HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-29, Page 2Y '-fir •' 't '1 • .0 s e C WALES hilt as teed; sad • Mmes., his amM111- 90 Ila Nie► p4,4 YM 1111 i�t an.4 '..e4. , o1 tare maid. ••=3.990 } 41/40 net Ashy, bike /tin 'ami ace,?tapier 4 Jc... ;MAN I' with tem let ima 2,00 fees•sal of the led - Ne *the. moot spin s ly it ye sonata el ..reset. ''911Mwoiie the dead test) of the pl.m was swept by Oka l'eloocb cseam and matchers , which were a..weeed from time to loam lay teleyd's hsltery, yet sot freps.tly, for rapidly aid terrify did the temps rem forward to cane with their imams fees. Wheel t1e .2441 had got *Moms hiudred yards of the b. I. deli. Mak' of the ): ullai1ee, the collumas of cued lice to Howlett ; and as the roue mesa them et s s0eccsaion, they threw their hie at the 1cp of elm hank, where the beads of the Belem lAscnu'J be just wee, beach"' with A drove of eine pawed ilsrough their war to Sy large dr ore day have ere j au1114es. win bleb milltemea .ambers at perehened by owe delglielees. A *de etela1, sinks to be sit eeiw'iea this bead. A coteampoty] Reit: "Iaimease members of cattle sad sheep are being drivel' fres all parts of Canada, by American drovers, to the 1'nited Notes. (hie of these a gen- tkmes" was oserlaken 11 (Jek Post, N. Y., sad bad le peed back as leas a masher than 40 ..twee and lamhe, wlock be had aot honestly come by. ('anadiaa farmers eam sot be tem coolants with these gentry. It is generally they who spleed ae mush counterfeit America* money.Dwredea 11 order. A L . Sea are oohed 1y oho *reelect wr,_lk '- a bodge GM Met over SO N.00I t high t• mope to perm' is Wee se prate imiller and ere hie Ors t* the SOO. TW Oat ler that purpose wee fee Iotet.)y roweled WW1 a reek twig deem the water, sed seedy s tbe m ler el the 81 mos- This as IMJue of the oar. but sties ilea binge without a drew. must sUetcb 414 test la Odds shore, and 860 Ica ether, et the height of at Meet ens butd:ed feet shove the Goa. Mi.H. deusil, sod then under as sepwtoresdeeme wee...truct.d ibis work, whteb pommels to stand a sao°a- esot 10 perwse15055, under d611seltlee ib. most dibeerteoieg, .ail to eadilar) minds iseurmwotabte. To tb:s work be beaten, u the sheer element of oecesee he lawn geoi us sed amine, to those be aided 1,000mee, for warm cettamee were built don the &bore, se the labour of years wait before them. It a to be limit on the &bees, floated ee the warm ad then raped perpe.dscularly, an/ stretched bort- zoatally fro. land to lead, -can it be dowel The world sod woe tura wed -no! tic cool° sot be dor s; and it would fall of its Own weight if it were dune. The mho cal •eaeee. pulled 0e the mighty werk.- Platee of iron were riveted together cad a tube. Dot round, as moat p-•ople suppose, but square, ur rather ractaseuiv, beteg thirty feet bighead fourteen feet wide is built: the labor of this army ezteoded through four and a half years. Two wa- llops of rivers bald these tion elates In Ibetr le..eious gnep, and the tebee ars no len Cha ,levew thousand three hoodred aid sixty tows weighs! During throe year., II me shores preroled the busiest and the meet teems, of peaceful 'mooed - They did not break of their owe weight - they did sot bend! But would they bear Ibe praisers of a loaaed true lbuoderieg over are awful ehasmi-or would the masa el tree crush or fail to ruins, Irks a rani world, when the fir.t train of ears, with ue living burden, should trust itself on the treacherous bridge. The train Ira ready, mot soh a burden of livene ruin aid for ironies, to re-eovct i1, Nurr.alk tragedy, .0 event that di/Mopes our couet,y la European eyes but loaded with iron soil Wooer le four Il.es the wergl.t of any trete that world ever be required to pans over the tre.bIwg,truet.re. Mr. Stephenson, t I r •rrlivecl, mous the Locomotive, him self the only eagrmeer and sol,tary pepsins ger• On he moire, and racb,ag midway of the longest tube, he arrests the tram mid pauses there, that the leanest pressure may s: ooee be (ear, and the grind experi- ment be tested once for ell. 1t was not a ram' sad bur bravoed feat. II wee the calm confidence of a man of ealculatioo, who ahorn what he was doing, and 11.t be wap ur cafe. '1'r.e eaten( of that lung line, with ee tt,e tt?nendous weight to shah it was A lt'o+oDxNet L MACHINE -Mr. Menai migrate, the nines staling he has got a gg machine from America which will " not (tela games over the levelled matcblucks. "s11 do ply, chegdy, and a ieelly easel• fire dins was still iacoe,pkle, when vale nod pulterise i1.e soil, but at rte same leer voice of Aur ge"'arra, ..brill and clear' rr mow the seed ar:d leave all in a finished • was beard along the hue come aedieg the `f rmditir a. 11 will also, by n simple iprrr- elm rge. Then rose the British sbvut,the sloe, cut sed gnther the corn without Pay runs forms. J wtu po,aioa, I rake or other ebmpltealion; while both in Eng i gibe were the iafir try doted npou the Fullailles aibltivbli5a Bbd bervrshng us orent,c u wit' with a atm,rod rushed up the slops,., bank. ha o.etiwssad wtlbwta stoppage." He 7'le kb -1°° tri karts( Lb.ir I•atdrlotks weigh tbout etnlyl maim nty-five w., laid ready in rest along the sua:uwl, matted weitth about twenty to treaty -bre cwt., lentil the aasaifaota were etitlru beets ;arils will regales a aur of horses. and wwU repre- ere their volley woe cratered ; the rapid 'e'mt Ibepower of about sheat to twelve, or }ace of 11e British, sod the MUnpoess a more real horses. 