HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-10-20, Page 2semmaeaBaeeatw •
* to
IbLyisetkowel seaietiss, of which than'
us Mahe Am braised is the tweed
asks soy pee he v skoae4amw,, the
Sad iaetitstiama d the Cowry. Ben"
at Missy, ,tad the ogipeieg of popular
► it tread Ise sirup indeed if they
wore sot samstimes perverted from their
loptutele owe to adri ce the interests d
the few at the espies d the ,say. Nee
is it as easy smatter to prevent
teas from tatting a lsding part in moons -
tress fa the proatotion of agriculture, to
order to give pudic premium, publications
end eithiWtis, web direction as will aid
them is send% at a large profit their nal
stock, pig,, sheep, poultry. or patented ins-
plesenu d husbandry. Aimee grew up
as naturally sol duxurieatly is all popnler
bodies as weeds in a rich garden ; sad the
e*tirpatios of the letter is aot more useful
to horticulture, thee the correctioe of the
lonner in all agricultural societies. Their
Otficeie sad members should guard against
either commending or *dry teziwg, through
Ow medium of their published proceedings,
unworthy objects. Itis easy to injure the ! From Lhe Loudon Daily News, Sept. la
public, and the character of tbe association.
le State societies, ao impartial uo.erver The public cannot tail to notice with re-
rnay aloe dissever a few geoileruan of gni that the r:ae iu the price of wheat
wealth, who are carted in rearing short- act! flour in stark -lane was from 3s. to
Hams or
becoming year afterr kto sell at Preaidents, or ruling et Voquarter
• d the priceofBoating and
members of executive cwnroittees, and I goes, of which very few are on their way
and State boards, not to develop sew truthshillier, was no Monday 2s. per quarter
in h..b•udry, or advance agricultural know- higher than op Friday. With one dight
'ledge, but to perpetuate the power and cheek the price of wheat has risen inces-
1•ro ts of aa 'whitlow clique. -Both saotly duce the first week to June. The
character, by their monopolies, prevent average of that week was 43s. 3d. ; the
tbe true friends of the farming interest average of the aecoud week in Septem-
from encouraging the systematic study of bee was 54s. 9J --a rise of nearly 27 per
sural economy, and _the growth of a true trot. in 14 weeks, and the rice since will
and valuable literature. Literature and make it to this time upwards of 30 per
serene* eau never be incorporated with trot. With this great nae in our men
American agriculture, until agricultural so-
cietiesmarkets, corn, notwithstanding thiuk ices of isle shows and private
speculations, and more of illustrating tbe
true pnuciples of tillage and husbandry.
'I'f:is is the legitimate object of all or-
gauiratioos, composed mainly of praetical
tanners. A thorough knowledge of pnu•
tildes will most benefit them in their noble
time d es .plod erred society is this se-
o-ties, which prop* tiostoime more sews
thee may ether. _ Wap tat elm premien*
for cows that will pronto, the wit hatter
aid s Mem gives. pugs*
Researches' dh kited ei wwthtkst
our satire dairy stock wrens any re -
entity tlaperied high priced animals for tie
.sesoeiiasl production d silk. UIve aU
u equal .heads sad et troth der.estrated
ave the superiority. Nled nnewts are sadly defective, god a
entelisi,e reeds. Our proverbial imps -
titmice jumps at coacluaion , *bids, boisg
erroneous, saiakad jest as he as they ere
trusted. 'Laurent owe deceive sot only
themselves, but buodreds of others. 'lis
suet relation that gran, hay, routs sad
grain. bear to intik, butter, sad cheese,
to Lecf, port, wool, and matte., might
be •ecertsinsd and kaolin to every one of
the five minims of farmers in the United
States, if agricultural societies would take
the matter in hand.- Experiments aloes
are needed.--Grns.ee Farmer.
large arrivals, continues to rise in France,
and the great purchases making for that
country in the ports of the Baltic and Black
Sea is oue cause why so little is on its way
hither from those quarters. '1'be last ar-
rivals from the United States, too, iutorm
ns dont the meal and flour markets there were
calling; and their annual agricultural ex- quite m a ferment in consequence of the
L.ibitions might be exceedingly instructive news from Europe. Wheat, that in June
by demonstrating the most"important truths was 118c. the bushel, was selling on the
in rural affairs. -Do our cattle shows now 5th instant at 145 c. to 148c., or a rise
demonstrate any such truth%t ‘1.4: think of nearly 21 per coot., with every probe -
Liddy of the price being higher. The
same advices inform us that the present
frieght of a bushel of wheal, -which was
considered high at the beginning of the
not. it is rare indeed that a new fact of
any u u
y t•a 1 e is brought to light at a well
attended county fair, or Stat, exhibition.
lnveutors and manufacturers of new ma -
year at 94d. to IOJ., .04 it los been be -
their wares before the crowd; but it would low 6d., --is now frotn 10d. to 12d., mak-
uvt diminish their gains if prod%dun were ing an additional rise of from 10 to 15 per
made by a proper use of part of the funds cent. in the price of American wheat in
of the society to teach its members some- our markets. Day after day, and week af-
thing more than they before knew of agri- ter week, the reports of our own harvest
cultural entomology, and other kindred on the neighboring continent tell the same
scieuces. Insects, tike wheat flies, wee- story. Prices are rising here and abroad
vita, and moths, are annually destroying day after day, -and week after week, and
it is high
tune that 16e public
cropsbe to the amount of millions,
the Ira,, public effort being made to lessen fully aware of the probable consequences.
