HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-07, Page 9By MRS. FRgok BowDEN og..prrciN The Rey. A, M. Schlenker presided at the annual meeting of the Zdon vangelical United Church. The budget and operating ex- penaes were presented to the congregation by Ray Morlock, Raised the past Year Was. $10,415 and the budget set for 1963 is $10,400. Ervin Ratz was elected to three year term on the board of trustees, Gordon Morlock was re-elected for three year term for cemetery trustee. Other officers are Miss Nola Feist, treasurer; Mrs. G. E. Wenzel, finance secretary; Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, cheir leader; Mrs. Ernmery Fahrner and Miss Judy Finkbeiner, or- ganists. A vote of appreciation and thanks was given to Mrs. F. W. Morlock, recently resigned or- ganist, for her faithful services for the past 42 years. MESSENGERS At the rneetingof Messengers held on Thursday, January 31 in the United Church school rooms Richard Moon showed an interesting film. A story was given by Kathy Boulianne. By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE COMMUNlTY NIGHT On FrIl4YeVeningeoMiniinitY night was held With six Wes of euchre in play, Prizes were won for bane hands by Mrs. Jack Eorland; iladles hi g14 Mrs. Reg. 110d ,, gent; ladies low, Joyce Mayer; men's high, Mac Hodgert; men' s low, Wayne Mayer, The committee in charge was Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webber. The next community night will be held this Friday evening, Febrnary 8 in the schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Almer Pass- more had their Happy Doubles Club travelling dinner onSatur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr. and Mrs. William Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgert, Grant and Brenda Were Satur- day evening pests with Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons of Hurondale. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian, Barry and Barbara were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Row- cliffe of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne and Brenda visited on Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell of llensall. Miss Sharon Passmore is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. Ray Cottle left the first of the week with Mr. Harold Amy of Burford for Florida. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Brazier, Michele and Carol Lynn of Brantford spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore, People are always ready to admit a man's ability after he gets there. Robert C. (Bob) Edwards storm. "We did have to cancel some things in December on account of storm, and complete them in January", Dr. Aldis said. "Month for month, J a nu ar y sometimes has been a lot worse, but we had a lucky break." By MRS, Y1,11444,0 Bglipp •Times,Aplyecatp,„Febrpary 74 190 gaga 9 juipluomplimpolinomitimpommimiffilmoupowionminuininingunnowilinolionymponloolopnwilmolownipolowing. We THE UNPERSIGNEP. re Convinced: 1. That additional public outlets of liquor in Exeter are neither necessary nor advisable. 2. That this' vote has been forced upon, our community by interests which are concerned primarily in the fi- nancial gains from such outlets. 3. That more outlets will lead to increased consumption of alcoholic beverages at high prices. This means less money for other items in the farnily budget. 4, That the liquor traffic is after your young people as prospective patrons. S. That the business will suffer. The dollar they should get will be spent in the cocktail bars. 6. That the "Yes" vote means the easy ability of obtain- ing a banquet permit by any organization for unlimited drinking. 7. That life is a stewardship from God, and because of this we have a responsibility for the social and spiritual welfare of our fellow man. Signed, R. S. Hiltz, R. Van Farowe, S. Sauder, A. J. Ste nstra,albot J. W. Stephenson, L. T WEINERS 491 Table-Rite Skinless • TOP VALU CANDY 47.17,,7:M=IiME Choose '63 officers for 'Creditor' (bunt): SHigh Forestry jobs outlines Ken Moon. Members of the Creditors WI Will note the change in their date of meeting. It will be held Fe4reary 13 due to the Fed era., Orin banquet on February 20. Mrs. Pd, Finkbeiner is a patient. in St. Joseph's Hospital, Mrs. Robert Hilborn and. Kathy ef Hanover spent the week with Mra. Ezra Feist and Nola. Mr. and Mrs. William Opp.- Weber returned home after spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenwood and family of Don Mills. