HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-25, Page 11See our large selection SUNWORTKY 76-WASHABLE WALLPAPERS 175 Patterns Carried in Stock Bundle Lots 1/2 Price I FROM 4 TO 14 SINGLE ROLLS TO THE BUNDLE FLOOR COVERINGS Congoleum 6', 9' and 12' Widths Inlaid 6' x 9" Tile WE ALSO REPLACE TAPES AND CORDS 4:4 Broil lamb chops with mushrooms FROZEN FOODS Highliner Fish & Chips 59 24-OZ. _ _ c McCain Chopped Broccoli 19 __ "-7•7:1FL7:41174:'7'1%2ZWIrsswATIMEZZUZZ:r.:741 • "::::::::e.:Y'W.:*;:?.:::We.:::P.:t4M:n$,Xer;:e.e1:::;',:?•;•'::q:!•$,.x.I.w.r.1-t44.•1•*,•••...e.t.•-• •• • •3 • • ..emeoee..a4;:aa;eeee.e:eea4e.eie:1:11feiee;,:.eeee Institutes choose officers ELINIVILLE for the OrAnell., in regard tg The annual meeting of Elita,• local leaderS 00erse it was Ville WI took the form of a pot voted as first preference "block luck supper with a number' printing" with "window tro0- 4-li girls as Klieg& inen:::,040th"ahtiontrsdefor.r the tlenle N IFAN E Mrs. icen.lohnSPresentecland nu r oxz,ol;:aamimagr. WalL;;;Z:MCZAMMENSM., . I . „,„.,:Za."iiMEEL:'211VAIIMORS2 itistglig° the officers for 1963- It was voted t° donate 10 PreSident is Mr.s. FtOSS cents Member for the Ade- Skinner succeeding Mrs. Harold laid° Foodless home fund and Taylor, Vice-presidente are ale° to purchase notebooks for Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Mrs, each committee convener so Franklin Skinner; secretary- that annual reports could be kept treasurer, Mrs, Jackson in local records. Woods; assistant, Mrs. Tom Mrs. Ken Johns gave a report Hern; district director, Mrs. on the children's Aid work and James. Miller; alternate, Mrs. needs, She asked for used clo- Wellington Brook; directors, thing especially baby clothes Mrs. Jud Dykeinan, Mrs. Ward and jeans. Hern, Mrs. John Hera and Mrs. Retiring president, Mrs. Lorne Johns. Taylor was presented with a Reports of the year's work gift of steak knives. Rai calf was given by the officers and was answered by 44 members conveners. Mr. Lloyd Nern, with the payment of fees. campaign manager for the dis- trict, addressed the meeting on "cancer research" andreques- fed the branch canvass a part of Usborne Township. Volun- teers offered to assist. Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Mrs. James Miller, and Mrs. Tom Bern were appointed to look after the Exeter Fair exhibit row. Complete Decorating 'Centre. WIN a '63 Meteor, Portable TV or one .of 580 ether wonderful prizes in the big Crown- Diamond PAINT CONTEST IT'S EASY ! IT'S FUN! See us for all your paint needs Venetian Blinds Genuine steel and aluminum, lined with plastic tape, See how little it will cost you to buy! WIDTHS LENGTHS Every inch between 54" 64" 72" Waves hear local talent $4.50 $4.95 $5.75 5.35 5.50 6.50 6.15 6.35 '7.35 6.98 '7.15 8.15 8.25 8.35 9.75 9.35 9.55 10.25 18" to 26" 27" to 36" 37" to 39" 40" to 43" 44" to 46" 51" to 54" Hong Kong topic for Caven ladies Hong Kong was the subject of study taken by Mrs. Art Whit- smith at the WMS meeting in Caven Presbyterian church Monday evening, Mrs. Whilsmith's talk on the people, history and culture of the city was illustrated by an authentic display of carvings, art, linens, pottery, flowers and needlework loaned by Mr. Harry Sherwood, town. Mrs. C. S. Ersman presided and was assisted in the de- votional by Mrs. F. Whilsniith. Mrs. Ken Brydges reviewed a chapter from the yearly blue book. Mrs. William Siliery, Mrs. Carman Cann, Mrs. David Millar and Mrs. C. Ersman sang a hymn written by BillySunday. Hostesses were Mrs. H. Strang, Mrs. Millar and Mrs. L. Kirk. AlkOiaiVRAY Mrs. Tom Kooy WAS elected president. of McGillivray Insti- tute for 196$-64 at the annual meeting in West McGillivray Hall, Mr e. Beat rlee mx,on is the immediater a opsaist Pe rA s si daernet mcp 1,4 Fraser Dixon and Mrs. Albert Armstrong; 49c retary,trea, surer, Mrs. Parry Thompson; assistant, 1051 Joe Carey; di- lrruiesrecoltno.o.r., r J oe s , m Mrs.rCs, eeys;d Melvinl district Lewis; tricpt e Allison, lan- ists, Mrs. Wilfred Dixon, Mrs. Wes Lewis; auditors, Mrs, Mel- vin Mrs. Laverne Al- Conveners of standing com- mittees: home economics and health, Mrs. Carman Picker- ing; historical research, Mrs. John Dyke; public relations, Mrs. Wilfred