7 -Le implement nl- rhe- a, slope ou Ur uuids deceicsd i air aim, ap ging will require e man and one booyy only only aid the eaecut,un was but great; the neat Mclediag the management of the ',teem en- alornettt tar 2204 were on ere top of the, gine, in reaping the same. with the addition LA, Ibiukiag 10 bear doves all Lefote of three men to hind as ibe corn falls into therm, but they staggered book is awes- their areas. '1 tie mea will be carried o0 the Miert al 1'.e forest of swords waving in machuoe." their frust ! '1'L•ick n staudiu3 cora, and tq.orgrous as a fwld M lowers, stood the Fitt -'Lha i° ILeir many coloured gamest• oi.4 turbaprt; they filled the bread deep bed of Ile FYllriilie, they clustered oo both he*, ..041 covered the plain heyosl Igeardiug their heads with their dark s ttll, they Nook their abarp weeds, boo.- istg in thc the their abouts rolled lite it peal of 1h 1der, as walk frasIlc statures AI' rebbed forward, awed fuel agawst the . of the 212ad dashed with dens uaiee strength rad ferocity. But with shouts a A late Dublin parer contains the fallow- lostl, Aced shrieks as wild sod farce as ing advent: watat:--^'I'okl,Ole upper part theirs, and 'Warts as big, and dins as v.( a cellar to a *mall family rent low. -- tittering, the Irish reef them with that queen ! I'. S. 1'risdege oo the .ids -wart for • pig. of weapon Me musket, and rent their fireboat nasees reeling back m blood." OOs'traeige enmwgb, Aft. Maraeley, when ha office, did not appreciate his worth; bet it did not escape Lord John Rowed; snit 11e Luke of \1'elliwgtow mild the fallowing tribute to Lis military eke; :- - Sat Cbsrk•s Nepter's morels upon Emaum (:Lae is one .1 she most corinon military feats whkh I have ever known to be be fertormed or have ewer perused an - account.' a in wry 11(e. He mitred bis enrols thrctgh the desert artiste boatiie forces; Le had his guns transported anter eiresmetai:ees of extreme difficulty, and in t► meaner dee utast ettrsordinarc, and he este& • retreat et!** enemy which ren- dered it imprwaible ewer to regain their present rook aoea." I.ids other seen of warm and strong feelteas, be had ardent antipathies: rud the Turk hail his most deetded abhorrence. 111 ears offered to head the army for the iadependeaee et (:neer ; bat 14. (;reek e' mmol. e m I.( oil. 11 Olt rtiued ars serf iced.. Ile had been employed on a -erre, mili- tary mission to Ali, l'acba n( Yoanins, wbo coaserhed hien 114 10 operations against the forces .1 ile forte then tweneeing the I'acbalic. ' Gire see,' acid Napier, ' the selection of your troops and cue of etre sod:rens in your coffers., and in sit weeks I will place you in the seraglio, 5ul'an of Constantinople, if you declare the Chris- tians free.' 'fl:e l'acha liked the proJ,ctl 'o lkr bright ere flashed, and attentively exatoined the details of ar- ller procd breast heaved- rangrment, but he would not give the tree- Iter cheek's hue came and went." sure! Oue month afterwards he offered as she heard teat disparaging remark; but two mihicu• !TLe early was- - ••1 'alai like • true Woman she nursed her wrath and until the following morning, when the bane- fd spirit oI wounded pride prompted her to commit an act which, for the honor and dignity of Ibe set, we hope she sincerely regrets. Report tear that I eying procured a row -hide, Mies Termite assailed Mors Paris on the street, and horse -whipped her, to tree amazonian style. The latter subse- quently went bt.lore • magistrate, and en- tered a cotnplaiut against the former for assault and battery; the &salt of which was that Miss Toronto was fined $3 and costs. So ended one of the most extraordinary scenes *l.at has ever happened in this sec- tion of tie ronnity. like have supprrased the names of the young ladle•, bet we m,y add that both are highly respectable and be- long to bat is commonly denominated "t be upper ten. L LGLTAnt.L UICT.-As animal diet,es- 'rectally in temperate climates, is mote west- ing than a vegetable, because it tactics by ihs stimulating qu.lities, a feverevery meal, .by wh.cb the springs of fife are urged into crtnetaat sed weakening exertion.; en the Ile eoearery. a vegetable diet tends to pre- serve a delicacy of feeling a fireliness of tmagieatwa, and an seuteoese of judgement seldom enjoyed by throe who live principal- ly re meat.-- limit f,r Ile alt/i. TORONTO LA'IMES IN"TI1E COUN- TRY. The Brantford £lrpositw is answerable foe the foloaieg:- J LBTu L.--Slercy on us, Mr. Coatable what will this age cane 101 (, oNSTApr L.