HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-21, Page 14Ausable conservation authority reelects top officers for.1963 Page 14 Titrre-Advecate, February 21, 1903. Roy's United Church chooses ''63 officers Mr. Gerald Morley of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, FIQYcl Cooper. GIRLS STUDY PATTERNS. The third meeting of Elimville ,Country Pals was held Feb. 18 at the hall with. oreseat. Mrs. Tom gern gavo notes on pinning a pattern on mater 1 al And ptOstitehingi Mrs. Winer Skinner talked on gopd posture, The denrerlStra- tion was given by Mrs. Horn on pinning a pattern on material and each, did a sample after.. For group work all participated In doing eXercises. Next meeting will be held Monday, Feb, 25 at the Hall at 7:30. Elimville By MRS,. ROSS ,PCINNER. Sunday visitors with Mr. and ded ,the Fair Beard convention Mrs. Howard Pym were Mr. in Torento ,on Wednesday and rinrstiny of this week,. ltiisses, Linda and arol.pitiaDY. of Kirkton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Hubert 1.py, wood,. Mr, .and Mrs, Horace bridge, Bruce and Fred of chelaeg, Mr..and Mrs, Russell Icing and family of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ceoper. Roy's United church held ItS annual meeting with. Rev. A.H, Daynard, chairman, and. Mrs. Stirling Graham was named se, cretarY, which position her late husband held for the past 12 years. Elders elected were Andrew Christie, Norman Dow, Ross McPhail, John Dow; stewards, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns, Roger Dow, Roy McCulloch; auditors, Tom Colquhoun, Mervin Nairn; ushers, John Norris, Gillies Baxter, Alex Hackney, Calvin Christie; Cemetery trustees, Andrew Christie, Donald Hocking, Cal- vin Christie; parsonage board, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow; capi- tal fund committee, Ross Mc- Phail, Calvin Christie. Ross McPhail with charts.and diagrams reported on the work Ask about a low rental FOOD LOCKER You can cut your budget down to size permanently. You buy for less. We cut, freeze, and wrap to your speci, fication. At its annual meeting Friday in Parkhill, Ausable authority re- McCauley, Exeter, field officer. The authority learned progress elected its officers for another term. From left, they are Robert is slow on the preliminary work leading up to calling for tenders Love, Bosanquet, vice-chairman; Freeman Hodgins, Parkhill, on the million-dollar Parkhill dam project. chairman; Mrs. C. Hume, Exeter, secretary-treasurer; and J.T. T-A photo. McGillivray mulls pool BUDGET STRETCHERS COLEMANS Smoked Picnic Shoulders . . 44 per lb. Colemans Pure Lard 5 lbs. for 94 Parkhill dam project held up for approvals The Parkhill dam project is not "progressing very rapid- ly", Chairman Freeman Hod- gins reported at the annual meeting of the Ausable author- ity Friday. Although some engineering work is being done, no major steps can be taken until further approvals are received from the Ontario Municipal Board. A misunderstanding over submissions from municipali- ties outlining methods of rais- ing assessments has caused some delay in OMB considera- DASHWOOD LOCKER SERVICE and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Janice and Robbie of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pym of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. RputlY visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elgin McKinley of Zurich.. A number from this cermlitin, ity attended the Korean. Orphans Choir program held at Beal Technical School, Sunday after- noon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques of Zion. Misses Shirley Jaques, Elsie Miller and Barbara Hern of Zion, Marilyn Johns and Janet Skinner spent Friday evening with Miss Margaret Johns. The Eliniyille YPU held their meeting on Sunday evening with Frances Skinner in charge of the program. Mr. Delmer Skin- ner gave the topic on "Citizen- ship". Rev. H. Wilson gave the Bible Study. The Elimville CGIT will hold their meeting at the church on Sunday evening at 8 pm when they will entertain their "Senior Secret Pais". The second euchre party of the Elimville WI will be held on March 7 at the Elimville Hall. Miss Betty Ann Stephen re- turned to her duties in St. Thomas General Hospital on Sunday after visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen. Mrs. Delmer Skinner atten- IMMIIIIIIL. Another great Sealy buy! Sealy changed the cover and PHONE 98-W Be Thrifty - Go Locker your authority has many good accomplishments to its credit in all fields of conservation," he said. "This authority is the only rural authority which has en- tered into an agreement with the federal