HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-29, Page 1•
Med 4- PoSta1het1 every Thursday
Meted Nears, Godericds.
gull see
The MON. °S. saw INGBIAL Nile es -
Mod beasseillIthowst by the woes et a
rilerairdirile Dew P"Psfrar, Was Me sot
ruby of
AN earl Moog
ttttternes, sad with lemon dap**
, to (situ te 111 orders eitli saki,
the say se favored ; oteeh a Book*, Isemplik.a.
Cb. -k.. Handbills, of every gee,
tem, caws Notes of Hand Bill Reads mt.,*
swim ben, it bnne, Order Books Met-
al,* Olaeks and every other deveription
I.•*ter Yrs** Pristine. aii•-•p„,ame
To Ins tt the Theron
SII! I J.I?s GS per annuin if paid strictly is
Armee, or Twelve and Six Penes with
the expiration of the year.
No paper diseestiaued until arrears ace
paid tip, unless the mthinber thinks it his
ad; antage
(0 10 ao.
Any individual in the country becoming
rerponsible for six subscribers, shall re -
crave a seventh copy gratis.
r'y All letters addressed to tbe Editor
must be put -paid, or they will not be taken
out of the post office.
Trrors Aderrtising.--S, lines and
wider, first insertion, .E0 '2 6
stub tent insertion, 0 0 7 ,
Two lines and under, first inarr., 0
Each siihsepient insertiou, 0 0 10
Over hen lints. Ilrit in. per line, 0 0 4 •
Each sulasequent insertion, 0 0 1
t .t liberal discount made to those who
by the year.
Sdrentaernente without written hastruc-
la, will be inserted veld forbid, sad
cliirvA accordingly ; and no adverlisenmet
decoetinued unpaid for at the time of with- ,
draerl, units by tbe cooseut of the pub-
.4111.8.111.01"alraw.riletif,111P4rA.OrAligt"olVIF% err
sr •pv•fica.
1 aT ani 01 1111e TSAI.
IT minim W. 222222 Woe.
Sweet music kaib a viond'roes power
, Tu cheer us through life's weary way ;
Pot e'en in sorrow's darkest hour,
' It eller drives "dull care" away.
Ob! what can watt the 6011100 high
Like music'ellWeel and noble strains,
i And make us feel, that %scare nigh
That Beingwho our life maintains.
'Tia muele's power that lights the soul.
From thingsad earth to things above;
That .ells us of a bliseful goal,
Where'll is rest, and joy, and love.
But never was its sweeter power.
More fully felt, or beuer known,
Than in that solemn, sacred hour,
.., W hen hearts approach Jellovah's throne.
How sweet the music of the voice!
(Methinks there ran ne sweeter be)
Oh. how it makes my soul reroice,
Thus listeniob tu sWeet.turinoay •
Maim- ei World.
1)a. 1'. A. MoDOUGALL,
A N bet
lied et all berm m
•-•1 Mr residence formerly ereeperl Ey,
Rolerf.Ifneferreell rod Sferef,ilar.
Let Sserore. Goelerieft.
Csedernl Apr el teth.1832. •5
There's a moral my child
In the wayside dower,
Thhre's an emblem of life
ID iu abort lived hour;
lt smiles in the sunshine
Aad weeps iu the shower
Arid the founnep talk
On ihe wayside tIower.
Now see my dear child
In the wayside dower,
The joys abri the sorrows
Of iti's pausing hour,
The footsteps of lime,
Hastens on its power,
And soon we must tall
Like the wayside Bower.
Yet know nay dear child
That the wayside dower,
Shall revive in its season
And bloom its brief hour;
That agate weaken Increment
In beauty and power
IRA LEWIS, 1 Where the foot never falls
ft 411RISTER. SOLICITOR, Lc. West- I On the wayside dower.
" street. tioderieb. 1
Jane 1803. SilvoS5
CABINET MAKER, Three 114107P Font •
the Canada Company's ogee, West- I
street 11-..lerieb.
Atienst 270, 11149. 21-n10
ri"RNEY AT LAW. arid e
me. Solicitor in Chaneery, h.e. has his
orseas is 'Stratford.
S'rat ford, Ind Jan. 1C3O. Sena
Am. 21, 1852. efio31
lolIN J. E. LINToN,
lillrfAitY PUBLIC, Comoossiontr
- • nd Coereyancer, 8tratford.
Barr err red .Pferartee at Loft, +es.
f; Douce C. W.
JOHN PTO' "XMAS Barrister end Allot.
SA's it 1„„se. Setae; Public sod Ceevey•
*atones at Lew. So:niter Cb...
*"•:e. Caner -tante,.
Goiketee. 17tb 'Novenae,. 1141!ViiIjA,
AI 110 MANS,
°a 27, Donau Street.
.1.0.14,10.V. C. W.