tbe evil. Does it argue well for our go. The only ,facts calculated to give new
neral intelligence that no agricultural so- influences are the quantity of mid wheat yet
...els., in this most prosperous republic, has remaining in the bands of our farmer, and
ever appropriated a dollar to foster the
study of insects 1 A distinguished and in-
genious artist not long since explained to
us a co'rtrivaoce of Its own invention for
the wholesale destruction of those destruc-
tive pests which damage our gardens, or-
chards and field crops so often, and so ru-
inous:y.-\Pith a little assistance from an
the great increase of wheat cultivation in
America, with the excellent harvest in the
New World. 'There is no accurate infor-
mation to be as to the stock of wheat
in our farmer's hands ; but report says that
it is large to some districts. Accordingly,
we perceive that the quantity of wheat
sold, by the Gm:clte returns, in the weeks
agricultural or horticultural society, he ending the 1011* and the 3rd instant, was
might render the country an invaluable ser- severally 89,619 qrs. and 104,937 qrs.
%ice. against 71,139 quarters, and 76,491 guar -
Nu proli%dun is ,rade iii these Iassoci- tern in the corresponding weeks of
:;tiros to meet the pressing waits of Ines 1Sr2. \Ve recently hid before our read -
et deep study and small (wills -who labor en some account [from tbe Toronto Daily
to beue' L the professional cultivation of the Leader] of the rapid eztetision.of wheat
cultivation in Canada. We do not know
bow rapidly it is increasing in the United
States, but it is making greatl progress in
Michigan,Obio, and other Western States.
There hare latterly been sold, we know
also, nearly 5,000,000 acres of land an-
nually in the United States exclusive of
laud reserved for rtilways, Etc.; and that
the great facility which a set of railways
now gives for brY111lggttng the produce of the
far west to the elatern seaboard assures us
that of the immense quantity of food grown
oil all the newly cultivated land of the
States. Europe can now obtain a large
share. In fact to the middle of August
tbere has been exported from the United
States 2,753,361 more bushels of wheal
than in the corresponding period of 1852,
and 139,457, more barrels of flour. In
the mould is dissipated in the atmosphere the month ending August 30, the latest se-
as as the substance of a compost heup by count yet come to hand, there was exported
1. cquent turning? If no effort is to be from New York 169,963 barrels of flour
made to int tease our knowledge of the phi-
losophy of agriculture, why ezpend time
and money in attending shows and support-
ing agricultural societies! if no effect is
• to be made to increase our knowledge of
the philosophy of agriculture, why ezpend
a time and mreiey in attending shows and sup-
porting agricuitoral societies? idle hands
Who can till how ,ouch of the substance
of the soil is consumed in the ordinary pro-
duction of a bushel of wheat, or a bushel
of coast ',itis important information may
oe obtained by any agricultural lociety
that really desires to enlarge the boundary
ut our knowledge of the elements of fer-
tility in cultivated laud. Iu the growth of
• plant on an armed surface, the earth
parts with some of les mold and minerals.
What per cent. of these as lost, which
never eaten cultivated plants at all?
Would it not be wise use of the funds of
an agricultural society to iuvestigate the
facts as to what the soil loses by tillage
when cultivated as for a crop of wheat or
corn, by the decomposition of its tnold and
the washing of its salts? How much of
against 124,857 barrels in August, 1852,
and 520,000 bushels of wheat in Augtist,
1853, against 206,986 bushels In August.
1852. We notice also that the arrival% by
land •1 New York, which have been slack
all the year, have begun within the last
week or two to exceed the arrivals in
1852. From such facts we have good rea-
and addled heads may seek trifling amuse- son to believe that Englaad will obtain a
ments ; enlightened, tbougltfnl nen, ark good supply of corn. At the same time
for more of solid instruction, and less of when the demands of all Europe and the
largely iocreased consumption of our coun-
try, of France, and of Germany are taken
into consimration it becomes plain that
where reform is needed, by calling atteu- there will he no food too much, and that
tion to elistwg abuses, and insisting that to obtain sufficient to entice the larmers
cls assotiatiou shall do as much to increase of Canada ant of the far west to Instil
as to ditfuse knowledge. Our enc,eties now their nen consumption, and J to mar_
fuse very. little iaformatioo among the het all the wheat and Auer tla eau spare,
masses, fur tbe any!, :_;:son that they re- end to pay high sad rising freight., the
ally lave nothing new and useful to cum- Pelee here will must probably rise yet higher
than at present. We do not pretend to
1x a' lint to the rise ; circumstances are
-roti"altogether different from what they
were in 1817, and Ilw,c will be no neces-
sity, -we believe, for prices to rix uow as
high as. then, to briug hither all (tae corn
g* we shall rryhi:e. It is, however, time
e ..ucra, aaJ we cihnut- see list „I; oz, that we were on nur guard, and time for
hetet., or bug, i. any better pow I:oan (bole us to discourage all unnecessary consump-
+uiwbited is ut t ►or -hood. 'Thirty tis tion, exlmvaggnce, and waste.