Dixon; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. William Allison, citizenship and education, Mrs. Peter DeJong; resolutions, Mrs. Karl Picker- ing; publicity, Mrs. Parry Thompson; social welfare, Mrs. L. Allison, Mrs. F, Dixon, Mrs. A. Erskine and Mrs. G. Thomp- son. Mrs. William Allison, home economics convener, presented a film strip "The Value of your food dollar." The motto "Men are builders of houses but wo- men are builders of homes" was explained by Mrs.. Karl Picker- ing. Mrs. A. Lightfoot gave a reading and Miss Debbie Shad- dock entertained with two solos accompanied by Mrs. William Thompson. Mrs. William Watson, a member, who has moved to Exeter, was presented with a pin and earring set. A draw on an article donated by Mrs. L. A, Allison was won by Mrs. Effie Thompson. Delegates to the district an- nual are Mrs. A. Armstrong and Mrs. L. Allison. Plans were made for the bazaar at the May meeting with conveners ap- pointed: Mrs. L. Allison and Mrs.rs P. W. eAllison,jongand Mrs. bake table; Mrs, Ger- ald Thompson, sewing; Mrs. K, Pickering and Mrs. Wilf red Dixon, white elephant and Mrs. Joe Conlin for parcel post. Auxiliary plans busy schedule The Ladies Legion Auxiliary made plans for a busy schedule at the meeting in the Legion Hall Monday evening, They will cater to Lions banquet, April 25; SWOSDA, April 27, PUC dis- trict meeting, May 8 and inter- town bowling, May 10. A donation of $25 was voted to the Cancer campaign and $50 to the Navy League of Canada. A compact donated by Mrs, W. Parker was raffled for the past presidents club in aid of a Korean child realizing $2.85. The raffle was won by Mrs. Garnet Shipman. Several members donated their time to playing bingo with the patients in Westminster Hospital recently. Many of these men are lonely and the monthly parcels and occasional visits are appreciated. Three teams were entered in the Walkerton Bowling tourna- ment; one captained by Mrs. S. Frayne placed fourth and an- other headed by Mrs. G. Brown stood sixth, both teams receiv- ing prizes. Two ladies from. Ex- eter won door prizes. Eastern Star donates equipment to local hospital Exeter Chapter OES has presented awheel chair and hair dryer to South Huron Hospital for the use of patients. Mrs. H. Bierling, worthy matron, and Mrs. Hedley May, associate matron, make the presentations to Mrs. M. Learn, director of nursing. The equipment was purchased from proceeds of a theatre party staged by the chapter at Lyric Theatre, Exeter. --T-A photo Draperies WIDE SELECTION OF MATERIALS MADE TO MEASURE Brussels official visits Rebekahs District Deputy P r e sident Mrs. Ray Crawford, Brussels, paid her official visit to Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge last Wednesday night. Visitors from the Brussels and Ilderton lodges were pre- sent. The Rebekahs are planning to hold Friendship night May 15 when representatives from the different lodges will be guests and Sarnia lodge will put on the floor work at that meeting. .................................... Something new for drapes or wall coverings . . . . Colored Burlap 19 Pretty Shades 36", 39" & 40" The spring meeting of the Huron Waves was attended by 55 at the new community centre, Dashwood, last Tuesday com- mencing with a pot luck supper. Prizes were given to the oldest lady present, Mrs. Mc- Isaac, 87, Dashwood, and to Mrs. Wes Wein for the floral arrangement. Other features of the program chaired by Mrs. Ross Krueger included readings by Mrs. Aaron Wein, Mrs. El- mer Lawson, Mrs. F, Stade and Mrs. Roy Mo r e n z; musical numbers by Misses Doreen Kenney and Caroline Glanville, solo by Mrs. William Ameron- gen, Exeter; piano duet, Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Miss Gail Thompson and a skit by Mrs. Thiel and Mrs. Bierling of Zu- rich. A donation of five dollars was voted to the Bunny Bundle, Lon- don CFPL, A singsong was led by Mrs. Stade with Mrs. Shep- pard at the piano. Telephone 235-0270 Gould & Jory WI history topic at fete Mrs. George Wilson, RR 6 St. Marys, was guest speaker at the Junior Institute mother and daughter banquet in Elimville United Church Thursday even- ing. Mrs. Wilson gave the history of WI work in the North West Territories