HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-07, Page 4• -.:SZMeetel....."Ier Page 4 February 7, 1963, Staffer UC women. name '63 officers Henson anddistrict news - - - CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone. Mrs, Archigt MacGregor{ Phone „4.0 Afo.rtwrorzft -arg&x::r„kf.it.usx,rzaawattm,-,,t.r. BY MRS: T kt4 P E N; • STAFFA The .Staffs tJCW beldits.mee, ting in the Family L ife centre with Mrs. waiter .C,Brien in charge. Assisting in the worship service were Mee,. -ceraldAgar and ;sire, Leslie Business Was gOntiectect by the. president Mrs, A. Daynard, Plans were made for each month to raise money for the :alloca,- By GPRPOI M9ItifEY guests with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Andrews Sunda)! even- ing were Mr. and Mrs. prod 1-4PWiS and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lewis and Caroline, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lewis and family, also Mr. Rae Lewis. Ronnie Scott had an appendi, cltis operation, Mrs. A, Greenlee is a patient in South Huron Bosidtal, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Coburn visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton and family. Mr. Rae Lewis is working for Mr. Tom Flemieg who in- jured his foot in alarm accident. 'il?e couple will live at Cre. Marty. Mr, and Mrs. Wes Russell, Margaret Jean! Nile and Mrs. Calder MoKaig, Mr, and Mrs. BarPer and Mr s Ethel Rroce, Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neste, sea..., forth. Mr. and. Mrs. Wes Russell, Margaret Jean, Mr, and. mrs. Calder MoKaig, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper and Mrs. mho Bruce, Bxeter Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Berman Hoste, Sea- forth, Saturday evening cele- brating M. Hpste's birthday. Sandra, Bobby and David Hui- ley, Seaforth, visited with his grandParents, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker last week. A chiyari Was held for the newly weds in the village Satur- day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lau- rie McKellar. Seaforth church scene of nuptiaN t3y MRS. KEN McKEPAR PROMARTY Boon jean Nigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nigh, Sea-, forth, and Laurie CartYle Kellar, son of Mr, and Mrs. 141444Y McKellar, Cromarty, exchanged marriage vows in $eaforth Presbyterian church on Saturday, January 26 at 2 p.m.,. with Rev. Fry officiating, The bride wore a gown of blue nylon Chiffon over taffeta with white accessories and cor - sage of red roses. Matron of honor was Mrs.. Gary Quance, Staffa, wearing a beige sheath dress with white accessories and corsage of, tan- gerine roses. Gary Quance, Steffa was best man. UK receives $33;000, elects '63 executive. At the congregationel dinner and annual meeting of Hensall United Church held Wed. Ja- nuary 30 officials were added to various boards and commit- tee. Robert Caldwell, Eric Mans- field, James McGregor, Jack Simmons, Mrs. Peter Mc- Naughton and Mrs. C. Christie to the committee of stewards; Douglas Cook, Mies M. Ellis, Staffs Township hail sponeored by Staffa WI. Prizes wept to; Ladies high, Mrs. Bert Riley, Cromarty; gents high, epencer Jeffrey, Staffa; ladies low, Mrs. Spencer Jeffrey, Staffa; gents low, Raymond Miller, Munro; lone hands, Ed Dearing, Staffa. The New Styles Mrs. Ken Elder, Nancy Kyle, Edison Forrest, and the minis- ter Rev. H.F. Currie tp the committee of missions and maintenance; Clem Christie, Mrs. James McAllister, Mr. Don Joynt, Howard Scene, Cla- rence Smillie, Mrs. Jack Sim- mons, Rodger Venner and the minister to the Christian Edu- cation Committee. Ushers elected were Wilmer Ferguson, Ross Jinks, Roy Brock, Gerald Flynn, Wayne Smith, grant MacLean, Grant McGregor, Eric Mansfield, Ken Richardson, Douglas Cooper, Cecil Pepper, and Ross Cor- bett; auditors, James McAllis- ter and 11,W. Horton. The trus- tees are Lorne Hay, Elgin Row- cliffe, W.R. Dougall, Harvey Keys and Lome Chapman. The annual financial state- ment presented to the congre- gation indicated that in excess of $33,000 had been contributed to the support of the church TINTING SETTING . STYLING during 1962 including $15,000 pledged to the new Christian Education wing now in procees of being built. There was an increase