Abgest 16th, 116.5.
- - .
A. J. 1I(X)RE.
FFICE .1 the Poet Mar Beildiego.
71,1 833. •11019
_ I k Pialph saw the advantage be had
rimed, and determined to parsec it, (for
lho bed 11 greet horror of being obliged
evestoally to provide for them hunsel(.)
"Cost Rome, don't rot dere looking so
seisms. pot it down m black sod white,
NI mad off the letter, before one of your
woman% fits comes on agate (and be pushed
• sheet of paper towards Ler with pea IN
Jest thee Ilse door beret open, awl the
little Caddies came beading is oat he
Ptsy, knight with the levelisess of youth
aod 110140, sad spriaguig into bar mother's
hiP led clasping her Deck, froward from
Whet ler aerie at eerie Ralph, nritoen she
er other cossetted with
the tear drop that was trembling as her
mother's leer eye-hithps.
can't do it, Ralph,' mid the young
widow, clasping her child to her bireast,
and raising tears and Milt* eimegb epee
her le make a mental raitebrne.
Yoe are a fool,' said the vexed man,
nod you'll live to bear somebody there tall
,you io,1' dualist'," aid he slammed the
doer m a very "'gabled remelt se he
pained oet.
" It will be very rediculous in you, Rose,
to refuse to give op that child," said a dark
looking man to the pretty widow Grey.
" Think what a relief it will be, to have
one of your chi/dies taken off your hands.
It tow something to lire oo now -a -days
(and I'sele Sam scowled portentiously,
and pulsed lin pure further down into Ins
coat pocket,) aod you know you have u-
mber murk to feed. They'll educate bit,
clothe aod feed her, Lod
Yes,' said the impetimus, warm hearted
mother, rising quickly from her chan, amel
setting Is little feet down in a very de-
ternmed manner u on the door, while a
bight Bub pawed OA et- her cheek, " yes,
Ralph, and leach her to forget and dive -
• hay mother !'
• Pilaw. nose, how alined ; out-
grow ail that, *ben she gets to be a wo-
rms, even if they '.creed now. Would
you Mewl year own child's light? She
will be se heiress if you act like a sensible
weenie—and if you persist in refusine, you
may lire is tee the day when she will re-
pose\ roe for it.'
Tis last argument carried some weight
welt it; Mrs. Sheldon eat down dejectedly,
mot folded her li le buds in her lan. She
had not tiseight ot that. She might be
takes away. sod little Kathleen forced to
toil for bet daily breed.
fitrEAct: HORTON,
rlorket squairr, Goderirli.) .
'o.sfor the Prov'ncral Sweat sad
-•:7serti Iesuranee Office. Turmas,—
A .; ler the Bt. Lawreeee Certorty
a Otedeerherg, Now Verb. Limed'
•: einmel Ltoots*'. Old Rochester
.M.41.101111611114. •
'1110N ABLE TAILOR, gas ewe,
N of W. E. Grace's Slings Weet
St. • Godetirh.
Feb. 19,1842. 14414
— - -
Agent .fOr Ontario Marine 4r Free .hs-
surance Co.
Q. B. k•-•
INBURANCE effected on House., hip -
'1 ries end liggs,
A3 Was's( beds enrreetly drawn, asd
ead Attains adjusted.
Office ova, the Tammy, Goderich.
J'ylt 1191k -
POILW MIME owd Umweiseiee
chant.. Sterehque Keeper,
ret the isle of Lands r:::,
ttompradli Vomiter* a4 Pr
of he fy deem et tea.
'Nice, next door, North of the Hilmar. tonne, °Weer*
Ruch eItli 19811.
ei Mutual Ineovante Co.,
PITAS 01,000,000.
ItIOPER411,11ansiltee, Apure 1114
rottenest el Wataehigosed iteres•
11, I SW held
jollokele le Ebseary•
Conveysiseer. ke.
op thildiags,
+144 Beak of
4 HI
Peer Mrs. Seldom' !
d by tbe
sodden death 01 s %pinhead, who wee all to
her that her warm heart e .i. clung
the Nre closely to her Haskell. No
wormer. ever bee better them Rose &I-
dea the undying lore of a mother. Ti.
offer that had bees seek bre le, Kathleen
wen from distant relatives a her
ef b
whew she few little, eleeptlitlart;.
.ted Mrs. Clare wealthy NI cbildi.4j1r
had found IgT4 abel of Arndt led bet
hisliebes else6. of a wife, tSey had
Mks Made ber • Siert new, wet menthol*
e MIN, ell de te tbey were arr.
