HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 13wrfoln, "
rose la April 4,
. • LITEMIETZ•Z•13.:1....Ni.:1%15i'?alt;., •
and district news
Phent .2?7•4ZA
A SCU.; . : . "an••0
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Rec news Prepare .new letter
on sewer program
Dispensed by Smiley
aroused, „ prying' hp., .the
stones of his patio te burl
somebody, though he isn't coite
sure Who it 1.44.
Gone is 44 decent reserve,
Vani shed ts his Phle$MAtie
,eelel...Rippect to ribbons, is
ancient fear that ,som p d y
might think he was .01splaying
emotion, new,strange Yieee
Wee Aurges. thrgh knotted
veins. There'S.•giete0 to be .ter,s
ror in the lend. ,I can feel it.
."$Q445.00$0," yeu say, .0h,.
yes, I can hear you, .Y.Piffle
and poppycock," you ,sneer. All
right, don't believe me, But
don't say I didn't warn you.
Just take a look at your
daily newspapers. It's all right
there. Your fellow Canadians
have gone haywire, $E
ED BY STUDENTS," says the
headline, "HECKLERS .DLS
RUPT MEETING,': it s a y s-
it gleate, Isn't that enough evie
dence for anybody? The Cane
Action public, fempes for its
total, soporific calm during
election campaigns, is aroused.
The tiger is loose.
Can you actually conceive
the picture of an honest, placid
Canadian standing up and ask-
ing questions at a political
meeting, unless he was drunk?
Can you imagine sensible Can-
adian voters cheering, except
at a hockey game?
The 1903 election is going
to go down in history. It may
not solve anything, politically.
But emotionally it will sym-
bolize the time when the Wild,
free spirit of the Canadianpeo-
pie burst loose, and we were
revealed for the tempestuous,
exotic, romantic race we really
It's beautiful, somehow, And,
somehow, sad, For generations
there was nobody like us. And.
now we're just going to be like
everybody else,
Liberal win
is ever prieheeed there Will
always be thAeteleCtere.
No doubt the year the Limp
water works' system, was pro-
posed there were Mae), lee-,
nanites who said, ffI have a
cistern to the basement and
a good Well in my Inelgard.
I don't need any Weterwerit
eystern and have my taxes
raised etc, etc,"
Yet if yon went to those peo,
ple today, how many of them
would give up their bathrooms,
their, in-door toilets, their hot
water tanks and all the other
Conveniences of a water system
Red Re back to the geed old
days C.
History will no doubt repeat
itself: When these people Ace
tually see the sewers being in-
stalled on their etreet they will,
in many cases, change their
minds and sign up.
Of course there will always
be some who only think of "me,
my wife and my son Johri,t and
'lathing of their home town or of
what sewers will mean to the
growth and progress pf Lucan.
The reeve has been approach-
ed by several industries, which
refused to locate here because
of the lack of sewers, so all
those with a speck of public
spirit--even though they them-
selves are living on borrowed
time—will no doubt sign up for
Lucan sewers,
Speaks to 1710%.$
Author of Donnelly book
warned not to write it
There Was a good attendance
at the open Meeting in the
'Legion Irian Monday night to
,discuss the Pres AN cons of
helean'e new sewer system.
Many Pedestrians, Who Plan-
ned attending were prevented
by water,-covered streets, (The
Legion Hall itself was nearly
surrounded by water and en-
trance could only be made by
the rear).
Many availed themselves of
the opportunity to question the
eegineer, Kee Clawson, on the
letter sent each home owner,
Those opposed to sewers
were also given an opportunity
to air their views.
To clarify the letter it was
decided to send out another
letter, in the near future.
Already the clerk has re-
ceived a goodly number of re,
plies to the first letter, Many
signified their willingness to
pay cash, while others, who
can't afford cash, signed up for
the yearly plan.
No matter what new project
p m et h i.ng anpreeedented,
uncalled for, and unmistakable
is happening to our good, gray
Canadian people, Their feelings
are showing,
One of the things I've el-
weys admired About up Coma-
diane has been our dour lack
of response to any of the usual
standard emotional stimulants;
Queen, country, flag, anthem,
Latin races are expected to
be excitable, emotional, voluble
and revolutionery. Nobody is
surprised when a Teuton wants
to beat you up one minute and
sob over a song the next. Scan-
dinaviens are noted for their
moodiness, Slays are.explosive,
Asians form shouting mobs,
Africans are unpredictable„
Not us, At least, we never
were before, Compared to us,
The tiger
is loose!
