HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-18, Page 10DON ROOTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR * Domestic * Commercial * Industrial Motors, Controls Lighting 70 Huron St. West 235-0282 13 For Sale 24 Tenders Wanted Page 19 Apra 1,11 1963 Classified Rates 4 female Help Wanted 17 Properly For Rent 12 Properly For Rent .22 W9rcla, Each. Additional -Word .3# ( iiniInPM 850) APARTIYINT,. g.hedroom, Un- fornialled,. heated, room,. modern. ltitehen anti bath,. 50" suP.PliOd, het' eeld. water., pr.iy.ate entrance, ties paid; 1'4 Miles west 911 Huron St. Phone 215,342.7, 4: litfne ....... 9 Servico. ...CERAMIC -TILE,-43..ethrecims, fireplaces, Beers,. kit, ellen entrenee$; first grade material$1 Werit .guaranteed, For appeintment, apply Tiree.s- AdVOCate. phone 235,1331,, 4:11:18:4:2* CUSTOM PLANTING of corn and beeps. .TWP new John Deere -liquid planters. at your service (one with herbicide ettaehments). Liquid, fertil- izer 'has. many advantages. Phone us coileet for particn, lars, Order now and .avoid diseppointment in your plant- ing,. Oann's Mill Ltd., phone 235-1782, 11:18c — . . CUSTOM CORN and bean planting with new 4-row JObn Deere planter with liquid fer- tilizer attachments, AVeid any delay in your planting. Con- tact me now and assure your- self of good service. Phone Hubert Miller, Deshwood 57r7, 11:18c 18 For Rent 20c Off RELIABLE WOMAN for kitellen work., Apply in 'person. Rether's Restaurant. 18c RELIABLE WOMAN to do light housework and look after 2 girls 'ages 7 and 4 while mother in hospital. Phone 235-0654 18* GIRL OR WOMAN to work in booth at Roller Skating Rink 3 nights a week. Phone =- 0654. 18* if paid by Saturday f(AloWing last insertion. M.41.E.P.H411 A.VT9 WRPcKE.R.S 'AR Crediton .13ehind Ccniruila Airport Psect Tire$, Wheels & Tebes else Batteries, Seal Beams gnaranteed PHONE 228-6214 SUP CORN—FOR 4 ConSee- Wive years more farmers. have planted De Kalb seed. eorn than any other breed. What better proof can you •ask on the profit qualities .Of De ,Kalb? Order seed now, Phone 1,61r1 Dashwood, Ervin Ratz. 4;11-5:16 , . . 14 Wanted To Buy FLOOR SANDERS, electric, Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033, Exeter, 12; 13tfec TENpORs for FTtIDAy mom, spKim,—, see it our window„ehester, field and chair reduced from $199.09 to $14,00, Sandy 444 Main St. .18e ANTIQUB CHERRY tirop-leaf table 54"x51", Apply 'Fred Dobbs, 101 John St,. B., Exe- ter.. 18c. APARTMENT, suitable for tWe people, heat and hot Water SuPPlied. APPly Pelt- hale Apts., 70 John east, :.1.4tfoe APARTMENT—UPPer 1 bed- room, furnished. Heat, hot water supplied. Centrally lo- cated, quiet district. No pets. Apply 59 John St. E , Exeter. 21tinc 12 Cars, Trucks for Sale FthvoivE your car on Our "less than 6% discount plan' . phone Don WillianiSon, Com- mercial Credit Plan, 633 Dun- das St., London, Ont. GE 3- 1746. : 18: 25e 1857 SUPER 88 OLDSMOBILE 4-door hardtop Al shape. Phone: Day 235-0781; Eve. 235-2966. 18* 1956 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, V 8 automatic, wind- shield washers, radio, me- chanically A 1. Phone 235-2346, 18* BOY'S BICYCLE, 24". Phone 228.6203. 18c 1JPSTAM APARTMENT, suit- able for one or two, Partly furnished if desired. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3:2811c 9 Services Second Insertion 2Y2 Part woRD (Minimum 550') Six Insertions 2c PER WARD (Minimum 450) 15 Wanted WE RENT portable television sets by the day, week or month; Sandy Elliot. phone 235-0585, 1.8e FENCE ERECTION INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR '01 FORD ToN PICK,UP in very good condition. ApPly at Exeter Times-Advocate, .18c 20 Wanted To Rent HADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug 1 ft, to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 2: 21*tfric HOUSE, 3 bedroom in Exeter by June 1 or July 1. Phone 235-0295. 