ON it seemed a little allereity ttbier
ler ebet eery resent Ma Meet thire4
creep te her henbasies We, et Ws' 'bar
bele Ned is lie, ne phoi it etroltahly eve"
MI belted Abe er rhi
Ihr a parties kiss, or do
abert. Mee te sit ap ursig111,
of and kr proper
Now you may be very aore the was all
very escrutiatiug to link Mts. Ross, who
was verdant enough to think that busboodn
were inteaded to lova, and mimed a heart
quite as large as a little woman could toe
vesuectly carry about. Sbe saw nothing
on earth so beautibil aa those great dark
eyes of his (especially when they were bent
on ber,) or beard any music to compare
with that deep, rich voice ; and though
she had been married many happy years
lae wr
ilele.:rt leaped at the sou.d of bia foot-
eteps as did the first day he called ber
Cited the Great Reaper' for that 1
Stayed be for the clasped hands of entree
ty, or the scalding tears of agony
Reeked ber that ooe silver thread mixed in
the locks of the strop( mast No ! by tbe
desolation of that widowed heart, ro ; be
laid bus ray fingers on those lips of love
and chilled that warm, brave heart, an
turned coldly away to seek another victim
And Rose pressed his children to her bean
with a deeper love --a lore bors of 110r
row—fetid said, we will aot parts She
knew that fiegers that never toiled before
must toil unceasingly now. Si. knew
when her heart was sad, there was so
broad breast to lean upon. She had al-
ready seen days that seemed to have oo
end, dragging their slow, weary leogth
along. Sbe dared not go to a drawer, or
trunk or escritoire, lest some momeato of
him should iaeet ber eye. She struggled
bravelythrough the day to keep back the
teats for her children's sake; but night
came, when those little restless limbs need-
ed a respite (even from play,) when the
little prattling voices were busted, aad the
bright eye prisoned beneath its snowy lid ;
then, indeed, the long peut-up grief belt]
in check through tbe day, by a mother's
selfish love, burst forth, till exhausted with
tearful vigils, she would creep at day -dawn
between the rosy kirk sleepers, and nest-
ling close to their bleoming faces, dream
(God knows how mocangly) of happy
hours that would never come agaia.
And oh ! the slow torture of tech morn-
ing ; the indistinct recollection of solar -
thing dreadful, the hood drawn slowly ac-
ross the aching brow ; the struggle to re-
member. Thee— tbe opening eye, the un-
familiar objects, the atrange new, small
room ; nothing homelike, but those sleep-
iog orphans
God help the widow.
And now, as if her eup of bitterness
*eve not full. little Kathleet must leave
bit! Must it be'? She paced the room
that night after Uncle Ralph left her, rued
though: of his words, " die may live to
tell you so." Then alt went to tbe bed-
side, and parted the create -int hair Irons
Kathleen's forehead, and marked with a
mother's pride tbe sweet careless grace of
tlio.e dimpled !webs, and ooted each sI.sn-
vurl 'Fliere were ttw- father's torp
lash,.., ins brow, his straight, classic pri-
file ; ohwhat would he tell her? and then
obi memories came back with-• rash that
swept all before it. Poor Rue!
Kathleen stirs uneasily, sad calis" maso-
Ma," aod souks in „ber sleep. Oh, how
route she part with that link hovel heart 1
Countless were the raresses she received
from her every bonr. Watchful and sen-
sitive, site noted every shade of sorrow os
ber mother's face ; and by a thioeueill mute
remonstrances teetified her unalsoken ape.
paths. That little impulsive heart would
be cased in an annour of frigidity at Clare
ville. She might be sad, or sick, er dy-
ing, and Rose shuddered as4 sot mill
nearer ber child. What compaiorighip
would she have What moral ialluence
exerted 1 Might she not ere -a be weaaed
from the hew! she had lam bewails!
Ah, uncle Italph! yogi little hese as veu
sat in your office the nest moraisg, aed
folded a little bhp of paper beck ia ert e.
'elope, upon which was writtes these fall-
* words, Kathleen shall go,' you lathe
keen at what c ! Yoe marked not the
blistered paper and the unsteady pen nark
as you smiled satisfac orily and sad," Very
cooeige and sensible for a woman "
Clete Ralph del ant Meek oe it again I
mice; as be walked home to his Amer.
bel it was only to enegratulate Smelt that
if Rose should be unable Io support her-
self (which be doubted] there world be ore
leas for him to look after! As to a wo-
man's tura, pshaw ! they were always
crying lor soesething--if it was't.t for that,
it would be something else.
"Yee am eaceramealy *Wage about your
lessee this monde.," said Kathleen's tutor;
you hsvetold me twice that France was
bonded south by the Gulf of Mexico.—
IVItat are you !Walking about ," said he, as
be grasped her arm.
Sir," said little Kathleen, abstract-
"I say what ails you, to be so stupid this
this worming 1" said the vexed g°151'..
"Mi bead aches badly," said 1;athleen;
"And what 1" said Mr. Smith.
'Aod-1--ivant—to we --my motlaer 1'
said the child, with a burst of tetra.
