HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-02-07, Page 3Pick your CHEVROLET IMPALA By MRS. ROSS SKINNER CLUB ORGANIZES OffleerS Were eleeted Monday night at the first meeting of Elimville 4-H girls' homeinek, ing club, whose project is "Being well dressed and well greomed'l , President is MargaretJohns; Vice-president,:Kathy He rn; secretary, Frances Skinner; treasurer, Margaret P r anc e; telephone convenors, Janet Skinner, Sharon Fletcher, Bar- bara Heim and Geraldine Blair. Mrs. Tom Hern discussed materials for the dusters which will be made by the members. Barhara and Sheila Hern de- mo n str at e d the taking of measurements, The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Delmer Skinner and 21 girls were present. TEEN TOWN SOCIAL Elimville Teen Town held a social at the hall Thursday evening. Gifts were presented to Frank Kints and Mrs. Ross Skinner and records were won by Shirley Jaques and Larry Skinner. Free hot dogs, pop, chips and coffee were enjoyed during intermission. Next teen town will be heldSaturday, Feb- ruary 16. INSTITUTE EUCHRE Elimville WI held a euchre at the hall Monday evening with 10 tables playing. Winner s were: Ladies' high, Mrs. Harold Bell; gents' high, Mr. Donald Parsons; lucky cup, Mrs. Ross Skinner. PERSONAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brubaker of St. Thomas visited last Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shore and Mary Ellen of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten, Sharon, Helen and Ralph were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gertsenkorn of Exeter celebrating Miss Sharon Batten's birthday. Mrs. Tomes entertained, Sat- urday evening Miss Marolyn Burchell, now of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson, John and Peggy, formerlyof the village and Windsor, now re- siding in London. On Sunday morning at St. Pants Cathedral, Mr. Tomes was assistant celebrant, with the Rev. Peter Moore at the service . Mr, Moore and Mr. Tomes are friends from college days. Following the after noon church service at the United Church here Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Millson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Milison entertained Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Sach, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beckett and Sandra, Mrs. Ruth Haidysh and Peggy Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob King- ham and Shawn of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Millson, Donald, Kenny and Douglas Mil- !son of London. By MRS. J. H. PATON DLAr DFBOyE League of Loyalty .A.Wercle were presented at the chnrch service at St. James Anglican on Snaday to Sunday School members. for yearly attendance. Mrs, Andy Carter, primary teacher read the names and the Rector Rev. E. Q, Lancaster presented the awards; First year, Ronald Whgrnore; .second year, Ellen Whitmore; third year, Susan Hill; fifth year, Marion Cunningham; sixth year, Nancy Hill, David Hill, Catherine Cunningham. Teachers are Mrs, James Cum-Ingham, Miss Joan Cum- gingham, Mrs, Andy Carter. WA 8/ GUILD The meeting of the W. A, and Ladies Guild' was held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Cunning- ham. The president of the W.A. Mrs. Andy Carter presided and was assisted in the devotions by Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, Mrs. Alan Hill and Rev. E. 0, Lancaster. A letter was read from the prayer partner, Rev. Adri an Greenwood of Mayer Thorpe, Alberta sending greetings and expressing appreciation of the help he receives. Plans for the coming year were made and appeals received from Mohawk Indian s c ho o 1 were presented. The newly elected President of the Guild, Mrs. James Cun- ningham, presided for the Guild meeting. The ladies decided to do quilting and work to be done at the church left till Spring. The February meeting will be held at the rectory, Lucan. Lunch was served by hostess assisted by Mrs. Ernie Lewis. CROKINOLE PARTY The teachers of the UC Sunday School sponsored a crokinole party to help with S.S. supplies, on Friday evening at the church. Winners were: Ladies high, Mrs. Ralph Lynn; gents, Gerald Millson; high twenties, Murray Simpson; consolation p r e, Mrs. Clarence Carter. ST. JAMES CHURCH At St. James Church on Sun- day February 3 the rector the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, announ- ced that on Sunday February 10 a former member, now rector of St. Peters Anglican Church, Big Trout Lake. The Rev. Stan- ley Tomes will be guest speaker and also the celebrant at the Holy Communion service here. The Sunday' School awards were presented. Miss Joan Cun- ningham played for the service. UNITED CHURCH The Rev. G. W. Sach, pastor, at the service on Sunday, Feb- ruary 3 presented the awards with the SS Supt. Jim Donaldson assisting. The teachers, Mrs. Gerald Milison, Mrs. Ralph Lynn and Miss Sharon Blake who substituted for her sister, Mrs. Keith Simpson and the pupils were seated in the front pews. The youngest pupil to receive an award for 50 Sundays or over was three-year-old Cindy Donaldson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donaldson. She re- ceived a white Bible in the first year awards also six-year-old Karen Hodgson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgson. Second year awards, a Bible story book went to June Donald- son, Joan Donaldson, Helen Simpson, Suzanne Bradley, Betty Scott, Jane Hodgson and Gary Donaldson. Third year awards, hymn books, were given to H a z el Simpson, Wayne Donaldson. Attending 45 Sundays or more, third bar, were Joan Donaldson, Helen Simpson, Su- zanne Bradley, Wayne Donald- son, BettyScott, Hazel Simpson, TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London GE 4-9502 or Enquire at The Times- Advocate 1959 Chevrolet BISCAYNE COACH custom radio, two-tone finish, 29,000 actual miles. 