HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-10-06, Page 2otontroona „ot weettempares s
.4 00.0;4
A E11011ING AGE.'
Throb. bus... Imo Age is* gilder.
toad awned dank ops, 1st to the Ism times
we Pass bliss ca a duke% age. Go
. Ins se will us mat be relived tomest
icloccratara.ke. VIA this oast etched&
sossuasin, he, se dare. sal the sonAc of
tlo cigar and jipc wilt erect you throe.-
Iligh sod low, rich sad poor, rota and boys,
p -s, bo i s to higher thee yiur knee, pod
an ky at the wisp of teLacco. 1rrba1,ou
'look a von cheer eip Olt Sunday, Of at least '
that • 'Falk to • routary place of worship
will be front such annoyances, bet you will
be diappointed. The cigar is smoked op
toile very doer of Jae church, and is light-
ed agora u soon as the outer door is reach-
ed after entice, and will precede, &need
or follow you tri tar as you go.
Tim boys smoke os their _way to wheal
-they smoke at reeess-they smoke as they
go on errands. Cigar smoke gracefully
turnaround tbe matted bead of the little
ragabood, and erhaps tbe policemen that
takes him up tor stealing will light his own
cigar at the little prisoser's fire!
!Blunter, of the gospel, mid S anday
school teacher% hare takes side with the
smokers, sad bees have already found in
the breath nf their thachern es Sudsy an
ppeloey for resortmg to tbe vile practice ou
at her days.
Biakop Jamee,al the close of the late
New Jersey (Metiodat) eagerence, se-
verely rebuked the practice of young Clef'
pyinen trookieg cigars about the streets,
stud eseecially in tire vestibule of the church
Ile spoke of the habit as extremely injuri-
esto the health, u well as being eery in -
'dignified in a Chriaties 'Meister. Suppose
a'" reinter were to draw Paul, or Appellee,
or .1Cephas with cigars in their 'mutts!
You would say at mice an enemy Lath
d011t if to brieg ridicule upon the holy
m c n."
We were t,...!J lately of a noscionary to
a distant ran of tbe world, wile laid io a
stock of sisty-fite pounds of thewieg to-
bacco. We hope his mission was nut to
c reutti-ratero 'And tbe ft ii:104.11 ['Opel,*
lel US [without ar.y comment] of a splen-
did oiler snuff box being presented to
:Limber miosiouary who preferred the dust
re to filthy weed to the smoke of it.
\ e hope our yowl friends wilt set their
fart a, n Mot Sperm( the Labituol usc • I
tobacco, alother it be to sm-ske ti, or to
chew it,or sautf a. except by the adoce ef
a jediciout pbysiriaa obo never nses it.
Tire • C•t.r .-!-The wind r ramenecd
blowier; fresh frem the Derthward on 'Tues-
day terrines anJ asereased durreo the sight
to a reelect ple, and i•mtinutd with bet
little fol'o. c* emit Tiosd.,
brio -J.: orece, 1 nen Itnifele
r • • roe rote oitiet
'• • • . o. tv.ftt
eard nol o'L toe bar ler
Perri so roily te it that. a ¬ice nf
the "tend t..) rokas to IW eaetwaril oui.!
hay* threoo r. -rot tr; the Isar, where shz
• oiel 'Abided to pier:. A. 'I he
taia r. dro.tto-eit two tog,s. to firing
le r in, '''ey heYe neable to make ht...d-
way wt.,. me,r tiptiuSt 1ir Irma, • as 10
brig her eeoir of the tor. She was in au
sonseaoe !'de eireditioe _from hating lost
lo !!.,•-t.om on zianday *night her jib, fere
teporiset, irmia-most sue sad, awl fere
Altent o'slock the 31ititigarsieade
steam mot brouohl her intn Pori.
The or;gs J. Alt -Bride. Ileary R. Lan-
sing. aad A. It. Cobh, and the barque
Clierfasen Saving Meted to make the" her -
'how, sv e tayineing al anchor through die
day, ihe tog lie- wee went hut in the fore -
moo: ar-t made fas to tbe McBride, bet
coulti Lot bring her in. Loosing is
teem Retitle, leaded with railroad iron; the
ethers are from lumber pones. The brig
Northampton' with railroad iron Irma But -
Iola cauie ie abut 9 o'clock in the fore -
Noon in fine style, without touching the
Abort 12 o'clock the benne /wham
attempted the *mob commie', but w•ot
broadside uoon the bar, and paseed clear
across it, thitoiring terribly •1 heavy ee•.
tier %pate trembled like recd.. She came
off in a out eliten mieutes, mad dropped
abettor about • goal -ter 01a mile moth tit
Me piers. Noe is from Oswego, loaded
Wit sale
'` he wind died sever as the son went
devro, sal the neer top weut net inter the
verse, at -nehor sad towed them in with-
out d i tally.
