HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-14, Page 14'" • ::...a.aaaacaSsakckaasasa.e. KNIFE SWITCH BOX Uso as motor disconnect switch, etc. 30-amp., 110-120,eolt size, 2-blade, 2-fuse .3.13 1-blade, 1-ruse • 2.49 ROMEX WIRE-3-wire type, two 14-ga. wires plus ground, Per ft. ....... , 250 ft. ...... AS ABOVE but 12-ga. Per ft. .09 250 ft. 19.99 HEAVY DUTY SERVICE WIRE-3-wire 10-ga. with ground. Per It. .23 GALVANIZED STRAPS-For Romex, etc., 25 for .15 200 for .79 10-OUTLET BOX CONNECTOR BX, etc. .12 For Romex. 11-90-DEGREE ANGLE BOX CON- Rumex, BX, etc. . . 023 NECTOR For CONNECTOR . „ .07 , 13-BOX 13-CEILING RECEPTACLE - For 3 1/4 " or 4" outlet boxes For use with well ▪ 39 switch 14-CEILING RECEPTACLE - As above, but with 64 pull chain WI a RING CONNECTOR-(Not illu- strted)-Bakelite Pkg. of 6 .. , „ .16 As above, but ivory • .49 .21 5-TOGGLE SWITCH Brown Bakelite There's Enjoyment in a Dry Basement Waterproof Masonry Coating 4.15 For interior or exterior use on concrete, cinder blocks, brick, plaster, etc. BLEN-DIT MASONRY COATING makes drab cellars more appealing to the eye, prevents dampness, water seepage. Resistant to alkali and abrasion, No 8% Lbs. need for pre or after wetting upon application. A specific remedy for leaky 7 35 basements. Brush and splatter marks easily cleaned up with water. e Blen-Dit Colorant Tubes, from .15 17 Lbs. Delegate to food fair loyd.S.:Hayter 'f other of eleven speaks to Staffa VVI Lloyd Samuel 'Hayteri G3,, of William St., Lucan, died denly In his home T uesdaye March 5. The- body rested in the C. Haskett 4 Son .Faneral. Homer Lucan, until 2;36. Friday March 8 when the Hey, P. W..P.acli of the .United .Church coodocted fu, neral services, Interment was in 13ayfielal Cemetery, Pall bearers were Messrs, Elmer Hayter, Tony Moffat,. Geraldlaaac, Wm, McRoberts, Doeglas MoKeeand Qerald fat, Besides his wife, the former Sarah Brown, he is survived by seven sons and four daughters, Kenneth, Ray, Gary, Doris, Aud- rey and Janice of Lucan, Floyd of Cooksvllle, Ronald of Edmon- ton, Laura (Mr s. John 1)1.0* of G ranton, Jack of Thedford and Ross of London, also three brothers and three sister s, Gordon of Pontiac, Mich. Rua, sell and Elgin of London, Flor, ence (Mrs. Marvin Routzon) of Florida, Esther (Mrs. P. A, Moffat) of Kippen, Hazel (Mrs, Cecil Dawsog) of Varna and 13 grandchildren, Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter of Zurich, Mr. Hayter worked most of his life in the Lucan and Clandebeye district, coming to Lupao seven years ago. Prior to his death he was working fpr the City of London. Ypyr Liberal Candidate For Huron fa:.; Mrs. g. Patrick is sick at attended the Festival of stars =intent of tne 13ank of Mena the horcie of her daughter Mrs. lVi at South C011eglate,whereetla treal. Mr, MOrria waa a f or me r Ron Squire. Mr. arid Mrs. John way children were taking Part. eMPioyee at the Lucan Braneh. aigham pf Toronto spent the Miss MartlYta Brownlee Waa. WS, Sheridan Revington and weekend with her. a weekend guest with Dr. and Miss Marlene llevington were Miss Terry 'Walpole of Jain- Mrs, Gary Gunn of 13affalo ' Saturday guests of Mrs, Harry cardine spent the weekend with Mrs. Henry Ibtigins Of Prin- MeFalls of London. her grandariother,Mraara.Car , cess St. is on the sick list, LOuann ling and family. with her family looking after -ideway spent last Shipway weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Ron :Crozier,. ker. Douglas Mason of Denfield. Jane andSneanand Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Thomp- Mr, Jac k alcrataaa is anothe r Don Magaire attended the col- son, spent last weekend with of Lucas's fle victims. lege Royal in Guelph last Wed, Owen Sound relatives. . He is a native of McKillop where he was born 57 years age. , Married to the former Flor, ence Stewart, of Brussels, the McGavins have two sons and a daughter. • A successful farmer and businessman, Gordon McGav- in farms 200 acres in IvIcKil- lop, and since 1936 has opera ated an extensive farm merit business in Walton. • H e is a member of Duff's United Church, Walton. ▪ Long active in plowing