Icer. agn you;g farmers desired to home The rise in the rate of discount, to
yu• sutu grass WAS neeesmnly consumed which we bare of tale so frequently been
1. form a pound of gond cheese, or este oar obliged to direct the attenlioo of our read.
bolter. 1 ba wformatrta is ne desirable en, and wbicp is operating to chock ex-
am as it was then. Agncultsrel socistiw ports sad cheek trade, is ie great Pert the
lave done Donne.; to elucidate the relation eoe.goeae• of the continual rise m the
that vegetable food bears to apineal pro- Pelee of wheat. They here gone on to -
Tecta. ire tea nhag sprits is all agra. ¢ether. The rise in the rete of descout
humbug and personal favoritism. They
may readily obtain a reform iu the rnao-
agenient cf stale and county societies,
inuaieate. Mau most learu before they
can ►tt.h; end we beg to learn wlaeti g-
r.rrl'urai lzu.n,ug is •o be kindly laleRby
toe Land and helped forward by the ass°.
sate! firmer* of the United Stalesej
From 1817 to 1 tiw we have been ia the
way i f alteedn'g a icllturalinertia and
rehired tidies felly neolved to make so
pro's.. orad 1. are their /seas as glet
opjrktea oilier atsdy of wool- owing,
Meti Jte.t . Ned dory.beebeadry f A
gatld_psw aspirates from bar blood • ped,
' er pmt, of jt thirty inmates, for
dudes mod together. Ties tepid
usurer of grew into blood, sad Woed
is, however, rather the sip then the dame
d our prosperity laieg retarded. Meavy
n °sly required for whet it will bey, tet
for its owe sake ; it is always parted with
wan sed, Med the ewsperati.s seeral7
end high prize of ether things, particular-
ly of (ood,. Bakes ewes? dear. On ewe
baroness being de4eine, we require,. great
Me tr ea
M, 1•a atter attracted tea se- w mars fed fres-libroit
sd, ud tae ow*
gave omen far it 1 prices are rain is Deals
Mt M wadies at New York i Leld pea oat
tte bay ohm ; a hide alarm is lisMeMpd
by the ilsppesresss of a M hawked
tke&_d ponds fres the Bask vedle•,tad
the rims of d.eahat bosom's b1[bar.
is perfectly clear if food worn sbeadamt,
amd aosequesty cheep, d other things
world be cheap 1 Mine wood be eempara-
tivay cheaply sustained and ebss14y
for. As leech of it as was required c0'4
coos be coma ended, mid then saver seed
be say stop, er eves oat cheeks N
spsciss[ s of pradsetios so loes feed its
1. Analyse is, se ale the opera-
tion of society, sed we shell W Mom all
depend is the ead es the supply of foal to
be obtained by thine eegagsd is then. It
hes been smeettagly se jocosely mid that the
belly governs the world. Ills is a gnat
truth. Swint/team as another tame ter
life, sod it is a inkiest simply of the
means of ssbaratence threatens' life some-
where whish spreads iasgaor, the parent
of disease, over trade, sad makes Itself
equally felt in Lombard street and Liv.r-
Matins, Oct. 13th.
The steamship Canada iron Liverpool,
Saturday, Oct. tar, arrive) at her Wbar(
this mousing.
TL* wit:antic arrived cut oo the 47th
The isatJelt .as detained by reason of
the low tides, till the 30th.
The latest from Raora and Turkey coos
,mom ■otbteg decisive es to the filial term'.
patios of the eastern difficulty, but from
the fact that the combined fleets of Eng-
land and France ban passed the Darda-
ese!les sod anchored before Coasla.tisopl•,
i°ueased apprehension is Nit for the peace-
ful solution of the pending troub'e between
Turkey and Russia, and ineueoced in some
measure by the threatening aspect of the
Ratters question, the prioe•ple English and
continental markuts baro been greatly agi-
Cotton, at Liverpool, has dereltaod t a a
per Ib: wail. bread.tuf(b bate still further
advanced, and closed on Friday very firm,
with as upward tendency.
Flour, 1s a 2s higher sloes the wiling of
th.;drabia,. There is tocreased atnogescy
10 the London blowy Market -the rate of
discount has been further advanced.
Qusauc, Oct. 13.
The Sural Sonde arrived to -day, after a
passage of 27 days from Liverpool.
PUILADRLFRia, Oct. 13.
The Democrats have a mai-tray in the
Montgarnerv, Erie and Sandusky districts.
Ths free soil ticket is elected in Cayhogo
and Lora, New York Counties. The votes
is Hamilton County are as yet only half
counted, but the entire Democratic
ticket is elected by 1500 to 1600 major-
PAIL..DBLTB,A, Ott. 12.
The habeas corpus case of Deputy Mar-
shall Jenkins and Roaster, arrested last
week on charge of assault and battery
came on to day Thomas, a fugitive was
called to on the circuit. Judge Green
said he would not allow the lawyer employ-
ed by Brown the .buluionist, to come into
court as a private prosecutor sod interfere
wit(, the officers of the Court In the ezecus
tion of their duty •
Mr. Brown asked if it was to be under-
stood that no private prosecution be repro -
rented by Council on proceedings against
tbe officers of the Government. The Judge
said the Court Would not be questioned by
Mr. Ashman ',eked the discharge of the
officer.. The Judge said he would write
out his decision and deliver tt o° Saturday
ellaterex, Oct. I4.
On the 25th ult., a severe storm swept
along the British and Dutch Coasts, occas
stoning touch .cess of life sud property.
'1'be Iron steamer running between
ilamburgh and Hul.and was lost with seve-
ral lives.
