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'Page 11 February 14, 1963
and district news
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Arena ready for playoffs
-c9rrefaiontleint; Miss, .1t,104 Abbott
On Wednesday February 6
the ice was planed and there
is a definite improvement in
the overall condition of the
surface. This shoidd help the
Luc an Ilderton Combines in
their quest for playoff honours.
The playoffs will commence
District juniors
hear principal
The Lucan Jr, Farmers and
Jr. Institute held their annual
turkey banquet and dance at the
Lucan Legion Hall Saturday
Mr. Douglas Ovens intro-
duced the guests at the head
table: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Logan, Miss Kathleen Ryan
(president) Mr. Harvey Ovens
(president) Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Riddell, Miss Edna Ryan and
Mr. Douglas Ovens. This was
followed by the usual toasts.
Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorn-
dale's public school principal,
was the guest speaker giving an
illustrated address on a recent
trip to Europe. Mr. Logan as-
sisted her, by running the pro-
jector. Mrs. Logan was intro-
duced by Clare Paton and later
thanked by Miss Elizabeth Rid-
The two new presidents, Mr.
Douglas Ovens and Miss Helen
Hodgins, were introduced and
spoke briefly as did the two
retiring presidents. Mr. Don
O'Neil moved a vote of thanks
to the Legion Auxiliary, who
catered for the dinner.
Following the dinner, the
evening was Spent in dancing.
Mrs. E. Savage
Toronto resident
Mrs. Elizabeth Somerville
Savage, 85, wife of the late
William E. Savage, died Sunday
Feb. 3 in Victoria Hospital,
The body rested in the C.
Haskett & Son Funeral Home,
Lucan. At 9 pm Monday, the
Rev. Bruce Grey of the Birr
United Church conducted a ser-
vice here before the body was
taken to the Turner and Porter
Funeral Home Toronto, where
the funeral was held on Wed.
Feb. 6, with interment in Park
Lawn Cernetery.
She is survived by one son,
George Savage of RR 2, Lon-
don and one daughter, Mrs.
Edith Leicester of Toronto.
Mrs. Savage, the former Eli-
zabeth Somerville White, spent
most of her life in Toronto,
until coming to live with her
son at Birr about 16 years ago.
Monkey mascot
for area Lions
At the dinner business mee-
ting of the Lucan Lions held in
the Anglican church basement
last Monday night it was decided
to invite Father Paul Crunican
of Christ King College, Landon,
as the guest speaker for the
Feb. 18 meeting.
Another bingo will be held at
the Community Memorial Cen-
tre, Feb. 20 with a roast of
beef instead of a turkey as
:the prize.
On Jan. 28 the Lucan Lions
;were guests of the Parkhill
:Liotls at which time, timer
the monkey, was presented to
President Bill Amos. Eimer,
named after President Elmer
Mosurinjohn, was donated to the
Luean Lions by the North Lon-
don Lions Dec. 17., Since that
time he has been a source of
amusement to old and young.
The February dance at the
Community Centre is scheduled
for Friday, Feb. 22. Mrs. Even
llodgins' group of the Ladies
Guild catered for the dinner.
at Lucan on Friday February
22. The opposition will be an-
nounced later.
By the time this article Is
published the Lucan Shamrock
Bantams and Midgets will have
played their first games of a
two game series total goals
to count, against Belmont in
the O. M, H. A, playoffs. The sec-
ond game in this series will be
played in Lucan Arena on Fri-
day Feb. 15 commencing at 8
pm. So all you good folks get
out and encourage these boys
in their quest for champion-
ship honours.
Table Tennis got off to a
flying start during the past
weekend with a goodly num-
ber of people in attendance.
Any person who has not yet
joined the club and wishes to do
so, will be welcomed at the
Holy Trinity Anglican
Mrs. Jack Murdy was hostess
for the meeting of the Woman's
Auxiliary last Wednesday after-
noon when arrangementsfor the
World's Day of Prayer, March 1
were made, and Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. Murdy, Mrs. Harold Cour-
sey and Mrs. Frank Hardy
were named a committee to ar-
range for a bake sale in the
Parish Hall, March 2.
