HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 14By MRS. FRED BOWDEN
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Page 14 Tinia-Aciv....cate„ April 4, 1963:
Spring flood one of worst
kucan personals ElElect '63 ffi o cers. Guests with Mr. PO Mrs. — • • • —
Wilbert Stanley last week in, f
chided, Mr, and Mrs, AndreW r etery board .,„ T9rtnito thr the Week- Ai/ itt M — •
end and Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Atkinson and Mr, and Mrs,
Ivan Stanley on Thursday-even-
Mrs. Yeltna, Parker of Lon-
don, who has opened a beauty
SalOn, in the hOnSe next to
the Murdy Funerallionminoved
10 days ago and has already
been quite busy. Mrs. Parker,
has two children, Colleen and
Harold, both going to the Pub-
Mr, Harold Corbett, who has
tapped 1,045 trees, reports this
is the worst year in his ex-
perienee, as the days are too
mild. "If it does not turn cold,
er immediately it will be too
late", he said.
Mr. Benny Kelly, an etnployee
at the Central Hotel, is a pa-
tient at St. Joseph's Hospital,
the result of a fall.
Jack Hewitt here. She eXpeetS
to spend Easter in Winnipeg.
Mrs, 13111 Dewning of Chat-
ham and tier mother, Mrs, Al-
vier Henry spent Thursday
evening with Rev. L, C, and
Mrn. Harrison In London.
Mr. Wilmer Scott and. Mr.
Clarence Hardy left by plane
on Monday for the West.
14r.. and Mrs.. Ed Flynn, vis-
ited the Evan's funeral home in
London on Sunday. Mrs, Everett
Morgan, the former Olive
Flynn, niece of Mr. Flynn, rest-
ed there. Later they visited
Mrs, Flynn's sister, Miss Cora
Atkinson, in London,
art Easter service With Holy
CQ414, T. Con
duct. the service
FQ rf 4404911, CA9pmrii
12 at 7,30 Pm at Lucan PC, The
members here are asked to join
the joint :PEr svieo, A service there..
daMie r,nelt4orheTrot rplipetWol,tt
eef ntgria/14
Monday and. Tuesday with his
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Hewitt here in the village,
Miss Doreen Hewitt of Sarnia
Supr:nntdpathreentrem, and m kTd Withhre;
the :members to 41.4e articles
for .the fall bazaar,
P4ll c11 h7rc.17. At. St, Jameson .0111-1,
at it 474. irnft °t 'SpgenP°olfa. Mr, and
mrs, Robert Latta, waabaptized.
at the service. The sacrament
of Holy ,Haptlein was conducted
bythe rector,, the Rev, E. Q,,
Lancaster, Sponsors for the
baptism were Mr. and Mrs,
Herhert Kirkham, of Lendonaed
Mr..Robert. Latta.
On Good Friday, April 12, the
service will he. at 2;10 pip. On.
Sunday, April 14 there will be
Last. Weekend'sraild weather,.
Coupled with Tuesday's all day
rain, resulted to one
worst flooding conditions,
By Monday the creek, .at the
north end of the village, had
reached an alarming height.
flooding basements which had
never been flooded before,
Alice, Beech, and Market
Streets were particularly hard
hit, Gardena en Alice St, and
the baseball .grounds were a
miniature lake for days. Beech
St. was covered with water in
several places, blocking the
street for pedestrians.
Water completely surrounded
the Scout Hall and the only en-
trance to the Legion Hall was
by going around bythe Laundro,
mat and entering by the rear,
Many homes, where there was
no sump pump had to send
for the town PUMP.
Shortly after noon on WedneS,
day the power went off and all
pumps had a 40 minute respite,
while their owners, Stood, help-
less watching the water rise in
their basements and endanger-
ing their furnaces, What a sigh
of relief when the power came
back on again and over-taxed
pumps began removing the wa-
Here and there in the village
there are still small mounds
of snow to remind the resi-
dents of 1963's long and severe
................... =71:721M
,By M RS, J. 1-11.. PAWN
A meeting of the cemetery
board was held at the church
when the election Of Officers for
1963 took place,
Rev, E. o, Lancaster Is
chairman; Ernie Lewis, sneer,
intendentj Jack Murdy, ,seere,
tary-treasurer; other board
members are Austin Hodgins,
Rae Hodgins, Maurice linpson;
Jack Whitmore, Jim Cunning-
ham and Murray Carter. Ro-
bert Latta and Andy Carter are
Funeral services were con-
ducted of Monday at the Evan's
funeral home,Hamilton Road,
London for rs, Everett Mor-
She was the former Olive
Flynn, daughter of the late.
