HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-21, Page 1son LAC PAUL McDOWELL CAR, TORN APART BY TRAIN, WAS STREWN ACROSS FIELDS BESIDE RAILROAD CROSSING NEAR CENTRALIA SHigh's happy Valentine and escort framed in heart Crowned queen of the SHDHS At Home dance Friday night was Helen Hendrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hendrick, Exeter. She poses happily with escort Jerry Drysdale, Hensall, in multi-sided heart whichfeatureddecora.tions. A grade 12 student, the new queen hopes to take a home economics course at Ryerson after she graduates. She has four older brothers--Hugh, Kippen; Elgin, Grand Bend; John, Arthur; and Emil, Stratford. --T-A photo Ninetieth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 21, 1963 Price Per Copy 10 Cents Excessive speed, slush blame in fatal mishap • HURON GRITS CHOOSE McGAVIN A coroner's jury in Exeter, Tuesday, ruled that the collision at Centralia which killedJames Cronyn, 34, RR 1 Clandeboye, December 18, was the result of "excessive speed" on his part and "poor road condi- tions". The finding, which came after more than an hour of delibera- tion, attached no blame to the driver of the other car, Miss Margaret Cook. The collision occurred a- round 1 a.m. on the main street, county road no. 1, in Centralia village. Miss Cook, proprietor of the Dufferin Hotel there, had just driven from behind the hotel, east on Station Street and turned north on the main street when her car met Cro- nyn's, coming from the north. Miss Cook was thrown south of the intersection to the edge Council pay increase approved by 7-1 vote •;e WINS LIBERAL TICKET • ...Gordon McGavin Urges both to resign Grand Bend talks centre of the east side of the road. Cronyn was found lying doubled- up in the snow in a vacant lot also on the east side of the road. Miss Cook testified that she saw the approaching car after she came to a stop at the in- tersection and that it was more than a block away. She said she remembered making her turn and straightening her car from the turn but nothing more until some time later in the hotel, where she had been taken after the accident. SAW "SHADOW" Cpl. W.F, Lenk, RCAF Cen- tralia, was driving his wife home after she finished work at the hotel and was "two or three car-lengths" behind the Cook car. He stated to the jury that he observed the tail-lights of the car ahead and the brake lights when it stopped at the intersection and then what ap- peared to be a "shadow" on the main road. When questioned about dri- ving conditions, Cpl. Lenk said that there was heavy slush at the sides of the road but not in the middle. Both Miss Cook and Cpl. Lenk stated that the night was clear and visibility good. PC Harry Reid, who investi- gated the accident, said that the slush would not have effected the forward motion of a car but might have hampered the pick-up of a vehicle. From tiremarks leading to the Cronyn car, he estimated that the point of impact was 20 feet north of the hydro pole and on the east side of the centre of the road. His photo- graphs indicated that the Cook car had collided head-on while the Cronyn car had hit toward the right side of the front. He said that a check by a mechanic in his presence of the Cronyn vehicle indicated that both brakes and lights were in working order prior to the col- lision. His own check of the Cook car found the lights to be wor- king, "although all the head- lights were smashed". Total damage to the two cars was previously estimated at $2,600. Miss Cook's 1960 Con- sul was completely wrecked and damage to the 1962 Galaxie dri- ven by Cronyn suffered $1,400 damage. AMBULANCE PROBLEM Constable Reid stated that af- ter unsuccessful attempts to get ambulances from Exeter and RCAF Centralia, they were fi- lially able to get one from Lucan which arrived at 2 am sometime --Please turn to page 14 Seek marine gas tax for docking projects Town council Monday night approved a modest increase in fees for its members, depend- ing upon the number of special meetings it holds during the year. The new payment will be $15 for regular meetings and $5 for special meetings. The $15 fee for 25 regular meetings mounts to $360 per councillor per year, only $10 more than last year's salary of $350. The increase above this will depend upon the number of special meetings held during the year. In 1962, about 10 special meetings were held. The new payment was pro- posed by Reeve Fisher, chair- man of the finance committee, and seconded by Councillor Taylor., Councillor Fred Wright, the only member to oppose the in- crease, estimated it would cost the town an additional $500. There was little discussion on the proposal. Delbridge asked Fisher: "Do you think you earn that much?" Replied the mayor: "I don't think so but if that's what you want, go ahead." The mayor's salary was in- creased from $500 to $550. Consider 14 Ass'n to visit Grand Bend dur- ing their annual tour of Ontario. Farms near the resort have been