HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-11, Page 12OFA supports ,changes
to farm marketing act
ment In Fxetor cemetery,
Pali bearers were Clifford
Hrintoell, Reg. icnight, Norman
NerrS, Andy Easton, William
parker and .wp4sto cuttulg,.
Mrs. Fred Wells, 941 died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Lindenfieich Main St.s
geeters on 'rueSdaY, April 2.
She had WO With her daughter
since November 1961,
Mrs. Wells Was the former
Cerpline Catherine Genttner of
Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs, Wells
celebeated their goldee wedding
in 1947 and their diamond wed-
ding in 1957, Mr, Wells died
in JanuarY 1962,
Surviving are four sons,Gor-
don, London; Ernest, Lavern
and Nelson, all of Exeter; two
daughters, Mrs. Pat (Golda)
Tyler, pashwooch and Mrs.. Lin-
derdieid; one sister, Mrs. Sam
Elsie, Dashwood, two brothers,
Charles Genttner, London; Fred
Genttner, Dashwood.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. Bren DeVries on
Friday, April 5 at the Hopper-
Hockey funeral home with inter- District united Church charge
In separate reception services at Main St., Crediton and Shiplca
UC's Sunday, 26 members joined the charge served by Rev. XS,
Blitz, who taught the communicants' clessjointly. Top row, from
left, are Bill Finkbeiner, Bryan Lamport, Jim Neil, Wayne King,
Jlm Sweitzer, Grant Hooper, Bobbie ,Hodge, Tem Russell, Ronald
Mm Fred. WON, dies ,at age 04
receives 26 new members
Sweitzer; bottom row, Malcolm Hiltz, Judy Bpulianne, Judy
Lamport, Ruth Hodge, Kathryn Bpullanne, Wendy Neil, Ruth King,
Barbara Swieteer, Shirley Pfaff, Jane Dettmer, Lynda Vire,
Sendra England, jean Rats, David Grainger, Missing, Larry Stire,
Sharon 13ayriharn and Judy Rats. e-Doerr phpto
Huron 'pop'
up by 1,130
Best varieties
. High germination
Reasonable prices Garageman
The Qiiterip• Federetipn of
Agricaltere telly expreeee4
satisfaction with ameedinentstp
the Ontario Farm Products
Marketing Act which have• been
Peesetihy the legielatere.
H. K. lvitlagraventClarks-
burg, President of OFA, stated;
ferheee amendments: are close-
ly in gap with proposals put
fPrtli to the.minister of agri-
culture by pqrorgartl4attPu,Aucl
we poem-lend the legielaterefen
approving them. While in some
cases the amendments do :not
embody all of the OFA reeenie
mendations, we are satisfied
with the result and hype that
existing and future marketing
plane will benefit from them."
Mr, Musgrave also comment-
ed on the legislature's approval
of two other piecee of farm
legislation, the reinstatement of
the Ontario Junior Farmer Es=
tablishment Loan, and the act
creating an Ontario Food Coen-
"The amendments to the On-
tario Junior Farmer Establish-
ment Loans Act are a step in
the right direction", said Mr.
Musgrave. "This program of
"Keep your eyes on the road"
is a piece of good advice to
drivers. However, the Ontario
Safety League points out that
the road stretches behind your
car as well as in front. Good
driving requires that you check
your rear-view mirror repea-
tedly -- every few seconds to
keep aware of the movements
of following traffic.
loane tp young:- farmers tee
served, rural cieterio well, and
now with the thereesed
and the Provision allowing ter
10aeS to Juniors who are part
of a family farm arrangements
it promises to be of a great
deal more assistance.
"The einendinelit to this act
has been misinterpreted by
some of the urban press as a
"handout" to farmers," said
Mr. Musgrave, "but a guaran-
teed lean which must be repaid
With interest is not a handout,
but a method of providing badly
needed capital".
"The Ontario Food.Council
should be of considerable bene,
fiP', said Mr. Musgrave, and we
note the minister has high hopes
for it. There are many areas of
investigation and study for such
a food council in this province,
and we hope that as a result of
this council's efforts some of
the difficulties now being en-
countered will disappear.
"The OFA siipports whole-
heartedly any move designed to
Improve relations with other
segments of society, any in-
stitution that will i m prove
Egg marketing vote
will be held this fall
You would have to be a super,
expert to look at two samples of
seed and be able to tell which
one is better. But if one sample
bears the name "Jones, Mac-
Naughton" you !mow at a glance
that it is reliable, dependable
and top value for ypur money.