The articles for the child-
ren's bale were displayed.
The meeting was turned over
to Mrs. Harold Hodgins, who
gave her first talk on the book,
"Teach Yourself the Faith."
A visitor, Mrs. Price, who
spent from 1912 to 1940 in
Japan, spoke briefly and mo-
delled a beautiful kimono re-
cently received from Japan.
February 6 being Mrs. Mur-
dy's birthday, the pr e si dent
sprang a surprise by presenting
her with a huge lighted birth-
day cake. "Happy Birthday"
was sung and pictures taken.
guests of honor
Miss Nancy Scott of Clande-
boye and Miss Audrey Wissell
of Granton, whose marriages
will take place in the Clandeboye
UC on February 16 were guests
of honor at a buffet luncheon,
Saturday evening at the home of
Mrs. Frank Hardy, Lucan, when
she entertained the lady mem-
bers of the Hardy family.
Sixteen of the twenty mem-
bers were real hardy Hardy's
and managed to weather the
storm. One at least had to turn
A crystal bowl, filled with
pink snapdragons and white
shasta mums, pink candles and
a crystal candelabra made an
attractive setting against the
Hardy heirloom lace table cloth.
A number of contests were
enjoyed and gifts were pre-
sented to the two bride-elects.
Granton lodge
instals officers
John Youngson has been In-
stalled as chief ranger of Court
Cannon No. 255 Independent
Order of Foresters.
Other officers include, Junior
past chief ranger, Hamilton
Hodgins, RR3 Lucan; Vice-chief
ranger, William Drake' chap-
lain, Lloyd Martilin; conductor,
Del m ar Westman; recording
secretary, Kenn eth Hedgins;
treasurer, Walker Gibson; fi-
nancial secretary, Robert Fos-
ter; junior woodward, Clarence
Hawkins; senior wOodward,
Thomas Bickle; junior beadle,
Ross Mills; senor beadle, Mal-
corm Spence.
arena next Saturday afternoon
or Sunday afternoon.
Dances here still seem to be
very popular, There were two
of them during the past week.
On Friday the Turf Club held a
successful dance and there was
the usual Saturday night dance
also well attended.
The Lions Club have two
events scheduled for next week.
On Wednesday Feb. 20 they will
hold a bingo and the following
Friday Feb. 22 their usual end
of the month dance.
The schedule for the Lions
Clubs House League on Sat.
Feb. 16 is as follows: Pee Wee
2 pm, Canadians v Rangers,
3 pm, Bruins v Hawks, 4 pm;
Maple Leafs v Redwings; Ban-
tam, 5 pm Indians V Orioles;
6 pm Hornets v Bisons; Mid-
gets, 7 pm Beavers v Maroons.
The Evening Auxiliary met
at the rectory Wednesday even-
ing. The president, Mrs. Don
Ankers led in the worship ser-
vice. It was voted to join the
members of the Sr. Branch at
the Ash Wednesday communion
'service at 10 am. •
Rev. Stanley Tomes, a Clan-
deboye native, and the branch's
prayer partner, was present
and gave a short talk on his
work. A tentative date of Feb-
ruary 19 was set, for Mr.
Tomes to give an illustrated
talk in the parish hall, at which
time an invitation will be ex-
tended to other church organi-
zations, to attend.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins repeat-
ed the ,paper,, on j:Tenli. Nov-
self the Faith," 'which" Was so
much enjoyed by the senior
branch in the afternoon,
The assistant hostesses
were, Mrs. Don Ankers, Mrs.
Clare Stanley and Mrs. Cecil
Lewis. The March meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Gerald Lewis.
Mr. Tomes gave the Lord's
Prayer in Cree.