government for the con- struction of a dam." Chairman Hodgins, in his op- ening remarks, called 1962 a year of activity and progress. "Our responsibilities are be- coming greater everyday. Con- servation activities r e qui r e more time and more money." tions, The authority formally adop- ted a levy of $23,102 on water- shed municipalities. The figure is about 10% higher than pre- vious years but did not increase to the extent that was antici- pated at one time in the budget considerations. Two new fields of activity were suggested at the meeting and referred to advisoryboards for consideration. Forester John Fingland, Ayl- mer, suggested the tree plant- ing assistance program be ex- tended to include fence row and of the pa.storal survey preject. The church year.closed with satisfactory financial balance. Sunday School effiCerS are: superintendent, Murray Chris- tie; assistant, Ross McPhail; secretary, Andy MacLean. Teachers, kindergarten, Mrs. Murray Christie; pri- mary, Mrs. Stirling Graham; assistant, Mrs, John Hocking; juniors, Mrs. Gordon Parsons, Mrs, N. Dow; intermediates, Mrs, Fred Johns^ ' seniors, Nor- man Dow; pianists, Beth Chris- tie, Verna Christie, Mabel Dow, Irene Park, Janice Christie, Doris Johns, Joan Dow; mis- sionary counsellor, Mrs. John Hocking. Three accidents reported in town Town police reported three accidents this week; Lloyd Simpson, 19, RR1 Ex- eter, struck a service post on Huron St. Sunday when he at- tempted to avoid a car being backed out of Lloyd Cushman's lane w a y by Garnet Shipman around noon. Damage to the Simpson car was estimated at $350 by Constable Lloyd Hod- gins. Attempting to avoid a cat crossing Main St. Tuesday, De- puty-Reeve Will i a m Musser struck a parked car, which had been operated by Mrs. Ethel M. McDonald, RR 1 Crediton, near the corner of Main and Huron, Damage amounted to about $100, according to Chief C. H Mac- Kenzie. Mrs. H. L. Sturgis, William St., struck the corner of a double-parked pickup owned by Donald Hooper on Main St. near John Wednesday. Constable Ir- win Ford said damage was slight. Arrest, charge former resident McGillivray township coun- cil postponed decision on a re- quest from the Lucan Recrea- tion Committee for a grant to- wards the proposed swimming pool in the village. A delegation from Lucan, composed of Scott, Carter, Simpson and Hill, explained to the council the plans for the pool, which will also serve as a reservoir for water supply re- quired by the arena in winter. The pool facilities will be avail- able to McGillivray residents. Council observed a minute's silence in honor of the late Henry Belling, who was reeve of the township in 1925, 1931 and 1934. Accounts included $265 for relief, $311.95 for nursing home care, $395.47 for Lucan fire area costs and one $4.00 fox bounty to Harold Thompson. Reeve Thomas Hall presided and Councillors Earl Dixon, Earl Morley, Grant Amos and Bryden Taylor were present. Next meeting will be heldMarch 3. Mattress or box spring, twin or full size Town Top i c Relatives and friends visited with 'Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner to celebrate her 80th birthday on Tuesday evening. IIIIIII111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111911111111111111111111IIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111. a Has all the features of Sealy's famous $5995 Health Flex mattress, with a new cover! Allan Simpson, 43, RR 1 Cambellville, a former resi- dent of Exeter was arrested by Exeter police Tuesday and pla- ced in Goderich jail. He is charged with false pre- tences in connection with checks and will appear in Exeter court, Feb. 26.Constables Hodgins and Ford arrested Simpson at a raceway near Milton. A car operated by Mrs. Lloyd Jaques, Woodham, was stolen from Main St. near the town hall, Thursday morning. It was found later parked on Main near John. Here's all the comfort and support of the fine quality Health Flex inner- spring unit at $20 off! Plus the luxury of a smooth button-free surface cov- ered by a new, durable 8-oz. woven stripe fabric. Huge Sealy buying power and stepped-up production for this sale allows you to save $20. Quanti- ties limited, however, so buy now! windbreak establishments. Reforestation chairman Wel- lington Brock felt plantings at the backs of farms would be beneficial to prevent winds sweeping through the f i el d s without obstruction. A dep't biologist, Lloyd Stock, Aylmer, suggested a pro- gram should be developed for cultivation of wildlife in the Sadler track in West Williams, which covers several hundred acres. Some pheasant develop- ment has been undertaken but it is too early