HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-28, Page 12,EXETER: DISTRICT 13S,1081 The work clothes that augh at hard wear! Get your 1963 Chicks off to a flying start by feeding COOP 20 V 0 MEDICATED CHICK STARTER KRUMBLES the with all the required tint and Minerals $5.40 CW't FORA BETTER CROP Plant Co-op Seed Grains Clovers - Grasses Custom Mixing Come to the Co-op for Lawn And Garden Needs seeds, FertiiiZers, Peat Mott, Gardeh Tools, Chemicale on_ 4,* Big 88 OVERALLS WORM SHIRT:. WORK PANTS TOR THE WORKING MAN 'Betide CHR Sf Joh Council to review grants fair study coun -Twe .men were .Seated '1)144, Qne et tneTn notIeed tno- _ . hia friend had his eyes cleseQ4 "What's the matter, pillVt in a- he asketi, ,AFeegng ill?" bursaries, PO they may beget- c ODNTY FAIR "No, I'm all right," anewered tto% into a huilding prograni," Getting hagla to the county ,p4l, tsws ),at that I hate to Mr, BerrY: "The POmaitttee fair proposal, Seeve Wehb ncil- SOP 01 theSe iadies Standing., Wit/ review the grants, gweelit tett t4at tho sebject was covered thein 01 ,eff they Would 411 OP eicely le the Plinton Paper " here at the Jeep, peesiom By a reference to the wardere t pre,. 1Virsp. Mooney: "My commit- tee memhers feel they would aome guidanee regarding Waterloo bursalles, These are given to needy students, pro- vided they reach second-class boners on examinaticin." Reeve Webb then moved that the finance committee consider the request for bursariee front the Upiversity of Waterloo, se- conded by Reeve Ball This carried. , 3P members each; about 200 in- teretted people, About 30% Of their outlay has to be financed through donations. The depart- Meat encourages these fairs to keep going if possible." Deputy reeve GibSon, "I do not think it would be the best thing to 00. away with the areall fairs in favor of a county fair. It is very much eeppeed at Toronto," HY J41 SEED is your BEST BUY FOR 1963 the limo lhe yeAr .ie OVer seetation ef the. aehject, Will haVe a stiletto. for :oo).4 Reeve LeiPeri "There ere tg .fairs in the egunty, with :05 to PAPPRicIt The whole ,setup of grantS to agrigulttirat and Other organi- zations Will, he reviewed hY the finance ecullreittee of Sur en ,county council, With 4 view tq rePoArtleadinR P h 4 ngn sebsequent session, This ,proposal in. the report, Presented by Mrs. May IgOeney, dePtity-reeve of Ooderich, along with a request for authority to study the "advisability of a county fair in preference to og the small: fairs," started lively discussion at Thureday gteGrrrlaiC sil tsovilatr°i!, tierEaniza- tions which have been receiving them for a number of Years in- dude 30 to fair boards, breed association and others in the agriceiteral category; five edu- cational, a half-dozen that might be termed municipal, and others of varied character. Mrs. Mooney explained theta larger grant had been requested by Gpderich and District Ae- sociation for Retarded childree, and the committee had upped it by $50 to $200, the same Per Wingham association. (The legislative committee had before it a resolution from Ellice proposing that the de- partment of education "assist in financing schools for retard- ed children on the same basis as the public schools." The committee concurred, changing the wording to "extend greater assistance," Chairman William Hall said: "We did not know what aid the schools were get- ting. Clerk Berry reported $30 a month per pupil attending half-days, $55 for those attend- ing all day.) QUESTIONS GRANTS Reeve Frank Walkom of Go- derich, not a member of the finance committee, started the ball rolling in regard to grants to breeders. "These are monied groups," he said, "and I see no reason why grants of $50 or $100 should be given to them any more than to turkey breeders or broiler breeders of any of these. We know it has been going on for years, but we should break away from it some time." Warden Forbes: "I have felt along these lines myself, but talking to Doug Miles he says most of the money the breed associations get is for promo- tional work, and he figures it is for the benefit of agricul- turRee've Walkom: "Most of them are able to support them- selves by dues or fees." Reeve Glenn Webb, Stephen: "We cut off all these grants the year I came in--Mr. Adair was chairman--and you never heard such a furor. 