Rudy Engel
Photo - Studio
Poornirs Weddings
Child Studies Family Groups
Passport Photos
Lucon Phone 227-4756
:PTC'/FtM .CAnFiz.
Things are heeetning; very
Opt 'both from a. recreation
and arena viewpoiat• We still
have two minor hockey teams:
left ..in the ,finals of the .Sham-
,recicea e
The Bantams have A best of
gets have .edged Ailsa
three set to, play and the
Craig its
their first .game of a best of
three set in :their final.
The 'Ng event this week will
be the first annual Bantam
'I:Ornament with twelve teams
taking part, As well as Lucan
there will he Au...aCralg,Ilder,
tees Zurich, Bryanston, Byron,
Exeter, .$toneybrook, Winona,
Riverside, wepostook andLain,
beth in competition.
This should make for e very
good day of some fine bantam.
hockey games. There are .nine
trophies up for grabs and the
teams will be fighting, hard .to
ehtain at leaet ope of them,
With spring here we will soon
be into bell and other summer
Teen town will be holding a
dance on the Thursday night
before Good Friday .se I bope
the turnout will be better in
view of the holidays,
Mrs. Guy Ryan was hostess
for the six table euchre M the
Coursey school last Friday
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Bruce Morley and Harry
Stokes, lone hand prizes, to Miss
Line Abbott (a lucky visitor) and
Bruce Morley, and low score
prizes to Mre. Evan Hodgins
and Steve Molnar. Owing to
Good Friday, the next game
will be held on Thursday even-
ing, April 11.
At the meeting of the Birr
WI held at the home of Mrs.
Charles Brumwell, Gordon San-
dow, an Ilderton hair stylist,
gave hints on the dyeing of hair
and of individual styling, G, F.
Copeland, an historian on Lon-
don and Middlesex County, was
the guest speaker and gave a
talk of London's olden days and
showed pictures of horse drawn
street carts used in London at
that time.
Mrs, Mary Bennett, who lives
with her nephew, Jim Maher,
celebrated her 91st birthday,
by entertaining 18 of her friends
of the community to a turkey
dinner. This birthday dinner,
at her home has become an an-
nual affair.
Still in good health, Mrs.
Bennett performs all the duties
of her home.
She is a member of St. Pat-
rick's Roman Catholic Church.
Orlo Miller, author of "The
Dennellys Must Die" and for-
mer resident of Lucan, was
guest speaker at the openmeet-
ing pf the Liman Home and
School Association last Wed-
nesday night.
Mr. Miller has been a free
lance writer for newspapers,
magazines, radio and TV since
1932. He is a member of se-
veral historical branches and
is interested in adult educa-
tion and the Anglican church.
He won seven awards from the
Institute for Education at the
Ohio State University and six
awards for the CBC school
He has written five books,
several one-act plays and acted
in 40 plays, the last being the
prize-winning "One Way Pen-
dulum". In May he will be
ordained as a minister in the
Anglican church.
A number of people at the
meeting knew him well during
the years he lived in Lucan in
the house now occupied by
Dwight Ball.
He spoke on his, latest book,
"The Don n el ly s Must Die,"
Friends shower
Saturday bride
which took him years to com-
pile and which he elaims is the
only authentic history of the
Donnelly family and their mur-
der, Feb. 4, 1880. The feud
which led up to the murder,
began years before in Ireland
between the Black-feet and the
White Boys. "The Donnellys"
he said, "were blamed for many
atrocities of which they were in-
nocent," Before beginning his
book he was warned not to write
it, that it was better to let dead
dogs lie, but he wrote it..
As the Donnelly farm was only
a few miles north-east of Liman,
Mr. Miller's talk was of par-
ticular interest to all present,
whose parent's long remember-
ed the night of the fire which
Three year old Janet, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Goddard, fell off the bridge over
the creek, at Water St. Though
at that time the .water was only
about two feet deep, she would
no doubt have been drowned had
her big brother David not been
there to rescue her.
Last Friday a tube in the TV
burst, filling the Goddard house
with smoke. Mrs. Goddard
phoned the fire department, af-
ter disconnecting the TV but the
smoke had begun to abate before
the engine appeared and the TV
itself did not catch fire.
On Sunday Janet fell off her
tricycle, and for some time
will not be eligible to enter any
beauty contest. With this third
accident the Goddard family
hope "misfortune", will get off
their doorstep for a change,
the Yanks have always been
a wildly emotional nation. Even
the British, who Pride them-
selves on their reserve, are
sloppy and sentimental com-
pared to us, Or at least they
used to be.
