HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-14, Page 9DON
* Domestic
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Motors, Controls
70 Huron St. West
GARDEN PIN MONEY $150.00 to $300.00
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Easy to handle.
Extra heavy Stock 100 plants $24.00; 50 for $13.50.
Charges Prepaid if all Cash With Order, Must have 2070
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to March 23rd subject to stock'unsold.
INTER dITY ttiikit 00, LTD. BOX 426 6ittLLIA, ONT.•
Deluxe Coach, One Owner, Only
43,000 actual miles.
Snell Bros.
2354660 Exeter
verewar:vnzr 3
Page 13 March 14, 1961
Dispensed by Smiley.
Three men
split $1,000
41111 .0.
N arms
my foot! .and district news
Phone 227-4254,
;errespendent: MIst Abbott
121=0,2=05:i. -:...].:Malkanta: 2.... •.;..•:-.rx,7.10
A month from now it will be
all over, it4ve you decided yet
which way yon're going to .vote?
It's tough, isn't it? The experts
tell us there's only One real
issue in this election—that of
nuclear arms.
Buy water
from Lucan
teaching staffs would be doing.
more to create national pc140,
than all the shredded wheat
boxes printed in French. and
EngliSh between bere and TreiS
What I'm looking for IS a
straightforward party of the.old
school that will offer a solid
pro ra of the type we're fa-
miliar with; outlawing liquer
and lowering the legal drinking
age; free medical care for every
Man who can prove, in tripli-
cate, that he's dying of an in-
curable disease; polygamy, with
all household expenses to be
shared equally by the working
wives; a chicken in every Ja,
Nuclear arms my foot! If
they keep up that foolishness,
I'll vote (and I think I can
swing my wife) for Mahatma
the politicians get hack to:some
good, eld-fashioned election.' s-
sues; the sooner we'll all know
where we're at. You know the
sort of thing I mean: higher
salaries everybody and low-
Or taxes for all; free dentures
for everybody who believes in
fluoridation; government subsi-
dies for credit card carriers;
free twist leSSPRA for all over
80; a month's supply of oil,
free, on April Fuel Di.y. We went
something the voter can get his
teeth into, not this tasteless,
rubbery nuclear nonsense,
What about a shot in the arm
for bilingualism, and thereby
Canadian enity? More French
in the schools would do it. And
I don't mean text books. The
party that promised it would
import a few thousand Parisian
models and plunk them on our
Thursday a draw for $1,000
Was held at the Lucan ,Com-
munity Centre, to raise funds
for the new swimming pool.
When It got down to the last
three tickets the owners, Hugh
Munroe of St. Marys, Don Downs
of Lucan and Vic Niel also of
Lucan decided to split the$100
and each received$333.00 .
Winners of the $25 each,
were: Waite and Wheeler, Lon-
don, Les Rafuse, London, Roger
Litalien, La Salle, Que., Ralph
Pitt, Cargill, Robert Coughlin,
Hardy Hardy, Hugh Dietrich,
Richard Gledhill, all of Lucan,
Bill Loynes, London, Mike Bo-
ber, Mrs. A. E, Reilly, both of
Lucan, Bev Hodgins, Parkhill,
Archie Thompson, Lucan, Lu-
can Lions Club, George Simp-
son, Clandeboye.
So ten of the 18 prizes went to
Lucanites, including two of the
major prizes.
Li E E r OBE
Tory. Tweedledee says the par-
OP will ,accept lunited use of
clear arms, Tweedleclum says
to Tweedledee, "Comment ca
va, Bob?" (English translatien,
"How's that again, pub?"),
Tweedledee Qiiebec au-
dience that the party wouldn't
touch nuclear arms with art 11
feet Tory. I'd like them to be a
little more explicit. Is it to be
TIP nuclear arms for anybody,
or just a sprinkling here and
there, or no nuclear arms for
There's only one party left,
It's been left for years, and will
probably be left again on elec-
tion day. The grinning leader of
the Indeepees, somewhere In
there among all the jokes, has
stated unequivocally that his
party is against nuclear,arms at
home or at school, at Work or
at play. Does this mean that,
because it's the only party that
agrees with me, 1 have to vote
Socialist, whether I want to or
I told you this one-issue busi-
ness was ridiculous. The sooner
Well, Pm telling them right
now, if they can't think of some-
thing a little brighter than that
to vote for, or against, they
needn't expect me to vote at all.
Let's say, just for the sake
of argument, that Pin an ordin-
ary Canadian voter, which I am,
who is flatly opposed to nuclear
Several wells in the village of
Granton have gone dry this'
winter and householders are
buying water from Lucan.
The village council and the
Biddelph council have discussed
the water problem with the On-
tario Water Resources Com-
mission at Toronto. An engin-
eering consultant will be con-
sidered to carry out a survey
and determine the location of a
well and the cost of a water
system for the village.