The Amerce!) packet ship .he ':Mesa
put back to Liverpool and weal ashore in
the Mersey. 'Several pasasugeis were
'1'be news respecting the E
question is as coofLeting and uodecided as
flyer .
The Sultan refuse" to'sigo the declaration
of war, desired agsi°.1 !Lomeli*. 'hero was
a probability of • riot. The French and Eng.
lab Anibersad ire therefore seat for usist-
asce to protect the Suttee and the Chris
tan rendents.
Four steam frigates,lwu French and two
Eogltsh, pasted the Dardanneles and came
to anchor off Cnnsl.n'ii ogle.
7'be Daily News Mateo that the admiral
Dundee bad received order• to move with
the British flat from Barks to Con , tan ti-
n opie.
'I'b. rejection by the Czsr of the Turkish
amendments was known at Ceostaottnople
on the 19th ult. The expected cross did
oat occur.
The Holten was displeased with the For-
eign 31nre'.111 bringing their tledti to Con-
The English and French news is unimpor
Cal,leran 1.% Darca is nominated Min
liter of foreign •flans.
The Ernperor ut Aus:na,EmpereeNtcho•
las and the prince of Russia arrived o• the
21th at Alwontey, to meet the Emperor
of Austria. Thera h ad been a long
private cuehrence between the two Em-
1.0*016. •
The famine continued at Rangon with
the prevalence of Cholera.
Llr.rpeet •ark.ls•
Indian Corn to fair demand, with an ad-
vance of 3s during the week un *hire and
3e 5d a 3. 6d and in some case., 311 7J; T•1*
low 41. -mixed 39. 0.1.
Provision. -Pork as demand at
fu'I paces -nothing doing in bacon. -
Lard steady, 59s a eus on the .pot. 53 for
Naw Yeas, Oct. 11.
Adjourned mealtag of the Atlastie
ass P.citt Rsdroad Cumrany was hold
yesterday; • large amount of Stock was
subscribed. A meeting for ih• appa'ateot
of the olcers'. filed for November 3.-
A'tnrney Geacral Chatfield is a prones.
sent eaodidat. for Pre•ideet of the Cern-
The Beate E.gleed has raised ice rate
of patoNetAll in per east.
Cossets coed at 931/ is 94
The *teddy Eileen" arrived at Liver -
jest oa the 2Stb elti.o.
he or eir the British east
the • Mlles Ward" sed the anisole",
frapl,Q.sbee, were mere er teem ieyired.
Fbe n•alftpped hue Arora*
hs te
The wow el hbleseell be .. need.--
Mertilt w sill m* Ywobell
MOM 'Parr Ude wig a kraal
iMRP011801"ell his peek. tied whir the
l_+a jeeredJeerea a hone
mod redo t
Ia Chills Ills irritate Costreed thele
adrea.ea 'p leu. Tim arid Pe-
ened*tray} *aridgreat wassuety,
of ety, sed
Fruitier* weep iatin tearer at P.ki..
Car wee f. h uy r.pereed lent
alhorobdt. se behalf of the UAW -
bed ullere% the Emperor • loss of tl
The (.rated eolith toed at Rasps*,
witb cbulere moue *be Natives cad
moat/ the Brines uoope.
IN Spero in Cotten' Guwecl sole
.d Narver s re permitted to nth
1t eras reported a1 Para mkat
moiled Prase' and Eel/lead
gave aid to Te key rho Auatttgp.
with Rums on occupy Sorel".
live days qua tee 1 ad boor
at rd..•e. ood a watery corder
from W iddea to Sulius
Cholera had dieapp.ared at Cr
Tb• Emperor of Russia and the'
of Prussia bad armed at Olmuts to roost
E,n ror of Austria.
The exportation of Grain from JKgypi
been prohibited.
ties s.... i his* lbw* be hi•
wails, ad the Reentry advise4 kip. im
strePet pe/1iMe tarso, te
W popes, sad go t. the Went if he
weld dew better outside the departure*
a My yang bred," maid be, " go to the
Nertbweet- key 160 acs d gessreessut
Mad -e►, of yea bars est tea mosey te
parwVee, neat es 1t t get roe u ase tad
a mattock ; pet op a lei core fie a Mkhta-
tisa i cad raise a Bide eels ..d potatoes ;
keep your eos.eiease near awed lire like a
freema.-•your ewe ammeter, with se ow
to gine you orders, cad without depaadag
apes windy. Do that, mid you will be-
come bosomed, respected sad rick. But
accept a clerkship here, sad you s ale t
stare. w arcosnt
ea 'Orley is the
sad la k►.dred
in r ecostaeed1N
pairuriase of tie
New Yoas, OA 15
The 1J.eabofdt arrived shoddy
midnight. She left Soothamptol to
30th. She brings 216 passengers
1,600 tons freight. The 1 esibr Ji
porta having passed 7 Targe ships of a
standing West. What nation they
longed to not known.
IEztrsatelaea et Crtwalwala.
The Washington Correspondent
the Jorrnal of Casser, states that t
Administration bad come to the de
urination not to demand from any`forei
Government, nor to surrender to any(
reign Government, ace, person charge
with crime, without an express treaty st
pulation to that effect.
Antb-Slavery Treaty vett It Spats.
The Washington Correspondent
the Timer states that information b
been reoeived that Lord El'owdes. 3
tiah Minister in Spain, had succeeded'
making a treaty with Spain by .hie
English cruisers are permitted to Ise
men in Cubs to search plantation') f
newly imported slaves.