18r, 13 For Sale SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Im media te service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tinc 16 Property For Sale APARTMENT, modern 2-bed- room, stove and frig sup- plied, private bath and ent- rance, central location. Apply Parker apartments, 431 Main St„ phone 235-0915. 3:28tfnc APARTMENT, spacious 3- room, heated, furnished or un- furnished, no pets please. Ap. ply 169 William St., Exeter. Phone 235-0736 evenings. 4:4tfne Fed Up With Washer Breakdowns? '52 CHEV, in good condition, Apply 55 Shrine St., Exeter, or phone 235-1606, 13c BOY SCOUT coat hanger drive On April 22, 23, 24, 1983, between 7 end 9 p.m. 11;18e TWIN HkSy PCGOY—Phene 235-0223. 18.ne GOOD HOMES for two part Persian white kittens, house broken, Plume 285-2473. Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion— Per Inch $1.25 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL This time, insist on depend- ability, Insist on Maytag. 23 Legal Notices Classifications See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric Separators and milking machines, Basil O'Rourke, 13rucefield Phone HU 2-9131 Clinton 2:14-6:20* For dead or disabled animals, call Sealed tenders on forms and in envelopes 'available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 5:00 p.m. EDST on THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 for the following: (a) Contract HC-63-119 — for the erection of approximately 3,000 rods of wire fence on County Road 12 from Brussels to Highway 86. (b) Contract HC-63-120 —.for the supply of 1 industrial type 4-wheel tractor with front-end loader and rear mounted hy- draulic backhoe—no trade in. The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted, I, MR. EUGENE WEBBER, 49 Simcoe St,„ Exeter, am not responsible for any debts in- curred by Mrs. Eileen Web- ber as of April 18, 1963 till April 18, 1964. SANDY ELLIOT Furniture and Appliances 235-0585 444 Main St. 11:18c BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms. W. O. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3: 28tfc CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St„ directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park, APOly Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate, 8:23tfne LAWN ROLLING -- We have the equipment to put your lawn in shape after the long cold winter. Phone Harold Stire, 37W Dastwood. 11:18* UPHOLSTERY CLEANING — Chesterfields, chairs and cars. For free estimates, phone 235- 2464 days, after 6 p.m. 235- 0485, Jim's Upholstery Clean- ing, Exeter, 3:28-4;25* 10 Livestock For Sale APARTMENT or HOUSE, 2 or 3 bedroom, furnished, in Exeter area, required until fall. Apply Times-Advocate or phone 235-1331, 18c 2 LARGE ROOMS, lower, bright, self contained, suit- able for light housekeeping, utilities paid. Phone 235-0515, mornings and after 4 p.m. 11:18e 1 ROOM, available now. 16 John St. E, Exeter, phone 235-0382. . 4; Iltfee SMALL APARTMENT, unfur- nished, utilities paid, available now. Apply Times-Advocate, Exeter. 4: lltfec NOTICE TO CREDITORS DARLING 8, COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 262-C-63 9;20thic 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales C. V. PICKARD SEE OR CALL US for strong germinating, h g It yielding Pioneer hybrid seed corn. Choice of early, medium and late hybrids. Order now, they may be sold out later. Keith Lovell, Hensel', 265W1. 4:11:18c THE BEST is none too good for that new son or daugh- ter. You can be sure it's the best if it's a Thistle carriage, stroller, high chair or play pen. The prices are low. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., Phone 235-0585. 