HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-02, Page 6421
"Are you really going home to
your mother—or just saying
that to brighten my day ?"
Page TitnepAdvo.g.ktot .Mali , 1953- Two invited
to pro camp Chickens and Kool Kats ALL Pc.)01,L
Ross F.1499.11 win mixedi eague ho , Too much
Chickens grand champions of mixed bowling league
Front row, from left, Anne Jorgenson, Audrey Fairbaien, Captain Mary Ford and Mary Gravett;
back row, Kai Jorgenson, Jim Fairbairn, Arnie Ford and Don Gravett.
Exeter Mixed Bowling League
completed a successful season.
With its annual hancleet at the
Village inn, Grand Bend,Satere
day night.
President Pete pureed was
master of ceremonies for the
dinner and trophy preseeta-
The Kool Kats, caPtained by
Tom Burke, emerged as league
winners during the regeiar
schedule and received the Mixed
League trophy from President
Individeal trophies to the
members of the winning club
were presented by treasurer
Lorraine Brock.
The 3, E.GunnInsurance
trophy, emblemetie of play-off
supremacy was accepted by
Captain Mary Ford of the grand
champion Chickens from Joe
Runners-up in the champion-
ship final, the Blowers, were
awarded the Ormandy trophy.
Maxine Loader, ip the absence
of Captain Jim "Red" Loader,
received the award from Vice-
President Gerry Campbell.
cator, 564, and Don Gravett,
Six ladies gained membership
In another fairly exclusive or-
ganizatiRcii the 30Q CPO,
Mary Lou Hyde, Mary Ora-
yeti, Murdiene QieVer, man,
Gunn, Bonnie Slaght and, Ruth
Durand rolled at least one game
of 000 Pr more.
Members of the men's Portion
of the '900" class were Jack
TOM Burke, Andy Mile
ler, Arnie Feed, Chub Edwards,
Chuck Walker, Red Loader and
Don Gravett.
Grayett, Incidentally, rolled
five games over the 300 mark.
In an after-dinner election,
Gerry. Campbell was elected
president of the mixed bowling
loop for 1.963-0.
Bill Gilfillan will move into
the vice-president's position
and Lorraine Brock will remain
in charge of financial trans-
Past president Pete Durand
volunteered to act as one of the
secretaries and will join his
wife, Ruth, in recording statis-
tics for the year ahead.
Presentations were made •.TO
individual keglers who .came up
with high scores- during the
year. The ladles proved they
Were capable of coming up, with
gip big gamee as their high
single and. triple mark:.s in,
Mary Lou Hyde's .dapling
328 was tops for the year and
gained for her .the ladies' high
single plaque.
In the men's category, Arnie
Forci was best in a one-game
effort with Ufa
In the three-game deperta
merit, the men gained a very
slight edge ep .Tornnurlwspill-
od,the Pins for an 803. Lorraine
Brock was close behind with a
751 to lead in the ladies division,
Matty Wells was the leader
in the feminine high average
pewit at 193. An average over
the year of gg* earned Don
Gravett the men's average title,
Crests were presented to
members of the charmed e54
Oltib as follows Dot Munroe,
378; Ruth Durand, 309; i„,or,
raine Brocic, 355; Bud Presz-
by Suson Thompson
Two members of the Exeter
Midgets, the. Miner heekeY club
Which reached the Ontario fi-
pale, recently received some
pleasant news this week,
Two starry forwards, Mike
Cushman and Gary Parsons,
received letters at the same
ttnie from the Montreal Oana-
diens organization,
They have been Invited to
attend a jupior training camp
during the last two weeks of
August sponsored by the NHL
ned by Canadiens' chief scout
Although the invitation,
Scotty Bowman, didn't divelge
the site of the camp it is ex-
pected to be Peterborough.
The two players were asked
to fill out .a questionnaire and
will be informed later of final
Gary, 16 years of age, is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Dopg par-
sons, Edward St., and Mike,
also 16, is the son of Mr, and
Mrs, Lloyd Cushman, HuronSt.