We have always been thorny,
owly, surly, ornery, indepen-
dent and deeply unenthusiastic
people. We have been unim-
PresSive, perhaps, but also us-
Other nations have had pro-
cessione and parades. The Pe0-
ple turn out in hundreds of
thousands to cheer at the tops
of their voices, wave flags,
surge against the police lines.
We have had our parades, too.
If it's not a nice enough,clay to go
for a picnic, or play golf, or go
fishing, or work in the garden,
Canadians will turn out in their
handfuls for a parade,
They will stand in their scanty
ranks, stonily watching anything
from a prime minister to aSanta
Claus parade. Occasionally, if
it's the Queen or Winston
Churchill or somebody of equi-
valent rank, there might be a
gentle patter of handclapping.
Once in a while, some eccen-
tric will actually cheer -- one
little hurray! He subsides im-
mediately, horribly embarras-
sed, while everyone in his vi-
cinity stares at him coldly.
In other countries, univer-
sity students write poetry, join
parties, man the barricades,
march on the palace, die for
their ideals, In this country,
the university students write
letters home for money, go to
parties, man the bars, march
to the folknik joints, and die
at a ripe old age, usually for
their high living.
But things are changing. The
solemn, cynical Canadian is
being swept out of his quiet
backwater into the seething
mainstream. His ink-like blood
is aboil. Strange, savage snarls
are escaping his thin lips. Deep
within him, a Beast is being
Robins arrive
at the Carlings
For years the Carling family,
on Frances St„ have taken great
pleasure watching the birds
around their bird feeder in the
back yard,
The number of pigeons in Lu-
can have increased to such en
extent that they have become a
real nuisance. Mrs. Carling
reports that this year they have
chased away many of her feath-
ered friends. However the fa-
mily enjoyed watching the car-
dinals, wood peckers and blue-
On Friday she rang up to say
the first robin had returned,
so with most of the snow gone,
surely Spring is just around
the corner.
Those who had occasion to be
on Beech St. the end of last
week must have wondered if they
were dreaming to see all along
Mrs. Calvin Haskett's perennial
flower bed, tufts of crocuses out
in bloom for this same bed,
only a few days previous was
covered with ice and snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey,
now of Chesley called on for-
mer neighbours on the Cour-
sey Road last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
and family of Toronto were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheridan Revington. On Sunday
a family dinner was held in
honor of Mr. Campbell's birth-
day and the birthday of 12-
year-old Peter Revington, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington
of Mooresville.
With his radio stock depleted
and four more TVs sold last
week, Grant's Repair Shop
somewhat resembled, "Old Mo-
ther H u bb a r d's Cupboard",
over the weekend. The eight
beautiful trophies for the Ban-
tam. Tournament were also pur-
chased through Mr. Brady. As
soon as these have been in-
scribed they will be exhibited
in the window, to replace the
souvenirs now on exhibition.
Mr. Maurice Cobleigh has
purchased the house vacated
by the late Mr. Michael Has-
kett on Alice St. and moved in
An open, well-attended Li-
beral Meeting chaired by Ber-
nard Berm, was held in the
Legion Hall Friday night.
Robert McCubbin, as guest
speaker predicted that his party
would win 135 to 140 seats. He
spoke in support of the riding's
Liberal Candidate, George A.
He compared the problems of
today with those that Mackenzie
King inherited from R, B. Ben-
nett. He said one of the Liberals
first problems would be to re-
store financial stability in Can-
a.da and that the growing of
sugar beets in this area should
be encouraged.
Mr. McKenzie, who outlined
the Liberal party's platform,
stressed what he termed the
seriousness of the present na-
tional situation, where public
debt is increasing to dangerous
proportions. He visualized an
old age pension program with a
$75 a month pension permitting
an individual to retire at an
earlier age. Ross Parsons, pre-
sident of W. Middlesex Liberal
Association, and Camp ai
Manager Ron Caldwell, also
High tribute was paid to the
late Dr. F. S. Kipp and Frank
Hudson, former chairrnanof the
13iddulph Liberal Association.
followed the murder.
Mrs. Rudy Engel, Past H & S
president, moved a vote of
thanks to Mr. Miller.
