HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-28, Page 11tsar xr" 25 Auction Sates AUCTION sAk.e. Of 26 Head: of Cattle Ho v, Russell .04t4 Trootor and Full Line. of .Form Macbinory wilt be held en Lot 2, tiorth,, west boundary of Blanshard Township, on .23 Highway, miles north of Kirkton, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. A fell 14iat1;:ill.P:rn' aPPear next week.. ALVIN ROBSON, Prop, W. K. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers. 28c Discuss salaries William J. Courtney of J. A.D. McCurdy, RCAF Centralia Pub- lic School, and AllanR.McKone of Hamlet Public School, Strata ford will be attending the Easter Assembly of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federa- tion to be held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto onApril 18, 19 and 20. They will be representing the 133 men tea- chers of Huron and Perth dis- trict, 15A. area, One of the items to be discussed will be the revision of the federation's present salary policy, The name of Niagara Falls comes from the Indian word "Onguiaahra," which meant "thunderer of the waters." III Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS ORDER NOW FOR YOUR EARLY Spring Planting * ROSE BUSHES * EVERGREENS * HEDGE PLANTS 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SAL E Of Fern),Reg. Holstein Cattle, Stockers, Pigs and Farm Machinery For Mr. Vincent Seifriecl LOT 22, CONCESSION a, TOWNSHIP, 2 Miles North-West of Ltican (Watch for signs.) SATURDAY, MARCH 30 at 1:00 p,n-t. LIVESTOCK: 6 reg, Hol- stein cows, just fresh; reg, heifer calf; grade cow, 5 years old, fresh; grade Hol , stein heifer, due in May; Holstein heifer, due in June; grade Holstein heifer, fresh; 20 black and white faced yearlings; plus calves. The above cows are mostly 2 and 3 years old; some grad- ed good and good plus, Pedi- grees on reg. rows will be available sale day. PIGS: Sow with litter; sow, due middle of April; 6 sows, showing sale time, These sows show lots of type and quality. MACHINERY: 550 Oliver tractor, 3-point hitch, PTO, lights, etc., 3 years old; Superior loader for Oliver tractor, equipped with bucket and snow blade; Oliver heat 'trouser; Oliver 3-point hitch, 3-furrow plough; Oliver 7' 3- point hitch mower, 3 years old; Oliver rubber tired Veer side rake, new; Oliver 28- plate disc; Mateo 39 hay ele- vator with gas motor; Myers bale loader; Century 2-barrel sprayer, 21' boom, new; 11- hoe fertilizer and grain drill; steel roller; Massey - Harris spreader; Massey-Harris 7 ft, binder; 3-section spring tooth- ed drags; Deering 5' mower; Bisset horse disc; Renfrew cream separator with motor; plus miscellaneous tools etc., found at a clearing farm sale. FARM: 100 acres, Lot 22, Con, 2, Biddulph Twp, Known as the Ed Flynn farm, Ideally situated on school bus routes, close to the Village of Liman; 50 acres ploughed, balance in hay and pasture. Land is all tillable with a short stretch of open ditch watering the pasture land, plus 2 wells. House; Lovely white brick house with 7 rooms and pan- try; 3 bedrooms upstairs, good basement, built-on gar- age, new roof. Barn: 42'x50'; pig pen, 16'x45'; 2 colony houses. Barn is well stabled, pressure system and water bowls. Anyone interested in pur- chasing a farm should look this one over before sale day. Will be offered at 3 p.m„ subject to a very moderate reserve bid. Terms can be arranged by contacting the auctioneer or owner prior to sale day. Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, Phone 22r141 Ilderton TOM ROBSON, Phone 10r14 Ilderton 28c Z5 Auction Sales table and chairs; oak bed, springs and mattress; dres- sers; commodes; rugs; toilet set; large selection of heatai- ful new hooked and braided mats; many ether miscellan- eous items. No Reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS; Cash, ELMORE DATARS, Prop, GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN. WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c 25 Auction Sales ...,....... ,..,„ ...