HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-18, Page 16Ontario taxes come bacl
in assistance to county
ties, etc, in, the amount of
The province also pays $3,500
to Children's Aid, $09,500 to
IldronvieW, $47,000 to the health
unit (equalling the county grant),
and $11,000 to the county li-
brary, These grants to county
organizations come to $131,000,
and enable the C9 A.S., health
unit and library to pay rent for
quarters in the courthouse.
All these subsidies and grants
total $1,295,770, but a much
larger amount is paid into the
county for education and hospi-
tal grants. For these blessings,
county and• munieipal council-
lors doubtlese are grateful,
even if they stop to think, as
sometimes they must, that"go-
vernment" money is first taken
from, the people.
Indeed, Provincial Treasurer
James Allan, in, his budget
Speech in February, said that
the 1963-4 forecast of aid to the
municipalities repre sent e d
"90% o, expected revenue from
retail sales tax, corporation
and personal income taxes."
That leaves the province with
Dominion grant, gasoline tax,
motor license fees, liquor pro-
fits, lands and forests revenue,
and so on.
As Mr. Allan says, we get
back a lot of the money we con-
tribute to dominion and pro-
vince. Huron being a represen-
tative county, paying its share
of sales tax, gasoline tax and
so on, we probably recover just
about what we pay in, subject
to deductions for collecting the
taxes, administering govern-
ment departments and redis-
tributing the money.
That merry-go-round would
not be so bad if it were the
whole story, but a great deal
of provincial outlay on highways
is borrowed money. Interest on
Ontario's debt is between $75,-
000,000 and $80,000,000.
CO passes RCAF Centralia's compulsory safety check
Annual safety vehicle check at RCAF Station Centralia started Tuesday and the car of Group Cap-
tain L, H. Randall, commanding officer, was among the first to pass. Above a technician checks
wheel alignment of the officer's car. The safety check is compulsory for all cars driving on the
station. This is the second year for the program at Centralia. The check is conducted by the On-
tario Department of Transport's mobile inspection van.
Cancer society plans for district campaign
Officials of the district cancer society are making plans for the annual South Huron campaign later
this month. Canvasses will be staged in Exeter, liensall, Zurich and district townships and police
villages after Easter. From left above are Lloyd Henderson, branch president; Mrs. Richard
Van Farowe, service committee chairman; Mrs. Robert Luxton, education chairman, and Lloyd
Bern, campaign head. photo
Huron target $16,000
in drive for cancer funds mfflammiwwwm.swimson
Man injured
Nawi.sazgo.,s?i,umwogmxx by tractor
Name staff
to ag office health check-ups and early
treatment once cancer is diag-
nosed. And the society is fight-
ing cancer by means of welfare
services which give the patient
aid and comfort.
"But to do all these things,
the Canadian Cancer Society
needs money. I sincerely hope
that this community will once
again do its part in this vital
cause and see that our objective
is attained. The cause is great
and the need is great--let's all
make our contribution great."
Mr. Mills pointed out that
this year fully 86 percent of all
funds raised by the National
Cancer Institute of Canada for
its research projects will be
provided from the campaign of
the Canadian Cancer Society,
Unroll county council ,has bud-
&tad for $899,944 to be raised
through general levy, an in
crease of about $16,000 over
that of last year, and some
municipalities are going to pay
The rate is the saute at 14
mills, but certain assessments
are up.
Of Huron's 1963 budget, a
record $2,207,435, three-quar-
ters is for highways. The high-
ways total of $1,665,000 rePrP-
sents 75 cents of every dollar
of 1963 expenditure. Of the
remaining 25 cents, general
government takes 4, welfare 5,
protection of persons and pro-
perty 3.9, debentures 3.4, hos,
pital grant 2.2, health unit 2.1.
The $1,663,000 for highways
is by no means all county money.
It includes $500,000 for deve-
lopment roads, all recoverable
from the province, and$632,340
may be drawn in provincial
subsidy on other work if the
road program is completed.
This leaves only $514,254 to be
provided by county council for
roads. For general purposes, at
six mills, $385,690 is to be
raised, making a total of $899,-
In addition to the estimated
$1,132,340 the department of
highways will pay into Huron,
the province makes grants for
EMO, indigents, reforestation,
county jail, fox and wolf boun-
almost half of whose budget is
ear-marked for research pur-
"The more we can make
available for research," he
said, "the more research pro-
jects can be undertaken—and
every one of them helps to fill
a gap in the enormous cancer
jigsaw puzzle".
The Exeter campaign will be
conducted by SHDHS students
April 22 to 26.
Other canvasses will be con-
ducted by the Women's Insti-
tutes in Usborne and Crediton;
Federation of Agriculture, Ste-
phen; Men's Club, Dashwood;
Kinsmen Club, Hensall; Lions
Club, Zurich.