Bowman also offered to visit
personally with the boys and
their parents to discuss the
hockey opportunities and educa-
tional facilities provided by the
third invitation
MontrealThis i sc 1 tuhbe.
that Gary has received from an
NHL team. Last year he atten-
ded training camps sponsored
by the Detroit Red Wings and
Toronto Maple Leafs.
Choose posture queen,
award athletic honors
lens, Wayne Currie,Steve Kyle,
Dave Buchanan, Gary Ford,
Dale Turvey, Bruce Horton, and
Neil Hamilton.
The school orchestra contri-
buted two numbers to the pro-
gram and the girls of 10E and
1OF presented a Mexican dance.
Another NW season has. been completed
with the Toronto Maple Leafs taking home all the
marble$ for the second consecutive time,
After .our prediction of several weeks ago,
we have little comment to make on the outcome.
Our only alibi would be 'that our predictions were
based on statistics over the year's play and a bit
of .sentiment .for the under-dogs.
The Leafs were full value for their win.
and deserve the title of world champions.
By recent indications the officials of Maple
Leaf Gardens expect Punch's boys will continue
to reign as top dogs in the future. An announce-
ment has been made that another .6,890 seats
will be added bringing the total housing capacity
to more than 18,999. The additional seats will be
installed at the north and south end of the
dens and are expected to be in place by the start
of next season.
One oddity was produced in this NHL sea-
son. For the first time since the season of 1925-
an entire Stanley Cup elimination series was
completed in regulation time without need of
Pursuing statistics a little further we find
that over the years the Leafs and Red Wings
have had many close and exciting battles in play-
off action. Previous to this year and since 1928
the teams had met 18 times in either a semi-final
or final set and were all tied up at nine triumphs
The latest win gives the Leafs a slight
edge. Including the latest meetings of the two
arch rivals, they now have each won 45 games
in the last 25 play-off years.
How much closer can you get?
Probably the greatest NHL final ever held
was the memorable Red Wing-Leaf battle of 1942
when the Leafs came from a three-game deficit
to take four in a row. This feat has never been
equalled since.
After dropping the first three, Hap Day
then coach of the Maple Leafs benched several
of his veteran regulars and brought up a group
of rookies, Particularly prominent in helping to
post the four consecutive wins were Ernie Dick-
ens and Don Metz,
In this series, Eddie- Bush now coaching
the Hamilton juniors set a record for defencemen
that still stands. Bush scored one goal and assist-
ed on four others in the second game.
Three years later another ding-dong bat-
tle took place. This time the Leafs took the first
three games and the Wings came right back to
even the set at 3-3. The Toronto boys took the
deciding game on Detroit ice by a score of 2-1.
In the first three games of the 1945 series,
Frank McCool, ulcers and all, was at his best
keeping the Wings off the score sheet for 180
Playground and Swimming
Individual bowling champs receive awards
Front row, from left, Malty Wells, ladies' high average; Lorraine Brock, ladies' high triple; Mary
Lou Hyde, ladies' high single; back row, DonGravett, men's high average; Torn Burke, men's high
triple; Arnie Ford, men's high single,
(All Applicants Must Be 16 Years and Over)
STATE: (1) Age; (2) Qualifications: (a) Leadership training,
(b) Swim training, (c) Experience teaching (d) Awards
earned. (3) Reasons for applying; (4) Any Comments You
Wish to make.
ma Gulens, Janet Blair, and
Marion Kerslake.
Members of the girl's senior
volleyball team which won the
Huron-Perth championship are:
Kristine Gulens, Marjorie Mac-
Phee, Carolynne Simmons,
Grace Eagleson, Pauline Aqui-
lina, Joan Dettmer, Ausma Gu
lens, Gail Farquhar, Jo-Anne
Miners, Elaine Miller, Bonnie
Turvey, Elizabeth Chapman and
Diane Hood.
The senior boys who won the
Huron-Perth volleyball cham-
pionship include Dennis Mock,
Bob Miller, Ron Oke, Ron We-
ber, Dale 'Purvey, Allan Prang,
Russ Klopp, Roger Cann, Neil
Hamilton, Gary Ford, Robert
MacNaughton and Greg Spencer.