- 11-ren seed .014; M-lf 7 ft. binder; horse drawn manure Weeder, on double disc; 11,1-1-f 3-bar side .delivery reke; rubber tire wagon; bay reek; Surge one-unit milking machine; Renfrew electric cream separator; Renfrew mange cream generator; rub- ber tire wheelbarrow; oat roller; grinder; keening mill; 4 steel pig troughs; galv, water tank; sling ropes; chains; 200 gal. gee tank; hay fork rope; pig crates; table saw; bag truck; chop boxes; forks; shovels, etc., .etc, Quantity loose straw, No Reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. DONALD HULBERT, Prop. ANDREW DIERLING, Clerk. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28c 5 Auction Sales kit- chen eitenSilSi Ailverw.PrP; iron;. -electric fry pee; kit- complete dinner set; g4aee- were; Many ,ether tainrotieles too ttnnteretIS to men,. No reserve. Everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. SOLOMON CJNGERICH, Proprietor ERVIN C,INGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Pashwood 28e. 25 Auction Sales lift; international 3.-noint hitch „cultivator, nearly new; :Case la Manure .spreader, ground driven; International -95 man- ure spreeder, groped driven; 30! bale elevator; 3 sections drag harrows, pearly new; 4 sections spike. toothed bar. rows and double tree; Cock- shutt 4-bar side delivery rake, good; 2.. rubber tired wagons with flat racks; traetor- mounted post hole digger; Stihl chain saw, 24" bar; grain roller and motor, Peer- less; small hammer mill; manure loader to fit Moline Jet Star tractor or similar tractor; garden tractor, dig-a- tiller type; heavy duty .elec- tide drill; 2 nearly new tar- paulins, 12'x1e't cattle oiler and barrel of oil, never used; horse cutter; 32' extension. ladder; set of tractor chains suitable for medium tractor; quantity of smaller articles, TERMS; Cash. 3% sales tax collected on taxable articles. J. CAMERON ADAMS ESTATE, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 28c with Rotisserie! Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractor, Farm Implements and Misc., Items On the Premises, LOT 9, BIDDULPH TWP. 11/2 miles north of Mooresville or 6 miles south of Exeter, on Highway 4, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction op THURSDAY APRIL 11 at 1;00 p.m. TRACTOR & FARM IM- PLEMENTS: 1956 M-II No, 50 standard tractor, on rubber, fully equipped, including hy- draulic 3-point hitch, in guar- anteed A-1 condition; 3-point hitch 3-furrow tractor plow; McDeering 3-point hitch spring tooth cultivator, in brand new condition; M-H 4-row scuffler; John Deere 2-row power lift beet lifter; McDeering 13-run grain and fertilizer drill, in new condition; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. grain, beet and hay rack; M-H No. 11 tractor spreader; M-H No, 100 lime spreader, like new; M-H 9 ft. culti- packer; McDeering heavy duty springs 8 ft. field cul- tivator; 4 - section diamond harrows; M-H tractor disc; M-H mower, 5 ft. cut; bean puller; 2-wheel trailer; ex- tension ladder; water trough; set of scales: Surge milker and units with piping far 19 cows; rubber tire wheelbar- row; M-H No, 15 600 cap, electric cream separator, brand new condition: Mar. nuette GE 2-section 26 cu, ft, deep freeze, brand new midi- lion; other miscellaneous items. TERMS: Cash. No Reserve as the farm is sold. MAURICE SPRUYTTE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Cerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c • AL.!, "You're talking in the wrong ear—that's the one it comes out of." Here's true economy in a range that has all the most wanted features. Wide 25" oven with automatic rotisserie, brings outdoor barbe- cuing indoors. Removable oven door with no-fog tinted safety window makes cleaning the large master oven so simple. The four fast heating Calrod* surface elements with re- movable trim rings lock-up to make cleaning the top of the range so simple also. 5 heat, 6 position pushbutton controls, focused heat broiler, appliance outlet, full width fluorescent lamp, no-drip cooktop plus many more check- rated features, Dimensions: Height (floor to cooking surface) 36" Overall 44" Width 30" Depth 26i-" Only $199 WITH TRADE See it now at ECTRIC YOUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER, P612 SSA L ES .wires SERVICE Exeter Phone 235-0505 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S,, D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235-0233 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 New Spring Footwear Arriving Daily Men's