HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 16DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES • AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL C. M. Hall - Ph. 235-0400 or your local funeral 're. n PLACED IN HOTELS, SCHOOLS. HOSINTALt, PRISONS Page 16 TimesAdvocate, April 4, 1963 Will seek more industry Liberals pledge at rally Biome weather in crash, request centre white line • A Concentrated drive for in, dustrial expansion in both Canada and liuron was Pro- raised by Liheral speakers at a capacity crowd rally at cOda erich Tpeaday night. Walter Gordon, national Li- beral campaign committee chairman, outlined his party's six-point program for economic growth which includes the es- tablisturient of a department of industry, tax incentives, go- vernment loans and training for Canadian workers. "We need opportunities for jobs in places where young peo- ple are growing up," he said. "We don't v,rant them to move away." Need for industrial develop- ment in Huron was stressed by the riding candidate • Gordon Mc- Gavin, who said he was deeply concerned with the lack Of op- portunity for youth here, "With a Liberal gov't," he said, "they won't lose faith in their own communities but will be able to stay here and work to make it even abetter place." The rally, complete with pi- pers and youthful poster-bear- ing enthusiasts, filled lactoia Park public school auditorium to capacity. Crowd was esti- mated at 400. Walter Gordon, in an attack on Prime Minister Diefenbaker, charged he was distorting "out District officer inspects Guides Miss Mary McMillan, divia, ion commissioner, goderiell, ipapeetedSegeadPea titiaaaly Guides at RCAF Centralia on Tuesday, Marcy aa, Mrs, Sheila Peacock was awarded her lieutenwar- rant. Awards were presented by the commissioner to the following Guides: hemetnaker, hi rley LeBoutillier; laundress, LeBoutillier,ley Verna Lane, Debbie O'Toole, Margaret col, hert, aharon Piper, and Mar, jorie Flake; No 1 child nurse, Debbie O'Toole; thrift laaalgaf Verna Lane; second clapp bad- gp, and gymnes4c badge, aaaron Piper, catM1 • to, perMit farriers. to Paten from dairying into other ainea of faamthg. gaunt denennaad PC tleCeP, tion in elaimiagincreaaed greee income for farmeap, since the only figure which counts. is net lncom,e..and thia has been squeezed to the vanishing point. To the claim taat farm income has gained by 15%, he pointed, out there has been an actual decrease of $15 million in On- tario and the increase in other sections has been at the expense of farmers here. Andrea+ Me Lean, Seaforth, riding preattleat, was chairman pf the rally. Speakers included Dan Murphy, Goderich, mem- ber of the provincial party es- ecutive. Why Pay More For A Muffler? OR BUY LOWER QUALITY? We'll instal the very best--a Genuine GM Muffler CHEV 54 TO 62 For as low as Stephen lets drain work switches but the windshield wi- per switch Were in the Off position when he looked at it. Commenting on the Poaition of the vehicles after the colli- sion, which was in the west lane PC Westover paid thatthe busmounted the oar in such a fashion that the car wheels steered the bus to the final position, Coroner Dr, J.G. Goddard, who presided over the inquest and had attended at the scene of the crash, explained that Logan died within seconds of the impact, being crushed against his own vehicle by the weight of the bus. PC Westover said that the bus had to be lifted from the car by a crane and the car pried apart by a wrecker before the body could be removed. Crown Attorney W.G. Coch- rane, QC, coaducted the ques- tioning of witnesses and mem- bers of the jury were: foreman, William Stanlake, RR 1 Exeter; Joseph gegier, Crediton; An- drew Anderson, Dashwood; Ri- chard Niel, Centralia Mllage; George Blackwell RR 2 Hensall. WIN ANNIVERSARY PRIZE Jack Pryde, Huron St., and Clayton Flynn, RR 1 Centralia, won six quarts of paint and a paint brush respectively in draws held last week at Tra- quair's Hardware. More prizes will be given away this week in connection with the hardware store's golden anniversary sale. of all aroPortion" OoraMellts about the Bomare Missile by aS, Defence Secretary Mc- Namara& "if the Bomares are So ter- rible, shouldn't. Mr. Diefen- baker eaalain Why he scrapped the Arrpw to buy Borriarea ip the first place," he asked, Gorden drew applause when he auggested the PM should be on the stage, rather than in parliament, ""He's a great act- or", he said. The Liberal economic expert said the major issue in the campaign is a stable, majority government "strong enough to make decisions". FAVOR WEST FARMS Huron-Bruce MPP Murray Gaunt charged the PC farm policy discriminated against eastern Canadian farmers to benefit the west. "The Conservative gov't." he said, "has been paying a great deal of attention to Wes- tern farmers and they are hap- py, Why shouldn't they be? They have empty grain bins and full pockets." "Nobody has been able to find out what strings are attached to the grain deals with China and Poland and it appears there have been deals