HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-14, Page 2EDITORIALS Spotlight on pail(s. This newspaper commends council for its interest in, and action upon, the develop- ment of Riverview Park, This natural resources is one of the community's biggest assets and it is heartening to see council recognizing the potential there. Despite the major projects facing coun- cil at this time, it has taken important steps to- ward enlarging and improving the park. The Learn and Johnston properties south of the river have been purchased with the kind co- operation and assistance of the Ausable author- ity. A swampy corner of the park area, on the north-east side, is being reclaimed and it will be a valuable and attractive picnic area some day. Last week, council accepted the plan for development prepared by Exeter Kinsmen Club, which also must take some credit for the prog- ress being made. Plans are being made to un- dertake some of the -improvements this year in the hope and expectation that progress can be achieved each year, without straining the municipal budget unduly. Again in connection with the same de- velopment, the swimming pool campaign is gaining momentum. If it is suecessful, another major step will be taken. In these moves, Exeter is right in step with the senior governments of this country who too recognize the need for Canada to pre- serve and develop her natural heritage. In, its plans for the celebration of the nation's cen- tennial, the federal government committee has agreed to devote considerable of the funds which it has been promised toward park de- velopment. The new budget announced by the provincial government indicates its park de- velopment program will be doubled in the coming year. Another interesting, and worthwhile, suggestion in the same regard conies from the Huron Expositor, which recommends that Hur- on county, in recognition of the forthcoming centennial, undertake a county-wide park sys- tem, It all takes time The Times-Advocate is still in a period of adjustment in connection with its new photo- offset reproduction, begun about a month ago. We asked for our readers' indulgence then and we make the request again. For several weeks, to some subscribers at least, the paper came a day late. All of our readers in the immediate community should have received their copies on Thursday last week, however. And we trust they will this week. Our objective is Thursday delivery for everyone in the area every week. But there may be some misses along the way. We haven't been able to include all the news we wanted to during these weeks. While this is always a problem with newspapers, since it just isn't possible to make space and content work out evenly, it's been particularly dif- ficult during this transition period. As we gain experience, we'll be better able to cope with the situation. What perhaps our readers don't know, and which may help to explain the situation, is that almost every member of our staff is coping with new machines, new methods, new mate- rials. Frankly, we're both pleased and proud with the manner in which our employees have "pitched in" to facilitate the transition. But even the most abundant amounts of willing- ness and desire can't make up for experience. Only time can give us that. We've been happy with the reception you've given our new paper. The compliments have far outweighed the complaints. We ap- preciate your patience and understanding dur- ing this period and we hope you will continue to give us your indulgence. BY THE EDITOR Don Southcott A matter of principle It looks as if Ernie Fisher's prin- ciples have ruined what might have been a successful parliamentary career, "I really don't know how much I've thrown down the drain," said the per- sonable Goderich mayor four days after he stunned the county by announcing his resignation as president of the Goderich Liberal Association. He had said he wouldn't stand as a candidate for the party in the forthcom- ing federal vote, although he might con- sider running as an independent Liberal until such time as the Liberal party presents a platform which he could accept with a clear conscience. Ernie made a good run ag ain st veteran PC member Elston Cardiff in last year's vote in Huron and I, as I'm sure a good number of others must have, felt he stood a chance--a good one --of winning the next one. A long-standing member like Cardiff, who looks after his constituents well, is tough to beat on the first try. But El- ston, now '74, can't campaign as hard as he used to and not a few