Local campaign chairman is
Lloyd Hern.
Damage totalled nearly
$1,000 in a rear-end collis-
ion Saturday midnight just west
of Exeter on Huron street. Cars
driven by Mrs. Winston Shap-
ton, 36, and Ross Cooper, 16,
both of RR 1 Exeter, were in-
The Cooper car, which had
been going west, broke down and
stopped on the travelled po-
rtion. The driver's brother,
Gerald, coming east, stopped
beside him. Mrs. Shapton, tra-
velling west, struck the rear
of the former vehicle. PC Harry
Reid reported no one was in-
Exeter Industrial Develop-
ment Corporation expects to
hold its annual meeting next
month. Plans for the annual
were made last week at ameet-
ing conducted by Chairman Ross
Miss Ida Hardy
dies in Strathroy
Miss Ida Hardy, 78, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hardy, Brinsley, died at the
Strathroy Middlesex General
Hospital on Tuesday, April 16.
Funeral service, will be held
at the T. Stephenson & Son
funeral home, Ailsa Craig, on
Thursday, April 18 at 2 pm
with interment in St. Marys
cemetery, Brinsley.
To consider
The roller skating rink on
Carling St., which has been
operated by Earl Neil for a
number of years, has been sold
to Mnce Bencsik, Carling St.
The transfer takes place im-
* *
No more expansion
expected at Pinery
"My wife is very proud of her
bargain hunting."
The annual campaign of the
Canadian Cancer Society's Hu-
ron Unit will open soon. The
unit's objective this year is
$16,000, and will contribute to-
wards a provincial objective of
$1,800,000, and a total national
aim of $3,682,000.
"It is difficult to make the
point, year after year, that the
need is great, that there is an
urgency in this appeal to raise
the money to defeat cancer,"
Ray Mills, Exeter, county
chairman, said in announcing
the' campaign. "But such is the
case. One need only visit a
hospital and talk to patients
with cancer, or to their loved
ones, to realize that cancer is
a terrible disease and that it's
cost in terms of lives and un-
happiness can scarcely be im-
"The Canadian Cancer So-
ciety is doing all it can to bring
about the final defeat of this
human scourge. It is fighting
cancer by means of research,
which will one day solve the
riddle of cancer and show us
how to prevent it or cure it. It
is fighting cancer by means of
education, impressing upon all
of us the importance or regular
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Switzer were: Mrs.
Louise Gowdie and Miss Betty
Gowdie of Kitchener, Miss Joan
Switzer of L o ndian and Mr.
Granville Sgariglia of Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Smith of Kitchener.
Good Friday. Service was held
in Kirkton United Church, April
12 at 11 am. Three congrega-
tions of the circuit joined in
this service,
Rev. T. Elliott based his re-
marks on the hymn "When I
Survey The Wondrous Cross."
Easter service was held in
Kirkton United Church, Sunday
at 11:30 am with a large con-
gregation present.
Rev. T. Elliott gave an in-
spiring message expressing the
effect on the world because of
the Resurrection.
The junior choir assisted the
senior girls choir with the an-
The church was nicely de-
coraged with Easter lilies. Mrs.
Fred Switzer presided at the or-
gan and Mrs. Alex Crago at the
Rev. Anderson of Fordwich
and Wroxeter assisted Rev. L.
A. Bennett who has suffered a
leg injury, with the E a st e r
morning service at St. Paul's
Anglican Church. Mrs. Garth
Blackler rendered a solo.
Mrs. George Allen spent the
Easter weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Steveason of Sar-
R. L. Gardiner is in West-
minister Hospital and is ser-
iously ill at the present time. NOTICE
Exeter PUC currently is ne-
gotiating with Canadian Canners
Ltd. over future water supply
requirements for the 1 oc al
plant. The PUC is attempting
to determ ine what plant in-
creases will be required in the
future. No conclusions have
been reached yet and further
meetings are planned.
* *
Exeter will be host to the
Western Ontario waterworks
conference Wednesday, May 8,
in the Legion hall. About 130
supervisors and utility officials
are expected to attend the ses-
sions from area municipalities.
No major expansion is plan-
ned for Pinery Park this year
although improvements will
continue, ac cording to Park
Sup't. Gar Myers.
"I don't anticipate any further
expansion of campsites," the
sup't. said this week. "The
department's policy is not to
develop more than 20% of the
acreage in order to preserve
the natural setting."
It is expected, however, that
the remainder of the roads
will be paved this year and
tenders are expected to be cal-
led for the work shortly.
