HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 1015 Wanted PW 10 April 4, 196a 5 Help Wonted 13 for Sole 16 Property For Sale Services: ....... . . . , KEN'S KITCHEN CABINETS We specialize an custom wood, working. Order now for lawn furn'itur'e, aluminum doors and. windows. phone Ken Kellar, Dashwood 34R9, 3:2S-4:25c Kci911,VgNT MOH Ale1,1141NiMS — WINDOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES DOORS and WINDOWS AINMINDM SIDING — ALUMINUM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS We do our own installing. Call us for free estimates, WALKER ALYMINLI144 SALES EXETER Phone (Collect) 235-0722 3:28tfne REGISTERED DACHSHUNDS and Toy Manchester Terriers, various . ages, Mrs, Alex Mc- Intosh, 227-4598, 14:21:28:44c REGISTERED NURSES re- quired .for. general .duty; also laboratory technician,. .11411 or. Part time, Apply to Mini* Strater, South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, Ontario, 23:4e Classified Rates 22 WPrds. *85 Each A*14101'01 Word 10 (Minimum 850) 7 Teachers Wanted TEACHER, experienced for SS No. 3 Hibbert (Staffa); all grades. Duties to commence September 1963. Attractive salary. For particulars apply Ed. Dearing, Staffa, phone Dublin 86r10. 3:28tfric 20c Off ATTENTION FARMERS! On the farm Feed .Service. The tipsy season is here again. will pey yen to egg Kiridee Mobile Feed Serviees to save time, labor and, money, Mas- ter concentrates and ,n101.44- .ses available. phone 107 Kirk- ton. 3:28.5:2* CERAMIC TILE,Bathrooms, fireplaces, walls, floors, kit- chen entrances; first grade materials; work guaranteed, For appointment, apply Times- Advocate, phone 335-1311,4 4:11;18:25:2* 4C NEW ISSUE . I am sPotting cattle for Corhett Sales and will ar- range truck loads in this district. If yoe have any cattle you would like to send Debenture Issue to Corbett, Phone 345W1 Ken- Pall, 'collect, Commission $3.00, ROSS LOVE RR 2 Mensal' DRY $I,AR and body WWI. Also wanted to buy good standing timber, Apply Ro-, bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 232.4450Nairn, 3:21tfrie „ ORDER FERTILIZER NOW,— We have all analysis avail, able -and stock the most popti, lar at our farm. Bag or bulk. Get the best--get Shur-Gein from Henry Becker, phone 420 DaslIwOOd, 28:4c If paid by Saturday following last insertion- 16 Property For Sale Second Insertion 21/2 PER WEIRD (Minimum 550) 8 Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING and •altera- tions, especially children's wear, Phone 235-0776, 2$:4c UPHOLSTERY CLEANING — Chesterfields, chairs and cars. For free estimates, phone 235- 2464 days, after 6 p.m. 235- 0485, Jim's Upholstery Clean- ing, Exeter. 3:28.4:25* JOHN BURKE IiAY, first quality, epproxi- mately 2,000 bales. Bert BaX, RE 1- Woodham, 28:4* SAVE those little pigs; Far- rowing crates (wood), priced reason-able. Bert Bax, ER 1 Woodham. 28:4* CHILDREN'S JACKETS, sum- mer And win t e r; shirts, sweaters, etc., sizes 6 years to 10, Nothing priced over $2. Phone 235-0636, 4* CULTI-PACKER, Fleury Bis- sell, 10 ft. Apply James Gar- diner, phone 314-1.6 Kirkton, 4* Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 7tfnc Six insertions c PER 'yypRo Minim= 450 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of inch, RELIABLE WOMAN avail- able for thonsewerk and baby sitting by day or hour, Con- tact Mrs. Charles Corey, 457 Albert St., Exeter. APARTMENT, modern 2-bed- room, stove -and frig sun. rifled, private bath and ent- rance. central location, ArolY Parker anartments, 431 Main St„ phone 235-0915. 3: 28tfnc 9 Services HADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 3761, or Lucan BA 7,4680, 2;21*tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale FARMERS Classifications HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21/2 years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, phone 21r4 Kirk- ton, 83 highway, 11/4 miles east of Farquhar, 3:21.4:25c 81 YEARLINGS, Hereford, choice western steer feeder calves. Lloyd Lynn, RR 1 Clandeboye, phone Lucan 227- 4642, 4:11;18* COWS — Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test, purebreds and grades, Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth, 652- 3200. 