"Fiddlestick !" said Inc amiable Mr.
'smith ; "it 'be cared much about r0a, 1
rectoo she would have written to you be-
fore sow. Mrs. Clare thinks she's war-
ned again, or something of that sort, so
dont worry your head for noasense. llow
is France bounded, bey r'
The division !Meson the, atlas were com-
pletely concealed by Kathleen's tears ; so
she was ordered into tbe presence of Iter
grim relative, who coaxed and thrcatned iu
vain, and finally seat he: to -bed.
For two long, weary 'moths the free,
glad spint ot the child had been fettered
and Cramped at Clare ville . No one spoke
to her of home, or her mother; or if they
chanced to mention the latter it was always
in a slumng, sneering manner, more pain-
ful to tbe loving, sensitive child, than thei'
silence. But why did mamma not write /
that was the only wearing thought by day
and by night. And so Kathleen diooped,
and lost color and sprits, and walked like
an automaton, up and down the stiff garde
walks, and "sat up straight and turned out
her toes." as she was bid; and had a quick
frightened, nervous manner, as if she
were constantly on the fear of reproof or
Bridget,' said Mrs. Clare, how 'is
Kallikeul got over her hysterics 1 musf
break Ler of that.
Dear heart, no ma'am! She's just
fretting the soul out of lin, for a sight of
her mother; its nail- I s'pose,' said Brid-
get, polishing ber face with her checked
Sluff, Bridget! Tbe child's just like
her '.other; aod that's enough! How-
ever, give her a little valerian, and sleep at
her bed -side to night. I'll rook in, in the
tautening,' said the angular lady, as she
wombed out her drem and her wrinkle,,."
And so Bridget, obedient to orders,
stretched her stout Irish limbo at the side
of the bed, though de might as well hare
been io Ireland as there, for any response
she rade to that plaintive petition, through
the eight, ' Oh, no, call my mamma! p/eame
• call me mamma "
•0 71',:/// ilWfsW14; and the golden
wonting light streamed in epos the waxen
face 0 Kathleen. No breath came from
those parted lips; no ringlets stirred with
life; mid the last tear she should ever ahc
lay glittering like a gem opoo ber cheek!
mod Mrs. Selden, ' I shall start
for Clarsville, to -morrow; I can stay away
from Katiiime too logger.'
Yea'll be mad if y -'e do,' said Deck
Ralph; the child's well minaret, Or you
would hear; you can't expect them to be
imitable all tbe time. Yoar welcome will
be a ssrry owe. 1 tell you so take my ad-
vice, and let well alone.'
Mrs. Sehien made no reply, brit began
to peek ber trash, awl uncle Ralph left the
la about 110 hoer's time he returned, and
found Rem trying is ram to clasp the lid
alt, truth.
"De mime here, Ralph," said she (with-
out lookieg sp.) "and settle this refrretory
lock. Dear little Kathleen, I're cram -
so many traps in here for her. How
glad aim wdl be to ere sie 1" soil she Ra-
sed and looked up, to see why Ralph didu,t
llrow, Cheek and lip were in an instant
bisected to marble. A 'mothers quick eye'
Lail spared his tongue the sad tidings.
. . . • •
If you visit the Lusatic Asylum—,
you will see a very beautiful woman, her
glossy ringlets threaded with silver. Day
after day, she psees up and that king cor-
ridor, anti says, in heart -breaking tones, to
every one she do on/1 my MAIM
! won't yOld PLIASS Call inc mins-
ma l"--Fantie Fsam.--Oikee Ilranch.
We will pass over the &strewth', part-
iag between mother and child. 'fie little
trunk was duly packed; th.." little clasp Bi-
laki dews ie ooe corner; a book marked
with a lamb embroidered upon it was slip-
ped in at these werde--" Keifer the little
eleldnes to come unto Inc soil forbid them
wit." (Mother's (Id would care for
Kathie's, there was sweet comfort in
A4'. Rote decked hark her Iran and
44elesped meek std ages" the litti, dee-
ms ante from Per seek, lied and bade ber
zriedheire4 eiad " good bye!" and
hysterical, as tbe Stele band
weved another, and a LAST iliniest. liven
meek Ralph felt en oapleamet Neetron
abater las 4rt, Mason. gave his iholkey a
nervous twitch mod looked very steadily at
the nos of the opposite Imes*!
• . • • •
Two months bed pampa! little Kathleen
mit 'very' Net io than, Nee seheolgrosse.
The,, was a dark shadow osier her eyes,
either from Alisma, of sorrow, and her face
wan 'very pale'. Rom had writthe to her
het the teeter wad ie the grave of Mr.
Clare's pot kets sever bit reeerrectimised
ye Kathie.* was No the Inger mod happier.