com- petitions, he was Canadian Champion in 1926. Since 1936 he has been a director of the Ontario Plowmen's Association and is a Past President of the Cala A. --Photo by Jack Doerr . Interested in travel, he visit- ed Russia and other European countries. In 1958 he was mana- ger of the Canadian plowmen who took part in the Inter- national Plowing event at Stug- gart, Germany. don ParsePs, on Friday even,. ing March 1., There were 13 girls present. Mrs. Garter Kerslake' Pre, aided for the election pf of , ficer$, President is Patsy Coy- ne; vice-president, Agnes Scott; secretary - treasurer, Eleanor Kerapi assistant, Margie Wor- den; telephone girls, Mary Ellen Doyle, Bonnie Miller, Anna Scott; Press reporter, Joanne Tempiernam Clean ,up committee, Joype Ylviati; record book committee, Joyce Vivian .and Mary Ellen Doyle; achievement day cpm- mittee, Kaye Worden, Ann a Scott, Bonnie Miller. Leaders are Mrs. Gordon Parsons, Mrs. Carter tiers- lake and Mrs, John Wallace. Mrs. Parsons said there were seven different topics to cover an this project. The first topic at this meeting was "Guide to good eating", Mrs. Parsons discussed the proper amount of milk per person. The girls were taught how to make junket and hot chocolate which were later sampled. Each girl is to keep a chart for the coming week on the amount of milk which she drinks also each girl is to get a recipe' box or file. Mrs. Wallace dis- cussed the record books and it was decided to have red covers with white lettering. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. Carter Keralake's home. Meet . . GORDON McGAVIN LIBERAL Nue 14 Titres-Mypepte, March. 14, 1943 LUCAN DISTRICT NE By M R S. J, T4MPt4Mot GordonMrs. lloggarth was hostess for the Agriculture and Canadian Industries .meeting f the .Staffp. Women'$ Thstitute- held at her home pn Wedneaa day evening, February 27 with 14 members and four visitors pre sent.. Each member answered the roll call by bringing a wrapped old hat and selling for 10 cents, the bayer being recadred to wear the hat for the evening,. Two, five-minute talks were given on the Maritimes, Tom Laing speaking on the “Natur.4 Wild Life?' and Gerald Agar pn "Cities and Towns", the latter having been Prepared by Mrs. Roaa.Smale. Mrs, Russell Worden pre, sided for the business when. plans were completed for a card party in Staffa hall, Mem- bers were reminded that the In- stitutes adopted child was hav, ing a birthday in March, Mrs. Gerald Agar introduced the guest speaker Miss Mar- jorie Papple, Seaforth, who gave an interesting account of her stay in England last summer where she worked in the food display. She also showed some pictures of England and Scot- land. She was thanked by Mrs. John. Templeman. Mrs. Cecil Bowman gave an informative talk on mat making and showed four different var- ieties of mats which she had made, hooked, braided, knitted, and strip mats. HIBBERT'S LITTLE LASSIES Hibbert's Little Lassies held their first meeting of the 4-H course "The Milky Way" at the home of the leader, Mrs. Gor- YOU WILL SEE AND HEAR GORDON McGAVIN ON AREA TVAND RADIO STATIONS AND MEET HIM AT GATHERINGS THROUGHOUT THE RIDING DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. FOR INFORMATION CALL 83, SEA- FORTH, OR DROP IN AT ANY COMMITTEE ROOM. nesday. They attempted to get Billy Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs. HA. Chown who under- home in. Wednesday's blizzard. Mrs. Clarence Hardy, tele- went major surgery in Bt. Je- !Pat finally had to stay the night brated his fourth birthday with sePh's Hospital is recuperating in New Hamburg. a party Friday. at her home here. Mr, Rudy Engel spent Wed- Mr, and Mrs. LorneSholdice, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Hodgins nesday with Strathroy friends. Mrs. Gerald Atkinson ,Michael, and family of London and Mr. Jeanne and Cheryl, all of LOna and Mrs. Joe Hodgins and fa- If misery really likes corn- don, were Sunday guestsof Mrs. mily of St. Thomas spent last Pa-ny Lucas's many flu victims Wes Atkinson. Sunday with Mrs. Wes Hodgins. will be consoled to know Priri- Mr, and Mrs. George Kent of Mrs, Warner