arden WITH PURSE FLACON of Memoire Cherie Perfume WO. --Jack Doerr photo MR. AND MRS. JAMES CHAMBERS Speak vows at Parkhill Will Vanneste, brother of the bride, was best man. A reception was held at the bride's home where her mother received guests in e taffeta dress of grey and white, beige accessories and white carnation corsage. The groom's mother chose a grey wool suit With fur stole and corsage of red car- nations. For touring Southern Ontario the bride changed to an off- white two piece dress, beige coat and brown accessories. The couple will reside in Ailsa Craig. All Mothers Love Candy Especially Black Magic! $1.90 $3.85 NEILSON'S $1.35 $2.70 particles are fine. Add 1/3 cup plus 1 tbl milk. Stir until dough clings together. Knead on lightly floured board. Divide dough into 8 pieces. Mold each piece a- round a 3/4 inch cube of cheese. Place biscuits on top of cas- serole. Bake at 425 degrees for 25- 30 minutes until golden brown. MOLDED BEET SALAD If your family likes beets they will like this salad. Bring to boiling point: 1 3/4 cups plus 2 tbl beet juice (add water if necessary to make amount.) Pour hot liquid over 1 lemon jello. Add 1/4 tp sugar, Cool to consistency of egg white. Add: 1 cup cooked or canned beets cut fine, 1/2 cup diced celery, 2 tbl horse radish, 2 tbl vinegar, (add more sugar if too tart). Chill in mould. UNTLEY DRUG STORE Telephone 235.1070 EXETER Ontario Color Films For All Cameras Cathy's Beauty Lounge- 244 MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1533 • Perms - Cuts - Sets - Tints OPEN Monday to Friday, 6 Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday To tell when a cake is done, lightly touch the centre while it is still in the oven, If it springs back it is done. To double check donesness, insert a wooden pick in the centre of the cake; if it comes out clean, the cake is done. •-• eeeeeee:eeeeeeele.I.ee.eeeei.eeeeeeeeeeeeieeeeeeit•eeiee,:eeeeeee'ije•::e,Illn,'e•:'e;'iit::tpeeeee''ee iW::i$iiiie;eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.„„„:,„„e.„e.e.„,...,....,..,,, CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. With a floral background of white, yellow and red mums in Sacred Heart Church, Parkhill, Rosa Vanneste, daughter of mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vanneste, RR 1 Clandeboye, became the bride of James Chambers, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, son of Mrs.Chambe r s and the late Samuel Chambers, RR 2 London, on Tuesday, April 23 at 10 am. Rev, Father E. Veithenheim- er performed the ceremony and Miss Frieda Denys accompan- ied for the Latin hymns and the soloist, Miss Lina Denys. Given in marriage by her brother Frank Vanneste the bride wore a floor-length gown of taffeta and nylon over net finished with lace trim and se- quins. A matching crown of lace and sequins held her shoulder- length veil and she carried a prayer book crested with mauve and baby white orchids. Mrs. Frieda Spruytte, RR 2 London, was matron of honor for her sister wearing a dress of net over green and blue poplin with green crown and veil. She carried a cascade of pink and yellow carnations. Two Elimville girls, Shirley Johns and RuthMiller, received provincial honors at the 4-H Achieve- ment Day at SHDHS Saturday. Top,Mrs. H. H. G. Strang, South Huron District WI president, makes the presentations. Below, seven area girls who received county honors are, seated from left, Linda Kraft, Dashwood; Judy Webb, Dashwood; Margaret Anne Prance, Elimville; Marjorie Dayman, Hurondale; standing, Grace Riley, Kippen; Sandra Prout, Hurondale; Christine Kingma, Hurondale. Also entitled to a county award was Joanne Martine, Crediton. --T-A photo 111111 iiiiiiii 11111111, lllll iiii 11114111111111111.111 iiiiiii 0111111114 iiiii 111111111111 iiiiiii 1111111111111111111 lllllllllllll 11111 A sensible idea for a buffet supper is to serve the cas- seroles or molded salads in two or more dishes instead of one large one. A fresh dish replac- ing the first keeps the buffet attractive. Have You tried it yet . e Two Elimville 4-H girls earn provincial awards Beth's HAIR STYLING NEXT DOOR TO SANDY ELLIOT'S Open Tues., Wed., Thurs.,Sat,, 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 We specialize in PERMS, COLOUR, SHAPING, SHAMPOOS & SETS terials with the sales clerk and each gave reasons for her choice. Rene Whitney, Peggy Rugga- ber and Sharon MacDonald of the Creditor: Classy Cutouts by means of a skit "Shoes and Stockings" show that housework may be tiring if one does not wear suitable shoes and stock- ings. Lois Jackson, of the Kippen- ettes commented on the club's exhibit "Good Quality in Cot- ton" in which she said quality should be first consideration in For appointment phone 235-1452 Exeter spending money on cottons and enumerated the different quali- ties to look for. By means of a skit "Making the Most of Your Clothes" Di- anne Peck, Donna Peck and Mary Armstrong of the Zurich Club 1 "The Goshen Gals" show the care of clothes in properly hanging, cleaning, brushing and repairing them. Hurondale Jolly Jills discus- sed the selection of materials for dusters at a pyjama party in which each girl gives the —Please turn to page 9 As we listened to the skits and demonstrations of the 4-H girls at Achievement Day on Saturday on "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed" we felt we had missed a great deal in our