HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 11•erniteeniee,4e- 25 Auction Sales ....... electric c m a in Se9arAtnrt hyena new condition; 1K ar- Pnette GE g-section 26. en, ft. deep freeze, brand new condi- tion: o t h et- miseellepeous items, 'MHMS;. Cash, No Reeerve as the farm is sold. MAURICE SPRUYTTE, Prop GARNET HICK'S, .Cerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Grain Tractor & Farm Machinery On Lot 2, N.W. Boundary of BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, on 23 Highway, 2 miles north of Kirkton, on THURSDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 6 Holstein cows, milking, 4 fresh; 2 cows, due in April and May; 2 two year old •heifers, bred; 1 Holstein and Hereford heifer, 2 years old; 1 Holstein and. Aberdeen Angus steer, 2 years old; 3 Holstein steers, 2 years; 5 Holstein heifers and 2 steers, rising 1 year; 4 calves. HOGS: 2 York sows with litters; 3 sows, due in April and May; 3 sows, just bred; 1 York hog. GRAIN: Russell oats, grown from registered seed. IMPLEMENTS: Ford 861 tractor, 1100 hours, live power, live 'hydraulic, 42-44 h.p.• ' John Deere combine with J,D. motor, Cunningham crop saver, reel and draper pick-up, Al shape; J.D. har- vester, motor driven, with hay and corn attachment; T.D. blower and pipes, in good condition; harvester wagon with unloading attachment; grain box to fit 71/2 x 14 ft. rack; Int. 3-furrow ace bot- tom plow; J.D, manure spreader; M-H 16-run fertil- izer drill, on rubber; Dear- borne 7 ft. cultivator and scuffler, with front end at- tachment;, Otaco 6 ft. disc, new bearings; F & W horse drawn mower; Cockshutt 4- bar side rake; Mc.D. 7 ft. binder, canvasses all repair- ed; Fairbanks Morse hammer mill; 2-row beet 'and bean scuffler; beet 'lifter; 9 ft. cultivator; walking plow; 6- section harrows; land roller; Letz grinder; beet pulper; fanning mill; milking ma- chine, piping for 14 cows; 10 milk cans; pails and strainer; steel cooling tank; Stewart electric clippers; electric fly sprayer; steel wheelbarrow, on rubber; platform scales; cutter; 3 self feeders for hogs; 16 ft. automatic chicken waterers and feeders; chicken shelter; grain auger; large steel water tank; sledge ham- mer; electric fencer; fence stretchers; grass seeder; drive belts; hay rope; heat bulbs; chains; forks, etc. No reserve. The farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. ALVIN ROBSON, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 4c ...• Mr, and Mrs. William Sch- legel and family returned from a two weeks holiday in Florida last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan John- son of Chatham visited the far- Mer's sister, Mrs. Rennia Van Praet, Mr. Van Praet and fa- mily over the weekend. Bud Swain of the New Venice Farm made a business trip to Tharnesville last Friday, Mrs. Bruce Wilson was host- ess to a Stanley party last Fri- day evening with a goad at- tendance. Mrs. Oscar Nordstrom re- turned home from a three weeks stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Van Praet and family visited Bern- ard Meyers at Chatham a few days last week. Mr. Meyers had an accident lifting nets at Paincourt. 19 for Sale or Relit PASTURE FARM, 5Q. Acres, 21/2. miles west and V mile .south of Da-shwood on 16th concession, Stephen Township Apply Mrs, Joe Wilds, Dash- wend, 'phone 400. 4:11c. 22 Notices 25 Auction Sales promigm. 