, Puritan aad the Mar -y &actors
asile the hal hour shoot sis o'clock. 1Ve
attired the echo/seer Arcturus sod p-opil-
lot; Illinois, Edith and (previa( the Lakes
which elated all day for the wind to setimile,
malia4 preparatems for lea* tog in the
th• evesine,.-Chicago Democratic Isteaso
hmes lbc whole &Sera rid, iseelo Gene
'Ass Is wool pin thIlwre0644.
dos a a &ad oms, sod d o mislemd 'WC
he built oqualle semi ere ilkagOatigs
ley other, we do sot sou what is te prop
teat t6 pdsdriver from triemollai Nei
she barrow 'ad pitkaut--Grootiblt Ilbere
bus. area& to atemaph owi lotag&-
toy of batch • rood, sad * possames ad -
mirages that place n faio is advasee si
asir ether no& of eoerstreeties.-la
hitt j/ace, a would be free ham Ara ;
cuodly, it wield be soeseerbst speiegy is
as estere, sod nem anew Iseimusawee be
make meek better time Midi Imo w.1.0.4
tear Mao they esperieoest on aimed meds
perfectly solid. That • rood bee oo psis'
casi be readered raciest& is *ewe by oar
Hods& Railroad people. Between Al -
Way sod New York Mont are sums twee-
iy aides co which t6 redeem laid *a piles.
Jost below Hods& there is anie mt
stretch of twos:do of four males.
poetess of the road wears as wen aa
other ; while its wire freedom from darn
makee it est of the pleseanteet piece. of
the wlole ioute. ble 'cover it would an-
swer best fur the north shore of the St.
Lawrence, hem Que bee to Labrador, as
the drifted bCON would be thus got rid of.
The projector of the pile road proposes
akother insprovioneut. Instead or
plie Mg cars above the rade, be tatted* te
let them bang between them. fly means
sat a properly shaped aik tine is very reedy
&.e, awl when it is dose, ors bemired
miles an hoer can tor matte nitbout any fear
whatever that the ears will fly from the
trio k or bring up in a ravel pit. A road
built epee pikt., tin Scietstific American
try' can be coestructed for $10,000 per
mole: If die be so, it would make the
whole cost of the New York and Sas
Francisco Railroad leas than thirty minicab
of dollars, "limb is some names et dol-
lars hes lima a road eau be built for.
correspoodeat of an Americas paper states
that Priem Albert is building a plantation
madame st Balmoral, nod goes on to
speak of Ws income and expeose as fol-
lows ;-" He brought no mouey to Eng -
teed, it is Itue, but recollect that from
Feb. 10, 1849,, Prince Albert has had an
raceme of £30,000, that u field 51ershal
he receives Lib 51 per day extra, that he
hat the pay and ensolunieuts of two colo'
nefeie, that he is a ranger of Windsor
l'ark, and that every appointment has been
heaped upon him which be decently can
hold, bis actual income is oter £50,000 a
year, out of which haring bed and board
with his wife, his actual expenditure is not
.£1,000 a yearlo fact Lis savings alrea-
dy exceed ,half a malice) sterling. a rery
small portion of which he 'claims in Eng-
land. .1 i•art is Invested in tbe puirlie er-
emitic, of liollend, part is in *be French
irerites, part in the Ciriteei Statee itcuri- b." muachad Imertraalrl the 'iced iii ibi
*0.1.1 ..:. .he :owe, altatoigh be was wa:k
:0-s; and 1 dire say that the bou,e of the
1:es„..,.. Bar,,,,.„ is Nes york, tow ion ii.g lotion tb• gout ewas that a: tempi/trig
I" cruee. Alter • full nearing of the cave,
v ou-litt they won't -how much they have
invested iu real properly te Nem York, couC°711 debegintaidu 'tGIOCI..1111•11 Enfitlifef. the
at • 1*de/wise had quite
for either; and Vienna. as smith 'lett ttt the crosssag as a horse;
Mat the !toner and driver el a bores is
TO rrrvENT cows FRONI Bound, b.th by law ..J by courtesy, when
Colloilioti Viireid crick] is a soaked*
recent descovery, and bas been applied to
bM IN dose beep Wm her 1 &et
tweieft ge to Beran, if peedpa p-
ie. them.°
petyht:' =liesicmiteallibt,loyeekermiSd.telbi-
me die lamoralta wars
aro sissaly mosetoll
hsw. so a hoot orsifasiee•111114
. -0 .011110-01069
it is ms to aliad this ottigtity maternal 6
bed to &imolai r.
The iselitoo breaches N th• cunt woe
"ppm to be pretension wray troll sed •
mambas &vases ta she osi.rasivoispersueso
ow be ottoman rimy weea. A I irew hese
of neon is employed ist Ma teas De 'Le es -
used •r sipper tub pit, whet' is mow, lee
ah• moo Ian, as deeply excavated es re -
voted There •Iso • ebesiderabto nese-
bee at week is the mete ewe, el be cesek
is the wasii 11.1 .4 loud Jere seat sae, pm.
hope, titstnrhed by ib. togen.ay of
etas. These eretweas are many 01 1..
1..0 lore., rowed •se smooth III be bandied
nod rciaetird iatleir roast aura& they
bare to so blasted or eptit op int• metes
tor *bat perpuee. Tee, are georg is be
1•Mile is eery@ a mathil purpee, 11 mat. we
sodomised, by beteg brekin op sad lad ia
the eide wall; .1 11. &mi.
The hadsag soparams, which is in be
ranted be orator from tee ramehe is beilig
put together -Ina grist wheel for diem's,
sp tho water is is us place, •ad the eater
sate! is ready to go together. This is a
• ry mots near branch ot the eon, and
ah...a a :a coo.pleted, the h•rd labor of the
head plume., von be diapessed with. sad
• larger Dumber of men can be em,loyed as
enca•stleit• ;,Tiie 'monstrous e••oes, with
their four liege erne., ar• good ev
cation as nalvirjr up the dirt mid reek from
the deep excavelisies.