1959 Plymouth DELUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN automatic transmission, custom radio, Wheel discs, 29,000 actual miles. 1957 Ford DELUXE COACH ' custom radio, wheel discs, two-tone finish. 1955 Dodge 2 DOOR HARDTOP 8 Oyl, engine, automatic transmission, good Condition. 1957 Oldsmobile SUPER 88 4 DOOR =AN power steering and brakes, radio, two-tone finish, Whitewall tires. SNELL BROS. LTD. CHEV . OLDS . ENVOY . CORVAIR Exeter Phone 235.0660 We have been in the property man- agement field for many years and our specialists are ready to help you. in many cases they have made substantial savings for property-owning clients. Ill Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS DON'T ARGUE ABOUT MONEY! JOIN EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Limited 235-0640 DEVON BUILDING Product* Of yr, O•rwer el Motor Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONI 11 MINIMA. 71RIOAdvP;410.4. February 7, 1903 'Page S$ at Clandeboye presents aw ards Grand Bend youth organize teen town her ,parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Mg, wart HaVelle, Mr. Ronald ,Latta ;left Monday to take ten meek ..course Toronto .for his appreatinoship, Miss Margaret ski per or Toronto spend the weekend with her parents, Mr, .anci'Mrs, Bar,. old Skipper, Miss .$1.1.a.ron PesTardine, nurse-in-training at Woodstock hospital spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wally pesjardine ,and Rua Wayne and Wendy Lon of Tiled, ford spent , unday with Mr. and mrs. William Love and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Loye. M. and Mrs. Jack Rosser and Barbara of Ailsa Craig visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gill and Mrs. Mary Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lpve and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert carm of Thames Road. Miss Esther Ravelle of Lon- don spent the, weekend with ting of the year was held on Friday evening" with good attendance. The worship Period was PPP,- dneted by Mrs.. Alex' Hamilton on the theme “Patience". She was assisted by Mrs, Wilma DesJardine and Mrs, Wellwppd Gill. Mrs/ Mansel Mason and Mrs, Mae Bolt sang a duet, The guest speaker was. Mips Esther Whiting, of Parkhill who told of the "Toe-Alpha" CM), yention which she attended In TorontO, Mrs. Emery Desjar, dins conducted a discussion On alcoholism, PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Holt and family of Centralia VISited On Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mee Holt. Mr, and Mrs. Peter De Jong are holidaying In Florida. Mr, and. Mrs. Pale Pfile and, children of Sarnia spent last weekend with his parenta, Mr, and. Mrs. Herb Wile and Alm, Mr, and Mrs, Ira tebbins are holidaying in Florida. Miss April Whiting of Park- hill spent the weekend with Donna. Ruth and Ann Sturdevant, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Love, By toms, INELi-vicopp GRAND BEND A Teen Town was organized last Thursday evening at. Grand Bend. President is Carolyn Tide man; vice-president, Ruthanne Peckett; sec. treasurer, Diane Shaw; program convenors, Gary Mathers, Margaret Collins. All yonng people of the community are welcome in this group. Next meeting will be Thurs- day, February 7, at the Legion Hall. YOUTH SERVICE A special youth service was conducted on Sunday morning at the Grand Bend United Church by Rev. C.A. Brittain. There was the "Hi-C" choir under the direction of Mr. D. Gill. The CGIT attended with their leaders, Mrs. Wilma DesJar- dine and Mrs. Lawrence Mason, the Explorers with their lea- WHAT YOU ARE VOTING FOR ders, Mrs, Wm. Brenner and Mrs, Peter Ravelle, Rev. Brittain's subject was "Your Vocation". GIRLS ORGANIZE The first meeting of the Grand Bend 4-H girls was held at the leader's home Miss Karen Taylor, the project being"Weil dressed and well groomed", Election of officers took place; pre side nt, Sharon Mo- renz; secretary, Linda Miller; press correspondent, Glo r 1 a Adams; assistant leader is Mrs. Roy Morenz, Miss Karen Taylor lead a discussion on deodorants and anti-perspirants. Patterns and floss selections followed. Next •meeting via be at the home of Sharon and June Morenz Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM The first UCW general mee- The vote on Monday, February I i, is on five separate questions providing for various types of outlets for serving alcoholic beverages. Each question requires approval by three - fifths of the electors to permit the type of sale it represents. ERE ARE THE BALLOTS Ballot #1 EMENNENUMMANNERMIMMINE Are you in favour of the sale of beer YES only under a public house