HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-04-04, Page 2By MRS. HOQPER
auct.tVire. Ross Vern re.,
turned from a month's Meter
trip to Florida iaet There4Y.
While staying south of 40co,
crkeectipbee it was P0 degrees
every 0Ay and there VW. very
little freSt tiFhPg0 that far
Going down they had:dinner
with 1,4r t audMrS, B. M. FranelS
and coming home they visited
with their siater-ln-law and
family in Louisville, Kentucky,
Mrs. Hera returned to her
duties on the staff of Harper
Hospital, Detroit, op Sunday.
We will plant them and guaran-
tee them without extra charges.
We will spray and feed Rose
bushes and evergreens.
PHONE 235-2603
Page g Tirno4AdVecilte, April 4,f 1963
lc ar s get $16,100
in snowplow traged y •
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke
were guests on Saturday even-
ing in London with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Sholdice.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gil-
fillan and. Gordon of Blyth and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith
and Penny of Crediton visited
on Thursday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Grant
and Barbara.
Mrs. Harry Ford of Woodham
visited on Eunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Horne and fa-
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Par-
sons and family of near Exeter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Nelson Clarke at Farquhar.
The WI held a progressive
euchre in Aberdeen Hall Tues-
day, March 26 with 10 tables'
Prize winners were: Ladies
high, Mrs. Harold O'Brien; lone
hands, Mrs. Ronald Denham;
men's high, Harry Rodd; lone
hands, Lawrence Beckett; lucky
draw, George Smith.
Mr. Dan Jarvis and Mr. Char-
lie Paul are patients in Victoria
Hospital at time of writing, hav-
ing undergone eye operations.
The WI and Hall Board spon-
sored a progress euchre in
Aberdeen Hall, Monday, April 1.
Prize winners were: Ladies
high, Cordon Johns; lone hands,
Mrs. Roy Pepper; men's high,
Ronald Denham; lone hands,
John Witteveen; ladies low,
Mrs. Laverne Stone; men's low,
• nr.T.TecT2.§. : 'T.T.TT
CASSIDY-Mr. and Mrs. M.
Cassidy, RCAF Stn. Centra-
lia, announce the birth of a
daughter, Julie Ann, at South
Huron Hospital, March 29.
HOOPER-Mr. and Mrs. James
Hooper, RCAF Stn. Centra-
lia, announce the birth of a
son, Ricky, at South Huron
Hospital, March 30--a broth-
er for Marina, Jimmie and
MOIR--Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Moir, Hensall, announce the
birth of their son at Clinton
Public Hospital, April 3--
a brother for Garry.
NAGEL--Corny and Gerda Na-
gel, Marlborough St. Exeter,
are happy to announce the
birth of twin daughters, Linda
and Brenda, at South Huron
Hospital, March 30--sisters
for Judy.
VAN OSCH -- Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Van Osch, RR 2 Cre-
diton, announce the birth of a
daughter, Teresa Mary, at
South Huron Hospital, April 1.
SMITHERS--Mr. and Mrs. H.
Smithers, RCAF Stn. Cen-
tralia announce the birth of a
son, at South Huron Hospital
March 30--a brother for Bev-
erley, Barry, Susan, Cindy,
Francis and Jerry.
HILL--At South Huron Hospital
Exeter en Monday, April 1,
1963, Garnet Verne Hill of
Crediton in his 75th year.
Beloved husband of Nora May
Brown, dear father of (Al-
winna) Mrs. Jack Galloway
and (Grace) Mrs. Ray Mor-
lock of Stephen Township,
brother of (Gleetis) Mrs.
Earl Walker of Regina, Sask.
and Roy of Hillsdale, Mich.
Also survived by six grand-
children and two great grand-
children. Resting at the R.C.
Dinney funaral home, Main
St., Exeter where the funeral
service will he held on Thurs-
day, April 4, at 2:30 pm.
Interment in Exeter Ceme-
tery. 4c
I wish to thank all my friends
and relatives who so kindly re-
membered me with cards, let-
ters, flowers, treats and visits
while a patient in the hospital.
Also special thanks to the nur-
sing staff of Scott Memorial
Hospital end to Dr. Stapleton
and Dr. Corwin. Also appre-
ciation to Rev. J. C. Boyne for
visit s. -- Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Kellar. 4nc
I wish to express my sin-
cere thanks to all those who
remembered me with flowers,
cards treats and visits, while
a patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, and since returning
home. Special thanks to Rev.
D. R. MacDonald, The Arnold
Circle and Ladies of Carmel
Church, Henson, Dr. Newland,
Dr. Gettas, and the nursing
staff of 3rd floor mirth. --Mrs.