'f he *ork os the dock. at tie feet of the
canal, is progreesieg rapidly. leer cribs
having alredy been put together sod saehor-
ed place. Amos( thg new build's'', re
teeny erected, we anticd a flos dinning
euaise. alilel si now starry completed. sod
which roteeded for one of 1. luek-read •
er • bermier. Il'he betiding is subasasual.
couiveudi.us and well Bombast, and ao rise
could complain of touch • eueireins•t and
verforiatile dwelling as this will be. A ao
ther Lualding itt the •11,00 doneaseirs •rid
sly le rs to be n put up for the E711.0 pur
Ruse. Ao ext. -mon storehouse bas josi
men Competed, which is already re-cc:y*4.11
1.11 and stater supplies Mr. Harvey ha.
commiet.ced preparing hie buildiege fur
wittier service, by double boarding anu
oils', wise tightening rbe walla or 51.11 o1
be houses, and 'hey will be At • very cow-
fort.ble cuodrtion for OW coldest wea-
'1'be dirt cleasstios sill be *early
completed, w• anomie bay, by the close is
• avigation, aad the roeti excavation ean tw-
eety well tarried on earner the winter, aed
we underatane • large force Will be kepi
ou the work, for this Forpoire, riming 11.
slater. Aed there is match abt.ut the pier
a ork that can he dm.e guile as welt .111.
iesixot al !a any other.
BMUS at leTaareCeoletilite.-A ease
was brought before ea* uf the Ciccronati
magistrates a tew days •Ame, a Or re a ve
tfeetrists, win e crutam.: the •treet ai a re-
gular cru.orig, was fon age Met by a 5 non
and knock, s coati. Toe 'loser of tie
he seta* geht'tesan crereieg a street. to
Quid tire ..rd horse up inaread of ',creasing
bta gait; and lignite:mete, that it is beoea :j
the sIttialy of . geotitrosa to rue upon the
public •Ireet•--uarireularly te get eut Of
useful purr les by surgeons, but 1 as root the war of any q...droped, cootrolled lad
aware Ihat it has ever been used to pre- governed by a breed. The court, therefore,
tined lt.e drtend.nt 14 eofy duilar• tor the
ientehe to., .r milk by leakage from the j
o ,
' eemeet, reel to •Od ng f.,fli s.t.., fo,f f et pay-
iwbki oi tht'IrrIT. Tlieluedt of 2114.Fing mug to -re reei eti l .II.c 1,11,1• .1 It AS-
It is as foliows: maim when eroaluadJong :us CJa.tuutt tau -
"Ater sailkleg, take atbd piece of , moo:ogre le
muslin. the size 4 a tbree cent piece, wet
Toe Lt masa TRADE' ON TYR Orrow . .-
it in the colodios sad apply it qttiekly to A
Immo prepared 10 C..filpilint• .ith at:
•St. end ofit.- teal.' -le drial ilomedia41.1 usdcr ut tine LcgcsIative Acomeitily boa just
and Adhering firmly, inertias the escape peen :received, .bowing the itntotittl termed
of milk from the oritice. It can readily be rd un the Ottawa Inver sod it• trim/terms
Iregeoveil at the next milking."
not anticipate anyt i riv.t• cite rprioe m (mimetic's
the Louitier '1 nee. It appears lb -.I sum.
On first making me ol this rneans I did
Ling more than tempo- 'ace‘Will n' `mu*" anjthIwif eenecived to
1 eerily to p t the evilAfter male these pans .re in centir.eal rem., oi
P, ke • few IIPPlicali°6s it was d'sebalialwdt.:1 i
i• um from the ratty.,
mooed tut• in Ibis br•anch ut manufacture
Ws ember a fell
I was somewhat surmised to find that it trios what b our reauera reay gather sun e
104 Parmananti.r l'••:•ewrd the rnult• up- Wee et the general a:oaten... Tbe Mai ut
, on reflectiom the niadsts roperaudi appeared !Lissome, Lifer. eltin.l; ea f.3et,431 1(1..
as followv:--First tbe collodion contract^ opt,' .154, ca.., ate. cod up:at three ..iw
the orifice and Own prevents tbe escape in woo DV ;C•• • Suitt 1-.811 A:116.200 making
milk ; and beeped, the bag becoming dot- tui /the r the •a... of XI I 8,trab Ills.; Doe
watt, flax en, it Lo bine . xpenoed la the
tended, its capacity is permanently en-
sitt.le,1.19 boo, ot ie h eti ne teas a propeo-
taro ed. 'try it.
nue thou 2:19,1310 *m. tor elide', d•uts, SIC.
1 he toil Cubt•tril sevirial •Itter Stand Del
op% la to ;45 ft itercl.te pewee, magoificeat
i• tioomol, al.bough unorior to '10.: tie
to:i I ha •IlLeN, kc., beret £181.1147 7.;
• nsi 1.1' r•a• 101,1er 111.8,070,.5.• 34.; to -
&cite r .C.431,723. lea. Stl.; Sad this is unl)
• ii appossierstam, as hum *eventl parties
no Intoru.dnue hod Imes obtaterd. A re-
tort' oy the 6.n. ot Meows. Joke Ramo. k
Cu. to J. A. liteissei, kag, survey* so ChM..