Pentecostal Holiness
Mr. Larry Parker of Sarnia,
completed his two week's evan-
gelistic services here with ser-
vices Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday and both services on
Sunday. Owing to his Friday
service there was no Young
People's meeting. At the 11
o'clock communion service on
Sunday the junior choir sang.
United Church
Owing to the illness of the
leader, Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
the CGIT meeting scheduled for
last Monday, had to be post-
Leader Margaret Sach was in
charge of the Explorer expe-
dition last Tuesday evening and
led in the wor ship service.
Counsellor Ilene Donaldson led
in the games.
New officers were elected,
President is Marianne Gebel;
treasurer, Betty Park; Keeper
of the Log, Nancy Hardy.
Rev. G. W. Sach of the Lu-
can United Church, officiated
at a quiet wedding, held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Emery of Alice St„ Lucan, when
their daughter Margaret Anne
was united in marriage with
John Wayne Hastings, son of
Mrs. William Hastings and the
late Mr. Hastings of London, at
2 pm Saturday, February 2.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a beige
suit, with yellow accessories,
and yellow rose corsage.
Her only attendant was her
sister, Mrs. Shirley Bandola of
London, who chose a light grey
suit, pink accessories and pink
rose corsage.
The groom's brother, Mr.
William Hastings of London,
was best man and Mr. Leon Ban-
dola, usher.
Oyster or Ham
Thursday, Feb. 21
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Adults $1.50
Children under 12 - 75
Pre-school children free
Sponsored by the Men's Club)
For some reason, Valentine
Day brings Out the worst in me,
The idea of having a special
day for expressions of 14Ve
appeals to me, but not In the
middle of a Canadian February.
At this time of year, I can
hardly stand myself, let alone
my wife, my neighbor's wife,
and various other people I'm
supposed to love. Bearing this
in mind, perhaps you will ex-
cuse the faintly anti-romantic
tone of the following.
Nothing disconcerts a woman
quite as much as the sugges-
tion that she is not the fingers-
to-therbone type of worker she
claims to be. And that's a big
statement, because an awful lot
of things disconcert a woman.
Trouble is, most men swallow
this legend. They come home
from work with their tails drag-
ging, and barely have their coats
off when the recital starts. They
react in various ways to the
avalanche that flows from Mum
on everything she did from the
time she got out of bed this
One of the most widely used
methods of retaining sanity is to
paste an interested look on your
face, go right on eating your
dinner, and emit a repertoire of
small sounds indicating incre-
dulity, approval and sympathy,
accompanied by popping the
eyes, if your mouth is full,
Family marks
lady's birthday
Mrs. Charles Johnson of Bel-
mont, who has been spending the
winter, with her daughters,
Mrs. Ernest Kennedy, was guest
of honor at a birthday party
last Monday to celebrate her
84th birthday,
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
George Garton and family of
Tillsonburg, Mr. Glen Johnson
and son of Belmont, Mrs. Henry
Bieber and Mrs. Wilfred Bieber
of Clandeboye, Mrs. Glen Ken-
nedy and family, Mrs. Harold
Townsend and family, Mrs. Ira
Carling and Mrs. William Frost
of Lucan.
Water OK
at PS site
Mr. Cliff Abbott, secretary
of the new Area 1 Biddulph
school board, reports after
going a depth of 385 feet, 75
feet of water has been secured
on the farm of Mr. Frank Hardy,
Concession 4, Biddulph and the
centre sideroad, the proposed
site of the new school,
The water has been tested
and found all right so in all
likelihood the school will be
built there.
wagging your head from time to
time, and shrugging Your Shoul -
ders at the opportune moment.
This gets you through the meal.
Then she says: "Why do you
never talk to me?"
Another way of countering the
vivid account of the way she
got at the ironing right after she
made the beds is to say, ",0h,
put a sock in it, Who the hell
cares how long it took you to
wax the floor?" But this method
is not recommended unless your
wife is paralyzed from the waist
down. And up.