4:4-5:30* Phone Parkhill 294-6871 APARTMENT, lower, in Ex- eter, 2 bedroom-a. modern conveniences, available May 1, Phone 235.0680, 4:4tfnc I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work, Call Jim Laye, 293,3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc FROZEN underground water pipes thawed. Phone Nairn 232-4504. 7tfnc Phone Lucan 227-4741 4:11c Spring is here, Spring work is only a few weeks away. The first lob to be done for a suc- cessful 1963 'is to buy first quality seed. We are very pleased that we can supply you with such seed as seed oats, barley, mixed grain, grasses, clovers, hay, pasture mixtures, Warwick and Pride corn, turnip seed, All this is delivered free. Just give us a call and we do the rest, Con- tracts for beans and malting barley are available. Reg. #1 Ontario and Michigan grown bean seed. Contact us for your extra spring work such as plowing, sowing grain, or planting beans and corn. Only modern and new machinery used, 7-ROOM HOUSE with modern conveniences, immediate pos- session. Apply G 1 a d w y n Hooper, phone Kirkton 115-21. 4nc 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 11 Properly For Rent BABY BUGGY, brown, con- verts into car bed, $10. Phone 235-1773. 4:4ffne 36' TRAILER HOME, suitable for summer cottage, sleeps 6 people. Phone AC 8-6846, 4c HYDRAULIC LOADER, Ford M-124, with large manure bucket, good condition, fit most tractors. Straw cutter for Massey-Ferguson Super "92" combine, like new condi- tion. Make an offer. Call 235- 2666. 4;11* DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL APARTMENT, spacious 3- room, heated, furnished or un- furnished, no pets please. Ap- ply 169 William St., Exeter, Phone 235-0736 evenings. 4:4tinc For dead or disabled animals, call APARTMENT, steam heated, furnished, new stove, frig, furniture including TV and carpet, Elliot Apts., 442 Main St., phone 235-0585. 14tfnc APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot water supplied. Apply Pen- hale Apts., 70 John St, east. 3:14tfnc C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235.0310 and 235.0414 2: 21tInc 5 SPRING COATS -and dress- es, sizes 13 to 16; 3 pair boys' dress pants, size 36, in good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. SEED OATS, Gary, from government tested seed. Ap- ply Andy False, RR 2 Hen- sail, near Hiilsgreen. 4:11* REFRIGERATOR, Serve I electric, 14 cu. ft., excellent condition. Apply R. Hitch- cock, RR 1 Lucan, 2 miles west of Lucan, on the Cour- sey Line. 4* 17 WEANER PIGS; 2 head of grass cattle. Apply Ray Clarke, phone 84r4 Kirkton, 4* DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 262-C-63 9:20tfne WEANER PIGS—Phone W. J. Ventin, 228.6916 Centralia. 4c PACER, 5 years old, stand- ardbred, papers available, also last year's track records; harness and cart. Apply R. Hitchcock, RR 1 Lucan, 2 miles west of Lucan, on the Coursey Line, 4* 1 Lost, Strayed 14 WEANER PIGS, good, Ap- ply Earl Rutz, phone 165r5 ,Dashwood. 4c GIRL'S COAT, pink and grey tweed, size 8, $5; boy's dress jacket, brown tweed, size 12, $5. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 4c Phone 235-1815 RR 1 Centralia 4:11.e W. VICTOR KNIP WATER WELLS DRILLED anywhere, gravel and rock. Clean out and servicing old wells a specialty. life-long casing furnished, no pollution, at less than $5.00 per ft. Sat- isfaction of work guaranteed, Terms arranged, Phone Col- lect E. B. Hussey 754, Petrolia 3 : 28-4: 18* 15 Wanted 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale BEAGLE HOUND, black and tan, in Exeter, March 26, answers to "Flip". Phone 235- 2013 or contact Harvey Pfaff, Exeter, 4c PASTURE for 15 yearlings. Ross Oke, phone 235-1707. 4:11c 18 For Rent SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7-4312 collect, 10:4tfne ,411MMOVINNEESSIMMISOrWEMS 3 Male Help Wanted FREE: Send for your free list of Hardy Garden Chrysanthe- mums, to Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre, Box 212, 182 Church Street, Clinton, Ont. 4:18c MIIMESOMISSISM- Business Director GRAVEL TRUCK, 1957 Chev, new motor, in good condition. Phone 489.14 Brussels. 