'limber Lices..•, .1.,ea rim. they hate
eosirobwou seamier on intend year. pow,
a soni taconites .Eb44,0; suet seal glee
eireelasl tre.pd..118.-•1 1.• .5u1 SUOU u •iii,
at Hoe. $14 le sts•nw.att.•nu iro:rd it,..
COO* ism •t...ut tow mincei oil poi k. I. 00
. st LUCY- fallatt Lev. LOST. --
'Pirelli% the kiniblem of Car Winegar, of
tbo strainer Franklin Mere Greets Day
Allicseste learns the tellowag particulars ol
the hati o(10. G. C. Susulky, with three
other !Assailers. Stye lett St. Slartua's
for %Va.-Migrate Herbs& ea die Ith inst,
with right pommies oe board; wiles about
tol ows tott mho 1111e4 wed water and ear
sized 1.1anag Me perm& ea board is aes
resell)situation, scati a little girl, usable to
c bog Suave r to tie boat, wits drowsed; from
crae o'clock P. Al. oa hlaoday not* 5 A.
M , os ',faraday, the boat dnfted abets is
bay'. thicieg which time two mere per-
tain Mr. N•Cortie sad his weir, poem of
the Wile girl pries -Spool, lost, were dammed.
w.eck Moe street Ow tho mastbei •
*rare el W'aehesgtee Weed, where tlw
ani -s eeLerated servitorv were closeted
10. ther. -ofei --it assets -
1. Namint s -A writer 1. 110 Sol -
Neve dionsitass proposos to toad ths
gems Vieste Kailrostl, mae se the latesestl,
bet Mouse See Saul shove it. kas weed
Another mend purpose a this artiote
may be mentioned. Cows teats ones be-
come tender fro- chaps and deep fissures
is ileum. *nary may readily be cured by
moidening a piece ce mush,, in this liquid
sod applying it smoothly to the parte af-
fected. It adheres so firmly that it would
not be loosened eren if tbe calf is allowed
to draw the milk.
"Phe abore receipt I eat from a Harris-
burg paper. As it Om & etedit, rt way
be original. Please problieli it radar Sew&
Regiater, sod add, that molasses is the
'sovereiga remedy" for the chapped Seats
0( a emc___1,, be applied after milk. Of
(eerie the udder should be waeheil with
cold water, winch of itself wdl Ire. utnit
eiter slight cases.
My observes*, aad esperienee. dough
!Milted, go to prove the better plan to bis
tette% the reit' have free acres, tO the
dem. for twenty-foer bours after birth.
'I be seekliag and belong it advoteisters, is
jest the right treatment .or the swollen wi-
der; sod easel of i pert' are cinema*
rare. where this plan is preetteed. It is
also much easier to separate tb• mother
OOHS 111. calf. the next day, tbe matental
instinct beige then partially imested.
1.100, it 'Weld serer be permitted to
kill a calf, 10nay place wheels the cow eas
hove access It. Their pat 'flair 118
such cases kart um roan le n.k that
they recognize the blood al t eispriag.
1he enter hes known of octal tears
?eosin dose. she face of a cow, ea beseg
&own lbe blootiy bide of her cell. TIllme
ay be thoght la
ter. too trifling for the
tins o ' sees of .ark' --bin it is
us; the hemaifel hisetaaltios asea an
tembies to for., t6 parfeca character,-
efereik Register.
A HIRT TO Gasvessians.-A pone*
who could better pteack &ties& doe
swathes st, was always wrested whoa le
15.4 bei groadchadmis is ha wady. Our
dap sew el thew lade Odd's* wee woad -
hag by hie weether's oede.4 she was apeak-
iag to b. of beetree. br. I
deo% west, ssg. so seg.."-. Dos% ilea
la go la warm my solo P--• Not ant Vas
ogre I N hy awl, ley gee
1 Why, prgedpa we lig there, smelt r
--s Why, yes, 1 hope he Well„
jest aa moos es he tees es, be wW ono
welshed thee& use g. • W bow, 0001
•4166,6666 111 lir•Oill•UOIMI
Now Yea*, September 29.
The Waaltisfidin arrived 'at half -pod
tbrie o'clock this after000a, with Liverpool was pateridieg ha liars too ; but report
date" to the 1310. says that 6 saa corer:am 40,000 moo
Biesdainffs buoymit at an advaace o(1. 1824 wars at atm riot. It 1 considered
0111 gObriblIMIC Friday aad fidly 340. wheat. Mat se the first halite the Tasks will Inve
Cere how, aod wasted at prisms loom- the 'dressage.
The Load& Tunes asociesies that the
Emperor of Rusma lee rejected the Turk-
ish modifications, asel war was now coast;
der& inevitable.
The lost jewels of the Hungriest Grows
lase lietes loured buried °ear. Oselie
Aeeownts state that the Eagleila sad
French Cousin bad lett Jasey, creating •
great panic. Geaerat Lndx was advances(
with a fresh force of Rtssiau tgoops, upoa THU RSDA Y, OCTOBER 6, 11153
1Io14avia. THE M IN I STRY.
The Czar was to proceed at once te
Warsaw, sad was to meet the Emperee At the preset tinte,m- och is saying "boat
caf Austria at Moot es the 23rd.