selected for the 1966 site of the international and officials felt they would like the directors to view the area during their tour. A delegation from the village, including Reeve Stewart Webb, Councillors Orval Wassman and Rollie Grenier, and Stephen ratepayers Irvine Devine, Gord Ratz, Allan Walper and Orville Farrell, attended the annual meeting of the association this week in Toronto. In other business, GB council: Sent assessments of $300 to Bosanquet and Stephen town- ships and $200 to Hay township for fire protection; Granted a request from the Chamber of Commerce for par- tial payment of the chamber's annual one mill grant; Approved a contract for On- tario Provincial Police ser- vices similar to last year's. "Let us forget nuclear arms because that of itself is not going to do anything for Cana- da," Huron Liberal convention was advised by Jack Roxburgh, MP for Norfolk in the late parliament. "Canada is against warheads, against war, but until the United States, the USSR and the big nations get together and make it so there is not going to be any war, we cannot do much about it. Canada cannot stop the USSR if it wants to come in. If war started, it would be in the air over this country and the USSR would not worry about devastating Canada and killing everybody, if in so doing it could win a war against the US." The convention, with 286 vo- ting delegates present of a pos- sible total of 350, chose as can- didate for the House of Com- mons Gordon McGavin, of Wal- ton, farmer and implement dea- ler who was runner-up last year to Mayor Ernie Fisher, Goderich. Also proposed were Andrew McLean, ex-MPP, Seaforth, and Ross Tuckey, Exeter, who with- drew their names. There was no mention by anyone throughout the meeting of Mr. Fisher, who recently rejected the leadership of Hon. Lester Pearson. Mr. McGavin, nominated by J.P. Krauter, Brussels, and Clifford Dunbar, reeve of Grey Township, has been active for years in plowing events, local and international and is credited with getting the 1966 match for Grand Bend. "I am not afraid of bard work", he told the convention. "I have spent my life on the same farm, have been 29 years in the farm equipment business and worked with my father for 30 years in the livestock busi- ness. I was four years a director applications HIS attention probably dis- tracted by his two-year-old atm in the front seat, a young air- man drove directly into the Side of a moving CNR train near Centralia $aturday, killing them both, LAC Paul W. McDowell, 22, died en route to Westminster Hospital, London, after being treated at the station infirmary. Son David Guy was killed in- stantly. An eye witness to the crash, the driver of a car behind Mc- Dowell, told police there ap- peared to be no attempt to stop or even slow down the fatal vehicle as it rammed the train. The following driver saw no brake lights come on and there Was not a skid mark on the high- way. The car angled slightly to- ward the left side of the road before hitting the train. PC H. C. Reid, who investi- gated, said the driver's atten- tion may have been diverted momentarily by his young lad, The car hit the first of seven cars behind the engine of the Huron-Bruce train as it pro- ceeded south on its daily run. The car was travelling east on the south Centralia road. Speed of the 1963 Ford Ga- laxie was estimated atless than 35 mph and the train was travel- ling at approximately 30. The car ended up 24 feet south of the paved portion of the road with parts strewn as far as 76 feet. The airman apparently was thrown between the cars. His body was 26 feet east of the front of the car and 43 feet south of the road on the east side of the track. The boy was found on the floor of the front seat of the mangled car. Conductor and engineer of the train were Charles Stevenson and Andrew Luty, both of Lon- don. The only damage to the railway car was a bent step. An inquest will be held in Exeter, Tuesday, March 5, at 10 a.m. In addition to his wife, the airman is survived by another son, John, just eight months old. His parents were vacationing in Florida at the time of the ac- cident. RCAF Centralia personnel participated in a military funeral Tuesday at the Os- trander Funeral Home, Tillson- burg, for the victims. Burial was at Langton. The fatality, which occurred at 11:50 a.m., was one of three accidents investigated by Ex- eter OPP Saturday following an eight-day lull. MAIL BOX CRASH When one car was stopped while its owner picked up the mail from a rural box beside No. 4 highway near Kippen Sat- urday, two other cars collided injuring five Clinton and God- erich area persons. Donald Bell, 31, who had been northbound, stopped on the west side of the road beside the mail box. A southbound car, driven by James H. Stover, 22, RCAF Clinton, stopped to allow north- bound traffic to proceed, then pulled out to go around the Bell vehicle, Stover was struck from behind by another southbound car driven by Howard W. White, 