HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 8For
Desert Flower Dusting Powder
and Cologne, Special...$1.50
Evening in Paris Talc and Deo-
dorant Special . . . $1.49
Yardley Soap Special—One bar
free with Three bars . .$1.'75
Toni Home Permanents ...$2.00
Blue Grass Cologne . .. .$3.00
Chanel No. 5 Spring
V Perfume • $6.25
NEILSON'S 1-pound, $1.25, $1.35; 2-Pound, $2,70
BLACK MAGIC, 1-Pound, $1.90; 2-Pound, $3,85
EXETER tot Telephone
Ontario 235.1070
Eagfer Parade
of fashions
Do we have Easter fashions! Do we have everything exciting,
entrancing . feminine, flattering! Do we, have all the
latest, loveliest silhouettes
. . . all the pale and pretty,
glamorous and glowing
colors . . all the fine fa-
brics t from smooth and so-
phisticated to beautiful and
bubbly! Yes, indeed we do
. . . and you'll want to
choose for a most enchant-
ing Easter. Hurry in!
Page 8 Time•-Adv9;09, April 4,. 1963 MASerERe
Orpha Club at Bend
elects '63 officers
Clean crank preferred
to happy, sloppy wife
is to be packed for theSalvation
Hostesses were Mrs. Harry
Dougall and Mrs. William Doug-
all assisted by Mrs, Mervin
Dunn, Mrs. Edwin Miller and
Mrs. William Elford.
Miss Eleanor T a ylo r of
Woodstock spent the Weekeed
with her *Hier, Mrs. Nola
Taylor and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Guest
of- Detroit spent two days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Garnet Patterson spent
a few days last week with her
daughter Mrs, Earl Burr, Mr.
--Please turn to page 9
Treat your family to our delicious home-cured hickory-smoked
hams for Easter
Fruited and Glazed Hams and Picnics.
Also available; Grade Oven-Ready Turkeys
Place Your Order Now! ?data tafria
Exeter Frozen Foods
Beauty Lounge
244 MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1533
Perms - Cuts - Sets - Tints
Monday to Friday, 9 - 6
Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
Large urban style suites
quickly prove popular here
New-style apartment living
has become an instant hit in
Harold Taylor and his son,
Jack, who Saturday completed
finishing the last of six suites
in their handsome new building
on Victoria St., near the public
school, have all of them rented
to enthusiastic occupants. And
there would appear to be demand
for more.
The brick and wood panel
structure, which provides five
two-bedroom and one single-
bedroom suites, sets a new
standard here for attractive-
ness, space and convenience in
apartment living. It follows the
urban trend toward multiple
accommodation which provides
the features of the modern home
but eliminates much of the work
and responsibility of property
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Chaffe, who have a unit in the
Taylor building, feel that apart-
ment living is suited to them
for they both work, Robert with
the Chaffe and Sons garage,
Highway 4, and Mrs. Chaffe on
the teaching staff of J.A.D. Mc-
Curdy school. They leave their
home at eight o'clock in the
morning, returning between five
and six p.m. "Our apartment
is so nice to come home to--so
airy and bright" said Mrs.
They have four spacious
rooms with wide, interlocking,
double-glazed half screened
windows and ample closet
space. "When I saw the windows
and closets I was sold on the
apartment at once, even before
the plaster was on" said the
The Chaffe apartment is the
only one-bedroom suite of the
six units--two with 750 square
The orpha Club met at the
home of Mrs, Ted ptanlake
with 22 ladies present, A pot
luck supper was planned to be
held at the home Of Mrs. WallY
DesJardine, Oakwood.
The officerS for coming year
were elected. President isMrs.
Ken Roberts; vice-president,
Mrs. Lennea Statton; secretary,
Mrs. Leonard RaYelle; treasu-
rer, Mrs. Wally DesJardine.
The prize donated by Mrs.
Eva Laughtoa was won by Mrs.
Rosa Grigg. Hostesses were
Mrs. Mel Douglas and Mrs.