Over the years, Jones, Mac-
Naughton Seeds have built up a
reputation for reliability and
fair dealing, that is your best
insurance against disappoint-
ment. Buy from your local dea-
ler-complete list on request.
on Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Routly,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym,
Joan, Brian and Elaine visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon McFarlane and family of
St. Thomas.
Miss Betty Stephen of St.
Thomas spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen.
Mrs. Delmer Skinner and
Mrs. Vera Johns of Exeter
visited on Tuesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Maynard Margison and
family of London.
Monday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fultonwere
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webber and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake.
John Beane JR.
At the church service onSun-
day four young people joined the
church membership by profes-
sion of faith. They were Miss
Margaret Brock, Messrs. Ste-
ven Johns, Danny Walters and
Clifton Webber.
Mr. Hans Certsenkorn was
also transferred as a member
from the Lutheran Church in
Germany. Holy Communion was
held at the close of the service.
Next Sunday there will be a
special Easter service.
The Elimville YPU will meet
at the church at 7 am sharp for
Easter breakfast and sunrise
eieellty of feed products or ex,
pand markets. At the moment,
we are extremely concerned
ever` the forou0 that vertical
integration is making trite Agri-
etiltural Preelection, and while
we have reservations as he how
ear the Feed .Conficil can go tee
ward solving these difficulties,
we will eo-operate in any weytp
assist the council in its Work.,
The success of this comicilwili
depend entirely however, upon
the persons named to
Returnieg to the amendments
to the marketing act, the CFA
president noted that while this
legislation had created a great
deal of interest, there were only
two sections which de parted
substantially from provisions
spelled out in the former act.
The first of these, he noted,
was the amendment simplifying
the method of obtaining pre-
ducer °Pinion regarding a Mar-
keting plan.
"Under the old legislation,
any minor technicality, either
accidental or intentional, that
occured during the taking of
a plebiscite on a marketing
plan could have the result of
nullifying that vote if the mat-
ter was referred to the courts.
The new amendments merely
redesignate the status of such
a vote to an "expression of
opinion", While we did not re-
commend that a vote be held,
we felt that in the final analy-
sis it should be up to the
marketing board to determine
whether or not the results of
such a plebiscite indicated suf-
ficient producer support to war-
rant the introduction or re-
jection of a plan. We have great
confidence in the board to make
such an assessment."
Phone HU 2.9250 Collect
Exeter, 235-0363
Crediton, 234-6363
London, 432-2258
Ontario egg producers will
get an opportunity to vote on an
egg marketing plan this fall,
This announcement was made
at the annual meeting of theOn-
tario Poultry Producers A.s-
soclation which was held in
Toronto Wednesday.
Tom Robson of Leamington,
president of the poultry pro-
ducers, told delegates from all
across the province that their
efforts to bring a marketing
plan for eggs into effect ap-
peared to be closer to realiza-
tion with general acceptance
of the plan by the Ontario Farm
Products Marketing Board and
the approval of a vote in early
Mr. Robson and his board
have been diligently pursuing
this objective since the last
annual meeting when they were
directed by the members to de-
velop a plan, and as soon as
possible seek producer approv-
Several proposals have been
put forth, and it now appears
that the most recent of these,
embracing a teletype auction
this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon
and during the evening throughout
the week,
polio victim
Frank Ronald Mathers, 53,
garage operator in Exeter, died
at his home on Wednesday,
April 3.
He was born in McGillivray
Township July 9, 1909. At the
age of 13 he had en attack of
polio which left him handicap-
ped. He farmed after the death
of his father in 1942 until he
moved to Exeter l'brth in 1946
when, with his brother Harry,
they opened the Mathers Bro-
thers garage.
He was a member of Main
Street United Church and also
a IOOF member. An IOOF ser-
vice was held Thursday even-
Survivors are his mother,
Mrs. Annie Mathers, Exeter
North; three sisters, Mrs.
Charles (Alma) Elson, Wards-
ville; Mrs. Edward (Hannah)
Lamport, Stephen Town ship,
Mrs. Lawrence (Helen) Volson,
Sarnia, and three brothers, An-
drew McGillivray Township,
Alfred, Parkhill and Harry of
Highway 83.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. R. S. Hiltz on
Friday at the Hopper-Hockey
funeral home, with interment
in Exeter cemetery.
Pail bearers were nephews:
John and Lloyd Mathers, Jack
and Allan Elson, Gerry Mathers
and Brian Lamport.
Six in area
secure bulls
selling system comparable to
the one so successfullyeased by
the hog producers board, will
be the plan upon which produc-
ers will vote.
The president assured the
delegates to the meeting that
complete details of the pl an
would be drafted and available
for study well before the actual
plebiscite would be held.