girlhood days. As one girl commented "to know the rules for good grooming and to practice them makes one healthier, happier and more pleasing to others." By the time a girl has taken 12 or six or even two such pro- jects how much better fitted is she to take her place in the world today be it in this com- munity or away! Hats off to the leaders who take the time, patience and give the use of their homes that the girls may have the opportunity to benefit from the 4-H projects. These are varied enough to make a well adjusted, well informed woman of today. We purposely included the names of the leaders that you, too, might give them credit and a word of commendation. Mrs. E. S. Steiner, former- ly "Gram", writer of this col- umn, called at the office last Friday and knowing what it is like at times to wonder where material for the next column is coming from, said "Just before I left home I slipped a few recipes in my purse thinking you could use them". Thanks again, Gram, we do appreciate it. CHEESEBURGER CASSEROLE With this recipe T e en a g e Richard Klecka, Tinley Park, Illinois, won $3,000 in a Pills- bury's bake-off. Mrs, Steiner watched him make it on TV. She tried it herself and both she and the doctor liked it. We tried it Saturday night and we liked it. So, here it is. Brown: 1 pound ground beef and 1/3 cup chopped onion in frying pan. Drain off excess fat. Add: 1 can (10 1/2 oz) tomato soup, 1 cup peas undrained. Salt and pepper to taste. Turn into a 1 1/2 quart cas- serole. CHEESE FILLED BISCUITS Sift together: I cup sifted all purpose flour, 1. 1/2 tsps double acting baking powder, 1/4 tp salt. Cut in: 2 tbl shortening until Ait.:kWe,...•44:$w**1*.z41},,,W4011:4„.k.st,t,("Xv.,W, Zeleee, 'e•teeetenetkotereeeseeeeeeeeieeeeeeseeeew • +Z•roK•7121".2., TODAY'S DOLLAR IT S WORTH., MORE WHEN YOU CHOOSE ^ SMART BUY APPLIANCES • ee eee• i'Mffeec'e e-vieeeeeereeeeetireetietelealetititiereteeititietiMeeeeeleregeeiteieel. e eiegteeeMe, eeeeeeseeeeeXefefieteeeteseee eveee A DELICIOUS BLEND OF ORANGE, APPLE, 'APRICOT AND PRUNE FLAVOURS CLEARANCE OF SLACKS, SLIMS Two Elimville 4-H girls, Shirley Johns and Ruth Miller, received provincial honors for completing 12 4-H projects at Achievement day on Saturday at South Huron District High School. The honor pins, cer- tificates and Encyclopedia Bri- tannica Book of the Year were presented by Mrs. Harry Strang, president South Huron District WI. Receiving county honors were Joanne Martine, Crediton; Lyn- da Kraft, and Judy Webb, Dash- wood; Margaret Prance, Elim- ville; Sandra Prout, Christine Kingma and Marjorie Dayman, all of Hurondale, and Grace Riley, Kippen, These were pre- sented by Mrs. Garnet Hicks, secretary, South Huron District WI. Certificates of Achievement were presented to girls com- pleting two projects and spoons to girls completing the present project "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed" and their leaders, Huron Home Econo- mist, Miss Isabelle Gilchrist presented these and presided for the day. Displays of record books, dusters and posters for each club were set up. The morning session included judging dust- ers and materials and a stint of patching, EXtiff3rrS AND SKITS In the afternoon the club girls presented a program of ex- hibits , demonstrations and skits. Sharon Fletcher was commentator for the Elimville exhibit ',Good Quality in Cot- tons" Stating that cotton thee, terial was attractive for di:st- ets and could be had in a wide variety of colors and quality. Gwenneth Hendrick of the Stanley Sallies commented on a demonstration -4 'Good Pesture” in whiCh She said that with cor- rect potture One can be more easily fitted with clothes, look better and be healthier, TWO assistants demonstrated the correct Way of standings w4c- irig arid sitting, Gtand Bend club chose Sharon Morel= to comment on its ex- titbit, HOW to Look Your BeSt, telling the importance of geed vomiting.. Janet Miller, Mary Lott •Schenk and Eleanor 1:ird* eented A skit "Selection of Cot- ton Material or Duttertjt, in Which tWo girls diScusted TWO APPLIANCES IN ONE SMART BUY COE gives you engineered quality . , . and Wenderfal features that are more than Mete gadgets (two examples: the largest capacity aZero-2One" freeter Seaton of any COMParable refrigerator; the range's removable door for easy ovenc leaning). leri Yetien Seethesmart buy is E rt time e is NOM s Visit Russell Electric today. We can grant you a generous trade-in On your old range or refrigerator,-- plus a special ONUS if you trade in both of your apr pliances together, So renew your kitchen noW , get TWO appliances in ONE SMART 131.1Y1 But whether you buy matching pairs or only a single appliance, CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE IRWIN'S Now Available from your. EXETER DAIRY MILKMAN.' OR PHONE. 06.2744, DOUR :,,,rAk,;-'/:::•:%.•/,,je,',V /X? —70/ /. • , , • ."7.,../j. ;,••• /,,'",'",,(••••••• •,•• • ••• • • :eeeeeeeleeeeeeOeee,eeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeese.eeeeeeeleleeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeee1eeeeeeelefee •eeeeeeeeite•eeeeeeeieaeeeeeeeeeeleeeeee.eeeeeoeeeeeseeeeees4eseseeSS eeeeeeeeee.e. PHONE 235.005 MAIN Si'REET illiMASSAVAMSOMMOSPI IN' FANCIES OFF all our Wool and Laminated Coats All this year's styles! Come early - get the best selection FRUIT DRINK ‘.11,E,1$4111,,,q3.1 J144111.01 MANY SHADES MOSTLY WOOLS Att