The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-07, Page 5By MRS. KEN .1100(E1-4AR
Tenders will be received by the iindersigned up to
and including March 15, 1963 for the right to cut trees
marked with yellow paint in Ausable Authority woodlot
in Lot 16, Concession 14, Stephen Township,
Further information may be obtained upon applica-
tion to the District Forester, Department of Lands and
Forests, Hespeler, Ontario,
The Minister shall not be obliged to accept the high-
est tender.
E.K.E. Dreyer,
District Forester,
LAKE HURON District.
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Titre,-Advocate March 7,190 Page Thames Road club
treats SS teachers
of her sister, Mrs. Willis WO-per, Vine girls and their lea,
ders Miss Karen Taylor and
Mrs. Roy Morenz were present.
Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, home
economist for Huron, was pre,-
sent and demonstrated bound
buttonholes; a discussion on
posture followed and Miss Ka-
ren Taylor led the girls in
Competing .were Linda. Wells
d B4Nie . JPPePl .1caren. PIPe.
Arthur and Ronpie l',/u rand;
Carol Shapton and.payid. Pram
and Chris TgOgy. and David
1Pottmer,. are Max.
Harne ss ,and Norman Whiting',
the first time any of the club
had entered such a contest.
They gained_ 25 points for
their matching costumes of
white blonses, American beauty
red tiered skirtS with white
braid trim and white slippers.
Tager Beavers''
In dance contest
Exeter public School "Eager
Heavers" stmara dancing' club
entered tba .squaredancingcon,
test at the Farm Show ,Lendon,
Friday night.
Three schools competed and
the Exeter &Mil? was placeci
third receiving $15. This was
The .orpha Club met at the
home of Mrs, Clarke Kennedy
with 10 ladies present,
Mrs. Eva Laughton won the
raffle, Lunch was served by
Mrs, Cam Chapman and Mrs.
Leonard Ravelle,
Next meeting will be held on
Tuesday March 12 at the hqm,e
of Mrs. Ted Stanlake,
The evening unit met on Mon-
day, march 4 in the church.
The function of the LICW in the
congregation from inside the
membership card was read in
unison. Mrs. Wm, Sturdevant
lead in prayer.
Mrs. Emerson Des Jardine
lead the devotional assisted by
Mrs. Stewart Webb and Mrs.
Wm. Jewer. Mrs, Alan Hem-
mingway gave study book chap-
ter on "Taiwan". Mrs. Sturde-
yant leader, presided for the
Hostesses were Mrs. Art
Haist, Mrs, Elgin Hendrick,
Mrs. Lloyd Wainer and Mrs.
Ken Roberts,
Grand Bend Institute will be
having a family night at the town
hall on March 13. Feature of
the evening Mr. Dick Manore
will show his pictures of his tour
of Europe.
Miss Diane Hood was hostess
for the meeting of the Grand
Bend "G roomettes" at the home
The Winchelsea Euchre was
held on Monday night at the
School with Reta Campbell and
Jean Lynn as hostesses.
Prizes went for ladies high
to Hazelcoward; men's high ;
Colin GlIfillan; lone hands,
Ward Hern and consolation,
Danny Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. JakeSchroeder
and girsl of Dashwood visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Elywn Kerslake and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe
and Janet of Thames Road,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, Janet
and Kevin visited on Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Par-
sons and family of near Exeter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Coward.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith
and Penny visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and
Next meeting will be at the
home of Ladina Latour on Wed-
nesday, March 6 at 7:30 pm.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith.Charlton,
Gary and Karen of London and
Mrs. Lily Gill visited onSunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 011ace Des
Jardine left last week for Flo-
Miss Jane Manore, nurse-in-
training at Sarnia, spent the
Weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Manore and Dick.
Miss Marie Gaiser and friend
Miss Barbara Driscoll,leftlast
week by plane for Florida where
they will join Miss Gaiser's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Stebbins. Miss Gaiser has re-
ceived her diploma for comple-
ting a course on registered nur-
sing and on return from holidays
will work in Sarnia General
Steve Brierley attended the
London Conference YPU con-
vention at Riverside United
Church, Windsor, over the past
Mr. and Mrs, S, Klatt and
family left this weekend to make
their home at Cottam.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey spent
the weekend in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn
and Kathy of Hanover visited
over the weekend with Mrs.
E. Faist and Nola.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill
Visited on Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Preszcator and
family of Kinborne.
Miss Paula I3oulianne of Lon-
don spent a few days this past
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Boullanne,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Woodall
and daughter Marie of Detroit
visited during the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pryde and
family of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neil
and family have moved into the
house of Mr. L. Hill on the north
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Radford and Shirley
were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rad-
ford, Mrs. M. Crawford of Lon-
don and Mr. R. Dailey of St.
Mrs. Garnet Hill is spending
some time with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Morlock and family, having
undergone minor surgery.
Teen Town will be held on
Saturday, March 9 in the Com-
munity Centre.
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 13allaii-
tyne attended the .26th Wedding
celebration of the latter's. Par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.Harold,13ea-
ver of Exeter at Elienville Hall
on Tuesday evening. There were
about sixty relatives present,
Mr, and Mrs. Cam Hume,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of
Guelph spent the weekend with.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Hume.
Mr„ and Mrs. Milton Slep.-
mon; Mr. Tom Yellow of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Rohde of Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda were Sunday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Webber of Woociharn, the oc-
casion being the birthday of
Mrs. Webber which was on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Northcott
of Melford, Saskatchewan, Mrs.