The ps al °user puha 08 the Low. a &solution of Parliament, which the Tory
er Danube mast on fightiag tbe Resales, sigma and their traitorous supporters of
and it is feared tile Pasha will not bit Oki the Tadpole Ticket, Inc urging, as a mat.
to et:enrol Mem in order to effect further ter of co 'mace, cm account of tbe pass-
isg of the Representation Bill during the
Tbc weather in Ragland is again unfavor-
able, in consequence of which breadstuffs late session. Such an ivent, efts though
were firmer. There is increasc4 pressure it might possibly fulfil the highesewisbes of
to tbe money marketthese smith -men, could not. at the present
moment, advance the cause of reform, or
ampt of former admintelatises, most oar-
Prersiligh1106911116 tally enatimehtf can ma be ism to je
hod. moo ABM ea palatal, aids.
PAP& Gismatioff rained de JO -
11.1.* l_tatpliestessueLlIgeberea, sae ths
ffao -The Earl d Cada& hod
left Coseasitiooplo far Bogard bits missies ammo to tjta wages b.
bolsi mallad. As Acid report hod boss Awn/ steer ploo toes ..d. by
draws op by two ear officers tbe Tur-
bo& service, give. s favorable mem& of
tho "Inatrrier a& discipline of tits Terk-
el' force maw is the kW. The regulars
am sow sonothered mining to 'alias, sod
the amplest effective to team oiss the
Fears were impress& Mat Omar Poch*
010111r -
Mr. Ilacks mom ties my slew man
1 Calm& a &titled 6 Um &mks 01 10.
sessoseity far 68 Ws mid soecessfal es -
place the greed guerillas of tbe day. for
New Yogic, Sept 30. which true Reformers base so long strug-
A passenger by tbe Merfin from Ber- gled, on a better footing. The ministry
mode states that the deaths from yellow fc- are eledged to the settlement of the Cler-
his soviets foes to tarnish 60 man awl
dest roy bm islasece, wo ham so &mkt ha
&Nail live.to enjoy 10 well.earsed honors
ses the caluniairs a his Names re-
Oa ti. "maim; Friday last the Town
Coated met. Preseat,- the Mayor and
Messrs. Welles*, Story, White, Ileoley
Smith and Watsoo.
After the, owed ,outint of prelimioary
boraneso het Wes goes through with; -the
k'isiaace Committee, roosisting of Messrs.
Vilite, Story and :Smith brought forward
their report on the Finaute of the Town
for the preset year. Th. Report with
ooe or two slight varieties' was finally
adopted, and for the informators of our
readers we subjoin a few alstracts from
tbe same shewing tbe amount due by the
'fowls for venom purposes, and the rates
required to raise the UMW; as lollowo-
At la 41i1 per £ yearly value.
For geo!ral Cooney peeress £373 11 0
1st antihero' Maitland
Bridge. 116 1 6
By -Law No. 3, 1851,
County debt, 53 9 3
L54,3 1 9
At Id per .£ yearly value.
For Lunat.c Asylum Tax, £32 2 0
At 5;d per L yearly value.
ter at St George, up to Sept. 2510, were g I. Ites,,,,, They have already cleared For payment 'Frachers'Oeala-
of its difficulties, and Dell session, £135 0 0
300 out of a population ofo400.
New Orleans papers of Saturday contain I with the ntss,
B•orixosa, Sept. 30.
waY present bowie, decideol action win
little of interest,saying detailsof the ravages be taken iti this mailer, and the question
by fever the tow o along tbe coast. . set at rest for mei.. The result might not,
New YORK, Sept. 30.
' by aoy means, be as certain with a pew
Secretary Marty's hoter to Mr. Hulse- -
man on the kosta difficulty wear, le the ' house. 'llie fossil Tory parly could not,
papers of this morning and elaborated the ' of course, secure sufficient strength to pre-
vvew of the whole agar and a detientiou of veto a satisfactory iSsue, but, while its
the quatilies requieite Foran adopted ensue ' influeoce is not ei-uite destroyed, theoe is
Rent, Mi arming and other
expense*, 25 0 0
Balance due Trustees for
1852, 13 16 11
to claim protection from the United States
,•so, as our friend of ebe Cantuhan says.
Ile concludes as follows: The Preoident al
does not see sufficient cerise for disavowing en Adieu iu the Comp. Collector,
3 at
the acts of the agents which are complain- j le deal,Aseesson,ng with known enemies little Treasurer,
ed itt by Austria. Her claim for satedie- danger ts to be apprehended, but while
lice on that account has been carefully con- 2 Auditors, at LI
RefOriners are deluded and split op by 4 Inspectors,
%mitred, and is respectlully declined, being
£173 16 111
At 3`01 per .0 yearly eater.
For Proportinu of Lome, £120 3 11
Salaries, Le.