Gordon Troyer. 4c
I wish to thank all those who
remembered me with cards,
treats and visits while a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. Special thanks to Dr.
Ecker and Dr. Hesston and Sis-
ters and nurses on grid floor.
4L-John Glavin. 4*
I wish to thank my many
friends, neighbors, tel lat iVes
and the nursing staff of Clinton
Public Hospital and Dr, Goddard
who remembered me with
cards, visits and treats while
in the hospital:.,-Mr4 Robert
Baker Sr. 4nc
I wish to thank my niany
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives who remembered me with
card a, flowers, visits and treats
While a patient in St. JoSeOhls
Hospital, London and since re-
turning hortie.--HoWard Light-
foot. 4e
The family of the late Millen
tircick, wish to express sincere
thanks, to all'our relatives,
friends, and neighbors, for the
floral tributes, for all their acts
of kindness, and messages Of
syniPathY, during our recent
bereaverrient. Special thank to
Be.V Warehairt, liOpper-Hoeicey
ftineral borne, Exeter Lodge No.
10OF and Pallbearers. All
Wig deePly appreciated, -, Mrs.
Brtick and fatally, 4*
J. IL W. (John) Kestle, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, Andrew
St., has been appointed manager
of the Kitchener branch of Can-
adian pittsburgh In du stries
Limited. Mr. Kestle has Perved
14 years with the company in
sales and m an ageme nt capa-
Mrs, Edith Richard, who was
also a passenger in the Richard
car, testified she saw no lights
which would warn her pf the
stopped truck prior to the crash.
She told the court the collis-
ion occurred about 8:45 p.m.,
a split second after the Richard
car had passed the headlights
of an approaching car. Mrs.
Bailey could not, however, state
whether the headlights were
brighter than those on another
vehicle they had met and passed
Mrs. Kathleen Hodgert, RR 1
Kirldon, said that while she
and her husband were driving
on the Cromarty sideroad, they
saw the two flashing lights and
other lights on the snow plow.
She said that when they turned
onto the highway and headed in
the same direction as the plow,
however, they saw no lights.
When they pulled alongside the
halted plow, they offered assis-
tance but were told by the driver
he needed no aid, she told the
Mr. Justice Schatz said in
endorsing the settlement he na-
turally could come to no con-
clusion without hearing all the
testimony but felt both sides
should be satisfied with the
"I feel the plaintiffs (the
Richards) should not feel they
have unduly sacrificed anything
in this matter", his lordship
Lawyers were: A. E. Shep-
herd, QC, London, for Mrs.
Edith Richard; E. D. Bell, QC,
Exeter, for Mrs. Greta Richard,
C. F. MacMillan, Toronto, for
Mr. Harness and Mr. Wilker,
and D. J. Murphy, Goderich,
for Mr. Morley.
Suburban Lawn Seed
2-1b. package SALE $1.49
Raid, house and garden, 12-oz. $1.59
All-Purpose Vigor°, 6-10.4, 50 lbs. $3.15
Garbage Cans
Regular $3.65 SALE $2.99 or 2/$5.49
10-Gal. Trash Barrel, plastic
Regular $4.25 ........ ...... SALE $3.49
012 Galv. Peils SALE 790
1 Only-Duris Step-On Can
Regular $9.15 ,„„,„„ .......... ,,.. SALE $7.39
Laundry Basket, reg. $2.49 ,... SALE $1.49
Rubber Maid Toilet Bowl Brush
Regular $3.98 ... ,.„ ......... SALE $2.98
Stair Treads, 9" x 18" SALE 350
Baby Bath, pink or blue ..... ,.. SALE $1.99
Ironing Board, rag, $8.95 ..... .„ SALE $5.88
Corningware Set, 3-piece
Regular $18.95 SALE $15.88
5.String Corn Broom ....... SALE 950
Benz-Rite Torch, reg. 16.95 SALE $4.69
College Step Ladder, 5-ft.
Regular $5.49 SALE $3,99
Cod Liver Oil, reg. $3.50 .... „ SALE $1.50
Machine Oil, reg. $1.00 SALE 500
Clothespins, hardwood 3 Doz. 150
1 Only-18" 1.24" cast enamel sink
Regular $25.95 ...... ....... SALE $9.00
1 Only--16" x N" cast enamel, sink
Regular $18.95 ,,.,,•,,... SALE $7.00
ochtitiry ,AT Frq/g 771?/CE.5
Phone 235-2511 Main St. Exeter
HS teachers .'unhappy'
over n„ attended the Stlth. wedding
Mr. and Mrs. claire PisPn ew rat ul an-
retirement sratUity benefit
fer teachers, adopted try Riptis
1)941 last month to lridnee staff
members to remain here, may
result in exactly the eppoPite
effect, it was auggeated Tueaday
Principal 11, L, StargiS in-
dicated several veteran men
bars might ;resign unless the
gratuity is retroactive. if.thia
happens, he said he would re,
sip himself.