'CALVES SUITABLE FOR 4-H WORK with $10 cash bonus to 4-lI member who completes pro- ject with A calf purchased at this sale. BRED & OPEN HEIFERS. COWS WITH CALVES AT FOOT 3rd Annual Spring Sale of Middlesex-Elgin Hereford Asseciation Sale under cover, W, S. O'NEIL & SON, Auctioneers, Denfield, Ont. Catalogues on request from,.; W. G. SERE, Sale Manager, Arva Ont. 4:11c Complete DISPERSAL SALE Of Choice Quality Holsteins Milking Equipment Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 24, Concession 4, STANLEY TOWNSHIP 21/2 miles north of Brucefield or 31/2 miles south of Clinton on Highway 4, thence 2 miles west, on TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at 1:00 p.m. Sale includes 24 choice Hol- stein cows and heifers, major- ity recently freshened or due before sale date. Also Hol- stein yearlings and calves. Recent TB and Brucellosis test negative. Surge 2-unit milker with piping for 28 cows, purchased last season. Watch for complete list of this important sale in next week's issue. MARINUS KROMHOUT, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Hay, Grain, Tractor and Farm Implements On Lot 10, Concession 7, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP 2 miles east of Woodham and 8 miles west of St. Marys. WED., APRIL 17, 1963 at 1:00 p.m. A full list will appear next week. AROHIE DEWAR, Proprietor W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 4c Pneumonia comes from the Greek word for "lungs" and means an acute inflammation or infection of the lung. As a re- sult of this inflammation the lung tissues become consoli- dated, forming into solid mass. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE FROM A. WEAR FROM A. BADGER SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION April 4, 1963 Page 11 14r, and .Mrs, Harold P.4.41100 Visited at Winchel4ea on Satur- day. Several More houses from Sarnia have been• located on farms. Maurice Desjardine el Dash- wood visited Mr. and Mrs, Earl Little last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Swain and family visited the former' spar, ants, Mre and Mrs. George Swain of ThantesvIlle over the last weekend. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little were Doris Everzba and Bill McKeever and Caroline Little of London and Ron Clark of Medford. A consolidated school on the Pinery highway Is under con- sideration for next fall. A site is still to be chosen. Quite a number from the vi- cinity attended the dance last Friday and Saturday evenings at the Imperial hotel, Grand Bend, with Desjardine's or, chestra. Flood waters in the area sub- sided last Friday since rising to crest the previous Sunday, over the Haig and New Venice farms. Let us go back to our farming for this must be our goal. That is the first mine for which we must search, and it is of better worth than the treasures of Atahualpa. --Marc Lescarbot. eeeeseeeee. ekeeeeeeeei 25 Auction. Sales ber tire wheelbarrow; oat roller; grinder; fanning mill; 4 steel pig troughs; gale. water tank; sling ropes; chains; 200 gal, gas tank; hay fork rope; pig crates; table saw; bag truck; chop boxes; forks; shovels, etc., etc• Quantity loose straw. be No serve, •everything will TERMS: Cash, DONALD IITJLBERT, Prop. ANDREW 13IERLING, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery Tractor, Baled Hay, Grain Wood and Furniture 1 mile west of Clandeboye, 3 miles west of Lucan. TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:00 p.m. IMPLEMENTS: IHC Super W6 tractor; AC row crop tractor, loader and scuffler; AC mower; Cockshutt 15 disk fertilizer drill; double disk; IHC side rake; New Idea manure spreader; Oliver 3- f urro w plough; AC corn plough; 4-section spring tooth drags; stiff tooth cultivator; rotary hoe; steel land roller; 2 sets harrows; rubber tire Huggo wagon, flat rack, grain box; culti'packer; MIT 8' power binder; 2-row cultivator; horse mower; 4" grain auger; 2,000 lb. scales; Continental 9" post hole auger; New Holland ham- mer mill; 2 unit De Laval milker; De Laval power cream separator; 4 milk cans; strainer; 32 ft. extension lad- der; aluminum wheelbarrow; colony house; shelter and feeders; 2 cattle oilers; cattle feeders; dehorning pincers; electric dehorner. FEED: 1500 bales second crop alfalfa; mow of hay; 3,000 bushels mixed grain; Butler 1,400 bushel steel gran- ary. WOOD: 30 cords 12" wood. FURNITURE: 2 bedroom suites; chesterfield; Princess Pat cook stove; couch; chairs and tables; Singer sewing machine; numerous other ar- ticles. TERMS: Cash. W. S. O'NEIL & SON, Aucts. Phone 88-7 Granton MRS. MARY CARTER, Prop. Clandeboye 4c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 18 CONCESSION 14, MeGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 21/2 miles north, thence 21/2 miles west of Ailsa Craig, or 11/4 miles south of West McGillivray, second farm east. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 18, Con. 14, McGillivray Township, 100 acres of land on which is situated a large 2-storey brick dwelling, large barn, driveshed, poultry house and garage. Land choice clay loam and in good state of cultivation; 7 acres mixed bush; 15 acres fall wheat. Re- mainder all tillable for spring sowing, Never failing water supply. Inspection invited. Terms of 'Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 50 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MISC. ITEMS: Include com- pete line of general house- hold furnishings. TERMS: Cash. EARL NEIL, MRS. MYRTLE SUTHERLAND, Executors for the estate of the late Lila E. Neil. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 28:4c 25 Auction Sales AUCTIONC SALElaring Of Tractor, Truck, Auto, Farm Implements, Beef Cattle, Poultry, Hogs, Hoy, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, LOT 7, CONCESSION 15, 1-LAY TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, thence 2 miles north, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR, TRUCK, AUTO: McDeering Farman "H" trac- tor, in A-1 condition; Mc- Deering 4-row scuffler; 1951 Ford 1/2 ton truck, in good condition; 1953 Chevrolet 2- door sedan, fully automatic, in good condition, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Mc- Deering 81/2 ft. cultivator, on steel; McDeering 3 - furrow tractor plow, on rubber; M-II 2-furrow tractor plow; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 2 sets diamond harrows; Int, side rake; Vessot grain grind- er, 101/2 "; Renfrew electric cream separator; bean puller; beam scales; set of sleighs; fanning mill; colony house, 10x12; wagon box; chicken wire; extension ladder; steel posts; wheelbarrow; steel pig trough: bag truck; hand scuf- fler; jack-all jack; brooder stove; cutter; butcher equip- ment., etc.,' etc. CATTLE, HOGS & POUL- TRY: Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due before sale date; 4 Hereford heifers, ris- ing 2 years old; Hereford steer; 9 York weaner pigs; Yorkshire sow; 100 New Hampshire yearling hens. HAY & GRAIN: 150 bales choice quality hay; 200 bu- shels Rodney oats, suitable for seed. H 0 US EHOLD EFFECTS: Combination electric and wood rangette; 4-burner propane stove, like new; dining room suite; bureau; china cabinet; table and chairs; oak bed, springs and mattress; dres- sers; commodes; rugs; toilet set; large selection of beauti- ful new hooked and braided mats; many other miscellan- eous items. No Reserve 'as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. ELMORE DATARS, Prop. GLENN WE13B, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractor, Farm Implements and Misc. Items 'On the Premises, LOT 9, BIDDULPH TWP. 11/2 miles north of Mooresville or 6 miles south of Exeter, on Highway 4. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY APRIL 11 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR & FARM IM- PLEMENTS: 1956 M-H No. 50 standard 'tractor, on rubber, fully equipped, including hy- draulic 3-point hitch, in guar- anteed A-1 condition; 3-point hitch 3-furrow tractor plow; McDeering 3-point hitch spring tooth cultivator, in brand new condition; M-H 4-row scuffler; John Deere 2-row power lift beet lifter; McDeering 13-run grain and fertilizer drill, in new condition; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. grain, beet and hay rack; M-H No. 11 tractor spreader; M-H No. 100 lime spreader, like new; M-H 9 ft. culti- packer; McDeering heavy duty springs 8 ft. field cul- tivator; 4 - section diamond harrows: M-H tractor disc; M-H mower, 5 ft, cut; bean puller; 2-wheel trailer; ex- tension ladder; water trough; set 'of scales: Surge