Huron Signal, 1853-10-27, Page 1TBRHURON SIGNAL
L priretd ♦ hrdfuhed *eery Theared ay
(Vise, Ypridb 41War0, QwdlarA.
Tk Pre/ s( the having en -
twice Ode meablIslasemst to. hase el •
tare�toeil metre of 1711aisM4 11wtMi
Jos Tyre. be is sow prepared' �gse the pt
rea.oaable terms. and with grseiST de•/tkb
Ow heretofore, to execute all u 4snwtllhw►kh
hearty be favored , each as Burks, Pamph1e a,
Beak Checks, Handbills, of every size, Circle I
Ian Cards, Notes atHaid B1U Heads, Check ,
Lea Bills of Ladle', Order Books Divi -
I. a Court Blanks and every other «its ;
of litter Press ng.
eriNS the Huron Siereal.—TEN
SI IILLI GS per annum if paid strictly in
advance, or Twelve and Six Pence with
the espirtion of the year.
No paper discontinued until arrears are
paid up, unless the publisher thinks it his
adraatar to do so.
Any individual in the country becoming
respomiWe for six subscribers, shall re -1
ct•ive a seventh copy gratis.
Ile All letters addressed to the Editor
must be post-paid, or they will not be taken
reit of the post office.
Terms of Adrrrtisin,g.—S11 linee.' and
r,firet insertion,
1:r subsequent insertion, 0 0 74
'fsto under, first inter.. 0 3 4
'9 and
. l
L .ubsequeut insertion, 0 10
tea lines, fine in.0 per Itne, 0 4
F b subsequent insertion, 0
0 1
A liberal discount made to those who
c h
by the r
rrtisemynts without written instruc-
t!! be inserted until forbid, and
d ^ccordingly ; and no advertisement
inued unpaid for at the time of with-
unles by the couscnt of the pub -
u ••,ries.
aT Tea see o► That team.
THE Subscriber will pay 3s Od correaey
per bushel for guod ekes Batley, oa de-
livery, at the Maitland Brewery.
Goderich, Sept. 16th, 1663. a3Stf
-Buffalo, Brantford and Go send h
1)4. P. A. McDOUGALL,
C\ N he consulted at all hour,, at
rhe ',entente formerly orrwpird by
Rob.rt.11odrrseell, 15sq., East Street,Mar-
k.l.qunre, Coderiek.
( udertch, Aptil 29th, 1852. v5
pursuant to a Resolution of the Board
of Dirt eters,.paymrnt of the NEW ISSUE
OF SHARES of the Increased Capital
Stock of the Buffalo, Brantford and Goder-
ieb Railway Cumpay is required to be nide
to the Treasurer of the Company, at the
Bank of Btttah North America, Braniloid,
in fits equal luatalaents, as (celeste:
20 per sent, on or before the lam Jay of
May neat.
20 per cent to or before the let day el
July next.
20 per cent oe or before the let day of
S,' ,lr Leber mateL
20 per reit (•0 or before the tat day of
November rest,
20 per cent on or bete re the 1st day of
Januar, 1854.
By order,
Office of B. B. Iia G. Railway Co.,
Brantford, March 15, 1853. , v6 -c9
- _— - —� h New BOOT AN°
nreet, Godericb.
Jule 1848. 2vn25
( . AIUNFT MAKER, Three doors Emit o
th. Canada Company's 'office, West-
Aug et 27th, 1849. 2vnS0
A T1u NEY AT LAW, and Conveyan-
cer,4.licuur in Chaucer), Sec. has bis
office at formerly in Stratford.
Sleet rd, 2nd Jan. 1050. • 9vn49
.1. 1)l' N Itis) \,:,
l'1\ I. !'\l;1NEER, Re.
CODER/C11, C. W.
Aug. troth, 1152. t5n31
P,II\ J. E. LINT(e",
\OTAt\ PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B.,
sed Cuseyancer, Streaked.
Bartlet. Aloe -sties al 1 -air, ¢e,.
tr.h IL11 C. \\
terAN Barest. r aid Attor-
Nutsry Publuc end Cuurey-
mj ney at
Actor Law, 'Solicitor in Chao.
eery, Convey
\) R R
fes: n
August 16et,
O FFIC1: n 1h
June 7tb,1651.
1716 November, 1051 .
((''/1ALL al the xw
P► �V SHOE Sore, Market Square,
Guderich, where you will find every
description of Ladiea', Gentlemen*' and Chil.
drew. BOOTS & SHOES, India Rubber,
&e., dee., all of which will be sold cheap fur
The undersigned begs leave to inform the
inhabitants of Goderich, and surrounding
country, that he has purchased from Mr. R.
HILL his Stock and Business; and also leased
the building oce,upied by R. 11, with the in-
•tentiun of commencing the Boot and Shoe
Business in all its branches. lie has on hand
at present a very large assortment of Gentle -
mens' Boots.aud Shoes of different sizes and
quality, the numerous to mentiup.
