HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-18, Page 1Midgets lose .bid Ninetieth Year EXETER, .ONTARIO, . 1963 Price Per Copy 10 Cents proposes apartment first phase of major investment Grand Bend studies supervised parking A London development firm unveiled to town council Mon- day night plans for the first stage of a million dollar in- vestment in real estate here. Dick Fowler, president and general manager of Forrester Estates Ltd., said the firm plans to start with an 18-unit apartment building near Dow subdivision. He indicated two other apartments projects, a group of semi-detached houses and a commercial development Little known about firm Midgets give fans exciting treat in Ontario title try Although Exeter midgets failed in their bidfOrthe town's first Ontario title, the final series against Huntsville gave fans here plenty of exciting moments this week. After losing two games in the northern Ontario town, the locals came back to win the third contest here Monday and put up a gallant fight in the final game Tuesday night, which Huntsville won 8-7. Attendance was over 500 for both local contests. --T-A photo TO EDMONTON AREA . . . Rev. Bren De Vries Little appears to be known about Forrester Estates Ltd., the London firm proposing a million dollar investment in Ex- eter. London Chamber of Com- merce .said Wednesday it has only scant information on the company, although it under- stands the firm has land under option in the Byron area. An official said the chamber had received few replies to requests for information. Dick Fowler, president of the firm, is a native of Stratford. He was in Los Angeles for five years before moving to Lon- don. Neither lawyer E. D. Bell, QC, or realtor M. J. Gaiser, who represented the firm at council meeting Monday night, said they had any background information on its operations. Rector goes to Edmonton Exeter midgets' valiant bid, for prpviaeial minor hockey honors Was thwarted TheSday night when Huntsville• won the fourth Prne here 8,7 to take the API series three games to one. The locals, a traditional come,from-behind club, went down fighting all the way. They had fans on their feet throtigh- out the last five minutes of the final game when they tried des- perately to overcome an 0-5 deficit. They came within one goal of tying the score. The evenly matched teams presented an exciting series. Total score of 22-19 reflects the narrow margin. Huntsville won the first two tilts on their home ice 6-4 (in overtime) and 6-3. Back in Exeter Monday, the locals treated their sup- porters to a 5-3 win to remain in contention. The Huntsville boys were bil- letted in local homes for this week's portion of the series. Tuesday, the team and its of- ficials were treated to a tour of RCAF Station Centralia, Two still going • But that's not the end of Ex- eter's multi-front drive for ho- ckey laurels. Two minor teams are still going strong in Easter week tournaments. The pee wees Wednesday ad- vanced to the semi-finals at Goderich with 8-0 and 2-1 wins over Ridgetown and Winona. They play Saturday at 11 a.m. against either H a r r i sto n or Wingham. Goal scorers were Frank De Vries, Bruce Fulcher, •Ricky Weber, Jim 11 a yter , Barry Baynham, Marvin Bower, Gra- ham Hern and Bill Fairbairn. The squirts are forging ahead at the Brampton Lions' inter- national tournament. They de- feated Winona 7-1 in the first game of a two-game total goals series in the second round. Larry Haugh sparked the lo- cals' attack with four goals. Singles were credited to Jim and John Guenther and Chris Riddell. Dance club homeless Rev. Bren De Vries, Angli- can rector here for the past five years, announced Sunday he has been appointed to a mission parish in the Edmon- ton diocese. He will assume his duties there in June. Mr. De Vries will be lo- cated at Mayerthorpe, about 80 miles northwest of Edmon- ton. He also will serve at White- court, a town of less than 1,000 population, which is expected to develop into a city of 10,000 in the near future. The rector regards his new post as a "challenge". Mr. De 'Vries and his family moved here from Blyth in 1958. He and his wife have six child- ren--four boys and two girls. Cornpensate for hunters capable of moving sand, drawing the beach rake, and doing other work about the village, provided the price was right. SURFACE ROADS The village copes with about 8 miles of road within the cor- poration. Councillor Orval Wa.ssm an urged a continued program of hard-surfacing some portion of this