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Hendirck attended the funeral of Mr. Ed. Eckstein in Port Huron on Saturday, Lac Jack Bredo of Edgar visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator and family and Mr. Steve Brierley. By SUSAN THOMPSON 1 LaWrenee .SCAles zone loreS" ter In this area, lectured to a large greup of boys frein all grades on the occupation .of forestry at Siiigh recently. The first branch of this aeon., pation is that of forester, It is a relatively new profession, having only 900 people employed in it at the present time, A four...year university education is needed for this branch of the work. Secondly, biolegists are needed in forestry. These men are highly specialized in certain fields, such as tree diseases, and also require a university education. They are equal in rank and pay to foresters. The third group of men em- ployed in forestry are forest rangers. These men work in the north and have many varied duties including forest fire pre- vention. Lastly conservation officers are needed to enforce the rules and regulations of the province concerning wild life. They also Health unit not affected The county health unit has not been greatly effected by the prolonged cold and stormy wea- ther, partly as a result of planning its activities so that the more isolated places are reached in spring. Schools have experienced some absenteeism because of respiratory illness, Dr. R.M. Aldis, M.0.11., repor- ted. "This seems to hit the youn- ger children harder," he said. "In junior classrooms there might be nine absentees to a room, but when you get up to the senior rooms only one or two are away." As to health services in general, January has not been too bad, the MOH said. More trouble was encountered in De- cember, when four or five ap- pointments for TB testing at South Huron high school had to be cancelled, and a board mee- ting postponed on account of a ; k 1+1 qt. WORLD SERVICE PAY World Service Day was ob- served in the EUB church on Sunday, February 3 with Mrs. F. W. Morlock as chairlady. The guest speaker was Mrs. A. M. Amacher of Zurich who chose as her theme "Everyone Members One Of The Other". Special music was supplied by the regular choir and the ladies quartet. YOUTH SUNDAY Youth Sunday was observed in the United Church on Sun- day with a number of yoUng people participating. T ak i ng part were Claire Skinner, Rich- ard Moon, Brian Lamport and To of 11,19 3 We Urge Yo On Febr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills of Exeter were guests on Sunday with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Miss Sharon McBride of Kip- pen and Miss Ruth Miller of London were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and family. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Morphy of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mor- phy and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cyn- thia and Ellen helped Calvin celebrate his second birthday at the home of -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd and Pamela on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, Warren and Sandra of Lakeside. Mrs. Wm. Rundle had her left hand badly crushed in a pulley on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Ira McCurdy visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy and family of Kirkton. Mrs. Lloyd Smith spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy, Lynn, Karen and Barry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy , Margaret and David. Miss Margaret Earle of Mit- chell was a weekend guest with Miss Kay Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Larry were Friday even- ing guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and Terri. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hod- gins of Exeter were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Doug- las. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brine and Paul of Base Line and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins visited on Sun- day with Mr. Arthur Hopkins in Westminster Hospital Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jaques, Yvonne and Dalton of West Zion were Tuesday evening guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. onninnininnininninniniiiininninnnininninfinuniniinninninuniniinininiiininiffinninunninnnininininininninininninmoinunninounnnu take inventory of wild life and Work in public relations, The forest, rangers and conservation officera are both trained at a. forest ranger school, A discussion folloWed the lee ture. SCHOOL SPIRIT One of the decisive factors in determining who is the winner of a game is the amount of school spirit displayed by the crowd, Do the students of Slligh have enough of this enthusiasm? Here are just a few opinions voiced by students on this sub- ject, CAROLYNNE SIMMONS 11A: "There is enough spirit among the team members but not in the school body, We should haye a. pep rally to help stu- dents to learn the cheers." MARION KERSLAKE, special commercial: "Most of the time there is enough school spirit. Games should be advertised more and more sportsmanship should be shown at the games". PAULINE AQUILINA, 123: "The students should attend games for the game itself. There should be cheerleaders and fans going to games away from home, also more interest in school sweaters, jackets, rings, etc., would help boost spirit." RUSSELL KLOPP, 1$: "We do