"The shortage of teachers is
even more acute than we ex
pected at the time we advertised
for them," said the principal,
noting the lank of applications
the board had received.
Under the retirement gratuity
plan adopted by the board, a
teacher would receive a "bo-
nes" of half his final year's
salary if he completed the last
10 years of his career at SHDHS.
The amount would be reduced in
accordance to the amount of
sick leave accumulated during
the period.
The board's intention, ac-
cording to S. L, Mickle, Hen-
pall, who moved adoption of the
plan, was that the plan would
come into effect Sept. 1 this
year and would not be retro-
active. The T-A in its repprt
Sturgis said ;le tulderstoed only
the cumulative pick leave elm*
in the plan was not retroactive
and that those teachers who will
complete 10 years' service be-
fore 1913 would Pt some bene-
fits, based on the amount of
sick leave riot nsed from Sept-
ember on.
Secretary E. D. Hovey did
not have the metien completed
in his minutes because of the
misunderstanding. He referred
to a managereeot committee re-
commendation which made no
reference to the plan not being
The teachers, in a formal
letter to the board, requested
Principal Sturgis felt the staff
members affected would accept
his interpretatipn of the plan
under which they would receive
a reduced gratuity. "They de-
finitely weren't happy with the
other interpretation," he told
the board.
He said the teachers could
transfer to another school with
a retroactive plan and gain
some benefit. Asked what might
happen if several of them re-
signed, the principal said: "I
think I would too," because of
the problem of replacing them.
The board decided to write
its trustee association to de-
termine the policy of other
Principal Sturgis reported
Easter exams start today
(Thursday) and that the activity
period has now been cancelled.
He also revealed:
The staff for 1963-64 is now
complete with the hiring of Mrs.
J. T. McCauley, Sanders St.,
as home economics teacher;
The winning of two pennants
by the boys' basketball teams
"which we value highlybecause
the boys' teams haven't won so
many titles lately";
John MacNaughton who won
the regional public speaking
competition at Wingham recent-
ly, will compete in the district
final at St. Marys next week;
Teacher-days absent, mostly
due to the 'flu, amounted to
30 during the past month;
Traquair's Golden
I wish to take this opportunity
to thank my friends, relatives
and neighbors, for cards, let-
ters and treats received while
I was ill. Special thanks to the
Exeter Ladies Legion Branch
16'7 and the Crediton Womens
Institute for beautiful potted
Plants,--Mrs. Percy Noels. 4*
• I wish to thank all my friends
and relatives for their kindness
shown me, with cards, treats
and visits while a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
--Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner, Lon-
don. 4c
The family of the late Mrs.
Mary Prance wishes to express
sincere and heartfelt thanks to
their relatives, friends and
neighbors, Who offered their
sympathy in the bereavement of
a loving wife, mother and grand-
mother. For the many beauti-
ful floral tributes and sympathy
cards, we wish 'to thank the
nurses and staff of Huronview
Home, also the nurses and staff
of South Huron Hospital. Special
thanks to those who visited the
Hospital, Rev. R. S. Hiltz, pall-
bearers, the Hopper-Hockey
Funeral Home and the lad i e s
who helped out at the house,
--John Prance & family. 4*
The family of Mrs. Rosa.
Grigg wish to express their
sincere thanks and apprecia-
tion to their relatives, friends
and neighbors for the messages
of sympathy, flowers and the
many acts of kindness shown
during their recent sad ber-
eavement. Special thanks to
Rev. Edgar Roulston of Exeter,
pallbearers and the T. Harry
Hoffman Funeral Home. 4*
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to all my friends and
relatives for their cards, treats
and visits while a patient in
South Huron Hospital and since
coming home. Lena Kirkland.
The families of the late Mrs.