Murray Douglas.
A pot luck supper was held at
the home of Mrs. Wally Des-
Jardine, Oakwood with 32 ladies
present. Mrs. Leroy Bariteau
led a contest on brand name
soaps. Mrs. Bariteau, Mrs. Ro-
bert Keyes and Mrs. Murray
Douglas were convenors for the
Court whist was enjoyed by
all—the high being won by Mrs.
Doug Martin, and low by Mrs.
Ken Young,
The WA of St. John's-by-
the-Lake Anglican Church held
its meeting on Monday evening
in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Mau-
rice Tiedeman, the president,
was in the chair.
Mrs. William Rendle displa-
yed the articles for the bale
project and announced a new
school in Quebec with 240 pupils
which will be the recipient of
work done by the local WA here;
another school and the Mohawk
Institute in Brantford are also
projects on the program of St.
John's ladies.
A daffodil tea and bazaar will
be held at the Parish Hall on
April 20.
Mrs. Mary Hannigan and
granddaughter Cathy Holtzman
spent the weekend in Essex and
attended the Essex Ice Review.
Cpl. and Mrs, Martin Burnett
and Bryan, moved last Wednes-
day from RCAF Station, Centra.-
lia to North Bay where Cpl.
Burnett will be stationed with
the meteorology section on the
Norad site, RCAF North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher,
Yvonne and Glenda visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Warwick, Port
Huron, on Sunday.
Huron County Medical Society
met in Clinton last Wednesday
night with Dr. H.N. Scratch,
Stratford, as speaker. Their
wives held their meeting in the
nurses' residence.
Mr. Reg. Northcott, of Mel-
fort, Sask., has returned to his
home after visiting for the win-
ter with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Rowe and other relatives. Mrs.
Northcott is remaining for a
short time.
A debate "Resolved that a
happy careless wife is to be
preferred to a clean crank"
featured the meeting of Huron-
dale WI last WedneSday after-
noon in James Street United
The affirmative was taken by
Mrs. Robert Mayer and Mrs.
Lee Webber while Mrs. garnet
Hicks and Mrs. Ross Oke up-
held the negative. The judges,
Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde and Mrs. William
Dougall, gave their decision in
favor of the negative by a small
Mrs. William Dougall gave a
demonstration on wood fibre
flowers arranged as corsages,
bouquets and table centres.
The motto, "Good health and
good food are two of life's
greatest blessings, was dis-
cussed by Mrs. Carmen Cann.
Roll call was answered by a
health rule "you emphasize to
your children." The home eco-
nomics and health program was
in charge of Mrs. Lloyd Bal-
During the business conduct-
ed by vice-president, Mrs. Ger-
ald McFalls, a committee of
Mrs. William Dougall, Mrs.
Carmen Cann and Mrs. Ben
Case was named to arrange the
exhibit for Exeter fall fair which
is to consist of one pair of
knitted house slippers, one
hooked rug or mat, one drift-
wood arrangement, one plate of
fancy cookies and a ladies'
duster coat.
Mrs. Ross Oke read a letter
from the Institute's pen pal in
England and Mrs. Lorne Oke
will reply. Secretary-treasurer
Mrs. Mervin Dunn was voted a
delegate to the secretary's con-
ference in Guelph in June.
Ten cents a member amount-
ing to $5.70 was voted to the
Adelaide Hoodless fund. A bale
seated, the trees and sky are
an ever-changing panorama,
while on the top level the scene
is over the housetops and over
the country side.
The attractive entrance into
the building leads to the down-
stairs or, at the right, to the
upper levels. Wrought iron rai-
lings add to the decor.
This is the first apartment
venture for the Usborne town-
ship father and son building
team who, besides looking after
their farm, have been active in
Exeter's residential building
boom in recent years. Mr. Tay-
lor designed the apartment buil-
ding himself after inspecting a
number of units in nearby cities.