mileage each year, with the eventual completion of the entire 8 miles. In the plans for surfacing in 1963 is about three-tenths of a mile on the public school street and also the Lake Road. Jim Dalton, former reeve of the village, was appointed act- ing clerk-treasurer in the ab- sence of clerk Murray DesJar- din due to illness. Salary was set at the same rate as Mr. DesJardin had been receiving. Council considered a weekly insertion of advertising in the News-Bulletin, the newspaper being published in Grand Bend by S.M. Smith. The publisher will be asked to meet with council at the next meeting in this regard. They accepted an offer from the Grand Bend Branch, Royal Canadian Legion for the use of the hall for future voting days. The Legion hall was used in the federal election last week, and was found satisfactory for the purpose. The town hall has many steps which are difficult for elderly people to manage. POLICE SECRETARY Constable Ray Gilleno re- quested hiring of a secretary for the summer months, be- ginning part time in May and June, full time in July and August. Mrs. Robert, who had the job last year, will be ap- proached again. The constable reported that corporal A.R.F. Campbell will head the eight man OPP de- tachment again this year, and will arrive by May 1. Arrange- ments are to have two more constables by May 16 for the 24th of May holiday weekend -- Please turn to Page 16 Supervised parking for the summer months is being con- sidered by Grand Bend council. Council was approached Mon- day night by Glen Grindia,y (St. Thomas and Grand Bend) who is vice-president of the Cham- ber of Commerce, with an ur- gent plea for some action in this matter. "City p e opl e", said Mr. Grindlay, "are repelled from this resort -because they find no organized place to park their cars." Two sites under considera- tion are the former Manore property on the east of High- way 21, now owned by the On- tario Department of Highways, which could possibly be used this summer for parking, prior, to the beginning of work to re-route Highway 81 there, and Legion property, also east .of the Bluewater Highway. Owners of these properties will be con- tacted shortly. RECREATION BODY Two readings were given to a by-law to set up a recreation committee. Council had been assured by Councillor Ian Coles (London and Grand Bend) that the Rev. C.A. Brittain, United Church minister in the resort, had vol- unteered to contact citizens and form a committee. The recreation committee will consist of five citizens, and two councillors. Upon approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, the by-law will be given a third reading and passed. It is expected that the life- guard and swimming instruc- tion program on the beach, as well as minor baseball and other sports will be eligible for provincial grant, once the committee is operative. Councillor Coles will invite appliCants for lifeguard and in- structor jobs, to the town hall next Saturday at 10 a.m. to be interviewed for these positions. Reeve Stewart Webb was au- thorized to obtain a tractor Kinette club donates $500 to swimming pool drive Although it has only about a dozen members, Exeter Kinette Club is an active group which sponsors a number of money-raising activities throughout the year. To climax its recent service efforts, the Kinettes recently voted $500 to the Exeter and District Swimming Pool Campaign. Above, President Mrs. Art Clarke presents the check to campaign chairman G. John Goman. T-A photo also were planned. ,(We have put a great deal of investigation and research into this program and we bope to go ahead immediately," Fow- ler told council. He said the investment would total $1,072,000 and indicated the apartment building andper- haps one other project would be started this year. Fowler specifically discus- sed with council services to the 18-unit apartment building his firm hopes to build just east of Dow subdivision and south of the high school pro- perty. He requested consideration from council toward the ex- tension of Gidley St. east to Pryde and enquired into the possibility of providing sew- erage for the project. Fowler and council will dis- cuss these services with En- gineer B. M. Ross at a special meeting next Monday night. Appearing with Fowler be- fore council were James Smith, president of the development firm's plumbing subsidiary; E. D. Bell, QC, local lawyer, and M, J. Gaiser, local realtor. Forrester Estates Ltd., ac- cording to Fowler, is currently promoting a 