36, Goderich. Damages totalled $1,800 according to PC G. W, Mitchell. Injured in the crash were Allan Fedormak, 18, RCAF Clinton, with back inju r ie s; Marion Liebold, 19, RR 2 Kip- pen, possible fracture of left leg; Mr, White, facial and scalp lacerations; Mrs. White, 42, concussion and facial lacera- tions; John Videan, 48, Goder- ich, concussion and facial la- cerations. Cars driven by Beulah Helma, 23, Listowel and Owen Jamie- son, 20, RCAF Clinton ' crashed at the Kirkton intersection about 6:30 pm. Saturday, causing an estimated $350 damage. Jamieson, who was eastbound on the St. Marys road, told police he stopped at the corner, then moved ahead in order to see beyond some parked cars. Bell boosts PC loyalty Town council has received 14 applications for the position of works superintendent. The applications were opened Monday night during a com- mittee of the whole session. Several Exeter and area men applied, along with a number of aspirants from Western Ontario cities and towns. A wide variety of training, experience and background was presented in the applications, and there was quite a range in the salary requested. After a general discussion of the choice offered, council turn- ed the selection over to the fi- nance committee which will make a recommendation to council. Council has not agreed for- mally that the position will be created. The decision, ap- parently, depends upon the type of person available and the salary which will be required, Council also approved an in- crease of $400 for Assessor Eric Carscadden, who also ser- ves as tax collector. It will bring his 1963 salary for both duties to $1,700. Carscadden will receive in addition an automatic increase of $11 for the next three years until he reaches a maximum of $2,000. VOTE COST $ 800 Clerk C. V. Pickard, pre- senting the bills for the liquor licence vote last week, esti- mated the cost would exceed $800. He explained it was con- siderably more than his origi- nal estimate of $400 to $500 because of the enumeration which he had not anticipated. Some reference was made to the effect that the vote suc- ceeded in getting a number of older people out to the polls. Commented Wooden: "Maybe we should have some sort of is- sue like this at our municipal elections to get two-thirds of the people out. It was ridicu- lous." Wooden asked what status the town had now with the liquor licence board, referring to the granting of liquor permits to town organizations. No one knew the answer. "We don't need permits any- way," said the mayor. "We're dry." EXPLAINS $70 FEE Wooden also questioned if there had been an adequate ex- planation of the justification for the $70 hookup fee charged in connection with sewer installa- tion. He indicated he had re- ceived some complaints. Mayor Simmons pointed out the $70 was estimated, by three experienced engineers, to be the average cost of all installa- tions. "Some may cost only$25, but others may be $150," he said. "The engineers estimated $70 would be the average." Councillor Ferguson repre- sented the town at the minor hockey tournament at RCAF Clinton Saturday and he re- ported that Peter Glover of the local team had been chosen as the third star of the competition. In other business, council: Learned that RAP was in- vestigating the settling of rafter pillars at the arena, which have sunk about four inches, but the condition of which was termed "not serious"; Grand Bend councillor Ian Coles is spearheading a move to develop recreational facili- ties at the summer resort. Two meetings already have been held to discuss the needs of the community and an interim committee has been appointed to steer interest toward some form of recreation centre. The committee hopes to un- dertake a survey to determine what type of centre would best meet the resort' s require- ments. Consideration is being given to an arena structure for winter sports, with sufficient property to provide for summer outdoor activities. Third meeting in the series will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the town hall to hear C. H. Miller, London, repre- sentative of the recreation pro- grams division of the depart- ment of education. Miller will outline the assistance available from the provincial government in the establishment of pro- grams and facilities, The move has been sparked by council which hopes to form a citizens' committee to un- dertake a project. Members of the interim com- mittee include Councillor s Coles and Wassznann; TedStan- lake, president of the Lions; Borden Clarke, Legion presi- dent; Mrs. Pat Ravelle, Legion auxiliary president; Ray Gileno, OPP constable, and Carolyn Tiedeman, president of Teen Town. Exeter lawyer Elmer D. Bell, QC, sparked a strong display of loyalty for Prime Minister Die- fenbaker Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Ontario Pro- gressive Conservative Asso- ciation, Mr. Bell, president of the Ontario assn, introduced the prime minister, saying "our