Craig Davidson, Jim Coates
and Brian Mustard were SHigh's
Track champions.
Members of the junior boys
basketball team which won the
Huron-Perth championship are
Wayne Baynham, Jim Coates,
David Dale, Brian Baynham,
Ron Motz, Rich Schroeder,
Larry Idle, Robert Wolfe, Doug
Huntley, John Lock, Jim Kin-
rade and Bob Burns,
The senior boys basketball
team, also Huron-Perth champs
include Dennis Mock, Bob
Mickle, Peter McFalls, Roger
Cann, Glen Shipman, Janis Gu-
Applications will be received up to May 31.
Junior girls
win honors
Linda Hunter-Duvar, Exeter,
was chosen Posture Queen of
SHDHS in Friday's afternoon's
assembly which also featured
the presentation of bars and
school letters to SHigh athletes.
Linda, chosen by judges over
three other contestants, was
awarded the G. A. Webb trophy
and was presented with a gift
by the athletic society, which
sponsored the assembly, The
winner's name will be engraved
on a trophy displayed at the
The three runners-up, chosen
from candidates from all class-
es in the school, were Shirley
Herm Susan Dinney and Sharon
Lawrence. Judges for the com-
petition were Mrs. M. Lindsey,
R. L. Bogart and Mr, Webb.
Bars and school letters were
presented to members of the
girl's track team and senior
volleyball team by Miss L.
Seigner; the junior borsbas-
ketball team by G. B. Wright
and to the senior basketball and
volleyball teams and the boy's
track champions by G. M. Mick-
Members of the SHigh teams
presented their coaches, Miss
S ie g ne r, Miss Leipins, Mr.
Wright and Mr. Mickle, with
gifts to express their apprecia-
tion for all the work they had
done for them.
The girl's track champions
for 1963 are: Iris Marshall,
Karen Finkbeiner, Susan Go-
man, Kathy Buxton, Kathy Re-
gier, Marcia Sauder, Carolynne
Simmons, Marjorie MacPhee,
Elizabeth Chapman, Val e r i e
Desjardine, Sheila Faber, Aus- Spring Tire Sale!
Injuries were quite prevalent in the just
concluded NHL season and played an important
part in the outcome. A rundown of the schedule
reveals that only 23 players were able to go the
70-game distance. This seems like a small por-
tion of a six-man roster of upwards of 120 pros.
The New York Rangers and Detroit Red
Wings were the most durable with six members
of each club going the full distance. The Stanley
Cup winners had five "iron men", Montreal Ca-
nadiens boasted three and Chicago two. Only one
Boston Bruin and that was defenceman Ted Green
started and finished the rugged schedule.
The record for the most consecutive games
played, 580 is still held by Johnny Wilson. Wil-
son retired from pro puck chasing last year and
performed this year with an Ottawa amateur
club. The record could quite easily be broken
next year as Andy Hebenton of the Rangers is
only 20 games short of the all-time mark, Handy
Andy has completed eight straight seasons with-
out missing a single game.
Chief lands
large ones
A team of local junior girls
returned from Sarnia Saturday
with the team title in their
division of the annual tourna-
ment held in the border city.
In addition to the group award,
two individual honors also were
captured by Exeter keglers.
Darlene Snell was tops in the
single game department with a
nifty 252.
A sparkling 714 earned Bar-
bara Skinner the title for the
best triple.
Other members of the team
were Penny Preszcator, Phyllis
Madge, and Sue Ann Lindenfield.
Kool Kats captured the league championship
Front row, from left, Grace GUMlen, Delores Puller, Diane Burke and Mari Edwards; back row,
Jack Fuller, Bill GIMilan, Captain Torn Burke and Chub Edwards.
.6‘leeee, 4344.44„,4tus‘
Gre-ee---e 0
Several get
trout quota
Everybody is driving into
Exeter Police Chief C. H.