-1\ hal will it come to in- deed, if wets nese° as thoseare not set in the stacks' ! (Life of a woman of fathion. A short time sieve, a young lady frt.m l'oroato, rich in every grace which can adorn a cite bele, visited Paris, and cre- ated quite a aeusaticu among the vulnerable bachelors; as well as ala slush einuu01 of jealousy among the village beauties. Miss Toronto's favorite ammu,eenent was riding on borseberk, where, like Peggy " is her tow locked ca,'sM" ataetlblered hearts" by the dozen. We are not sure that she sat ca her palfry with that majestic gtaee- fuluess, or wac.ged him *Oh Ilot unrivalled 41111 00 beautifully portrayed by (:race Greenwood i° Ler vied descriptions o Southern female egeestrwei bet eerisiaf it is that one day last week white enjoying a tide. not we presume unaccompanied, a village Leah' gave espresston to her feelings' respecting the tale equestrian, ie tones load enough to resole that hady'a ear. It is need- less to say that the '1-urks are In the I•;iulian mountains! you ar•1 lost: 'f 1.e" nil,er, Ali, gave up Lot life and his matey together." • A Cheam POACH (NOVA LD. -Mr. • Batckare of tit" Ohio Cultivator, has recent- ly had ..n opoor dandy of examining a leach urohard art out east years ago by • Me Da- vie, c* dlilferd, Clement eouote, Ohio - 1e. Dateless toys it is the 61eit fruit he reser saw. Ove bi:adr, d acres of ground aro cowered with ten throsesed peach trees. In 1baN, they averaged uoe kasket, or three el:rulers of . Lesko.' per tree, *Web Imo itglrt km tea tionesand dollars. 'T Lis paid ter 1 is Ie:r,d aa,: ;reef aid s°methtng t0 spare. Lust year there tan no init. This year tom seeregaareebuskers 10 atree.- i nay nesdi!y sell from $1 2;e to $1 50 per bated. 'ale.; snip of Obis u.•on will bring Lts.$30,,G4A), with a net profit of $25,000. GIRARD: hLtor:rtILD(AS iAVI'L.-On 7u1t'wlar al' esteeuise vele teak place et Deiy's hotel, whew a heels amber of ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA. Prime Lower. --.Tae Reatera Qweeelew C r,s,tled.---tare.,-. Government Bar - lair Urates.---D1.areve lin rhe Kerma* t'errN.rle.. New Yolk, Sept. 22, 9 P. M. The strams!'ir Afrrea, with three days Q.rll41ieg lean, situated bo Peter Csrro'I' later news from Europe, aniccd at Mer farad, heal Ilse property of J. 1', and Joh" dock at 8 o'clock Itis evening. She Attila,. of l.00 ,,i,e end inger•eolI. ',lel b. inns 135 pasaeoeers. sttir•Cs: cur wan (noel oad the "tackling spirit- 1 LIVERPOOL MARIt MTS. --Cellos dull, ed. 1 he MEb•st Pei"' reached was £19' prices favor buyers ; quotations about the It`s., sod 41. lowest £8 10'. per 'acre, 'he! atom ; sales of ti,e week, 32,500 bales. sewage 14 27 Lets being a1EI4 Its. The fal4yeTOtrs-Iacket lower is the early ropers, 441o1rd oh the Gra"' Mot! part of the week, but had partially talieel shoos the Arelit's sailing, but eloued at a iecliae ons the week of 3J. 0e wheat, and d a Is ons fiuu -, w it1 fair sales. Indian oro 61 dearer, and free euquirr. Itwrh- ardsoe h Brothers quote white Wheat al ilie ad a 8 8d ; red, 7e 10 a 8s; Caspdian 4d a 8. 64. Western Canal Flo.*' 28s f 29s ; 13alrrnvore, 29s 6d a 29e 841: Phi- ) delplita, 29. a '29a 64 ; Ohio. 20s 64; -IrI GAAIDTat 0.t AMA LGAMATI05. stIOlir 26o 6,1 a 26s. talon Corn, yellow, e Ivan flat .laskaoaht:e .are sneak- Sts 14 • 33,; *kite r acaree sad 1,e44 •1 doe. Dsmmistoe a Co. emote 6d. per 4.11 ogee the obese prices. LIatecOOL Pao - •.tors. --Beef without improvement ; mks moderate et raceme retro. Mori* dnug in (NIA at homer gtotarioa; stork dimenmhlag. Beene ueehasged end starter mad 1 shoulders ewe hewed. Orem Mee dy ; tkemad at tuN teem 1.oed, smell bminee@ dace; sleek is few head% cobs al 58. • 60a Nee dle fi dblesive en 1M Turkish gees ties The M.✓t► reply ree4d eat ervw,e by teeder'br ata. data, ley 16 ; east the feat tkaelt/SYt- to ealegeoph • reply tic- re obi k.N mamma se.- - ,lgmd me , *hi 41x11 she I MMO sed' team limit anew», may time, ..boot one node distant tens the centre of the lilts.'. tie I Lral of the Lot. are well wooded, auJ supplied with excellent watey 7'le antra',• piece 114 10a. elsarly Anon flet proper al Ingersoll, like at ether p 4.partaking nl tie gems( ere M ,--I4-e,- I1 Chronicle. tog a despera•c (-fort to effect a. atomis w- atto• wish SW (:real Wester*. It is said that steYe,r_s_ went homethe 1y the lad strainer to the Ywr(lith rbarrbolders of IM Great ‘Casters of a very liheral character, riff., 1. flea deep sNeb ''}..lb Gr and Tyre to the *poem a( /130 fpr amegaplff I ie the 4• W..te,R' . Ott is o 4141 that Me. 81ep 5rat1. bee proaosmeed sgshed nbe at- 1empt of the t+++a Tema* tees, the Geept Wasters of dm trick, Ierujt g tl:e former vie • agsreloor.w The letter Gets ay sine peselesrta far statement of facto tojr Ili for ate saint un-� The a I emelt Oast the was b j.g ears. ♦p was gloat is Freaee except some issigsii-art rata The Emperor was MAIM Dieppe Navigalios dues were repakd to De- cember, ere all vessels paasteg tel Fremob riven or cabala with cors. The Robina Territories Irene is a die. Imbed slate ; the ao.ial cause being t` tfiksrt.em of food. The fageereag s the latest from the se seed .datio. of Ne Lomb. Thaws, d Fnd.y :-" It r rumoured boa Paris, op the authority of tee Revise Ambassador, that the Cate will refuse to accept the tore d,&atioss comaag directly hoes the Porte" the armee Anwar. W ashi agton, Sept. 43. The Intefhgencer of ilia atarsieg main- laina the correctness of its statement re- garding the act of Fraser Cod E.gla°d is Ibe Kosta affair. New Yoat, Sept. 23. Metropolitan Hall war crowded lest night r n the occasion our the Ingraham lea- fimnnials. Speeches were made by John P. Hak, C. E Burr, and others, and let- ters were received from Ed. Everett, T. F. Meagher, Mayor Westerv:ll, sad others. 