Obis Raipb mode it s ?disciple sever to
Wilk of amebae. ISL "impaired his doges -
ties," se he te-.4d wets, ttineglits
at, or ore for, M. Mese, aud made .o mi-
liaria, hememe brume .1 the apse.
Obi ibiroVIkkoi Issmoiaaa b Week, 'tio
te be Nis."
The time has unwed when those who in
tend to cultint• aro wr wheat should be rip
sad dotog, for Septemtir r—.d as tarty in
this mobth se can be made conveare '—
must writ pass over is this climate without
treeing the whole of the seed to the ground.
indeed 1 have reason to believe that the
preseel time, August, would ant be too
flirty if the !and te in good heart, sad yet
sot too higblymaeareil It is not early
eowieg lhsl elegise preniatur• growth he
fors w tater, huh the Mese. tsetse to furnish
an early *tea, by dressing the land too
hrghly with sionulatrag 01311ilif a, aidies,
lee., all whit* are very proper Inc spring
appliseeee, hot by en mesas ter -itisasitel,
*owing; the object ought to be, to retard,
rather Chao to 'lime a fleshy growth, as it
bits very properly termed, at thte seasoe of
the yea r. Olathe subject *fear'', wetona-
al sowing, Tui; rwriarke "A wheat plant
64" " not Piloted vatly, seeds ap as root
obese the}inge SON the epee,. sad as
tioureibee aft tlisimightiew • «se. off•sa
'ream does hoes ep its ill* trerfeee
eif tee grimed.' Awl tees conies the eln
seremses. 'treat tinged ie the shrewd of 1.1.
dries Mee sibiter, es (beers, be avit sees
early, OH if Netted emir AI the edit', tlae
deed k 64 the 16,41 it el -
balms 5550.1 •me▪ d by seinespanwar sbo
er root, sear the face, the easier the
(Linger that t e plant wit! be de•troyed
the wortiLs nbieh ran _more readily find A
mil* thread live or nit teller. in length."
Besides which, the a 11, n ,t. in wooled
otatit se, DO/Of 11. isAllat• 01 1 te (retied,
and therefore alt.. the irt threads ur
more later roots that t!,f0W•art •eillfcr
Om surface, Out are pre(' r sere lo cut fl
the lung and stogie oo,; sn 1 hence the
very general co.nplaint,tirkt "the cr ps have
berm ruined, cut off by the warm.," ilia
have been fostered by 'alum:sting manures
that base beau applied, with the lutsuttios
of eatising as sal, Cart and a lia001ailie,
ilealthy appearaneu—all wrong, depeed up
ea 11.
Wheat Ghoul .1 :le close to the ea th dur-
;ng winter, mid, as some ooe has it, curl bkie
young corkscrews. Inatoad of which, ho
natural it of us to boast of the fine and
lavish growth of a crop that eommand• the
tilteriauon ol the passer bv, bit lvillgh•
Is Ville natural to septet, w,.1 disappoint
our expectattens did falsify our hopee.—
One word more, and 1 will dried If ore
were to scrorrn our wheat before ofr.rini 11
for sale. sop. rat ins the smell. imperlect
grains frown there that Are plump and
formed, we should ourselves be surprised to
awe the per cent. It would add to the value
u(thegraio and be pleased to dad that the
miller is quite as able to hpprecisteits value
n the in ke t. The smaller grams may 'Je
used for our household tiorpuroe, but not
as seed for sowing, as some penny -wage
and pound-foolish persona aro sad to have
been tempted to hue done. So then here
it is: wider wheat requires tu be sown
very early, in • good, heelthy gull not made
rich by wriouriog; while spring wheat will
do better by being sown late, on land made
light and warm and dry by pulverizition,
with plenty of composed manures to lord,
an early alert and carry it -through till her
An important application of the photo-
eraphtc art tuts been made In Manchester,
Engligni, by which the process of wood en.
retrial trona Daguerreotypes 'labia mate-
rially arc000mised, both in time and expense.