licence for consumption on licensed premises to which women are admitted? NO En This provides for the sale of beer only in hotel beverage rooms for men and women. These OK Used Cars Are nEAL SWEETHEMIr SIMINEIMMMEMIIIM11111111111111111111111111111 YES Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house licence for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are admitted? Ballot #2 NO 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN automatic transmission, custom radio, white- wall tires, chrome discs, tinted windshield new car condition. This is for the sale of beer only to men only, usually called a men's beverage room. 1962 Chevrolet BISCAYNE COACH standard equipment, 4,300 actual miles. YES X Ballot #3 Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a dining room licence for consumption with meals on licensed premises? NO This permits the sale of beer and wine with hotel or restaurant meals. Patsy Bradley and Gary pee- aidsop; second year wreath, June Donaldson, Kareen Hod- gson, Laura Hodgins, at Hod-- gins and Jane Hodgson; first, year pins, Cindy Donaldson, Debbie Millson, Paul Hodgins and Rena Beck; For 40 SlindayS Or more Mar, jorie Donaldson was ow arded 13th year; Mrs, Keith Simpson / Miss Sharon Blake / MISS Judy Scott and Bob Donaldson, 9th year; Hazel Simpson and Gary Donaldson, 8th year; B etty Scott, seventh year; Jane Hod- gson, pat Hodgins, Laura Hod, gins, Patsy B r ad le y, Wayne Donaldson, sixth year; Helen Simpson and Joan Donaldson, fifth year and Suzanne Bradley, fourth year and Debbie Millson and June Donaldson, third year. For attending 40 Sundays first award certificates went to Brenda Scott, Janice Kestle, Susan Gehel, Marrianne Gehel, Peter Gehel, Erwin Gehel, Lin- da Hardy, Debbie Lynn, Diane Lynn, Jeffrey Hill, Catherine Coughrane, Karen Coughrane, Margo Rollings, Ricky Rollings, Hi Thompson, Sandy Thompson, Gary Voison and Ken Simpson. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Huffman and family of Freelton visited on Sunday with the former' s daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latta. Mr. Edward Parker of Lon- don has purchased the home of the late Thomas Morley in the village on No. 4 Highway and after some alterations he and his wife will take up residence, there soon. Miss Sandra Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Marshall of Edge wo od, spent the weekend with Miss Helen Sigsworth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks and Cindy of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp- son and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunning- ham, Kimberley and Tracy of London spent a couple of days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham. Mrs. Bill Downing of Chatham visited with her mother, Mrs. Almer Henry over the weekend. Jimmy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Paton is improving in War Memorial Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. Gordon Eaton has return- ed home from Toronto much im- proved. Stephen Carter has been able to return to school last week, after being ill several weeks. Rev. Stanley and Mrs. Tomes and Kaneria of Trout Lake, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Emily Tomes and brother Tom. • YES Save Tax Dollars Investors can show you how to plan a care-free retirement and at the same time you pay less income tax. .1•110•ZWIROINI.M•1 14 Ballot #4 Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed premises? 1960 Volkswagen custom radio, nice condition. NO U2 Investors A favourable vote on this question, will allow a hotel or motel having twenty rooms to apply for the sale of liquor, beer and wine with meals only. The estab- lishment must operate a first class dining room to get this privilege. ovndtiomto OF CANADA, 410.111'11) Na•011.•160111101111VIIIIIII;O• YES X 0.. Ballot #5 Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? NO ISMIMINIAWEVENEVIVIIMBIIMMI111 This is for a cocktail lounge in which liquor and beer are served without meals. IMPORTANT It should be noted by all local groups and associations who oc- casionally require banquet permits that this privilege will cease in the event that the Town of Exeter registers a negative vote on all the ques- tions. BUSINESS AND TOURISTS It is generally agreed that the beer and liquor stores which were established in Exeter- after the C.T.A. vote have been beneficial to the community. It is reasonable to expect that the provision of added facilities will attract more visitors to Exeter, REGULATIONS GOVERNING LICENSED PREMISES The serving of beverages in properly licensed hotels is restricted to persons over the age of twenty-one years. This iS rigidly enforced by the Liquor License Board. We invite your enquiries. Established in Sarnia lit 1889, we have grown with this community, Your business in our hands is made secure by neighbourly, persona' service, YOUR VOTING PRIVILEGE While each person has the privilege of voting on all five ballots, some may favor one or more types of sale in preference to the others. It they so desire, it is their privilege to mark these and leave the others blank. THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE. A TRUST COMPANY 9111f.- 'goad -6(ticof Sarnia' Petthird •