11:18c PIONEER SEED CORN does not cost you—it pays you. To- day you can't afford to plant anything but the best. I still have a small supply of seed corn available, Phone An- drew Diepstraten, Dashwood 116. 4:11-5:16c BEST GOLF BUY! Famous Spalding Truflite clubs—two woods, five irons, only $45. (London price: $49.95.) Lloyd Greenacre, phone 235.1667. 4; lltfnc In The Estate Of John Hazlewoocl, deceased, WATER WELLS DRILLED anywhere, gravel and rock. Clean out and servicing old wells a specialty. 4i" life-long casing furnished, no pollution, at less than $5.00 per ft. Sat- isfaetion of work guaranteed. Terms arranged. Phone Col- lect E. B. Hussey 754, Petrolia 3:28-4:18* J. W. BRITNELL, P.Eng. County Engineer Court House Goderich, Ontario 18c 1,000 BALES HAY, good qual- ity. Ed 'Hendrick, RR 2 Credi- ton, phone 234-6250. 11:18c 13' BOAT, fibreglass. Apply 113 Gidley St. W., Exeter. lfinc HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 2te years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, phone 21r4 Kirk- toe, 83 highway, 11/4 miles east of Farquhar, 3:21-4:25c COWS — Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test, purebreds and grades. Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth, 652- 3200. 4:4.5 : 301' MARE, 5 years old in foal, saddle broke, quiet, $300.00. Yearling colt, quarter-horse— standardbred, $175.00 or best offer. Phone 235-1483 Exeter. 18: 25* REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to school. This is not a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. Reasonable price; terms. APARTMENT, heated, furnish- ed, 3 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, centrally lo- cated, Available April 25. Ap- ply 365 William St. Phone 235-0776. 18c SMALL HOUSE IN EXETER, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, base. ment, oil heat, suitable for 2 or 3. Available May 1. Phone 235-0286. 18tfnc HOUSE IN EXETER, modern, 4 bedrooms, oil heated, Close to school and store. Available early part of May. Phone 235- 0720 between 6 end 7 p.m. 18tfnc TRAILER—General, 45'x8', 2 bedrooms, furnace, etc. Excel- lent condition, $2,200.00. Cor- ner of 21 & 84 Highways, 8 miles north of Grand Bend. Phone Zurich 77R9. 18c All persons having claims against the estate of John Hazlewood, late of the Village of Hensel", in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 5th day of December 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 4th day of May, 1963, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administra- tor with Will Annexed, EXETER, Ontario. 18:25:2c 1 Lost. Strayed DRY SLAB and body wood. Also wanted to buy good standing timber. Apply Ro- bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 232-4450 Nairn. 3:21tfric INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block construction, BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all occupied. ONE LOT — on Pryde Boule- vard. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 2:21tfee PIGS, 12 weeks old, good. Apply Gordon Ratz, 161R3 Dashwood. 18* WOOD CARVING, antique furniture repairs and altera- tions; French polishing, — Sander Molnar, Hensel, phone 322. 18:25:2:9c KEN'S KITCHEN CABINETS We specialize in custom wood- working. Order now for lawn furniture, aluminum doors and windows. Phone Ken Kellar, Dashwood 34R9. 3:28.4:25c teignaltWIRMIEWEIMISIMIMMVP'ev ,,,thlteliMEMENWSMISSVIO BUDGIE BIRD, in Crediton, blue with white head, answers to name of "Mickey", Any- one knowing whereabouts please phone 234.6329 Credi- ton. 18:25c Business Director 24 Tenders Wanted 3 Male Help Wanted KOOL-VENT — NASH ALUMINUM WINDOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES — DOORS and WINDOWS — ALUMINUM SIDING — ALUMINUM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS WilleteMeliMitieWeaceMegaapageNma,,,„Theemegemumignmui,:s.mr TRACTOR, John Deere AR, good mechanically and good rubber. Apply Gib Dow, phone 235-2764. 