have enough school spirit but there should be more intra- mural sports and pep rallies to encourage cheering." SANDRA JORY, 12A: "No one ever cheers at the games except the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders should also be more enthusiastic. A pep rally and new cheers would help". RUTH ANN FLAXBARD, 11B: "Yes, there is enough spirit. We should see all of thegames. New and different cheers would encourage cheering". BY MRS. PPINPV9. Mrs, Roy life411494. returned home last week from Victoria Hospital, Her mother, Mrs. Lewis, 1$ spending a .couple of weeks with .her. Mr, and We. Howard. cnn, pington and family .of Flimville were :Priday evening: visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred .Eun, ningten, Mr. George Baynham left on Saturday for Houston, Texas to visit with his son, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Baynham and family.. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon l3aynhern and family, of Exeter motored as far as Detroit with him. Mr.. Baynham went by plane from Detroit to Texas. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dixon, Mr, and Mrs. pon Patterson and family of London wereSuri- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth returned home on Sunday fol- lowing a honeymoon trip to Nassau. Miss Susan Tilley returned to her home in London on Sun- day after visiting for' a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Arthur McValls. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson attended the funeral in Seaforth on Monday of their aunt, the late Mrs. Chas McKeever of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden and Mrs, Elmer Wilson visited with Mr. Russell Schroeder in. Victoria Hospital on Friday afternoon. S MYTH -G AYNOR WEDDING Mr. Borden Smyth and Mrs. Mary Gaynor exchanged wed- ding vows in All Saints Anglican Church in London on Friday, January 25. Following the ceremony are- ception was held at the Iroquois Hotel. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander of Lucan, and Misses Beverley and Joanne Smyth. .l'Act......1",Wg•WiMM:WW.;',2x,W."07.0%,,W,:alktalkfk‘;`A.14.1,:i."Wit,5',.M.fig•VW41`,4W4MATi:tnt,A,,,t74,.;,ZitMM atrk‘enric;M:14;:lAo. Wigan's,N.g„• •o. ..eg Att..s.WW.7.?&.:WW.4 S'S5WS.gstas'aelktMer-:?..:4 .ti451Msslatfaftto.kmeUts,l..tissztags..1•01*.x.12.4".M.M.Z.Z.W.W.M.go..W..,MI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schlegel and family of the Haig Farm returned from a fortnight's visit in Virginia last Sunday. Messrs. John Vincent, Arnold Stebbins and Peter Burley are driving school buses for Wm, Davidson who has been a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London, for a month. Miss Caroline Little of Lon- don visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little over the weekend. Mrs. Chris Abel of the Pinery Inn is assisting Mrs. William Schlegel as housekeeper. The Haig and New Venice farms are hauling corn and grain to Waters elevator. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gote- laer Jr. (the former Shirley Prance) and son David, have moved from Thedford to their former home in Ridgetown. MRS. GARY McDONALD The funeral of the late Mrs. Gary McDonald (19) of Pt. Ed- ward, the former Eileen Rowphf and eldest daughter of mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rowphf of Pt. Ed- ward, at Thedford recently, was largely attended by old neigh- bors and friends. Amalgamation of the Lea- mington and Klondyke Co-op- erative Storages with one ma- nagement is under considera- tion at a meeting on Feb. 4. Steaks & Roasts! Government Inspected e Sell Only The Best T. Heck With The Rest" 20 lbs up STNltilkZLKLEYS 48fb ,y0,0144, Top Valu MARGARINE lbs 5/99V WAX Top v PAPER 100-Foot Roll 4/99 Boneless Round Sirloin Porterhouse Wing 15.0z, Tins Kounty Kist PEAS PORK SA`:SAGE 49g, Table-Re Small Link /99c Phial(SALMON 3 /99 TokaiNGE DRINK 40i 49~ INSTANT COFFEE 64z° 694 Sweetheart Gifts Betty Crocker — Wheaties, Cheerios, Twinkles, Frosty-0's CEREALS 3I99( SURF GIANT no off 63 Florida Stalks Celery 2 for 39 Size 36's PRODUCE FEATURES Grapefruit 8 for 49 112's Mix or Match These Frozen Foods! Potatoes PEI 10-lb. Bag 494 Stokely's Poly Peas Stokely's Poly Corn Stokely's Poly Green Beans 10.02. Stokely's Poly Lirna Beans 11.00. Ontario Macintosh Apples 6-qt Basket 79c English Mints, ScOtch Mints, Jumbo Gums, Ad mints, Jelly Beans, Golden HurnbegS, Silver Humbugs, Jti JubeS, Grand Slam, Rainbow Mints. 4 Packages 9 4 Any 4 for 79C Cosmetics REVLON NAIL POLISH SET, Gift wrapped $ 2.00 REVLON COLORCHEST NAIL ENAMELS $ 1.95 5 Assorted Fashion Shades YARDLEY RED ROSE SOAP, 3 cakes $ 1.75 DRESSER SETS .....$4.95,$5.95, $ 7.95 Candy BLACK MAGIC . $1.75, $2.95,$5.95 NEILSON'S . $1 2542.50, $3.00 Riviera ONO EPOSIT INGER ALE THROW AWAY BOTTLE SPORE Buy '2 Bottles. for 49t Get a Third One FREE! RIJN Hensall Lucan Exeter Open Friday 11hts Ate 3 Stores 'f4xr04v„."$,: ›41 .:"Az,K 4 1p& 4!: , 11,1:11. r`,1,