of nine per cent in the support of the missionary and maintenance fund. TheelCW reached their allocation. Wm. L. Mickle presented, on behalf of the committee of ste- wards, their budget for $12,884 for the ensuing year which was accepted by the congregation. Mrs, Douglas Cook and Mr. Howard Scene expressed on be- half of the people their appre- ciation for the ministery of Rev. Harold F. Currie anti/Vire. Currie. Mrs. Currie was pre- sented with a beautiful floral arrangement by the congrega- tion. The session report presented by Mr, Walter Spencer indicated that 26 members hadbeen added during the year on profession of faith bringing the total mem- bership to 400. Be-N-Jay erso Congratulations for centenarian Guests attending the 103rd birthday party for Mrs. Agnes Baird of Queensway Nursing Home here last Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird; Mrs. Goldie Graham; Mr. Ar- thur Chapman; Mr. and. Mrs. Stewart Baird and Dianne; Mr. and Mrs. T. Baird. The celebrant Mrs. Baird received seventy congratu- latory cards, two telegrams from Premier Roberts and Hon. Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, a birthday cake, gifts and several potted plants. KIPPEN WI EUCHRE Eighteen tables were in play for the euchre held at Com- munity Centre Friday evening, sponsored by Kippen East Wo- men's Institute. Winners were: Ladies, Mrs. Ervin Willert, Hensall; Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, RR 3, Kip- pen, Mrs. Alex McBeath, RR 3 Kippen; Gents: Jim Hamilton, RR 1, Iensall; Wilmer Broad- foot, RR 3 Kippen, James Drum- mond, RR 2, Kippen; lucky lunch prize, Mrs. Verne Alderdice, RR 2, Kippen. Music for the dance was pro- vided by the "Collegians". MI11101!W!WO ii !MI! iii If1111# MMIRWIIWIAWIW Applications will be received for the following positions: 1. EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, Salary commensurate with qualifications. Minimum $4,000. 2. SECRETARY TO THE EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR. Salary in accordance with experience. Applications must be submitted on forms provided and may be secured from the undersigned. Applica-, tions to close at 5:00 p,m, February 15, 1963. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. llllllll llll 1.114111,11.11111111111.111111111A.10111 lllllllllllll I lllll IOU lll11111111111.111111111111111111111.14.1 l BEAUTY SALON Phone 236 Hensall Led youth work,. deputy' chief dies Deputy Police Chief Ewan Cameron, 49, died 4ettiledaY, n gq at hi eeme in Kite ceener frpm a heart attack. The popular police officer, credited with a. .major role in the ,cityt$. low rate of inveno. OltnCRMWY) was known to Nee drede of twin -city youths .as head of the Police Boys Sports MS90441014 He started the as, sociation as part pf his youth control rehabilitation service. He was particularly noted for hisconcern for piing people le trouble and his attempts to work with both their families .and resources to. retie- bilitete them. It was principally for his wax* with youth that won him the 1959 Twin City citizen of the Year award. Deputy Chief Cameron was a native of Inverness County, N.S. and farmed there before moving to Sudbury to work for the International Nickel Company of Canada. *. joined the Kit- chener force in 1940, moved to the detective division four years later and became inspector of detectives in 1947. He was ap- pointed deputy chief inJanuary, 1950. Deputy Chief Cameron left his home about 10 pm to tend goats in an adjoining building. When he did not return, his eldest son, Roy, went to look for him and found his father had collapsed. He was a member of Twin City Masonic Lodge, and a Presbyterian. Surviving are his wife, the former Anna Shantz, whom he married in 1944; ,his mother, Mrs. Margaret Cameron of Burlington; three sons, Roy, Hugh and Clare; a daughter, Margaret; four brothers, Dr, George L. Cameron of Mont- clair, N.J.; Allister of Inver- ness, N,S,; Robert, Sydney, N.S.; and James, Kitchener, and two sisters, Mrs. D.G. (Janet) MacDonald, Halifax, and Mrs. Stanley (Lily) Terceira of Bur- lington. Two brothers prede- ceased him. Funeral services were held from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, Jan. 29. Very Rev. F.G. Stewart was assisted by Rev. Wilfred Ulrich, mini- ster of Stirling Avenue Men- nonite Church. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Two hun- dred members of the police force attended in a body. Dona- tions to the Police Boys Sports Association were accepted as expressions of sympathy. Deputy Chief Cameron was a nephew of the late Dr. A, R, Campbell, formerly of Hensall, and was known to a number of people in the area. Mr. William Henry of Hensall celebrated his 85th birthday at Clinton Public Hospital Satur- day, February z where he is a patient. Celebrating with him was Mrs. Henry and their son Dr. Cameron Henry of London. Mrs. Sim Roobol, of Hensall, also a patient in the hospital read congratulatory cards to him. WE FEATURE School Girl Perms -- $6.00 Regular $8.50 Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6 Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9 FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 Contact Our Representative: JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 235.1863 EXETER tion fees. Reports of the yyear's progress were given by each group, Rev, A.H, Daynard teek eearge of the election Of of- ficers for 1963. President is Mrs. A, DaYnard; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Gerald Agar; se- cretary, Mrs. Ed. Dearing; treasurer, Mrs, Cameron Vivian; pianist, Mrs. Robert McCaughey. supply social and Christian Citizenship, Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Mrs. Darrel Parker, Mrs. Lyle Worden, Mrs, Ed Proolcs; community friendship and visiting, Mrs, Gerald Agar and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. Flowers and social commit- tee, Mrs. Jack Drake, Mrs. Ross Smale, Mrs. Norval El- liott, Mrs. Ruby Reed, Mrs. Rhea Jeffery, Mrs. Sam Norris; finance committee, Mrs. Cam- pron Vivian, Mrs. Bert Fell, Mrs. Gerald Agar; co-operetion and Christian education, Mrs. Leslie Hutson, Mrs. Cecil Bow- man; programs, Mrs. Gerald Agar; press and publicity, Mrs. Ed Dearing, Mrs. Leslie Miller; representative to board of ste- wards, Mrs. Ed. Dearing; re- presentative to official board, Mrs. Cameron Vivian; M&M committee, Mrs. Sam Norris, Mrs. Bert Fell. Rev. A.H. Daynard closed the meeting which was followed by a quilting and a social hour with Mrs. Gerald Agar and Mre. Walter O'Brien in charge. WI LOOKS AT EDUCATION Mrs. John Templernan was hostess for the citizenship and education meeting of the Staffa Womens Institute held at her home on Wednesday evening January 30 with 18 ladies pre- sent. Mrs. Lloyd Miller pre- sided. Roll call, Should we have women on our school boards and why, was answered with some very interesting answers. Mrs. Russell Worden presi- ded for the business when plans were finalized for the card party to be held in Staffa Town- ship hall on Friday, Feb. 1. with Group 2 in charge. Mrs. Johnny Miller read a letter from the Institute's adop- ted child. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. A.H. Day- nerd who was introduced by Mrs. Lloyd Miller and thanked by Miss Vera Hambly. Mrs. Daynard chose education as her topic and gave an informative talk on the John Roberts plan. Miss Olive Speare gave a humorous reading and Mrs. Gerald Agar gave a report on the window treatment course. Hostesses were Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Russell Worden, PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, Kirkton visited on Tuesday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Miller. WI EUCHRE Despite the stormy weather Friday evening a good crowd attended the euchre party in By MRS. NORMAN. LONG SALLIES ORGANIZE The family Sallies held the first meeting of their new pro- ject "Being well dressed and well groomed" at the home of their leader, Mrs. Russell Con- site The new officers chosen are: President, Wendy Jones; vice- preside nt, Ann Clifton; tree- eurer, Gwenneth Hendrick; pia- nist, Marilyn Keyes; press sec-. retary, Nancy consitt. Each member will record the minutes of each meeting in their record books. Patterns and materials for their dusters were discussed. Mrs. Consitt demonstrated patching and Mrs. Hendrick showed how to do the slip stitch, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Hendrick. UC ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of St. Andrews church, Kippen, was held on Monday evening, Feb. 4, preceded by a pot luck supper arranged by retiring stewards. Rev. A.H, Johnston was chairman for the meeting and Emerson Kyle secretary. A year of progress was shown in all reports, repairs having been made to the church along with the installation of chimes and flood lights. Four were elected to the board of stewards, namely: Ge- rald Moffatt, Robert D. Elgie, William Coleman, and Wilmer Turner. It was announced at this mee- ting that two bequests had been left to Kippen United Church. A congregational acknowledg- ment will be made at a later date. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moffatt left Tuesday morning by motor for Vero Beach, Florida where they will vacation a month. On their trip down they visited a brother of Mrs. Moffatt's at Pontiac, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheeler and family of Clarkson were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice and fa-' mily. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson and family movedSaturday from Mr. Lobb's house to Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman and family of Exeter were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert are visiting a few days with friends in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby of Blenheim, Miss Ruth Anne Tra- qualm, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKellar, Teddy and David of Thedford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Rennie attended the funeral of the for- mer's sister, Mrs. David Pais- ley in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeLoge of Sarnia were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick in Clinton. Mrs. Henry Whittaker was taken by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. James Ben- gough, Mrs. Ed Glenn, and Mr. and Mrs. R.Y. MacLaren were visitors in Kitchener and with Mrs. Margaret Evans and fa- mily in Waterloo. Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. W.J. Cam- eron, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. John Skea, attended a card party at Clinton Legion Hall Wed- nesday, Jan. 30. Mrs. Smale was a winner in a draw prize. Mr. W.R. Dougall, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London has returned home. vious meeting and they were eating the roasted buttered puf- fed rice with chop sticks, CARMEL EXPLORERS The Explorers of Carmel church received a thank you air letter which was read at their meeting, from a mission- ary Miss Hildur Hermanson RN for maple leaves she re- ceived from them last fall. She told of the work she is doing in Formosa hospital dis- trict and she also sent a Chi- nese newspaper showing her distributing fleece-lined under- wear to 90 mountain children and giving medical care also. While Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was reading a missionary story "Tiger Tail Village", the boys and girls wore their Chinese paper hats they made the pre- „MaCkrie ii.mAgUat Sirloin or T-Bone STEAKS OR ROASTS 79a BEEF AND PORK SAUSAGE 3 LBS. $1 Aro mistakes in oil deliveries with our government inspected, truck-mounted meters. MEAT BY-PRODUCT MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF 4 PEAMEALED BACK BACON Sliced in a 6C C Piece 10 lb FROZEN FROZEN FOOD FEATURES 691 We measure our heating oil deliveries by meter to assure accuracy Mrs. Chester Lee left Wed- nesday, February 6 by jet for Tampa, Florida, where she will vacation with relatives for the winter months. Mr. John T. Mitchell will observe his 96th birthday Thursday, February 7. Mr. R.M. Peck, a patient at Clinton Public Hospital, is im- proving nicely and is able to be up for a short time each day. Mrs. John Henderson,who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital for the past Six weeks, returned home on Sunday. F/O John Beer of Moose Jaw, Sask., spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, also with Mr. and Mrs. George Beer, Linda and Betty Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Pamela and Sheila, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonna- cott and family spent the week- end visiting with relatives in London. Mr. Ferris Cantelon of