11: 18: 25c FREE: Send for your free list of Hardy Garden Chrysanthe- mums, to Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre, Box 212, 182 Church Street, Clinton, Ont. 4:18c OUR TRADE-IN department is now well stocked with used TV sets, wringers and auto- miatic washers, ranges, re- frigerators, space savers, chesterfields a n d bedroom furniture. Sandy Elliott, 444 Main St., Exeter, 18c GIRL'S BICYCLE in good condition, $10.00. Phone 235- 1932. 18c We do our own installing, Call us for free estimates. JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 CLASS "A" LICENCE() MECHANIC For modern shop with the best equipment. Group in- surance, bonus plan, other benefits. FOR. CUTTING GRASS at Nursery Cemetery, Moores- vine, for 1963 season. For further particulars contact or phone Mrs. Chas. Rollings, 228-620 Centralia or Rea Neil, 227-4591 Lucan. 18* MODERN APARTMENT, in Crediton, all utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Available immediately. Phone Crediton 234-6301, 18:tfnc HOUSE IN EXETER, central- ly located. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, full basement, unfurnished. Available May 15. Phone Kirkton 3910 eve- nings. 18tfnc • A NICE 'HOME for newly weds or retired couple. Very clean 'and cheery, newly dec- orated. Very private and quiet. Bathroom, kitchen, bed- room, dining room and living room, only $50.00 per month for 2 people and this includes steam heat and hot water, also coin laundry right at your door. Elliot Ants, 444 Main St. Phone 235-2912 18tfnc ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 EXETER — 3-bedroom brick, $68.00 P.I.T. EXETER — 3-bedroom brick, $71.00 P.I,T. EXETER — 3-bedroom frame, $500.00. down EXETER — 3-bedroom instil brick, terms. EXETER — 3-unit apartment, low down payment. EXETER — 2-unit apartment, $1,000 down. 76' Building Lot—$50,00 down. FOR RENT — 1 - be droom apartment. 18c CANADIAN TIRE Exeter WALKER ALUMINUM SALES EXETER Phone (Collect) 235-0722 3:28tfnc Spring rains bring driving dangers we may have forgotten about, says the ontario Safety League. One of them is the fact that, at the very time when a driver's vision is most hinited, pedestrians are liable to make hasty mistakes to avoid getting wet while crossing streets. G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 JOHN BURKE ROOM SIZE RUG, grey vis- cose, 9 x 9' with under pad, $35.00 complete. Apply 365 William St. or phone 235-0776. 18tfne ATTENTION FARMERS! On the Farm Feed Service, The busy season is 'here again, It will pay you to call Kirkton Mobile Feed Services to save time, labor and money. Mas- ter Concentrates and molas- ses available, Phone 107 Kirk- ton, 3:28-5:2* LAWNMOWERS, all types, sharpened and repaired. John- ny's Shell Station, Highway 21, South, Grand Bend, 18tfnc CUSTOM LOGGING, saw logs, fence posts, fire wood, etc. Summer cabins built any- where. Phone London 455-1411. 18:25:2* PERCif C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone Hensall 690r22 Collect Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 7tfric A BACK ACHE is often cured with a good mattress. Small, medium, large, or extra long, we have them all. Get your new mattress now from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 18c CRATE-6' wide x 16' long x 5' high disassembled. Frame construction with half inch covering, wooden plywood bot- tom. See it at The Times- Advocate. 18:25:2* DISC, BEET and BEAN PLANTER, John Deere, 4 row, perfect for bean sowing. 1,000 bales alfalfa and timothy mixed hay. James McGregor, RR 2 Kippen, phone 275W4 Hensel]. 18c Emergency Measures Co -ordinator WARTIME HOUSE, 2 - bed- room, with basement. Apply Vern Postill, 373 Marlborough St., Exeter. 