HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 15*ft 11 4. it ir 14 Starlite DRIVE IN THEATER at SHIPKA Open This Weekend! ENJOY 'pop MOVIES -UNDER THE STARS ASNANAti0%. ,a..2"ftAte: aeA, Friday & Saturday, Apr. 5 & 6 "ROMAN HOLIDAY" Starring Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn & "DELICATE DELINQUENT" Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Cutbush, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squires, 704,0( taittee,4 Miss Alice Claypole returned. on Saturday from Winnipeg where she visited her sister, Mrs. Svendsen„ formerly of Ex- eter, who has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Freder- ick, Kitchener, were weekend visitors with Mr. and airs. Le- sume Desjardine. Fnups OLD T-A In looking for a spring lost from one of her children's toys under the closed in steps of her home Mrs, Murton Desjardine, "T13 Waterloo St., found an old copy of the Times-Advocate dated November 1933. The paper was damp but read- able. Bayfield Baptist Church T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor- SUNDAY, APRIL 7 10.00 a.m.—Bible Study 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic. Hour Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service — You Are Cordially Invited To AIL Of These. Services. VOMMIESMIlelatteMiUt=liNeneaccaaaaseee....ea angillineVeM 100E— Exet er Lodge No, 67 will be holding Past Grand's night on Tuesday, April 9, 1963. The third degree will be con- ferred by the Exeter deg r ee team. The drill team are re- quested to be present, All IC)OF members please accept this in- vitation. Allen Fletcher, Noble Grand, Percy A. McFalls, Rec- Secretary. 4c EASTER BAKE SALE—Ilensall United Church Saturday April 13, 3 p.m. Sponsored by Unit 3 of United Church Women. 4; 1 lc BAKE SALE--Exeter Library, Saturday April 27, 2 pon.Spon- sOred by Catholic Women's League. 4:11:18:25c BLOSSOM TEA--hobby fair, bazaar and bake sale in James St. VC parlour, May 15, 3 pm. Sponsored by UCW. 4c AUXILIARY MEETING-- Wo- men's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, meeting on Tues, Apr. 9, at 2:30 pm. in the Auxiliary rooms, hospital. The executiVe Will meet at 2:00 pm, OXLAHOMAI --Coaling to Lyric Theatre, Exeter, at popular prices, starting Wed., Aeril 10. Don't miss it. 4:11c BAKE SALE-agattirday, April 6, '3 p.m. Community Centre, Crediten, sponsored by tICW.4c SACRED MUSICALEe-Saturday April 6, 8 pre. Janies Street Wilted Church, Exeter:Featur- ing, The Lahgelf Brothers gttar- tette','Port Huron, Mich l; the Pitts 'artily, Toronto; Vic Clay, Henry and Hazel Slatigh- ter, Cathedral of To-MertoWi Akron, Ohio. Tickets available froth Alvin Finkbeitieri Edgar tudniore, Mrs, Earl Oesch, Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Rita, sell Wearer and members of the James St, AOTSmeWSOluli. Sponsored by South Huron Youth for Christ. 4c • GB plans Tirn e4 ,011t4 1.963 ood orw enforcement Al..40447P4eee A0441;$§"i4.+41 xis -aster 'Donc. 10 ROUNDS HAM With the s'entiver seaean fast 0.4 le reel Mtge trend. .B.enti cil :s taking :eps toward en- forcing- the teems of a tccd hand:law bylaw gassed in Noe 're rate: 1.9„ The by-lew provides for the lteeecing of purveyors oe food for ina ea e i i a te consumption. The licence, whicheesteatolsen $1.-00, may be. revoked if the eeerator oe the estaelielataeat fails. to '',fir'' within the by-' taws of the village,. or ii he. violates health revelations,. It establishes fines from S20 10 • WO with the alternatiVi. maximum of 21 -days iP 1#1. .1N9altneeCele have been Isesded ti=p far Dr. F, Boyes, Peeeehill, who is the medical officer cf health for the village, noted that each establishment enculd Inspec- ted, beiorc acertnit is given, end teen that a euether check of each 3etablislernent. steetald be made darrteg_ the eem z- re and Friday, April 5 e:30 p.m. to I:e0 EXETER LEGION eLkLL Music be Walcughbfs Orchestra Sicaeles7150 Full Card $50.00.1 ckpot TJa 40 calla--at :tie becgo i i •VortusAto ier first to 4l11 AA,AAAAO.A•AA444.41•10.1004.••00,000.04411AMASAWA.A.,.1.0.,AA.OArifa44101 • cA ..PRgaYTffklAti• c-HpgcH, Main . et Hilt St., getrr minister:; Rev. AcrYnei r • Mrs, MY'rror Kris. 4..01.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11. a.nt.—ClitrEctf SERVICE Nursery available for pre, school. children. YolA are invited to worship with us. Board of Managers in' the manse, Wednesday, April 10„ at 1:30 p.m. Round For Cash Extra APRIL 10 JANigs sTRgET VN1TgP CHURCH Rev. S. 140/11. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A,W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 ,4,1‘1,—SUNDAY SCHOOL All DeeertatellIS ii AX.