Brills& War -Skip Vulcan.
Halifax, 15th October. -The .tea
Vulcan hu arrived here from Englan ood and lar<'ful.wi
with 350 troops for Bermuda She pu rr.clvsure i0 the said 1 the tides have on th j
in here in coasequence of yellow fere ne on ore about rte 17th
Bos'r'ois Oak 15th. at 1 nave ted and hep DEAFNESS -C+
he Feil 17th March Iasi Oil, for the core of 1
The Canada arrived at 10 P. M. )as
o nW \1'ilham Buchanan d llm1 e(hle noises.
, who,
evening croons on ha behalf will
.ymptores .f
Later from IIs:see. gave property, pay ripen- whn ha•e been drat I
a e :.%ay the said ux, 1 .Orient to ow ear to
New hip Trxs Oct 12, 1853. r. us to deliver him up boucle, been made n
The steamship Texas has arrived fro RHEUMATISM
Vera Cruz bringing dates from the cityesence, Bone Linimeo', is
of Mexico to the 3rd inst. -
A Mezta
5 ..I
ith1W bit' tee Qoerom t to w•
war steamer left Ven Cruz on the 8th cart
with 300 troops for Yucatan, where
revolution was reported.
Don Lino Alcorta had been appoii
ed Minister of War, to succeed Gene
Tomei, decreased.
The Now Orleans Bee of Thursday
last, has special intelligence from Mexi-
co, received by a private letter, to the
effect that Government had discovered
an extensive conspiracy in Puebla, and
that several prominent persona bad been
arrested -among them Don Juan Musi-
ca, late Governor of the State of Puebla;
General Manoles Robbs. and Den Luis
de la Rosa. They had been ordered to
leave the country.
T eared by ROW•
t ROOT. 7'h.
to. .a.,cltub. 1a like
• Bm*eI Complain'
'• Compound Sirup
arueelly rrrwnmend
tient* atnicted with
ne it to be invaluable
eery [ Strong.
x. Flanigan.
Rowand, Y. D.
.hton, Esq:,
Orr. Esq.
me to be addressed -
Head of the Pharms-
Prenident ut the Cni-
Lail Ile tatfgers
semis reined" her
e atopprag the falls
let mewl., les befeti1
cols, fflea.,. aell is a
egeelled. lie peewee
1st Il Inc.. the had fres
the room, impart• health
cones, sed pretests the
armee gray. 2d. It eaa-
beau,dslty when dolt' op tt,e.a
Beim r swde (von' the e1
(,.m the ongi.al Turkisb7
C•a.tasu.•ple, wtwre i1 K
The Turks ha.. always b
weaderfel shill i■ compos,
.... sod .11 other tud•4
Ow •••.•uc heft -a. &e.
ammowa •'s almost ell -
awed the bair. Ilsea
skin heed of hair, ie ee d
c...lry. We ei.hbe d
it. •bat ...II de num"
Othco, No. 41 South' tries tea. .11 tea ad•.0,-
1ablr.heA, sed ,Mei all r
the Stowe of •I'"•••. i, ups, ell ,al
N PARSONS, faros of 5Pc per Hood.,.-
GuDeatcn, P C. Remember inc yeller
1 C.•,•t•ck & S'o'
n aro
Road, -tainieg PILLS for 'be cs* b
%bleb are ed. clear Alio for R1 nor hver C
Jamb, Clinton.and i the el and Doe-
hotuApply °a Bl*meed:ls0.matii l
W. B. MOORF. Costiveness. Pamela f
Bark sad Limb•. /lets
t.23-34 There to scarcelyaatl
tide lledicises are sal,
No peva, n coo leel end -
body mre,ub: beedee.0
mid often fetal di,etosa
avoided to • 1,meh ow
Cathartic Med•sues. -
pay 2s. 6d. currency
clean Barky, on de -
e. I pouW e can recommend s
e. set coi,fde oce belied -
the Pills to common tar
v given that, a red oz
e, purchased from me
action in the Towns
one William Buchanan,
said William Buchner
A person asst the_
usual and ,f den,
ins them.
are wisely Catharciej
all oobealiby waiter a
erelioos of the Stoma.
Ass Effectual Aeautat
Fame kind of wire
storms sod hunicene?
Yesterday, the ceremonies of laying the
foundation stone of the new Brock Monu-
ment, came off according to arrangement.
The day was fine, and all went well ex-
cept that a great and unaccountable delay
took place which materially abridged the
spectacle and ce, emony as far es regards
tbe visitors from Toronto, --and saving,
again, that doriog the approach of the fu-
neral procession from tbe village --on rais-
ing the stone for the purpose of inserting
the docurnents, tits coins, cover plate, and
rhe mortar over these, the pole on which
the tackle was fined broke short off. Hap-
pily there was no personal injury from the
accident, and the stone was set in order
by other means before the procession
reached .the spot. From these and other
causes, we are not able to supply to -day
so full an account as is due to the occasion,
and must beg our readers indulgence till to-
morrow, when we think we coo promise
them an interesting detail. The following
Is the order of the procession :
Canadian Rifles,
Enrolled Pensioner.
Colonels 1 FUiRRAL CAR, 1 Colonels
and I With the remains ofand
other I the lamented 1 other
Officers, f Major General l Officers,
number,1 And los Aid -de -Camp , number,
as Pall I Lieuteoanant-Colonelas Pail
Bearers , M'ONNELL. y Bearers.
