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Of Course ...
when you save wisely
at British Mortgage.
Gra r. ef 9it
1 NEW •
Group loins church
at Easter service
Good Friday visitors with Mr,
Robert Thomson were Mr, and
Mrs. Lorne Schneider and fa..
roily of Stratfpvi vandonEaster
Sunday Me, and Mrs. ,Clarence
PriestaP of near
By MRS. NORMAN LONG Sunday visitors of Mr, and mrs. Nelson Hood included Mg,
and Mrs. Ed Morton of Sea-
forth, Mr, George Fairservice,
of Clintp,n and Mr. Willard
Buchanan of Hensall.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. N, Long were Mr. and
Democracy *a Sys tern Nf
thought even more than a Py4,
fem. ,of government.
--Benjamin A,Gould,.
Page 5
April 18, 1963
H ensa
and district news
Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Mrs. Ed Little,. Marcia and.
Cheryl, ..pf Hensall, Mr, OaWald
Brown QC„ and Mrs. Brown of
Detroit And Mrs, Alvin Ulch of
Mrs, Bert '7'hogtgon. returned
home Sunday from $t,..Josolt,s
Dos.pttat, Lenden, Somewhat.
improved in health, Easter services were obser-
ved In Hensall United Church.
Sunday morning with a large
congregation. Fpr his sermon
topic Rev. Harold Currie spoke
on "He was also seep of
Mrs. William Fuss was solo-
Flowers in the sanctuary
were madepossible throughthe
generosity of the late Mr. and
Mrs, Victor Fee.
The following new members,
Who were transferred from
other congregations, were wel-
comed into the fellowship of
the church: Mrs. HaroldCurrie
and Wayne from Centenary Uni-
ted Church, Hamilton; Douglas
Currie from Park Road United
Church, Grimsby; Mrs. James
Hyde, from JamesStreet United
Church, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Koeslang, from Knox
United in Durham; Mrs. Douglas
Mann, from Kippen United
Church; Mr. Douglas Mann from
Wesley Willis United, Clinton;
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pyette and
David, Verona United; Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Wareing, Main
FRONT END ALIGNMENT Distribute plants
to area shut-ins
Mrs. Robert Baker Jr. re-
ported at the Kinette Club meet-
ing last Wednesday night at the
home of Mrs. Ross Jinks that
43 plants had been delivered to
local sick and shut-ins for Eas-
Mrs. Jim Hyde demonstrated
the proper way of applying
make-up. The raffle was won
by Mrs. Homer Campbell.
Further plans were discussed
for the rummage sale at the
arena Saturday, May 26,
Street United, Exeter.
The following were Pont/Tied
and admitted to full communion,
at a sPePial service Thursday
evening: Paul PeVglaS Drys-
dale, Joyce. Aileen Flynn, Linda.
Suzanne Kyle and Lynda Louise
Sacrament of Holy commu-
nion was held at Carmel Church
Sunday morning last with the
church filled to overflowing.
Rev, Ross MacDOnald for his
message spoke on "A Living
Hope of the Hereafter".
Three new members were
accepted into the communion.
The junior and senior choirs
sang, and the church was arran-
ged with Easter lilies.
The. Senior WMS of Carmel
Church met last Tuesday with
Mrs. Percy Campbell in eharge
of the devotional, assisted by
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs.
Edwards and Mrs. Glenn Bell
with an Easter theme.
Mrs. Earl Campbell presided
for the business, Mrs. Ross
MacDonald gave an interesting
report on the recent Synodical
meetings held in Wingham.
An informal get together of
the Young People and CGIT and
friends in the form of a musical
evening in honor of Burns Mac-
Donald was held at the Presby-
terian manse Wednesday even-
Mrs. Annie Deitz, who has
been a patient at the Queensway
Nursing Home here for the past
three years was taken by ambu-
lance to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Monday. Mrs. Deitz
is a former Zurich resident.
Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs.
Stanley Mitchell, Charles, Bob
and Ann Mickle, were in Strat-
ford Friday evening to hear the
Messiah presented by the com-
bined choirs of Central United
Church, and St. John's United
Church, in Rev. Currie Win-
law's church.
Mrs. C. Cook has returned
home after spending the winter
months vacationing with her
daughter and son-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. G.M. Chellew and
family of Los Angeles, Cali-
Mrs. Jim Clark received a
cablegram Saturday informing
her that she had had her ticket
drawn for a consolation prize
in the Irish sweepstakes draw,
which was run in March.
The Stanley Sallies met for
their seventh meeting on Mori-
day evening April 8 at the Be-Ti
Jay Beauty Salon, Hensall.
The subject of this meeting
was "Care of the hair". The
Hensall personals
Miss Jane Horton of London
visited this week With her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Horton.
Mrs. McBride, Zurich, visi-
ted recently with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Bell.
Mr. Earl Bell and friend of
Toronto were recent visitors
with Earl's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn E. Bell.
Miss Elvera Churchill of To-
ronto spent Easter with her
sister Mrs. Pearl Shaddick.
Mr. James McEwen of Toro-
nto spent the Easter weekend at
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker
and family visited recently with
Mrs. Baker' sfather, Mr. Wood-
burn at Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie
and Joanne of Toronto were
weekend visitors with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Rannie.
Mrs. Dora Burley of Detroit
is visiting with Mrs. Thos.
Pupils of grades 5 and 6 of
Hensel]. Public, School of which
Mrs. Mary Haugh is the teacher
held a successful white elephant
sale at the school and realized
$10.00 to be forwarded to the
Bunny Bundle CFPL London.
The bake sale held in the
United Church Saturday after-
noon sponsored by Mrs. Dave
Kyle's UCW unit 3 realized ap-
proximately $40.00. The baking
was sold out in five minutes.
hairdressers demonstrated
shampooing, setting and comb-
ing the hair, also make-up.
On Wednesday evening the
girls met again at the home of
Mrs. Hugh Hendrick for their
eighth meeting. Mrs. Hendrick
showed how to set in a sleeve,
Plans were also diSenssed for
achievement day to be held in
Exeter on April 27.
Mr. Lloyd Thomson, who on
cood Friday vias drivingatrac-
tor on the farm of Robert Peck,
met with a painful accident.
He stepped off the tractor and
was between the wagon and the
tractor and reached up to put it
in gear and instead placed it in
reverse. The tractor backed up
causing one leg to be cut and the
other bruised.
He was taken to Clinton Public
Hospital where X-rays revealed
no bones broken, He is doing
as well as can be expected.
Miss Dorothy Jackson, nurse
in training at Kitchener-Water-
loo Hospital spent two weeks'
vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Jackson. Miss
Dorothy Reinke, Hamilton was
an Easter weekend visitor.
Hear missionary
at Carmel church
Miss Hazel MacDonald, Go-
derich, a retired missionary
from Formosa, was guest spea-
ker for the Easter Thankoffe-
ring meeting of Arnold Circle
of Carmel church in the church
auditorium Monday night,
Miss MacDonald illustrated
her talk on Formosa with slides
and also introduced Marlene
Rader and Ruth Ann Fleischauer
of Zurich who modelled in For-
mosan costumes. The speaker
was introduced by Mrs. Ross
MacDonald and thanked by Mrs.
Ed Fink.
Guests were ladies of Zurich
Lutheran Church, two groups
from Seaforth Presbyterian
church and the WMS and CGIT
of Carmel church.
Mrs. W.E. Butt, Seaforth,
favored with a solo; Marlene
Rader and Ruth Ann Fleischauer
sang a duet and Mrs. Pearl
Love and Mrs. M. Dougall sang
a duet with Mrs. E. Munn at
the organ consol. Mrs. Beverly
Beaton and Mrs. A. Scholl con-
vened the worship and program.
President, Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm chaired the meeting.
During lunch convened by
Mrs. Gerald Bell, Mrs. John
Baker and Mrs. Don Mousseau,
the Misses Patricia and Bar-
bara Schwalm modelled the
Formosan costumes.
Favorspresented by Mrs.
Schwalm went to Mrs. Emma
Schilbe, Zuric h, for having
birthday closest to day of mee-
ting; Mrs. MacFarlane, Sea-
forth, for closest wedding anni-
versary; Mrs. Basil Edwards,
eldest lady; Marlene Rader,
youngest, Mrs. John McGregor,
Sr., Seaforth, longest married
(57 years); Mrs. Allan Hog-
garth, Kippen, most recently
Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs.
Schwalm formed the reception
committee and Mrs. Robert
Bell, Mrs. Allen Hoggarth, Mrs.
Trevor Wilson and Mrs. John
Skea ushered.
Mr. Burns MacDonald of
Thorburn Pictou County N.S. is
an Easter guest with his brother
and sister-in-law Rev. and Mrs.
Ross MacDonald and family at
the Presbyterian manse. Mr.
MacDonald has his own sacred
program every Sunday evening
over the New Glasgow Radio
Station and plays and sings on
TV on Prince Edward Island,
and Nova Scotia stations.
Mr. MacDonald, who made
the trip here by jet was amazed
at the lovely weather here. He
came prepared for winter. He
said that the snow ploughs were
working at full speed and he had
to shovel his driveway out to
get his car into his garage.
Mr. George Walker, who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter for the past
three months was ableto return
home on Friday.
WI elects
Mrs. Beverly Beaton was
elected president of Hensel' WI
for 1963-64 at the annual meet-
ing last Wednesday in the Legion
Hall. She succeeds Mrs. Fred
Vice-presidents are Mrs.
John Skea, Mrs. Harry Horton
and Mrs Orval Beaver; secre-
tary-treasurer, Mrs. Wilbert
Dilling; assistant Mrs. R. M.
Peck; press reporter, Mrs.
Maude Hedden; district direc-
tor, Mrs. Carl Payne, alternate,
Mrs. George Armstrong; card
convenor, Mrs. W. B. Cross;
assistant, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin;
pianist, Miss Greta Lammie,
assistant, Mrs. Orval Jones;
branch directors, Mrs. Clar-
ence Reid, Mrs. Pearl Koehler,
Mrs. James Bengough;
Standing committees: agri-
culture and Canadian industries,
Mrs. W. R. Richardson; Mrs.
Walker Carlile; citizenship and
education, Mrs. James McAl-
lister, Mrs. John Corbett; home
economics and health, Mrs. A.
R. Orr, Mrs. Clarence Reid;
historical research, Mrs. Ro-
bert Elgie and Mrs. T. J. Sher-
ritt; Tweedsmuir History, Mrs.
N. E. Cook, Mrs. R. M. Peck,
Miss Mattie Ellis; public re-
lations officers, Mrs. Maude
Hedden, Mrs. Norval Reid.
District President Mrs. Har-
ry Strang presided for the elec-
tion. She was also paying her
official visit and spoke on the
latest information in Institute
work. Miss Ellis paid tribute
to retiring president, Mrs.
Beer, for her four years in
Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mrs.
Peck were appointed a com-
mittee to purchase a birthday
gift for the branch's adopted
child in Austria.
A bus trip to Ottawa in June
was discussed with plans to be
finalized at the May meeting.
Pennies for Friendship collec-
tion amounted to three dollars.
A donation of $25 was voted to
the Hensall Legion. The Dis-
trict Annual will be held at
Northside United Church, May
Mrs. Basil Edwardspresided
for the program which included
piano duets by Mrs. Ed. Munn
and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall with
several members demonstra-
ting the twist. Mrs. Florence
Joynt provided piano accom-
Hostesses were Mrs. Alex
Mousseau and Mrs. Ed Funk.