4,000-home sub- division in London which will include a football stadium and arena. Plans for this develop- ment have been three years in the making and will require another year before actual con- struction begins. The president told The Times-Advocate later the firm also is promoting motels at Stratford and Brantford and is planning housing projects in Goderich, Kincardine, Strath- roy and Aylmer. The firm is not listed in the London telephone directory. Asked about his decision to invest in Exeter, the promoter said his research firm, Fowler Development Co., had spent over 60 hours investigating the community and its potential. He estimates the town's population will be 7,500 by 1975, This growth, he said, will result from residential expan- sion out of London and the trend toward development in smaller centres. He noted that in Toronto company executives were moving away from the city, using airplanes for trans- portation. Fowler explained to council the 18-unit apartment building -- Please turn to Page 16 New legislation to provide compensation for damage to property by hunters was intro- duced by Agriculture Minister William A. Stewart Wednesday. This follows earlier stiffen- ing of penalties under the On- tario Game and Fisheries Act to provide greater protection for farmers against irrespon- sible hunters. This new act makes it pos- sible for persons who have live- stock killed or injured or pro- perty damaged, to apply to the mini ste r of agriculture for compensation. The minis t e r may then take action against the persons responsible to recover payments to farmers for da- mages. Mr. Stewart said he had been concerned for gime time about damage caused by some hunters and he had been informed that responsible hunters were also concerned. "This legislation", he said, "will make it possible for the crown to recover costs, and this along with stiffer penalties, should act as a deterrent to those who think they can ignore the property rights of farm peo- ple". SAVES THIRD LIFE . . . Sgt. A. S. Harvie The Promenaders, Exeter's adult square dance group, are having trouble finding a per- manent home in which to prac- tice their do-si-does. The group, which has been meeting at Exeter Public School, has been denied privileges there because of alleged damage to the gym floor. For sever al reasons, the dancers do not find the arena auditorium satisfactory. The cost of renting the Legion hall is too high. Council last meeting per- mitted the group to use the auditorium in the town hall but this meeting learned that care- taker Henry Greene felt the floor would not stand up. Reeve Fisher claimed the town hall floor had not been treated for this purpose and should not be used for dancing. Councillor Ted Wright, a member of the group, maintain- ed the worry over floors was "a lot of nonsense." "What's a floor for if it's not for walking on?", he asked. If the group was not welcome in Exeter, he said it might go to RCAF Station Centralia which had offered its facilities on a number of occasions. Wright said square dancing is one of the fastest-growing re- creation activities in the pro- vince. He revealed there would be a South Western Ontario Square Dancing Association jamboree in the Legion hall here Saturday, April 27, at which a crowd of 400 to 500 is expected. Reeve Fisher felt the local group should be accommodated at the community centre. "That's what it was put there for," he maintained. Council debates roads, agrees on dust primer Always-on-duty Sgt. saves another life Wooden: "We've got to put some form of dust c o nt r o 1 down". Bailey: "I think we should put down a coat of prime as soon as possible to keep the dust down. It could be put on pretty thin." He said the emul- sion and chips could not be ap- plied until June and the dust problem would become pretty severe during the six weeks to come. Musser: "The sooner we start putting in permanent sur- faces, the better it will be, as far as I'm concerned. We've spent thousands of dollars on roads in the last few years and I can't see that they're any better." Sgt. Allan S. Harvie of Van- couver, B. C., a medical assis- tant formerly stationed at Cen- tralia, never goes off duty, at least as far as saving lives is concerned. His recent transfer from Centralia to Camp Borden may have saved the life of Mrs. Norman Ferguson, a Pennsyl- vania resident. Returning from Centralia to Camp Borden after a weekend visit to his family on March 10, Outlines operation of popular Pinery Service vote cuts area PC margins Wooden (vice-chairman of the roads): "The answer lies under the surface, not the surface. We have to have a good bed." 