3:21-4:25* HOUSE, well kept, with ap- proximately 1/4 acre of land, new oil furnace, modern bath. room, garage. Apply Mrs. Percy Tyerman, 146 Andrew St. N., Exeter. 3:28.5:2* Spring Specials DR. J. W. CORBETT DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER I), BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235-0440 EXETER RESORT PROPERTY FOR SALE HIGHLANDS SHARROWS SURVEY MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND ' Henson Office in the Town Hall Open Wednesday 2 to 5 PHONE 235-2234 E X VT E R EXETER — Marlborough St., new 3-bedroom brick home; $2,900 down monthly pay- ments of $74.00, including taxes. 2 miles north of Grand Bend. We are now offering for sale, 2 lakefront cottages situated on beautifully treed lots. Also 3 2-bedroom cottages with- in 300 feet of water. This is an excellent oppor- tunity to own your own cottage. Reasonable down pay- ment, Mortgage terms arrang- ed with owner. For informa- tion, Iphone Exeter 235-2915, 11: Ifie EXETER -- James St., 2- storey A-bedrooM brick home, completely modernized; living room, dining room, den, kit-, chen, recreation room, oil heat, 'broadloom throughout. AUSTIN One A60 One 850 At Special Prices! See South End! BICYCLE REPAIR N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday Foe Appointment Ph 235-2433 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON Main Street Exete Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235-0233 FLOOR SANDING & REFINISHING Hardwood floors laid, sanded and refinished, Old floors resurfaced. Quality material and workmanship. MURRAY NEIL 249 Marlborough St., Exeter 18:25:2:9* FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON SALARY RANGE — $4,000 - $5,000 PER ANNUM Applications must be submit- ted on forms provided and may be secured from the undersigned. Applications to close at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 1963, Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Trea surer, County of Huron, Court House, Godernch, Ont, 11:18e 4 Female Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER CASE ZEEHUISEN 185 Andrew St., N. EXeter Phone 235.1447 SUMMER COTTAGE, South- eott Pines, kitchen, living rdom, 'bathroom, 2 bedrooms, plus garage that could be con- Verted. Felly equipped—Price $6,800. Phone 235.1032, Exeter. 18:25e BY HID, IN LUCAN, 6-room frame cottage, to be moved from property, C, Lewis (Liman Ltd.) ?hoe& 2274408 18e 50-A0RE FARM, 18 acres bush with considerable hard maple, Bart and house, hyd- ro, rock Well with plenty of water, Situated on conceSsion 15, north half of lot 16, Stephen Township. Coetaet Peter EIS, etthadh, executor. estate of the lata Isaiah Tetrean. 18e. the way USESORNE & HIBBERT mutuAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. 'Molloy RR 3 President Luean Robert 0, Gardiner RR 1 Vite-President Crorearty Williain Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colciehetin RR 1 Stierice Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Milton MeCiirdy 1 kitkton 18* INVISIBLE RE-WEAVING — Make holes, euts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing lind fabrics, Save your damaged garinentS by having them. inVisibly re-Wow en. Free estimates, prompt pick-up 'and deliVery. Phone Mr. 0, LatOtte, 238-2666 after 5 p.m., Mondays to l''ridaY1 S to 0 weekends, 18c EXETER — Sanders St. East. new 2a-bedroom; $3,000 down, rivet* payments $56.00, in- cluding taXes; living room; bath, kitchen, oil furnace. EXETER -- 3,bedroorn, hot Water hasaboard heat, living rooin, dining town, kitchen, sacrifice $9,500, TermS ben be arranged, as IOW as $68 per Month. OFtAND BEND Highway tt, 3-bedebeni; year roiled hell*, all eotiVenieneee;eload to SheOPing area; itaeoriebly Prided, GRAND 11BND Large frame tiOUSO and donble garage, $e- becirOOMS, k tient' dining area, Weighed reerea., flee teeth; eti paved read, eloSe dOWntriViii. Pridef you inAe an Offer'. BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, 0oclerich; Vice.Pres„ Gor. don Kirkland, Art 3, Luck- new: Mrs, 0, O. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Ex et e r; Hugh B. Smith ) RR 2, ListoWel; Lane Redges, RJR Goderieh; ittnY Streng, Gorrie; Ressell T. Bolton, itit 1, Statortht Bert IrWin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Kim), Zuriell; Gordon RIO- ards0e, RR 1, Brucefield; Keerieth JOhns, RR 1, Weed- heel, '60 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN, radio, seat belts. '60 AtisTIN SEDAN A55 '56 AUSTIN SEDAN, like new '50 AUSTIN SEDAN A55, green '56 METEOR SEDAN, 2-tone '56 DODGE SEDAN, automatic 6-01., red and white '60 ANGLIA 2,DO(M, yelloW excellent second ear 5.DAY WEEK For permanent position in 'Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Thnes-AdVocate. 3:8tfne REFINED WOMAN to assist with housework; 3 adults. Write Box 153, Hensel', Or phone Hensel'. 97. 11:18125* WOMAN who ran drive If you would enjoy working 2 or 4 'hours a day calling regular- ly each month on a group of Stitch() Girl Costhetica Clients on a route to be established In and around Exeter and are willing to make light tle- liveries, etc., write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept, CWA, 840 Lafleur Ave., Montreal 22, Route will pay up •to $5.00 per helm lit 18:25e GIRL OR WOMAN for Mail and housework; lien smoker, non drinker, live in, Start ini- Inediateiy; good wageS. Apply Pine Dalt Motel, Grand Bend. 18:25:2e South End Agents Httgli Henninger Harry Coated RR 1 Centralia Clayton Hatris Mitchell Solicitiers Maekeezie & Itayniond Eitel& Secretary•treasurae Arthur FraSer teeter W. H. Hodgson Ltd. HOME REPAIRS "EVESTROUGHING" Cleaned Repaired Replaced "ROOFING" Slate Reefs Repaired "HOUSE PAINTING" --.-WindoW and FlOor SerVite-‘e ,-6LaWnS, General Gardening— Prompt SerVite — Free tetintateS Reatorlable Rates PHONE 235-0413 EXETER 18* Mitsettata & Real .estata 'Phone 135‘2420 • Exeter Servke Russ and dhock stuAt /3-2322 EWER C. H, Magee Seerettley-Manager Miss c. Plunitree Asslstant Secretary ter inflermation, eall yottr nearest direetier Mit 'bake in the Credit Union WM. 70 Ontario -Street, Clinfeni Telei phone HUnter 1-9151. LoTS 111 LBOAN, Lewig gul):1 divigioft, Sion dOWn and $19 per Month. Phone 227-4406. 18e 17 PrOperty For Rent LOWER APARTMENT bedroOti, furnished, heat, het Water tupplied; good location, paint e d. NO Peta Pleate. Apply a John SL E., 21tfrie Ottiii4D ttilb AGENT: W4 IJACti. PHONE .23$46/0 HURON CO.OPERATIVE MEDICAL EERvices Prepaid Health Plans at Cost BOYS' DRESS COAT, size 8; girl's 3-piece pleated skirt suit. Reasonable. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 18c, BEAGLE PUPS, 12 weeks old, Apply R. E. Pooley, Exeter, Phone 235-2007, 18c SPRING TIME IS CHESTER. FIELD TIME—See our offer. ing in French Provincial, mod, ern, or sectional chesterfield sets. Also showing a nice set in maple, early American as well as several space sayers and coudhes, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., Exeter. 18c KELVINATOR refrigerators, ranges and deep freeze cheats. There are none better and there is no better place to deal than with Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St , Exeter. Ise BABY BUGGY, white with navy, mattress, storm Cover 23an5d4iopping basket, Phone tXtTkIt'S DAISIC CENTRE-, MI the latest recordS, record playerS, radios, magical. Ailments and aceessories, sheet Music, Exeter Electric, phone 2354)730, Opposite the Btirkley, 18etiWtf0 MO 10" CHAIN HARROWS Wpoitiblingebbneecting drawbar fet 263JI lieheall. 18:25* oth, Phone 263W1 or LAUNDRY TUB, large dote hie, ceinerit, with Stand anti taps $15,00., Phone 235-2515. Itholic. 117 Dash- T:vito0AdC,T011, Oliver 00,- gdej 18tie