Tho Manctiester "Guardian of July 30,
gives the following account of this, prc-
babay, most recent improremen. in the
practice of this useful art: Yeateiday Mr
Robert Longton, wood engraver and dra fts•
man, of Cross -at., brought to our ut!ce
some very 'meet:ireful and beautiful eacci
men' otiphotc;raphy. taken by Lomeli, Dot
on metal Ode., or on paper. or on glass,
bat ea blocks of box- woed, such as are or,
dmarily used in his own met for wood en-
gravings. One wee a sti;k.riy Fortrait of
himself; soother wee a view of a beautiful
little church et Wortley, erected a few
years ago by the Earl and Countess of
'Miasmatic The latter compriaed
the ordinary diniensioss of a circle 3i loch-
& le cariseler; aol, a. the image of the
church le thus reversed, the design, in all
its elegant propurt;ans, and reduced to a
insinuatore. such es no hand of human ar
tiat can ever hope to rival, in its eaqiiisito
delicacy alight and •bsde, aol its Melior-
ate minuteness and detail—this potograpb,
so taken on a block of bex-wood, is quite
ready for the application of tins wood an-
greser'e berm. It is impossible to say
how greatly this will advance the precis,
of wood eograying, especorlly by seem: all
the preliminary labor of the drefteman;
which, in many nada, cogetitutes the chid
°lenient to bolo the tune did the coat .1
tendaat oo tire production of wood regret,
toga of • high clads. Even to many of the
lower branches of the art, tire new .poll -
canoe of elm -drawing will be as isvaluablig
auxiiiiry. For toluenes, it is extremely
difficult matter to get accurate draw lege of
machinery in perspective, oirchaemal
draftamea only repeater, it 0 plane; and
artists a0 gent rally found es treine:y retic
(501 10 emp.oy a .inge sina.oiot of tune Ir.,
unprofitah.y as the eraiving ul a complis
catcd macii.ne io pers,wctise demands.—
Mr. Langtoe's Daguerre 'type can,now
'few seconds see.my!ish what it would re
Tore hours for the artist is effect; and le a
point of aceersey the inotroment Mlle' OM
have the preference. But great at wit.
eventually be the boon which this new ap•
plied. en Afpliot,rgr•phy writ confer 00 the
?recited art of Wuinl engraving. it may be
made .or. eglenersiely traluable, a. a cheap
form of peedoctior pietorial ohy ets By
Mr. Ls og sm'e peucese, pori•tith, land,
napes. ke., coull Pc pr 1 .,-ed ' on any
'mouth piece of wood, duly mewed.; and
thus even wooden pc them
Gene, at V. r turs, who was NMI 01 04 wit,
romer, of tes r Al raorilias ,y trarseedieri,
teetifiod to the correctseire of the d•tensarat
whim legwilmequeutly visited Parts.
Mr. Osborne say-: On (be 9th ef Jr
1838, the wrogoitogry of .er life re ramp was
avertable inter need byll. art is at of an
todividnal who had etqatried great celebrity
in the Prinjinh. The nati•es rage 'led
with much veneration, en account of the
facility be possessed of remaining laud
''J. . groom! alfiBhg as be pleased ..4 then
reviving again. Such 414111Vankeeary facie
were related to the country contemn, the
wan, and so many reepoetablie persona tow -
tided (0their authentletty, eat we ewe ex--
treiliefy•tieeirouttrif soviet his: fur iaatenee,
Capt. Wade, of Lidiana, leurnied me that
itt bad himself been present at the 'sour-
ection of his fakir, In tbepreseerse of Gen.
Ventura, the Ralph, aid several mu of die-
rinetoolmong the amine, and skirt his
interment had listed save& 'imotb....
Th. balker/mg are the details which wino
RISCO bonier timienterinent. and these that
he a 1id on his own •uthority of the ex am
At the end of some preparations, which
had laded immoral days, and which would
be too tedious to eaumorate, the fakir de-
clared himself ready for the exrerilnant.. —
'nee winnows met around a tomb of mason -
work, constructed expressly to receive 1115.
11.•tore their roves the fakir closed with wax
with the exciption of the month the abet
I urce of the body, through which aur might
be admitted; h• thso stripped off all ht•
clothes; Le was than enclosed i• • linen
bag, and by isa dtruelion hi• tongue 22222 d
back, so as to escrows the entrance of
the throat. Intmodtatblv after this opera-
tion the fakir tail tato • lethargies etat•.—
The bag was theta dosed -and sestet by the
Rsjrh. This tack was then placed in a
wooden box, stitch was toCked with a pad
lock and sesled. The hex was lowered in-
to the tomb, over which was thrown i
great q reality of earth, which we,, *Mal, -
le d down and then sown with barley; finally
suttee!' were cent to watch it day and
Notwithstanding all these precautions
he Rajah was dill seapictoas, he eases
twice duriog is. tea months that tea faki
remained buried, son earned the tomb to km
examined; he toned the fakir precisely as
i hey had left film, aod derfeetly cold and
"The ten moths hav:ng expired, they
proceeded to the coal exatninattoa. Gea.
Ventura and Capt. Wade saw the padlock
opened, the seals tripled and the chest
•aited 'from the tomb. The fakir war re-
moved; there were no indication• of the
heart or pulse. In the top alibi bead there
remained some 11 the sensation of haat.—
After first placing bra tongue in a, eaters!
positmn, and thee pouring wane water
over bis body, he berm to evince atone
signs of life. Afrer two hours Ile liras.
quit* restored and walked about. This
wonderful maa oi about thirty years of age,
his figure is unpleasaat,and bid countenance
bee a cunning ex jorgston •
He aays that be had derMious dream,
during the interment, and restoration it
very painful to him."