to accept goods in return, competing in the east- ern markets and making east- ern farmers pay for the west- ern farmers' good fortune." He attributed the importation of Polish eggs, and the 11-cent drop in egg price here, to this development. Gaunt said the Liberal plat- form which promised the ap- pointment of an eastern asso- ciate agriculture m i ni ster would provide relief from wes- tern ministers who have natur- ally favored their own sections. He praised the Liberal plan to help solve the milk problem with free distribution in schools and the proposal to extend credits $7.50 DOCTOR AT ASSEMBLY Dr. D. A. Ecker, town, is attending the four-day scientific assembly of the College of Gen- eral Practice as part of his for- mal program of 100 hour s of post-graduate study every two years. More than 500 family doctors from all sections of Western Canada and the North- western U.S. are attending. STAFFA Mr. Sam Norris is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Snell Bros LIMITED Chev-Olds Phone 235-0660 Exeter 14.y MRS. J. •IPIAN4MAN Mre,. Cecil 139,WIPP-cprePared a ;Trent Page Challenges pro, gram complete with panel And challenger a for the ..historical. research meeting of $taffa WI held at the home of Mrs. Johnny ik4r, Bowman alaa displayed. the Tweedsmuir history and answered any questions, A dip, Play Was Setup Of the historical articles brought to the meeting by the members. Rell call was answered by a "childhood memory from my community." Mrs, Glanville gave a paper on the tourist at- tractions of the Maritimes, Mrs, John Templeingn presid,- ed, Mrs. Russell miller conduc- ted the ausineas when Mrs. Worden gave a report of the short course held in the hall. Plans were made for the final euchre, Mrs. Carter Kerslake con- ducted an Easter contest. WI SHORT COURSE The Staffa WI held a short course on "What'sNewInHome Furnishings" in Staffa Town- ship hall on Thursday from 1:30 to 4 pna and on Friday from 10:30 auati 1 4pm. Around 151adies attended. The instructor for the course was Miss J. Armour from the Home Economics Department. On Thursday Miss Armour dis- cussed the different floor coverings, tile, wood floors and carpets and their proper care. On Friday she dealt with wallpapers and draperies and the proper furniture styles and coverings. SPEAKING WINNERS Miss Margaret Worden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Worden, and Randy Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, were two of the winners at the public speaking held re- cently in Staffa Township Hall. Both competed at the Legion in Mitchell last Thursday even- ing with Randy placing first in the juniors and Margaret plac- ing third in the seniors. Randy competed again in Milverton on Sunday and placed second. FAST SERVICE "We r_eclx441.en0 thAt. all ,county roads be marked by white centre lines", stated a aprp,- ner's jury in Exeter Tuesday which investigated the ,death of LAP. Panl William Logan, RCAF centralia, in the bus-par crash March 10 on the county road leading to the station. The jury further stated, 'AVM .find that Paul William: Logan died of multiple fractures as The result of an accident , whioh. was due to ppor visibility And road conditions''. The collision happened 000, ly after noon on a atretcb of the road arbere winds from the west were blowing snow over high drifts across the road .and it. was assumed that Logan turned into the other lane in the path of the bus to avoid two-foot drifts of snow .in his .own lane, The loge was travelling north, Logan's car, south. Witnesses were Donald Her- bert Crawford, 22, London, a UWO student and part,titne dri, ver for Trailways; F.R. McNutt, RCAF Clinton, a passenger on the bus; Jorden Egilson, RCAF Clinton, also a passenger; Ro- nald Caldwell, Exeter, who ex, ainined the vehicles after the accident; Lloyd Bender, RR 2 Crediton, a driver at RCAF Centralia, who came upon the accident just after it happened; PC Donald Westover, who in- vestigated the accident. DRIFTED IN LANE All witnesses testified that apart from small patches of road with blowing snow, driving conditions were excellent. PC Westover and Mr. Bender who approached the accident scene from the north testified that there was about two feet of snow in the west lane which tapered off toward the east side of the road. Mr. Bender said he slowed his vehicle, a 15- passenger bus, to about 10 miles per hour to go through the drifts and said he thought that a car (with less clearance than his vehicle) would have tr o ub le going through. When asked if he might turn out to avoid the drifts, PC Westover said, "I believe I :67-7.0''.4211Z.".NMWROW14.170:::45Y45511:1P e. • ery 6,24%0 Olat•VA.A1•145 et.AVA WAS. A. A A AA A A. would, . .be out Of It 44 much as I could, safely, It was suf- ficiently deep to be, not a haz- ard) but awkward. A ear could get stuck", Bus driver Crawford stated he had been ePerating heavy vehicles part time since 195. lie said that he bad driven thrpugh light blowing areas all the way from London and was not Woraied by them,. He