The surface provided actually
is called "soil cemented" rath-
er than pavement. In this pro-
cess, soil is mixed with powd-
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Toronto visited over the
weekend holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Archie MacGregor and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Mrs. Eva Parker returned
home after visiting with her
son-in-law and daughter Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ruston and
family in Stratford. Miss Betty
Parker, London, spent the
weekend with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark and
family visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. William Lee inGoder-
ich. Beverly remained for a
weeks' vacation.
Misses Geraldine and Doro-
thy Parker, London, spent the
Easter weekend with their pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. M. Clark and Mrs. A.
Finkbeiner returned home after
attending the funeral of Mrs.
D. Gower at Kelwood, Man.
Teen Town will be held Fri-
day, April 19 at the Community
Huron's new agricultural of-
fice in Clinton will acquire two
new staff members shortly, it
was announced this week.
An agricultural engineer —
G S. Moggach, Ridgetown --
has been appointed to the county
office. He, will take over the
Huron part of the territoryfor-
merly served by Tom Brown in
the Stratford office.
New assistant agricultural
representative, succeeding
Donald Grieve, will be Donald
Pullen, of Granton, a former
Queen's Guineas winner and
president of OAC's College
Royal this year.
Don is the son of Councillor
Milne Pullen, Blanshard. He
has served as summer assist-
ant in Perth and Dufferin coun-
ties the last two summers.
The Granton youth, married
to a Macdonald Institute gra-
duate, will receive his degree
from OAC this spring. His du-
ties in Huron commence June 1.
Mr. Moggach has be en an
agricultural engineering spe-
cialist at Western Ontario Agri-
cultural School, Ridgetown, for
the past five years. He pre-
viously served in. Huron as a
blockman for an i mplem ent
Mr. Moggach will move to the
Huron office on June 1. In the
new quarters at Clinton, a draft-
ing room and office for the en-
gineer has been provided.
Among other appointments by
the agricultural department, J.
K. Riddell of Granton has been
named assistant ag rep in Es-
sex. He is the son of W. K.
Riddell, veteran ag rep in Mid-
We wish to announce the sale
of our business known as Res-
temayer and Miller to Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Braid of Elmira, Ont.
who will be opening May 1. It
has been a pleasure to do busi-
ness with our many friends and
customers for over 24 years
and we hope that you will give
the Braids the opportunity to
serve you.
The store will be closed April
29 and 30 for inventory.
Edgar and Marie Restemayer
Albert and GertrudeXiller
Sitting at home, having a
quiet evening, were two spin-
ster sisters. Suddenly one look-
ed up from the paper she was
reading and commented:
"There's an article here tell-
ing of the death of a woman's
third husband. She has had all
three of them cremated."
"Isn't that 'life for you?"
said the other. "Some of us
can't even get one man, while
others have husbands to burn."
-- Continued from Page 1
would be one-half the projected
size. Another 18-unit structure
will be attached to it once de-
mand for the accommodation
has been established. Total in-
vestment in this phase was es-
timated at $360,000.
The apartments basically will
be one-bedroom units with
movable partitions to provide
for two bedrooms if required.
He showed council a sketch of
the proposed building, which in-
cludes recessed balconies.
The firm also plans to erect
seven semi-detached houses in
Dow subdivision. The other pro-
jects include another apartment
building with more luxurious
suites than the first, and a
commercial venture the nature
of which was not disclosed.
Lawyer Bell outlined to coun-
cil the need for the extension of
Gidley St. to Pryde Boulevard.
This would provide access to the
apartment building and would
serve as well as an arterial
road from Dow subdivision.
When it was pointed out that
the town's policy had been to
require the developer to in-
stall his own roads, Bell pointed
out that special consideration
should be given in this case
since the development will take
place on only one side of the
road, rather than on both sides
as is the case in most sub-
divisions. Bell also felt that
arterial road benefit also pro-
vided grounds for council's con-
Fowler said his firm was
anxious to get sewerage ser-
vice to avoid septic tank in-
stallation. "We have found it is
always good economy to pro-
vide sanitary sewer service as
soon as the project is started,
rather than ptit it in later."
Discussion evolved around a
Proposal to erect a pumping
station to put the sewage into
the Gidley St. storm sewer,
about 800 feet away.
Reeve Fisher (who chai r ed
the meeting in the absence of
Mayor Simmons). "Would you
be Willing to prepay the sewage
up there?"
Fowler: "We wouldbe willing
to enter into some type of re-,
Citrecal artangeitient in regard
to both Sewage service and the
Deputy-Reeve Musser; "This
Would certainly be a lovely
seaSnient for the town if it'
goes throligh.. " It was estimated
that tax revenue would be $7;200
to $7,500 a year,
Realtor Gaiser preSsed
oil for serious consideration
Ward provision Of services.
'Net 'every companyISprea
tared to make that kind Of an
inVeitnient in the town:'
Fowler: "We'd like to get a
general idea of your acceptance
of this proposal."