The coinage of the English 11101 du hog
the last -six wont*, appears from a Go•gra•
meet return reeeetly 1)0)114411rd, to have
bee• L9,099,009 of silver. Tha urines
dented nature of thea amseet, Bars the
"Londor. Time*, may be tistrinated from the
'act that in the c'irresaon ling period of
each of the throe preceding years the tattle
were al furuwA;—sii., POO, gal,
000, silver, L129.000; in 1851, gold. 44,-
199,010; Clear 419.000, Ansi in 1 d41 goig.
£4,463,000; silier, 1.:O1,000. Tort rare of
coupes* thie year hot, thdrefore been aware
the• (.0. 5. great as rinong 11152, when
Andrei's WAS already yd ling kr re-
.ult.. Hotter thesebticuinstances, tli-qo u.
remota to believe that the aggregate whip.
merit of severvivis to the Colony, together
a ith the AMASS taken out hy emigrants
must halm h•ea beyond any thiag Mitten°
guppu•eil, and that 5-nce he prospect is
increased lathe recent dram being at as
dst•nt 141, (iuiuwe 1 by a remarkable re-
The Siamese toms, Clues and E ac•
etionpanied by two of Hoer Children, are now
exItibiting at Montreal.
Pttiuc M arn ea niece TatRouorl est
Le., may be decorated wan portritis. or
mese* iron n Of Ciryien a MOM/ 0' da
1111, 1I5 e -.1 1111tui 1... IPSO ()Ago
types an metal pates. leal•cd, rt tit 4.16 -
cult, loamy whore itt. lippilestioNS sad
loom of the neer proems woe • .4
>Ir. twelves dew. ens hoot his leveanor
to ria wie is grail witersvino, bet etione
Inc it an even, nsefol anJ valuable applr-
canon le other direct:Gaspe calumet:toe with
grottiest art.
I:Legg A fit —The Mate of Moires Wife
t only nne inoelillg of the exemeive can-
tle ad the I.:urn-rah and North American
aalwny Company was held during theism
re, years. They have transacted the
hole it their bieiress by telegraph mat -
pc A reeetieg losing called for a certain
y, the members, in place of travelling
er periwigs two tw three Modred mikes of
tottery to assemble, Aunty had to go to
itt telegraph office, mid, when a rpioreat
was heaed, from propolitiou sad monad -
weirs Were male jirst as they !versa an
sembieil in oar roma.
The *street is immolated from
ab• Pane 'lowest of Mageistiens,* which
egotism es he eetherity • very reilas-liable
book published br Mr. Otherea, se Seetaili
Aar, es hie seem is.. DOMINION of
posipt, r• ledia. We may Woo add that
4 art Aceoesre.—Mr. Everett.
lite ;Secretary USW*, is senerrelly known
as a patients' of eugenie.. butorisitioe; err
Max will not speak %%tenet booth es im--
portal siobjeeto involving statistical Mats.
knew • emenstahon of hes, et appears fiat
the aleholtilie beverages ewe the gaited
Stales *reedy, i• tee years, 81110,0011,e
0001 kmberme, et tilin.es. Ineererd
$3,600, 000 norther prigarty; has
&eyed 100 100 brelleels/ =Ala flioss
100‘01141ehil4.es le the pereelheeseg emend
1.900merthre ,tres‘f bes be-
thersiewiery iM111,001breerbee
Ties Memel*
readers. perhaps,
body falls aelam by
M. Cabbie, a k
sameleg of the lets
er bake* thou wheat
Mireirskm memoir thee
e astaien l t ; ..4
the ewes of persons whir
here, er while they are
He caireinm that the scam
Arm; thee the Nee 'Whiff;
el Nell; reel! that of basis sect,
that of leech. Vie MisiU, else, SIM
the- "Nem GM wimp, nee Ole) arether
aod sleep with didercia dtgrses art snidel-
y eg.
/1. itsir.o sr LNUAll 1.441000.—.Tier
Jewelled of Piitianseet be rise to
the scheme lor a rrilwai Uriefers70110•1
rroia the 1411,Cf end of the ttlgware GIOIA
to the (.10611. The line stall ksr
the most pert run beeenth the new sea.
'hie length of skis eedergroued raBway
wal be less than two mks and a belt.
There will be stations at very short
&stances—say, at every quarter of a node
and et is intended that the charges droll be
so moderate, that the oietibieam wilt Not
have a elm ge. TIs elmarge ter the tibia
distaste la the first iestance is the ,at
else. will be 'ettly 24. 11 51 expected that
the lone will be Ca full operatic,* 1. 11*.
More them 12 amathe.
