HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-14, Page 11DEMANDING MULTI-STOP MILK ROUTES: Gay Lea's Chevrolet fleet is on the road regardless of weather. This is where Chevrolet's dependabil- ity pays off. "BY STANDARDIZING ON CHEVROLET WE PUT OUR DELIVERY OPERATION ON A SOUND BASIS" "Heavy loads and multi-stop routes are demanding, but our Chevrolets are doing a wonderful job—giving us dependability and economy." Sales Ma L nager- EA DAIRY PRODUCTS Guelph, Ontario "THE ECONOMY AND PAYLOAD WE NEED" "We have 3 T60 Tilt Cab Chevrolet trucks with 6- cylinder engine, 5-speed transmissions and 2-speed rear axles. With that com- bination, we haul max. imum payloads and get the economy we need." Traffic Manager ROYAL CITY FOODS LTD New Westminster, B.C. HEAVY DELIVERIES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC A TOUGH COMBINATION. Chevrolet T60's extra visibility and manoeuvrability give Delnor drivers the edge in heavy traffic and in cramped quarters. ................... . HUSTLING HIGHWAY AND CITY HAULING: Pickups in Montreal— expressway runs-- deliveries at off-the-road sites they're all part of a day's work for this Chevrolet fleet. "CHEVROLET GIVES US THE MOST DEPENDABLE SERVICE" "Our 8 Chevrolet'trucks log about 75,000 miles a year on pickup and deliv- ery runs. We have found that Chevrolet gives us the most dependable service, and dependability is what wbuesi nheesesd. in the lumber Vice,Presitlent -- General Manager 0,,?4 04. THIsauLT DESIARDINS LTD. Ste. ThereSe, illubbeC . ' ........... . . . ... , ... Investors 4 riDdlbcomts Dr CANADA. Did you know . . . that $1,000 put into Investors Mutual in February of 1950 is worth over $3200 today? TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London GE 4-9502 or Enquire at The Times Advocate Staffs. dairy output rises Centralia BY MRS.,FRED BOWDEN Another increase in better Preduetion was reported by the " Hibbert Co-operativeP a I Y 25 Auction Sales r , Assoelatign at its annual, meet, 24 Tenders Wanted 25 Auction Sales In. a regent repert on the. prp, ,$entattpri of seals and diplomas. the United Church the names of Ronald Essery and Jettpreen were emitted. They received :peals for five years regular Sunday School Attendance, MESSENGERS TigAllSTQAy Themessengers met the schoolroom, of the church on Sunday morning with. Mrs, Bar, Vey Smith in charge, The atten- dance was recorded. by Bonnie Blair and the offering was taken by Danny Shgebottorn. The story "The Day of Toy Giving"? from Sun Hee and the Street Boy was told by Mra. Smith. evening, Guests included Mr, And Mrs, George Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Rey Harrison, Mr. Mrs. IT, MacDonald, Mr, and, Mrs, L. Eaton, FulfOrcl, Mr, Q. McKeever, and Mr, and Mrs, J. Thompoon. mr, Richard Shooloettern turned 'mine from vict9r14 nos- pita on Thursday of last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson were Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Eaton of chat- Mr, John Thompson, who has been off work for the past few months as the result of an in- jury, is receiving treatment at the hospital in Down view. Mr. and Mrs, A. Copeland of Windsor were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. ing in Staffa Thursday. Auditor's report showed total production in 1963 at 1,357,181 pounds, an increase of 00,879 Retinds over 1961. The meeting approved a pat- renege bongo for patrons of $05,910.39. Guest speaker dairy field- man . Bob Jardine, outlined the new dednetten of one-tenth of one percent by dairy farmers of Canada for advertising all milk products. He also dealt with the dairy surplus problem arid quality improvement. Officers elected for 1963 are: Harris Hutson, president; Russel Warden, vice-president; J. M. Scott, secretary-treas- urer; Arthur Kemp and Victor Jeffery, directors. Manager of the co-op is Gerald Agar, VILLAGE OF ZURICH Tenders are called for the following, and to be presented in. one tender; 1, PiSrgantii.Pg of vault and. chimney and rebuilding of same on new location on old mill site, 2. Construction of cement footings, "below frost line". .and Cement or cement block walls to be erected to support the beilding mentioned below, also a centre support member for building on new site, 3. The moving of the Muni- cipal Office of the Village of Ztirich on erected walls on new site. This project is subjected to Building Inspector, A marked cheque of $200.00 must accompany tender as guarantee that the terms of this tender are complied with, or deposit will be forfeited, Lowest or any tender net. necessarily accepted. Project to be completed by June 1, 1963. Tenders to be in the hands of Clerk-Treasurer, March 