HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-14, Page 10Davies Grant Denning r Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING P14 215-0120 EXETER Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 P Buy SELL TRADE RENT HIR Trucks }....... 17 Cars, For . Sole _ 1953 ,OLESMOPILE 88 sedan, hydromatic, radio„ back-up lights, windshield washers; mechanic awned. Phone Wil- liam 'Trie.hner 235-Q124, 14* Page 10 March 14, 1903 24 Tenders Wanted 14. Wanted To. Buy USED PIANO, in good n con- dition, Phone Harold Widrick, Zurich 75111. 22 Notices 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 4 Female- Help Wanted 12 Properly For Rent. ._ RT APAMENT, steam ,heated, furnished, new stove, frig, furniture including Tv .and. .carpet, Elliot Apts., .442. 'Main 5t., phone 235-0585. 14tfrie STORE on Main. Street, op- posite the Exeter post effiee. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate, e;13tin* APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot water supplied. Apply Pen- bale Ante.; 70 John St. east, 3; 14tfne 14c Classified Rates 22 •Words !85 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) Steno Cashier CERAMIC TILE—Us _, water- proof easy to clean ceramic tile. Bathrooms new or re- Inaiyodelitleedq.tlirAensgent o Stone 47071: Change any wall sqrface to natural stone masonry. Cost is low, Guaranteed. Phone collect, Fred Rinker, Masonry and C era In s, Sarnia, ED, 6-3972. 31:7:14:21:28:7:14:21* • See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric Separators and milking machines. Basil Q'Rourke, Brucefield Phone HU 2-9131 Clinton 2 :14-8:20* 15 Wanted PAPER WANTED—Boy Scout Paper Driye coining soen., Save it for us. 14c THE SURPLUS TOOL STORE Grand Bend will oPcn again on April 1 $$$ SAVE $$$ Watch for our ad en this page of the late March issue, We spent the winter finding top values at low prices in hand tools for you. 7:14:21:28c FINANCE YOUR CAR, on our "less than 6% discount plan," Phone Don Williamson, Com- mercial Credit Plan, 633 Dun- dee Street, London, Ont., GE 3-1746. 7:14:21c JUNIOR BICYCLE, gi r 1 s, good condition, $13,00. Phone 235-1795. 14c HAY—Quantity of timothy and. alfalfa, square bales, Apply Percy Campbell. RR 1 Exeter. Phone sous Dashwood. , 14* GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, 7 weeks old, females, $4,00 each. Phone 139 Zurich. 14c UPRIGHT PIANO, in good condition, refinished, Phone 53 Zurich. 14 : 21c FAMOUS WACKY WALKERS —You've seen them on TV. Lots of fun! No winding, 390. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, 14c 16 Property For Sale 20c Off If paid by Saturday following last insertion, Excellent opportunity for lady with typing and shorthand to work for a National Company in bright, modern Exeter of- fice, Excellent starting salary with all employee benefits. 23 Legal Notices GOOD BUYS TQWNSHIP OF HAT TENDERS FOR ?/?-TON PICK UP TRUCK Tenders, plainly marked, Will be received by the under- signed for 6 cylinder 1/2 ton pick up truck, with a narrow box, fully equipped with heat. er, directional signals, and side view mirror. Rear and spare tire to he 6 ply all-weather tires. 1957 Dodge 1/2 ton pick up as trade-in. 'renders to be in the hands of the road superintendent by Saturday, March 16, 1963, at 6 o'clock p.m, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to state terms of warranty. KARL HABERER RR 1, Zurich, Ontario Road Superintendent 7:14e Second Insertion 21/z pele Worm (Minimum 550) CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and overbooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate. 8: 231.fne NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isminla Amefred Cunningham deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Isminia Amefred Cunningham, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 8th day of February 1963, are requir- ed to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicit- ors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd day of March 1963, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 7:14:21c PHONE 235-0633 436 MAIN ST. 1958 FORD Fairlane 500 Se- dan, 332V8, dual range automatic, power steering, radio, heater, many 'addi- 4041 extras. 