Thomas and Clara (C1 k e)
Flynn of Clandeboye. She died
at Victoria Hospital on Friday,
March 29.
She is survived by her hus-
The science of fishing can be
had from books; the art is
learned by the catching and
the losing of fish.
-- W. H. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crudge,
and Mrs, J. W. LockYer of Lu-
can and Mr. and Mrs. RalPh
Smith now of WallaCebUrg, were
among those who attended the
35th annual dinner and dance of
the Royal Canadian Legion held
at Strathroy, Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert
were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Ethel Kerr of Exeter and all
took a drive to Grand Bend in
the afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Light-
foot, daughter Janice and Mrs,
Florence Cunningham, all of
London were Thursday even-
ing guests of Mrs. W. J. Mc-
There are still many cases
of flu in the village. At pre-
sent the whole Carling family
are down with it.
Rev. and Mrs, George Eiz-
enga and family of Sarnia were
Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Meine Eizenga.
Mrs. Richard Dinkins and
Mrs. Glen of Exeter were
Thursday guests of Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith
and family of Wallaceburg were
weekend guests of Mrs. Smith's
parents Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr. Clarence Haskett, last
Wednesday moved his house-
hold effects to the upper floor
of the former nursing home. The
ground floor will be used as his
new funeral home.
Mrs. A. Devine of London
was a Sunday guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Clare Stanley and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham
of Chatham were Friday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Has-
kett and. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cummins and family of Toronto
were weekend guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reid of
Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Reid of Parkhill and Mrs. Elea-
nor Crellin of London, were Sat-
urday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
N. W. Wasnidge.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomp-
son and family of St. Cathar-
ines were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Thompson
last week,
better than on the floor as in
the past. (The third pot was
placed on the organ).
Renovations continued during
the week, The kneelers are all
back in place, the seats and
window sills have all been var-
nished. Those in charge are
hoping to have the new carpet
laid in time for the Easter ser-
Pentecostal Holiness
At a Teachers' and Officers'
Sunday School meeting on
Thursday a new contest to run
from Easter Sunday to Pente-
cost, was discussed and acorn-
mittee named, to make the ne-
cessary arrangements.
The Sunshine Hour, at 6:45
each Friday for little people,
was poorly attended during the
long cold winter. To get off to
a new start, film strips will be
shown next Friday night.
The main feature of the Fri-
day evening YP was an illus-
trated talk on Jamaica, given
by the Rev. G. W. Sach of the
United Church.
Rev. E. A. Gagnon was in
charge of both Sunday services.
The junior choir sang in the
Through the efforts of Mrs.
Cecil Robb, educational conven-
er for the Lucan branch of the
band, two sops, Glen and Gerr
ald; one daughter, Mrs. Eugene
(Marion)Sadlowski, all of Lon-
don; two brothers, Norman,
London; Alex, Mitchell; one sis-
ter, Mrs. Harold( Myrtle) pat-
terson, Hamilton and three
grandsons and thr ee grand-
She was born in London but
lived in Clandeboye till her
Marriage in 1926, They kept
store at Moorseville for two
years then moved to London. She
was in her 56th year.
Interment was in St. James
Cemetery, Clandeboye.
Funeral services were held
on Saturday, March 30 for Miss.
Edith Munro, at the Cyril J.
Belli funeral home, Dutton. In-
terment was in Fingal Ceme-
She is survived by one sister
Mrs. Harvey (Alma) Dundas of
Windsor, former resident of
this community and a former
teacher at Clandeboye School.
Attending the funeral were
Mrs. Earl Dixon, Mrs. Will
Haskett, Mrs. Roy Hamilton
and son Robert Hamilton, who
acted as a pallbearer, Mr. and
Mrs. George Prest and Mrs.
Lloyd Odd of London.
Miss Catherine Marlene
Thompson, bride elect of April
11 was honored on Friday after-
noon at the Neil Communi ty
Centre by a community shower.
Conveners were Mrs. To m
Gilmore, Mrs. Wilfred Dixon,
Mrs. Bill Dixon and Mrs. Andy
Thompson. Progressive euchre
was enjoyed.