Am ASTONUINING Yotertt.--4t the
17eited Stairs Hotel, yestenhiy, was stop- -
ping a eokned boy, named Waste Mercer
whose eatraiedinary mathematical powers
have greatly astonished all who hare wit-
nessed his demonstrating's.. Irle will add up
coleuses of figures any leagth, divide any
givea MID, multiply 'Milieus by thousands
within fire cerentes fro/11'110e time the %ur*a
are rem him, and with aucb tautens as
te reader R 'truly wonderful. Yesterday
soots, in presence of a party Gesoson,
he added a column of figures, eight in iise,
aod. 180 lines, making the Sam totalsew-
era! .AN, io above as iniestee.
feat was so astoonding and appareutly Urn
credible, that sevenil of the party loof
their coats, and dividing the sem west to
wort, and in two bowl utter they eenewee-
ced, produced identically the Noe answer.
The boy is not quite aeventeeo years ears
he cannot read row Write, aod in every ot-
braneh of PO Ellgthlh edneation is entirely
Jezebel". Aix parents reside in Kentucky,
near Louisville.—Ctiteirsati Rued*.
Tae oto Si Lane e. --A good
woman la New Jeraey, was sadly assayed
by a ternegant neighbor; who attest visit-
ed her and provoked a quarrel. She at
last sought. tbe council of her pastor, who
added sound, common sense to bis other
good qualities. Hawn heard the story ot
her wrongs, he advised ber to seat herself
quietly to the chimney corner when mit
viaited, take the tongs is her had, look
steadily into the and elm hard
word came from ler neiglihor's lips gently
soap the tongs without uttering a word.
A day or two afterwards the good wo-
man came again tri her pastor wiUia brie*
aod laughing Lice,lo comas tee of- "
leas of the new antidote lor scoldiag.—
Her trouWer had vetted her, and as venal
commenced her tirade -snap west the tugs.
Another Talley. Soap. Aaother •
"Why don't you meek r' acid the lerins-
put, more enraged. Soap. 'Do speak;
1 Awl/ split it you dole speak Aad &wee
she agent. cured of her malady by itt'magic
It IA hard work fighting s Quaker, it is
poor work scoldrag a deaf nue. It isprefst-
less work beatiog the air. One-sided cow-
troversies do sot last loag. Sis generally es4
in victory tor the silent party.
Yesterday afternoon this gigastic stainer
(pitied the Mersey for Australia, earryiag
the mails, 364 past eager., and 600 1004 04
corgo. She is still under the command of
Captain Mathews, and his a crew of 140
men. From lite alterations it. her rig and
the improvements in the rd-rew, it is antici-
paled that she will make an etcrelogly
rapid voyage. Indeed, 60 coeliac:it are
the owners of this, that they bate engaged
to return .£2mi the LIt pee tow charged_
for freightif the voyage eaccede Usti/ -
five days.
Nemesis I. Ca a 11 ACTR011.—howeTer
poetic on Englishman only get, he weer
allows himself t• soar shore comfort. If
be goes to is:metals; it i• in ronsirany with
with a bainper et Sit lied ale. meet bums
the Great Pyraiwiti, sail it will be behind
a long of bled, tea. and a Mite dish of
Jolin neve, allow. Ins revel-.
ance of the A.cieuts to iiipicy to himself—.
Should Le eve, eaalore the internal arras- ,
gement, of „Etre, it wooed he with 3 pock-
ets Idled wish cracks's:nail cheese,, aad oise
with London potrer. Jo!nt defers radically -
from Johnathan. lot the former meet • sie•
Ili err.0, (eat De. rt, the first thin; be
Wniilil wouli lw the nearest Ito -
tel. The iiist thing Johnallon would ink
for, would be the latest news from Yreka
and What is going no in Westing " A
friend of mars (Mee !met an Kazli41101141111811
aa Amenican, on a chi]. near the Falls elf
I. Anthony. The fa;mcr was imbibing
a little 'alt and 'ail; while ilw lather
going it bliod oa 11. 'Writing Herald.--
JOINA VW do roilen4 till he eats; while
Jouthen sa "eon coini.s." till lie hoe
imbibed tkia latest siews.—Neare rair
ASOTtiert FALLS MESerellalll
Beince.— We that there n a dtdoes.
miostirm no lb. Fort of Om tokens
Niagara Falls 'liege, to here
,11:7:te.prostpoilsiaatieE iciwonnieirclectrwatwpaith‘titisalitir pass.
There is but little detest es to the poi
isdieenteauiu a projeet wadi titereW im
Heat rwaslty, la Urging' the Inseam's vile
lege at this soJe tats elms Nag with
•"lisiellemtioa°Iriseort'hr.lacilej hemie11"11"*".e. it is sessaill*,, theell
tszlieng:rsortsenR:hbncheages,aer no tint,cleadometsee
rbe the care,
mutably as eigi-.k owslOW 4 "!
Ifst. Vet
w4;iieele.Luni pc.n(carnts •
tillstebelirlibetliehl*abeillittillialleemily Oe
5u5,' a.'ttlqia5
; mod dm