voters feel he should retire from the political field. After all, they retire businessmen at 60 these days. I talked to Ernie early this week to discuss his surprising decision. He admitted he had been in a good position because "a lot of people who supported Elston the last tile told me they would not do it again." COULDN'T 'BUY' IT Why, then, did he resign? "Truthfully," he said, "I just could not buy the package deal. If you're going out to sell something, you've got to believe in yourself, or you can't do a job. I just couldn't go along with what the party is doing," What soured him? "The missile deal, for one thing. I couldn't see Pearson's stand on that. It's like talking out of both sides of your mouth at once—to say we will fulfill our defence commit- ments, spend hundreds of millions of dollars for warheads, and then try to re- negotiate to get rid of them. To me, it's a stall. It Maybe a good thing politically speaking, I don't know. But I can't see it. When I think of what should be done in Goderich, I decide what's right for the town, for the people, not what's going to do me the most good poli- tically." SUPPORTS A-ARMS "I think we have to have nu c 1 e ar arms. I believe that whether we like it or not, we have to stand with the U.S. If we started waving the white feather, saying 'Look at us--we're not armed', it's not going to save us. If somebody's going to shoot at us, I'll be on Kennedy's side. "To me, it doesn't mean we have to be dictated to by the Americans. We can still have our say. But let's arm along with them so we can say to the Russians, "You're not fooling around with us. Mind your own business—we're ready." "I'm unhappy with Mr. Pearson's obstructionist tactics too. Maybe this is what's expected politically, too, I don't know, but I thought we should have tried to get the show on the road. I don't think Diefenbaker didn't seem to be in a good position to administer, but I think We should have given him an oppor- tunity to see what he could do." WHAT'S THE PLATFORM? He also complained about the lack of platform. "Pearson said he would get the economy on the road, get it moving again, so that there would be jobs for everyone. Well, I'd like to say that in Goderich, too. It's easy to say it but how are you going to do it. What's the platform? You have to come up with some type of program." Ernie said he didn't expect his resig- nation would hit the nation-wide news services the way it did. He ha.nded his resignation in Tuesday morning both to the association and to the Goderich Signal-Star. W. E. Elliott, a former Telegram editorial writer who still keeps his finger in the business, re- layed it to press services. "When I listened to the news on TV at noon, and it came over the CBC, I was floored." "If things hadn't gone so fast, I think we could have got it settled a little quieter," he stated. ANGERS LIBERALS What has the reaction been? He ad- mitted "quite a few Liberals were angry". He's received many letters over it, not only from Huron, but from other parts of the province as well. Some for, some against. Has he had much support for an in- dependent campaign? "To be truthful, there is no move on it at all. I've had some offers of support--one from a fairly substantial businessman who said he would give me more than 'peanuts' if I decided to go ahead. "At the moment things are very un- certain. It's a case of sitting tight. To run any campaign, you have to have a nucleus around you and it takes a long time to build up an organization. You still have to have a few people who know the ropes--you can't win an elec- tion without them" So Ernie Fisher, a bright spot on Huron's political scene and a man who even his opponents considered a serious contender, drops temporarily at least out of the picture. I told him I admired him for his principles. Not many men would put their conscience above opportunity, but I wished there were more of them, particularly in politics. "I don't know," replied Ernie. "The difference between being a courageous man and being a fool is just a fine line, isn't it?" "Did you send for me?" Times Established 1813 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924 F 11.tas. neest.a texeferZimes-Atithicafei4 SERVING CANADA'S BEST FARMLAND Member: C.W.N.A., 0.W.N.A., C.C.N.R. and ABC Published Each Each thursday Morning at Exeter, OM, Authdrized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash Paid•in-Adyante Circulation, Sept, 30, 1962 — 3,817 SUBSCRIPTION- RATES:- Canada $4.00 Per iraari USA 45.08. By that time the Tiger