The vote of egg producers
will likely be held late in Oc-
tober or early in November.
George McCague, chairman
of the Ontario Farm Products
Marketing Board, told the egg
producers that the introduction
of a plan is not something that
they can do by merely pushing
a button. He suggested thatonce
approval had been givenby pro-
ducers the logical move would
be to obtain the services of a
competent and experienced
manager who would then work
with the trade, learning of their
requirements, seeking their co-
operation, and in general mak-
ing recommendations that would
be incorporated into the final
Snell Bros.
Six district farmers pur-
chased beef bulls at the On-
tario show and sale held in
Hoffman Bros., RR 3 Zurich,
and Gerald O'Brien, RR 3 Dash-
wood, paid $650 each for two
Herefords which placed in the
second section of that breed.
C. Edward Dearing, Staffa,
also purchased a Hereford, pay-
ing $450 for one which placed
in the fourth group.
Theodore Steinbach, RR 3
Zurich, purchased one of the
first group Shorthorns for $500.,
Alan Walper, RR 3 Parkhill,
and Gordon C. Stewart, RR 1
Ailsa Craig, also bought a
Shorthorn each, paying $425
and $360.
Among the areabreeders who
consigned bulls were J. and A.
McKinley, Zurich, Shorthorn;
Whitney Coates and Son, Cen-
tralia, and Hirtzel Bros., Cre-
The 102 Herefords in the show
sold for an average price of
$618.50, while the 26 Shorthorns
went for an average of $385.50.
Six Angus averaged $402.50.
Population of Huron county
increased by 1,130 last year
to 50,021, four towns accounting
for two-thirds of the gain. Clin-
ton added 235, Goderich 207,
Seaforth 156 and Exeter 112,
while Wingham dropped 45.
The statistics are those ar-
rived at by municipal assess-
ors, and in many instances the
local totals have been published,
but the county total has now been
compiled by county assessor A.
A. Alexander, nearing comple-
tion of assessment figures for
county council.
The Goderich total is 6,567.
For the other towns, the popu-
lation totals are: Clinton 3,462,
Exeter 3,124, Seaforth 2,$53,
Wingharn 2,830.
As the RCAF station affects
Clinton, so the new Ontario
Hospital seems to affect Go-
derich township and town. The
township population rose by 165
to 1,983, having gained 325
in two years.
Even over a two-year period,
the changes in township and
village population are slight, the
significant feature being that in
most instances the changes are
by way of increase. Comparison
with last year shows increases
for 16 villages and townships,
losses in only four. One of the
latter is Stanley, including Bay-
field, The assessors' totals are
as follows: with the 1962 totals
in brackets:
Ashfield 1,615 (1,638); Col-
borne 1,230 (1,185); Goderich
township 1,983 (1,818); Grey
1,916 (1,894); Hay 1,945 (1,907);
Howick 2,736 (2,653); Hulled
1,926 (1,90'7); McKillop 1,689
(1,673); Morris 1,591 (1,582);
Stanley 1,814 (1,948); Stephen
2,625 (2,626); Tuckersmith
2,074 (1,948); Turnberry 1,391
(1,338); Usborne 1,520 (1,524);
East Wawanosh 1,125 (1,121);
West Wawanosh 1,240 (1,225);
Blyth 756 (735); Brussels 831
(853); Hensel]. 946 (927);Zurich
720 (718).
Some 24 neighbors gathered
at the town home of Mrs. Joe
Rowland in Parkhill and paid
honor to her after leaving her
farm on the town line.
After a few games of euchre
lunch was served. Then Mrs.
Rowland was called forward.
Mrs. Charles Regler read the
address and Charles Regier
and Tom Ryan each presented
a beautiful occasional chair and
table lamp with a floral orna-
ment. Mrs. Rowland thanked
each giver and people respon-
sible for preparing her pre-
Mrs. Leo Regler presented
her with a beautiful rosary, a
gift from Mt. Carmel Catholic
Womens League.
Some farmers here are work-
ing land preparing to sew seed
Miss Margaret Anne Hogan
while riding her bicycle down
a steep hill with her niece
Joanne McCann fell off causing
slight concussion and bruises
to her head.
Some of the young people of
the village were seen over TV
last Saturday evening while tak-
ing part with "Crediton Teen
Town" in London television stu-
Mrs. L. M. Johns of Toronto
visited on Friday with Mrs.
Thos. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell
and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Cooper, Kathy and Nancy, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Parsons,
Susan, Gail and Debbie, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Skinner, Miss
Shirley Jaques and Mr. Harry
Jaques surprised Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Jaques on Friday even-
ing with a chivari to celebrate
their 25th wedding anniversary
and present to them a set of TV
snack tables and a card table,
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper were
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McDonald of
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Skinner, Miss Ruth Skinner, Mr.