1953 CHEV Sedan, rebuilt engine, radio, heater, white- walls, in exceptional shape. E. L. CHAFFE 4 SONS Phone 228-6641 Crediton Road and #4 Hwy. 3:14tfne C. V. PICKARD CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St., Exeter. Apply Jean W. Wein, 10 St. Vincent St„ Stratford, 10tfrie APARTMENT, steam heated, furnished, suitable for one lady, $35 per month. Elliot Apts., phone 235-0585. 3;1tfnc APARTMENT—Air condition- ed, one-bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, heated, central Main St., oc- cupancy Feb. 15. For par- ticulars, phone 235,2234. 3 :7tfne 14c Six Insertions 2c PER WriRro (Minimum 450) 9 Services IF YOU HAVEN'T ordered your seed corn, you can still buy Pioneer, More farmers are switching to Pioneer hy- brids every year because of their outstanding quality and yielding ability. Phone Dash- wood 116, Andrew Diepstratere 2:28-4:4c RCA VICTOR "New Vista" Television and "Total Sound" Stereo, See the 1963 models, Sales and Service. Exeter Electric, 235-0730, 12 : 13eowtfne 13 for Sale HADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- ,g761, or Lucan BA 7,4680. 2:21.*tfnc Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion— Per Inch 51.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of .1/2 inch. BABY CARRIAGE; high chair adjustable to table, new; car bed; bottle warmer; bottle sterilizer, electric; crib, large; budgie and cage. Mrs. Wilda Murphy, Riverview Heights, 71 Andrew St., Exeter. 14* EXTRA L 0 N 0 SIMMONS mattress for extra sleeping them now at Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St, Exeter, 14c FURNISH YOUR new home complete—living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom fur- niture; carpet, television, re- frigerator, w a s h e r, dryer, deep freeze chest. You save more on top quality merchan- dise when you buy it all at one place, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 14c OLD STRAW, baled, 250 each. John Kabat, RR 1 Clande- boye, 228.6281 Centralia. 7:14:21” REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to school, This is not a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. ,Reasonable price; terms. INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block construction. BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all occupied. ONE LOT — on Pryde Boule- vard. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main 'St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 2:21tine Classifications TOWNSHIP of McGILLIVRAY WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 6 p.m., March 18, for the spraying of cattle for warble fly. Tenders to state cost per spray per head. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, W. J. AMOS, Clerk Parkhill, Ontario 7:14c LO W E R APARTMENT, 3- room, heated, private ent- rance, available immediately, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply 512 Main St„ Exeter, phone 235-2836, 12: ethic APARTMENT—Upper 1 bed- room, furnished, Heat, hot water supplied. Centrally lo- cated, quiet district. No pets. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 2ltfnc 24 Tenders Wanted ALUMINUM doors and win- dews, painting, paperhanging, cabinet work of all kinds, tile floors etc. Tom Walker, phone Exeter 235.0722. 1:3tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10;4tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5: 25stfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed FOR CORN CROP satisfac- tion, plant rugged, high yield• ing Pioneer hybrid seed corn. Place your order now. Call or see us, Keith Lovell, Kippen, Hensall 265W1. 7:14:21:28c BE SURE to see us first for your spring paint-up needs, Glidden's Spread Satin, regu- larly $2.65 quart, now only $2.00 •a quart during March. All other paints at 10% dis- count. Fink's Plumbing and Heating and Electrical, phone 36 Hensall. 7:14:21:28c MARCONI MASTERPIECES-- "Award" and "Citation" mo- dels in TV and Stereo. We sell and service them. Exe- ter Electric, 235.0730 (beside Lyric Theatre). 12:13 eowtfnc PHONE 228.6214 TOWNSHIP of McGILLIVRAY WARBLE FLY POWDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. March 18, for the supply of approximately 2,000 pounds of warble fly powder, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. J, AMOS, Clerk Parkhill, Ontario 7;14c USED WRINGER WASHERS, electric stoves, refrigerators, TV sets. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 14c RANCH STYLE HOUSE, mo- dern, Huron St. E., Exeter, with garage and full base- ment; 3 large bedrooms with double closets; plastered throughout; natural stone fire- place; 4-piece bath; many extras. Reasonably priced; must be sold, Terms and pos- session arranged. Ken Otte- well, phone 235-0935 Exeter. 