Clerk, £20 0 o
-9 0 0
18 0 0
5 0 0
2 0 0
4- 0 0
2 10 0
traitors who, 'me professing yoluntarrese .Constable,
cooeinced that the seizure and imprisoo-
Meet a Erste were illegal and unjustifiable. and reform, raise minor questions - and false 4 Returning Officers at 151 3 0 0
The President also decilitres to give his coo- • alarms to distract attention aud secretly 1 Aildeinnol return,.0 15 0
sent to his rebut, after a hill examioation of I 4 Returning Officere for Scboolil 0 0
I resolve that the Reserves shall be beld in Surveyor's Services, 30 _ O.* 0
the case herein presented. Ile !me instruc-
ted the um ersigned to represent to 31r. ."'`Yanee or abandmrd alin"IbPrit" far" S'alicItar'a :"2"rraIee'Is 17 10 .0
we think a little caution Room Rent and Candles, 3, 0 0
Hulseman his confident 'expectations, that private awbitioni-
the Emperor of Austria will take the pro- ought to be obset ved. There might and I Statiooery,
1 ' 0 0
- s
per measuies to rause Martta Kest* to be . probably would rot be any real clanger M Printing, 14 12* 3
restored to ibe same position be was io be -
la new Election at the present moment, but
it is entirely unnecessary and uncalled for. C133 '7 . 3
fore be was seized in the State of Smyrna, '
nn the l3th Juoe last. . . Illuseleeem a. '
f Signed] W. L. Moirce. The pre -era Ministry stand eleilg:cllitoh ttlii,ev Ateourit oierdrawn from
WestiteeroN, t:zept: 30. . ceinary on curtain romotior-, of
Valriortu-a:aer:pernnrse%S2n;:ludiaig- 4187 14 '3
The Union says that Frame and nog- . Represeinat ion bill is only one•
land bare not made their views known to the improvements on Limp, .
They bare redeemed their -pledge solar, Newgate aod
States on tire Kosla matter.
A mercer sterna to the Province," preveats but they' are equally bound uric tbe Streets.amounting to 26 16 Si
Thethe rerAnaericaerinti °isrldtnentwILisfr: iHrealllifille--7i° trial unsettled. l'art only of their work is
-LinGe Resanvcs. and this question is Tat ie tense of By -Law for .
1853, 76 _ 4 9.-O
fa:, bin wit yet arrived. yet performed, teed before they again pre-
sent three/elves to the country, true. 11
£290 15 81
Wiwi., 15Preppreash
*ARRIVAL OF VIE AMERICA. formers hare a rrebt to dennaed that as they Mr. Duffy's Contract, rsoo o
hare ro w the elicireorry of (Icing t„,, School Mese, • 600 0
11=1"lato at.tit Al!"2617,..."7.1r ..V....nt= they will redeem their pledge in fun.
£1AsiocuigbilkbarcitaLtterrtaadmirslettm i. risirmadltle•--
Tras. 'OCabiaateademaant by tie
THE £10,000 BUBBLE.
Boston, Oct. 1, 1853, as above £1824 2.1 111d. The Comma
The Amrrica arrived ben at 1 P. 111.. It s amusing to see with what aridity propose to meet this last amount by impos-
my and Tadpole contem raries I lag a rate of only 8,;cl per .C. this year and
The following are tlre principal features of • aur T-
OMO upon tbe L10,000 matter, and blue -1 a anee y means o ans oegoe ate
Total Salaries, Improvements d Ddbes
her DCIVS as telegraphed (roll Halifax last .
" 1 the b 1 b f Lo i d
'110 Baltic arrived out on tbe 14tbter and swagger, and try to distort the under the By -Law lately passed.
'Oa the 1710 at 4 P. M. the Almeria; whole affair with the view of making poli- It will be obwrved that much of the large
passed the Arabia booed ie. tical capital out of it. Even our aum last meatic'wed "nil 1.01 Immediately
Cotton was flot and declined ;. Same
the market, closed, the Telegraphie dis-
patches indscated more probability of *e-
gotists being reopenet inatead of war.
'dtte Asiatic cholera is spreading in Eng-
isLate elates from Heroes Ayres state lhal
oo tee 13th July. Urraza took refuge co
board an Americas steamer, aid bis tome
64 down tbeir arms.
Relative to the Eastern queues, it was
reported, although no foundation was apes -
leo ilaltt.•••41 bane!. 01 &on; etupl‘..• aboei real of its truth, that Tnikey had altacked
0 1•410 •••.•. • &ad UM"' 51111 colvetntn- lb! Rosman outputs, but au general ..-
10,1 mow, emoitia owe aid pret•rril. I, ttiv,,,,/ 1„„4 roe,,, pone. Thaa mow
1.4.1 asu 1.*•ara 0,5 awl% liet•greto*00
' e coosidered doubtfulTheefodo,w*sapro.,ftii) el lireteeetry, msoda, ate,ts tewordsoftssvienaad,patak. TitWI) IIIINIbe Mik; Oate• ft ilde
t"r.11,01It ma,. Ti,„br „,y„Cear rejects the Turksh mo&ac1oes,
ebief impart of the moin- but *boles by the \ trona note, and pre-
tty, and ra tarns
every eseurageust to nines to evacuate he Pticipahtes if the
Osier it.-jrmiee
Porto will &rept a. Rare sod ample
this, yot leaves sae chaste for race.
DAMAGES BY RAILWAYS. Aeother telegraphic despatch says a sew
_ manifesto 1 espected from Ruitsia. *110
A 5517 napart•nl decrees hes bon tone Ti dm were eimeimiiing their Nreogemealle.
to, tit • i•to Iowa( ot the Coen et Woes'. web vigor, The latest is, Owl • feeffir
news re Torollo, is :erase to • questlies had *Meted at Pars bringeig the &chime
le wince IIIIi41 pra•pa actors ians drool coo- of the day before by lbe Imo ministers,
C•florii. lay it tt•tiosy Couitell'"ve iiii viz : Lords Aberdeen, John !tassel. LIN
um& 11••••11wil GO) 111 caused by law• omen 000 potrotteroo.
sieeg taw Ilse vi IOW larks. 16 • coal A courier was to be &watched to Oiler
re$ eaprutictee halde fermi royalty
holes a tollalkulp..r•rj:,...... Paella, forbidawg boa to eomesoneo how
Ti.• cace treed woe Met of Bradley mi i le of,,,so es ,,,,,,, sow.
