Huron Signal, 1853-10-13, Page 4e
: A TORKISN BALM. MtDcrmad a c t in M►tei it N T. rMd
_/^_� I1XIV ERt►1'1'Y M p11'IN1+A1 • • Ca., moved b\► • Co.i is IEBbe y J. D
�T V T"Ej _ tiserasA'e Doors M Ddawdo . T'inl,t w �1
rA1rKl ole MILIA AND !U>IIlS. CAROB, somores se" y s�t �•atlMt b Com' le ate' w\tell wII1M gig"
„raaa•alT .. DR. BURNUAW■• RrN►t/•e Alr■Mt (N 1
•a 1119 mbRrab• WAI ..m � /gtoriw end P► gnus. TGDN
R'ALIAI! )k1AL�0y[ band at toe OODIMICH rANNNO (LJJYTUIV, T lorl7rK+si4 r i tbalMmbr do Ort. It !moil,• --
I--te tbelababrlesttN KILL AND FOMt rACTORY, M AT- JIM"* Read. . dPeswrl• at hitsatBa•iw• qf Brwst-
wtpalwt tbw nerve Nae the baarkmot Sgaarv, asd April. IWI b A�e•Ir „f lips- r+ Sheriffs Sale of Lands.
tbs OMtsd CwMN►eisa at ilases,hwtb d Lr. gwoglletlss't Ta•iserlr • (Wool fill. Tbsruto'Store.) tog the Cv fur the
sod 1imets tbst be b "W erpsalmg M tbMw gt.,tk d •Iai1•t••ut►l. Nnwe•bb orad sae) Des. 1b19, is". sdNe uuu. and sM � �' � rel/abk Vs too of a
as West sitaa, awls epp Is rlpt •rtlslt• N the above dwai �1�,wt�� Horan old • % Y
tape �ti�o. -- iWim,Aamm'm'ww"'-jybptijtCkalIaddt• THE (TREAT TURKISH sold Jirac4} Writ of Puri
lydt.'bsa R Dienban Law WBM a ttow" wbid b troll, "ell skaap twr aNb. BetMM. - obaY ter WIN sM����°l
4awk 44 •lifePredaw. *Ion Disproved creat. Yu WILLIAM 611ARMAN, hating P'■�"�fesalea4leout Pan= r ill,$ RALDI M To Wn; arses, woad out o[
�Y GOODi, Qf1,PURRIEN e,'ooho- thew pttw is twelsh of a good BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. vMrrs; tb on & ar OMooney'Sigor Cwrt of , Facials
a Dssued
t to ilia him • mat►. Ruwlaed's Teak Milt' in •m al, co Aad inrlgar■uag ■ad lsaat(btmt
said CR�i. wbfr► be ba• ptvilb d artitlle •t a rcaooss\k F w t W a•T STamsT. GODI atcr, I f its mow corOf atorityFewer
and, heowm I�eec1 .
" the Mat tttoibsMts. sail M tM ewe fovmor salt •e1 N fisturs ►twit that hist Was 8 per red a lutnk\ 1)E81GN8 ged trcatmer d Fevre amd ARaa. •� lave koadred AZo lemR's rfaresTURKISH BALM. -The only sad a■ slut Wrtl el Fun Psetao rasa
satatd N ca snob t• lbs bsskig will toasts lbs p• aSectioss-Los gobesitauooisrteommatdkas erruia rrmrdf for Baldeew, she ler pregaToi- net against the wed Cosec, • o tow of dtr*eted
able t•wBa, evil jr4d M • d!ittof lot PLANS, om the moat ressusable term. ,t i° the higatot terms to the pantrtaga slip As ori ot.e(or heaalike lnf i O eedof tkwptlg ,he Hair PER KEYBALL rGOODINGtsod Isaac
�pwe of K eat it plies• M Nssoe fell, N mtw(aetwm of all Fateba�.►a• ovale b, Nor. fill 1602. tbo43 3alicted. Iosy, sad i• • beeithr e*edittw, est te nal- ! Retion\ury, at the awe of BENJAMIN
s"o- eflwsappet sod Patres•ge N a does. V.NRY DODD. #`p is sb nsdbra Lr nomsta" role• t
Goia►kb, Matt\ !illi, 1683. lies?] 1 *sgar.4 iti•t gtakun an as felkwsi
wtitwisaaleg P.►Ife. be r...d..a OWEL M\!i'1 AINT ruredbv ROW• egedlyd. lit rim BREWNTER, 1 ban seined rad taken is IS==
1■Mt 1) AND'8 BLACICBEI:RY ROOT. Thal Lt It irrr• the bed Gw bating, stRagtbeu executives the following property, via:
GMtfTrkk Ust.t7,b. tt4{ sb-tNO. twmrrr meet ea•alaelwvkM•ew ab the rwu. Imports lAtt tuanug aamben fuurteet, etNtl-
Ri1BERT R91U. Ow ymMtyeser,yl■■mrra s► abrn imtkutiom rxtcD,tP it, a�ectiCamin ii lin \rah► and vip�*s w arcs• ria •sl, meet ester a the TOwn of Gde-
00[•sELLEa A a TAT 1 O N E R . s. w� yvyo yD s■yd t■stNoq et w sae suuutr w t►c ,,say pier ' FN• P letiw. sad yrr•esn tM 4110 th • eelwr as
Two Journeymen Wanted ` D , t *fflol �11111 shr*e 1lfllees;am .4.4w 1w.- ..w.d well kouro as Ruwao'• CumpuDnd Slrvp Reuiy pry. 2d. It ••mow tM hate w moat! )-
y LA opposite Ba4wlu s Hotel Care� bmM y 01=4 It IS and eanee•tly recomt WI brwt felly when dune up i• i, •nr olg►,. Thio ►kh, taeb costa to o one fourth of as Pro
It> om1 T.Nw-ooioeM . C tat - �� y�. d Blackberry Root. Helm a mlde (rem tb• origi■ell receipt processed
M lbs nme more or Ion, being elle pro -
ACABINET end CIIAIR bobs, Commas ..d 1:lnsaeel Bamob• .slam r b~Wcsrr.•att�•Lir1r 4 w the confidence of patfeau a®icteJ wiW train the original Twr►ish Hakim D aid fr
M►kef will Ae1 eat.tast igmmdRealgNeverydwemicioeEases• r1s11Esubscriberbogstoinform the inhil- t■almorsowt<■ds.d them complaints,-DclievIDRittobetnyaluablc (Comillaulitoople. whole it is artwally •� pAl�q of ,Lot he lir ODing number raft -••ell tre,,
Eseplol most •ed gest w gtm td N c►e Perrier• l' toner of Gudericb sod its vicinity, that ohwea •ow wr� te&be woesw mess' m the vtatmeut"ll' nn[irnrr Y Str�g, The Turks have always 4rwserkbntlidfirTheir eNuistog one-lounk of ss aero be the