was the leading pioneer of the HurOn District, knowing everybody and known by them all as a friend and champion of their rights long befere he resigned from the Canada Company.. Travelling throughout the district over the rudimentary roads that were little better than forest trails, the Tiger was we lcomed in every farmhouse and settle- ment for himself and for his travelling companions, the Twelve Apostles. These were twelve gallon bottles in a felt- lined wooden case, Eleven of them held whisk y, and the twelfth, naturally named Judas, held water. Near Goderich the Tiger built his house, Gairbraid, where he was joined by his brother Robin, a retired naval officer, and a housekeeper, Louisa, who con- trolled the house, the farm and the two bachelor brothers. Gos- sip soon began to spread about their menage, and as Robinwas gr117=1,======••••Mila•••WitliaMOille.00 MORE ON Robarts Plan running for the legislature, it was decided that one of the brothers must marry Louisa. The matter was decided by the toss of a coin. The Tiger won the toss, µsing a double, headed penny, and Robin be, came the pridegrpogi. The closing days of his life Were saddened by the loss of his friends in Huron who felt that his own resignation from the legislature had beep abetrayal. He had ontlived many of his other friends, he was prema- turely aged by the hardship of pioneer life and too great re- liance on the comfort provided by the Twelve Apostles. Minis- tered to by the faithful Louisa, he died at the age of fifty-pix on the banks of the Lachine Canal, far from the district where developing elyiliza.tion had made his individualistic talents unfashionable. "The Tiger of Canada West", by W. IL Grahem -- Clarke, Irwin -- $6.00. An Investment in Better A Rec Room in your home is an investment in better living for the whole family —ond it also increases the resale value of your home. LET CONKLIN'S DO THE WHOLE JOB OR 00 IT YOURSELF • FREE INFORMATION • FREE ESTIMATES AND PLANNING. SERVICE • QUALITY MATERIALS • LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CONKLIN SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Snow Blower Clearance ! SMARTS, Reg. $219,95 Model NOW $ 159.95 SMART'S, Reg. $289,95 Model . . . . NOW $ 249.95 PITTSBURGH PAINTS See us for a complete selection of colors & shades No Down Payment EASY MONTHLY TERMS ON CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT 131 Thames Road, West, Exeter Phone 235-1422 • ...or Andre ...or Fred ...or Hans It all depends on whether your borne needs the touch of a master-painter, new bathroom fixtures, or a complete re-modelling job in the kitchen. If there's work to be done to improve your home, now is the time to put it in hand. Wintertime is the time when hands skilled in putting houses in order are available at short notice. Now is the best time to get repairs and renovations done thoroughly, quickly and at lowest cost. If the work you have in mind costs more than you care to put out in cash — there's no prob. lem. Simply see your neighbourhood branch of "MY BANK" and arrange for a low-cost B of M Home Improvement at the .13 of will be glad to i"iti"/""1 MT BANIC Loan. The man who serves you do it even if his name isn't George. BANK Or MONTREAL 04444 9ota 6=44 Exeter 13ranch: Centralia (Sab,Ageney): (Opeh Tuesday, Thursday and oh Friday 4.30.6 pan.) Credition (Sub-Agency): (Open Monday, Wednesday And Friday) Grand Bend Branch: DONALD It013EIrrSON, Manager DastiwOod (Sun,Agency); Open Von., Wed. Liz Pri, HenSoll Bronchi xr,N1 CHRISTIAN, Manager Luton Branch: JACK STEACY, Manager Zurich Bronebi JOHN BANNISTER, manager wooKiwo WITH tottAAbfAHs iN EVEkY WALK OF LIFE ONCE 1817 vpis GIIARLES 8MITII, Manager Resurrection of the charac- ters of Canada's past and re- construction of the epoch in which they flourished are fas- cinating pursnits, and when the work has been performed with skill and imagination the result is likely to be an extraordinarily readable book, This is what W, H. Graham has produeed in his account of the life and times of Dr. William ("Tiger") Dunlop, who, first as Warden of the Woods and Forests of the Canada Company, and later as that company's severest opponent, was the man chiefly responsible for the set- tlement of one segment of the frontier of Upper Can ad a, the Huron Tract. The Huron Tract comprised most of what is now the On- tario County of Huron with parts of Perth and LambtonCounties. It came into the Canada Com- pany's possession as an in- direct consequence of the War of 1812. Many loyal Canadians had suffered