milker and units with piping for 19 cows; rubber tire wheelbar- row: MJII No. 15 600 cap. NOTICE DOG OWNERS Please be advised that dog owners are required to secure tags for 'each dog owned on or before April 15 of this year. Tags are available at the Clerk's Office on the fol- lowing schedule: Male Dog $2.00 Each Additional Male 4.00 Female Dog 4.00 Each Additional Female 6,00 Spayed Female same as Male Dogs are still required to be kept confined to the owner's premises. C, V. PICKARD, Town Clerk 4:11c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Tenders will be 'accepted by the undersigned for either a 1/2 Ton Pick Up Truck or a Panel Truck. Prices quoted should be F.O.B. Zurich for a 1963 model. Descriptive material should be included and de- livery date specified. Tenders should be sealed and clearly marked 'and in the hands of the undersigned by 5 P.M., April 9, 1963. Township of Hay Municipal Telephone System R. G. BLACK, Secretary Zurich, Ont. 4c 25 Auction Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Dairy Cattle, Tractors, Farm Implements and Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 17, CONCESSION 9, HAY TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles east of Zurich or 6 miles west of Hensall, thence 1 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 75 acre farm, Lot 17, Con. 9, Hay Township, on which is situated a frame dwelling with adjoining garage; large e bank barn with good stabling. Buildings all in good state of 'e repair. Never failing water supply. Land all tillable and in good state of cultivation. ee Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% ee on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- ., able reserve bid. DAIRY CATTLE: Part Hol- stein and Jersey cow, carry- . ing third calf, due before sale date; part Holstein and Jersey cow, "milking, carry- ing second calf, due in June; Jersey cow, carrying third calf, dud before sale date; .Jersey cow, due before said , 3 date; Jersey cow, milking, bred January; part Jersey and Hereford cow, due in ?May; part Holstein and Dur- ham cove, recently freshened, calf at foot; Jertey cow, re- cently freshened, calf at foot; :t part Hereford and Jersey cow, due in April; 6 yearling !I: steers and heifers, This is an extra good dairy ::4 herd, TB test negative, 3 TRACTORS, THRESHER & 04‘ARM IMPLEMENTS: John Deere "M" standard tractor, ;oh rubber; John Deere "A" standard tractor, on rubber; Allis Chalmers "U" 'Standard jtraetor, on robber; WaterloO CheinpiOn thresher, on steel; John Deere "M'l 2-furreW hy- 'ildratilio lift plow; John Deere :epewee lift dultivater; spring itooth cultivator; 3 •• section esneing tooth harroWS; 3-Section than-oriel larrOWS; McDeerin g All-futi seed drill; M•11 1 ft, horse dreevti manure , ri!spreader, on steel; double 4cliSc; M lI 3-bar side delivery • lirake; rubber tire wagon', hay • Atek.rack; Surge one-Unit milking ,w;ni a chine ; IlenfreW electric cream separator; ReefreW manunl creani separator; rub, OANAOA31963 CANADA' 1963 OAkAbAtii8J oANADAZiodd EASTER SEALS Send your donations to Exeter Lions Club R. J, Lantiernehe CatiepeigliChairinati Milt Robbins Easter Seal '14 reaSurer 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects 11/2 miles east of Dublin on No, 8 Highway. SATURDAY, APRIL at 12:00 p.m. sharp CATTLE: 15 Hereford COWS, some registered, with calves at foot, some due to freshen shortly; registered Hereford bull, 6 Hereford steers and heifer s, approximately 800 lbs.; ten 1 year old Hereford steers and heifers, HAY & GRAIN: 1000 bales mixed hay; 1000 bus, mixed grain. MACHINERY: W6 McCor- mick Deering tractor; C. Mc- Cormick Deering Farmall tractor and manure loader; Oliver manure spreader; IIIC threshing machine and drive belt; Gehl hammer mill and belt; John Deere binder, 8 ft.; set of 2,000 lb. scales; fanning •mill; rubber tired wagon and rack, like new; electric grain grinder; elec- tric cream separator; 3-fur- row p 1 o