'question, myself, the advisability of the whole system, and would like to hear it explained by somebody who knows more about these par- ticular associations than I do." Warden Forbes: "We might have Mr. Miles here some time, Personally, I do not see why they cannot carry on without grants from the county." Reeve Elgin Thompson, Portion of Huron sti1deritS at Waterloo is 09425% ea around 20 pereone. seems a little unfair!" said Mr, Pall. WardenTprFoonrtb9, mitt9 e fa`qulIt0: feW gotci and Kingston, top. I believe that through the years we have given as much to Western as other counties except Middlesex. I - liege We were giVing $5,000 a year," Mr. Ball: "We have probably the second largest number at Waterloo, and we shpuld per., haps increase it a bit," Mrs. Mooney; "Dr. Hall of Western spoke to council in January, and I think they Will be disappointed." Reeve Webb: "I support Mr, Ball. Waterloo has a large building program, and we have approximately 05% of the stu- dents, and bound to Increase," Clerk Derry; "In their letter they just asked for funds for Teolserstnith: if;.support what 1‘4r. Walkom has said, If yoor farm does het.support you, you cannot go to the goverament for a grant." Reeve Tom 114.11ett: "They are trying to carry on for the benefit, Of agriculture, and We are all het:le:Wing in- directly. would not me to see it cut off. As for a county fair, it might be better, but at the Fairs Assoolation it is always argued that the little faire keep the big ones gotng, I Would like to see the little fairs get a big- ger percentage of dominion and provincial grants." UNlVERSITy AID Reeve Ball noted that the committee had recommended no action on a request from Water- loo University for a grant for bersaries. "We gave Western $2,500, plug $goo for bursaries," he said. Mrs. Mooney said the pro- Malting Barley Contracts Seed Barley Contracts Seed Grain AA Fertilizer Dealer Drop in and see us for your Spring requirements. Seed & Fertilizer supplied for Barley Contracts. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. Phone 24 or 249 Henson 4-H clubs approve hog raising scheme In the first place, we have been supplying a large share cif the seed needs of Western Ontario for a good many years, end have learned by experience which varieties are best suited to the soil types and climate of this area. In the second plaee, we have sources of supply which positively assure that our seed is true to variety and high in germination. And in the third place, we have always adhered to our long-time policy of sel- ling our seed at fair prices. For these reasons, we sincerely believe that Jones, MacNaugh- ton seed is your beat buy for 1963. . .as it has been in years past. Place your order with your local dealer. Ask him for the complete price list. A program designed to im- prove the quality of bacon hogs in Huron will be incorporated in this year's 4-H program, it was revealed at the club leaders' annual meeting. Huron Hog Producers' As- sociation will provide any 4-H member in the county with a pair of purebred gilts for rais- ing purposes. The gilts later will be artificially inseminated. Later in the year, members will put one of the sows up for sale at a special auction ar- ranged by the hog producers' association. Returns from the sale will be used to pay expenses for the gilts, or the member will have the privilege of meet- ing the expenses himself and keeping the gilt. JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Clifford Bray, Brussels, was elected president of the leaders association, succeeding Harold Horn, RR 1 Granton. Other 1963 executive mem- bers are Ted Dunn, RR 3 Hay- field, firstvice-president; Ken- neth Baker, RR 2 Dashwood, second vice-president; Maurice Hallahan, Belgrave, secretary- treasurer. Committee directors: An- drew Gaunt, Lucknow, beef; Glen Walden, RR 2 Lucknow, dairy; Robert Fotheringham, RR 3 Seaforth, field crops; Donald Dodds, RR 3 Seaforth, swine. The date of Dec. 6 was chos- en for the association's annual Achievement Night, climax to all 4-H activities. The program will be held at the Wingham District High School. Assistant ag rep Ian McAl- lister will be in charge of this spring's club organization pro- gram. About 20 groups are expected to operate during 1963. Exeter, 235-0363 Creditpn, 234-6363 London, 432-2258 "I have a lot of ideas of my own," Mr. Crich replied. "What we have to learn most is to hold out a helping hand, as is being done in a small way every day. I expect in every house in Huron there is enough clothing to clothe four or five times the number of people living there. 'The biggest problem is pro- per education of Huron people in preparing for their own sur- vival and helping those others who would be pouring into our county. There is no target area near us that would cause a heavy fallout." Mr. Fisher did not immedia- tely comment for publication, but left some doubt that he would reapply. At the opening of council there were eight vacant chairs, and the deputy clerk-treasurer, Bill Hanly, was absent, ill with flu, Mrs. Carl Schneiker as- sisted clerk-treasurer Berry. Warden Walter Forbes, wel- coming the members, remark- ed that a hard, cold winter, was supposed to mean good crops, and "we will be looking forward to that." Rust affects barley yield Stem rust made a big dif- ference to barley yields at the Brandon Experimental Farm, Man., last season. The differ- ence of course, was in favor of the rust-resistant varieties. W. H. Johnston says that rust-resistant Keystone was top with 94 bushels per acre, and the susceptible OAC 21 was lowest with 48 bushels. Park- land, also resistant, yielded 91 bushels, compared with 64 bushels for susceptible Mont- calm. Other rust-resistant var- ieties were: Jubilee, 91 bushels; Trail, 90, and Husky, 86. The two-rowed varieties Bet- zes and Herta had only slight stem-rust infections and yield- ed 79 and 78 bushels respec- tively. WIN WITH AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIAL BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SERVICE . INSTALLATION John Beane JR. BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-9250 Collect The nickname of Hogtown was given the city of Toronto more than 100 years ago by visitors unfavorably impressed by the number of pigs permitted to roam the street. .e4akQb, .473'04P,4 ACREAGE WANTED FOR 0 OATS OATS OATS GRAIN BARLEY • ASK ANY MAN WHO USES MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTOR TRACTOR CONTINENTAL CELEBRATION LUCKY DRAW 'TRACTOR CONTEST WIN One of these 375 Fabulous Prizes 5 colossal all expense paid, 15 day trips for two, to the Continent o Europe, plus generous spending money. fabulous (G.E.) AM/FM Stereo Radios and Record Players, 5 terrific (Kodak) complete Movie kits, 8 min, Camera with automatic focus, light bar, projector and screen. 5 time saving (G.E.) portable Dish Washers. 5 (G,E,) top performance portable television sets. 5 exciting (G,E.) portable Stereo Record Players. 5 all family enjoyment 8 rm. (Kodak) Movie Cameras. 5 action (Remington) 12 gauge shot guns. 5 (Jetliner) sets of luggage (man's or ladiesl—for your travel pleasure. (G.E.) AM/FM Mantle Radios. 75 home comfort (Westinghouse) dual control electric blankets. AEROPRILLig FEED RODNEY FEED GARRY FEED RUSSELL FEED MIXED FEED HERTA MALTING BARLEY ACRES , ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES 100 100 100 200 100 500 would hope the salary schedule as printed here, if it meets with your approval, will be thoroughly studied, particularly by the chairmen of commit- tees." The emergency measures committee reported 11 applica- tions for the co-ordinator post, and five applicants were inter- viewed. "It was agreed," the report stated, "that we would reject all the applications that had been race ived.We then inter - viewed Mr, E. C. Fisher. Your committee felt that