He has also a large assortment of Coarse
Boots, of different sizes—unsually cheap.
Also a variety of Child rens' BOOM and Shoe',
plain and fancy., Ladies' Ware til every de-
scription, Bronze of different shades, Silk and
• Satin, Enamelled, Patent, Morrocco, Seal -
akin of variois sixes and styles, imported from
New York. The above stock was selected by
the sut•scriter himself, the long experience he
! has had in the business enabled him toselect a
superior atti._le. and by paying the cash, he has
purchased cheap, ahieh will enable him to sell
cheap. Small profit sand quick returns is his
way otdoing businc•ss, Pleasecall-and see the
stink Lefure buying elsewhere.
N. B ---D. M. has brought from the East an
assortment of superior Leather. Freneh and
English Calc:skins. enamelled Leather. Patent
Leather, Spanish Sole Leather, &c., dee.
He is prepared to make to order every de•
scription of Work in his line of business; all
orders Lie! te punctually attended to, and by
strict alte0 101 to business. he hopes to merit a
share of public patronae,e, Terms reasonable
and to•0it the time-.-
GoJeriih. Sept. Slit is:�e r.333m•
DT eltLae t.- ea,*TwtCi-
O, beautiful October, again,
'Tee art with as agafunhrad,
With the leak epop thy
And thy lager • purple w
With thy amber-gtMUd vesture,
And thy ruby -dotted train.
Round the 'demo( the Woodland
Where the outer boughs are red,
Furth by threes the kloesychestauts,
Creep tram many ado way bed;
And the carved and silvery walnut
Lights the stubble 'neatb thy tread.
The ugh the sere and scented orchard,
Where thy lingering lett have pawed,
Mellor heapsare bathed in blushes
By thy starlet mantle cast;
But the rah aid ripened russet
Wears thy soberest hue, and last.
Bruad through many a cottage easesest,
Streams ibe mscbeckered light to -day;
Lung the veiling vine. grow gorgeous
With the hectic of decay,
Till the Autumn wind, last midnight,
n I away.
Swept them ansa g y 1
Pods are Luretinailn the garden,
• Till the shrivelleat are seen—
Grapes are black upon tbeltrellis,
Quinces hanging golden-green—
From her apron dropping fruitage,
Comes the bounteous Autumn queen.
Yet, oh, beautiful October!
To the land sick one at sea,
Tothe desert wanderer, pining
For a lar ot* whieperiog tree,
Dust thou bring, the weary yearning
That thou bringst unto met
All the long and lighlsome summer,
. 1 have chased a fairy drea,n-
1 have waked to see the flitting
Of its light wings parting glimmer—
Like the faint, delusive glimmer
Of a star upon a stream.
In thy lights, the vision laded;
With thy earliest falling leaf,.
From the rainbow glancing pinions
Dropped the hues that were en brief;
And 1 cannot love thee, Autumn,
That thou bringest me this grief.
Yet my spiral is unbroken,
Though so so long it wore the chain;
Time shall yield the dew of healing
Ere another summer reign;
Then, oh! beautiful October,
Thou wilt bring me joy again.
BET W EEN Mr. Samuel Rogues, Jun., aim
Brueelekl on the London Road, on Men-
• day the 27th inst., a Red Pocket Book contain--
• ingmouey. Whoever finding the seine and
,t HODGINti leaving it at John Clark's, Esy , Land Agent
' ii11 receive Five Pounds reward.
CIVIL ENGINEER Bruce6eld, Sept. 26, te53. v6 -n35
urulas Street,
LOYDON, C. if•.
52, %bn3o
Post Office Beading',
Meat Street, Coderich,
[IAS just received a Large Assortment
as of Ladies' }.ney dress and Walking
Boot. and Shoes, Paperer to •0y of the
kind ever offered for sale in Godcrcte—
,6o19 - Also, a large a.aortment of Lasts. Boot
Trees, Crimping Blocks, Lining Skier, laic.
tee., the above articles will be Fold as
cheap as they can be purchased in the Lon-
don market.
Godericb, Sept. 6th, 1863. o31tf
Sheriff's S.tle of Lands.
(-ailed Conor':. ••f BY Virtue of a Writ
I Rrn.r of Fieri Facies is.
A, \.t tb1YTH. • 'ro Wit • sued out of Fier Ma)es-
�SIIII'N,18Lt: TAI Witt one door ed again r the t nes and tenement. f Robert
urt of Qum a Bench, and to me direct -
FWest of W. E tierce's Store, Wcat 1 irons at the Suit of JOHN DOE, on the
• Street Go.lerich. Demise of FINLEY McFEE, 1 have seized
Feb. lo, 1859. I -- — v6 -o4 aid taken in - Execution the Lease of Lor
Nemec. 1 ta,c.. (South Boundery) in the Town-
ship o! It: ulph. whip h 1 sha(I offer for sale
[.Morkct re, Goderich,j
AGENT for th Provincial Mutual and
General bier ee Office, Toronto,—
Amo Agent (or the St- Lawrence County
Mutual, Ogdereberg, New York. Local
Agent for Stymie Unison's Old Rochester
Nursery. 1u v J850. 92
Heron as.