al the GODItRICH CABor , i 1T Ordsw*Lw Aceto, I Be"S, fror t►e Trask he hu received a Large Supply of the La- rq wooderfel shill i■ com oadi• 1M esch at
Nth CIIAIIR FACTORY. «Cw•sry btNth•.u, Pt.e+•oil las IIse T ono g PP 1 •y■t•m soowd sod be.". un� wysomws (Hua. J R. FlaoigeD, po i pore- cone mon or !mora: and lot num r sex,
I test improved Patterns of l■.-- Ulw� lYe 6wr 1 a R No world. M. D. fumes sod all other ,oilat articles. is Balm eoncesa,om C. in The Torn of Gt derkh,
V of the alba CY order oe the < lit' e( wii.\ this Balm r
JAB. TH011tteUY . sad • liberal d,00o811 allowed e / l „T �� ( t j) V ywy Mma■brY1saa.■.rdey wall■ sy � Trurces 1 Dr. R Ashton, Faq:, the aromatic herb•, dot. eos4eaug by admnrurcmeot ei°s serer
L.ed•s. Mord 19b1. 4i4 I COOKING, ll l) X r ,esti.• et Lr•Wssn■m• Hector Orr. Esq composed. ue •Imwt aot«r■alty known amid ••d three quarters, be the oma more or
(iodefisb. Aug. IOtb, I6bi 627tt — prat atisr •"taws I ri a"w ••• oar' l used for the hair. flroce a Cal of baldlean 1r
A\D P,l BLOOM s,ro%'ES, D,.g.�r��•••,••d�+••t'�°" Ail eumwunicatiunetutx addressed, leer, brie the proper rt of the said !sumo
W sw yYd u tli,k •• ,hie herd of hair i■ entirely t■kuows a eMl / P Pa T
he of rte !or Smolt at very reduced e* ame7 ehtaldbe Ju i R Row rttmCn6 Sad Pr ideu�ttthe Uo eo•atry. We w i.b but oar trial to bit mads mop or so bury; which thelard• and tone beces,
Hurrah for 1J10dC:ICh p ayW aapoer• aW Mm"m rmil it. that will do m••rc to ea■vioee Yom of to Dir• or •o moth of the as m1y be erre■
I Pruro fur Cash. Tho subscriber oleo keeps ihra r►ytMkaW wa'e•h•1sw• emkallhp•
ere trend as usual, ■, las Old Stand, a large ~ ragrdatD ty Hume Di.pen%ary and OSico; No. bei South ten ,Ms all th. mdrrniwmenr• she moo be wy to scurfy lbs uiJ Harm, 1 shall nA n
lowsi.J •rry siMI,ipeuur aaeurlmenl of TIN- �M l MelraT, M D. Street, P4dadelphia. peblishr,i, ■rad shat all may M mble w trot its ! for ale at The Court Room, is the Town
CROWN LAND'S DEPARTMENT. \YAR} u( every dcecription. The • sub- we. sees -,-Breech Ui�fctisary at the Stere of I,inar•, it a pat mop i• Carp Bottle■ at the low o(Gatierich, on FRIDAY, elle FIFTH day
CL$� T8S 'tIt+ICg! e - senber Talcs chi■ opportunity of returning BENJAMIN PARSONS, price of SOe per Botch of AUGUST next, at the hour of TwcIN
T FOR SALLA DY y6n3G Guonlcr, C C. I Remember rhe granite hoe elle eipsun d of lbs cluck, noun.
Qoetet, IFtb August, 1883. his aincere Thnnls to the Public for the ver BEN]. k'Ak: (NS, ICometnck dr Brother o• the splendid wrapper. J. McDONALD,
OL1V91L In CO. Jells Sbvrras, require, .•f Stratford, liberal parnnage he has received lines he
Sbeufl;N• k B.
■ AVE os bead am irmesee Stork 0( The Agent for tM disposal of Public Lander i° ba• been ,n business in Goderich, U huger Salt .1g est• FARM FUR SALE' COM6TOcK'S FAMILY AN-TIBILIOU8 I Sheriff's Offiew
vert beat Deeenpleo• of SOOTS red the Gentility of Perth, heretot..n within the by strict stte°Uon to budne o, and moder- Godorieh, Jan. 94, lets. ontainio PILLS, for the cora of all Billow• •geetiwe.- I ,6n17 -et
'At'ver os sob at lite Now stick hold 1 _�- i -OT No. 91. a.' Road, oIi g
Watch Bshw, ■ffemtl d Andrew G.•Adea }: quire. ale pricer, to eosUsue to retttve a skate +d Rhetrreusm. Fevers, ?lmew•wrw• Ery- [Fent published 14th53. 81•. 1853.1
ng, a4, onhg Mf. Hare, •ryo (Eales) Ada.e+efe, Tir Dr■dove of public patronage. 111 atter, 10 0: which ors lief The! Also for Liver Cumpkuu, Gaut Jaodia, Dyo Godrneh, 5th May, l t
,;, g• I• Buffalo, Bralilf(tnl fit d (ketlil'h within 11 u.Iles of Godes , aad t I The j D•Paia
whin will be sold at Ibis J.oerest Priers fro (/Warr, Slid the !;lore Hucirmoudsnue N. B.-Grainin Poietin Glerir. Pa- al, lit and Di•r„andthe Shit. Imyrn17 of the ppONEMEIT•
l'OrA or approved trade; tall bei aR• will iseert the allow*, a regard• the Teepee- per and Ball HangisR, carried on as hereto- RAILWAY. i flourishing vdl►ge ut Clutuu. AyDty oa Brood lo0et. pains n the hood rick HRdaede, P to lit•
Qtr apo rovedslightest pried pat a Cash for Uwe eNattta for can mosth fire. WILLIAM STORY. - e he premises to IComiiv■.u• P■lute fe the hood. Brroat. Bide, The s4oyo 110411 hu been postponeds
d r6 -n30 Goderich, G h Sept. 1849. t9n31 That W. B. M(IORF Back sod Limbs. Frenal• Diseaw, QL., de. 8CCONU da• of Nt•rembrr era.
}40 • arid n►«p•hua, esu• A geser T 1p1T OTiCF. i8 HEREBY GIVEN, July 1, 1853. L' l Them is oc•rcrly soy dree.w i■ which ;Psrga• J• YeDON ALD. Sl.tng H. k B.