during the war from the depredations of British troops on their lands and had legitimate claims against the British government for da- mages, For those without in- fluence in London reimburse- ment was long delayed. John Galt, appointed their representative because of his knowledge of Whitehall pro- cedure, finally produced the novel plan of forming the Can- ada Company, which would buy Crown lands in Canada at a price of about a shilling an acre, to be paid in instalments of 20,000 pounds annually. The British Government would then use this money to pay off the Canada Claimants, and the Can- ada Company would make its profit by selling off the lands to settlers. The plan was accepted with' the important alteration that the money received by the British Government was earmarked, not for the claimants but for the use of the British Lieuten- ant-Governor of Upper Canada. Galt chose as his chief aide in Canada Dr. Dunlop, whom he had known as one of the convivial circle of contributors to Black- wood's Magazine in Edinburgh, and Dunlop arrived in York to take up his new duties in Nov- ember, 1826. It was not his first visit to Canada. He had been here be- fore, towards the end of the War of 1812, as an army doctor, ar- riving in time to assist in car- ing for the wounded from the Battle of Lundy's Lane. Then he had had a brief spell of employment in India, where he had been engaged in clearing an island near Calcutta of tigers. This occupation had won him his nickname, and already several legends had clustered around him, notably that of his original method of tiger-hunt- ing, which consisted of throw- ing snuff in his victim's face and shooting him while he was occupied in sneezing. Dunlop's next and last mili- tary experience was during the rebellion of 1837,, when he raised a regiment from his Huron settlers to protect Can- ada from Mackenzie's rebels and possible invasion from the United States. The regiment, Graham reports, was variously known as "the Huron T r ue Blues, the Huron Braves, the Invincibles and the BloodyUse- less." 50 YEARS AGO B.S. Phillips, real estate agent, has this week, sold H. Reynold's farm of 100 acres, Lot 3 con 3 Hay to John Triebrier Of Stephen kir $6400. Mr. William Treble delivered a large smoke stack to a St., Maryt firm for Jollies motto & SOn, on Friday. Thoniaa McMillan of Hullett Township was chosen on Monday by the Liberal's of West Hilton as their candidate for the Mini., niOn houSe. Mr. Harry Rowe, who recen- tly sold hiS farm, has rented Bletahford'S Wise on Wilms limn St: and will move therein Shortly: 25 YEARS AGO Mrs: Hannah Marie Sanders celebrated her 06th birthday at the borne of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, Con 2 Stephen. Mrs. E.A4 Baas, Winnipeg, in renewing her subscription to the 'Times Advocate Witte that She had been a subscriber since 1882, thiS being her 56th rend-, Wel. S.M.1Y Sanders last week reti- red fitin the Chbir Of jaMeS Street united Chnith Whig completed 52 years of service.' Mrs, Powell gave a demonstration 0"C66)0'1171'6,1dt* at the meeting of Eke* WI held at the horde of Mrs, H. Kyle. Your January editorial on the Robarts Plan was informa- tive and of special interest to the parents and students who are involved in making impor- tant decisions about their cour- ses. My only criticism is that you attempted to link these now practical courses with the cry- ing need for specialists inbusi- ness, engineering and science. The job opportunities you re- ferred to were for university graduates. Such specialists will not come from our four-year courses. The student who choo- ses the trade and technology branch or the business and commerce branch must still try his university admission subjects (grade 13) back in the arts and science branch. After studying the Roberts Plan, university officials stated a preference for the arts and science branch, even for future engineers and business admini- strators. They would rather do the specializing at the univer- sity level and have the high school provide a general groundwork. The new practical courses will definitely answer many of our practical problems in edu- cation, but if a student can fore- see the opportunity of attending university it would be safer to stay in the old-fashioned arts and science branch, A Mt. Carmel teacher. EDITOR'S NOTE We appreciate these com- ments because our two editor- ials may have misled some readers. As the teacher points out above, the high sc ho o 1 graduate in arts and science may major in engineering and business at