and Boys' Black and Brown OXFORDS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES All sizes in stock Men 's Hip Rubber Boots 1.50 We've ot $30,000 to giv COME AND GET IT! the C04:$D way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gor., doh Kirkland, RR 3, tuck, now; Mrs, O. 0, Anderson, RR 5, Winghani; Mrs, Lloyd Tayldr ' E eat r; Hugh B. Smith, 2, Listowel; Lorne 'lodges, RR 1, Obeterich; Roy Strong, Gorric; Russell T. Dalton, itn 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Zurich; Gordon Rich- ardson, RR 1, Brueefietd; Kenneth Johns, lilt 1, Wood, ha tit. C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plunitree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union WO./ 70 Ontario Street, -Clinton, Tale, phone Hilmar 2,9751, re ectS 14, HP, 21/2 g, or Est rm [ewer pelt 9 is of ivray lend large large ouse clay e of fixed Re- ring vater 1. 10% rt 50 a Ma. ......... 25 Auction Sales, . .„ rying .se.cond calf, due in April; Durham cow, due sale date; :3 Durham cows,. due in May; 3 Durham cows, 4,tie middle of May; 2 Durham cows, rebred February, ettives. at foot; Durham MY, due be- fore sale date; roan, farrow cow; a heifers, rising 2 years old; 12 yearling heifers; 10 yeerling steers; Shorthorn yearling bull, Cattle of exceptional qual- ity. Recent TB 'lest negative. A rare opportunity to secure foundation stock, TRACTORS, THRESHER COMBINE; John Deere "A" Farman tractor, on rubber, in good condition; John Deere standard tractor, 430, fully eeuippetl, including 3-point bitch, in new condition; New Idea 501 manure loader for John Deere "A"; M-M com- bine, completely equipped, in- cluding Wisconsin mote r; Woods thresher, on steel, in good condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M-}I No. 3 'hay baler, in new eon.- dition; New Idea No. 400 side delivery rake; John Deere 7 ft, cut power take-off mower; John Deere 28-plate tractor disc; M-1I No. 20 3-furrow tractor plow; John Deere 81/2 ft. heavy spring field culti- vator; M-H 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Cockshutt 7 ft, binder; John Deere heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft, grain and hay rack; Case tractor manure spreader; John Deere 2-row scuffler; 2 sets 4-section diamond har- rows; two 2-wheel trailers; Papec hammer mill; Case hay and grain elevator; dump rake; hay loader; tarpaulin, 12x12, like new; grain auger; Viking cream separator; elec- tric motors; 100 ft, drive belt; bean puller; fanning mill; root pulper; extension ladder; cement mixer; set of scales; hay fork rope; cyclone seed- er: heat lamps; 5 milk cans; pails: steel water trough; aluminum wheelbarrow; bag truck; lack-all jack; iron ket- tles; circular saw; quantity lumber; maple syrup equip- ment; buggy; cutter; snow fence; many other miscell- aneous items. HAY, GRAIN & STRAW: 400 bushels Russell oats, suit- able for seed; 700 bushels of Rodney oats, suitable for seed; 800 bushels mixed grain; 300 bushels 'barley, suitable for seed; 800 bales choice quality hay; 800 bales oat straw; quantity clover seed, Grain of exceptional euality. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- elude dressers; beds: bureau; tables: chairs; crocks; seal- ers; dishes, etc., etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. Plan to attend this out- standing sale. Lunch booth on grounds. TERMS; Cash. 'CLIFFORD MOIR, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28c SMART BUY": Automatic 30" Range Tirne$-Advocate,. March 8c 190 -Page- 11 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Implements For the Estate of the Late J. Cameron Adams LOT 29, CONCESSION 5, MORRIS TOWNSHIP 11/4 miles north and ae mile west of Brussels. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 at 1:00 p.m. sharp 1959 International B275 die- sel tractor, equipped with manure loader, LPTO and hy- draulics; 1960 .Moline Jet Star 50 h.p. tractor, 3-point hitch, fully hydraulic, auto- matic draft controls and extra control; 1962 Nuffield 460 die- sel •tractor, 3-point hitch, fully hydraulic, automatic, draft control, power steering; 1949 Cockshutt row-crop model 30 tractor, extra good motor; 1960 Ford truck, with deluxe box, 272 cu. in„ VE3 motor, low mileage; 1954 Ford 3 ton truck, hoist, dual purpose box; 1960 International 91 self- propelled combine, hand pick- up, extra good; Cockshutt self - propelled 12 ft. swather, made by Hessen, in good shape; International plow, 14" bottoms, kick-back type, for 3-point hitch tractor, nearly new; International double disc, 28-plate, extra good; New Holland hay baler, model 67 PTO, 3 years old; Cock- shutt semi-mounted mower; Cockshutt grain and fertilizer drill, 13 runs, power lift; Massey-Harris grain and fer- tilizer drill, 13 runs, power titinfielliMEMSTA Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Choice Shorthorn Cattle, Tractors, Thresher, Combine, Valuable Farm Implements Hay, Grain, Straw & Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 33, CONCESSION 2, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 21/2 miles north of Exeter, thence 11/4 miles east. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 at 12:30 p.m, CHOICE CATTLE: Durham cow, milking; Durham cow, milking, rebred, calf at foot; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due before sale date; 2 Durham cows, milking, calves at foot; 3 Durham cows, car- leakillelliegalifeateleben Business Director IMMitigatMhtlt •i-STLEMMMIUMMAMINSMARMEMIMINTNIOr We will plant them and guaran- tee them without extracbarges. We will spray and feed Rose bushes and evergreens. REDER'S Flowers PHONE 235-2603 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Truck, Auto, Farm Implements, Beef Cattle, Poultry, Hogs, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, LOT 7, CONCESSION 15, HAY TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, thence 2 miles north, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR, TRUCK, AUTO: McDeering Fermat' "H" trac- tor, in A-1 condition; Mc- Deering 4-row scuffler; 1951 Ford lee ton truck, in good condition; 1953 Chevrolet 2- door sedan, fully automatic, in good condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS; Mc- Deering 81/2 ft. cultivator, on steel; ;'McDeering furrow tractor plow, on rubber; M-H 2-furrow tractor plow; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 2 sets diamond harrows; Int. side rake; Vessot grain grind- er, 101/2 "; Renfrew electric cream separator; bean puller; beam scales; set of sleighs; fanning mill; colony house, 10x12; wagon box; chicken wire; extension ladder; steel posts; wheelbarrow; steel pig trough: bag truck; hand scuf- fler; jack-all jack; brooder stove; cutter; 'butcher equip- ment., etc., etc. CATTLE, HOGS & POUL- TRY: Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due before sale date; 4 Hereford heifers, ris- ing 2 years old; Hereford steer; 9 York weaner pigs; Yorkshire sow; 100 New Hampshire yearling hens. HAY & GRAIN: 150 bales choice quality hay; 200 bu- shels Rodney oats, suitable for seed, H 0 U S EHOLD EFFECTS: Combination electric and wood rangette; 4-burner propane stove, like new; dining room suite; bureau; china cabinet; ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.12, 2 - 5 Tues, and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons eretaellatesexaMenattalaserminee JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 PERCY C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone Hensall 690r22 Collect BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. Q. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 2350440 EXETER MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHOES MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L, MACKENZIE PETER L, RAYMOND Hensel! Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER Phone MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS' & LADIES' RUBBER BOOTS Men's as low as $3.49 & $4.40 Insoles Included LADIES' & MISSES' CANVAS AND CORDED SHOES All Colors -- See our bright collection SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY I WUERTH'S SHOES 135-0611 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost Two Limmits biscuits and a glass of milk make adelicious limited- calorie meal. Each biscuit con- tains 1/5 calories. You'll get all the vitamins, minerals and 'es- seritial food elements necessary to maintain good health, LESS THAN 33 A MEAL NOW You can lose weight and ENJOY IT! -eiemittif-CAteale .Y MEAL PLAN for Weight doing M RA 3 Lateen