Slick of ending• always N bed. _- - _ --- -- 1� Fun sot to s,Rtrt.luu, r . I the Duerr �� rite Medici■e• are no, mon or Iran required.- gbertff'r 0f5es
OLIVER k CO- of Duulora, psyatg.n97td
G,deritb, Jas• 11, 1&13. vgn2o-ly ,S4w-.IRU and .SliirWie Machine. Brilish �ir)rrr'teff !lssUl'Q1lCC ret of lt.e Nld IS:UF. -- IGoderren, Augnag lo, 1855 ----
_ COMPANY. hail,, pr.<ab: it .aa. gr.rn•r. »ri•N
_ OF SHARES of the iacn aced Cal -its' CASH FOR BAItLEy, No yrreut ca G*I well while • costive baba
- �ANT7!Tl ieetediauly,for Merges. J. b Stork of the Bugilo, DnaUirt and a wall POT 2a. fid. currency sea
demob fecal diseases, sad
jute\ might haw bees A I [ ACHAIENT•
inlpruced Farin for Sale. Wsedei o w t ly,f Baw Mill, a tell Rulrry Cumhmy it raptured to be wad. I�IIE 9ubOcriler will rysidrd b, • um<Ir sed )udtciese ase of proper r lir —
C.91 -17 -AL 1:100,000• to the Tresrurer of Ibe G mp►ny, at tie 1 per bu,hel f.r good clean Barley, uo de- Cotham a Mrd,cirs".
k T VG I,ol No. 19, 9d Coarernew, geed Eewyer, who ordersta°ds taking -_ liver at the Maitland Brewery.µe can recommend thew Pills with :he grt•1- B virtuegoFl, of ser.
Dank ul Bnu.b �L,lh Au re:ea, Dra•Uotd, T J. F. BRITTAIN. ret eo.fidrtee brliev.Dg di<m fu Suyerior I• United Cerelir• raj D
PoNns:.Tp of Tech work Morse charge •f a Malfay Saw, -also two ac- TiLE whole of which is Taken up and a In file equal Irattlotn's, is Wisps: Goderich. Sept 13,11• IL'53. uJ3tf eel I logo At.
Road, lbs properly of Jelin P. tlril►, E•g . use young mea to work a shingle machine, 1 Ire n uFeien pard to and, invested. 20 per cent, on or tLe ler day of p the Pills n common use. I Horan asd Brrrr, tathu.ell uauad not
The subvcrieer null eunU. to greet A Ier•an 0,109 them may rat veil drink w to lit
C .ntan,ioe 100 acres, odj Fining the Build' of acqualmled with rat hintry will be ilex- X D May ora. 2F0'rICC.. asset and dtlesi,P,la rat immediately R<ruk' of Her Yrjeoty's County Court for the
ug L• to 10 Na nttng •ed de••ryrbug ell- (NtM,-NoN seed aPP11 who eansot fur
Assuraneer, al elle eurrrhl rata of Premi- 9U per cent cD or bcfcre the let dq u! g y United Counties of lluros and B•uce, sad
um, ataiat July next. NOTICE is hereby given that, a reE nx ire nbe'in�!r Cathaniakl<mwtg the bowel d l0 me directed, against the estate, lied ss
lags t:: Felfrondtslle, the land r of area moi•\ good teotirwaids u to cbaneter. Ap 1,
pea ghahty, besutnoily erwated os the yly to LOSS OR DAMAOF, BY FIRE 20 per cent o° or bef-ee the let day of wu4 a whits tate, purchased from mote ell ■nbratthy ■,aver and producing healthy me• we
s■ pe,sasal, of ALIZA.1019 Yclnrlatq
I.&, k• of the DayfirW riser, ssJ wati dept• TH05lAS 'FRENCH. Os llouves, Furnilure, Houde, Produce, Stpumber next. at a certain Public Aucuns tD the Towo• cretinism of the Stomach Dad Liter. Thlyiey Th
rt. to agrieufturtl. purposes, Por (orlbt► PnlewN, Aeg. 16, 1953, and other descriptions of property,. •Ivo 90 per cent o0 or Lefor , the let day of sleep of Colborne by one William Buchanan, I am Effectual Avolotart of Venire, b ad too rn pectondind or eI-sac d debtor, at the
panto agricultural
ultur OD trio pnm,em (if ►1 tat ------against Inn or damage by the November r.cxt, anddelivered to the said Welham Duct""' . same kind of ■etita oe the human body thei ; re•peeun suits of l ue Carling, and Thomas,
far yrs paid) w the Rbterlbw. CAUTION. DANGERS OF NAt11GAT10N 90 per cent on or bofere the lot day of to the Mereece of good oral lawful witcess- I storms sod horric■a<e howl rt the Sir, or 'hove Bates, ;Dorgan J. Hamilton and D, r amu
PETER RAM8AY. - On Cargoes or Vesrele, as well on the in- Ja ;uarv, 1854. ep came into my reelesure is the tail ,pe �Nfre have oo the Oce•a-Tray rcurr Palestine, 1 have a l' ;f all the never, rand r
Yctlillop Pal Osew • a ( HP.REBI' emotion bit non Or Woos S Too of Colborne on or abuultte 17th rl wail s• perwnau of the ssId Alexander
T Pe M land Waters of this . toIlunent a be ord By order, t llclntwre ; and u0lesa the raid Al- aan[.1
Tuc:rrrveitb, ]ea• 13th, I933. 0!O-! r Da to trust in soy way my wti* Anna get, to and from the Posts of Great $ril•in. ARCH'D GILKINSOPI, March 1>53, auJ ti,at I Dara(ed soil kepi DEAFhave o -U.e Ur. LDrutte'• Aenutie Melt.lyre errors w then tire jurl•Gicuon 1
w III sol pay the nme, , also not Forms of Application, with all requisite Secretary. the said ux [Ince the Said 17th March last Oil, for the eve of Ie ,Ise l Alm, all throe ut to hal 10 the ac-
batt►r or maintain her, sal she b,e at, and th4t if the maid WMIAm Buebaan dish., of
terse.. rake elle b. team of '"me"'le tot raid G orf, and p
nformation. furnis'.rd by OtHce of B. B. fir. G. Ra lw•av CO., � post, lalling d water, whizzing of Aram, whtAi are
irtt my bed sod board without toy proven- W. BENNETT R1C}I, Agent. $rahtfnvd, fliareh 15, 18 3. F ve••0 or •ay person or persons on h:m behalf will I symp,omD of ■ppraebiug des1■ess. Perron ties, or suitethe same t! M dischsiyd
t t2-1 toms to me and prove property, pay expert' who hose been deal" for sweaty vet's rind were I withb three, altndar man,' 1 from the bs
FASHIONABLE BOOT AND c+uon ahaterer. Goderich, June 30th, 1833. 7 ?B y ,chjeet to ser ear trompeu, have site; using oat j day of the fool of tku °orate• all to
WIT. ICF,. Sen. _ res of (cr a slid take wa The •std ox, 1,,
6HOfts MA�iI'F.1tCTUHER, McGillivray, lase 13th, 1853. r5 -D`=5 IggPORT�MT am wdlmg,auddeur,.w it) him u 1Aute, red sal well peeve much
of Thermos ' DISSOLUTION OF PART ER- P boullr, loco made well.