11e War was Weatee. ' New f)RLGANa, Sept. 23. We have Brownville dales to the 20th ult. The Flag contradicts the report *boat war, and says, there bas been no eoneeslratioa of American Caret, and that no Mezirans le d been ordered out, and that more friendly rctaikns between the two sidei of the Rio Grande could sot exist. Ndetra---Falls.re of (i* Viaes. New YORK, Sept. 23. Corn. Vanderbilt's team yacht Xortle Star arrived here Ibis morning. having left Mattern cn the T2th telt. She reports that the Grape Vies in Madeira are es- tirely destroyed by the blight. New Jersey Governor. Tax1Tt e, Sept. 23. The Democratic Stat, Convention no- minated Rodman M. C hrost nn the 6tb ballot as their candidate for Gorernor. FURTHER NEWS BY THE AFRICA, GREAT BRITAIN. Nothing whatever in the putitical word excepting a proposed meeting between Al Disraeli and his ccnstituerts. A pull meeting in favor of the Batlot had bee held at Seutbamptoe. fbe Board of trade returns for tl month ending Aug. 5, bad just been pu lisped, end exblbi•ed a continuance of t national rrosrrrly. As compared with t correspc.di•g period of 1852, they show au increase of l 1,405,918, in the declared value of exports, Ate increase being large- ly it the articles of Australian cosump- nan. (.eo. Sir Chas. J. Napier had been burl at Portsmouth, with all the honours di to his rant and set vice. Nearly 30,000 prints soldiers.nirght and oblatned fear to attend the funeral. A 1ria1 a1 maple machine. ho, bee reek at ei Briley; the first prize was awar- ded to liell'a and the second to aleCor- mick's against 21 competitors. Smear Mariano Torrent° writes a letter to the Lcudmm Daily Hews, of the i IL inst defending Captain -General Caned° fronton participation . m the Coban e lace -trade. Senor 7'orreatesays he it now writing a book which will quite exculpate the Cartons - General, sad w,H also show what is to be dcoe with elle blares in Cuba. This valu- able work will be read in a few days. The Britoil ship Rebecca, from Lon don Dec. 2. for Sydney, had been wrecked on the west coast of Australia. 'The sur- eivors of the crew were picked up by an exploring rorty, alter 23 dap' sufferings, ou an uninhabited coast. They are now agitating in I.ondoa far a system of street railway otrurbues. 'Sonic inrportatons of bale cordage bad taken place at Soullampton from India. The artic:e is admitted duty free. A call of .E-2 per sbare bad been made on the (clam .k) shores of the St. Andrews and (,urbec Railroad, payable the 30th instsut. TLe English papers copy from the Amer- ican journals, and publish, with every ap- pearance of interest, Lord Joh. Russell's and Mr Cnn.plon's enrre.poodeuce res- pecting the tripartite guarantee of Cuba. Although It was knows such • proposal lad been mede the documents are quite new to the Briti-h public, and. iodeed, •ecus to excite conaidetable a►tonsl none. The flipper -ship Son. of the Seas was Jelatted a day, and did not sail from Liv- erpool until atternoon of Wednesday, 7th. A new Clyde iron clipper, the Gauntlet, 693 Ions sailed fro,: London, Mowday 5th, for Australia, and *made to ince the SOs- creigs. 'I Le clipper Guiding Star had been chartered for Australia for £12,000, one of the highest freights erer gives from I.iverpool. \E•NICE. The Venice official Gazette coetrndeta the rumours of searcily, and says that so large a quantity of cera has arrived at Venice, that the authorities are at a Imes where to stow it. NAPi.Es. 'Twenty two *acid persons have been eoedemned t° death an rtmtrsarte-uans tee the part they took m the rrrolutiee of 1511 May, 1848. PRUSSIA. The Preemies Booed of Agvteekore has published a eireelar. whereto it is stied that than is no fotandaei.s whatever der apprebeeatoa of a daatb of eons. The officio/ report stares 41st the rye aarree ie t he Province of Pilaw, with the e►eeptae. of the L'tMhaaa districts, is Pe.eee, Brnn- deeberg►, awl the alias, a good, Bbd la Some daatriets abusl ol; that in Beesley, Helms, sad Nether/ metre rate, k in asil- Misgi sed that it is •sly m Westphalia, Upper Pomersaia, sad Lithol'ia, where abet j.tisliles are apprehended. The reports of the wheat assent are rgniar--U•t witi th �r- ease, m Weelpkle at la mvwe, tart w Pemiewes Sem MaseIamr Meeo rye. ahey Upper memo an`' of of m Aamese, lapsr rsonlrt■ia, 1�wbm►tt ell K tl lreelia. ,s- aoYga m tlttlw disletets tie heals leto lied off thee emelt pmt N. die tap i.. also ccamyted ravages