McRoberts of cess Margaret is also a flu Frank St., spent the weekend the Dresden high School staff victim. A number from Lucan alien - with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kent spent last weekend at her home ded the pancake supper at Brin- of London. here. sley last Tuesday and some of Mr, A. R. Wilkinson who was Mr. Terrence Culbert and home for a week with the flu boy friend spent last weekend them were among those photo- has returned to work, in Toronto, graphed by the T-A. Judy Has- Mrs. Keith Dickson of Main Mr. and Mrs. James Bryan kett and Ilene Donaldson, two St. N. Sunday received news of of at. Marys were Thursday of Lucan's star Medway pupils, the sudden death of her mother, guests of Mrs. Jane Somer- attended lectures on psychology Mrs. Harry A. Secord, 62, the vale. and philosophy at the Univer- former Lillian Florence Dock- Mr. Levi Darling is visiting sity of Western Ontario on Sa- seY of Londpn, at Victoria.Hos- his son Mr. Elmer Darling of turday and appeared on TV Sa- pital. Funeral services were London. turday evening. held at 1;30pm Wednesdayfrom Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins the Evans Funeral Home, with Clayton Abbott last week were and Helen, Mrs. Wilson Hod- interment in Woodland Cleme- Mr. and Mrs. William Abbott gins, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. tery, London. and family of Niagara on. Tues- Lorne arker and Mrs. Lorne Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kilmer day and Wednesday and Mr. and Hodgins B were among those who attended the Woodham LOBA were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Birtch and fa- Mrs. Archie McCulloch of Lon- mily of Windsor for the week- euchre last Wednesday n bring home night, and managed to one don, the occasion being Mr. Mc- end. Culloch's birthday. Mr. Harry Hardy has opened prize. Mr. Evan Hodgins won Mr. andMrs.alobertSt. Louis an insurance office in mr. Raw- the three and a half lb. cottage and family of Welland were and Black's store, corner of roll draw. weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Main and Frank St. Mrs. George Hamden, who A. R. Wilkinson, Mrs, W. F. Stanley, after 11 was taken to St. Joseph's Hos- Mrs. Don Aokers is recu- weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, pital when she dislocated her perating satisfactorily at her following a fall, is able to be shoulder, is able to be home. home after her recent major home. Mrs. A.E. Cowan is looking operation. Her mother Mrs. Mrs. Malcolm Hodgins,' of after her. Harold Hodgins has been assist- London formerly of RR 1 Lu- Mr. Ed Morris, who two years ing in looking after her, can, is a patient in Victoria ago was sent from the Bank of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and Hospital. Montreal of Chatham, has re- family of London spent last CORRECTION -- Mr. Wilfred ceived another promotion. On weekend with Mrs. Wm. Has- Logan, the guest speaker at the February 18 he began work as kett. WI was not a Lion's Club win- accountant at the Mount Forest Mr. and Mrs. E. Dundas, now ner but he and Mrs. Logan took Branch. Mrs. Morris (the for- of Strathroy called on their old the European trip on their own. mer Anne Marie Murdy) is still neighbours on Frances St., Lu- Sorry -- misinformation, in Chatham and will not move can, Saturday. Vel's new beauty salon next till March. 15. Owing to Wednesday's wild to the Murdy Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and storm the Medway Euchre was opens March 18. family of London were Sunday cancelled for a week and the Mrs. Ed. Morris of Chatham guests of Mrs. Wm. Haskett, LOL Euchre in Lucan was also is spending a week with her par- Messrs James O'Shea, Jack cancelled so the next game will ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Murdy, Ryan, Lorne Barker and Wilson be the LOBA on March 20. before moving to Mt. Forest on Hodgins attended the good road Saturday night Mrs. Clarence March 15, where her husband convention at Toronto last Hardy and Mrs. Calvin Haskett has been transferred, as ac- Tuesday and Wednesday. Political candidate: "My