28:4* '59 VOLKSWAGEN, with re- conditioned transmission and motor, body in Al condition, custom radio, door mirrors, standard equipment, Apply Gordon McNutt, at Snell Bros. Ltd., phone 235-0660. 28:4c 13 ..EEE,. 40 colonies, with or .4E44. cQRBETT, without packing cases, Ed- ward 1-faiheror, Zurieh, Sox 1P, phone 1744 Zurich,' .4;ir TRANSPORTATION, dail y, from Exeter to London, 5 days a week. Phone 235-2746. 4c TOWN OF PARKHILL 53/, High school Debenures Offered to yield 5.50% Contact Sub-Agent for Wood, Gundy and Co. Ltd. W. J. AMOS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to school. This is not a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. Reasonable price; terms. INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block construction. BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all occupied. ONE LOT — on Pryde Boule- vard. RANCH STYLE HOUSE, mo- dern, Huron St. E„ Exeter, with garage and full base- ment; 3 large bedrooms with d o u -b 1 e closets; plastered throughout; natural stone fire- place; 4-piece bath; many extras, Reasonably priced; must be sold. Terms -and pos- session arranged. Ken Otte- well, phone 235-0935 Exeter. 2:28tfnc BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3 : 2,8tfc CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St, directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate. 8:23tfnc HOUSE, well kept, with ap- proximately 1/4 -acre of land, new oil furnace, modern bath- room, garage. Apply Mrs. Percy Tyerman, 146 Andrew St. N., Exeter. 3:28-5:2* SEE OR CALL US for strong germinating, high yielding Pioneer -hybrid seed corn. Choice of early, medium and late hybrids. Order now, they may be sold out later. Keith Hensall, 265W1. 4:11:18e Ws hfiffiiaMelinfMaiNA ," FARM HELP, experienced, by the hour, to drive tractor during grain and corn seed- ing, Apply, stating price and experience, to The Times- Advocate, Box 1122P. 4* BARTENDER for cocktail lounge, in resort hotel; year around position; age 25 to 45; neat appearance; no previous experience required. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. ..,.4.14061010/414ASMENAMMVAMMONSMNAI C. V. PICKARD WARTIME HOUSE, 2- bed- room, with basement. Apply Vern Postal, 373 Marlborough St, Exeter, 3:21.4:25* LUCAN — On Frank St., ce ment block 2-bedroom; living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath and double garage, For informa- tion apply to either Harold Lee, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, or Stanley Lee, 92 Josephine St., London, Ont. 28: 4c EXETER — 0-bedroom br1cK, $68,00 EXETHR — 3•Ibedraoin brick, 871.00 P.I,T, EXETER — 3-bedroom frame, 8500.00. down EXETER — a-bedroom insul brick, terms. EXETER — 3-unit aPartinent, low down Payment. ExErgR. — 2-unit apartment, $1,000 down. 76' Building Lot—$50,00 down. FOR RENT — 1 - be dr oom apartment. APARTMENT, steam heated, furnished, suitable for one lady, $35 per month. Elliot Apts., phone 235-0585. 3:7tfnc LOWER APARTMENT, 3- room, heated, private ent- rance, available immediately, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply 512 Main St„ Exeter, phone 235-2836. 12:6tfne APARTMENT—Upper 1 bed- room, furnished. Heat, hot water supplied. Centrally lo- cated, quiet district. No pets, Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter, 2ltfne ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 GOOD BUYS JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST; 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 4:11c glamour! EVERY FORD HAS IT '! TRACTOR, 1955 Case D, with live power take-off, new engine and new rubber tires. Phone Bert Dunn, 57r3, Bay- field. 4c 1958 FORD Fairlane 500 Se- dan, 332V8, dual range automatic, power steering, radio, heater, many addi- tional extras. 