to determine how successful it has been, he re- ported. Exeter representative A. W. Pickard extended appreciation to the Authority on behalf of the town for its assistance in the extension of Riverview Park through the acquisition of two more properties. Hodgins replied the project has the "full backing" of the authority. "We realize the need to assist municipalities in de- veloping parks for the future," he said. A. S. L. Barnes, chief of the conservation authorities branch of the Dep't of Lands and For- ests, lauded the Ausable's ef- forts. "Over the last 16 years, Ret rns for Sealy's 82nd Anniversary Sale • Come in today dam project INQUEST --Continued from page 1 after Cronyn was dead. Dr. M. Gans, who was called to the scene, testified that he arrived at about ,1 am to find Cronyn lying in the snow in a vacant lot opposite the hotel, covered with blankets. The in- jured man was then carriedover to the hotel on a board. He said that Cronyn was in poor physical condition, blee- ding from the nose and ears although still breathing and that he died 15 or 20 minutes after his arrival. Coroner Dr. J.G. Goddard, in explaining the pathologist's re- port, said Cr on yn suffered severe facial fractures and a deep concussion. The report also indicated the alcohol content found in Cro- nyn's blood was 1.7 parts per 1,000, the equivalent of eight or nine bottles of beer. Crown Attorney, W.G. Coch- rane, QC, conducted the ques- tioning and members of the jury were: foreman, Theodore Stein- bach, Zurich; Robert Rowcliffe, Hensall, Bert Nurden, Centra- lia; Elmore McBride, Exeter; Ray Guenther, Dashwood. IN N EY Furniture Plant Pride Hybrid Seed Corn. Have you heard of the won- derful crops of corn produced in this area for ensilage from Pride K 300 Seed? Also the large yields of shelled corn per acre from our Varieties. At Exeter Fair in ensilage corn Pride K 300 took first and third and third and fourth in field crop competition in a class of 19. We have a new blight resisting corn this year. Give it a try. Let us help you select the proper seed for your need. Phone 235-0173 Exeter HORACE PFAFF Authorized Dealer Exeter IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111i :ia,4i ora, UARANTEED VALUE! 5-Year 50,000-Mile Warranty on '63 DODGE ®I4WIDE *T.M. REG. T Freeman Hodgins, Parkhill councillor, was elected to his fifth term as chairman of the Ausable River Conservation Authority Friday afternoon. Mr. Hodgins, who said he Would have retired from the post under ordinary circum- stances, told authority mem- bers he wanted to seethe Park- hill dam project under way. "I know it is not the best policy to continue in office for too long a period but I feel I could be of service to the au- thority for another year". Three others were nomina- ted for chairman--Wellington Brock, Charles Corbett and Ro- bert Love--but they resigned. Mr. Love was re-elected vice-chairman. Mrs. Carl Hume was re-appointed secre- tary-treasurer. Members of the executive committee, composed mainly of advisory board chairmen, are John Stephen (finance), Blan- shard; William Amos (flood control) McGillivary; Jo s ep Bryan, (land use), Biddulph; Lorne Hay (public relations), Hensall; Wellington Brock (re- forestation), Usborne; Charles Corbett (wildlife), Lucan; Elgin Thompson (flood plain lands), Tucker smith; Edmund Hend- rick, Stephen; John McPhee, Williams East. The latter two were appointed because their municipalities are heavy con- tributors toward the Parkhill darn. By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE At the UCW meeting in the church basement last Tuesday Mrs. Ira McCurdy presented the study on Taiwan. Mrs. Don Brine led in the devotions assisted by Mrs. Nor- man Hazlewood. Mrs. Ted Ins- ley favored with an instrumen- tal. Final plans were made for a St. Patrick's supper. It was also decided to have a shower of articles to be sent to the port workers at Halifax for dis- tribution to the immigrants. President Miss Jean Cope- land chaired the meeting. There were 24 members present. Omitted from the list of prize winners at the ice carnival last week was the speed race for boys up to eight years of age, Murray Insley and Arthur Jans- son were the winners of this race. Mrs. J. Wareham was hostess for the meeting of the United Church Women of Zion. East on Tuesday afternoon. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morphy and Bradley were Miss Janice Webb of Hyde Park, Miss Eleanor Mort, Mr. Terry Gilbert and Nelson Morphy of Toronto. Miss Elaine Green of Grand Bend was a weekend visitor with Miss Doris Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack. Mr. Taeke Witteveenof Paris visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Witteve en and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Stead and Jimmy of Thorold were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson and family. MESSENGERS The Messengers met on Sun- day morning during church hour with 31 present. The theme of the meeting was Christian Giving. Mrs. Ken Parkinson read a story. Mrs. Ellis Stra.chanread the scripture study. The of- fering was taken by Debra Ja- ques and Julie Webb. Gordon Robinson gave a prayer, Jean- nette Hooper gave a piano solo, THE FIRST TI T CA TEST-DRIVE A '63 DODGE TODAY Discover for yourself why Dodge Sales are l Soaringl '0fitee;.'Hours' 9 12-Month or 12,000-Mile USED CAR WARRANTY With these Dependable Used Cars NOLINCEMENT WHITE OR YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURS K, A. Hammond Company Limited MOOREFIELD, ONT. is the leading Remington Rand Business equipment Centre in all of Canada. 1956 DODGE REGENT 4-DOOR, V-8 automatic . . . . . $595 1955 DODGE SEDAN, 6-cyl., custom radio . . . . $595 1961 FORD 1/2 TON EXPRESS, only 13,000 original miles 1961 F86 COMPACT OLDSMOBILE 4-door station wagons V-8 automatic, . $2295 1061 FORD TUDOR, V-8 automatic, .. $1595 1960 DODGE SENECA SEDAN, slant 6-cyl. automatic . . . $1595 1958 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, V-8 automatic . . . . . . . 4 i $1196 • Pittsburgh's first qualify interior latex paint ii Easy to apply • Completely weehehle e Brushes and rollers deed under the tap o Dries quickly Also Save on Matching Satinhide Mtn Enamel tali A WHITE NOW OR ag COLOURS A QUART EXETER MOTOR SALES CONKL N LUMBER CENTRE George 235..1130 235-1250 Fred Dobbs, prop. 131 Thames Road West, Ewe', Phone 285,1422 Electric, Standard arid Portable typewrite calculators, Adding Machines and Cash Registers. For ail your office needs, phone 3346 or write X.A. Ilarritnohd and Company Limited, Moorefield, Ontario, where sales and Service go together, For specials for the. Month and` lateSt local and world news; listen to C,X.N.t Radio every Wednasday morning at 8 A.M. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS The WA meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Carroll on February 14. The afternoon was spent quilting. A mystery prize donated by Mrs. Lorne Weiberg was won by Mrs. Hugh Davis, The roll call was answered with an article for the June bazaar. Following the quilting a short closing prayer service was held. Mrs. Karl We ib er g and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald assisted the hostess with refreshments. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. MauriceMac- Donald, Lucan, on March 1 when the World day of prayer ser- vice will be held. Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Lucan, Mrs. Jack Dinkins, Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. Heber Da- vis, Mrs. Tom Kooy and Mrs. Vic Drought, members of. St. Patrick's church, attended the dessert euchre at TrivittMem- orial parish hail, Exeter, on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson held a birthday dinner on Sat- urday evening for their grand son, Leory Maguire. Those pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Carol, Kenny and David, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, Leroy and Dennis. Mr. Cameron Davis is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital London but is improving favour- ably. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dinkins and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald were Wednesday evening guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and on Thursday evening the Macbonalds and Davis' visi- ted with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. The Children of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Latta, Clandeboye, were Friday night guests with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke, and girls Shipka were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, London, were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and boys spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall. During the University of Wes A. tern Ontario Winter weekend, Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Dobbs at- tended the school of ntirSing ball With ProfeSSor MacMillan and Miss Ruth Pittman and Dr, and Mrs. Bob Dixon. They were weekend guests with iviro and Mrs, Bob Magk, Guelph; arid took part In the university choir festival at McMaster UniVera sity, Mrs. Dean Gibson attended bridge Club parties at the home Of Mrs. Bill Ley on Tuesday evening and Mrs. Bob Pettolagan on 'Friday Oohing, fto