ie some dirkieta, priocipady is the prof aces of Pres- ets. SPAIN. • e heelew Plane Beale A Madrid curreepaadeet of the Lo°doi. Morning (**roveicle, welsh% of date 1st tasted, nays tbet the gneepoa a to tel re-, ceptiou or sop -reception of Mr. ; outs a Mosler of the 1.3 ailed Si...., lea beet much agitated at the Spanish Court, awed'' the accounts of los proeeediags had bee. much couemeoled era. It was believed the Sparer► Court world offer ne objecties to his receptiou a Americas envoy, but if soy passage in hes address op preaesliugt his credentials can be found fault with, it will be seized as au opportunity to dismiss him. M.. Soule, the writer adds, will, at beat tied his position a difficult one. AUSTRIA. The Austrian t;overume.t has lust pub- lished an cicial report Oa the result of the harvest. The crops were satisfactory ins the Tyrol and kipper Ausiria, middling is Car°iota and Austriao Silesia, good in Mo- Mo- ravia and Buckovina, and very fur s the Dulcby of Cracow. The reports from Hungary, Galicia, Tonylvaiaa, Lombardy and other parts of the empire, had not bees received, but there was reason to believe that, villein( being a abundant u could he wished the result watt' satisfactory. GREECE. The retreat E.rta•o.Iss at Thebes. 11 a bate further detaik of the rectal earthquake at 'Thebes. 'Ile towu, or rather tillage, was built partly of stole houses, which were all pew, sod partly of old houses of wood sad brick.. All were more or less injured, the loaner bavisg bete completely .Laken ►r' pieces, and the latter having been rendered ur:ioI,abitabk. Ele- ven person were killed, and eighteen were rescued from the falba rotas. The survi- vors were encamped ins the open air, aid were suffering from want of water, the earthquake ging dried up the welle. Se- venteen villages in the vicinity of Thebes as far as Platea, had partially suffered, awl ne or two houses fell at Chalkis. '1' rocks continued for some days, one to tau' lacks within the twenty-four hours. PEItSIA. • . Ware Tiowble.. Via St. Pelcrsb.rge it is staled that t oubles excited by the• auatieal reel of t sl sh tr Babis, who sometime' mace attempted r. assassinate the Shah, still continued The In lately spread • report that the shah dead, which His Majesty found N sec ,0 sary to contradict, by maks. a public pr b- wenade, accompanied by the Court he through the bazaars and principal streets he of bio capital. Several a the Babes were ea arrested and put to death by torture, presence of the people. RUSSIA. Chmtera la Awes--D1.reesese* net 6.1*. ed Kana letters stale that cholera w d !• making great inroads in Busaia, especial to the osoulheYa Provinces, where la e bodies of troops were stationed. 1t ha also made its ap;•earanee at tarot, ['mu n of the 11outier 01 1.3514:11 t:alheta. A letter flub Irkutsk, July i, publish/ in the Journal de St. Petersburg, roe tires the daaeovery of several rich a Placers oa the right bauk of the river Le- os, betweeu abs localities where its eo heats, the Vitae and (likes, fall into i 'fbuesaods of diggers are there at pr sent, prolisiocs for their use being broug at bigb paces, from Irkutsk. In 1b.1 some rich diggings were fouud near t mouth of the river OIekma. The frigate Liana. and the brig Pad biz, hare sailed from Crorstaut to rein force the Russian squadrou in the Japa seas. '1 be rquadrou now numbers fir vessels. An army 01 sit thousaud me was this summer collected at Irkutsk, the ealrepot 01 liuvias commerce with Glu se, tea Misdate. ,It Ira, asserted Cha these troops wale destine) to keep wore os the uadefe•ded frontiers of the Cbwese dominions. LATEST. there subjected, was Lew than half an inch' , The experiment was tested. It cat five r Alcon. ofd -11,r., and that was cheap. 1 le walked !berme, tri sod then by a fl,gbi of Darrow steps acceded to the top, and 111. walked out o• that int root uoo■ mares the .1,..e souse: and ■Dee 1 saw the power a'ham coseaunaeed plates et was ,mpoa- eible to bsee tee 'einem of fear: I feel are the structure eel eland le! sume eons ruletbe of news. Antes the sea and to was es. D- earth. THE QUEEN AND RR. D%RGAX. One of the moat plcaeing incidents coil see/N arra .be vI.it of the Queen to 1rr- lead r the 'fiercer; between the clews sed Mr. Dungan, towboat, muaeflcence I.e•' land u indebted fur the proaent ladoetral a Exhibitive Asir being held in D,.blrn. The 1y Dubai "Freen,an'■ Jooroil," a repeal age paper, thus eloquently deacrrbr. it:. ,1 Theerown,og set --bit which gave a is meaning, ande-,puteore to tt,e vocal ti -,c ant allilr irc,dcnlr-ser, incur m rd, ,t,. d grectou•, the medal, the emu!' affrcuon. ate recepucn wbich the ereate,t monarch o- so.. to bit greatest rubj.d whew bre wag old yesterday presented by her minister. Pur- a -dome gay* way Ion the ;orient before the instinctive impulse of * women pots - sewed of ia'elteet to ifrderetand, and of heart to appreetele, the errnal sernere renderrd so the cause of progress by the a- t. e- 11 man in whose presence alis then was - It The cordial grasp of theatre -the arm