((Iwr doer East of C. C. -tic's Stoes.J TO TOO Ale:aver McIntyre,, or so much
`$Iljp, to him or them. RHEUMATISM. �Comatock'e Nerve aA
Farrier, FarNer L Slane PnFrleter, /j1HE pablit en IN}ob• notified that the Siyced tis my presence, Boat Lisimeoe, is warnnrrd to core ray ease of may to necessary,
well be, held lon Iwtk
WOULD inform thrive1 ab.tasto of Gode- TO Let Or to Sell. ll Dlxts WA -130.4 Solicitor for Rheum•tirm, Coat• Co^tncted Cordo. slid payment, benefit or nudacuoa of mor)
orm th shod that be ie ere Copartnership beretofuremginiing be. JOHN V-ANSTF,. Muscles. or Nig oist,ofresSoblue weak Limbs, claim•. or claims of such other plafatfr
pied tr b s a to order 0r o ha he 16es, any -- GiEO. W. MERCHANT'S tomer° JOIIN k ROBERT DUNOGH, ss Goderitb 1711 Sept.1803. n39 mod esabin those who are crippled to walk 1 pla}ntiffl a shall or may take orocroafr
Mind •d Lad,•'s sad Gettleo•a'a Fwe or rgwHE MAiTLAND DISTILLERY. . �rjr� aA"LMG 0Q. fookeeperr, is lit)• day d;osoaed by mutuel _ mas,o, Comstock Ac Brother, Proprielon, New �aioel the Dro1••fly and tffeeta of 1Mrd
Farley welt, is the anttest asd moat l too silo from the Tow° of GoJerich' wresrasLLCLro u ran n•Toay o. sro,aa consent. All patties indebted, W the said Y.•rk• ad 0oae'ratae without their name os Alexmnder Mdnnre, w thio six nec'M
fatbivadlt style. And will also furnish there is no other Distillery within mshl tjasrm ' firm are rrquesied,to seltleibeir respective the wrapper. from the t•ou err of Ili abets wet.
heavy 13eota asd S4ttes, to suit the ne mutt of the For particulars anal. V the most :earb disoory ♦pplic9 re&I , ccocpts with Jobs Dosogh, who will alto TOOTHACHE. -Dr. Klio< r Drops, for the J. McUt1NALD, Shrnff 11. let
e•tmilieo of those that male favor him with at the Hraor Signal Office, or to the Sale• lay a'I lialiditi•s. cure of the Toothache. It is with rnnfi 4nee Sbenff'r Office,
hhrir custom. His Prieto will be moderate. either (I( by letter post paid:) (�N JOHN DU:�.OGH, that we rte recommend it ter a i o lLe!r core in } Grderieb, 92nd ]ane, IlSS. 021 1a
Gaderieb, J•ly 29 b, 1851. wbn991 A. T. YONTGO�IERY. `_<a FOR I ROBERT DONOGIL I BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. ■11 e.R.. wiiho°t say iejny to the teeth or
- _-_ I Goderich, Aug. 4th• 1853. Ilse (�J!!''�r_ Goderich, Match. ♦lih, 1853. t6a6-6m gems. Price 25eu. L 0 S T.
B. W. CAVA, MITCHELL. QI,tLec, 23rd $tf+ftrrlbt/, 1853• COSISTOC['8 VF.R i1TFC!GF..-Thio is
+i -r NOT 1 C E . NOTICE. ��''ttF,ALED Tendets will he received until the the mat extnordin*ry remedy for WArm• ever
UCTIANEER. Aeeoustaot and GNB- 1J FIRST of DECEMBER next, at theo(Eee word: it effectually eradicates Worms from both , NOTE by Thoma Graham alai t#-
rel AgNt. Books and sceweu ad - HEREBY gip sotlt• that Mt. Vf illism of the Minister of Agriculture, BER from par.nn% Ad•lis and Chriddirs. It cannot harm the moot . Dougherty in fawn• of D. Anic.
jostled, •ed all k+da of Deeds drawn.- CAStE into the aselNura of the snbsen' Chester Tippett, of Bayfield, if not ati rifling In hea,me thpurchasen of the Mill delicate inbat erstrotteet Adult, andnrrrr fella m..n, Arhfield,.for L4 26. fid.. da0dIts
Sale• atttad*d lis any pert of toe e000try. C boli of Lot No. 5 Southern Bouodry. IMtisPd by )pe to collect the debts or re . Rrvrtat:on in the Tormhip u( tiormanbv. in t« temDle.r'y not not rad deatrnr r!I t rail. of robe, laS., i,•rable 1515 moat cher
f.elttn mddrneod to Mite\ell or Harper- Township N Urborne about the 12th ul _ eeirs the m0oey age to his Eptatc--he hay- ! :he C.,untt ofGtey. coni+lin_ 0t kat• number% Warms. The cost, 25 rim per bottle, Dau 1, ate, 4iGSO
A bey, will M s,teod td to. July last a light brown Horse about 9 or mg elpamst•rrcel end siafgree some ,late l tourtecre, iflecD auJ sixteen, in the ninth and within the rne4 of all, sod all parents who lie
"' April Sri, 1.53. %6"10-17 10 yon oIJ• The owner is req'eesteJ to trete, at �ppeaied ifo the Public Prints of tenth conte ODs• containing together six burl,- without it Gn 'wooto°Iy e:yor oR the Lvn of ! A not• by ]oma Ha D. A. asp �-°•s
,w Prov property pay o:pchres slid oaks him . cities, as, all his debts sod other property deed sDd ten arra+. on the cOnn,tion- olDui!.'- ,hellrhildres to those fell d-aerwyero of Truth, Hawking to favor of R. D. At:ebrs•'{•b'
11 •wall' to rt,t for the benefit of his .Creditors- inR a Saw Mill and a Grist Mill on the said ., Wormm.•' Look tar the same of Comstock A
C 1WLAlID WILLIAMS,ROBERT W. CURRIE. Mill Reservation; the ruccr%atDl competitor esu. Brother. proprietors• on the Wrapper of aeb 1852 (payable 7o. ed., i��t�`Ypte;
-r ---.-..,r---- - r which rebte 1 have tinge placed i^ lbs kaodo take in a Portable Mill and keep the same fD Bottle. 11859, P tits alrt earn
o„Ar. rt t ry +bark ut arch ao W ibe liJt►orN, Aug. 17th, 18b3. .oyg-gt of D. H. Rrtchte, F.rq.,Cletk oldhe sevenlb operation tm'ii the Grist Mill shall be finished. any uerson b►theteR
►q •_ sf t :' :r• .J near tie Gnrd R nr.a^out bit -- Division Court. B.yaeld. for collection. The Saw Mill tO be "'completed within one to ells nitre of the re only
pull w t-sely
•i fin I A free: D ria, It ruddeety !etc dela ars f OLKC.—.1 ]'(lrr)1 for- Sar'C. 7ti119at« who, with me Ute underkigsrd.ia done to sear and the Grist Mill, within two year+ from KIS GREAT 'PAIN KILLER I rewarded as okay are only psno• to the
V- ..i .•g ,ao tees add r it -nae is m rrs,ett 1: v soTllsy effin't =gej IfLsi99 thwited to grape. receipts upon pgysiinl or the Fiat day of January next. nnle%a the Gov- O medIy ad to bora diseoyered •bat taw order of the Subeer'ber; they cot Al a• so
,, o was tun out, bet, cc b Ye /nT. No. 5, 5 1. coneeswion, Eastern Di• sep.rk•c• r( owe tbm Owren b■ a wi-hed the same. _ ernor in CA he l •hall (from the portable mill j\ . happily adapted to ur. internally a to an other person.