Mr. Fisher would do a good job for Huron county as co-ordinator," One of the applicants, Fred Crich, addressed council ear- lier. He had sent a letter to all members before learning that he could be heard. Mr. Crich said he was born and raised in Seaforth, was a gold medallist at Ontario Ag- ricultural College, lived in Go- derich between 1930 and 1936, and went on active service with the Huron battalion in 1940. A brother in Clinton is abaker. In 1941-2 he commanded the administrative wing of the Can- adian Engineers reinforce- ment unit, involving 1,800 to 2,200 men. $1,000 LESS "in case of disaster," he said, "the population of Huron would increase three times, and I feel my experience would be useful. I attended a staff course Military College. If this po- sition is to be decided on the basis of qualification, training and experience, I respectfully submit my qualifications, as listed in my letter and stated here today, are undoubtedly su- perior to those of the person recommended, and at $1,000 less. I am available until the first of April, and if offered the position would expect to re- main as long as able to do my duty to the satisfaction of the county." Reeve William Ball, Seaforth, asked: "If the opportunity were given, you could do what would be necessary in Huron county?" Seed and Fertilizer supplied, Grain delivered at harvest time. GODERICH Appointment of an emergency measures co-ordinator for Huron is up in the air again, and the post will be re-advertised. When county council in ses- sion Thursday reached the re- port of the emergency mea- sures committee, of which Reeve Milton Oesch of Zurich is chairman, he remarked that "this is a very controversial subject," andr ec otemende ci that council go into committees of the whole. His committee had recom- mended that E. C. Fisher of Goderich be engaged for a six- months probationary period at $5,000 a year, effective April 1, 1963. It recommended also that the salary range be ad- justed to a minimum of $4,000 and maximum of $6,000, with annual increments of $200 up to the maximum. The salary range set in the report of the warden's and personnel com- mittee, also before council, is $4,000 minimum, $5,000 maxi- mum. The debate in committee of the whole lasted an hour and a quarter, with Reeve Norman Jones of Hensel" in the chair. Council then adopted the re- port of the emergency measures committee, with this amend- ment: "That the clause appoint- ing a co-ordinator and extend- ing the maximum salary to $6,000 be not adopted, and that the committee be instructed to re-advertise at the present sal- ary range." DEBATE SALARY That the discussion centred about salary was indicated by remarks of Reeve Alvin D. Smith, of Turnberry, chairman of the warden's and personnel committee. He said that if more careful study had been given to the schedules, 4,we would not have had the situation we had today." The personnel committee is new this year, and salaries hitherto have been more or less in charge of the finance commit- tee. Reeve Smith added: "I SEED GRAIN 33.5% NITROGEN FERTILIZER Ask any one of thousands of Canadian farmers who have used Aeroprills for top dressing :winter wheat and he'll tell you what a practical and profitable operation it has been. Many farmers have made $3.00 extra profit for every $1.00 invested in Aeroprills! Top dressing winter wheat as soon as you. can get on the land in the spring will promote stooling, pro- duce more stems, more heads and bigger yields — in most cases 10 bushels more per acre when 100 lbs. per acre of Aeroprills are applied. Aeroprills are easy to handle and are Drilled and coated for uniform spreading. Order Aeroprills from your fertilizer dealer or agent today. 