the university level and thus take advantage of the opportunities cited in our re- ferences to the demand for specialists. Several other points should be clarified, too. First, we believe the op- portunities outlined not only indicate the trend at the uni- versity level but also reflect the type of employment avail- 15 YEARS AGO The South Huron Junior Far- mers and Junior Institute held their first anniversary in the Exeter arena. They met sepa- rately and elected Officers and then had a joint meeting. A chartered bus with 44 turnip growers and processors visited Toronto Wednesday to attend a convention at the Royal York Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs and ,two sons of Saintsbury have moved to Exeter into the resi- dence on John St. recently pur- chased from Ken Hockey. For the first time in the history of Exeter, photos were sent by wire from this village to appear in e 'Toronto news- paper. A Globe and Mail photo- grapher took pictures on Mon- day--they were developed in Jack Doerr'a studio and a Ma- chine was set up to transmit theni to Toronto, 10 YEARS AGO Fred Newton announced this week he has sold his Chrysler- Plymouth franchise and garage business to Reg Atinthrong of M ild may. The firm Will be known as the Reg Arnistrong Motors, Bakers across Canada began using on February 2breatifiour that looks nb different and costs no more but Which contains four added elements for "enriched bread." able to youth who complete only the four-year courses or who cannot undertake higher education, for one reason or another. At this level, then, the student in business or tech- nology would have an advantage over the arts and science stu- dent. Secondly, the university at- titude cited above and perhaps that of some secondary school teachers indicates a lack of appreciation of one of the prin- cipal objectives of the Robarts Plan. This is to provide train- ing suitable to the aptitude of the student in order to allow the latter to make the fullest use of his talents. It would seem accepted now that many high school students have not achieved their potential because they were not interest- ed in the academic concentra- tion in the arts and science courses. If the university and secondary school officials con- tinue to stress arts and science and 'discriminate against the other:, branches, then they ob- viougly are defeating the aims inherent in the changes. This is quite clear in the original outline of the plan when it was announced by Premier Roberts. We quote: "The new plan will provide an incentive for more pupils to complete their high school training. This will result in a much higher proportion of per- sons being prepared by the time they leave school, either to pro- ceed to more advanced training or to enter upon solid careers in business and industry." Mr. Robarts also said: "The business and commerce branch and the engineering, technology and trades branch will gain the prestige they de- serve as more good pupils pro- ceed through their programs to grade 13 and to institutions of higher education. No branch of a school should have more than its share of below-average pu- pils." It is to be expected that edu- cators, generally reactionary to curriculum changes as his- tory and present conditions show, will adopt a cautious and' "go slow" attitude to the re- volutionary Robarts Plan (al- though it can hardly be con- sidered revolutionary in the light of what many other coun- tries are doing). This is not entirely unwise because gra- dual, sound development is much preferred to hasty, hapha- zard "plunging" into new pro- grams. On the other hand, it would be most unfortunate if these educators let tradition, intolerance and personal pre- ference prevent progress in a program obviously beneficial and desperately needed by the youth of today. One must suspect the uni- versity of fi c ials'"preferen- ces" in view of their recent stand on providing education for the youth now coming up through our high and public schools. They were unprepared to meet the surging enrolments, satis- fied With their present pro- grams, until the provincial go- vernment stepped in to force their responsibilities upon them, If the universities per- sist in the attitude suggested in the letter above, we have no doubt their co-operation will be "secured" one way or an- other. "You're het, helping* 'demo any? QUEST OPINION Tige.X. of Canada West BY J, L. CHARLgSWOIrrIf IN CANADIAN SATURDAY NIGHT 11y _a 4444414 444, 4 4-;444:4Li4 it i'444.4444.4L -4: 4.44.44_444:4:4:444.,L— 4. 4_ 4 4 4 r4