evo- ke boat d by tod,.alry-iodinated what a ea ex- • p d ,n word• not mutat for the politic - ear;.but .o one who war clues, enough to observe the evictor's, cf the crowned Moe- n arch, es she :embed lips* the rntr'led sub- s jest by wanes mu„mleent ;seriatim the temple re n'.icb 6b0 then stood Ira rs,red, ° rootd fail to we that the Queen lett that a mat man was there, and that feeling re, - .he siva deruroiio before that august awes t b1, of her people to mark her appreciation b of his character and of hie service. The rmpufsrve cheer that buret from ail aroond as us Queen thug pressed the arm of Wel- ham Dorgan thawed that Ihoee vibe wit - mewed n apprec.ated the compliment pend to tan mase the compliment paid to the cottony, and It. bomage pad to tedestry in the person of the great apostle 01 leans. One other incident occurred re the afternoon perfume still more indicative of the p• rnoee of the pretest visit of 11e Queen, W• do not desire to mtradspryngly into the Pei- vets proceedings of the wversign: but we cu hardly look upon the visit with which the Queen yesterday bosoured Mr. Bargee at 1.,. private residence as can tbae a pub- lic reeegnaion by the Sovereign that ie- dn.try-let net rI'brr esti of labour -is en°bling sal list she, at tweee whatever an inert enotnersey, generated is corruptors, sed uccoeacious of the value of bonne la. Dor, may think, respects see bosoure %bow wbo hring by industry promote it, extend it, refuse to rarer themselves from it, sal becomes tbe ape.tte of ied.an.l di'.Iope. meet 111 the bot messes/ elevating the na- tion ted gf.ieg moommity to the p00011. - Tb. hoarser paid to e. Demme by rbre act of royal favour wbo ire epoch es lbs pro- gress of the ago. It was the first visit ever pad by oho gnome Io .a °strtled subject._ To him it was • high and honouring the- tnelloe. Ilia coentrrmen of every clam won with oho accord scent it a a eatt..- al eempbta0t, white every maw wbo hy*s by 1 be Garro of bet brew will feel a sew tmp.la spnag sp aiihie bee from the toe sereeeseee 11 will import that labour is 00 Mager told to bo dishonouring -Ow ra- west. domed to date* and to earls byre bees swarded by the Quer' to the family of • mea wboes presnst pe.etioe of. pee. .niece is dee is ba eeaeeettes will /o- boe*. The Cw rotate* ti.-Twrkl.* Mesa. We give the folbw,og important dis- patch from a second edition of the Losdoe Times: Paa,e.%-It was positively stated to- day, ("fborsday, the Sib) at the Ituaoan Embassy at Perim, that the Emperor of Ragusa had refused to ase pt the mode"- catlows. /t was added, that whits the F_m- peror was informed that the Porte had 'mo- dified the . note of the Vitae coefer'esee before accepting A, he observed, I0 • tone of much moderation, that be world wil- lingly rake concessions for the express purpose of meals; the wishes of the Eu- ropesa Powers, but be would oat amm'-LS himself in- the eyes o1 the world by sub- mitting to propositioos proceeding direct from the Sultan." it was also arreterted that Napoleon had slated that be would not go to war at pre- sent, in the present *caraty of lord among his people. 1I: SU LADX;E. The tubular Bridge • Lich cro.eee 'ala Slone of Menet, Thee oatrwg Ibe fa:..d of Asglr.ea in the Irish coo with the wearero cwt of Wales, e • remarkable enterers, iamb hen attracted great nt.eateon among rimmed eagtaeers. Astir. Slepheseew,ws dfai.gotebed rwch4eet Maw ie saw Pre- .infa• slid p.rpaeae 10 tametraet s assns Midge for the Grad Torch Railwaj ammo the Ht. Laureate* of Mei treat, the (elbw• beg d..ertpties by the Rev. W. Priam, one of tel rdnor• of this New York '•(W s,,'' sow tnPSWwt to Doeepq may Mama war readers. Set there was •othiag of ist.reot 10 speak of WI wo seam to tb. TobYke Sligo' ever► No kiwi /knits. Title 1 terra, Ola the 5y*.Uet aaehental weeder of she t world. and A mrr •Mast.ea of et bed bees gror whew en& rig am wee, grapate da ereimier a oro have b01 el le, my wwwiker gad ploOMIns wept g, icy twevereed whew 1 seals Nam at. Themes mem* .M5ogb the robes. Mi.em helloed fad thirty bets tenth, tied we Oral wether emearlet Sao thea et M.Mn: rbr.wgh • ay em her *500,4 beide, bit no saw maim mashed ' fa.l to and wteta owe* +WR moot I.t Mge 1 alar ar/MiMb (g �d third mama semis s+w.nte, m., haw Yeas, 94 Seri. .a. The Cmitte feeble Newall asef Aos- tioe Nae closed (heir Ohms. sed p.hheb tel result of the srbole amount c04vo; • mownbmownreimi by them wee $57, 000, o1 eats* New Yolk eeser+bo- S1o,oco, Bootee hi 0,0911. Prawidesee S3.•00. The .Mewter "Tr•ekhs " der lleede&e .,,d Sembmptee,mitaMr Liverpool wilb,t01 posses' s. mod $1150,00* to epee*, Ahem Ite eagles Meter§ yesterday, !i, a trial e4 es - tem. A ateliertie ► en Shied for • a (.R Karel sell G re., mesial the Wee •reed, cadb d 1 M (art e. r ., Trierelfa.Otlt/.ria>S 54 ms.Se IVAmoose, IN lupe. papers ofll'buraday last as the aura.fsuu'ael the alb at. The perm emotes tes the Muth of Team Crewe hi eke molest. 