Hi ""‘ ''''''' it 'thalal• i"" t"g". llis Assliast 'eased general .1 8..
A.41 6.111, es all *ellen to freitrif wasiagin
tot tame saweasaila moseemo6ety bay•babb 104 111'1" 11•61"1114 -
serious friend of tbe North American
is for oece led astray by the din 'mid noose,
aad before he no collect his scattered
senses comes down upon Lord Elva sad
tbe Adminiseratios, and says there west
be geseral smash up! Wale de -
Speed with an opportunity so well suited
te his panther grows is out in full ery.-
Poor ninths is nowhere and nobody!
He is not allowed to buy his own potatoes
or set like other men, simply because be
is Inspector Geoerel! Bet seriously -
What are the facts of the case We are
told that the ecotracton of the Northern
Railroad had a certain climber of Deben-
ture/son the City of Torooto, which they
pet iota Illorkst for ready casts, hlessra.
SIAM aed Hall after • better price thsa
ostrother penes, sad ars eoatiespastly the
partilmert, thereby usainag for Oseinsabres
NM £4000 or £5000 proit. WI see
ea freed is this trawsactsoe, ilie
fault we fand is t10 Mr. Row& should
have prevaricated or hesitated whre goes -
timed to tell the whirde Meth. The re -
mealier 0110. Detesters' were perchaeed
by My" 1. Co..at the muse rate through
the "gooey el Mr. Ilieeke-
It is assowrad, that, by Ma latter train-
er pistraid's Norm, L. it VW'S.. letter' OM, it a folly 'wooed moillts Mr- Haab los mods • Ptak of
E"41. our nitiutsuirt 1i• Cie& lhot Wasingtotteahmet wdl &ascot to (.4000 or C.5000.- We kaiser am when, -
mat...• Jam U. ma, I, ragmen. kur 16**6- Krota's heimg g7Lop to the Austria, ef Messrs. Peps& CO., or Mr Mocks
mem • twomsel emetesurso teat the 11.6rplisy ariotatiaa at It appears dat the wade therelit, bet admittieg ler the pre-
"?' 1" '.1111111111 by 10 Pwwlesewb 'boo' reams Comet Awn, do Agaraa wegie-
seewporsoos set te pet 6 l..( MOM me at •
Tams "a as „„biiiity „wham., seat that 11r. Hacks did woke the ram.
Slog% lb• entire rood Ibirodstasoly,okei met
ie gawk A do Whereat is tie wrest I Rave tin Now
wrintioss hawses 8.rdU. .dll. mortars or Me (Itty or Tomato soliared
bee tuisiage tee we to *5. 101.5. O10 ow 14•14•• Sisies• hey hue thereby I Were De
not de bas-
es/bur wimp. seasisseta aereue. the* Fese.o.-Tha Readin Commietse memowes p5410. ate holm amm..-..iom
10. Na/ propony ustrat asomos &He Isariattase km apes osedomored sp
ler the stmoray, froas met mossent smile . Ceche Tom's Cab& as desesable lemma, "4 14 Mr. lims" al° IN t.Prelims,
le sues gown awe wellewese weds WOO *rut
whine basing& is it, or what coneastina
ed. '141 ove• "4" '" "4"1.61. "It "1 J UM1114 rbilbilifibalbri 0107 hewthe tramactise with the elk" gi
14164b bbcn11161 • •• to& No pagider. Tie Tamers had at -
100 Mom. et IMO woe, yggerewret woets.psnd t. apeatee Gemmed 1 The time oeumeoweion
teeeneul sue sue 6•6 666.6 11UM 1•1•8 1" All”bus libibbit list. at Wr. Ifiwehs weds doh imp la rot yia
Win. son ineli66461, ems 66164,... el lb, .0110.
pom4Le bobibbillii by liblibbell 0666.6.1,11666 Tb. kill= a, de leant mepi_ 11466/1y ii6,16661, mod limerer may b.
memos awst ahaa won e ligiwount own4 sa Liprier to tha Ammo.% ambled et klwanni We Oh* Aga -
be called for sod in fact rib is probable that
very httle of the £600 required for tbe
School Hoese well be needed it's year. -
Tim total rate which will be imposed on tbe
Tooroalip for 1853, win be, for general
County purposes, Lunatic Asylum, Rail-
road, Maitland Bridge and Teachers Sala-
ries, es.c., 213;c1. And for Local Improve-.
moues, sahties, Ike., 81d; making the
total rate of Watson for the current year
2s 11; in the X.