2;28tfnc REGISTERED DACHSHUNDS and Toy Manchester Terriers, various ages. Mrs. Alex Mc- Intosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. 14:21:28:4c I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Laye, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc TRADE Chesterfield now. We have a nice selection and will make a generous allowance on the chesterfield you have now. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 14c TENDERS FOR REMOVAL OF SWILL Tenders are called for the removal of swill, bones un- cooked, bones cooked, rough fat and greases from RCAF Station Centralia, Ontario, for period 1 April, 1963, to 31 March, 1964. All tenders to be addressed to: The Command- ing Officer, RCAF Station, Centralia, Ontario, and are to be received on or before 27 March, 1963. 14:21c water Nairn 7tfne FROZEN underground pipes thawed, Phone 232-4504. SPARTON SIGHT, SOUND can be yours for less money at Exeter Electric. New 1963 TV and Stereo. Sales and Service. Exeter Electric, 235- 0730. 12: 13eowtfric DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL 1, Lost, 'Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales For dead or disabled animals, call TO MOVE a small garage and level grounds. Mrs. Jane Somerville 227-4806 Lucan. More Classifieds on Page 11 4 KITCHEN CHAIRS, chrome, in excellent condition, reason- ably priced; painted dining- room extension table with 2 extra leaves, cheap. Phone 235-2563. 14c LOWER APARTMENT — 1 bedroom, furnished, heat, hot water supplied; good location, Newly painted. No pets please. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 2Hfnc HOUSE, 1§ storey, available April 12, 111 Anne St. Apply 187 Anne St., Exeter after 6 p.m. or phone 2354377. 7tfnc HOUSE, 11 storey, available April 1. 183 Ann St. Apply 187 Ann St., Exeter after 6 p.m, or phone 235-1377. 7tfnc HOUSE, 3bedroom, modern, oil heated, li miles west of Exeter. Available now. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 7:14* DRY SLAB and body wood. Apply to Robert Eagleson, GOLF CLUBS, new and used; Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450 bags, carts, etc. Phone 235- Nairn. 11:22tfnc 1667. 1 4t ROSSWOMEMS.:'1I4OMPOWSIMISMIEMINEXHISC EXETER — 3-bedroom brick, $68.00 P.I.T. EXETER — 3-bedroom brick, $71.00 P.I.T. EXETER — 3-bedroom frame, $500.00. down EXETER. — 3-bedroom insul brick, terms. EXETER — 3-unit apartment, low down payment. EXETER — 2-unit. apartment, $1,000 down. 76' Building Lot—$50.00 down. FOR RENT — 1 be dr oom apartment. 1 Lost Strayed Snider isn't going to wait until Spring . . . WHY SHOULD YOU ? Business Director DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton. Hunter 2-7269 Licence No, 262-C-63 9:20tfne DON'T THROW IT AWAY!— We need it, Boy Scout Paper Drive coming soon. 14c 2 QUARTERS OF BEEF — Phone Frank Parsons, 276W2 Hensa II. 14* FARM FOR RENT Tenders will be accepted for the rental, for a three-year term, of approximately 50 acres of land, being the un- used portion of the Town of Exeter lagoon farm. This farm being lot 24, concession 2, Township of Stephen. An- nual rental to be paid on the first day of November in each year. Tenders to be delivered to the Clerk's Office on or be- fore 5 p.m. March 15, 1963. March 5, 1963 C. V. Pickard, Town Clerk 394 Main St., Exeter, Ont. 7:14c SAVE DOLLARS WOULD THE LADY who took the plastic puddlers by mis- take from the Exeter Hospital on Sunday with the name of "TOT" on inside, please phone Mrs. Ed. Gackstetter, 235-1537 14e ZMUMMANNINZINf ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" Vitamin Specials for Better Health ..r.ZOPMCMLNIMMIMIWIN JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 JOHN BURKE 3 Male Help Wanted For DEPENDABLE SERVICE to your TV RADIO HI-FI TAPE-RECORDER Call LUCAN RADIO & TV Phone 227-4432 Also electrical wiring, installation and repairs 14:28:14c MULTIPLE VITAMINS 100's 2 for $3.99 50's 2 for $2.30 VITA DIET, 100's $2.50 SEMINAL PLUS, 100's $2.95 New Improved Formula DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 7tfne MARRIED MAN to work on a dairy farm and do general farm work. Separate house with bath room and hot water provided. Good wages to the right man. Swart Crago, RR 1 St, Marys. Kirkton 27-13. 