Laverne Skinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Deibridge of Exeter and Mr.
Bert Rivers.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Routly
visited on Sunday with the lat-
ter's aunt, Mrs. King of Forest,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Skinner
of Islington spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skin-
Mr. Sam Miller, Mrs, Leo-
nard Schenk, Mary Lou and
Marjorie of Dashwood visited
on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sommers
of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Hogg of Thorndale visited
long, double tracked, and is
one of the world's major en-
gineering feats.
The Connaught Tunnel,
through the Selkirk Mountains
in B.C., is nearly five miles
Keil Electronic Farm Intercom
with Fire Warning (made in
Canada) provides direct voice con-
tact between house and barn. Save
time, save steps. Includes Model
600 M-F master unit, Model 600
Ii-FA remote unit with fire warn-
ing, and 3 fire warning detectors,
Or, instead, choose a Remington
Travel-Biter typewriter- rench or
English keyboard.
pasture production
with liquid fertilizer
• • ,
Combine your home-grown grains
Good pastures just don't happen by accident. They are developed
with a sound 4ertilization program. Plan now to achieve 10,000 POUNDS
the fresh mix with the meat meal base! *1,..re'vfrs. \,'•;
Recipe for any chick's favorite menu-your own honed-grown
grains fresh-mixed with National Chick Mix Concentrate.
It's rich in meat meal protein, so it forms a perfect balance
with the vegetable nutrients you slimily!
Whether you have your own grains or we supply them,
we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix yoti can buy tight
here at the mill, , using.National. Concentrate / of course.
P.S. Ask its about N'atiOnal-20% Chick Starter Crurri-
bles, tither plain Or Meditated!
Now, for O. limited time only, We'te offering these two
systems every modern' teenier needs:
A NOW Holland FletW,Attien Hayliner, with Optional Bale.
Thrower Is the world's most modern baling and 'loading
system. With it, you can handle up to three tirnes more hay
per lour than a two-'man team baling and hand-stacking.
A two-station Keil ititereetri will add both etitiVeitietide and
seetitity to your farmstead operation. Elite Mete e trietiy beck e
atd-feeth trips from house tii beet. Can be extended by you
later to include as many ,as 10 stations.
GOOCI farm management requires every possible works
saving tool. help you toward thit goal, we're Making
"N*ergize" your Hay and Pasture
for Peak Production
* Increases yields up to 3500 lbs. extra hay per acre.
* Cuts production casts-,returns $2.00 to $4.00 for each $1.00 invested.
* Increases feed value-protein of N-ergized pastures during April and
early May run 18% to 22%,
* Increases milk production up to 3600 lbs. per acre.
* Drought resistances-pastures stay green all summer and fall,
* ltejuvenates old pastures.
* steer gains on pasture over 400 lbs. per acre.
* Carrying capacity per acre doubled.
Our Liquid Rroadcastitig Truck is ready to roll. IJohit Miss out on this
opportunity to boost your hay and pasture peofits. The cost Is very reason-
able. Rememberi Liquid fertiliter goes to work iintriediatelel
...when you buy Canada's favorite bare r r
ro.44640,"-- - -"
*Ogee applies to New 11011and's best,selling balers - x 18" Ilaylinera 270 ?shown),14"
18" Ilayline,r 271, and 12" x 16" Coin pact /lafdinet 65, 13ale4hrotver optional at extra cost.
this unique offer: Buy a new Flow-Action Hayliner to help
improve your hay quality and therease field efficierteY . •
get the farm intercom and lire Warning System as a bonus
to help improve your farnistead efficiency,
Come in Seen for a 'demonstration of New Holland's
exclusive FloweActioh . . the baler feeding systete that
sweeps hay gently into the chamber, Saving valuable leaves,
Every bale is firm. ecitiare, unifothi-ejust right for hende
stacking or randoni loading.
Flow-Action is just One reason why more fermere -oft
New Holland balers than ahy othee kind.
We recommend liquid 9-0 .9 on legumes and tOlitiuttl Urea Nitrogen on
grass legume
The Menthe of April, May and early ',lithe is the Wiper time. It 'dart also
be applied after. lira and second taunt, Phone us for particulars.
Harold Kellerman, Dashwood
M E. Katz, and Son, Dashwood]
Scotts Elevators Ltd., Luton
Exeter Farm Equipment Cannis Mill Ltd.
Phone 235-138O It. D. iermyn North Exeter sammomaimmiimaimaa. PHONE 215.1182 EXETER