HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-11, Page 13All Franchised Arthur Murray
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131 Thames Road, West, Exeter
Phone 235-1422
About Loss of
Drive and Power
April II, )963 Page 13
and district news
Pispense4 by
Poetry on.
the ice
Phone 2214745 Corrosoonchmt; At**
1 IV: • .TagtaMlaqaar,Meatleliee
;pane has -all
the grade altc1.494eaay.Of atore
ige-ybe we clen't think Of
these ceniperisPAIS..:U :we sit on.
the edges of our ehairof watch-
ing the •warrioro weave their
intrieate...00aign ief combat, but
we're aware Of them,. ft's a.
:national OiAeaSe, pretty well
restricted to the MaleepeeieS.
and it makes the sq., called
"fever" of the World :series
or.0P'graY-.CPP game look like
A Mild case Of the sniffles, in
How did we get this way?
Well, a little embarras-
eleg to eiplain. nine out
of 10 boys in this country are
exposed to hockey early in life.
And eight out of 10. of them
have had, atone time or another,
a desperate Ogre to become a,
truly great hockey plAyer, The
orge may haYe lasted live olio-,
utes 94, five years, but At WAS
so 1>OltYerfAl it hurt, whea.Atwao. •
in force.
And. about 90 per cent!, of us •
110.Y1 perfectly well that if it
:hadn't been for ..oheer -bad luck,
Pr .bad .management, we'd haVe
MAO the NHL. Some of USWere:
ten 'heavy, some Oct 1/04.041,.
Were a little slow; others could
net hoist the ,p.uck. Some started
to smoke; others to go with
girls, it was Pet some lousy
break like that that kept us
Put of the big time.
EVen knowing this, however,
we're not envious, We watehthe
t3est players In the world with
the complacent camaraderie of
-please turn to page 14
di stressed by the utter nothing-
ness of your bitter half, pear
with them, Mil., playoff time
Is to them what Paris is to
middle-aged French teacher,
what Stratford is to the faded
chap who helped paint the seen,
ery for the Hayfork Centre
Drama Festival.
Stanley Cup time is a won-
derful spring tonic. It is Alice
in Wonderland and Peter Pan
to the males in your family,
from eight to 80. Where you
See only a lot of large young
men rushing at each other,
they see a ballet. Where Yoe
see only brutality and blood-
shed, they see the drama of a
bullring, As you shudder at the
bestial roar of the arena mob,
they are thrilling to the skill
and gallantry of the gladiators.
You see, mum, hockey at its
beet is poetry in motion, music
Well, now that the nonsense
is over (and boy! aren't there
a lot of dopey voters in this
country?) we can get back to
the important things of life,
I'd like, at this time, to pass
along a vote of appreciation to
the women of Canada. They
have put up with a great deal
in the past couple of weeks,
and it's not over yet. It has
been a harassing experience,
but theylve taken it as brave-
ly as usual, No, I don't mean
the election.
Night after night, our wo-
men have wheedled, coaxed and
threatened, trying to get small
boys and grandfathers to bed at
a decent hour. Night after night,
they have received only blank,
uneomprehending stares from
their husbands.
But hold, ladies. Reck naught
of the scowls of young Wilber,
the snarls of grampa. Don't be
Area's oldest couple
celebrate 68 years
Mrs.C. H. george
library chairman
At a meeting in the library
last Wednesday evening, Mrs.
C H. George was named chair-
man for 1.963.
Other officers included C, P.
Corbett as seeretary-treasur-
er, Rev. E. O. Lancaster,
Messrs. Jack Steady, Charles
Sovereign, Elmer Mosurinjohn
and Mrs. C P. Corbett as
library board and Mrs. Rose
Atkinson as librarian.
The purpose of the meeting
was to hear a report of the
county library, giver) by Mrs.
In the new set-up there will
be no membership charge for
Lucan and Biddulph members
but until McGillivray joins the
county public library they will
be charged $4 per family.
It was decided to discontinue
opening the library Saturday
evenings. In future the library
will be open Monday and Thurs-
day evening as formerly and on
Saturday from 1:30 pm to 5pm.