So dad 1. 1f we shoall tell father what
we thick he wuuti laugh a us, ►se Ws see
wet were seare•scrowa.
Bet we eaa watch 'em.
••Yee," returned the other; used we
will watch 'mu ; but don't let them know
The boys held cams furth •r curette ,st.00
and then going to the dog -house, They set
the small door back, so that the been,a
might spring forth if they were waetei.—
Soot afterwards t thy re mitered the hoe's.
If they had desired to speak won their fath-
er about their suapiciun.,tbey had au thane
for the strangers sat clava by him all the
Al leogtb, however, the'old M40 .igei-
6ed his iutentrno of retiring, aol he arose
to go out of door. to see the state o1,6'i•ra
without. The three men followed hi 11,
but they did nut take their we.. -
pone. The old lady was asleep uv ber
oust wbi• red Ph h eOct' take N M p, a two
of father's rflee up to our bed, \\'e may
want'em . We lie sat good as mea elle
the r Be
Daniel sprang to ohcy, and q cckiy as
possible tee buys ehpped two ntlea from
their beckete, beb nd the great stone chim-
ney, and carried them up to their sleeping
place, and then they hastened back aol
emptied the priming (ruin the strangers'
tiflee, sad when thou father aol the straog
ere returned, they had resumed mete
Tho hunters cahio was divided into two
apartments from the ground flour, one of
them In the end of the building, being the
old usan'a eIeopng room, wht:u the other
was the large living room to which the cam-
paoy at present sat. Overhead there war
a Hort of Scafl'.rlding, reaching eel), half
way over the large room below it, and to
the rPp 1.110 end of the room below it, and
in the opposite end of the budding I rum e:0
little sleeping apartment of the hunter, a
rough ladder led up to the scaffold, and on
it, close up to the gable end, WAS the boy's
bed. There was no partition at the edge
of this scaffolding, but it was all open to
the room below.
Spare bedtime was spread. upon the floor
of the kitchen for the three travellers, and
after everything bad been arranged
for their comfort, the boy. went op to
their b -td, and the old ciao retied to he,
hale room.
Tho two boys thought not of sleep, or it
they did it was only to avoid it. Half an
hour passed away. and they coulo hear Meer
father snore. 'Chen they heard a move-
ment from those below. Pbdrp crawled to
where he-e'•u'J peep throngb'i crack• aid
ease utfos the ladder. Ho uttered a gawk
whisper to hie brother, said Oben Iay per-
fectly the to
1 A
flatly still. The ISMS p
the ladder ad hell bra tight up en he cent..
leak epos the boys. 'rbc lrC„'w seemed
to be e•n•6ed that it. bo), ate
s•loep, for he soon returned to the
ground Beer, and thee Philip crepe
to his crack. Ile saw the ren t•toug
knives from their packr, and beard llama
Will 6,11 the old mar aol woman him.
said tine of therm. and Then will tilt up
the mosey. 11 those Ir tee brats up there
(he po.ntteg to tee .cat Weng) wake up we
ran vastly t•ke care of thew.
But we suet tell 'me all, said an,lh'rut
the vilkaw.
Yee, returned the first sp• akar, but the
old ones first. 1` we teach the young ones
first they will make a Iroise and *tart the
old msnup.
Philip's heart beat alt horror.
e .ick ! he
U..wn the la\1Jcr—outride p
Iter. Doe n acrd
t u Oro
rL s er o h
c d
eel tee dugs ! Run fur the front d
and throw it open—t1 isu't fasten, d•
0 do let the doge into the honer •e (ock
as error you can. I'll lo.k out for father
wade you go.
Daniel meekly craw'ed o it thro+myb the
utile window, gni Pt•lup set: tel • rill and
crept to the edge of the scoff d. Two of
the melees were just approaching the Jour
u( his father's room. They had set the
candle on the Beer, so that its light would
fall :nth the bed room as 0000 a the door
was opened. Pbtlip drew the hamnoer of hu
tide Lack and rested the m,.zale upon the
edge of the boards.
One of the men had laid bis had upon the
wooden latch. The boy here uttered a
single word of heart prayer. and Then he
pulled the trigger. The villain uttered ore
el arp, quick cr-, and ',thee fell upon the
floor. The bullet had peered through baa
brain. For an instant the two remaining
,tilians were confounded, but they quickly
conrptehended the astute at.d tosito a uI
their enemy, and they ,prang for the ladder.