If You're TIRED 1E
in year's worst blow For Middlesex West Now and then everybody gets a
"tired-out" feeling, and may be
bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth-
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
condition caused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help
stimulate the kidneys to relieve this LI'
condition which may often cause back-
ache and tired feeling. Then you feel El"
better, rest better, work better. Get
Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the Everyone Welcome
blue box with the red band at all drug
counters. You can depend "D'dd's.6o f11111111111111111111111111Holtion111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
8;00 p.m.
arms for Canada, which I am,
Who the heck am I going to vote
Diefendunarner says we won't
have any of these atrocities in
Canada, sort of. But if a war
starts, he'll blow his whistle
and stop the play while we send
a couple of trucks down to De-
troit or somewhere and pick up
nuclear noses for those I3one-
heads or whatever they call
them, that the Yanks unloaded
on us, Makes me go all hot and
cold when I think that I voted
for that fellow one time.
Then there's Lesser Person.
Lesser reminds me of the girl
who sang in the choir and taught
Sunday School, but took a drink
one night on a sleighride and now
dances third from the left in the
chorus line at the Purple Gar-
ter. Lesser, who once remarked
sensibly that he'd rather be red
than dead, who once won the No-
bel Peace Prize, now wants to
press those hideous heads into
the hot little hands of our gal-
lant lads in uniform. How could
I vote for him?
And of course we have that
new party. Tweedledum vows
that the Party wouldn't touch
nuclear arms with a 10-foot
Rec news
ing north of Lucan, spent the
night here.
Some of Lucans commuters
started for home and turned
back, others didn't even attempt
the trip but stayed with London
friends. Those who didmake the
trip all agreed it was one of the
worst trips they ever made.
King and queen of the carnival
Maureen Smith sports one of the outstanding costumes at the
ice carnival in Lucan arena last Friday.
March 6 will be a day long to
be remembered as one of the
worst days of the winter. A bliz-
zard which began early in the
afternoon, soon made visibility
nil and cars were stranded
The Medway school bus, dri-
ven by Ralph Lippert, got
through with some of Lucan's
children but Mrs. Drennan's
bus got stranded near Ross
McRobert's home on Conces-
sion 4 Biddulph and all 45 child-
ren crowded into the McRo-
berts' home. Mrs. McRoberts,
who is on the Lucan staff, had
difficulty getting home herself
and had to send for her hus-
band's tractor.
However with the assistance
of one of her neighbours she
managed to feed the crowd.
Later on in the evening Mr.
Lippert drove his bus to No. 7
and Mr. McRoberts, with trac-
tor and trailer, made three trips
to take the children to the bus
which eventually arrived in Lu-
can at 8:30 p.m. Children liv-
Ilangr'niMeng. *WM; , •
Lions club backs
Red Cross drive
At the dinner meeting of Lu-
can Lions Club last Monday
night, it was voted to again spon-
sor the Red Cross drive March
One new member was en-
rolled: Ken McNamee. Another
beef bingo was planned. Bill
Amos, a guest from Parkhill,
reported that Elmer the mon-
key had been passed on to the
Sarnia Lions.
United Church
With Mrs. Murray Hodgins
still on the sick list, Mrs.
Clifford Cronkite was in charge
of the CGIT meeting in the
schoolroom last Monday. Her
daughter Wendy took the wor-
ship service and Bobby Coch-
rane led in a game. The study
on Hong Kong was taken by Mrs.
During the business session
it was decided to postpone the
Shamrock Tea from March 9
to March 23. The tea and candy
sale will be held in the school
room from 3 to 5 pm.
one up?
Hair Fashions
Then you can save even more money at Allstate,
where overall premium rates are still the same
record gets a special low rate. You
probably qualify-8 out of 10
motorists do.
BY Norm Carter
Shamrock minor hockey play-
offs are now under way with all
three Lucan teams involved.
The peewees play a home and
home series with Stoneybrook,
with the second game here in
Lucan on Monday, March 18
at 7 pm. The Bantams have play-
ed their first game with Bel-
mont which resulted in a 4-4 tie.
The Midgets play their first
game in Lucan on Thursday,
March 14 against Stoneybrook
with the second game atStrath-
roy on Tuesday, March 19 at
9 pm. All three Lucan teams
are sponsored by the Lucan
Branch of the Royal Canadian
By the time this article is
published the Lucan F i g u r e
Skating Club, sponsored by the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal
Canadian Legion will have held
their first Ice Revue. This club
has had a successful season un-
der the able instruction of Miss
Marnie Campion.
The table tennis club held
another successful session this
past week and it is quite obvious
that the participants are getting
a little more proficient in their
If the Lucan-Ilderton Com-
bines are successful on Tues-
day night in Seaforth there will
be a seventh and final game
in that series atLucanArena on
Friday, March 15 at 8:30 pm.