Since Lucan became a public
library, membership has in-
creased from 90 to 220 and the
circulation from 3034 to 4540.
The bookmobile will visit the
Lucan library on April 10.
Lucan's oldest couple, Mr.
and Mrs. John Harris (95 and
87), celebrated their 68th wed-
ding anniversary Wednesday at
the home of their daughter and
eon-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Kernick, Frances St„ Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris were
married, by the late Rev. Wes-
ley Cousins April 3, 1895, at
the home of the bride's parents,
the late Mr. and Mrs. David
Campbell of Walton. Mr. Harris
is the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Harris of Grey Town-
The couple farmed for 35
years at Walton, where. Mr.
Harris was also insurance agent
for the Howick Mutual Fire In-
surance Co, for 14 years,
They have three daughters,
Mrs. Lena McGavin of Kitch-
ener; Mrs. Hilda Sellers of
Walton, and Flora (Mrs. A. L.
Kernick) of Lucan. They also
have five grandchildren and nine
great grandchildren.
Since retiring 37 years ago,
the couple have been living
with their family, coming to
Lucan, June 1960. For the last
two years, Mrs. Sellers has
been living with her sister, to
assist in the care of her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Harris are
still in good health (consider-
ing their age) and able to en-
joy TV and reading. Mrs. Har-
ris likes to dry the dishes.
Owing to sickness in other
members of the family, the an-
nual anniversary gathering has
had to be postponed for a week
or two, but will be held later.
. . Jack Ryan presents trophy to Captain Dave Lippert 50 YEARS
Lucan wins two cups
thanks to all who worked so
hard to make this event the
success it was. Without the un-
tiring efforts of all these peo-
ple during a very long day, this
tournament would not have been
This being the close of the
hockey season for Lucan our
sights are now set on the fast
approaching ball season. Would
all interested persons please
contact me at the office at the
arena so that we may get things
under way for these summer
Use MECCA for
Mecca, a favourite family
ointment for over SO years
quickly heals minor wounds.
soothing antisep-
tic. Sold at all
drug counters.
Buy Mecca
in din or tube
Lions choose
new officers
School of Dancing
At the four table Medway
Euchre, held at the home of
Mr. Chester McComb last Wed-
nesday high score prizes went
to Mrs. Crinnian and W. J.
Stanley, lone hand prizes to
Mrs. Earl Middleton and E,
Summers and low score prizes
to Mrs. Carmen Hodgins and
Austin Hobbs.
The next game will be held
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Lewis in two weeks.
A nine table euchre spon-
sored by the LOL was held in
the lodge room here last Wed-
nesday evening.
High score prizes went to
Mrs. George Davis (Exeter)
and Harry Weber.
lone hand
prizes to Mrs. Wilson Hodgins
and Evan Hodgins and low score
prizes to Mrs. Cecil Neil and
Art Cobleigh. The box of gro-
ceries was won by Cecil Neil.
The LOBA hope to hold their
next euchre April 1'7. A. DICKSON 425 RICHMOND, LONDON GE2-6383
The main event of the past
week was, of course, the Sham-
rock Bantam Tournament. This
was successful from all points
of view. The following are the
trophy winners:
Winners of the "B" cham-
pionship and the C. Haskett &
Son Fuaeral Home trophy was
Byron, Winners of the "B"
consolation and Shorty Sover-
eign "Supertest" trophy was
Huron East.
Winners of the "C" cham-
pionship and the Radcliffe Drug
trophy was Winona. Winners of
the "C" consolation, Hearn
Dairy trophy, was Stoneybrook.
Winners of the "D" cham-
pionship was Lucan. They took
the Langford Lumber trophy
(donated by Jerry Nurse). Win-
ners of the "D" consolation
Don Smith "Sunoco" trophy was
Ailsa Craig.
Most valuable player to his
team in the tournament and win-
ner of the C. & C. trophy was
Walter Parkinson of Stone y-
Best goalkeeper in the tour-
nament and winner of the Grant
T, V. & Watch Repair Trophy
was Barry Fuller of Lambeth.
The H. B. Harvey Langford
Trophy for the best all round
team for sportsmanship, abil-
ity, and deportment on and off
the ice, was won by Lucan.