MacKenzie has proven he ispro-
ficient at catching more than
On an early season fishing
expedition last Wednesday east
of Mooresville, the chief landed
a whopping 5 lb. 11 oz. pike,
30 inches in length,
IviaoKenzie's ten- year - old
son, Dale, also was successful,
landing a two pounder of the
same variety.
Going back to the same spot
three days later, Chier Mac-
Kenzie proved his first catch
was no accident. He came home
with another good sized pike.
This one was 28 inches long
and tipped the scales at an even
five pounds.
A "Williams Wobbler" was
the lure the chief used to attreet
the fish,
Fishing a little closer to borne
will be available Satutday May
11 when the season for pike and
pickerel opens in Huron Cour.te.
-The fearrner tenant wa.a in
buainhsa. Ifis act Was
cell tJ Pfmrilt-ton and his Tale-
Dryg ,111, SNELL BROS. LTD.
local group. Forwards Barry Hearn and. Jim Aldis
of the Lucan-Ilderton Combines and goalie Bill
McNaught and forward Murray Butcher of the
Mitchell Red Devils have joined the Towners irl
their bid for an OHA championship.
In individual awards announced recently
by the executive of the Big Eight, McNaught was
named the best net-minder with Keith Scarbor-
ough of the IA team a close second.
Tom Collings formerly of Lucan and toiling
this past season with the Mitchell club walked off
with the most valuable player title,
Two hard working members of the finalist
Seaforth team, Ken Doig and Jack Mc'twain tied
for the runnerg'p position in the MVP selecting.
Special Prices!
150x14 ri 4i A. .76
Tubeless Trade-in
In winding up the hockey season mention
should be made of two teams that were battling
for OHA laurels.
The Strathroy Rockets, after disposing of
the Hensall-Zurich Combines, went on to oust I2x-
bridge and capture the Ontario junior D title.
Of interest to local fans is that two members of
the Combines were added to the Strathroy line-
up for the final and helped bring home the tro-
phy. Bill Shaddick and Earl Wagner joined the
Rockets and played a big part in several of the
Strathroy victories
A year ago. Ken Fadeile along with Terry
Bourne were picked up by the H-Z club as they
battled the same Uxbridge team.
In game number five of the series, played
in Uxbridge with seven minutes left and the score
tied 1-1. Shaddick and Wagner were re-united
with FadeIle as a front-line combination. The trio
seemed to find each other to their liking and
were responsible for two goals in the remaining
Moments to gain a 3-1 victory and a 3.2 edge on
the round.
The added stars from Hensall-Zurich again
teamed with Fadelie in the sixth and final tilt in
Strathroy and the line was instrumental in wrap-
ping things up. Bill Shaddick, who led the Sham-
rock junior scorers over the regular schedule for
the second consecutive year, fired the insurance
goal in a 6-4 decision.
In the six-game set, Wagner and Shaddick'
Picked up ten points apiece to prove their worth
to the Strathroy, outfit. Wagner fired four goals
and picked up six assists while Shaddick blinked
the light three tunes and assisted on seven other
successful plays.
Seaforth Towne's, winners of the local Big
Eight OHA league are also in the thick of an
Ontario final battle. As this is being written the
Towners trail the best of seven Series three games
to two.
SeafOrth have added three stars from the
The trout season openedover
the weekend for youngsters at
Morrison Dam east of town,
With 1500 speckled trout ad-
ded to the waters at the Dam
Friday noon, the youngsters had
plenty to aim for.
At least six boys were sue.
cessful in landing their daily
quota Of 15.
A feature of the °peeing arig-
ling for kids was the catching
of several rainbow trout.
Roberta GrasSiek of town and
Randy Smith of Crediton were
two Of the lucky kids to haul
in a rainbow. Both fish measta
red in the neighbourhood of
twelve or thirteen (riches.
A year age, with a ehoetage
of the speckled Variety, 300
rainbow were added to give the
youngsters sonie added Nil.
A.eeteeditig to the experts'
these fish are not expected to
Survive invatthet Avaltts. They
are an offshoot of the salincth
The catches veer the weekend
prove that et least a few have
stayed around and grown about
four fir five Inches.
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