Thep did not reach it however, fur Si that
mom, nt the outer door flung open, and the
bunnds—fuer of them—ss carg into the
house. With a deep, wild yell, the animal.
leaped upon the milieus. and they bad drawn
them to the fluor just as the o decanter came
\V1.01 Kcatcky war an infant State, and
Were the foot of civilotion had Trodden
down her g•.ant forests, there li red upon a
branch cf the Green River, In the Western
part of the State, an o'd hunter by the
name of John Slater. His hut was upon
the southern bank of ttie remain, and save
a small patch of some dozen acres that had
been clearei,bilh;a axe, he was shut in the
denee forest. Slater baa but two eh Wren
at home with hon—two sons, Philip and
Daniel, the termer fourteen, arts the latter
:weivoyears of age. His older ci,ileren
hod gone South. Hit wife wee with him,
and he had been for several years an almost
helpless crape -Ie, from ibe affects of a severe
I. was early in the sprin, , and the old
hunter nett just returned from Colublhta,
where he had been to carry the ormlect of
his winter's labor, wbicb consisted meetly
of furs. Ile had received Tete a sum money
and by bad.brought it home with hint- The
old man had for several years been accumu-
lating money, for civilization was gradually
•pprodcbing hen, and he meant that h•s
children ahsuld etart on fair terms with the
One evening just a. the family were sit-
ting down to :heir frugal supper,they were
attracted by the sudden howling of the dogs,
and es Slater went to the door to see what
was the matter, he sew three men approach-
.' g his but. He quickly quieter the dogs,
and ho etrangera approached the door.—
They 'eked for so ncthcrg to eat, aril •Iso
Judging* for the eight John Slater was
not the man to re:use a request of that
kind, and he kindly askedtbe strangers to.
Theyrepre-ented th mselvee as travellers
bound further west, intending to cress the
Mississippi in search set a reale tient.
The new comers were far from being
agreeable of prepossessing in t,eu looks,
but Slater took no notice of the circum-
stance, for It was nut is nature to d ,ubt
goy man. The boys, however did not Tike
their appearance at •11, and the gmck
gl•oces which they gave tach o ti'r told
their feelings. The hunter. wife was not
at the table, but she sat to the great sway
chair by the bre.
Slater entered Into conversation with his
guests, but they were not very tree, and af-
ter a while eke talk dwt.dled away to mare
occasional questions. Philip, the eider of
the bey& noticed abet the mer cut uneasy
glances shoat the room, and he watched
them narrowly. Hts fear had become exs
cited and he could not rest. Ho knew the t
b•e father had a large sum of money in the
loess, aril his Bret thought w.s, that
these mea were there for the purpose til
After the eup,,er war finished, mho two
boys quickly cleared off the table. lei Them
west out of door,. It bed becosr4s dark—
er, either. asset had fairy set ia, or there
wee • height roes, twis.hrtii fall. shims(
dee epee Ilse forese
pastel, end Philip, In she. whisper, at
the MN OWN eagles( a leek beet err et hie
shoulder, what do yea thak of those three
dgent for Ontario Marine 4- Fire Irs-
suranct Co.
COMMI:?RiONER iN Q. B. fee.
N8URANCE effects: en Howes, Ship -
1 Peg and Goethe
Alt kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and
Hooka and AccouaIs s4p tld-
Oace over the Treat", Goder(eh .
Isle 92. 1039. IS ,5.26
I:. Il. MARL
cheat, Storehouse
Agent, for the sale of St 4
Farmer Heemehold Forst
fevs.y deseriptiee-
11mee, seat doer, Nor'!
dine Aaiw.,Godet•ieh,
March Seth 1859.
Farmers' Mutual
C►}prl{. `I,QMr
EZRA 1I[1(8, D
tAe Celyas of Weigle
Animist rS,If2o.
i.eion Mer -
per, g 1
de Cleared
rid Produce
the Khmer -
ee Co.,
sat for
k *f
4 14
BAAR18'�t< sone ie
Atte Lem ►
lea, Ogee t
n N aha �MrA rte► nsl
arftea► Mer1k ■
Ma. T. N.
471111"ore 04661.1.
ler IMI.
at the testae oom in the'Town of Go,erieh,
ens Wednesday the Twenty -Mai day of Decem
bey next, et the hour or T.„1,, 01 the clock
Huron and Brune.
Sheriff's 011ee,
Coderich, 21st Sept, 1863. f n34 -1d
Teas Kaases Waa, Rau u a Damsel/
Last Tea Cucatu--Mr. D.ckeuu • ..luted
r •,:a Ea• ts
I • of JYf
barber d
Orions, was .hsv,ng was et ►s cU.lureere,
a reeprcl•ble rlr Les, • nrmorsrtlr• when a
coae•rraa'I ie occurred ler amen them re*
lee lee Mr. Dreksois tomer co:,aealon
with • ,hsreh in else place.
1 eetteve yea are e.•aneeted 1".
a erre i m E ,n air at, Mi. Utcksoa, mod the
N , .ah, w'i at al
tens,, are you .0t a member of the Af
'teen church.
No• die tear, •h.