1 be order leg et troops to *siva speeds frowns 1.d sire- claimed o-cl isatd meek ',moieties la Texas. The Son Aatoua "Ledge," says that • somber el.traege Redcoat', plat arrived. are busy b.yteg up 511 shooter, eel there e • nmuor teat • bade of aleht hominid Mexicans are stationed es i1. Ergo Grande °wraith L..redo. Gen. Ujhaay ha/ arrived at Cartoon. A large ship, botrote on, appareetly,t*' ropes., wu lately Gets oft he mouth of IM drains. Portlier adder's from Mea,co, coa6rtuteg the tercuriey of Santa Aona'a governu.rol, are published. The :lowborn papers continue to record serious damage to the cotton crop by heaty 1110., Later trona Tema ---Teo swielesis a, Crews, NEW OaLaats, tl Sep. Advice' from Galeeatoo on to the 19th anoouuce that a report was current that Major Arnold, esmmanr'ant at Fort Worth w.t recently killed by Dr. !limner, the Fort Surgeon, is • personst eDemintcr. The accounts of the grow leg crops are georraby favorable; sllbeugb there are some compleuls of ibetranges of tie cat- erpillar. The &teoppts of the crops ie Texas are favorable Tao Ie.aa FW at berries•.. SARATOGA, Sept. 11, 1853. The entratleea of stock, &c , for the Fair thus far have been very good Some thirty hors'., and over sixty cattle, were entered yesterday. The weather to da)J was cold end rainy Bon. William C. Rives, of Virginia, is to deliver the annual address on Friday The display, of stock, dcc . upon the ground has never been excelled since the organization of the State Fair The time for entry of articles for exbibitiou has been extended by the committee till this evening, Wed- nesday in consequence of the rain of yes - day and the exhibition will continue on Saturday, instead of closing on Friday evening. . Mevewe.le lie Flier" ity..dy*. I'oa-aaount, Tuesday Sept. 20. Orders bays been received here for the sloop of war Cyane to premed tic tsbington, the steamer Fulton Philadelphia, and the steamer Priuoet to Norwalk. Marche Db.ateas. BolTon, Sept. 20, 11+53. The bark John Winthrop, arrived th morning from Constantinople, repor -Sept. 6 experienced a severe hurries from 8. W. to N which blew away wine sails, among others the close reefed mai topsail, and threw the bark on her baa ends The wind, shifting to the nort knocked her off before the sea when th bark scudded before it for three hour the water blowing all over her. Ou t 15th and 16th experienced heavy gal from the west Uo the 19th, off Ca Cod, was in contact with the brig Ma carrying away her jibboom sod bowspri d. C10CIRai les1... ,. two M .akilar Ms 11'iis.e., sl' Mac- gaeta sad 5.t Mar, 71a hie of Skye e mato melee Mom pad Truly he ialab trete aro • wondrous pee.. rel. It May be emoilitrd that the is the Mstb-pibee of CYilleollia, the celebrated hero seatioaed is Omits% mase.' t.4 As the Bre.Id.rd caul 4la.Ht.s huge ea. 0e els way to the (emu (eplace, ea Sa- turday aerator, ream g,a resedum occultist The driver t• endeavoring to Tats a couple of loaded teams, about sight noire tram herr, torpid out a holo 100 far sod the coach upset. It Ira lull of pa._ Or eeigers at the me, wary cal ahum were ,'lured• Mr. Cheeney, the express agent, MSS badly her., the stage Weer fele. ep- os ha.; std tel driver, w, regret to ray, bad bee erre brokers. The paeseomen, re eoo.eyed to B , rritant *Uri 11..), were property eared for. -(&ant Herald. • w sa HURON SIGNAL o THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1853 THE COUNTY COUN':IL. •s.peeslwm frtiaw -6r.,. Weed.-- C Weems. The County Council terminated its late ses.tou on Saturday hist. Before doing so a committee 'was appointed coosisticg of tile %Vardeu, Messrs. Holmes, ll-allacr Woods and D. 1L. Ritchie to superintend matters relating to the Suspension Bridge. We understand that it is eoolemplated to make the existing abutments serve for Yin new plea, and we are afraid that the ro.-d- way will be rather cramped 41 width in consequence. It much to be regretted that it abould have been considered necessary to suspend the works andcLaige the Aleft cl ties torportant structure, but we have Leencr, to marred that no time will be lost in renurn_ ng to'inoperatio0s. We Lope a good subster,- on ( tial and co°ve°ient bridge, will eventually he erected which while it in appearance will be an ornament to the Counties, will is also prove a mply sufficient to accomodate DO �' • the immensetragic trac which 'must eventually thgrow up between e northern townships n.' and Godeneb. It fs also of gnat impor- m lance that the work should be completed h, n it a little delay as possible. e1 s It was prof/coedit' Council today the Gra. be vet Road by-law before the people again as es its failure tiros ascribed to the rotes being Pe -taken at the busy season of the year, but Mar this was rejected by the majority of the a R • ea present. d We really expected a more favourable +expression of opinion from the ionic of Stanley, and some other townships, in he- ed half of the Gravel Roads, and we think u m (hose towbips will yet regret the action 20 they` ha,e taken to this matter. And node to some extent we are compelled to lay the blame of the rejection of this By -Law to the very slight exertions made to its behalf by re's friends, we can - and damaging the John Winthrop o bet quarter. The Clipper bark Wildfire. which wile from Cibrpltar ten day. befoQre the Job Winthrop, bas not yet arrided. The brig Rebecca t Francis, aerie at this port from Jacksonville, repor speaking. Sept 9 in 1st 95, ton. 