14c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESMAN OVER 30 Opportunity for quick ad- vancement and high commis- sion earnings with a growing 59 - year - old company selling world famous Goodyear main- tenance products. Many ex- clusive and non-competitive repeat items. Age no barrier. Diversified winter and sum- mer line. We take care of all financing, shipping and col- lections. New salesman 0. M. Rath earned $358 commis- sions his second order. Paul Bausch, new salesman, earn- ed $608 on one sale and now is #5 company volume leader. Fringe benefits include life insurance, sales bonuses. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada) Ltd., P,O. Box 39—Rosemont, Montreal, Quebec. 14c G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 80-ACRE FARM, 8 acres bush; barn 40'x60', 30'x20', double garage; 7-room house, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath. Eldon Jarrott, RR 2 Hensall. 3:7-4:11 VITAMIN C 2 for 960 25 Mg's, 100's C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri, Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 PERCY C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone Hensall 690r22 Collect UPSTAIR APARTMENT, suit- able for one or two. Partly furnished if desired, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 14e KOOL-VENT — NASH ALUMINUM - WINDOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES — DOORS and WINDOWS — ALUMINUM SIDING — ALUMINUM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS We do our own installing. Call us for free estimates. WALKER ALUMINUM SALES EXETER Phone (Collect) 235,0722 14c POLYDROPS for children 30 c.c.'s 2 for $2.99 FORMULA 10 2 for $2.96 Vitamin Tonic 18 For Rent ASA TABLETS 100's Special 2 for 700 200's Special 2 for $1.30 GLOSS CR EME Special 2 for 70* FLOOR SANDERS, electric. B ea v e r s Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons APARTMENT, 1 bed- suitable for senior citi- available immediately. Whilsmith Apartments. 235-2473. 14c NEW room, zens, Apply Phone BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne Si. 14c HOUSE — The Gomans offer for sale their 1961 split-level colonial — the last house on Pryde Blvd. Living room, din- ing room, mahogany panelled family room, three bedrooms, two baths, two natural fire- places, broadloom, many ex- tras. Substantial down pay- ment required. If interested in a quality home, call 235- 1032. 14kinc WATER WELLS DRILLED anywhere, gravel and rock, Clean out and servicing old wells a specialty. 4.i" life-long easing furnished, no pollution, at less than $5.00 per ft. Sat- isfaction of work guaranteed. Terms arranged. Phone Col- lect E. B. Hussey '754, Petrolia 3:27.4:18* is DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 LSMFT MIDDLETON'S DRUG STORE Phone 235.1570 Exeter MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 P.m• PHONE 235.2234 EXETER 14c this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and durin g the evening throughout the week, 4 Female Help Wanted '62 GALAXIE 500 Sedan, automatic V.8, radio, low mileage $2,900 '62 MERCURY TUDOR, V-11, automatic $2,800 '62 FAIRLANE Sedan, 6-cylinder, stick $2,100 '61 FORD Sedan, V-8, automatic $1,750 '61 DODGE 4-door V-8 wagon, automatic, radio , $1,850 '58 METEOR CONVERTIBLE--The real thing to impress the opposite sex $1,400 '61 VOLKS, it still runs $1,295 '57 FORD Tudor wagon, V-8 automatic „.,„ ......... .., $ 995 '58 FORD V-8 Sedan $ 900 '57 PONTIAC Sedan, 6-cyl. automatic $ 850 '59 CONSUL Sedan, a nice one $ 800 '58 AUSTIN Sedan, A-55 $ 600 '57 HILLMAN MINX $ SOO '59 FIAT, a great car for something $ 400 '$3 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, a good one, Ity.drive — $ 250 STENOGRAPHER FROZEN PIPES? Have weld- er, will travel, Phone Young's Welding 235.0456, also answer- ing service 235.2271, 14:21:28c N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235-2433 10 Livestock For Sale 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Ex e ter Times-Advocate, 3:8tfnc HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost AUCTION SALE 25 TONS good clean f eed grain; also quantity of baled hay, Apply Ray Cottle, Wood- ham, RR 1, or phone 371112 Kirkton. 14* BEAGLE PUPS, 9 weeks old. Appjy Bill Snow, RR 1 Wood- ham, phone 235-0426. 14c LADIES' SPRING COAT, site 16, grey wool tweed, like new, reasonably priced, Apply 65 Sanders, rear apartment. 