L ,W lac, that M•rcesent•. C•ksrsud a• HZ or Uel answering rhe rants of the Firtllei+) prolong Io he taken, and Tei prrtorm aoeI, woed•n wire ima T R. 1), AiTClff'ON-
�t at Lee rm beaker, be•dr• ell Lr tr- car t -Islas, Ashfield, 100 acres of good revel Pem,iy g,nbrocsuati Stiff Con ararcam'i sod lir JOHN STRACHANi Br3-s94
its s ch lir^-doh Il� nrvytry re•y dosb41 tb� � 9• of which are cleared, i° good •tate w.. stt wah u Aaignit to Ike Esfate of the time. The Saw Mill and the Grist Mill applied5ell. is you a ■ wash or oath, by fsod an
T a otCn,-*o Meaictd len lantebs Th Is”of wltintion, well fenced, with • nod Spacing, 8wewe Ri e. WiDrltalL. Pon W. ^. TIPPETT. tolUe kept i° 1,11 and a®ri0nt opentio° for teD 25 ell. is dl you have to net to pr, it: sod w Ashfield, July 18, 1853.
g P y, -al=°II Uia�ila■ of rear% from the periocb of their completion re- that nm ea be so abject to the pro Obstacle
t• s y 'F THE
A, 1 f, r ,;rry teirg d sen'ert,t, t.. e. ate To tl young orchard of 100 choice fruit tree•, Etil. Gall D CractBeaa r1 Bn F� G.derleh, Sept. l9od, 1851. e35 s(ertively. Th•• Saw Mill to be capable of hoped that each ■ piicee•n be cc abstee!e to aver TO THE SETTLERS t'
L, u - }u Kisal e=t,l 3'l. lie leaves a To
y g Lula, FrestfiaL Se d Cracks. 6traths. Leimenew sawing at least WK feet rel' baa rd tnealore in (Svn,lT, and will never prevent Ica trial. The HURON TRACT
\•a:cc of rte S .,ill
a will finished housw, being within I kind• Frmb ttioaride, Spromni
,.r l ,t, . v mJ )kite e4.ltree •live nolle of • saw mill, and 3l, miles of • grist Foundered 3eracks. te Orvaae. ltAnd%goo tli0('TOR YOI'RQELF•c twenty-four boars. the Grist Mill to have two price. 2r to SO en per bottle, according to the 1• „f,
..tL was .a LV To Ill . E„ it. C. r' r rt, { mill, sed within 10 mils of Gtedencb, os r of Animtla External Pd- p/•. rdool stooc%and becapable of manofirturinr Piu, will enable •IF ,o ■w i,. If Tea daabr. be mf1E Caada Comrso let it►' M,h,T �•
I e sl.act! tot!Soon. esu + TBE.POCRET.SSCULAPIUS: in a merchantable manm r. at least five bushes' in with a 25 coot bottle, and ilial w. 1 remove 1 M•e rovided die beet p/r''
.L.1i xao:,aie.y r•pe,rr: t•• oil road. For further p•rtieulan apply Rhea P nfuTleeryow Alieeci°°•• Frost Ailesvsells I
] w »�,e ,,,e usl t rate bL•N Is), and he tt�t'8amuel listen. on The promises. 1)oi1a. Coreis. Whitlows. Burn• and SeaWss OR EIgERY UNE 1118 OVi'N PHYSICIAN. of wheat r hoar for each ran of stone. Se- yo•r doabu, and make yea boT. Dad tr sad lir ills said S�nkrs n,r the en■e■rt'f 9maaer
--U --� w g per e+mmrod it ro ynor friends, mon than • aodnd with shot, office to 9'eroen ash
1rL'tNmb C. W. A,hueld, July 20, 1853. v6n241m Chillhiai°s. Chawted H+°d•• (?n°t �� I�HE FORTIETH Edition, or IT Ona Drily will be arquirr.! to the amou t of 11000 erni6tad i would. who will 6.l to it tkn< ruder ,
1U ft4►alit sit\ legs. r6 -ab miction• of the 17 odes' Sw°IliOP' � One i Iloodred Engravings, thowing Dices in imrroved Real Estate, and the rtienlunof try d tM Bask d Upper ('rs•M
" __ _ of the Joints, Caked Br*ssfa est k +a tw sod Alak(ormationa of the Hamas itch Pirate must accuopany each Tender. end save life sad suffering for 25 claim. 71ei sad Stratford, wtlboat eWrp 11 to
> J _ •• Pain Killer'• may lir used -I'll a nceels'list ler.. ,6.2'.1
�tO - RICHARD 110URE4 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. GFEAT IMPOSITION AND FR.A17D1 System i■ •ren shape and fm m. To which - will wrolish ells Mhaldes, is, Sark efw r sM GoJerieh, Frb. 6W. 1659. f_
C►V>t>� To PUNNAl is added a Treause on the D,re•sr•. of Fr- Iollowint: Cholera hlorbus, D stressing Dymo-
du6 if TITING during the past two years sol• Y do "mask•■• of g p.• tery, Pain in the .sde and Stomach, Coroo. Cut
rwd `a rd is the t pencity of GENERAL VaOrd Counties of BY Virtue of a db�o. �mw�w---dike beeorin/ male-, hep of the those -. spial to V{r t N TSD•
`l,0 It At:E.V r for the tullection of debts, desire• (pmroa and Bract, Writ of }'ice �ee�ee� de s �dssda�ser�i�p marrried people, or roost turtemplatinp and He Ser• Chelan Inlast, C Bmrrhil ll 4170114
i�ma► atsr.f ShNr *-W M a marriage. By if reline Sora on Ma or Bite.• Ch III Tertk• A TEACHER Waeoap p jfo
mes it t, be ge•enlly •adentoos that he will To WIT: FaeiN issued nuc of wbwe Mfabw• WI YOU\G, ins, RenutR Blood, Haoreener. Quin,. to a Scha,-1, a Sehool SpresIIcer
camsr et. D. New Piano -Forte and Music
to b accept 'M Agoney per the eolleeuus o(' !ler Ys'rot s Court o(Qnota'o Bunch, and idrtwemSoodMjr"rs eMt•ess,■i*marasce► P tJ Et3TABL1 H\161\T. few hours, Chilblains and Frosted Fres• f+pssme. I To tat, with a Second or 1 t
] T' -�i`i lir' efyhe ealy true watch °°A •■t Let ^n rather he arhenttd to res t a
•pet deur is to pan N the Upper Province, be- to me do acted open+t lbs loads and ttse- m pr Ten' a Bliaser tram Bums, Broken r Into
tam • �� ta�a�softnpodd y ,£-tiCULAMCS to ht ch�W. It maw ef►va 4 Trader• Cramps. Iloru, Sen,ches, or Tart Te
rale, Iween Aa�rgis the Less taad Lake Huron meots of Jes r Kembill Gooding at the rwuvdomk to theDumdsowssdCla■ia Kir Street. three doors iFrrl of }otsg For f Immeformlatapplrj°~
41, fl,• Mtrmbr(btaaeasasitada•en him from th earls grave- limo! no PontuN(rrrf, ^'on,nto, C. N'.