Prior to his address, a short
business meeting was held, at
which the president, Mrs, Ja-
mes Freeman, reported on the
ice carnival and said more mo-
ney would have to be procured
to purchase graduation pins to
be presented to the Grade 8
graduates at the gradu ado ban-
quet to be held in the Legion
Hall in June. Mrs. James Leitch
and Mrs. Glen lieskett were
named a nominating committee
to bring in a slate of officers at
the next meeting. The procuring
of a plaque to take the place of
the attendance cup was suggest-
ed. The report cards will go out
March 29. Mrs. Harold Cob-
leigh's room again, won the
attendance cup.
After the meeting, which was
held in the school auditorium,
all went out in the hall for re-
freshments. Here Mr. Miller
autographed several copies of
his book and answered many
questions and visited with the
friends he knew when he lived
in Lucan.
Lucan's photoeeapher, Rudy
Engel is now exhibiting his work
in one of the windows of the
Koffee Kup Restaurant.
Last week he had a display of
wedding pictures and this week
three framed pictures of child-
ren, Beth Van Arenthal, whose
mother is on the P.S. staff,
Jody Rydall whose father oper-
ates the tile yard at Elgin-
field, and Bobby Watson of Win-
nipeg, who had his three pose
picture taken while visiting his
grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. T.
A. Watson, Main St. North.
Prior to her marriage at
the Lucan Revival Centre April
6, Miss Lorraine Graham,
youngest daughter of Mrs.Gra-
ham and the late Rev. J. A.
Graham was the guest of honor
at several pre-nuptial miscel-
laneous showers.
On February 16, Mrs. Rex
Allen of Toronto entertained 25
Toronto relatives and friends.
Mrs. Robert Dempster assisted
in the opening of gifts.
On March 11, Mrs. Don Davis
of London entertained 15 mem-
bers of the Market Branch of
the Bank of Montreal where
Miss Graham works.
On March 21 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. MeMe Eizenga,
Lucan, their two daughter s
Misses Margaret and Vicki en-
tertained 35 Lucan friends,
Mrs. Jack Eizenga, sister of
Miss Graham, assisted in the
opening of gifts. The winners
of three contests held, were
Mrs. Jim Mugford, Miss Dale
Logan and Mrs. Keith McComb.
Mrs, J. W. Smith provided a
cake in the shape of a Bible
made and decorated by Mrs.
Ernest Ross.
Before leaving the bank last
Friday the manager, assistant
manager and staff presented
Miss Graham with a silver tray
and tea service.
If You're TIRED
Now and then everybody gets a
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You Can Support Him With C nfi once
10 Good Reasons Why!
Bill Thomas lives in Strathroy, centrally situated
in the Riding. Telephone 245-0334. He has a
record of round-the-clock service since first
He is a man of action. During his term of office
every request for assistance from private and
business sources received prompt attention.
In his home community, he has always found
time to serve on numerous public bodies.
Bill 'Thomas is active in church work. In the
last Parliament he served as Chairman of the
House of Commons group Of the International
Christian Leadership Association.
His quality, judgement and diversified experien-
ce is recognized in his appointments to the Stand-
ing Committees of Banking and Finance, Ve-
terens Affairs, Indian Affairs and Agriculture.
Bill is a family man. lie has raised and educated
a family. lie knows the problems of balancing a
family budget.
He is a Veteran of 2 World Wars. He knows the
problems of the service man and his dependents.
He can see the problem from the ex-service-
man's point of view.
He knows rural life intimately. He has been
a successful farmer in Western Canada and in
West Middlesex. lie has been a leader in Farm-
ing Organizations.
Bill Thomas has diversified experience in City
living and in municipal Government. He has
served on the Calgary City Council, Middlesex
County Council, Metcalfe Township as Reeve.
Bill Thomas has never adopted favourites in
business life or political life. He is a man for
ALL the people. His record proves it.
Next Monday, April 8th, you will cast your ballot and help to elect your representative to the 26th Parliament
of Canada. The man elected will ha,ve great respensibilities. Many times during the next Parliament, matters
directly concerning you will be dealt with in Ottawa« You may need to be represented personally by your
member. On these occasions the excitement and emotion of an election Canipaign means little. In time of
need you want someone with experience, tact and ability. You want a man whose quality and personality
carries respect for the cause that he sponsors. In Bill Thomas you have such a man. You can support him
with tonfidence. YOU can count On Hill. Thomas to support you,
If you need help to get to the P6114 If you need transportation or HabySitter Service,
please Call rooms committee --
ROGMS—Londen Suburban Area, 4t0 Plait's Lime telephone 4 t-t401;
Strathroy, Odateilows, Hall, telephone 245-2604k
This,Advertisement authorized by the West Middlesex P ogre$t iV e Coheereatiee