par- ty promises that there'll be no more hidden taxes." Voice at back: "Must be be- cause you're all out of places to hide them." (Published by Huron Liberal Association) aa` .73E47,17aNaitat".alaj,,•:artittaaaaaaaaa -•a-aaaaaaa:aaaataaaaaaaaaasaaaaataaaaaaaasraaas:aaaaaaaaaaavaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaatai aa• . tasaaa...za • oadviaaaaNastatitlfigaaagiar 'IfalS.I00240SNaltla*.t-X0.4174.111anaiNSAMM . By MRS, ROSS SKINNER The Elimville Women's In- stitute held its second euchre party at the hall on Thursday evening March 7 with 12 tables playing . Mrs. Harold liern, Mrs. Norman Brock and Mrs. E. Skinner were the committee in charge. Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter; men's high, Heber Shute, Kirk- ton, and lone hands, Don Par- sons, Hensall. The box of gro- ceries, that was dutch auctioned was won by Bev. Parsons. The next euchre will be held on Wednesday evening March 27. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shore and Mary Ellen of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rennie and Joanne of Toronto are visit- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. IAMMILMEAmONMAMalmomalANOWANA. .4.100110...0••••••••••••...* Let yourself go! Blast off on a great new driving experience. You're behind the wheel of the new Falcon V-8 ..,. feel the power of the engine! It's all Ford! This is the engine that powered Falcon to first place in its class in this year's famed Monte Carlo Rallye! Fast, strong, dependable! Listen! It's so quiet . . this is engine smooth- ness no compact car has ever had before. Split second response! And more: this optional V-8 engine is a new lightweight construction for real economy. Put this kind of V-8 in the sleek, slick Falcon and you've really got something going for you. Go test-drive it this week. Choose from convertibles, sedans, wagons-all with Service Convenience features the result of outstanding FORD quality. Your Dealer will tell you all about the outstanding FORD Total Warranty for 24,000 miles or 24 months. See him in a hurry! Things are really v-v-v-v-vooming! HEAVY DUTY SILENT SWITCH Single pole; 15 amps, .59 Silver contacts 6-SINGLE OUTLET PLATE Brown Bakelite re ‘11 1-OUTLET BOX MOUNTING BAR For 12 to 18" centres; 29 easy to install . 2.--PLAIN COVER For 4- . 13 inch outlet box .16 3.-..-DUPLEX OUTLET RE- CEPTACLE. Brown 7-DUPLEX, OUTLET PLATE Arik o Brown 01JCP OUTLET BOXES 4" with knOck-outs ..........35 31/4" 35 4" with Renton type clamps • • 42 SWITCH BOXES With clamps, Romex .42 Less Clamps, Romex, BX .....35 SURFACE WIRING DEVICES Duplex Receptacle , . „ .9 g Pull Chain Light Socket , • 1.45 Keyless Light 3 Socket 1.14 3-Way Toggle Switch 1.49 EXTENSION CORD SETS 2-wire sets for power tools, etc. 10-ft. 1.15 25-ft. 2.39 504t, 3.98 4-BAKELITE DUPLEX RECEP- TACLE, 3-wire grounding type .35 8-WALL PLATE For single toggle switch . 08 Brown Bakelite 9-2-GANG TOGGLE SWITCH WALL PLATE Brown Bakelite .19 Ivory Bakelite .29 SILENT MERCURY SWITCH Brown Bakelite .98 Ivory 1.19 Illuminated 1.69 3-GANG PLATE brown Bakeliie M28 ii SABRE SAW Cuts hetet, patterns, straight or curved lines in wood, metal or plastic. 3050 strokes per minute. Adlusts to With 3 blades, cord and plug ...... 18.45 45° for angle work. Cuts 2x4s. Stop active leaks-BLEN-DIT WATERPROOF PUTTY BLEN-DtT LATEX CONCRETE REPAIR Stronger than concretel. Re- pairs damaged concrete, Ma- is sonry surfaces --- indoors or 53/4 Lbs. Out. Use prior to applying Blend-Dit Masonry Coating for a smooth, unbroken surface. aa. Stops water leaks . , . fills holes and cracks. Easy to al), ply. Use in or outdoors, Easily holds bolts, hooks, fix' ft e tures, etc. in concrete or masonry. Past setting. 44-Oz. .57 22-On ... . Power SANDER Gig. PrOfesdifl sional Misfits arid fatter horiteShOP Mg, 1154Olt troublofred, Motor. Big * 33/e" 3and,rh9 suri4e"" balanced afoi18 45 easy p VONNAMErce„,. aaa44„';',.W.44M04. 3.35 12 Lbs. Save Safely at Canadian tire Plus! 436 Main 'Si.tXttet. Witco Robbins 6: Son Ltd Phone .1a5.-0160 a , AM\ a LARRY SNIDER MOTORS 11MITED. 686 Main S. Ph '235,.1640 USED CARS AND TRUCKS