'Bailey: "What would you do in order to maintain roads any cheaper and give them any bet- ter surface?" He said this was the third time he has tried the emulsion and chips program and each time council has complained af- ter the break-up in the spring. "We've never had a chance to get the second coat on" he pointed out. In 1961 council re- turned to calcium on the roads after the chips had been put on in 1960. The same pattern oc- curred earlier. Delbridge and Taylor felt the problem on Edward St. was not due to drainage because the break-up occurred above the catch basin. Taylor: "Nothing is going to hold those chips unless we dig down and fill the roadbed with gravel." Wooden: "What's our long- term objective with respect to roads? What are our plans over the next 5 or 10 years?" Mutter: think we have to excavate and b a.ckf ill prop- erly". Clerk Pickard asked about the condition of streets in Hen- son, which has had a permanent surfacing program for several years. He noted that the county's St. Marys road, for a mile east Of No. 4 had broken Up badly. The Clerk felt some Of the roads were in good condition and, with some patching, would not pre- sent a dust problem this spring. Sgt. Harvie noticed a man wav- ing frantically to him on High- way 400, near Schomberg. Investigating, he was told that Mrs. Ferguson had suffered a severe heart attack after her car had skidded, and was un- con sci ou s. Sgt. Harvie gave mouth to mouth resuscitationto Mrs. Ferguson for about 10 minutes. It revived her. She was then taken by her husband to Toronto for further medical attention. This isn't the first time that Sgt. Harvie has helped save lives. At. Pine Lake, Alta., while stationed at RCAF Penhold, four years ago, he swam fully clothed to rescue a mother and son from the lake, later reviving both with artificial respiration. He re- ceived a Royal Humane Society Bronze Medal for this rescue. Last summer he was respon- sible for pulling two youngsters to safety at Grand Bend. A young lad was attempting to 'rescue a little girl who was in trouble and was dragged under himself. Sgt. Harvie came to his assist- ance. In this case the young lady required artificial respiration. He received a bar to the Bronze Medal for this feat. He feelt that these feats are nothing out of the ordinary, be- lieving that his training as a medical assistant Is meant tobe an aid, anywhere, anytime. Separate school levies same tax 'MOS for separate school supporters in Egeter Will be the' wine as for public sChool ratepayers, council was iii- f Monday night, A letter from the Preciont Blood toard rdotifiiiii0d the levy would be 'to:40 Mills fel' regidential and farni and 2V748 for ndustria and 00Intiiereitti. This .is the sidle levy •,6t4, tablighed for the poblie School: Farewell nuzzle for hitching post teteeS hitching Pott4--SyMbei 'Of apaSt eta-- Will Seen Appear, the ."posti located near the corner of Huron and Main StreetSi wilt be temoved410gwithThe trees in that area to make room for the new highway entrance, Dalton Pinkbelner't purebred Arabian ttailien, interaff, affectionately burtleS the 'deemed phot6 Nature trails have been es- tablished and an amphitheatre hasdawn as 'many as 1,000 persons. The skating rink,the ski runs and toboggan slides, installed last winter, have attracted as Many as a thOusand cars on a Sunday. SOME ACCIDENTS Asked about accidents, Mr. Myers stated that there bad been a few accidents but in al- most every instance they had 'occurred because the rules Of instructions had been disobey.. ed. Mr. Myers was introduced by Dr, W. bead and was thanked by Robert Setitheett. A toast to the boys Was pro, posed by Larry Snider and re- sponded to by George dodbelt. President Percy IVICPallg conducted the' Meeting, Irvine Armstrong 'was in 'charge of the program. Art Gaiter led in deVOtional ekerCitet. Miring the 'business session it Was 'decided to again treat the teal- dents of IltirefiVieW at Clinton to an automobile tour and also to :bold Sunday afternoon pie- fife et the United Church Sin,' 'Met 'OAP at Goderich. Gar Myers, superintendent Of the Pinery Park, South of Grand Bend, stated that 2,300 families, with several members to a family, had camped One night at the park last season and that on one Sunday 26,000 persons had visited the park, Mr. Myers was addresting a father and son banquet at an AOTS 'meeting in James St. United Church Monday eVen- ing, He outlined the' various branches in which the forestry department of the prOVinCial government is engaged. SIX PEARS OLD The Pinery; comprising 4,,200 acres was started April ?d i 1957, and now has some 1,200 camp' sites equipped with tables, provision for camp fires and concessions for' Weed :and ice. Besides each camp site 15 buffer site to be alternated AS required. 