Edward (Mary) Gill wish to
thank all their relatives, friends
and neighbours for their many
acts of kindness through various
kinds of donations, floral tri-
butes and cards, also to all
those who helped in any way
during their recent bereave-
ment and while she was a shut-
in. 4*
I wish to thank all those who
remembered me with cards,
treats and visits while I was a
patient in South Huron Hospital
and since returning home. Spec-
ial thanks to Miss Claypole and
nurses, Dr. Ecker, Rev. Hugh
Wilson. Also to the Thames
Road United Church Women's
Association for the lovely pot
of tulips.--Wm. Elford. 4*
I wish to thank the friends
who so kindly remembered me
while a patient in the South
Huron Hospital, with special
thanks to the nursing staff.--
T, 0. Southcott. 4c
My sincere thanks to friends
neighbors, relatives, Unite d
Church Women, Ladies Auxil-
iary to Legion, Legion Branch
498 and my bowling team for
the lovely flowers, gifts, cards
and visits while I was a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital and
since returning home.--Mrs.
Wilfred "Pat"Ravelle. 4c
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambers
wish to thank the many friends,
neighbours and relatives for
their kindness, cards, visits and
cheery messages while Mrs.
Chambers was a patient in South
Huron Hospital; special thanks
to the staff at South. Huron. 4c
GLENN--In loving memory of
a wonderful husband, father
and grandfather, John M.
Glenn who passed away two
years ago, April 8th, 1961.
God saw you getting weary
So He did what He thought best
He came and stood beside you
And whispered "Come and
You wished no one a last fare-
Or even said good-bye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why. 4*
OGDEN In loving memory of
a dear mother, Ida (Madge)
Ogden, who died one year
ago, pril 4, 1962.
A wonderful mother, woman,
and aid;
One who was better, God never
A wonderful worker, loyal and
Tenderly helpful, 0 mother you
Just in your judgment, always
Honest and liberal, ever up-
Loved by all, our pride they
Pride in the wonderful One you
-,-Lovingly remembered by her
faintly. 4*
SKINNER,-In loving memory
of a dear wife and mother,
Mrs. Mary Alberta Skinner,
who passed away one year
ago April 2, 1962,
The depths of sorrow we cannot
6f the loss of one we loved so
And while she sieeps 4024011
Her memory we shall always
--Lovingly remembered by her
-husband Melville, Boris Del-
iner, and Rosa, and daugh-
ter Gladys and Mar,
ion and faMilles, 4nc
Given Away Friday
and Saturday Evenings
You are invited to our
Open House
Friday, April 5
Afternoon 2-5 Evening 7-10
Junior Doupe; lucky draw,
Frank Lostell.
Forty two dollars was real-
ized and donated to Bunny Bun-
An Exeter area crash, which
e40§0, the death. of two men.
and seriously lojered two ether
persons more. than two years
ago, resulted In a.$16,Op0 out,
of-court Settlement At the On-
tarie Supreme Penrt Sitting at
Lenden Tuesday.
Under settlement terms en,
deraeti by Mr. Justice Il, N.
Schatz, Mrs. Edith Richard,
Exeter, was awarded a total of
1.545.0q damages. $4459'
She had claimed both for per,
spnal injeries, including a badly
damaged left leg, and under the.
fatal accidents act for the death
of her 7Q-year-old husband, A.
Leslie Richard..
Her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Greta Jean Richard, now of RR
1 Centralia
received $4,500
under the fatal aceidenta act for
the Cleat)) of her iniaband L.
Allan Richard. In addition she
was awarded $1,259 court coats
plus $1,260 for her . seven-year-,
old daughter, Laura Jean, and
$75 0 for her nine-Ye AT-0d
daughter, Lynne
The final award, of $600 was
Made to. 11-year-old ;Susan
Halley, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Lou Bailey, Exeter, and
granddaughter of Mrs, Edith
Richard, who was a passenger
in the Richard car.
Evidence on Monday revealed
the car driven easterly by Lea-
ns Richard on No. 83, about
five miles east of Exeter, had
collided with the rear of an
unlighted Ontario Dep't of High-
ways snewnlov7 truck which was
atopped on the travelled portion
of the eastbound lane.
The settlement came after a
full morning of negotiations by
lawyers for the plaintiffs and
defendants Tuesday after Mr.
Justice Schatz indicated he was
encouraging a settlement of the
non-jury civil action,
The defendants. Were Nereid
Harness, Exeter, driver of the
snowplow truck; Nelson
Seloringville, mechanic respon-
sible fer the truck's operatipn,
and Gordon Morley, LiStoWel,
Ciriver of a third vehicle which
had been westbound and which
the Richards claimed was either
driving toward them or was
stopped just past the halted
Not all of the plaintiffs! evi-
dence had been submitted and
no defence testimony had been
given when the settlement was
Mrs. Marjorie Bailey, Su,
aan's mother and daughter of
•,.. •
of the ..disetlesioilP indicated
the plan would 13.e' PQ44..retre,
H owever, principal
The manual training Mena
was not Peie& heated properly
:and he retmeated the board .to
consider some tYpe of auxiliary
The board diSPneaed. the P.P,
eratiou of sefe-driyirig claSSeS
in other schools and requested.
further information before
reaching a decision of the es-
tablishment of WOW training
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Er-
Vine Barnes of Nairn on. Eun-
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Thom -
son and family were Saturday
evening guests of Mr. and MI'S.