The rata of taxatioo it will be seen is
rather higher than usual but the larger
smasat, iris: 2s 3;e1 ceuld not be controlled
or diminished by our Councillors and they
have aseessed oily the naoderate rate of
81d. This would prnhably he aufficieat or
nearly sufficient for erdmary parposes and
the Council takieg advastage a the favor-
able state of the mosey market bate soder-
taken to retie 0500 to effect tertain pub-
lic improitoseots. We think the Cosoeil
have dime qinte right at ihe preseet favor-
able sioneest to eaterr, Segel, epee waprove-
meats for it s obvious that they here ben
too keg sextettes!. la fast &eh efforts
farm rendered absolutely Necessary front
the rapid estension of the Town. Of
rmwse • great A -twenty of &weed may be
exist as to whether the isaprnvements sa-
dertakes are those which most deamaded
immethate attenuate, as also as 10 de we -
is w6eb they are tarried oet, but we
presses do Cloned base acted to Ms hest
01 tiwir julgauseat sod wit ham Nis dm& if
watt eamplosed, thetworks will 6 appro-
val& by at.
Cr Time RAT. Mr. Carrie wilt Preach
10 10. Ilalted Presbyter:as Church is the
Tows, ea flaheath swat ot 11 team -1k, sod
ta the Cweree Lasegyeart at 3
geogioad eseewitteetwe how Mr
Geary Measteith Thum Leal, 41410066.
111 sitcatago kitt$ ths catt-tios. with
111111111r, 1(1140.
whist ills ealitesse awe of diplomacy
ea ph3.4 imam the great Powers of
Ramp* It 1 &Mott tlat Ms main
objost 1 to avoid cosaieg to blows if
Meese eon be kept in solleiteut *elf es-
teem 1 aay other way.
Has the ,world bean& so mach hotter
tied loss quarrelsome, abet ths elates& are
thus long suffering ; A few einstarie•
ago, and war was tho asauseamist sad
emeepatioe the nobility sow it "is
a game whisk Kiwis do Dot play at" -
The reason for this change is, no doubt
to be toned in an altered state of peblio
opinion, which is found& upon interest,
formerly -honor pristial than es," bat
in these days ®ard for tbe permaseat
poesession of "goods and chattels", is a
damper to military ambition The batioh-
ty nobility of France and E ngland need
to despise end discard as degrading to
mash ood tho grovelling orampatious of
trade mid commerce; sow Rothschild
dictates to the crown'd holds of Rorer,
and the highest rank has its pries -
Formerly the kitting class Ind SI
their own way, and as things were.
was every inducement for them to
it is all altered no*, and file trad• loving,
peace -preferring part of the world are as
the uoandant Rothschild is called the
"Money Kiog" but there is a greater,
it is Mutael Interest. Trade end Com-
merce, from their extent and the num-
ber and respectability of those engaged
in them, ore tito efficient bond which
bolds Christendom to that gentlemanly
courtesy whieb, if it is not friendship,
answers a very tolerable purpose as
try- We are much pleased to learn that
Thos. Mercer Jenes, Esq., has been ap-
pointed agent to the Bank of Montreal kr
this Town, awl that said agency cornmeal'
its operations next week.
THII BROCK 31081 ENT - The tote
of the foundation stoat for the new sag-
inent to be irected at Queensicn as 1t,
re-internieet of the remelts of Graeral
.Brock ; will take place Oti lbe 13th ono
the anniversary of hie eleath '
rTime Mast "Cteez".-This seed
iHorse %Lose Stock is so widely spread
throughout tbe Couotry, aka IS* in*
TIIE Ase es -11*. A ssiers fir these
Comities open on ‘Vedneselay. The Chief
Justice Robinson will preside. There o
but link business to be doneo
Ti GLOBE.-Tbe first number of the
Daily Glatt has come to lisad. 51r.
Brown aleo publishm a weekly Weise. -
He will oot be left bebiod to• otieliboars.--
Toronto is 1105 well euppliad Mth Bethel.
ITAMII.70N CANANts -We lave re-
ceived the first number of the In -Week-
ly Canadian Edited by Mr T McQueen.
It is published ot the same priee as the
late Semi -Weekly Mr McQueta ala°
publishes a weekly edition We trost
be will continue to recein that encour-
ement wbieh his talents and enterprise
cannot fail to command
efr We neglected to obeerve in our 1st
that the Judges at the Agricultural Exhi-
bitioo at Godench, were for Stock :-
Messrs. Bell, GournInek and Walker -
and for Produce and domestic neueicat term.
Nleesrs NVatson, Park and Mackay. we
believe their awards gave geoeral satis-
• .•• ..........
To rAt• Edttor the Heron Signal.
Suit,-Understa-nding that there was
a Special Meeting of the uaiciPal
cil of the Town of Goderielt upon
Friday eveuing, 30th alt, for the pur-
pose of receiving and discussing tbe
eearnuIl einibarseedocial Bert
rtutnhoe coorfvinst.
gtiiltri:piuntbrgposee Cone4nbeiell. rfiorrgthhowe for
eamerthisammeawgioloily somowTaltreindbosiorwtioreriok: ewihw awmre nopr Two
mittee heving rodeo& his report, I was
quit* aa.00,,bad to haex drat our small
einigpeTabnmedoiCtatihieratiorrwasbe: isisoftititthe $
oistri :seas :cis! Com-
potheaghood, tra
awwpereupelairoceerlisfa: kareaaraYilb:ohrecdk, 14eeseeTsbei anrethilitehilier
asiaeiy eied *ugh
r osidaeng
k 0.
icotesith" i PI disiall‘iintorestocki" tu:n
11. .4 to e folows,
Nedra 040P0'
s. •
4 •
okt cow
for HI51
th• sorroet
1 34
O 111
O 5