'The park has five miles of each at ' liedby life guards; a trained fire-fighting crew; and during the height of the season has a staff of some 180 Maintenance `Men, among them College StiidentSi to 'care for the 'nine parking lots "andeight comfort StationS. reduced to 2,055. THOMAS TOTAL DROPS George McKenzie, the Lib- eral candidate in Middlesex Wett, received more than twice the number of service votes given to winner W. H. A. Thomas. The service totals were: Mc- Kenzie 96, Thomas 45, Stew- art (NDP) 5, Watson (Socred) L The Thomas majority was also reduced by some 50 votes in the official tally announced this week by returning officer Freeman Hodgins, Final figures for the riding, including the service vote, are: Thomas 10,241; Mckenzie 9,320; Stewart 1,328, and Wat- son 230. The phiralitY of Mr. Thomas over his Liberal Opponent has been reduced tip 927. The pre= 'Obits plurality was reported at 977. Mr. &Agit:s reported total of 152 baiiets rejected and 44 spelled. In addition, eight of the service votes were rejected. A ballot is rejected for proper 'Marking; it ig spoiled When it hat more than one mark. As was expected, the service vote announced Saturday cut the majorities of the two areaPro- gressive Conservative winners in the federal election but did not seriously affect their ma- jorities. The 'service vote in Huron-- heaviestof the area ridings-- Went almost four to one against veteran Elston Cardiff: It Cut the majority of Middlesex West MP, W. H. A. Thomas, by 50. In all area ridings, at Wag general across the flatten, the Service vote went to the Li- berals: Lester Pearson's party received about 70% Of the arm- ed forces Support: In Huron, Gordon MCGaVin received 405 .COmpared to the 101 given Elston Cardiff, Ea:fi- ning for his eighth term. Three of the 515 aerViee ballots' for the riding Were spoiled. Returning officer tins t ell Holton this week announced'the official tall... at 12,224 for. Car, Jiff and 10,169 for McdaVlia This includes both' the service Vote and the advance poll. There Were 144 rejected ballots in Huron: The Cardiff majority thus IS Roads Chairman Ralph Bailey met his program's critics head- on Monday night but apparently didn't convince them he's on the right track. Bailey said council should continue with its emulsion and chips surface treatment. "You haVen't given it a fair trial yet," he complained. Other members insisted a program of permanent surfacing should be undertaken. Council did agree, hOwever, to laying a coat of prime as soon as pOssible to control the dust. Tenders will be called immediately. It appears no action will be taken on the main roads pte- grain until the new works perintendent, James Paisley, takes over his duties around May L Bailey's program was criti- cized at the last council mee- ting which he could not attend because of illness. Wheh it came time for hiS report Mon- day night, he hesitated. "Well, what have you got to say?" asked one member. "I think I ShOUld heat what you have to say," said Bailey. "I hear you don't like my roads program". Taylor:""It'S net your pro- gram--"we don't like your roads.'' Clerk Pickard noted the streets are +ilia as bad today" as they were last meeting, after the aPting break-up had played havoc with some of them. Beileyt""No, I don't think they're any worse than other years. Some spots are worse than we've had before but on the Whole, theyove stood up very well. I feel the reason they Went down as bad as they did was drainage. Some of the Cain bating were frozen and the water ,Cetildn't get away". Taylor disagreed "The prod Wein is nothing but deeialtOst". Bailey: '"I don't Mink yOu'll haVe any better 'COnditiOnS if yen have Peritailent surface." Ile noted the paVing on James St4 was cracked tip the Centre' btit other doiinoillord pointed out this had Obetiered the year before, Announcements • 'i • 4 1. 5 Church Notices t st 15 ceifilfig ,Events • 4' '6 tO: Editorials.40 • 4 Faith): -NeWS 4 4 4 • 6 • 6 12 Feminine Facts fist Fancies . 8 ilentall 6 4' • 6 '4 4 4 4 • i 5 Lucanww wwww*WS 4 • IS Sports w 4 Ai- iti 1"4-. 8,7 Want Ads s-r et v