Al in tie % est. In makug ibis announce- suit of William Holme•, I bsve ■eked and iivahomsaa,tewo�i■ p•etieolat,teaawd raw• mss or woman ester into tit- secret obit- ,olnir Biwa
,c or Psublis Crm6caerm moo 611 a For further tnformatioa spell
- eJ (i mens, F .real,+ beg n express his sharks oaken i• execution the fo.lowttg propors) no it"MarTd,esielesrsdslw.wlsNwq■ I,=. velnme michr M whlishrA..hawiat 'lee woe• ' JOSF.PfI Plop'
w pyo nnamao glum Flo loop of matried life without lir ad)ng the MESSRS. SMALL At PA1GIE. Aerful eff cu of Com l it's Pais Killer. bul,h,v I W Y . HOi1p��
frf4tr lit Lta f. rude ever pal bvoars, Yd aow re- rix: w um lm.m7 be— isep■ae�� POCKET I£SCULPAiUS. Let no on NPORTF.RS end Daoten in Menc •%p
All t Lie fay dso fent • eactos, Rod of vibe Lots ruaairg ahTaken %rr(esa, ninety �oew �r�aswbDsnmaegisz6g�w awe soffenn from a h•rknted Conch, Pan i° j are ,on common, and used insill does *Too mer- i H. PENN
.aline, air, sad eirrf serer• is ells Tows of Godo dottrrssttb�•_�ttmmtats ! 1 • MowcaL Inatworsen, ETc., beR +r eoonore• is enA the 25 rear bottle will da mare than a Colborhe, J°ot 4M4
_ 7 7 aIssmw• =of M sat w trsp■eq the Side, res,lrn miship, m•rvous feelings, that :boT have opened their new Wareroo°' •h •.end unknown **mea to convince the eml. ,.a
tj.t� All t0rom•,niettione oa hnale•aw addrns rich, eontauiug one four Ili of to acro, be ltir hemwmm r a we■■krranera•'■oIs` iftmh iMw glli� Des"'
ed ('tat P'.nl) is Are P. rr., Nmtb Uam om be arty Lw and the wholelrain of Dtryepuceeooati"ep, (miivaied a• above,) and will hove , onetn,lt' jlewsrr rel wonhle,t articles called Pain Killen, Buffalo, Bran
•amt more or fes, which lands and lens ,.reaskit bus " !lbs I of Iaskrumrmw+vi b sad never boy any bat Conestoeli'e.
liter C. %V , will M rum t atleeded tat. Mesta 1 shall offer for Nle at The C• urs whmwi- s mg+•wih■-coo f Ind givers, up by their physicians be Prot an hood, hail, (or Wholesale and Retail ever• --
p Pt T uryt►oyambet �ofd* erreussdsyM eeM: er o ,m rat or a ii, u: n the jEs I aruc a of Mosicwl Merchandise of vsrleusgwh
Apri. 1, It(5d. •bale Resort, to elle Town Of Gadetic6 on Wed soy e, .at tubersa,aklrMwwaDtwa reoessik■ CGLPAiUS. Hoye the marred any imps sier and pr4ce,. They would particularly solicit GEORGF'S HONDURAS SARRAPA-
IsIIt ___—... .r. -___.__ saeday the second day of November next. emlbeeaesr,r•■Pt■s• p isapec'mo oflheirmen, 8171* of R1LLA EXTRACT, forth, care .(oildinw*
1 ( r t at eke \nor of twelve of the clock noon. aTU Mew o o lim woos moo• —t ia• p+n+•ar► as• d'^'lint, read this Truly ustlol bite!, a it Ay-
•isi+s IU the f3etlllfera of the tIUrdn JOHN McDONAI,U, Shenfi; eke .wee AWw,C,L;Am..doa-"me has been The means of petting thoussndo r,f GRAND SQUARE PIANO -FORTES, mnaR from imDerenate of she blond. Tore RAR
aw■dwiaw mer •'r. w. Ilmear,. t,Map„I, X Q•rr rill• contains tre limrr to woe h wit
Tract. Huron and Brute. t•'t' Temn anforluosie creatures from the ctrl jewr u( from ,he Manufactories of Cot -LARD A ('illi.- P
i. p•mvff wl. ksle *war emanran roorsts`a■ death uan, 1.osdon; asd Lusmnp do Wxara, Ph d.- Ihsdwrmm Psrwpmrills w any ocher. le set, �
!tom I It
call be gw 'tesla k boa dot ,M hum Stay del his. ail oT\rr Seranparilles are principally composed . To all tire%
God Sh b s 2nd Ault 1661. ( s!G-1?t set deww slip eh•k nrary let • r*rd1.r ala rr■rr Any person serding TWENTY- D
sr syn I�t11FsUuJrrailned brgr kart la give to- r g., Mt ankh. • - w will M prae,pay FI CENTS enclosed in s le'Ier, will Messrs. S. mole P. Mwe also nn had, s large d •e •atncr Item the warthlrrs eemmot Swiss• Ilbt F
lb••ag Lite to al' ' • lino nor bars any _- _ Anoosswasagmdupds proprietor .too, of New York sad Boston Pnno-FortR, of pan111, sod not have the dnired rlGet uatfl s 170.17E tr hurt! � � H
Tonto•• lit t- w th the Canada Curer- ''�'.'i` e�ta.�o,let w ere ,w,.nor s.. rW w�denan receive one ropy of obs,. work by mail, or excAlett quality, which ,hey can warrent is all Pie ha peered perhaps dnt.n of beittrs isle by
!MRM FOR SALE. e.rvtt•a•a ,h. was M,y swdo" ' fire copies r ill be sent ft,r one Dollar. rerprcn, sed eopecidly to reprd to their ►R" 4b ar•,•m. Of ,he contrary, Georgm'• Hoods. PALO P BRtkr do over,
Fto,* pay ,bat piece the Temporal of their once be •u►�reber again for talo one hundred •o y ht. sanden gowarary, 0 i►. Oder ha Sarsaparilla, from MimR compound d eke best I
ptr.v'o kM /big Wwm, b hat detarrwed to open T atld b rer'•Cr• Address (port pool,].) tog sal use. They will also retain ,he wraRAILWAY, u Re-
seran t( excellent loud, 45 sore• clear. Iwo mdLpamdk • aMo by, DR. Will. YOUNG, aduese and sweN•em of once for a number d a■anerial• red n,wat■currd with the goeatwt and N �e lash via a of the
(; a ft a ag,Rey wire belie fir the here!! +•( ed sad wall Aersed, with a good log bars. �s B. PARSONS, Goderich. arc. (earn sed of the wrmpal to being d it