•• W by did too teav their o••mrwuwiom
Sr. Disksur.! If 1 may be Permitted to
Why, I tell you sah, said Mr. Dickson
.lrapplmg a c.ncata f. If ser. the palm of
hos band. It was jeia Irk. du -1 j nett Jet
church i, geed fa. 1 gin ten &Alars tw
ward. tee slsted preaching of de gospel de
fyear, one le church peepit ell call me
Buffalo, Brantford and Godericb
T. all whom la may Coeearrw.
dist Iwo to her ern
sooritioadlas talo. 111 Peer Ma
sae me ei.r —b- murk ♦ Il&
Mete Se predelt or 00000nee •
wet I
Iaweytl�Mi 4;eyalrls� —iii a
*be rendes or Maperoe Si.
' . tabours . hews Mews
r las denoted to tbw cotters
el lite Bhutto' b or pie plant- He lase a se-
rver variety whoa b.brw� fro. Reg -
basil some leo. years ware, trtlslt a d large
Mee asst curliest butte. Frei It.aa hili.
bed he has alresdf rrabavd 940 the pr. -
seal *Mane aid av II at keit $10 wattle
amore; thus realisitig at tbt rete of $x100 per
acre frons ere lead. Shone tame of Mr staters
bine weighed one pc end mad three ,watte:`.
We maas.ird mac leaf,, aid farad tl Own
and n hell feet
wide'.ans w4t ise Gkrrnrw:le.
to wear p
Upton or THC BerruenNottsH AMeat-
eAtr Puovieces.--It would appear by the
following remarks from the Lords.n Spert.r-
tsrr Mal the rumor . 1 l.nrd lelte 's purvey
I.aciugconoec'iuovital the L•ton of the
British N nrlh Amo nt'•n I'rotince. has
reached Lnelsnel:—e An tn:imatimn tea.
barn tbrowu out that the trim -it el LurJ
Elgin to this country, whether be results
the lioaerr.tnent in Cuusda or mot, is like
to let •1 to an iurpemaut modification of tee
llntish Pt-neta in OEIII Atnetics;. snit
the uuiun Lastug roved so sucee..ful Lc-
tween the two Provinces nl t:gnarls, it is to
to be extended by a (Juiun „1 all the l'i e-
vinces-- not a federative, but a legislative
us o
len rider Ihrkwn. Ifs aeeonJ year my Tris 1Luse.—Praes,or Aga,suz mi. a
hemmers not good, and 1 only gth biro five
dulIa's, Ur' yaar .lo church peeptl rail
me M vier 1)cksoi, bt.n tag '( hurt yea
Nu, moor tol'ble we' 1.
o r
Ih berry C
third war l f
Well, de ht
t� e l sah d v .1 P
knees to mm limcly—and i didn't give
notfin for preaching. Well, rash. arter dat
dey cell Inc old nigger Dickvon, '•o i 'le,
Pram his ►oQm•
"Ilclp us ! help us, fa. her r cried Philip,
at he hurries! down the ladder. "I've •:tot
ung u1 them ! Tbey are murdering rubbers
held 'em hold:ern the boy continued, clap -
;ung hes hand. to tae doss•
011 later comprehended the nature of
the scene in a moment, and sprang tow-
ards the spot where the hounds had tate two
he ado• one rf the n,rn o1,en hes pick, lro.0 mitt up.m the fluor. The st!!tans Lad
elect, be took se,tral large pieces of raw botlelo-t their kuives,atel the dons Lad so
meat. 1'he man examined the Inert by tee maimed. theta that they were incapable of
rays of the moon, and moving towe& the
window, be shored the sash back and
threw the pieces ut dash out to the dogs.—
Then be went We to his bed and Isid
At fire/ the boy th'ougll this might ba
thrown only to the dime to attract attention
but when the man laid down the Idea el
poison flashed through Philip• made IIs
whispered hsthou_hts to his beerier.—
The Impulse of little Daniel, as t.o hears,
that hs poor dogs sere to be pu:seem:
was to cry out but a •udaen pressure kuw
the hand of his brother kept him silemt.
At the head of the boy's bed there *as a
dark window—a eta all vquare duce—and It
was directly over the deg house. Petry
resolved to go down and save the deo.—
The undertaking was a Dangerous one, for
the least Dos. would arouse the vil.laus—
the boys lull assured they were vrlsos—
end then the consequence rutgbt bo (mil.
But Philip Slat. r tuuni Weasel( •uong
in beart, aid be dcterulued open ibe thee '.'
tea I. Hs tether's lite might be n Iiia I For a long time the rill men gazed un-
hands. Tbs thu't was a tower of etrengtl' 1 nn his boys in silence. Tear., of Cort sett
,n itself.