30, 1963. Tenders sealed and clearly marked. ELDA WAGNER Cerk-Treasurer 14;21c PERSONALS Neighbors of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cunning-ton arranged a birthday party for Mrp. Cun- nington and presented her with a gift at her home on Saturday HOUSEHOLD E F F E CTS; GE combination 4-burner elec- tric stove; GE refrigerator; Beatty electric washing ma- chine; 9-piece solid walnut dining room suite; television aerial with rotary; kitchen cabinet; daybed; Kirby vac- uum •cleaner, all attaehments; Congoleum rug .9x12; centre and end tables; leather rock- er; bed dresser; kitchen uten- sils, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash No reserve as farm is sold. Due to extra large sale, sell- ing will start sharp on time, Plan to attend this outstanding sale. Lunch booth on grounds. LLOYD EAGLESON, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct, 7:14c 25 Authors Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 22 Head of Cattle, 13 York Sows, Hay, Tractor and Full Line of Farm Implements; also a Quan- tity of Furniture ON LOT 13, CON. 1, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP 1 mile north of Anderson on MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1963 at 1 p.m. A full list will appear next week. THEODORE STEPHEN, Proprietor W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers 14c Rev. John C. Boyne intro- duced the study of the Gospel of St. John at the WMS meet- ing held in the home of Mrs. E.E. Moore. Mrs. Cal de r Mc - Kaig presided and led the wor- ship. Mrs. James Scott chose for her topic "Focus on New Del- hi, India". Invitations to the Caven Eve- ning Auxiliary, Exeter and the WMS, Mitchell were considered and accepted. Plans were made for the Good Friday service in Cromarty Church. Current events of int- erest were given by the mem- bers. PERSONALS Mrs. E.E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Scott and Alex vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Moore, Lindsay, and Mrs. Mo- ore's brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Worsley, Cameron, on the occ- asion of their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Hugh J. Scott, OAC, Guelph, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. On Friday the Mount Pleasant and Roys UCW met at Roy's Church for a joint World Day of Prayer meeting with Mrs. Calvin Christie at the piano and Mrs. Elmer Dow in the choir. The meeting f olio we d the World Day of Prayer leaflet with Mrs. Murray Christie, Mrs. Donald McKinnon and Mrs. Sterling Grahm of Roys and Mrs. Wallace Selves. Mrs. Cl- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace quietly observed their fifty- third wedding anniversary on Saturday, March 9. Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Choice Beef and Dairy Cattle Ponies, Hogs, Poultry Tractors, Truck, Combine Farm Implements Thresher, Hay, Grain Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 18, Concession 11, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 11/4 miles east of Dashwood or 5 miles west of Exeter, thence 2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 at 12:30 p.m. BEEF & DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; blue roan cow carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow carrying second calf, clue before sale date; 2 part Hereford and Holstein cows carrying second calf, due first week in June; Hol- stein cow carrying second calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow carrying second calf, due March 18; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due in May; Holstein heifer, milk- ing, rebred with calf at foot; Hereford cow carrying third calf, due before sale date; Durham heifer, due May 28; Hereford cow carrying third calf, due April 20; Durham and Hereford cow with calves at foot; 2 part Hereford and Durham cows, rebred, calves at foot; Durham cow carry- ing third calf, due in June; 2 Hereford heifers, due in rBUSINESSMEN AGREE: CHEVROLET KEEPS DELIVERY COSTS DOWN! Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Beef Cattle, Tractor, Truck, Combine, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10, CONCESSION 16 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1/4 mile south of Shipka The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 22 at 1 p.m. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE: Parc Hereford and Durham cow fresh one week with calf at foot; Hereford cow recent- ly freshened with calf at foot; Hereford cow carrying third calf, due in April; roan Dur- ham cow carrying third calf, due in April; Hereford cow due May 15; 6 red Durham caws carrying second calf, due in April and May; roan Dur- P WIDE-RANGING PICKUP AND DELIVERY ROUTES are a real day's work, that's why Nelsons run only Chevrolets in their busy greater Vancouver operation. "CHEVROLET TRUCKS HAVE WON OUR CONFIDENCE AND SATISFACTION" "We have 121 Chevrolet trucks averaging 20,000 miles a year on short run, multi- stop routes. We have so little down-time, we have reduced the number of spare trucks from 4 to 2." Executive Viee•Fresieent NELSONS LAUNDRIES LIMITED Vancouver, B.C. FUEL-SAVER FILL CAP checks excessive evaporation in storage Another proven CO-OP money-saver ... the "FUEL-SAVER FILL CAP". This special cap, cuts fuel losses and checks fuel deteriora- tion by reducing evaporation. *Actual tests show that a farmer annually using 1,200 gallons of gasoline loses 67 gallons each year due to evaporation. When using a "FUEL-SAVER FILL CAP" the loss is reduced to 17 gallons ... a saving of approximately $11.65 Help keep your costs down with the CO-OP "FUEL-SAVER FILL CAP", regularly priced at only $2.50 TWO SIZES FIT ALL STORAGE TANKS. April; 3 :part Hereford and Holstein heifers, rising 2 year old; 15 Hereford and Durham Yerlin a g steers and heifers; a fallcalves. Cattle all of choice quality; T.B. test nega- tive, PONIES: Dark chestnut Shetland pony stallion with 4 White legs, light mane and tail, perfectly marked and sound; Shetland mare, rising 5 years old, dark brown with light mane and tail, due to foal at sale date; Shetland mare, 1 year old, brown with white spots. Ponies of extra good type and quality, broken to drive or ride. HOGS: Landrace sow carry- ing second litter, due March 28; 2 York sows, carrying second litter, due March 28 and April 25; 2 York sows, bred one month; York sow with litter of 10; York hog, 2 years old; 11 York pigs, 10 weeks old. POULTRY: 100 Sussex X Hemp yearling hens, TRACTOR, TRUCK, COM- BINE & THRESHER: Oliver 77 standard tractor with live power take-off, in perfect con- dition; International Farmall 100 •standard tractor, com- pletely equipped, including manure loader, 2-row scuffler and bean puller, in new con- dition. Dodge 1948 1/2 -ton pick- up truck, in A-1 condition; Oliver No. 18 power take-off combine, including spring tooth cylinder and bean at- tachment, completely equip- ped, used only one season, in brand new condition. Dion all •steel thresher, 22x38, on rubber, in new condition; 120 feet thresher belt; 90 feet of thresher belt. FARM IMPLEMENTS: No. 101 tractor manure spreader, used one season; Internation- al 10 ft, heavy duty 36-plate tractor disc, like new; John Deere 8 ft. binder, on rub- ber; International 81/2 ft. cul- tivator, on rubber, equipped with heavy duty springs; Massey Ilarris 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, complete- ly equipped, like new; Inter- national 4-bar side rake; In- ternational 3-furrow plow, on rubber; McDeering power take-off "C" No. 32 mower; Cockshutt heavy duty rubber tire wagon: 16 ft. hay rack; 2-drum 9 ft. steel roller; 6- section diamond 'harrows: 3- section evener; New Holland 10-inch hammer mill; 50 ft. hammer mill belt; 2-wheel trailer; grain auger; Pioneer 24-inch chain saw; gravel box; set of sleighs; extension lad- der; root pulper; electric motors; bean scales; feeders; Beatty pump jack; fence stretcher; galvanized pipe; 2 steel gates, 12 and 14 ft. length; maple syrup equip- ment; 2 rock elm hay rack sills; quantity of lumber; snow fence; colony house, 10x18; electric brooder stove; mail box; vice; cyclone grass seed- er; 1/2 -inch rotary pump; tarp 8x10; single scuffler and plow; small bag truck; Chore Boy 2-unit milking machine with piping for 18 cows; Interna- tional electric cream separa- tor; Stewart electric cattle clipper; single barrel shot NEW COOP LOCK BOX prevents fuel pilfering Look up your gasoline with the easy-to•Install CO-OP Lock Box. Constructedfroni welded heavy. guage steel and painted for all. weather protec. tiers, the FUel Cap LOCk Box Is priced nt only $2.00. LOCKS TIONTI CO.OP the Gasoline with the "PLUS FACTOR" Enjoy the year'round reliability of COOP gasoline and the corn• plete line of COOP petroleum products. When you buy Co.operatively there's also a big PLUS FACTOR ...the all Important Ownership and Control of the busineSs. You also share in any savings made from Its operation. ThrgSrAdvocate, .March. 