offs shute w ,e ■ . +uh to tnrN to To• 11'0 1 59 QPnee tit., PAiladelpkis (A years, w•toert ever segruing that rctaLLle. Pr , and taker thOW.f/taf� cc -
y ''• I an orchard l,Periag (nil. Tna ,bore bid Clark it Co., Port NarRia : Floater sedmoted to she strieeant Chemical rasa• asd its sane
r: alit rye,. y ' ISeI ' . r \wrist•. '..: -lir• Feb.}'lib17th. vg -s! 'rano and wuct tear which many Ieetnmesis, terLmae, eommtiit',
* •n oitn tted on 3rd Concession, lot i 1,Toe n Robertson• Chalhsm; B. A. Mitchell, Loa of mherwue good repnueioa, are apt ,e have tensinenaw and poi,ed bly It i• used.) acts mooed Leeds, IY Its w ri let
r ire! }'roes .• . • .,r,•,&, i.:•ewIt 'Ar t toe C' I Ohio of 1Vawanouh. and eat half milef•oma Their Ptao-Fortes are earefr0y wse.ted by sntmedistob ad pewtrfrflT T4u ane 3fitanl copkn there/, bM Thia
duo; S. Cook, Richmond; A• Higubolhar' t Paige, to. T ldnedadermf Clerk
•ssJ posse'* w ! • of ••.. •+ r,t+i i,te ..lir moss d eke Firm, Mr. R. O. Pali Prmo1.•wr Nainm, oat • oral Vepubk Coenpeuad.
Is'. l .•<ey, '.eraR Ifig - om,Pive)ed a testa School bwue--all the money will be re- Brantford. MUSIC GSTAI3LlSH�iEN'I. sd ws mow
qu rd down. For particulate apply to Iha The (oCoring sit Wholeserra Agents, will d Move, Orgsatnt of 8t. Jmem's C•,hadrel, pnpred on *circus. pribuilt g day=
Z l sot to
pit siJ)cvJ tesaeenc !liar by moan aid proprietor oh the promises. Toronto." whore pws(emoeal reperieocr enables ewfi,(eedv smwr+ it b the ►ret Saraaparllls gear day bean da� s. ided.
ah ►: Ilos to dl i••••e r o may I V D Oro. Iltll. 1> trort ; Routh est lhynun, 1'oe, 1
W worush 4th ro , 165L ■!e him n judge d ,M qualities d N imminence'- b*(en the public. of the Pesos ,
per tegrrrr. list serving. Cell ia"be to mad • g Slaidry : T. Btekles It Nos. Hmm"ton; The as,benfon,follygrrraewavarylata- Law yrs LAsrss Tmss Naris.-Tes,lwin tiermtuteY y,
•ed G^ AR ray f)lie•r. ales • Int nT - Lemon. Oro. Iti Cc., Tortola:lioyd 4 Pal, *n softer!• with tM mmcy ilk that hen soh met
tree purchased d oMm. g : !feet of r/yg '1 .mate
• . r i i i- .: a rw_ 1.' •.. o(tlro No. d0, Coortlaq' Slttr' a New York. Messrs S. A P. base •ho a well loge stock is hair to, N nesnR hew dwptnto Goat '@ /poyg
Vt�r P .., • t- .•s tilt to 1.•I1, ex.tpt A1'T�CNMENT. Msy t7,lebg. VS all a' BRASS AND WOODEN iN8TRU. may be, b• art diesseragrd: rem4 .. (1'•tMs
wj'•. MENTI!. FOR MILITARY. AMATEUR Hssduns i!•rrp/aatrtilM, ad ran wiR W neve and11
who,« +i.• it riLse e� w\ea • aaadentm40 sad QUADRILLE, BANDS• Li►ewlw every del chiral sd e(fheiial Hued)• Brantfilp�
. _ United Cows Y Vutut of a t r Description d etOiD wed
r'.I ev,- ••or a a vs'g�sNei I $ sheriff s gale o[ I,Dndi. Waaho loots• Tem who dwfn s beast
i cl. .Iw skis. t on
�yq )1g,e= ROsailToos. Huron and Brresy } 1Vnt u/ ANae!t- �� SOUTH SIDE DC11'DA9 BT., ,rwrw wree•wry iR w imm/1v,e (kebesett 6*M Pimples, 811ubem. aDd •11 imD•r(. cos
R■ pita/ A;td. a T. Wit: ) e.4 t tamed Oct ut I iced Comae o BY V(►lat N a W rat It akar.. Rw asd ' a- Roar/ewd, P 1 O V !• D°
1T Vodin Strin M • ver w iter tali[ rely epee it w the beet Cowen* is am. Wa $ER,
�t%at bit sal, itlda. vH 1 Her M•jnty's C•'AAArel el ,reeri • rienre lanc, so Heirow rwd Srsuri } Oxrw Ftrniw. I ,e, se■sdwt
_ W mes des reefed ts•n.l tit Ilbut• awl a )) of Verditiomi F.x Hewn 8, • P. •Im also the Bele Agratn ler bring I►w rnrelfeise ►*bee• W emhh
,M wk d AAIaRER a CELEBRATED IMe t\* geed tmmma- Doc■■ *f the I■qb will
et _ --- _ - - - To Wit: poess to•aad eat so( n9a■ may be bad SHEET MUSIC of asoretir■t
JOHN aALPMI, well as porawd Govrp Bearatts am a� Beach, end �� HARMONI wd MEI,ODEO!(g. The IiwlBlers bstwr•e • ardieees Iles dwewd ~ •ed Walking
Ile. Me' t 'a Court of Qnran'. *rwy description, Instruction Books b,eoPew,Ba "it
al 'I WPF9R tlMlTll, NRI deer ■candIng or coatloaled Deb:er, at the bell r against the Laois and Ter •ewwe *d whom Fa►,asble Movie moss always obi MsnwsslMosa
J Illi` to direntd y fwr all Meds of leflereetentm ort., a1 eka•p M and at their Fi,s►Irbmeat. Clnbwgal waatbMaa tawasu d • wort►km t wrl\ I1", f to fay sf --
+ la M VletMa Hecel, Wwt Bl reel, ti( IMP Datwpm, for t4a wr of Thirty ere rtlealt of Gas Ctnrn al the seat of JM� ao lin d• \veil to Toronto, Bunton, or New M« wdri■ d all tM ealsbBltd wMth lbs e*ee ry ►•- [ 1 �Y'�/i'
a mob potted* rte• dill egr. 1 beers sa•smd ell lin Sacred Merck -es t r w AIW. •d ewgdbaw/ t1 Loam
"' e + ry G>kYneb, yet mtaelsally on bead. ' es/an revel hi will ss have
nem d the mrd RTswAST tb* Yco it?* I have seised asd York. ora,aim; abe% Closeness Mask. inlet that (f*ww,s !i*edgsw *Wow" a Beets Lwtti -
i' Awf Dieck N Tlswnsq Ctrekrwg and Ms 8't»M. I•ba a ERecutaa LOt Neither flirty in All kind• of YUSICAi. 1NRTRU- Beeosd Med Pane-Fw,so 9«g►t, Bmoy. seed ww t►rgd will M •Iwsyg rad iI* ksvt ►a N� pI • skies. isc.