Pniltp opened tate window without nerve' gratitude rolled down leis checks, awl lea
log from las best. aid It awucg upon Ile
reatherea binges ..',bout neise. 'Prior ha
drew otI the sheet suet tied one cotter et
'o the staple by which the window was
hooked. The sheet efts thee lowered temp
the outside, and :irefully tee Leave buy Irl
himself -down upon rt. Ile mnj'u.fd hs
oruther not In move, and De 0 be •fad
uuerelessiy down. The newels hod Jute
found the meat, but they drew back at their
young master's beck, and l'blllp gathered
the flesh all up. Ile ;easily Avowed the
feeble: brutes, and Thep he quickly tied the
meat up re the sheet. There was a light
ladder standieg Dear the dog house, and
standing this up again the building, Philip
made hes way ,eclt to I:rs toile tuft, and
when tante safely there, be petal the sestet
•0 after him.
The strangers had not leen aroused, and,
wlrh s heart the buy thanked tied.
He h•d perlormed an act, Pimple as it
might appear, at many •tout heaths
world have quailed. The dog. growled as
they west haat to tear teems!, end If the
*Onagers heard thgm, they thought the
p..rseimaIS "rem growths, over the repast
the Aad Beed.
At 1•agt1 the bones' eesse40101, noise,
.ed .l1 was quiet. An hoer weld away
and es deg weaker. It most have Nen
poorly eadaeg it wbea aha Noes below moved
agar.., bad the Philip saw tbe rays of a
matte lamb epthrong' the creche of tee
Mot es wide* stood hie bed. Ile world
bee* mooed 1• Ne creek ober• be •world
poop tows. Mt at that ase s'01 6. beard a
Stwrt.t STorr Macniva•—A rostra•
,,more for polos[ stomps is described ID the
,Michigan /•braver, %bleb had taken out a
hundred and forty stumps in halt a day.—
A at,ff maul.• lever, abwt twenty feet
lung, to placed with its thick or strewn
wail at the aide of tba etuup;* el alit .averse
fent long, with !take of melt nr inch and a
(,outer iron, and with a long ring at nee
red ie then attached to the end el the pole
by means of the ring, and the rest til the
chain pas+• • round the seines, a nil 11 hook•
ed into the soot set in Ibe b,dp • •1 )ekeo(
oxen now attached to the other or mealier
end of the lever, exert, art en01 unue power'
and uneu the .tnurp is quote large will
meekly twist it out•
1Vrlr, said a tyrannical husband ono
evening to his ahuae.l cone ere 1 wish you
would make m'• a pair of flee beaoms.-
1 ehuuld thtuk repliel she "that one
lecture upon the trees of Acrr � , statC
s remark:Ask last is rr(gari to time faintly of
tho roar, which includes amuses its varaletiea
not only tuat.y of the trios: beautifuldnwera
which are known, but alau the reheat fruits
such as the apple, pear, peach,
cot, cherry, strawberry, blat'kberry, &.c.,
saui,l), that pro fussily of pl )rt • l,•do,i-tr.rg
to firs family hare ever tacit I rvire, et,l lay
gnloetsts.' l'ut, he regarded as conclusion
evidence tbal the introduction of tits fancily
of plants upon the earth was coeval with
the creation of maul, lar wuuse cuto:ort and
happiness they seem especially deli, ted by
providence to coots thole.
B:ARs IN I8t)OANsreeeV---'-\ few days sinew
a boy seamed Catnbe!1, of a,out 1-k tare of
age, weot into the weeds ;o look ep some
of his fathers cattle, when tipou reaching a
Tamarack swamp he waf ctrared by a she -
heir. '111. boy ran for a ti et., up which be
climbed a little way, but the bear seised
him by the leg and was dragging hien down,
when his dug attracted by his cries came
up and made a tush at the bear, which ese.
caped into the bush. Two of her cu
were wen at a short di'Iat ce. '1•be
was badly wounded but is in a lair way
Meseta as false as yours would bo autti- recovery•--1''ree 1',cst.
monde• eveoing, we regret to state. the
man -ave stone culvert coestrurted at an
enormous outlay by the Great Western
Railway across the bed u' the Twelve Mile
Creek, gave way, but fortunately left
standing the Detract week over which the
cars aro 10 run on the first pre:imo. The
prospect of running at the appointed erne
is, however, umhminiahed, the Company
having authorised the construction of •
substantill wooden hrielee in the Ioterm.—
A train will poviuvely leave Ha otltom 10,
the Falls on the day originally "entwined.
St. Catherine. Coaatitelioa°l.
Cuuwov SeNSE —Advertise your Drai-
ners Don't bide your light under a bashet.
Whatever your occupation or calling
may be, it it needs soppnrt from the
PROGres9.--''flee 'int gate on lire
Woolwich (Load, which let Inst year for
£251, was leased for the coating year at an
advacce of Cts 1 to the present occupant.
The only other offer was $2.8;i 3a 93.—
Thiwpicce of road is well made, pail for in
debeltures at a time.when they would not
realize more than about 8o far cent, and
now meets the interest on its cost, keeps
the road to splendid condition, and wild
leave a triad ter the ezcbequer.--Gtrelp/i•
Ade,, lime.