RR 1 Cromarty AR 4 Mitchell K, Clayton Colquhetin lat 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR t Dublin Mitten McCurdy RR Kirkten You may already be a winner in the Paints "Master- piece" tutky Number Contest! Your number is in the April issue of the Redcler's Digest/ so bring inyour eopy and check the number against our master list of winners. if you don't hove d topy of the bigest, come in anywoy and fins but how to get your "Masterpiece" booklet and a chance at 30,c30,3 in prizes, Hurry. LINDENFIELDS LTD. 14teuirry IsutOttioUS dis • '? OSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. Directors Thriothy B. Toolfey Preeident Robert G. Gardiner Vide-President William H. Chafe Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Dairy Cattle, Tractors, Farm Implements and Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 17, CONCESSION 9, HAY TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles cast of Zurich or 6 miles west of Hensall, thence 1 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 75 acre farm, Lot 17, Con. 9, Hay Township, on which is situated a frame dwelling with adjoining garage; large bank barn with good stabling, Buildings all in good state of repair. Never failing water supply. Land all tillable and in good state of cultivation. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, DAIRY CATTLE: Port Hol- stein and Jersey tow, Carry- ing third calf, due before sale date; part Holstein and Jersey tow, milkingt tarry- ing second calf, due in June; Jersey cow, carrying third call, due before sale date; Jersey cow, due before sale date; Jersey cow, milking, bred January; part Jersey and Hereford cow, due in May; pert Holstein and Dur- ham cow, recently freshened, calf ,at foot; Jersey cow, re- artily freshened, Calf at foot; part Hereford and Jersey cow, due in April; 6 yearling steers andhelfens. This is an extra good dairy herd, TB test negative, TBACTORS,,THRESHER EAR M IMPLEMENTS: John Deere "M' standard tractor, on rubber; John Deere "A" standard teetter, on rubber' Allis Chalmers "1.1" standard trader,. on rubber; Waterloo Chan-anon threalief, on steel; John Deere "M" 2.,furrow hys, dratilic lift plow; John Deere pOWer lift etiltivatete• 'spying teeth cultivator 3 - section 'silting tooth harrows; -3-Section diamond harrows; McDeering Phone 235.061 EXE?ER Agents Hugh Benninger Tlubliti Hato Coates 1. Centralia Clayton Rettig lstelielt Solleitoes Mackenzie at Raymond Kxeter Seeratary/treaSUret ArtflUt Fraser EXeter Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Thresher, Auto, Valuable Farm Implements & Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 11, CONCESSION 11, HAY TOWNSHIP, 21/2 miles south of Zurich. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 2 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, THRESHER & AUTO: Oliver 550 standard tractor, completely equipped, including live power take-off And hydraulic 3-point hitch, in guaranteed n e w condition; Oliver 3-point hitch 3-furrow plow; Oliver No, 99 standard tractor, on rubber; Goodison thresher, completelY eddiP - Ped, in A-1 condition; 1959 Prinz 2-door sedan, in good condition, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Mc- Deering 16-run double disc grain and fertilizer drill, in new condition; Farm Eze 130- bushel tractor spreader, like new; tockshutt 4-bar power take-off side rake; McDeering binder, 7 ft. cut, on rubber; 3-drum steel roller; Ford 3- point hitch cultivator; Me- Deering 81/2 ft, cultivator; Me- Deering rubber tire Wagon, 16 ft, hay rack; Massey-Har- ris bean puller and scuffler; fanning Mill; set of harrows; gang plow; single plow; cop- per kettle; steel gate; Magnet cream separator; set of scales ; sap pails; chains; forks, etc., etc.; York sow, tarrying third litter, due the latter part of April, It 0 U S EHOLD EFFECTS: GE combination 4-berner elee,= tile -glove; Westinghouse 12 cu, ft, refrigeratot, hi new -condition; Coronado 15 cu. ft, deep freeze; Findlay teal and wood stove; dal and wood boater; EtnerSOn stereo hi-fi radio and record PlaYer. like "new; thine tabinetei dining room table and chairs; kit- chen table and chairs; day- bed; buffet; kitchen cabinet; oak bedstead, steel dom• modes; electric toaster mid