A hostess chair and many
other miscellaneous gifts were
On Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Thompson entertain-
ed the Thompson family at their
home when many gifts were pre-
sented to the bride-elect at the
family gathering.
Mrs. Alan Hill entertained
the ladies of St. James Church
at her home on Thursday after-
noon. Mrs. Andy Carter, presi-
dent, opened the meeting, Mrs.
J, H. Paton gave the prayer for
the sick and Mrs. J. Hewitt
read the scripture lesson. Rev.
Lancaster led in the Litany.
Mrs. Carter gave a paper on
"The Lord's Prayer."
The annual meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary will be held
in London, May 1.
Mrs. Jim Cunningham pre-
sided for the Guild meeting at
which a discussion was held on
the vestibule walls.
Material was handed out to
Cancer Society, Lucan was able
to secure, "The Sword of
Hope", display from the Tor-
onto headquarters.
This display is in the window
of the C, Haskett &Son furniture
store, Lucan.
Andrew Morton of Ailsa Craig
assisted the Rev. Kenneth Hick
with the service at Brinsley
United Church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morley
returned home from their win-
ter vacation at Florida on Sun-
Misses Kathleen and Edith
Morley spent Monday in London.
Don Watson has been on the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trevithick
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Trevithick on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. StanleySteeper
were Sunday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgson
and family.
Doug Lewis is recovering
from an attack of hepatitis.
Mrs. Alvin Cunningham vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Prest.
Mr. and Mrs. RayShoebottom
attended the funeral in London
on Friday of their cousin, the
late Mrs. Roy Ferguson of Mel-
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Swartz were Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne McFalls, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey McFalls of
London and Mr. Edgar McFalls
of Lucan.
Mrs. Lorne Hicks visited with
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pollock in
Kincardine on Sunday.
Mr. Richard Shoebottom vis-
ited on Sunday afternoon with
his grandmother, Mrs. M. John-
son who has been a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London, for
the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn
of Exeter were Sunday visitors
with Mr. andMrs. George Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning-
ton and Miss Mabel Refoir ac-
companied by Miss Linda Gloor
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Vogan and family in Lis-
Mrs. Arthur McFalls return-
ed home on Monday following a
few days visit in London with
her daughters and sons-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. William Quinton
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lil-
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shoe-
bottom and Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Nichols of Parry Sound
were Sunday visitors with the
former's son, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Shoebottom and family.
United church
At 7 pm last Monday the
CGIT held a work meeting to
complete their Cuddle toys for
the Crippled Children which
will be delivered April 16.
Special thanks goes to Mrs.
Russell Thompson and Miss
Muriel Carling for their as-
Four new members were add-
ed to the afternoon UCW unit
which met at the home of Mrs.
T. G. Price Thursday afternoon.
"The Mission of the Church"
was the theme of the worship
service led by Mrs. George
Paul. She was assisted by Mrs.
Wm. McFalls.
A "Herald Report" on the re-
fugee situation in Israel, was
given by Mrs. Gordon Banting.
The hostess, aformer Japan-
ese missionary, spoke on the
beautiful kimona she was wear-
ing and told many incidents,
experienced, while in Japan,
especially during her social
work. Mrs. Jack Lankin, Miss
Reta Chown andMrs. Jack Mur-
day modelled other colorful Id-
monas and assisted in display-
ing many of Mrs. Price's curios
and pictures, which she had
brought home from Japan.
"Holiday dime plates" were
distributed to all members pre-
sent. The Herald for the April
meeting will be Mrs. Sheridan
Revington. Assistant hostesses
were Mrs. Gordon Banting and
Mrs. William Aylestock.
The north end unit met Tues-
day evening under the leader-
ship of Mrs. Charles Sovereign.
Mrs. Alex Youn g was in
charge of the worship service,
and the study book. She was
assisted by Mrs. G. E. Nichol-
son, Mrs. George Thomson,
Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs.
The south end unit met Thurs-
day evening, with Mrs. J. 0.
Andersen in the chair. Mrs.
H. B. Langford and Mrs. Louis
Kilmer took the worship ser-
vice and Mrs. G. W. Sach took
the study book, "The Word and
the Way".
Holy Trinity Anglican
Three pots of daffodils, do-
hated by the Cancer Society,
adorned the chancel of the
church to usher in the 1963
Cancer Campaign, which will
begin, in Lucan, April 15. Two
of the pots were placed on the
new chancel projection on
stands and showed off much
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