loyalties are as deep as the sea itself''. The Exeter lawyer was re- turned for a fourth year as provincial president. in Bell Industries and got expe- rience inthemanufacturing point of view. I have many friends among Conservative people and hope this election can be run on a clean basis. We only want 55% of the vote. We have in the Liberal party a good product to sell." Andrew McLean, declining nomination, assured the con- vention this would not interfere with his efforts on behalf of the candidate. Mr. Tu c k e y, though he admitted he loved politics, "Unfortunately my personal business and home life would not allow me to run". David Greenspan, Toronto, representing the chairman of the Ontario Liberal campaign committee, warned his hearers against "gloating" over the Conservative government or prime minister. "There is a huge tide against them in this province," he said, but it is not completely decided to come our way and if we be- come arrogant again it is pos- sible the people may not decide to vote for us. The news out of Quebec is ambiguous--no one knows what is to happen. We won 44 seats in Ontario last elec- tion. This time we have to win 64 and then no matter what happens in Quebec, Mr. Pearson will be prime minister." STORM CUTS CROWD Attendance was affected somewhat by stormy weather. Mr. McGavin reported spending a half hour digging out his car; the visiting speaker told of two attempts to make him turn back and Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron Bruce, took no chances but arrived by train. Mr. Roxburgh introduced by High Hawkins, made several announcements of Liberal po- licy in the event that Mr. Pear- son heads the government. "The Liberals," he said, "will develop and expand export sale of agricultural products and effectively negotiate for a reduction of trade barriers. "Marketing bbards will be under federal jurisdiction after consultation with the provinces and agricultural organizations will be able either to have co- operatives or producer corn- raexity groups, marketing ex- ports on a national basis. We are going into crop insurance in detail. Murray Gaunt said a major- ity of Ontario people feel that now we should go back to the two-party system. "If the splin- ter parties are allowed to hold the balance of power", he said, "we will be faced with another chaotic situation as in the last session of parliament." Damage $7,000; one injured Chairman of Biddulph School Area Board, R.R. Crozier, says leaders of both old-line parties should resign to make way for "decent citizens," In a letter to The Globe and Mail, Crozier urges a campaign for "better government" and "Simple honesty from politi- cians". "Almost everyone I talk to considers it a hopeless situa- tion, with Canada going down the drain," the board chairman said. "The only possibility that I can see is the resignation of both Mr. Pearson and Mr. Die- fenbaker. If two decent citizens, not petty politicians, come up as leaders, there is some hope left that one will come up with a clear majority. "Without new leaders in the old-line parties, I am afraid that the Social Credit and New Democratic Parties will gain further seats with no one get- ting a decisive victory. I believe that more people will vote SC and NDP as a protest--just as I believe the people in Quebec did in the last election. They were fed up and they did not know how else to express it." Crozier lauded the Toronto newspaper for requesting the resignation of the prime minis- ter. "I do not see how the Con- servatives can ever hope to win the election with Mr. Die- fenbaker as leader. I can't vote for him without completely sub- merging my conscience. Then I look around to see where else I can vote--there isn't anything left". "I wonder and I belieVe many- others do too; Why is there such a lack of honesty in poll- tics? Why do members of par- liament seemingly put their own interests a.head of those of Ca.- nada?" Mr. Crozier, who operates a small farm near Lucan, is ,as- seciate editor of The Farmer's Advocate. Squall crashes involve 21 vehicles Celebrate 54 years RR 1 Zurich ($100); both south- bound, rear-end collision .6 miles south of Hensel'. Game warden Erie Johnston, 39, RR 5 Clinton, with truck ($100), Mrs. Margaret Faber, Kippen, ($300), M.L. Davidson, Brucefield ($50); all south- bound; Johnston stopped, struck in rear by Faber, struck again Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Ford, RR 1 Hay, celebrated their 54th Wedding anniversary on Sun- day, February 17, With afamily dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. They all retarned to the home after. Diming the evening: they re- Ceived phone calls from their daughters who were unable to attend: Mrs, John(Marie) Brintnell, Prescott, and Mr's. John (Dorothy) Frebehtel, West If the gasoline tax paid by car and truck drivers goes toward highway improvements, why shouldn't the tax paid by plea- sure boat owners go toward docking and harbor