—MORNINO SERVICE Lenten Series; l4) "'The Meaning of the Cress" CommuniOn Duet: Margaret Olae and Linda Walper Nursery for babies end ei or Congregation for children 4, $ and 6 years. Come to Church in Lent. Rummage.. And Bake Sale $itr.R* tireead:Ja 44tloes are that all vic- teallieg..plages sectildbe scree', riecie" said Dr.. Sores. "I won,id: ..gge-ict that you rot reqeire, this in. ',eel, bee. let it be knoviti that it 16-.4 you will require screening. Then operator: can start to make plans for sareen- iele theie pieces for next, year." Wellwocd Gill, who is streets :toren:ail for the village,. also is building inspector mid sanitary inspector. Sidi e connetl teels, ttuz-A with tee added work this. ee job, will be taro terve- for one a man, they deelded to, advertise for a. building and sanitery in- spector with. app :teatime to ,ter eonsidered et the, lee n. Meeting as 15. "yoer wells here are very good," said Dr. Boyes. "Tests rarely show anything but goad waiter in Grand,. Bend.. Send is a ,44.gPV.1:9,eriteurgiejinofoliwtesr.,. a.tallava Exeter Legion Holt taa Lerdoc (acid Greed veedl, who is eh:Lira:mace ccur..- s health ct.).!nzi3t*e z, s4id weals is ore of the most irneor- tare thirees in the Grand Bend ecocerny. If we sticaeld. run into an outbreak of disease, Grand Bend would cleae u, --like that Switzerland'". (Cole was reeerriceg to a ty,, Pboid QOAtt ta.Zermatt„Swie tze rim:4* where tWo ceogle have died and 451) are lazown tOr have the diseasee. 4,The reeeiatiens eating Ogees, are all ciLvi111 :a the pro v leciat act," stated Pr. Boyne, "!.L.C' need e !geed strong saretation inecectcr, and then give him the backing of the. ecaincil. lie ,should be ready to stow authority , ina friendly way, .t‘ Yee_ will not be able to ae- complish all cat this the first year," tie continued, "but by do leg same this year, meelmere nett year, son Will be able to t la l establishments up to Now Playing SWING TWO SHOWS This .Adverti„. CENTRALIA Name local caretakers to look after tree tracts : 404....444.1.04,..AMO•0•001MAWA0.404.0 0 4•00.*4044414oulciAof 00,044.144mAkoiwe0 oon404,40im .P• i001..0•4‘,. r THE ANI,.1CAN ,c-HVR,cH OF CANADA Trlvitt Memorial, Exeter Rey, Bren, de Wive, Rector Robert Cameron, Orgeniat Senday„ April 7 Palm Sunday 3:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 10:00 a.m.—Sentor Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Junior Sunday School 7:00 p.m —Evensong SATURDAY, APR11,. 6 2 P. M Centralia United Church .Sponsored ley Centralia United Church. Women FREE COFFEE tent Courtesy of NEWS. VARIETY STORE Rhone ee5-5301 BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street gest. R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.na—Seryiee in English "The Cali to Holiness" 2:00 P.m,—Service in Dutch "Sanctification" Reception of .Mentbers 3:15 p,m.—Sunday School and Catechism Friday, Good Friday Service tvitert a new trove end en tact crim SUSAN PETER: W AYWARD N FINCH: !THANE A yogi eeee:ea''' IDIANe ':"'CYR11. RENE- CiSAC Adult Entertainment SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE 't'rt "Alaskan Seas" Star in Starting Wed., April 10 MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Re'y. R. S. Hilta, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Missionary Film: "Crowded Ways in Hong Kong" 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Palm Sunday Reception of New Members Communion Service Nursery provided. HOLY WEEK SERVICES Monday to Friday, 8:00 p.m. Good Friday, 10:30 Preacher: Rev. V. Paul Martin, .Toronto uns 1V11,244141ACQL-014 Easter Dance MOUNT CARMEL BALL Monday, April 15 Music by THE COUNTRY 5 9:30 to 1:30 Lunch Counter Everybody Welcome A WIA41.1 riKAICIICAN 047lISLI1 SY x'. ri14,11,11ANtli wow'' TING AT 00 P.M. COMING SOON ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CR EDI TON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, April 7 • 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School At the Senior Citizens meet- ing Tuesday, April 2 a musical program featured accordion solos by Barry Jeffery, piano instrumentals by Mrs, prank King, tap dancing by Glenda Fisher arid quartet selections by Walter Cutbush, Alfred Wuerth, Ed Lindenlield and Mervyn Cudmore. Chairman was Harold Jeffery and a singsong was led by Wal- ter Cutbush. A successful bake auction was conducted by Walter Cutbush, Caven Circle served lunch and the Marshall group played for the dance, Committee for next month are: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs, Percy Passmore, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A, J. Stienstra, B.A., 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.—Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister; Rey. M, .1. James, S.A„ B.D. Sunday, April 7 10:00 a.m..—Worehip Service 11:00 a au.