Other tenants of the building
are Mr. and Mrs. Marwood
Prest and four boys, Mr. and
Mrs. J.R. Keep, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Trudeau and nine-months
baby, Mr. Glen Bennett and two
children, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Hear of Institute
work in NWT
Mrs. George Wilson, public
relations director for the Yukon
and North West Territories was
guest speaker at the meeting of
Kirkton WI in Aberdeen Hall.
Mrs. Wilson spoke of the work
being done by the WI in that
territory and on public rela-
The motto "A community is
like a ship, everyone ought to be
prepared to take the helm" was
discussed by Mrs. C. Smith and
the roll call was answered by
"My favorite newspaper col-
Mrs. Robert Ratcliffe gave a
reading, Mrs. John Barnett read
an article on public relations
and a contest was conducted.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schle-
gel and family have returned
from Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake
have returned home after at-
tending the funeral of the late
Tony Fischl at Warren, Michi-
gan. The Fischl family were
regular summer visitors at
Grand Bend where they owned a
cottage in Southcott Pines. Two
of their Grand Bend neighbors,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brighton
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith,
of London, also attended the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harri-
son and Joanne of Goderich
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Gill and fa-
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mitchell
and Dennis spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Donald and Dean.
Girl Guides
receive nine
foot area on each of three
levels. The space of the one
bedroom, 10x12' is used for a
back entrance and a community
utility room with coin-operated
washer and dryer and water
softener. A schedule has been
worked out for the use of this
room by the apartment house-
Electric heating with indivi-
dual room temperature controls
is clean, quiet and space saving,
The living room has a wall
thermostat and is the one which
is changed more often. "We set
it about 65 degrees while we are
away through the day and, when
I walk in from school, I push it
up a few degrees and by the
time dinner is on the way and
Bob arrives home the room is
quite comfortable", Mrs.
Chaffe said.
When queried about the cost
of the heating she said it had
not been given a fair trial as
yet. They moved in February 1
while the apartment was still
not quite completed. Now all the
apartments have been rented
and when the whole building is
heated it will make quite a
The walls throughout the
apartment are finished in tones
of beige and the wall to wall
trilene broadloom inthel2'x15'
living room is in deeper beige.
Cupboards in the 9'x14' kit-
chen have a red wood finish
with matching grip handles. Roll
edge counter space, ceiling ex-
haust fan and special lighting
over the working areas all add
to the housewife's pleasure. A
modern drop globe centre light
and large window illuminate the
dining area.
The bathroom is finished in
sunny yellow ceramic tile (the
southerly units have turquoise
tile) and the tile floor carries
splashes of yellow and turquoise
with gold flecks. This room also
boasts the homemaker's de-
light--a closet for towels and
The Chaffe furnishings are in
modern design and the whole
effect is one of comfortable,
gracious living.
Curiously the view from the
large windows on each of the
three levels is a pleasing one.
The basement windows are at
street level when the people
inside are standing and, when
April is the month that is
supposed to bring the showers
which, in turn, brings the May
flowers. This year it will also
introduce national egg month.
You may not consider an egg
month as colorful as May
flowers but it will focus some
attention on one of nature's most
nearly perfect foods.
As we have pointed out from
time to time Canada's Food
Guide features eggs among the
foods needed for good nutrition.
In addition, eggs are among our
most economical foods and are
one of the most versatile "cook-
Did you ever stop to think how
much of interest and flavor
would be lost in our menus if
suddenly there were no eggs?
There would certainly be a mad
scrambling to revise a large
number of recipes most fre-
quently used by Canadian home-
Here is a recipe for pickled
eggs which may be used sliced
as a garnish, in salads or served
whole or in half.
3 cups white vinegar
1-1/2 cups water
1-1/2 tp salt
1 tp whole cloves
1/2 tp celery seed.
Put the spices in a small cot-
ton bag. Put the bag into the
vinegar with salt and water and
boil 10 minutes. Remove spice
bag and let solution cool.
Hard cook a dozen eggs, dash
into cold water to cool rapidly
and remove shells. Pack eggs
into quart or pint sealers. Pour
cold vinegar solution over eggs
to cover, then seal jars. The
eggs may be kept at room tem-
perature but recommend cold
storage for large numbers. Let
stand in pickling solution for at
least two days before using.