14, 1903- rage 11. ham fel* the weekend and on Sat,' urday evening Mr, Charles Keever and Mrs, Fulford of Clinton, Mr. McKeever was ob., serving a birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Bill. Qllfillan and family Of Exeter were PO, urday evening guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, Penny.. Mr, Wellington Skinner Is able to be around again ,fellow- ing an attack et Infitien;a. Mrpa and Mrs, Stephen Mol- nar of Agincourt were weekend visitors with the former's par- enta, Mr. and Mrs, S. Molnar. Mr. and Mrs, Bob McIntosh and Brenda of Miss, Craig were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rnssell Schrpe- der. 25 Auction Sales gun; chains; forks; shovels and many ether miscellaneous items. HAY & GRAIN: 200 bales choice quality mixed hay; GOO bushels Rodney oats grown from registered seed; 500 bushel mixed grain, choice quality; 2/ bushel red clover seed. ham heifer due in May; 4 Hereford steers rising 2 years old, 'market condition; 3 Dur- ham heifers rising 2 years old, market condition; 2 Here- ford fall calves. Cattle all of extra good quality. TRACTOR, TRUCK AND COMBINE: Ill, Farman tractor equipped with scuffler and bean puller; 1950 Mercury 1/2 ton pick-up truck in good condition; McDeering com- bine No, 52, 5 ft. swath equip- ped with motor, extra canvass and pick-up. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M H 4-bar side delivery rake, new condition; McDeering binder, 7 ft. cut; McDeering 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Mc- Deering horse drawn manure spreader; McDeering mower 5 ft. cut; McDeering 71 ft, power lift cultivator on rub- ber; McDeering electric cream separator; Woods electric oat roller; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. flat rack and grain box; 5-section Diamond harrows; 2- drum steel roller; M.H. 2-fur- row tractor plow on steel; 1.1/IcDeering hay loader; 2- wheel trailer; garden scuffler; Clinton fanning mill; grain auger; 2,000 lb. beam scales; hay fork •rope; quantity 5/16" plywood; electric chick brood- er; wheelbarrow, iron kettle; steel fence posts; snow fence; water trough; plastic garden hose; quantity lumber; 250 new berry boxes, barrels, shovels, forks, chains. Many other miscellaneous items. HAY AND GRAIN: 150 bales mixed hay; 200 bushels Rod- ney oats suitable for seed; 150 bushels mixed grain; 80 bush- els Herta barley suitable for seed; 65 bushels cob corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS studio c o u c h, chesterfield chair; 2 dressers; dining room and kitchen furniture; sealers; crocks etc. etc. TERMS — Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth provided by Shipka United Church Women. ROSS LOVE, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 14:21c "Let's park somewhere and ..etAmeoe-- , spend a quiet evening at home!" -1w sat No I I a I I I I I I I r - 11111 NM - IIIII MO NM MI IN NM III 01111 MB Iii MI Mil ltatIM Mil I I I I I I I ANOTHER CARLOAD SAVING!! BEAVER 210'S Asphalt Shingles 49 A SQ. I Quality controlled 210 lbs., 3 in 1 strip shingles bonded in uniform thick- ness g s with stabilized asphalt and rock hard granules es fortworo greater durability. I Your choicera ofmost popular blend colours. Another Beaver Carload Say- I Mg. NO. 1 TOP QUALITY I I PBED.RA. 95 .00 L DEPENDABLE x 4 SPRUCE Special Two Weeks Only MAIN ST,r DIAL 235-1582 I im or no No in MI 11111 IIII MI III 11111 ms um 1111 n By MRS. KEN McKELLAR ayton Colquhoun and Mrs. Cecil Burrill of Mount Pleasant taking part in the worship service. Mrs. Fred Pridham and Mrs. Alvin Hodge sang a duet. A film "A World Day of Pray- er Around the World" was shown by Mrs. Murray Christie with Mrs. Andrew Christie as commentator. Mrs. Harvey Dow played a piano solo. Lunch and a social time were enjoyed. Products Of Gemeca' Motors F, Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest ,Hardware PHONE HENSALL SAVE up to 50 gallons* of gasoline every year! If you're like most people, you buy life insurance for family protection. But your policies are sound investments as well when they're the "cash value" kind. Mutual Life policyholders enjoy steady increases in the guaranteed values of their policies plus• unsurpassed dividends. Check the advantages of the Mutual way to guaranteed saving's and protection. Call the man from Mutual Life, today. I'M The Mutual Life L.:.7.; : ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record ni14.1.2W, Representative: G. GODBOLT, Corner Sanders & Edward Sts., Exeter, Ontario Phone 286-2740 SNAPS-ON... See the New Reliables..CHEVROLET TRUCKS at your Chevrolet dealers! Be sure to sea 13Onanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your Focal listing for channel and time, "ROAD-TRY THE VALUE BUY CHEVROLET TRUCK!" , SNELL BROS. LIMITED Chev Olds drvait Envoy y ehev Trucks EXETER' ct.stsoc PH, 235.0660 EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Phone 235-2081 BEAVER I I LUMBER "Mutual Life insurance N,„ costs less when you figure it out. tl That's why / buy it."