Gsmos SwasiTT, and ealeses the meet, ,be flint Coseenwou of the Tews•Mp al MENTS, free a Pismo Fern des a to a tats@ i• [aehan Pimse-Fort" T it mop is Image batlke aN of wNeb k egwl is A� a_1�( i off sold to
/fere ice.. wheel, M tarty tall at cosaidtrsblr to- M: mead, Ra- "b tow osld. Oce
" -tri-h deo,e,f lirimsa. G.mmg* DNmtt ormmn wit►ie the jseWte} .lbw ge►m•M+► the feam-
ttas of the said Covert and put is MU to esti• Wh b IAN& a (.a toe Creat N PenThe Pepe Plienp, moved, hie. •1wIN w wt N any at clot Tt's/i dI is
(p •. TM fligb..t price �• w��b�� 1 rade pet mold Whieb Ir.d. 1 olive!! elle est Mk •t tba Boris` N all kind•. bd of superior gsah• Marcia fw M.Gnry ttmdl, intim, Tr..e\ sod Catrvw tERvas -The �:heM~it hem b.o. flew tM
s►• �„+pg,my� erste I", calf •ed sell n. w con" the waw to be diwbarted Court Rash a the Tows of Oeds►kb, ee ty: fs dolt, tvarys\ie r►,eh mow w n,sy news aR's. The •ewe•t sed mwo Pepe. Meiales bee became �t •b�t1 sf Itf
'' w'�.' All bpmdsN sit►u three eslaadrr Bootle /ossa tit• (r.t , ` lar Danish. instrucuw BeAs Cw awl Me std. TMM � am tI� --
ailed rotes• MtcNsy the es►N esol\ My of Saptem• be lased h a well •ad e•rafolly ogleeted sibewAwMaoW"We".
64p•a•i9able M'a•domM Laker is •Rebrsge at day N the pbliNeree sail ibis lfetfew al terse! insinm,mt; Vaal I000tmmilmo Dteb of fe b
bow Ngl, •t tw ►ase N twoln N tM Mmit 8/wr.aseoslem h Dwell. PtepmlatmR TET1-
�t f tM estate Intel mm w041 N 1 N the T►• tw end uwm ireAumw pme. Mo• me the s alb
verb fatssm Good Goeaga Dresr1. mor 00 bee go as eltak, neon. The PIANOS an flier the establish, spiraN� pw/pet, et ymr wife M tlrwiv.
^l,0 AeMiew Feb. 1% low vA-swtM M b•f/ 11•►fe fee J. McDON ALD. BlessrK Besto of lbs fmllowleegg ealehrrltd Msherq do staff hinds. tar"*. Bt►1atwba, oak,... ■d. No ••ions trap be miimmad am D . at • 7tied a"- oar.
5M�* - _-. _ _ ►.-.-__— may be atwtegery, t w wTlidN chi N tb• Hoes sod Brea. will: Cli ekeriv e1•ddart and Diastases, polo. 11, lk Mena Hamm• N0. 7,
1b parses , t• ms. N- 9gseavhea. !e. ►wr Ileris ►y ail slim ♦ Drolbt►, lir MgtiM
". 1(, AQ7rJC F,. wy d• mor •iaiene N Nob Nbw rltlstii Mtmlv►a Onrroe, t koowledgsd 1e be Ise beet na t►N part N gnr MWvvm, The s„wesr P'wmb• ARrss After Ream•. U•w eft
~+ Godw ak, Spot\ Asg., if ( st9-at the w we the r9LOD1AN mesa- lrim, sed 9eg#r Pshitaliew age ewal- PIW post beads. w is Wtw(sa figgg,, A 1"NOBA31,
i ALEXASMIR I1101if fRP. It •fsoft
res mow ►l,tsalwwtbeYlrN eel tab pw•seA POitTpON9MRNT. Mps�M by Prfewfi Co.D. h• 11�►M sem•da1FW ses. iiemt)r Ming - d1A
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so wobe ~lip le:IS mwd e.00va linyg• e�ebmt fM i "a r sod •�gM of the A I,ib*ral Distwsl to Dwf■es TamsYrn■.•ed h ,, '
«� = to JAr9S eol,d Oeeate isneetl witless •ix tMatte rat The above sale in "Released Datil r►f- PmaN asd IIMfedMm veld e• ebotp ss/ H.e+wt�� ort" imide wwwq• L7<Ag �MD' and 11. D
r. wt ribs Atom N the resmiag N tbabON Writ. day, Ike little, Oetowe Nail. moo N knowable lwmr a obey tam be pre• Rspi119m ♦ oe... TmeaMmw Rwdh Is '�•,,,ggsss.
t J. MtOONAL DIrs.IR sand f>. Tortantq M howl epee rebws IbeB eA' Mir. N sirama a batt Ymie scan
` rhes s posaysos. P. McDOMALDa BswrD, Mb*nd res• taloa b MaR fw Lataw patsy. /a i"%ill N. C. tar i1 DL by T. D. " 1. igM• malt(
A. Met!(TIR9. Sbwiir, Harts Bassa, Sherif * (l,Mw If, i -nowt S. i P. wo wt ADB aa, ia�� b
A Pepla l,1 v•o{ •% 1s,aa• Regtsrrwea Ones, HaaMA111 [ORDF•11. telasadegs m T ghowl16 MrtabaSl
t ea3. - s A emw as ay beer is Comm. y 1. Orttrl Is y
�fe Gaiar(M.setL tell, itis vet! LeadK Jaaa•ry, lit/` viloM 11� ism. weim to .-
i t s: +k SAW clog tradorttih, >Isth Jas a i Ills :. _ . - .
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