testified he entered the accident area at about 40 miles per hour, in the proper lane with the bus lights on. "I saw the par directly in front of me--ea- cept for about a foot and a half pf it, it was on my side of the road. I don't think he was more than five feet ahead of me when I saw him. I did not notice lights on the car." Mr. Crawford said that at impact, he was twisted to the right of the steering wheel and thrown forward through the windshield to his waist. He said he suffered ""only a few cuts and a shoulder separation". THROWN BACK He remembered finding him- self on a seat behind the dri- ver's seat before he and another passenger checked the passen- gers for serious injuries and then went out of the bus. He did not observe anyone in the car since it was too far under the bus. He then went to look for a phone, and, finding none at the first house he tried, noticed the bus, driven by Mr. Bender, flagged it down and asked Mr. Bender to drive to the nearest phone to summon help, Mr. Egilson said that he could see the car from his seat in the bus, third behind the driver, and it appeared to be "in our lane". He said he could see part of the car through the right side of the bus windshield. Mr. Caldwell, a class A mechanic, said the bus was in good travelling condition, lights and windshield wiper s were working. He said that the stee- ring gear was locked in a quar- ter turn to the right and that all Celebrates 90 years Town council --Continued from front page will meet officials of the pool campaign. A letter from G. John Goman, pool campaign chairman, re- veals $11,000 has been raised in the drive to date. Another $6,000 is expected from com- pletion of the canvass in town and district, as well as grants from surrounding municipali- ties. The provincial gov't will provide a $5,000 grant. A town council contribution of $3,000 would meet the com- mittee's objective of $25,000. Councillor Joe Wooden pres- sed council for a favorable de- cision. "The committee is in a position now where the future of the project is dependent on what we do. We owe them a de, vision." Councillor Ross Taylor also expressed support. 0 the r s, while they were in favor of a pool, were concerned about costs of operation and main- tenance. Mayor Simmons, who does not endorse the project, felt council could not decide with- out discussing costs with the committee. He pointed to a number of problems: provision of parking space, oper at i ng costs, need for life guards at the pond as well as the pool, and the lack of enthusiasm among service club members. Councillor Ferguson: "I've given all I want to give without paying another mill on my taxes." It was suggested the contri- bution might be spread over two years. Deputy-Reeve Musser: "I'm not against the pool but I don't see how we can afford it." Mrs. Catherine Ford quietly celebrated her 90th birthday on Friday, March 29 at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dougall. Mrs. Ford is in good health and plans to visit her daughter in Windsor for Easter. She likes travelling by car and said "I'd love to fly if I had a chance." She has two sons and three daughters: Austen, Detroit; Fred, Toronto; Mrs. Dougall, Mrs. Norman (May) Hogg, Osh- awa, and Mrs. Melvin (Lillian) Sims, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. William Ford farmed in Usborne Township until moving to Exeter where Mr. Ford died in 1945. Mrs. Ford lived alone for a time and since has lived with her daughter. Many friends and neighbors called on Friday to offer best wishes. homes Road ay MRS. wil-altaaa, RCHPa COMMUNITY NIGHT At the coninninity night in the Schoel house priMonday evening eight tables: of euchre were in Play, prizes were won for ladies high by Mrs, Jack. Borland; ladies low, Mrs. Reg. Hotlgert; lone hands, Alvin Passrnore; men's high, Donald pray; men's low, Ron Patterson, The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howe. The next community night will be a supper gathering, the time to be settled later, (INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK) Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barry, Mrs. Pearl Baynham and Col, leen of London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baynham of Dashwood, Mrs. Tom Murdock and Jeffrey were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pasamore. La- ter in the day they all except Mrs. Murdock and Jeffrey visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir of Hensall. Miss Marlene Webber placed third in the public speaking con- test held in Clinton recently. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr. and Mrs, William Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore, Mr. and Mrs, Almer Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns of Elimville. Miss Mary Gardiner, Mr. Bert Gardiner of London, Mrs. Percy Passmore of Exeter, Mrs. Gilbert Duncan spent the weekend with Mrs. Robinson of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym, Mrs. John Pym and Pauline vis- ited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Embro. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Alan were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Lauchlan of Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne had their Happy Doubles dinner on Saturday evening and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde had theirs on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford, Ava and Michael of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert, Janet and Ruth were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Elford, the occasion being the birthday of Janet Bray. Messrs. Glen Thorpe, Wil- liam McFalls of Exeter and Donald Ballantyne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Hooper of Georgetown. Mrs. Jean Allen and Phyllis of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bal- lantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery of Exeter. Rev, H. C. Wilson was in Clinton on Monday when the Exeter and District Ministerial Association met in the Wesley- Willis Church as guests of the We see Easter fashions your way . . . the peak of spring perfection, going on parade now . . then parading ahead to summer and travel. Our adapt- able coats, costumes, suits and dresses lead a long fashion life, and look lust wonderful. Choose! Wingham and District Minis- terial. Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson were Mr. and Mrs. James An- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone. Mr. and Mrs . Percy Stone were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lamport, of Crediton. Mrs. Gertie Wiseman is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins of Brussels were recent visitors at the manse. The vanity of fools is the wisdom of the wise. --T.C. Haliburton .............................. aaa•ai,aaaa,' aaiia'aafaraaa- Stephen council let contracts for construction of three muni- cipal drains Monday. The work Includes: R. Nicholson and Sons, Monc- ton, will build the Martin and Galloway drains, both consis- ting of open work, for $642 and $919 respectively. Frank. Kistner, Dublin, sub- mitted the lowest bid of $550 on the Faulder which is tile drain work. These tenders are for the completion of all work to the satisfaction of the engineer with the township supplying pipe and tile. Council learned that part of the deck of the small bridge located opposite lot 6, con. 18- 19, has fallen through. A de- cision was made to have the bridge replaced with a 66" cul- vert, subject to dep't of high- ways approval. The council approvedbullding bylaw amendements to provide for minimum size of rafters (2x4's to 10 feet and 2x5's to 14 feet, depending upon the pitch of the roof) and requiring mor- tar cover and filling on all solid masonry units. A request from Cecil Smith- ers, lot 40, south boundary, that his school support be changed from. Stephen to McGillivray was accepted and the McGilli- vray board will be asked to ac- cept the taxes from this pro- perty for public school pur- poses, while his children are attending school. A grant of $30 was given to the South Huron Agricultural Society and $16 to the feeder calf Club which it sponsors, Clerk Ross Haugh was in- structed to get prices on the 1963 supplies of liquidealcium. Building permits issued were to Frank Glanville, Crediton east, for an addition to restaur- ant, and Mrs. Rita Smith, Wa- terloo St., Exeter, an addition to house; Gerald Zwicker, Oak- wood subdivision, a garage. tires, wheel discs. FOOTWEAR FOR SPRING Fashions for ALL the family at budget prices 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN, automatic trans, whitewall 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN, automatic transmission 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE COACH 1963 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICK-UPS, 8 ft. box. 1963 ENVOY SPECIAL SEDAN, leather interior. at Rock Bottom Prices Phone 235-0270 BUY NOW AND SAVE! Every dad needs a new Forsythe Shirt for Easter Dress Whites $5 & $6 Terylenes $7.95 1960. CHEVROLET BISCAYNE COACH a low Mileage One owner car. 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4 DOOR SEDAN custom radio, batic-up lamps, one owner, low mileage. Ties— Belts — Jewellery 1958 MERCURY GOULD And JOKY vas.vaa" 2 DOOR HARDTOP power steering arid brakes, custom radio, a low mileage one owner car. Excellent condition. 1958 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 DOOR SEDAN power steering' and brakes, custom radio, whitewall tires, two tone finish, a one owner beauty. The Family Shopping Centre New Sport Shirts $4 to $7 Spring Jackets $8.50 to $15.95 inch:dirt new laminates Men's Boys' Youths' Children's SEE US BEFORE. YOU BUY WUERIK'S Phone .215,4611 SHOES Snell Bros. Ltd. Exeter CHO/ OLDS .ENVOY CORVAIR Pliant 2S5-6660 The Home Guardian Mditifttidtide' :Yoaaaaaaa.a.aaa/aataxaataaaa.pataaaaaaaaaaataiaaaaaaVay 1 41,40.10.11 aaa,aaa•Va'a,a aal: lat, r „,,,,e•t„.•.**" a4aaa'24:A"..a.r.aqa.'a,aaatataaaaaxaiaafaaaaaaa:aea.a.aaaaaiaf:o ata aW/aWa• analtaaaavaaaaafalaMattaiataaatataaataktataaataa;