The more subtle and intelli-
gent approach is one I have
developed, and which I am too
public-spirited to keep to my-
self. It is to read women's ma-
gazines, Practically every one
of them these days contains an
article about how to hold your
For example, this week
found a couple of dandies. One
reads: Stop Boring Your Hus-
band! The second asks, Are You
Exploiting Your Husband? Just
crease the magazine at the
article, put some fingerprints
on It, and underline a few preg-
nant phrases. Then leave the
open magazine in some place
where she's likely to see it,
such as the bathroom or inside
the refrigerator.
Next, find a few murder mys-
teries in which husbands have
done away with their wives. Or
news stories in which a manhas
gone berserk and axed his entire
family. Get into the habit of
reading them aloud to your wife,
jovially, and with relish. Start
grinding up aspirin tablets and
dropping them into glasses of
milk just as she enters the
When she starts talking about
working so hard, fix her with a
piercing stare and ask softly,
"Are you really unhappy with
your life, darling?" This me-
thod is practically guaranteed to
give her something else to think
about besides what she told the
milkman when he short-changed
It's all very well for women
to talk about how hard they
work, and what a state their
nerves are in, from the con-
tinual pressure of "kids, kids,
kids:" But I, for one, am not
interested, and don't believe a
word of it. Third of all, I'd
Call AI at
General Insurance
Real E sta te
rather talk about'me,
If life is such 4 round Pf
drudgery, why are they sofran,
tic to get married..? Oh, I.knew
the answer to this .one, tee,
It goes, certainly didn't ex,-
pect it to. be like this. you used
to talk to me about everything..
Now you just sit there with your
nose in the paper. Other peo-
ple's husbands talk tp them".
Of course they do, and so
would we, weuldn't we, chaps, if
our wives would only SHUT UPI
Don't expect her to admit it,
but today's woman, if she is a
fair mechanic, has a life that
would make her grandmother
turn green with envy. Somebody
else does her baking. A machine
does her washing. The milk and
groceries are delivered (unless
She lives in the city, where the
latter amenity has been dis-
pensed with), She doesn't have
to pump water, er chop kindling
or shovel spow or shOptlnOallS
or drive a team. or birth babies-
or preserve fruit,
She has se many tifne,Asaviag
-.devices she hasn't time to look
alter them all. And with radio,
televisien, and telephone, she
doesn't have to suffer the worst
plague of her grandmother
Or does she?
On top of the mechanical aids
that have removed the drudgery
from her life, shehas allusband
who might think that A woman's
place is in the home — but
wouldn't say it. Come on, kids,
confess that you never had it
so gopd.
Or do you?
Happy Valentine's Pay. And
even if ,it's only old. Bill Hint-
ley --I iove you,
Area's top public speakers
These nine children were the major winners in the public speaking
competitions held here recently. Top, Lewis Mitchell and. Gillian
McNamee won the Lucan and Biddulph schools' competition,
sponsored by Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers' Associa-
tion. Centre, junior winners in the Legion contest were, front
row, Patsy Wallis and Pat Ryan, back row, Jane Crozier and
Peggy Eisen. Senior winners, bottom, are Marlene O'Neil,
Wanda Mitoraj and Gillian McNamee.
Exchange vows at bride's home
The bride's mother wore a
mauve silk gown, with white
accessories and mauve rose
corsage and the groom' s mother
a brown and white gown, white
accessories and rose and bron-
ze rose corsage.
The home was artistically
decorated with silver horse-
shoes, bells, pink and blue rib-
bons and streamers. There
were 38 guests from London and
vicinity present. Mrs. C, Kish,
the bride's aunt, and Miss J.
Louri, assisted at the reception.
After a motor honeymoon to
points north, the couple will
make their home in London.
Recreation news
..... ...
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4.a. &a art
Dispensed by Smiley
Old Bill
loves you
As a truck man, you'll know