w; Massey-Harris m owe r; McCormick hay baler, No. 46, power take-off, like new; 32-ft. hay elevator and motor; 3-section drag harrows; 8 ft. tractor disk, like new; Massey-Harris side rake; M-H 15-disk fertilizer drill, like new; 1-way disk; 2- wheel /railer; tools; chains; quantity of wood, HO US EHOLD EFFECTS: Kelvinator frig; 17 ft. deep freeze; table top 4-burner electric stove, like new; quan- tity of other furniture, includ- ing some antiques. TERMS: ()ash, Proprietor: Estate of the late Elmer Kleinfeldt HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 4c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm, Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 7, Concession 3, 13IDDTJLPH TOWNSHIP 5 miles northwest of Lucan or 5 miles south of Exeter to Mt. Carmel Road, 11/4 miles east, thence 3/2 mile south, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 7, Con. 3, Biddulph Township, 100 acres of land, on which is situated a large 2-storey white brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, including 3-piece bathroom, newly installed oil furnace and built-in cupboards; large bank barn, good stabling through• out and water pressure sys- tem; also driveshed and gar- age; land of choice clay loam and in high state of cultiva- tion, Inspection invited. . Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 3 months. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid with fall possession. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. CHRIS FISCHER, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c For two cents I'll leave town. to zero. The radiator can't boil over or spring leaks or freeze up because there is no radiator. We cool our car with air instead of water. On a long trip your thoughts may turn to service and re- placement' parts. Don't worry. You can be miles from nowhere and still find VW service. (We have 346 dealers right across Canada.) As a matter of fact, why not test drive a Volkswagen at your nearest dealer now? And since it only costs him a couple of pennies, feel free to head for the city limits. HEREFORD SALE 30 HEAD OF REGISTERED HORNED AND POLLED HEREFORDS Don't go away mad. Just go away. In a Volkswagen. You'll come back smiling on the money you saved going. The Volkswagen averages 38 miles to a gallon of gas. In fact we've heard a few owners claim 50 mpg. (They're either very good drivers, or a little weak at mathematics.) The Volkswagen is small change in other departments too. For a start, the oil never needs topping between changes. And even when it is time for a change, two and one-fifth quarts will do it. When it comes to the cooling system, your expenses come John Beane JR. BRUCE FIELD Phone HU 2-9250 Collect on Saturday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m. at FAIR GROUNDS STRATHROY, ONT. BULLS — PERFORMANCE TESTED and eligible for government HUNTER-DUVAR LTD. Tel. 235-1100 Main St. Skill, knowledge, correct ha- bits, good attitudes . . . all go into the make-up of a driver, emphasizes the Ontario Safety League. Good attitude is easily the most important factor. But to qualify as "good" a driver needs them all. Ill Health? You can leave town (on a Volks Economy Trip) for only $1780 (and that includes the licence) AND '63 YOLKS IS EASY TO BUY AT HUNTER DUVAR'S See your dodo first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS t%0 D ? 11681ti Os% Completely Equipped ?el 11846 Including Licence THE SURCHARGE IS OFFI THE PRICE IS DOWN! HUNTER-DINAR LTD. Exeter South Phone 235.4100 Contract at MICKLE'S HENSALL Malting Barley Contracts Betze and Parkland Barley Available Fertilizer Supplied if Needed Delivery Accepted Direct From the Field White Bean Seed Ontario Registered #1 Seaw, Sanilae and Miehelite Michigan R Certified ay #1 -- Sanilae, Seaway and MicheIlte CHECK OUR PRICES Contracts Available For Bean Acreage Spring Seed Also Available CONTACT E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. HENSALL PRONE 108