telling of the diffi- culty in establishing and main- taining branches amongst the Indians and Eskimos and the renewed effort in the recent months to further the WI work. She was introduced by Miss Marilyn Marshall and thanked by Miss Ann Creery, A toast to the mothers was proposed by Miss Darlene Frayne and replied to by Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Each mother was given a corsage. HuronRome EconoMist Miss Isabelle Gilchrist was present and spoke briefly, A singsong was led by Miss Shirley Jaques and contests were conducted. Mrs. Robert Patterson intro- duced the head table and Miss Darlene Frayne was chairman. Mrs. Robert Down moved a vote of thanks to the ladies who cate- red for the banquet. .7.4. 3.* • *O.O4'' • on01. er.04:PT V Beth 's HAIR STYLING NEXT DOOR TO S ANDY ELLIOT'S Open Tues., Wed., Thurs.,Sat., 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 We specialize in PERMS, COLOUR, SHAPING, SHAMPOOS & SETS e..0•••• .Mr•Ke•,,e 44.*:.Afte.eMeaer•Ne.i0Keezereoe•eze Facelle Facial Tissues White or Pink 29c 333's 2/29c 75C 2/45 294 Drink 5/39c 2/34 Stokely's Fancy 30 off 15-oz. Cream Style Corn York Peanut Butter For appointment phone 235-1452 Exeter 16-oz. Square Jar W.tititngtiitWitilit'ZiVItKVIMMAtir0?:;2=gariAtitMt,.ZAtit'einggr;fe:•"0..titiegf,Itititl 0...?Ssikkiftst:M.M.ftf,b&gfi,:gftt.:;gftizItItt.:4:12:::.feaa;;;zzW.;:z:210f0.15.01:1; when you turn the chops. Turn once during cooking. Cut tomatoes in halves and Score cut surfaces. Sprinkle with fine cracker crumbs mixed with grated cheese and a touch of thyme or sweet basil, and salt and pepper. Place on broi- ler pan when you turn the chops. (Do not turn the tomatoes.) Broiling is an excellent cook- ing method for lamb chops. They take less than 15 minutes to cook and you can have your whole first course from the broiler in this time if you like. MENU FOR DROILER MEAL Lamb Chops Mushrooms Potato patties or slices Tomato Halves Mint Jelly Applesauce and Cookies Select chops about 3/4 inch thick. Snip fat edges Of chops. Broil '7 to 8 minutes each side. Season after browning. Garnish' With mint jelly. Cut stems of mushrooms short (save cut-off stems for gravy another day)„ Dip mush- rooms melted butter. Place, stem side up, on broiler pan when you turn the chops. Turn once during cooking. (Tops of mushrooms may be scored be- fore dipping in butter, if desi- red.) Use leftover Mashed or boiled potatoes for patties or slices. Brush both sides With butter and sprinkle with salt, pepper and paptikar Place en broiler pee Breakfast 'Club Raspberry or MEATS MAPLE LEAF Sweet Pickled Cottage rte's Cryevac Rolls lb 49' -MAPLE LEAF FA Mac & Cheese or Dutch Loaf lb 49c PRODUCE Strawberry Jam 24-oz Golden Dew Margarine LB. PKGS. Choice Peach Halves Bob Harvey will keep you posted on the BEST BUYS in Furniture & Appliances Aylmer 20-oz. tins • ' V ""•\ ‘kk.• •ir, .1 Pineapple-Grapefruit 10-oz. this Red Rose Pkg. of 60 Orange Pekoe Tea Bags NOW OPEN with the finest in Infants' and Children's Wear UP TO SIZE 14 -- BOYS & GIRLS VAN CAMP'S Stokely's Ping Pork & Beans FEATURING THIS WEEK: Sunkist Lemons 690 Deal — Save 100 Lustre Creme Lotion Shampoo 5th Chesterfields, Davenports and Space Savers The quality is good, the styles are new and the prices are attractive. Also see our bedrooni suttee, mattresses, car-, pets •-e everything to freshen up your home for Spring. SANDY ELLIOT'S King Size 24's Cucumbers 2 Mt 29' Nev Crop White Waxed Bermuda Onions 2 "). FOR BABIES Dresses, Sweater Suits, biaper Sete, Rompers, Bed- /N.; ding and Sleepwear. FOR TOTS Jodper Sets, gweat- .,. ers, Slips, Blouses, Pyjamas CHILDREN'S SPORTSWEAR. PRom "2 to 14 Ute MECCA for SCRAPES BRUISES INEEttIONS medi, a favourite eIntmeht tot oiree 60 year; rrOlckly .hriele minor' wound, Trod•ortItat Og, teottdilg -Weep tic. Sold e all drug tolihrete. Bay :141646i In lin dt tube' Little Bo-Peep Shoppe 4s; Futnifore & Applidnces 444 MAIN STAtET PHONE 236-0585 •PORMER INTRItiOlt:8116P OP1'O8frit:legT'Ontidt .... . ....... „ . o, , 'ee.e.exoe, 4eetteeleeeeeeeeemeoeeeeeeeeee4reti:eereeeeeleie 'eMesieeheeSeiii;e0eenieWeiegaamaeiiiii.,,,eif.iaegeneeeMeieeeeateaegeiteSiaieeieitie,$,MeeSeilleifeticeNerase-Aetee.;:eieekasaaaiR L i