A Lawyer at rote rascal in the hat of
a brother lawyer, who, on ♦iseoycriug it
entered a oomplaiut in open court
egaiust the trespasser, who, be said had
not only taken his hat, but had written
his own uaD• in it.
public, advertise it tborougly and effior Tug Tuioir Rut.r'ta.--The Emperor
cicutly, in some shape or outer. \\•what of China is iu his ?3011' yesr: the Em•
auccesa 1 have had in life may fairly Le .peror of Austria in lite .3rl, and tum
attributedmore to the public press than Sultan of Persia his _Ott- Torte ',cog
mon rule ono -third of the peoile of the
further resistance. lance \Vitb mucic difficulty to nearly all other eauaee oombiued.--
the animals were called off, and th-r 100 Men in business will pometinsea My OM
NOTiE is hereby given, that a eretifiedl
copy of the Map er Plan of the BUF•
RAILWAY, through the Comity of Huron,
and of the lands intended to bep•aeed over,
and taken therefor, and also a Book of Re-
tereon, coma ining a general de.criptae of the
said Lands, the names of the owner. and ne-
eepiees term!, so tar as they eaa be *acer-
minedsad every thing ■ecdasarl for the right
anderataadtng of such map rte plan, has title
day bees deposited in ibe Mee of the Clerk
of the Peace for the said Cousty, partizan( to
the'ntote In *wheat*, made and provided.
OBee of the Buffalo, Brantford
Breathed, se k rkve., It63. n33uf
abet Oodsrdeb Saliway Company
Awenowtas, is prepared to atteed Sales ie
say part •l the Hefted Comities, we the
utast liberal terse. Apply at the Forst
Begrimes Meet oiee, west hie bombe, Rem
StreettGedevi b.
14. B.—(lead. and Neer property *111 he
rsost•sd to sell Ntbsr by private er public
lamest, b iSM. ;•4a47.
have, tried advertising and it did not
men were lilted to a seat• fLere was aro
pay.This is only when advertising is
need Of biudiug them, fir they needed more I do -no sparingly sod grudgingly Ilomm
some restorative agent, as the dogs had 1 pathic doses of adverttaiug will not pay
trade quick work in'disabling theca. p irhape —it is like half • portion of
After they had been looked to, the old I Pbysiu—making the patient sick but ef-
I. fecting nothing Administer liberally,
mar cast his eyes about the room. 'Tbey I and the cure will lee sure and permanent
rested a nmmeut upon the Ludy of him Put ou the appearance of business and
who t,ad been shot, and then they turned the reality will Ulna The farmer planta
upon the two brey.. Philip told all that had 1
happened. It seemed seine time before
the old bunter could crowd .the whole teem-
ing truth through bis mind; but he gradually
comprehended. A snit, grateful, pi oud
light brake oyer bis features, and held hos
arms out to Ida sons
Nomle, noble buys'." he uttered, as be
clasped them both to bis bosom.. " L:uJ
bless etre far this l), 1 dreamed not that
vett had such hrart.,. Bless thee! Iles.,
1'et afraid then W oleo., relented the
Re ea *or 1 hanker or well u .tool
editors messy. Mein row *Wee how'b.y
Ieeb4 stews/.
his seed, and while he is sleeping, his
corn and potatoes are growing So with
your advertising ,—[Extracts from P T.
Barnum'a Practical Treatise on Business
whole face was li,;Ltcd ire with most joyous,
holy pude. ' •
i erg before daylight. Phili;t mounted
the Lorsc• and started off for the nearest set-
tleincmt, and early in the forenoon the otTi-
cera of justice had tlae two w minded sallies
in charge, whsle the body of 1he Third was
also removed. They were recognised by
the officers ns rriminals of old notoriety;
but this was mi, it kat a•Ivcuture, for the
justice they had so Ioug outraged. fell upon
them owl stopped them -in their career.
Fhonld any 61 my reader, chance to rase
down the ( )ilio titter, T beg alt •y will take
notice of a large white mansion Ine stand.
upon the wuthern hunk, with a wide forest
park in front el it, and •ite.mie I some eight
miles west of Owttrsbnro'. Ask your steam-
boat captain who lives there, and he will
tell you a Philip Slater and Brother, retired
flour merchaets." They were the boy
hcrx•s of whose I have been writing.
The serew steamer'1 ndea, from Liver-
pool. arrived at Bost° et belt past one l)uc.• luta+' a 4 ,+. ; ix.._.
o, clock on Thursday &A*r•oow. Teta hue a y r r►deser 1 a r*, n•„i
ATadem left Liverpool on the 8th :net 4. Remit mil i,J00,Ot)0 'fo dont,
l �d F r' „ ry
The steamer enenuntered heavy weather 5• ilkitbh India 0.16,000d1t10, im I to dJ foul of t
and lost Thecaptain and eseowd mate a l'heUnited States rt'l2,Ot)a)a
Nt:w —Tea Groat Western
Railroad Company hare contracted for
the building of two steamers of supe ior it vot'as cu51i71a wily DON'T roti
mould and large tonnage Tho rotate i core ALns ft --So " Mose,' was wont to
we understand will be from Hamilton to j say aforetime, and it emhodies " a good bit"
Oswego. One of these steamers i+ to be I
built at St Catherine' by Mr of praelual pladosuph]. Every new en-
Scha..' 1 gine shrieks at -eve.' new Railway is a ri•
\IotsTvne IT Dear Pt-OCGHI'1G.--r.