Colonel Donald McDonell, Deputy Adju-
tant General of Militia for Canada West.
Lieut. Col. de Salaberry, Deputy Adju-
tant General, for Canada East.
Colonel Taube, late Deputy Adjutant Ge-
Lieut. Colooel Irving, Provincial Aid -de -
Camp to the Gorenior General,
And the survivors of 1812, and Iodic
Chiefs, as Chief Mourners.
Military mad Mitts Officers in uniform.
The Belding Committee
The Architect.
Builder and Clerk of Work.
'rhe Clergy
TM Bar.
Maj jiatvatea
The Liam Band.
The Comedies Society.
The National sed other Societies, and
other persona, sapject to the rale of
the Mondale.
Orrice Setaatra•--.Aker three yams
ago, a sea pretreated bisealf to MP Cer..
was for a earl:d ip. Thrice wee he re -
Paled, aed still be .s4. • her* stem.
Hn persevltrote..sd ttpilq ei.iar■a
Oosreaantvietatemeats of Emigrants ar-
rived at tea Port of Quebeo to the 30th
Sept. 1833 and 1 ab3.
1852. 1853.
From Eoglsed• • • • 0.537 8,285
Ireland••••.15,644 13,416
Scotlasd••••5,486 4,613
Norway..-. 1,313 4,630
Germany;...5,03* 4,499
Lower Pods 11,091 424
38,014 34.911
Car Agent.
Einigratton D••partmeet,
Quebec, 30th Sept., 1863.
Car Agent.
RaruseaaTto+.-Tho T101.1018 Wormed
that the daughter of the Rev. Neale, who
bad her shoulder dislocated by the accident
that occurred on the Western Railroad on
the evening of June 23rd, has received from
the corporation `3,500, as or a len of dam-
ages sustained.
ATTawrT ar TES RUNUP, Gsw.raL TO
Poison TUB Tetouan Gaszast.-Pneee
Gortahakoffhad resolve5 to remove Omer
Pacha, and had tried to po.om ,bat gallant
general who has done so mueb towards the
t.gen.ration of Turkey. A Eoropoan pby•
meow arrived at Constantinople, obtained
direction of the military boaplul of
Schemla. Omer Pacha perceived that this
person kept up mysterious relatmose with
Russian spies. Soots after, beteg warmed
that there was an Mention to poison bine,
he frsigoed to be indisposed, and Beat for
the neediest mu to attend bon. Tine pen
aro°, went out to prepare • calms( potato,
which he promoted to Omer Pacba to
drink. The g 1 requested the physi-
cian to taste it first himself, and as the orb
er refused to do so he forced him to drink
the whole of it. Seeing that the pbysicua
then wanted to hurry out, he forced him to
remain in the 1501, in order that be might
judge of the street of the pots.. At the
end of some hours the pbysteiu died from
the poison. -Paris C.astithti.ned.
The Cholera bas made its appearance i0
Virginia. it is spreading along the river
at Hernaborgh, and the citizens are greatly
John Mitchell and John Martin two of
the Irish rebels it le said have escaped
from Australia and are now on their way to
Fillme k Co., of New York have adopted
with success a system of electrotyping
moulds taken of type in wax, which u sai
to have a decided advantage over ordinary
stereotyping. Their process is as follows
Baring taken a mould of the type ie eat,
they put it into a solotiou of copper, ead
apply it to a powerful pivaiic battery
which causes the copper to bo led
witb such accuracy epos the se to
make a copper face, which will at mwch
longer than tbe ordinary metal Ian, with-
out costing any more. The pr*eaa oeea-
ples about 12 boors. We emeerstand that
the Messrs. Harper wont) then process
exclusively is their ealabbribmenl.
A "Farr" Cores. -We And the fel-
lows; ea►r;tg• safer M the Roebdeter
Daily Ades, ser, wftb • ngeeet ler Syra-
cue papge copy. If tea happy eoepte
don't "make geed ten•," it wo•'t be the
fault of their Ranier -Afar raids t 8aratsga
eprlaga, are the SIM .ht., by Rev. A. Bat,
taw, Mr. C. H. Trottel to Mee Mao A.
Gallop, el lout Asea.
Seobb Wren are essigrating
to Ire -
lost. They are wittily' Is t1. Beath and
Weal Nw3eesst of [.sprier eon sad
leer Iwnt
,'S .
A considerable somber of Tows Lots
hdo.gist to the Canada Compaq were
deposed d at Aeetioe, by Mr. G. M.
Treeless, the A.otiw.er, at Godsneh, os
Friday Mat the 1441 last., *ad we tuner -
stead the Lots add realised ie the gross
about £5000. The prices obtained for
weed lets nosed as bigb as £76, rill o*
of the Lots being offered, ,ouch *-
bidding took plate. There were
reviews fres Leaden, Toronto
sad other places present. There were bet
eery « cu offered, bit we
sn infewformedally ,bothoice lothe Company propose
to have another sale In about six or eight
week beore, d (bat othewill ,bM
p„t „p. The Canompany, of course,rs possessee
but little of the land in what would nom
Ile called a besieges situation, but as
joderich is thriving very fast, and is like-
ly to cootmue ti. do so, even still more
rapidly, we doubt not that the remaa-
iag lots when offered will meet with rea-
dy sale, and that litany of them in the course
of the rapid changes which are coming
over our busy little Town may and will yet
become locations of value. We do not ad-
mire the trey in which the more remote
lou are selected for sake byatbe Company,
as a party desirous of purchasing several
Iota to a block in the outskirts of the Town
for a private resideuce and grounds cannot
do so by the preseut system, single lots only
baring been picked out here and there with-
out contiguity. Betides the Company's
sale, several good lots have been sold by
private individuals during the past week at
greatly improved prices. In many instan-
ces these lots were purchased by strangers
newly arrived who haviog been attracted by
tie indisputable evidences of progress every.
where manrlested in and around the 'Town
have come to the determination to mai in
their lot among us.