There will be no Lions Club
House League at Lucan on Sat-
urday, March 16 because of the
7th annual Shamrock peewee
hockey tournament. The sche-
dule for this event is as follows:
Game 1, 8:00 am LucanvIlder-
ton; game 2, 9:00 am Ailsa
Craig v Zurich: game 3, Exeter
v Byron at 10:00 am: game 4,
11:00 am, Riverside v Ingersoll:
game 5, 1:00 pm Winona v Ken-
sal Park: game 6, 2:00 pm Lam-
beth v London Northbrae. There
will be a further six games in
which the winners playoff and
the losers playoff. The last
game of the tournament will fin-
ish at 1:00 pm.
A fairly large crowd is ex-
pected to attend this affair with
the admission charge being 50
entitling the spectator to see
twelve games of hockey.
The usual Saturday nigh
dance will be held this Saturday
and there will be a special pre-
St. Patrick's Dance at the arena
on Friday night of this week
March 15.
to wait until the April meeting
to set a new date.
In the absence of Mrs. Har-
old Hodgins, Mrs. T. C. Mc-
Farlane read an article entitled,
"A Layman Meets the Master".
President, Mrs. Scott, of-
fered her home for the April
Holy Trinity Anglican
The pastor, the Rev. E. A.
Gagnon, was in charge of both
Sunday services speaking on,
"The Power of Praise" in the
morning and "The Three
Giants" in the church at the
It was announced that Oral
Roberts' films will be shown
in the church Wednesday and
Thursday evening this week.
Paul Graham, sufficiently re-
covered from an attack of mum -
ps, was able to preside at the
Young People's meeting last
Friday night and to speak on
the topic, "God's Minority".
During the business session it
was decided to show the film,
"Seconds to Midnight", at next
Friday's meetinr.
Pentecostal Holiness
Owing to the refinishing of
the church floors the 11 o'clock
Sunday service was held in the
Parish Hall and will continue
there for next Sunday and pro-
bably longer. Flowers for the
service, were in memory of
the late Lloyd Hayter,
With Miss Lina Abbott still
on the sick list there was no
League of Loyalty service.
Work on refinishing the chur-
ch floor is progressing satis-
factorily. It is hoped the widen-
ing of the chancel steps will be
done this week.
On Monday Rev. E. 0. Lan-
caster baptized Rodger David
St. Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert St. Louis of Welland
in the Parish Hall. His god-
parents, were his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson.
If your auto insurance premium
has gone up, there's just one more
reason why you ought to look into
Allstate's low rates. Chances are
you can save good money and get
top quality protection in the bar-
gain. Allstate's across-the-board
lowrates remain the same. Andyou
get all these important advantages:
Insurance is easy to buy—only 25%
down, and 15% each month for five
months. A small charge of 50 cents
per payment is made for this con-
venient plan.
Insured motorists avoid
$20 penalty
Unless you carry auto liability insur-
ance, the Ontario Government requires
you to pay a $20 penalty at registra-
tion. A stiff price to pay . . . when
quality protection is so readily avail.
able. For a few dollars more you can
avoid this costly penalty. Act nowl
May we help you?
ever need help, there are over 5,000
full-time Allstate claims people across
Canada and the U.S. as near to you as
the nearest phone.
ALLSTATE—Allstate is a big, reliable
company insuring more cars in Canada
than any other company. It's grown
big because it has consistently offered
top-quality auto insurance that the
average motorist can afford.
Allstate doesn't believe that good
drivers should pay the same rates as
drivers who have accidents. At Allstate,
every driver with an accident-free
graduate of Bruno's Hair
Monday, Mar. 18
Main St. Lucan
Experienced in latest techni-
ques of high fashion and basic
style razor and scissor hiar
shaping and hair coloring.
March 18 to April 1
Regular $12.50 flowing oil
wave . . . . $10.00
$10.00 Lanolin Wave ...$ 8.00
Also Regular $6.00 Budget Wave
Hours Monday to Saturday 9 to 5
Evenings by appointment
Closed Wednesdays
For appointment
Phone 22'7-4861 Lucan
District native
gets fifth jewel
Austin Hodgins, 97, Toronto,
a native of the Saintsbury and
Lucan area, celebrated 73 years
as a Mason recently, and be-
came the first Mason in Ontario
to win five jewels.
He was presented With the
rarely awarded 70-year jewel
and a dinner was given in his
nonor at the Park Plaza Hotel.
He has 50 and 60 year jewels
as a past Lodge master and 50,
60 and 70 year jewels for long
standing membership. He was
active in Lodge meetings until
he was 90. He joined in 1889. I would like more information about Allstate Insurance. I understand I am under no obligation.
The meeting of Holy Trinity
Woman's Auxiliary was held at
the home of Mrs. P. 0. King,
with Mrs. Harold Coursey as
assistant hostess. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Erwin Scott, led in
the worship service.
It was announced that the
Bishop of Hong Kong, will be
the guest speaker at the an-
nual meeting to be held in Lon-
don, May 1 and 2.
The bake sale, scheduled for
March 1 in the Parish Hall,
had to be postponed owing to
other activities. It was decided'
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