I would like to express my
Gary McFalls was named the
new president of the Luc an
Lions Club, at the zone meet-
ing held in the Anglican Church
basement last Monday night.
Other officers include: past
president, Elmer Mosurinjohn;
vice presidents, Al. Bromwich,
Wm. Little; secretary-treas-
urer, Don Hodgins; Lion tamer,
Bud Cook; tail twister, Wesley
Colley; directors, Dr. Lloyd
Hall, Pat Crudge, Mike Bator
and Jack Atkinson.
Zone representatives were
present from Parkhill, Ilder-
ton and Thorndale.
Gilmour Sign Painters of
London were given the contract
of painting street names for
the village.
Another beef bingo was plan-
ned. Last year's successful
fireworks display for May 24,
will be repeated this year. A
committee was headed by Alex
Young was named to make the
necessary arrangements.
Miss Line Abbott's group of
the Ladies' Guild catered for the
Insurance agent
dies on vacation
Harley Dewey, 62, a recent-
ly retired Hartford insurance
agent of Hartford, Conn. died
suddenly of a heart attack, Mon-
day, April 1, while spending
the winter in Florida. Funeral
service and Interment were held
in Florida.
He is survived by his wife,
one brother, Dr. Jack Dewey
of Palm Beach, and one sister.
Hattie (Mrs. Russell William)
of Ft. Myers, Florida.
Mr. Dewey was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dewey
of St. Marys and nephew of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Revington of Lucan. He was
born in St. Marys where his
father was a well known printer.
He had been out swimmingSun-
day evening prior to taking a
heart attack during the night. He
and Mrs. Dewey had planned a
trip to California before de-
ciding where to make their new
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington
and Mr. and Mrs. John Park had
visited the couple a few weeks
At the meeting of the Lucan
Legion Auxiliary, held in the
Legion Hall last Tuesday even-
ing, Zone Commander, Mrs.
W. E. Boud of Mount Brydges,
made her official visit.
During the business session
it was decided to donate a •
trophy for the high single, ladies
bowling team. The m y st e ry
prize was won by Mrs. Doug,
Last Friday night the mem-
bers, catered for the banquet of
the Ladies Afternoon Wednes-
day Bowling League. Th ere
were 66 members present.
Join The Crowd & Save
New and Used TV
Models on Display glamour!
We will not knowingly be
For your TV, radio, small
appliances and watch repair,
come to Fourth unit
for brigade
Lucan Area Volunteer Fire
Dep't received delivery of a
new water tank truck last week.
This tanker, built by volun-
teer fireman Wes Hickson, will
accompany the pumper on all
out-of-town calls. It brings to
four the number of vehicles in
This completes the major
equipment for the brigade, al-
though Many smaller pieces of
equipment are still required.
Fire Chief J. Alex Young
Comments: "Lucan and area
can be proud of their fire dep't
which now rates second to none
in Middlesex county."
The chief also revealed there
are some openings for volun-
teers on the brigade. He re-
quested any interested men to
contact him or come to the fire
hall any Wednesday night for
further information.
Grant's Watch & TV Repair
x4FALC0N Glamourcarof the
compacts! Falcon makes
the world sit up and take
notice—and saves you
money in the bargain.
Glamorous is the word for
Falcon style with Thunder-
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glamorous Falcon models.
PHONE 227-4812 LUCAN
AFAIRLANE Glamour on a
budget! Fairlane has its
own special kind of glarn.
our—unlike any other car.
Lean and lovely outside
with a fast-paced grace that
attracts compliments .
spacious and luxurious in-
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for six! All-glamour—all
savings—All you want.
...t6ALAXIE Glamour on
wheels! Long and low, with
a massive beauty that dom-
inates the road! Galaxie
continues in the rich
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its lush, spacious interiors.
I TMUNCIEnBIRO This isglam-
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world! The inimitable
Thunderbird roofline .
the revolutionary Swing-a-
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unqualified elegance of the
Thunderbird interior, all
whisper "glamour", It can
be yours in four magni-
ficent, glamorous editions,
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