Morrie says, in the Farm horst-mil, that he
broke se a atilt sod for cors, wits a heavy
plough drawn by four oxen. A subsoil
&Ails followed, running .luwu sit or seven
metes duper. 'l ie wbslo work was tut
'ihoron Ally performed, Out a stick coo be
thrust down auto the loose earth, in alnist
any part of tine tie Id, to the depth of at tit-
teeu inches. If lie summer weeeacessivele
dry, pastures were bnnit and bare, and til -
kite clops suffered severely; but the corn
on the sitheei land coacineem green and
luxurious throughout tb• season.
Luna; and will be commanded by Caplet*
Masson, so favorably known to the
travelling puhlie between this port and
Lewiston Both steamers will be ready
early in the next season, and form a
daily Elie from the Company's depot
here to Oswego.
Wine Cars roe TUE Crrr,.it. is
cord of it—every new line of 'Telegraph il-
lustrates it. 'I'ue saying entreated et
Bowery,” may be, but it is destined to be-
come a cosrn',1hite. It began with iudivi-
Jea1s; itis going on with nation; it will rad
with the wild.
" If you're corrin;, why don't ro• come
also_!' b t., nttrrcd to ahnnst all tongues
All the new caro for the New York Lent. I in diarist all land.. It has run &roen•l all
rat Railroad are to be nine foot eight Ch:i,tendnm; the trent bed.lead of I'rewirs
iuchew in width, which is wily four I les h•i bred left behind. want the torch and
inches narrower than the broad guagu I the far_nt. It h0, vended like n d-t(.n
ears—making a difference in each seat 1 t'arouth the 'edifice! world, and the w oI 1
of only two tushes. This cLargo will fn,•ici' are a n•rn,t the bagp;,e•wad;ons
conJltce vastly' to the comfort of pasren• I and the woso le•I.
11 ens r{retr.::ed the melt•. of lit.r.ttiare
Hein COINS'S!! —.Y entre+pnnJent of i mamly.� 1 priory its eels' r'i'bs o 1 RA-
' Hamilton .,malar gives the follow-
Cit•„ his Ripen way to the cylinders
ilia as thn gold coinage in Britain 1, by the panting en,line; mu.t Ih'rugbt
mince I a. 0: I that mn..••i eta f•tneral peer, no rusher on
1860, r!iti.000 I in a trenwe; nc+ charge. "The ole: guard"
IN:mI, 4•l 000 "an.l Marion's ince" werewntit:ng to il.
185 4 t.i3 000 w If )•oti ee ro:ner;, why dont you could
('p 10 ,110 13.1 Alit 1.053, 9.0'J9,000 a! reel" "Fit parrs 10 the (nine's (e the
- I -- --- wor•1 to erery h ,sly awl everything that
FOPcEisiN TIi:1,Dl: OF B1;ITAlN, war• In lar h.erssd toorl.oked at. , Ifyal
1813. have anythtntS ton asy,say .t; ►f yens hwew
asyllrnd to Jo, rdo N; tf 70u wish aal�lewdy
lime of merchandise et- to see :lel thing show it. " If you're coming
duo t you tome alM;t"
t used to take wnee e to reeks a peel
no one boy, a pull, a clip. maw tare strokes
do the" business. Once, erwllrs racked the resin for the
teeter; wow, a ,s!airltctnd on *beets ISO
The de red rat
ported fro r the l'wiftrrl King Ira iu 18.513
ba. just Olen publish,. 1. \1•e give lie
5,n )uuas to mound iauu.beis--miihnua of dol.
late 10—
1. Canada $151 013.000. fol to
2. Preece, ;f 13,000,000,'hi 000,
3..Bratioh Australia $11,$00
tblwfleee sal hiss it m a As•stt,ti
On the IIth lest, dgtlgg a hurricane.
was wished overboard, and it the Sats.
`ale, Captaie Hote►kas warn no Maly
injured that he died elf OWNS ea lbs
sflertoos of the 17th" Be NY twirled
at Set.
lee wooed mate, Mr obra Maawell,
To IM Iha Aurid, + nov shy d., I t
7. West ladies $1000,0/0 -and to
N. 'Verity im 1':wepe and Asia $1f,
p, f ollAarl aid t n.asy $55.000
We omit Ibe roe) het England shipped
yon come aloegr
Ara they seemed Oitit
droll dem sow, Ott the
.ens-Mwly Mehl Nowa
they Immo ins eight, ••
dns`tr�rr „atmos slew=.