If preferred pickling spices
may be omitted.
1 20-oz. can crushed pineapple
1 tp lemon juice
1 tp butter
3 eggs
1 tbl sugar
Heat pineapple, lemon juice
and butter in top of double
boiler just to boiling point.
Meanwhile beat eggs and sugar
just until yolks and whites are
blended but not frothy.
Pour some of the hot pine-
apple mixture into eggs, stir-
ring constantly. Return mixture
to remaining pineapple and
combine well. Cover and set pan
at once over very hot, BUT NOT
boiling water and cook slowly
over low heat for 30 to 40
minutes. Stir with wooden spoon
at end of 20 minutes to scrape
down sides and bottom of pan.
Stir only enough to evenly mix
custard. When cooked pour into
serving bowl and garnish with
bits of maraschino cherry.
Serve plain or with cream.
-- Please turn to page 9
RES5 •
Brownies of the First Exeter
Brownie Pack, Thursday even-
ing held their annual spring
"fly-up" when six Brownies
"flew up" to Guides and three
Brownies "walked".
As each of the six Brownies
were presented with their Gol-
den Hand by Commissioner
Mrs. W. Huntley, the Brownies
recited a poem which told of
the various requirements nece-
ssary to receive the Golden
The Brownies received their
wings from Brown Owl Mrs.
J. Wooden and proceeded to
"fly" to Guides. These were
Beth Goman, Janet Davis, Sher-
ry Ford, Ruth Whiting, Cathe-
rine Bentley and Marion Hern.
The three Brownies who "wal-
ked" to Guides were Doris Fer-
g-uson, Judy Walters, and Judy
The Brownies were officially
welcomed to the Guide Company
by the Guide Captain, Mrs. B.
Sturrock. They were also gree-
ted by their respective patrol
The Golden Hand badge was
presented to Libby Mickle and
proficiency badges to Miriam
Hiltz and Libby Mickle.
East message
given to Main St.
Mrs. C. Robinson, of the
London Bible Club, was guest
speaker and gave an Easter
message at the Main St. UCW
afternoon and evening units
Monday night.
She was introduced by unit
leader Mrs. Don Gravett and
thanked by President Mrs. Earl
Mrs. Gravett was assisted in
the worship service by Mrs.
Archie Webber, Mrs. Ron Bo-
gart, Mrs. Melvin Gardiner,
Mrs. Ross Tuckey and Mrs.
William Brock.
Mrs. John Goman favored
with two vocal selections ac-
companied by Mrs. Robert Mc-
Donald. A social time followed.
oes for
for a smart step into
spring, first step
into Smyth's
Put first things first. If you want to
look your Very best in your new spring
Wardrobe you'll want to start with
Proper foundation garments. Make an
appointrnent now for yoUr Spencer-
Spirella fitting,
Here you can select your new Spring ShOea in- the colours of
your choice.
HIGH OR ILLUSION HEELS to flatter your feet in the new
tones of brown; bone and black calf leather as well as black
STACK HEELS are anitiat fotthat wi.kiegehoe. See these in
the medium to high stack styles. .
-FOR CASUAL WEAR ask to try on the 'Han puppies (you'll
be amazed at the comfort). We carry theae In mens; ladies
and misses Styles. And Of course we have the -toned
patterns for casual or dress Wear. See them all -Seen while
Oar Site ranges are dOintilete.
Smyth 's Shoe- Store Ltd.
*re will be open Friday nights till
10 flaw. stetting April 5th.'OpetiThura.
day night April 11th, (Closed
geed Pridey)
Stores Open
Thurs. Night
eti April II
Say Happy Easter With
Roses Carnations Mums
Spring Flowers
Phone 235-2603 Exeter
We deliver to Grand Bend, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall,
Centralia Village & RCAF, Mt. Caxmel
89 Anne St. Phone 236-1920