facilities? That's the question posed by Grand Bend council in a reso- lution it passed Monday night for the provincialgovernment's consideration. Council, supported by the GB Chamber of Commerce, urged that the tax collected on marine gas be paid• to harbor munici- palities to provide a fund for improvement of docking facili- ties. In recent years, Grand Bend has been undertaking gradual development of its harbor to take advantage of the boating boom. But, the officials argue, the municipality simply can't afford the extensive cost in- volved in keeping pace with the growing demand for pleasure boat facilities. Gas tax funds would help develop this poten- tial, according to the council.. INVESTIGATE PIPELINE Council plans to take advan- tage of the good roads conven- tion in Toronto next week to interview a number of govern- ment departments regarding Grand Bend problems. Aniong the calla officials will 'Make is One to the Ontario Wa.-. ter Resources Comniission to explore the possibility of se- curing water supply horn the proposed pipeline to London, If it's ever built. ,Intake for the pipeline, according to prelimi- nary plans, would be near Grand Bend. CONSIDER FIRE PEES Council will consider are (Nest froni the Volunteer fire brigade for an increase in its members' pay. At present, the men receive $1.50 an hour for calls outside the village. 'they are asking for the same re- mitheration for calls inside the Chief Lawrence Mason, who presented the. requeat, aek ed 0004. for purchase Of a litiniber of coats and boots for the brigade. EXTEND INVITATION Council extended 'an invite Lion to the direetera'of the international 1t d IC 'fig Metal Announcements . , 12 ChUreliNotidea w. .r 12 Corning Even te 4 0 111.8hWeed 4 • VwV rr ir . 10 Editotiaisewr44,4,0-frit P61111 NeWs 4 4* *4*4 11 .11 8 Feminine Patti °N. Fancies 4, 6 ilentali • • III 11/ • 1r 4 Lucan oir VityWItii • 0 Siligh At Home 4 r.9 Sport§ 04 tif 4 WV w* vi 6 0 7 Want Ads J..... 11 in rear by Davidson, two and one-half miles north of Exeter. Walter Jervis, 34, Clinton, in RCAF pickup truck ($50), James Lyons, 23, LondOn ($1,800), John H. Fleming, 28 011 Springs, with 30-ton tractor trailer; 'lir- Vis and Lyons stopped bedause of previous accident; Fleming came out of snow and hit Lyons, driving Lyons into back of air foree truck, same location. Donald Howey, 32, St. Thom- as, with tractor-trailer ($400), Sgt. Erwin Barkman, 3'7, Lon- don, with army vehicle ($50), Douglas Curtis, 25, London, With stake truck ($200); army truck Was stopped, northbound tractor trailer wheeled for snowbank, unit jacknifed across road and skidded into army truck; Curtis, also northbound, drashedtide of trailer. The accidents were investi- gated by POs dibbont and H, C. Reid. number of places between the north end of Exeter and south end of Hensall. Details (inclUd- ing., damage to individual cars): Jake Bosch ($400), Mrs. Dr, Anne C. Mellor, RCAF Cen- tralia ($700); Dr, C. M, Fet- terly, London ($306), and an bil truck, riot identified at the time. Mrs. Mellor northbound stopped for southbound Bosch; Fetterly struck Mellor in rear; tiotthbound truck struck Bosch and Mellor; north of Exeter. Royce S. Macauley, 47, ton 0400), Andrew bougall,70 Exeter ($600), Macauley stop- ped for above accident, was struck from behind by pOugall, David Murphy, 27, tendon, northbound with stake truck, and Don ItObtli, 22, tketer, ($200) Out s &And in wagon, side= Swiped .4 Miles nerthof 'EXeter, Gerald Snowden, 22 ($200), AndreW 4/, Wind-whipped snow, cutting Visibility to zero Wedndsday morning, caused close to $7,000 damage in eight accidents on No. 4 between Exeter and Hensall. Twenty-one vehicles were in- volVed including several trac- tor-trailers, army and air force trucks, a department of trans- port wagon and againe warden's truck, Only one person Was injured. Jake Bosch, 17, Exeter, is in South Huron Hospital with a fractured left ankle. Traffic Was stopped from go- ing south of Hensall for parts of the morning, -Mite the road was blocked on a number of oc, casiena. At one point a tractor trailer was jack-knifed across the highway. Winds caught the light snow Which fell Tuesday night and sWirled it into a thick White shroud Moat of the morning. The accidents Occuretl in a f 1 4 4 v.] , , 1 1 ,...,,,.j Si::: : ' ' J: ' 6 f , lt, $500 to nospda ize., accedent victim check . present - _ „ ...- l•_, 4 __ . Mtg., Kenneth nitoti, towo, WhOliaabeenheapitalized With accident itijurieS since October 38„_.1962, obviously was cheered by the $500 CheekPresented te her Tuesday by the Caneer, Polio and Tuber , culoaia committee of the IOOF andRebekaha. Some $460 'Was ratted through donations and proceeds from a benefit dattee Pridaynightand the lodges made up the balance. From left are Mrs* Bill Pat- Edna, Secretary4reaSiiter et the committee, MI,s, troccit; Mititi itoWej ehairMan; Mta. Albert Bowen, ftebekali'S noble grand, Allan Allan FletCher, Odd Fellows noble grand, w.., T‘A photo