The Assizes, which opened here, on
Wednesday, the 12th inst., terminated on
the afternoon of tbe Friday following. The
civil cases were not very numerous,
and most of them posseased bot little of
public importance in their character.
The only criminal case, we are happy to
sat, ended by the acquittal of the accused.
It was a case of sheep stealing, sod, u
the party who is highly respectable was ac -
quitted, we will not use uame'. The
Grand Jury, from the nature of the circum-
stantial evidence, we presume, thought it
expedient to bring in a true bill, but, upon
the trial, the evidence was such as could
leave no doubt 01 the Innocence of the ac-
cused. The accusation rested upon the
facts, that while Oso party bad lost a sheep,
tbe servant of the other had reeae'17 kid
one, and the accoser came to the mwelt-
sion that the mottos, towed is the holes 1
the prisoner, must bare been the carcass
of his sheep, .otefy Wesel* of the eztra-
ordi°ary shortness of the tad. But a was
amply proved, that whole the req hoer,
was acksowkdged to hen bees a ewe, tfl,
sheep killed war proved to bass bees
a wether, and the shortness of ell tele
co.asdered to have bees accmissadi
The c s°dwc t of the wok of the alitamsik
china( the search *1 the bees, 811331111 •
nye bees very inprd4Bt, red le horn
gores rose to wapsemese wild rano coal..
wards proved to bite Mea Ieds edsd -
The morality of the people of ,free. t US.
ed Cooetrn appears rem le impress
althowgh for some kegtb of use bark of
Gaol bas bees bet httle seeded. We
hope sw.b may always be the sem. led
should ever a premiss ler .me ity be
awarded among the Celestas by est
dodges, we believe that Heroa weal be
oat of the first -to sb4w
The Committee appointed by Ow
Boards of Grammar and Comets' 8eboa
Trustees for (Ioderich, have rade the
necessary arrangements for the erection
of an edifice which will answer the par -
poesy of both Schools united. The
structure will be as elegant u eau be
consistent with eoonomy, and is to be of
two stories, surmounted by a tower for
the suspension of • be1L The plane
adopted ate those of Mr. Thomas, aa
Architect of Toronto.
The sib, the gift of the Canada Com-
pany, is a very imitable one on North
Street, and comets of Ave Iota with
streets on three sides The building will
front on North Street, with a Westors
upset, mod besides being one of the
most asefal d bar Town titanium will
be a great cosy sesl to tlile phos
Toe Baosvw Dun,$P .-W• pureeive
that Mr. Brows hem eesaeseed a date
mating Tor, M dined lately at Gat, whew
the prteI F*W ly of W mebeomm es prim
paraid by hi.eelf, wen teewifeet to weary
...able Reformer. The grain Ind
wool drewittg ef Wilda of 114 ,43441."
le toe eppsn.t new, te be prolective .<
seek eve to fele Rehm piety.
Few )oath,.,, 3a 1W lei Ie 0'
tai, were tee trash pleally
trema was tee week t geoM1; them
aped -peel mss of M.e praline d
Med . racy pier inti, tad we were
wise groblied by Wag *re a
very large aid .pletdii pees, rimy it
Colborne, ea a farm owned by D. Little
Eaq., o., Clerk of the Pett', art gttl
Bred from a tree which watt pentad rt
Owe. years ago.
'skis fns was pert/reed, .t that
frost the unary el whirl Mr. Rory,
the Ag*st, sad, as several 11etsei+4
similar trees, from the tame aseree,llte
wed hass pleated throughout the Cow
ties, we any asticipb the tiro, s`
shortly. fruit wal be asitber Karen ase
friar in this locality. Al.oat the Ort
duty of a settler, os a new far., slim
be to plant • good orchard.
THS OLD CounTayIIast.-We eve
received the first number of this paper pros
Iiaked at Toronto. It is issued is mestere
form and professes to furnish old maw,
news to people i° this country, and A af-
ford uld couctrymea at home • glialme
men and dung* here.
TO Tea IDtvon OF Tns sans".