1953 CHEV Sedan, rebuilt engine, radio, heater, white- walls, in exceptional shape. E. L. CHAFFE & SONS Phone 228-6641 Crediton Road and #4 Hwy. 14:21* tfnc 4 Female Help Wanted BALED HAY, George Prest, phone 273-3140. mixed. Apply Ailsa Craig, 4e G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 STENOGRAPHER MFALCON Glamour car of the compacts! Falcon makes the world sit up and take notice—and saves you money in the bargain. Glamorous is the word for Falcon style with Thunder- bird roof, decorative new side trim and color-keyed interiors. Choose from 15 glamorous Falcon models, VACUUM GLEANER, Air- way Sanit'izor, in good condi- tion. Phone 238-2068, Grand Bend. 4nc TIMOTHY HAY, a few bales. Apply Lloyd M. Morgan, phone 228-6205. C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon„ Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues, and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 PERCY C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone Hensel' 690r22 Collect cIGAL.Axie Glamour on wheels! Long and low, with a massive beauty that dom- inates the road! Galaxie continues in the rich Thunderbird tradition, It turns on the glamour with its swept-back silhouette and Diamond-lustre finish, its lush, spacious interiors. 1953 OLDSMOBILE 88 Sedan, hydrornatic, radio, back-up lights; windshield washers; mechanic owned; $295. Phone William Triebner, 235-0124. 4* aiTHUNDERBIRO This is glam- our— uni qu e in all the world! The inimitable Thunderbird roofline . the revolutionary Swing-a- way Steering Wheel the unqualified elegance of the Thunderbird interior, all whisper "glamour". It can be yours in four magni- ficent, glamorous editions, eVAIRLANE Glamour on a budget! Fairlane has its own special kind of glam- our—unlike any other car. Lean and lovely outside with a fast-paced grace that attracts compliments . spacious and luxurious in• side With full-size comfort for six! All-glamour—all savings—All you want. 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times-Advocate. 3: 8tfne SEWERS WANTED Immed- iately — Work at home doing simple sewing. We supply materials and pay shipping both ways. Good rate of pay. Piece work. Apply: Dept. W-48, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada. 4cn RELIABLE WOMAN to care for 2 pre-school children, 5 days a -week. Phone 235-1767, after 6 p.m. 4:11c TWINE-TIE BALER, Interna- tional 45, power take-off, in very good condition, Clare Paton, Clandeboye, phone 227- 4672. 4nc '60 FALCON automatic. •Phone 235-1054 •between 12 and 1 p.m. or 6 and 7 p.m. 4:11* '56 PLYMOUTH, standard coach. Apply S. Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia, 3 miles east of Centralia, 4:11* 1952 CHEV CAR, in good con- dition. Apply 55 Sirncoe St., Exeter. 4* Feed Oat Contacts DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER 5 Help Wanted tietilLI:=41aK440011:Dahrd Available with free seed with the return of 11/2 bushels for each bushel sown, We will pay local feed oat price and take delivery et harvest time. Fertilizer also -charged on contracts. Also some SEED OAT CONTRACTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON LDS., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All bay Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 available with premiums paid, a00101..8 CV( AKWSZi. ALEX M. STEWART & SON LTD. Phone 293-3211 Ailsa Craig Ontario 4:11c TRUCK, 1 tort International, heavy duty tires. Apply Alf Moffatt, Kippen, phone 264W1, Hensel]. 4* 1961 DODGE, dark blue, auto- matic, radio, large wheel discs, showroom aim:Mien, one driver. Kongskilde Ltd., Ex- eter, phone 235-0840. 4c 1951 CHECK SEDAN, good tires and motor. Phone 235- 2447, 4e MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall• open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m, PHONE 235.2234 EXETER This Could Be The Answer To YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS IN SELLING N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter ()Pen Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost 2 DRESSES size 15; 2 girls' coats, size 5 mid 6. Apply Mid-Town Cleanera, 4c GIRL'S 'SUIT, blue Check, size 6, in good edndition; also Man's sport coat, size 40, May be seen at Brady Cleaners. Are you satisfied with yotir present future potential in selling? If not, here's a unique, opportunity to deter- Mine if the field of selling investments and mutual funds holds the key to your future financial security and haPpl- ness, the t.sors")) way FREE Evening. Classes Forming Now 17 Property For Rent LOWER APARTMENT bedroom, furnished, heat, hot water snpplied;lopatlen, Newly paintO4. No pets please. APpl Ly 59 John. Exeter, 2ltfnc ......... VPSTAIR APARTMENT, suit- able for one or two. partly ftirrilabed if desired, W, C, Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne 4St, 3:28tfc APARTMENT, in Exeter, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, living room, kitchen; reasonable rent, no pets. Phone Kirkton 39r3 or 235-0906 Exeter. 4* APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, up- per. heated, and utilities paid. Available now, Apply 94 San- ders West, phone 235-2425. 3 : 21tfne 2 APARTMENTS, heated, fur- nished, 3 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, centrally lo- cated; one available April 8, and one April 25. Apply 365 William St., phone 235-0776. 3:28tInc SMALL COTTAGE, 2 • bed- room, bathroom, basement, oil heat, suitable for 2 or 3 adults, vacant May 1, Gidley St, West. Phone 235-0286 Ex- eter. 4:4ffne FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235.1033, Exeter. 12:13tfric USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ora; Directors 'Timothy 13. Toohey RR 3 President Lucan Abbot G, Gardiner RR 1 Vice-President Crernarty -William 11, Cherie RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colouholte RR 1 Science Martin Feeney 4t11. 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy 11,11 1 kirkton rMeijW.MMO*4,0i..0:iw „, BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5 Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gor, 'don kirldand, RA 3, Luck- now; Mrs. 0, G. Anderson, RR '5, Wingham; Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Ex e t e r; Hugh B. Smith,, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR, 1p Goderich; Roy Strong, Gerrie; Russell Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Iryrin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klapp, Zurich; Gordon Rich- ardson, RA 1, Brueefield; Kenneth Johria, AR 1, WoOd- ham, C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C E. C.Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call Yotir nearest director or our office ih the Credit Briton Bldg., 70 Ontario Street, Clinton, Tele-phone 'Wow 2-9/51, 13 for sale See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric Separators and milking machines. Basil O'Rourke,• Brucefield Phone HU 2-9131 Clinton 2:14--6:20* IF YOU HAVEN'T ordered Your seed Corn, you can still buy Pioneer, More faritiers are switching to Pioneer hy- brids every year betause Of their outstanding duality' and yieldirig ability, PhOnd Dash, wood 116, Andrew DieNtrateri, , 2:28.4'4e MeStEPHEI4 AUTO WRECKERS RR i CreditOri Rebind Cehtralla Airport Used Tires, Wheels di Tubes also tatteriOr Seal Beams Guaranteed 2213.6i4 GOLP CLUBS, new and used; bags, ,Carts, tie, Apt, 2, -315 Andre* St,, PliOne 235-1667. 3:14tfne LARRY SNIDER MOIORS 586 Malt) St. Se Phatte 235-1640 USED CARS AND TRUCKS Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin harry Coates Alt I Centralia Clayton harris Mitchell Solicitors iMaCkerilie 13c RaYtuOtni EXeter Sitilriitiary.treaiitirer Affhtie Exeter PEED TURNIPS—Apply Carl, Theandet Centralia. 4. BOY'S bRB8S JACKET brown arid white check, and brown trousers, size 13, good condition; both for $7,50. Mrs. Russell Goddard, phone 227.4214 Lueae, 4C EA&PER LILIES, hydrangea and -potted chums. Nicholsen's White Rose Service. Station, phone 23774743 Liieati, 40 COB CORN, 10 tons, et ;$26 per ten. Apply Wiilifiin Sher, ritt; RR 6 St, Marys, phone 3a0.0 Kirkton. 40 28" NYkS' BICYCLE, corn. pletcly OVerhauled +and paint- ed, Alas to be Seth to be ep, preciatedl :$20, Doug RiSleY,, phone t.1451566 4* 4-4,44 TRAVEL TRAILER,, sleeps 5 With refrigerator, sink, lightk cupboards, rtes Best ;Off& Apply -420 Martherough St.; Or Phone 285-0114 Eiteter Classes will commence early in April, You will be giVen Complete instruction in this highly prefessicinal field_ of Selling, There is no Charge, no obligation; you decide if this is the answer you've been looking for, IS' Tilts YOUR, BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS? tented Ara, J, Sullivan, 9 to 10 a,irt., et GE 4.8431; 6 to / Pan, 471-03 or write-- R. HARRISON Limited 261 DtINDAS STREET 2$:=ic