14* the stop way Performance Tested Bulls Western Ontario Agricultural School Ridgetown 14 Wanted To Buy HOLSTEIN COW due now; 2 Holstein cows due in April; 1 Viking electric cream separa- tor. Phone 294-6525, Earl Turn- er, Parkhill, RR 8. 14e HEREFORD BULLS, register- ed and testel; serviceable age. Moen A. Robinson & Son, Ailsa Craig, RR 3, phone 293- 3085. 14;21:28e MARE, registered, standard bred, and pony gelding; also black western saddle. phone Hensall 261J4, 14c TRUCKS RR 3 Luta!! RR 1 Cromarty RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Stience Tint Martin Feeney Rlt g Lublin Milton IVIeCurdy 11,11 1 ,Kirkton Wanted for Seed FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1963 -- 2:00 P.M. STANDARD TIME Bull Premium Policy applies For sale catalogues apply to E. A. Starr Parliament Buildings, Toronto CLINTLAND ANT) ROLiNEY OATS, BUCKWHEAT, RYE ALEX M. STEWART & SON Limited Ailsa Craig, ()Marie Phone 293.3211 • 14 : 21e $ 250 '52 FORD Pickup, a good one $ '200 '48 FORD Pickup $ 150 Larry Snider Motors SHIRTS,..PANTS, JACKETS, for boys to 10 and 10 to 12 years, beeperately needed, must be Cheap. Phone Grantori 72117, 14'1" BALED HAY Timothy and alfalfa, a mix; first cut; top prices paid. Phone 2350141. LIMITED PHONE 285.1640 EXETER Ford, #eiriane, Falcon and Ford Trucks W 0 M E N, for management arid representative positions with Beauty Counselor's, in districts surrounding Exeter. Write Ruth Gather, RR Crediton, or phone 234-6467 mornings, 28:7:14* WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE to call regularly each month on established Studio Girl Cosmetics clients in a n d around Exeter making !feces,. sary deliveries, etc., 3 Or 4 hours per day, Route Will pay up to 85.00 per hour, Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. CWM, 840 LaFleur Ave., 'IVIontreal, 32. 7:14: 21cn HOUSEKEEPER, to live in, full time, Phone Mr. J. If, Heekey, 2354204 Exeter, 14e CAPABLE PLAIN COOK for general 1101thework iii "modern home occupied by retired busi- ness executive Only, in Serail. S.W. Ontario City. Private apartment available in reSi- deride for Satisfaetbry petteh, Wages $3,1 1,yeekly. First class refetendee reOuired.Address Box R66 The 'Clines-Advocate, Exeter. 14:21e Agents Hugh Benninger Dehihi Harry Coates hit 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors IlViatkenzie & Raymond Eke& Sedretery-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter '59 VOLKS Pickup, every Man should have one ofthese ....„...„ ......................... ........ .„.„, ...... ....... .„., $ 800 '56 FORD Pickup, long box with stock racks, 6-pIV tires „„„„ ..... „„„ ....... „..,„ ,,,,,,,,,, „,„„ $ 750 '58 BEDFORD Van, you're robbing Me blind at $ 550 '55 FORD Pickup ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „„ $ 400 '49 INT'L 3/4-TON Pick*, with right grain box $ 300 '53 FORD Pickup „ ,,,, . ,,,,,, .................. —„,„„ ...... $ 250 '53 DODGE Pickup BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce,. Clark, iRri, 5, Goderich; Vice-res„ Gor- don Kirkland, RR 3, Luck- now; Mrs. 0, G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, E x e te r; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, ListoWel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Gederich; Roy Strong, acme; Russell T. Bolton, reP, 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Kloppi Zurich; Gordon Rich- ar tin n rt.R 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Weod- c, H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Astistent secretary For infermation i call your nearest director or our effite in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 Ontario Streit, Clinton, Tole. phone HUoter 24751. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -- Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B, Toohey PreSident Robert G. Gardiner Vice-President William IL Chaffe 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale TRACTOR, John Deere Model A-R, with extra good rubber, $325. Apply Fred Miller, phone hr 12 Kirkten. 14c 1956 MORRIS station wagon, radio, washers, white walls, new ear condition, 244 Main St., Exeter after 5 pane-side doer. 7:14e TitAOTOR 101, standard, With pulley, pavVer take-off, kW rubber, new Motor, 400 Phone. 236-2997- 7:144 1960 11,1E11.4:01t Ranch,Wagon, Apply eVeriingt, 2694 Hen, SAIL 14'fr 140