Sim -Your ars b•r.by (ur•Ub.d ani
let of the names of the parties who limed
away all the pries at the Ageculte,nge.
hih le° of the County of Bruce wbn,.y
held on the t$tb ult., together wsf the
Items to which the prises were astroid
and the amount of the premiums agcy to
each reepecuvely. 7
Names. lama. Pries. Award,, Te„,
Thee flerns,Ssn. Barley, let, 0 tS 1
Peas. 3rd, i0 5 •
8. Wheat lad, 0 10
Ewes 1.4.0111
Batter Rad, 0 110
Turnips tad, 0 10113
Thee Harris Jr. Tim. Seed cat. 0 IS e
" ! yrs. cad Heifer god 0 I.1
Fat Cow 3rd 0 51
Osioa. 3rd 0 el
Oau 1.1 0 100
Ram 3rd 0 01 •
Bests 1st 0 110 1171
Fat Steer Zed 0 111
Carrots tad 0 101150
Tim. Seed 3rd 0 S 1
Boll Calf 3rd 0 51
('ors 3rd ti 501,50
las Ellett Mikh ('ow lot 1 • e
Spa. !lona. let 0 15 0
Boar tad 0 ll 0
•' 9 Peas 1st 0 1S 0
Cora 1.t 1 10
Frill Wheat let 1 11
Field Wheat 1st 1 1111100
Jas Henry Fat Cow tat 1 10 1 0 0
A'w Hem Better tat 0 6 s
Cheese god 011 0
" Cloth tai 0 IS 0
(James 3rd 0 9 4 2 2 6
Wm Daniel 3 yrs old steers tat 1 1 0
Com 2.41100
Id Ewes tat 1 1 0 9100
Thea Hoary yearling Heifer tad 0 r 0
Fall Wheat Ind 0 111 1 0 0
R'd Remi.gtoa Heifer Calf let 1 00
Ball Calf let 1 1 0
Ram lamb 3r1 0 1 0 11 S 0
Jabs Ruch Heifer Calf tad 0 10 0 010 0
Wra. Miller OILS 1.t 0151
•' Man 4' Foal 3rd 0 S 0
Cloth 9.5110' 0
Muer 1st 1 151
Potatoes belle 0
Workime Homes 3141 S• 33.0
R.bt News rat Heifer lett 00
•` Flaaesl la11 10 0
esker working
Ossa 7,51
Nichol Mclstyn Mare& (..1 2s40
Secs 2.5e
M.ns 34 0
Jobs McRed Bei et 3,e 0
Sogen 1M 0
•• P•te.w 11(
Tani la I
Fwd Met
I. Campbell
Wm Witb.n
Toasty* 00200
J.Lemebw N 1100100
JeV t{iesw ba Ise 1 0 0 1 0 0
« lid1 001 50
jg /pr,•1 Wtwat is 1 0 0 1 5 0
>1.0 S0
Jh.irgwsb rt rislairaa cal e 0
« Temp• 1M 0 S 0
« asps 1w 1 0 0
5. Mw 1x51 10 0
« P.tao tad 0 10 0 3 l0 0
* D. .4Ta8.4 fade100
" C•iss/e
143 16
• /bona.* Ad ." 5 0 0 17 6
moi, g n `.1.t' 14 0 S 0 0 S 0
0YIIw Ira:: IN 0 le o
s•. L. be
tial .00;1
1 .5055051
goes 1N• 3.150
>ji g1;tlMw Atm lamb 1•t 1 0 • 1
fYa Jntlals. Mimi Car fled • 1• •
I.l Oa
« lCy3aw WIMis o1
1 15
•e •.
3 • •
iiimis~Oa. &haM • IS .
base !w 1 • •
fry . 1• •
IM 1st• 1S s I S•
klo ggfgavis flonM. fed • le o
. is • 1. •
.a IE ft' • S •
r Slid • .. 1 7 .
w tlsLi 0/1sh Oce Sol • . •
••C••/he T Im1 •e
w ..bs 11611:171.1•11711.:505
m• 1•a 11..
w.drrr Tads week', ease fed •• t• •
w 31 as 11"...9•d • 1. s
0 Mw Sri ' S •
-nw Sed • 5 . 1 10 •
J. Commute MelSad•I.••1•e
TwrGstbeU"Std• Ss•S•
in "libod coda, im • 1• •
dtesbly tm o 1• s 1 • .
Beery Tenor .g hid tatal Ise. S s
•• 3Pn•e X0,,1.,1 ••
8.10.1 1e •G•
„ Oer•ta 15 • M •
ran viol IPS • S •
•• tiro Wbml fad 1 • •
ntlnt fed • 11 • 5 3 •
Th. (*Bowleg w the MEM of tbd
Jadges who were flaw him Ivo esti, lot
set tee Jadgse of risk, wbatt ate: Was.
Miller, Rebt. hew, sed thee. Boon, Eeirs.
lad set or ]edged001 droll Wheat
vis: Mabel del gas' 8.1) Sts Ford, acd
Tomas BroeklMOb Mel*" The Ent est
discharged their M*1a+ w w 19" J11y.
end the seeped set se the. 101"7 of aer-
Ie.Mr, d1leeu sod Coro by
*1 eel or Jles& Iladb Tinkly, and Gee.
C. pale AIeE Mfldrwh f from field to
C. * di.If rs ewe fere to which they
i•k, tl disetan
were K • Uma Myr, ,
4tr »'-'- b4g'a0s W leo. tfe me-
eef*etener a is d .W : WI•a
Ra.tal, Winter
0..., Met reit
d Meek sat oleo, Ie
t, 5tesah set « ibwge Hedgt..s esmwel
troll mud 'POE "rat obs easy*
ftatd.kger. Ettlbsst. Attar
edmagility (at 1oee1 mesy
*/ rhes tai M es," of their fiends es
S. Mi. , b ios.,) withdrew
s Tenni when as
w Ifs. lly..fllrpws. d*y prepe^i-
igrd woes ea the IAA*
100 11131 ereai7Sete sad
a* tbe fnl gsbewa tar.10 geed
wed meays* ards a Mr. fogs. Bra