Wooden: "I think yoti'li find
this council as: co-operative as
it is .poSSibid to be."
parking limit
It will cost the town about
$100 to erect signs to establish
two-hour parking on the Main
St., council learned Monday
Police committee chairman
Ross Taylor made the estimate
after presenting a report from
the police dep't that about 32
signs would be required for
Main St.
"I suggest we think it over
until the next meeting," said
Chief C. H. MacKenzie felt
the present members of the
force could enforce the regu-
lation for the time being at
least. It was noted that in other
towns special constables were
employed for this purpose and
that revenue from fines came
close to paying wages.
The chief's report provided
for the erection of two-hour
signs on side streets also but
council indicated It would con-
sider only Main St., initially
at least.
Clerk C. V. Pickard felt the
problem would be to establish
full-time enforcement of the
regulations. He suggested coun-
cil might consider the use of
courtesy cards requesting per-
sons who park for long stretches
on Main St. to move their cars
In other business, council:
Issued building permits to
Henry Eisenschink, Simcoe St.,
for an addition to his home;
Exeter Furniture Ltd., for the
erection of a lumber storage
shed at the rear of the plant
on James St.
Purchased an electric type-
writer for the clerk's office at
a cost of $425 from Skeoch's
Office Supplies, Goderich;
Referred to the county health
unit a complaint regarding the
dumping of turnips in the river
valley behind Exeter Produce
and Storage Ltd.;
Received a petition from pro-
perty owners on the west side
of Andrew St., from Welling-
ton to Baldwin, for replacement
of the sidewalk.
"No, no, you WET your finger
-- Continued from Page 1
(maybe two additional just for
the weekend) and then the four
men to complete the force will
come into the village on June 27.
The Ipperwash detachment
will have an OPP boat this
year, which will relieve the
duties of the OPP boat from
Grand Bend harbour.
Insurance policies were re-
viewed with Bill Amos, Park-
hill, with the result that the
premium was raised $80. This .
includes increased coverage for
the three village vehicles from
$100,000 to $200,000; personal
liability from $50,000 to $100,-
000 inclusive; and the non-
owned auto policy from $50,000
to $500,000.
Ernie Gross was appointed
building and sanitation inspec-
tor at $1.25 an hour. His duties
will commence immediately. He
was the only applicant.
Mr. GrOss is also school
patrol officer. His new duties
involve inspection of new buil-
dings and retail food outlets and
issuing permits.
ered cement and packed until
its appearance resembles an
asphalt surface.
Other developments this year
include the completion of an-
other comfort station in the
trailer area which will also
serve part of the camping fac-
ilities, and an extension of the
nature program of walks and
Interest in last year's prog-
ram grew to such an extent
that it was more than the one
naturalist could handle. Anoth-
er man will be employed this
season to assist in looking after
the walks and nature trails.
A portion of the camp site
along the river may be extend-
ed this year if the poison ivy
problem can be eliminated
there. Spraying last year kil-
led most of it but some survi-
The park offers between1,000
and 1,100 camp sites as well
as parking space for 4,000 cars.
Last year, it played host to
350,000 visitors and 65,000
campers. Outside of Algonquin
Park, which covers a much
greater area and is actually
composed of a number of small
parks, the Pinery site attracted
more visitors than any other
provincial park in Ontario.
Approximately 16 men are on
the Pinery staff at the present
Mrs. Nelson Clarke of Far-
quhar and Mr. Roy Clarke of
Sunshine Line visited on Tues-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Walters and Danny.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke
attended the fiftieth wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Or-
ville Cann at their home in Ex-
eter on Tuesday evening.
Misses Kay and Ruth Horne
of London spent the holiday
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Freeman Horne and
Miss Mary Ellen Prance is a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Mr. Harry Rodd of Woodham
visited on Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. John Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters
and Danny with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Dayman and family of
Kippen. Gary returned home
with them for this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Par-
sons and family of near Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Wib Coward and
Susan of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Coward and Pamela of
Sunshine Line, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Bibby and family of Kirk-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern
and family with Mr. and Mrs,
John Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Skinner at Sebringville.
Miss Barbara Ann Gilfillan
in London with her sister, Mrs.
Jack Mahar, Darlene and Danny
this week.
Miss Isabel Snyden and Mr.
Tennyson Johns attended the
Easter Cantata at WellburnUni-
ted Church Sunday evening.
We cannot guarantee publication of any advertising submitted after the
above deadlines. Your co-operation is respectfully requested.
PHONE 2354331
"He ve/ one frOrn, your 'doctor,
team to reach Ontario hockey finals,
Cede Davidson, Larry 8tire,t De Vries Glavin, didke
GloVeri Ron Broderick ,Cintith McPhee, in front, Hob Stogie,
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Kinsmen, midgets Exeter's fitst.,Minot
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