'chiwner Norfolk Packet, from Nc York forSavaunab,witii loss•, of but masts twelve feet above the deck Late trema Rettee. Iate advices from New Mews, ria Newt )deans, announce the arrival of t lite complies of U.S. troops' which lett New York under General GARLAND, at Sada Fe, in good health. Governor Mrao,WLATtI3R had armed out. and been inaugrrated. A terrible Peri -punier is reported to ba taken place to the mountain., near EI I' so between a party of 14 Americans an some 200 Apaches, in which eleven of t Americans were killed. The U. S. Ito gooeis,ataliooed near the spot, were too fur in number to render any assialaete in r pelting the Indians. Thr American Coosul at El Paso has asertei bis belief that very 1i111e resistance would be offered, in the event of an at- tack upon Menthe Valley 1, General GAR - LARD, aid his forces. ememeemeomememmt The Contractors o. the Galt Branch of the Great Wester■ Itarlway begat' to lay the rails o0 Monday last. -(halt Reporter. k no: help the towelusion that the unjust di',- tributio° of the co°'emplated Gravel Roads hada toad effect, and that the road aortb of the Maitland was entitled to some. consideration. The Court House by-law is to be again presented to the people: in December nett Te a - J he -this is comparatively a very 'mall mat- - ' ter as the tai required to collect the lic- e- sum to erect This mdispeneible budding with suitable offices attached would scarcely be felt -and we are fully con- vinced from calculations actually made, that it would be more economical to build, than to rent as at present. Besides evident dis- grace and pecuniary Toss must be suffered should the Chief Justice at the next As- sizes carry out the the threat of another Judge to hold the Courts of Huron and Bruce is a neighbouring county where suit- able accommodation could be furnished. We hope tai% question will no longer be dallied with, it can not be got rid of, the Court Hoose must be built. Why then de- lay its erection 1 The Duadss Warder of Friday under- stands that a proposal has been made to Mrs. Lazier, of Dundas, to compromise the matter of damages for the death of Mr. Leaser is the awful railroad calamity at Norwalk, by psyiog flee thousand dol- lars, without going to law. it is believed that the loss to the Railroad Company by this awful affair, will amount to 250,000 dollars. A man in Maine applied for two pilau of rum for ' meebanioal purposes.' ' For who mechoaicel purposes f inquired `be *rent e ' For raising a barn,' was the re - Tom Moore said to Peel, oo looking at the picture of an Irish orator: ' You see the very quiver of his tips.' ' Yes; said Peel, ' and the snow coming out of it.' Moore was telliag this to one of his Coen. tryseen, wbo answered : ' He meant arra** eossiag net of it.' FAMILY MIOTIIG.-TbeR°Ih,cbildsare to bare a greet Meeting at Aix. --Every member of the family, reale and female, will assemble as this eacamoe--slat n, from London, Paris sad Frankfort. A .amber ed the stove ramose about Liverpool hare receedy adePted the mews - tact* as a protector* agates( the fatal .1 of 4.a4 . time ':trees ,f their oraft, sod with alosary effect. Its esdoebtedly u important provieiom of sobers for the protect*, of the Imp. BtLLIGtater Satinets or Tait Mem or SrT*.--Some yeses ago, a Scotch paper pahlithed tie feNowisgarticle : The lar. of Skye Iles withal' the last 40 years fennehed for the mibbe Kruse -21 Itewtebeet.gdt.wab qi myar-ge..r- eealspt;e 411 Leetesba4tole..M; 000 tabes., 1d,Ob0 foot atelierlields; *.es; 4 Ge - veneers of Isritish Ceteris.; oat Goven- e rs(3eweral; .1•e .gmettalt etima ehi•t llama M w Rsl11MaCoen i$eothi.' Ti asp M geeer ile hay cheated fie.:... e1g11 Mas THE EASTERN elf: ESTION. It will be sten by the telegraphic new, that the Czar refuses to accept the modi- fications coming from the I orle. 'Ibis when all appeared settled, war is a &ti- ger of again bursting forth, and all this e consequence of the Sultan being unable to restrain the clamour and violence of the war party of Turkey. Terbey will pin bat little by Ibis new rupture, as England and France have not pledged themselves to support her modi4eatio.s, and the CLIC can scarcely agree to them without humilia- tion. She will hate to shat to do lee" already itetated aid agreed to by Boil', or, what is worm, oder the coatlMsl*" of her raehps.. PROVINCIAL. EXH1BITiON• The Provincial Ethane, ems off next week at Hsmtltoe between flue 4th end 7th Prot. 14 le sapped he 1• a greed affair. The eity of Halsall a baa subscribed 1500 is aid if the We of t4* Board. 1100 has dao bremilay Pr1' 7515 saibseriptisa amens theder a Regales send 1500 for iw 4"biw TI.a mortices, *Memel pts of hashes sn dot aktm eelmie 1a.dteM.;y tatameat to all who* dlelf flies.