—Sunday School EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, April 7 Services of inspiration and Blessing 9:5 a.m.—Sunday 'School for all ages 11:00 a . rn .—Com m =ion er- vice 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic Ser- vice Ps. 122: 1—"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord'." Trees on .the twolorest tracts in the area have reachedareint in their growth where theypre- seet an extremely serious fire hazard. The Ontario Department of Lands and Forests 52.14 this week it is so cencernedwith the danger in these metering wood- lots that it has begunaprogeare aimed at tightening itsfire pro- tection system for the tracts, W.E.. Moore, zone foreman at Stratford, says that capable caretakers, each living near the forest tracts have been chosen for the two areas which are in Elders hear local talent the immediate vicinity of Exe- ter. The caretakers have been trained in fire control and are equipped with the necessary tools to suppress a _fire until further aid arrives. It is the hope of the departmeet, Mr. Moore says, that the citizens of this area will get to lemow who the caretakers are for nearby tracts, so that in the event of lire, no time would be lost in spreading the alarm. Caretakers are William Wat- son, for the Hay swamp tracts, and Clarence Gale,Sor the Ship- ka area tracts. The department's. program for the forest tracts in this vicinity else, calls for protection front vandalism andtheft, Care- takers have been authorized to act upon any misdemeanor with- in their boundaries. and report violations to department per- soneel. Hunting, fishing and hiking are permissible in any county or Authority forest. Signs. are posted at all entrances reques, tine; citizens to use infinite care not to cause fires. The forests, says, the depart- ment ,,oresent a magnificent picture :for the outdoorsinan". There are great stands of soft- wood plantations, and in scum cases, mixed woodlots ranging in age from the recent plantings of 1962 to 60-year-old sped- mens. But with this beauty, Mr. Moore says, goeatneeire threat brought about by their age. SPECIAL TIMESI SHOWS ST. The Password is Courage a Blue Hawaii ' Twist Around The Clock Phone 33e-291,1 EXETER Starring Jerry Lewis and Maths Ryer treeteMenn,R,),ieeskeeeeeeeeee eeeVeWKkqeeeniM. t"04:3%41,VV4e_Z: f1„11441R4OWN411kWIRRIVINatarlgREMNIM s. • • ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz Sunday, April 7 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 10:00 ,a.m.— Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Confirmation Service Sermon: "Which Is My Way?" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Saucier, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All are welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. Phone 235-0202 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 Special Service with Rev. D. Holliday, of Windsor. Nursery for young Children. SPECIAL SERVICES Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5, 1963, at 8 p.m, With Rev. Don Holliday of Windsor. TRINITY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA EXETER, ONTARIO HOLY WEEK SERVICES ti Monday, April 8th. '7:30 P.M. Meditations: Christ before Annas Tuesday, April 9th, 7:30 P.M. Meditations; Christ before the Sanhedrin Wednesday April 10th. 8;00 A.M. Quiet Communion 10:00 A.M. Quiet Communion 7:30 P.M. Meditations: Christ before Pilate Thursday, April ilth. 7;30 P,M. Meditations: Christ before Herod Friday, April 12th, Good Friday 12;00 Noon till 3;00 P.M. The Three Hours' Service, based on the seven Words from the Cross. Elston Cardiff invites you to Meet and Hear THE .121IT41710.111ellaMer HOLY WEEK SERVICES Sponsored by Exeter Ministerial Association Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Apra 8 -12 SPtAXEll. REV, V, PAUL MARTIN PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA Gocierich District Collegiate institute SATURDAY., APRIL 6 • 2 P. M. ith RCM-- John P. Roberts, Prime Minister of Ontario Morningside Mennonite Chureh, Toronto 14.ZV. MAItTIN'S SUB,ItCTS: Mom 8:00 PM - "15iscipline and Discovery" laidS.8:00 PM, - "Dangerous Distractions', Wed, 8:00 PM "The Mail who lived for thit world only" Thurso 8:80 PM - "The -Crisis of the drosS" food Priday 10:30 AM iiThe Message front the Cross" VOTE -CANADIAN VOTE :CONSERVATIVE Van CARDIFF A .1 A. car .6.deiderit is usually considered all iMteel late, for Which the &Wee feels no reSe nontibility). silt's the Ontario .gaiety League. 13tit a Mini who makes a Bole-hi-one, or Whit- a tweeptke, etteh feels that he Should get the credit for e .fie rabbet aehieVerileilie By all Ofitiroiies Per all 'Mirada •AS .4-tr*rive, .•A'AIA:AxA•••A:k.:ANXIi; keeekeeeeeeeekeefeeeeeeeleeeeekeeeeeekeeraaeleeeeeekeeece•Meeeeekeeeee