250 21 Jewel Bulova Caravelle Watches, NO OBLIGATION ENTER NOW CONTEST RULES 0 American CompenY YOUR CHOICE #1 MIXED GRAIN . , . $4.15 (851b.bag) RUSSELL, GARRY, RODNEY OATS WITH HERTA BARLEY AND SELKIRK WHEAT (65% OATS, 20% B AR L E Y, 15% WHEAT) SEE US FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS, 0 Toronto over 21 years of age. 250 Btlieva Caravelle Watches, All kinds Cif Seedt available, seeder sepplied free Of charge to soW our seeds. Custom Plant Your Corn And Beans We haVe two new Johe Deere four roW planters With liquid fertilizer attachments at your service. Please arrange your planting early -- now, GRASS SEED #1 PASTURE MIX (22 lbs. acre) $9.00 -#1 HAY - PASTURE (20 lbs. acre) 8,50 #1 CAN. RED CLOVER bus. 25.00 #1 COMMON TIMOTHY bus. 12,00 #1 CAN. ALFALFA . bus. 33,75 To qualify your Entry Just answer the following 2 questions: 1. Massoy•Ferauson Limited with World wide interests, Is a 0 Canadian 0 British 2. The Massey-Ferguson World Headquarters are lecated in The Continental Celeob 0 Vancouver r a Mt oonn treeoanl test Is ripen to all Canadian residents No obligetionl Enter now—you may be the lucky winner of one of the BIG BONUS PRIZES! if your name Is drawn and you have purchased any new Massey•FergUtort Tractor between January 28th, 1963 and June 2gth, 1963, you will win a Bulova Caravelle Watch, plus one of the 125 Fabuleut Continental Celebratien Bonus Prizes; Winners will be determined by means of a draw made from all entries received by Massey-Ferglison Limited, All entries must reach Massey-Ferguson Limited on or before midnight, June 30th. No responsibility will be taken by Massey-Ferguson Limited for entries lest In the mall or not received In time for the draw, All Bonus Prizes will be awarded in the order In which they are drawn at shown on the reverSe side of this EntrY Form. All winners will be declared and notified by Massey-Fergusen Limited prior to July 31st, 1963, All winners of the trip awards Will be notified Immediately follOwing the draw and provided with ali the information regarding tbeir trip. All trip Winners will be brought to Toronto on September 22nd, 1963, and depart On their European trip as a group on September 23rd, Prizes won by all other winners will be forwarded to them iminediately following announcement Of the winners. Thls Contest Is not open to the Personnel and families of Massey-Ferguson Unread, Its Advertising Ageney or massey•Ferauson Dealerships. Liability for Federal, Provincial .or other Taxes imposed on a Prize winner In this Contest will be the sole responsibility of the Prize Winner. Massey-Ferguson Limited reserved the right to make all final decisions on any questions arising Out of the conduct of thls Contest and the interpretation of its rules and regulations. PHONE No 00000000000 iiiiiiiii lllllll 'OW ADDRESS„„ ll „ TOWit/titY. lll iiiiii lllllll N lllll . llllllll PROVINCE C' VA Al A 114- xis y3r1M11.14 (..tn,t•I 4•11..1, Just fill in this Entry Form and drop in Lucky Draw Box at your Massey-Ferguson dealer Plan To Use Mixed Liquid Fertilizer AND SIDE DRESS WITH LIQUID NITRATE MR. BERT TtioNttsotli KIPPEN, we eay grows abieut the best corn ift his era.. Last year he checked DRY fertilieer againet LIQUID. He sowed abotit 350 Ibt. of 2-11-11 Liquid pbr acre and side dressed With 41% Liquid Nitrate, BERT SAW: the corn sowed with liquid was 5 days Sooner alaOve &Mind and definitely matured eaxlier. (For this rea- ton lie MO sow aiittle later torn to get higher yield .4. a real adeantage). I am iticreeting my ceen acreage this year arid going all liquid fertilizer on it. I side dreseed With Liquid 41% Nitrogen and am really sold on it becante Of ihdreased .AgROPR, H. R. SHERWOOD M-F Sales and Service SERVING 1H MAN MIME BUSINESS IS At#14ankt EXet6r ••• ... • • GRAIN • FEED -SEED Exeter Ph 235 1 7 8 2 Whalen Corners Ph Korldon 35r 15 5 Phone 23 -0743 Page iime.p.Mypot!ot March 23, ImproviSion solves feeding problems Reject Fisher for EMO over salary difference ire Mr, and Mrs. Henry Becker, RR l Dashwood, find raising sheep requiree ingenuity. Mra. Becker, above, feeds one 10- day old lamb which she rescued from the cold weather after the mother gave it up. A. nanny goat, left, is raising two others, one of which was rejected by the flock. A goat can be a big help on a farm, Mr, Becker finds, An earlier nanny raised a pig and a calf fair him. photo