In a draw at Al's Super Save
Market Saturday night the fol-
lowing were winners: stuffed
bunny, Mrs. Tom Kyle Sr. Hen-
sall; six live bunnies, Nancy
Jones, St. Thomas; Eric Mans-
field, Hensall; Mrs. John Sin-
clair, RR 4 Seaforth; Michael
Venner, Hensall; Jo-Ann Ald-'
winkle, Brucefield and Bob Tal-
bot, Hayfield.
Easter visitors
Mrs. Edna Corbett with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Sangster.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe
and Joey of Mitchell with Mrs.
Chaffe's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Corbett and Al.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles
and family of London with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Sangster.
• Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby of
Blenheim with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and; Mrs. Stewart
Miss Dianne Rannie, nurse-
in-training at Sarnia, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp-
son of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs.Roy Parlmer of Windsor
at their home here.
Mrs. Margaret Evans and
family of Waterloo with Mrs.
Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Y. MacLaren,
Miss Bernice Dilling of Lon-
don with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Dilling.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Pamela and Sheila, of London,
with Mr. and Mrs. John Hender-
son and family. Mr. Henderson
is still a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamil-
ton with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr. Don Kyle of Hamilton
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Byran Kyle, Suzanne and Doug.
Miss Ann Mickle at Kitchener
with her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac-
Millan and David.
Mrs. Margaret Evans and
family of Waterloo with Mr.
and Mrs. R.Y. MacLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt,
Toronto, Dr. W.T. Joynt, Lon-
don, with Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle
and son of St. Catharines, with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Knights, Stewart
and Jane of Blenheim with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Snell; Miss
Ruth Anne Traquair, and Miss
Ruth Anne Hume, St. Thomas,
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc-
Miss Margaret Smith and Mr.
Richard Tipping of London with
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Wile0061101.1101a UNDERCOATING
Cash Bingo
Charles, Bob and Ann, Mr. and
Mrs. William Mickle, Pamela
and Judith, and Mrs. Florence
Joynt, with the former's daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David
of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Robinson
of Bath, Ontario, Mrs. R.S.
Hopkins of Greencastle, Indi-
ana, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hillier and family of Thames-
ford with Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Seaton
and Gary of Brockville with
their daughter and son-in-law,
Rev. and Mrs. MacDonald and
Mrs. Donald Cooper and fa-
mily, Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Maxwell and family.
Mrs. Harold Currie gave the
Easter message at the Chisel-
hurst UCW meeting last Tues-
day afternoon.
The worship with an Easter
theme was in charge of Mrs.
Percy Wright assisted by Mrs.
Clarence Coleman, Mrs. J.
Brintnell and Mrs. Robert Kins-
The report of Huron Pres-
byterial was given by President
Mrs. Percy Harris, Mrs. R.
Taylor and Mrs. Gibson.
Several articles for the bale
were brought to the meeting
and the group reported having
made $40 at the auction sale
of Ernie Ross. Seventeen ladies
were present.
Hostesses were Mrs. Cole-
man and Mrs. Gibson.
A musicale by the Hensall
United Church choirs, and
men's congregational chorus,
will be held Sunday evening,
April 28, in Hensall United
Church, under the direction of
Mrs. Robert Pryde, organist
and choir leader.
",•• BI 411 ,
1". t Salr S
Sat., April 20
9 P.M. Sharp
Hensall Lesion Hall
15 Reg. Games -- Share the
Wealth Jackpot $75 in 52 calls.
1 Share the Wealth Jackpot
Two Door Prizes
Auspices, Hensall Legion
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•••• ,;•:..V.0:W..„.•••••••••,•,••••••••
Wed., April24
3 P.M.
For Pre-School
Children of Hensall
for the support extended me at the polls on
Monday, April 8 and to all those who worked
so hard on my behalf.
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