Chester Rowe, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rowe of Exeter were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Rowe.
Mr. and Mrs. William Snow,
Bobby and Jimmy visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Lorne Luker
of Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier,
Michele and Carol Lynn of
Brantford spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pass-
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Daw-
son and Larry, Mr. and Mrs.
William Cann, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Stone, Diane and Bobby
were Friday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann mo-
tored to Guelph on Tuesday
evening. They attended the fu-
neral of the latter's grand-
father, the late Mr. James Fer-
guson of Guelph on Wednesday.
Rev. H. C. Wilson and Mrs.
Wilson were in Wallaceburg re-
cently when Mr. Wilson called
at the home of his cousin, Rev.
David Williams, who has been
ill for sometime.
By MR, L.
World Day of Prayer was ob-
served on Friday, March 1 in
the Crediton thiited Church with
three groups present, Shipka
United, cretlitori EUB and Cre-
diton United.
Leaders for the devotional
were Mrs. L. AdamS, Mrs. L.
Lamport and. Mrs, R. Reid.
Others participating in inter-
cessional prayer were Mrs.
Ed. Lamport, Mrs. N, Lam-
port, Mrs. J. Ratz, Mrs. E,
F ah rne r, Mrs. Roy Clarke,
Mrs. M. Ratz.
An inspirational message was
given by Mrs. M. J. James of
Dashwood EUB Church. Mrs.
James used as her topic, the
theme of the day "More Than
Special music was provided
by Mrs. Kellar of Dashwood
who sang "The Lord's Prayer"
accompanied by Mrs. H. Shep-
Annual reports for the Cre-
diton Library were given by the
librarian, Mrs. W. Mack, at the
meeting of the board held on
Monday March 4 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Haugh. Re-
ports showed considerable in-
crease in circulation during
The library board for 1963
includes Ed. Hendrick from
township council, G. Schenk
from village trustees,Mrs. R.
Haugh, Mrs. R. Molitor, Mrs.
F. W, Morlock, Rev. A. M.
Schlenker, Wilmer Wein, Dr.
Lulu Gaiser and Mrs. L. Pres-
Rev. A. M. Schlenker was
appointed chairman for another
year and Mrs. W. Mack as
seer etar y-treasurer. Mrs.
Mack was asked to continue as
Rev. A. M. Schlenker, Ed.
Hendrick and G. Schenk were
appointed to act as a finance
Open discussion concerned
the need for larger quarters
and lack of funds for the de-
sired expansion. The men of
the board were named as a
committee to explore any pos-
sible solution to these pro-
The ladies on the board were
to be in charge of the obser-
vance of the two annual book
weeks during the year.
Jim Preszcator of Kinborne
visited this week with Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Pfaff and family.
Mr. Richard Moon and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb
and girls were Sunday afternoon
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Newell Geiger, John and Mrs.
Mary Manson.
Miss Eleanor Erb and Orland
Jantzi of Kitchener were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Erb and family of Blake.
Miss Mary Margaret Oesch
and friend of London were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Oesch and Linda.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Forrest
were Sunday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love.
Miss Margaret Finlay was a
weekend visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hendrick and
Elaine of Dashwood.
On Wednesday evening last
the postponed meeting of the
Happy Doubles Club was held
with around fifty people Pre-
sent, The Club entertained the
Sunday School teachers and of-
ficers and their partners.
Mr, Arnold Cann was chair-
man for the meeting. Mrs. Ar-
nold Cann and Mrs, Lorne Pass-
more assisted with the worship
service. It was decided to ac-.
cept the invitation to Thames-
ford on Tuesday evening, March
19to attend a meeting of the
Dopble or Nothing Club,
Arnold. Cann introduced Dr.
H. H. Cowen of Exeter who
showed pictures of Europe and
the Holy Land, Dr. and Mrs.
Cowen attended the Interna-
tional Denti st Convention at
Cologne, Germany last sum-
rher. Rev. Hugh Wilson thanked
Dr. Cowen for his pictures.
Several games and contests
were enjoyed. Lunch was ser-
ved by the committee in charge,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore.
The World Day of Prayer
was held on Friday afternoon
When 25 ladies from Elimville
and Thames Road met in the
church basement.
Mrs. Phil Hern of Elimville,
Mrs. William Calm, Mrs. Edwin
Miller, Mrs. Donald Kernick,
Mrs. Victor Jeffery, Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. Wil-
liam 'Snow, Mrs. Hugh Wilson
and Mrs. William Rohde assist-
ed with the service. Mrs. Reg
Hodgert gave the message. Mrs.
Donald Bray, and Miss Doris
Elford favored with a vocal duet
accompanied by Mrs. Reg Hod-
gert. Mrs. Alvin Passmore was
pianist for the afternoon.
On Monday evening communi-
ty night was held with seven
tables of euchre in play. Prizes
were won for ladies high by
Ray Cottle (played for a lady);
ladies low, Mrs. Alvin Pass-
more; lone hands, Mrs. Lee
Webber; men's high, Lee Web-
ber; men's low, Wilfred Hunkin.
Lunch was served by the com-
mittee in charge Mr. and Mrs.
William Snow and Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde.
The next community night will
be held on Monday evening
March 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Daw-
son had their Happy Doubles
Club travelling dinner on Mon-
day evening last and Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Cann had theirs
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