Gerald. Blackman of,St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ro-
bertson of Listowel were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Ross Jones of London
was Sunday guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones
and family were Sunday even-
ing guests pf Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. B. Bryan, in honor of Mr.
Bryan's birthday.
The monthly social evening
of the 8th line community was
held on Wedriesda.y evening at
Metropolitan school with seven
tables in play of progressive
Winners for ladies high were
Mrs, Frank Hern; ladies lone
hands, Mrs. A. Dewar; ladies
low, Marie Langford; gents
high, Wilford Wilson; gents lone
hands, Kenneth Parkinson,
gents low, Clifford Langford.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
and Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn
Hooper were the committee in
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter
are the committee for April.
Bargains Galore
10% Discount Off
Everything in the Store
Pontiac's engines are potent plus!
The light, thrifty Astro-6 or excep-
tionally spirited V8's.
Body-protecting Zinc-0-
Bonding, water-washed,
air-dried rocker panels
and aluminized muffler
all cut corrosion.
4' Long Purina, 61/2" wide, 4" deep
$206.95 Regular $6.75 SALE $2.75
Poultry Feeders, 4' long, 7" wide,
$281.29 31/2" deep. Regular $5.50 SALE $2.50 '
Poultry Feeders, 4' long, wire top.
Regular $3.50 SALE $1.75
Brooder Stoves-Special $15.00
1 Only-Mctlary-Easy, AC-12-26
Regular $319.95 SALE
1 Only-McClary-Easy, ZF-12-26
Regular $399.95 SALE
1 Only-McClary-Easy, CE-30.26
Regular $294.95 SALE
I Only-Beach, E 2206D, 22"
Regular $182.00 SALE
1 Only-Beach, E 3043, 30"
Regular $199.95 SALE
1 Only-Findlay, UL 97, 22"
Regular $174.50 SALE
1 Only-Findlay, E30.6, 30"
Regular $199.95 SALE
1,1014°' $193.89
Adjusts and
locks into any
of 7 positions.
Flips up to make
entry and exit
easier. Optional
at extra cost.
Kepi-Glo, all colors LESS 15%
Super Kem-Tone, all colors LESS 15%
Lowe Bros. Hicth Standard and
Latex Outside Paints LESS 15%
Discontinued Paints
Odds and ends 1/2 PRICE
Roller Coater and Tray SALE 990
Thix Paint, quarts ..... ........... , 980
4 big, cushidny coif
springs give a super
smooth ride.
Famous Spiralator Washer
Regular SALE
$174.95 $124.05
W24.31 $138.54
W25.31 $224.95 $160.63
W18.21C $195.95. $129,00
1 Only-McClary-Easy, A24.11
Regular $409.95
NIcClary-Easyr E 23-11
SALE $159.85
Regular $229.95
McClary-Easy, E 24.11
Regular $259.95 SALE $176.80
McClary Home Freezer, separate fast
freezing bin, divider rack, lift-out basket,
easily cleaned. durable• plastic line, 23 cu.
ft. ONLY $279.00
1 Only - Electrohorne Humidifier. Floor
sample, Model ELA77.
Regular $62.50 ..... .„ ,,,,,, „ ,,,, SALE $52.50
GE Vacuum Cleaner SALE $56.95 ,
GE Floor Polisher „„ SALE $33.20 end up
GE Tea Kettle ..„ ,,,,,, SALE $9.95 and up
GE Steam Irons ,,,,, .,„„,...„„.„„ SALE $16.40
GE Irons „ , SALE $11,50
GE Coffee Pert. ,,,,, „ SALE $22.40
GE Hair Dryers ,,,, SALE $$214. 9.91 andae
d ep
Sunbeam Toaster
Sunbeam Fry Pan $19.95 and up
Sunbeam Mixers ,,,,,,,,, $19.95 and up
Sunbeam Hair Dryers up
Radios $42249.9.955 andand up
GE Fan }hater „. ......... - .... SALE $19.95
Sunbeam Blender ..„..„ .......... SALE $33.95
pAnisitralE apont count
the ear all the other
sin wish the y looked like
Be sure to watch "The Tornmy Ambrose Show" on the CRC-TV network Check local listings for time
nd channel.
Pontiac Buick Vauxhall GMC Trucks Bedford Vans