Cooksville and son Mr. Bruce Cantelon of Oakville attended the hockey game in Hensall Friday night, when the Hensall- Zurich Combines and the Strathroy "D" hockey team tied 3-3. Little David Macgregor, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacGregor, who has been re- ceiving treatment in Clinton Public Hospital for the past few weeks returned to his home this week. Mr. John Thompson, who has been confined to his home for several weeks was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Saturday for treatment, Mr. Ferris Cantelon of Cooksville and Mr. Bruce Can- talon of Oakville were recent visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Larne Chapman and sons. Mrs. Nettie Whittaker, Who was taken ill while visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Whittaker was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter for treatment, Rev. R. F, Currie at the Sun- day morning service at the United Churchexpreseed thanks to the congregation on behalf of his family for the flowers on the piano whith had been presented to Mrs. Currie at the congre- gational meeting. OW sirEtr., Heating Oil is measured by government- inspected meters, very much like those in gasoline pumps. Our trucks are equipped with these highly accurate meters that measure the exact amount of oil we deliver to your tank. 24b. bag GROCERY. BUYS Nelson's Cocoa LB. '11N 53c Burns Spork 12-02. TIN 2 FOR 83 4 Brown Bear Honey /4.13. 49c Kraft Cheese Whiz (11. 5.5c. 454 (COO) 24.02. PKG. 594 Supreme Brand Poly Peas Frazervale Fish It Chip Dinner I Size 163's 494 PRODUCE VALUE callfornla No. 1 ORANGES Art Clarke PHONE 235-1820 EXETER S HENSALL PER D02. The meter prints the amount of oil delivered on a receipt. You get the printed receipt as a permanent record for your files. Metered deliveries are one of the many advantages we offer our heat- ing oil customers. For complete details, call us today. District nurse held key posts The death occurred suddenly in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, January 28, of Chris- tina McBeth (Beth) Murdoch, RN eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoch of Bruce- field. Miss Murdoch has suf- fered indifferent health for the past six year s, following a serious motor accident in 1956, but had remained comparatively active until a couple of months ago. A graduate of Hamilton Gen- eral Hospital School of Nursing, she has engaged in her pro- fession since 1939, with the ex- ception of about four years as assistant to the president of the British Inspection Board during the war. Following that she was In charge of personnel at Re- mington-Rand Co. in Hamilton until tariff regulations forced the company to move their operations to Scotland, after which she returned to private nursing until ill health forced her retirement in 1956. She is survived by her parents one brother, Wm. N. Murdoch, °unties; two sisters (Audrey) Mrs. Stanley G. Rumble, Tor- onto; and (,Tune) Mrs. Wm. Duncan, of Miami, Florida, five nephews, two nieces, and one uncle, Walter McBeth of Bruce- field. Funeral services were held from Bonthron Funeral Chapel in Herisall on Wednesday, Jan- uary 30 with Rev. Harold A. Johnston Officiating. Pall bearers were Wm. Mc- Laughlan, Ernest Talbot, Wal- ter Baird, Kenneth McCowan, Brucefield; Aubrey Farquhar, Exeter and Gordon Presswood, Toronto. Flower bearers were Gerald RathWell, Lorne Thom- son, Leonard O'Rourke, and 1108s McBeath. Interment was In the family polot in Baird's' cemetery. Those from a distance attend- leg the furieral of the late Miss Beth Murdock were: Mr. and Mrs. Win. N. Murdoch and Mr. Harold Curran of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. S. Cl. Rumble, Ted, Larry and Christine, of Ter- ort;..4 Mrs. Wm. 1): Dineen, of Miami Florida; Mrt. Writ. Gold- en n. .d Mr. J. W. McNeil of St. Thor .as. mr, and Mrs. Gorden Pre&Iswood and Mr. and Mrs. Ferro McLean of Toronto and Mr. Leon Bland of Sinicoe. The first Hensall Girt Otride Company numbering 21 Will Sii0Vel Stu* free of charge as a good turn for ''Thinking Day" rebruary 21, tothinking Me) IS a delebratiOn of Lord and. Lady Baden P oW el E birth., dayd r fetindert of Otriding •and Seating, Whose birthdays are Celebrated once a year.