Huron Signal, 1853-09-22, Page 2• ..,-11,11111411•11ftelese.. — - ___________ -at loom orm... by woe eierimiral therm* sed ekaga A R RivAL other geradeedasr •ho lostbertales to ex- tract the sting from Om carted Bea NIAgoijJ4. These IAN other trotetioa of mysteries. nines and causes s.hispereal fen. me to imam, Wagger the ales me! make ream. red '1 Leerfueo. is ender not tLetok of views, mad the touts ul thieve droners, may be fully test- ed, 1 Late loaged five hundred peewits iu Ole w kelt I mow trietly oder to them aid the world, if they bring to Obi* Z.4...oeisty,sitlita three jams, the felleivine mates*, vs Inch hare bee. the ps ireciiml sup- port of the peasantry of Hui etsitaitry 10r the last thirty -leer y ears— sainely, the old Irish apele, the Euglab-red, a.4 Ie hamper, i•. lbs saute itrety,th that 1 skew Wei stalk, ▪ apples upon the lop, potatoes at ilo bottom, and re maimeg grecs limn 12[6 A pril to 12th tactolot. " TLC proatoes now exhiliited (aud %%kelt are open to inspection) until seed (une) istiew ITU distinct varieties, ranging from oue to • yt ars cld; they have -never been in tbn aorIJ Orion., cud their eseateuee demon- strates tkot tar power to grow tisem etiat- cet [et sous to, cud since the Wight of 1845 aid it 16." 110W 10 SLY rya( we dry the het;eak.Soule one anoth: • paiwr, has a.ketl the same question., and Ira* been Vol eneugh to answer it idinsell, to oe the down la re o I:at lie Los said for 11.0 lo loft tt til el o Oestie a good eel."' • doie;..0- fruit : -le. cu, leader, Lnnw how to dry Mr rho. ? Take tirose el 11.e best qualito„ i-rst'as they are ripe troniji to est, halve tbem, remove the atones, and sprinkle over them, to the Lollnw from which the pit was taken, a little nict suger ; dry them in a brid oren after 'Le feted, &c., i wi h• drawn. They art far belief thea if dried io Coe atm, retonMg tithe aroma and flavor, and sites are tritely free from toaeeta.- 1'repared in thts oay, frcen Reacher, fully tips., they need no conkitge, Leat are sits- sc: kr d cut in cold water. All the tier ti ley :my rceuire (ranging ot count. with ite. tartely) ,is added while drying.- Peaeles thus dried and prepared, are only inferior to :he fresh i. uit, of whish they retain the flavor tn a remarkable degree.-- lf you prefer, take not (mite so ripe, and peel the fruit, but the flavor is not so good as white rally ripe, and is dissipated more to the process ordrying." trilE . „ • se Yuma, Sept. 144. The FranLIsis tented at we o'clock this soteraireg, with Loucks dales to the 2. The 1Verete1ne arrived eat oa the 28t6, sad the Arctic Os the 30th ult. The Franilin Wings one !muds ed and mity elemagers.' 'Ile Carted Stalesbrig Lio/phin. got Illitollentbampthe to refit oo the Vith Tim Vrtoch Goversimat says officially that the fears which rusted respecting the harveat aie grouaellersa. Acenuot• from Constantinople to the 19th ult., state that the Sultan Ms adopted the Vienna Note without reatrital A Courier has arrived in Vienna from Coustantineple, who states that the Sultan wjft send an Ambassador to St- Peters - burgh simultaneously with the evacuation rinscipalities. Accouats from Scree Vista elate Out the Itueemes would eracoote the Principalities in September, on which the fleets of Englaud and FrotwO will relent to Malta. ENGLAND. Queen Victorria nod family had a lo titian! receeoion at Debliu oc time occasion ol her sisit to the Exhibition. Nearly 20,000 persona were ni recut on the occartion. The overfeed Indio and Lloua mails was receiv- ed on the Liverpool Markets. 1 lour maiket as excited as ever, but on the 27th, high prices had begun to check be...tufts; prices had nominally adi anted 64 t Is; Western Coos! Sour 29s 6.1; rioto- us:10sta and Baltimore 30s 6J. Corn +ad- vanceJ 6d: Yellow held at 32s Gd. Wheat advauced 14. LIVLi10001. •I(0 CANAlital• SJEAM, tRti.-- A niereantile,friead Las handed us , O. tollewitigextracts from three different commercial correspendentt in Liverpool, in reticence to these steamers • " The worm part of shipping by the "learners et the expense in cartage, and the joseibility of bring shut nut. How- e% er the former point ira one for lour cal- culation, and as to the seronel, we have as good a chance as aro one eIs, Carts are frequently kept *Landing 24 hour loaded, with their borers in the thafte when thee IS great rush of goofs fur ship •mut by'eatt toners.' " As each steamer has twice as inucl cargoas can be taken, tat Is ale set long - before the .appeinted tone for receiving to await, an roily turn. 1 his costa is. 'bd per bur for nailing. At the appointedhour, hour, goods are receited at Liverpool :tn afterwards sent across the river, receipt Lying green lor anything. We &Lipped i the •Sn orods Sade. but could uot learn un- til after the day .be sailed, whether our shipnieet was laktio On iLe 5[11 we p411 yet Lady Egienion, and on 16.1711, learned one late." ° The Casella roofers have come -very late trusting to the direct :Steamers to lake the goods, but the fact is; there it no de.. peutle4ice upon them. 11re Lvaly ton refused to lake goods 'ince the tith of August. We hare had patkuges wai!ing for her for 8 or if 17 da114, 1.1111.1 afterwards had to send tlicin by a sailing ./ This es though t• mporarily cry an- roying, will cure 11:1-11. If the &mind for steam liausit is so great, it wild be in- creased to any required t Thad, and, in the metintiine, is evidence of the facility. mid directness of the mode of transeort. —.111crarrril Tivse irri 1. THECAMERON 're.STE:40111Al,.--The Tr 0111.m/her Arlruchle nientiens that e ommittee engoaedein promoting the ova. entation of a taltable tettiournial to the !Inn. M. Cameron are anxious to hear from al: the Divisions East and West.— A eondly timber have remitted sums, leo :01 1111111:. eentribute, in order to male the affair worthy of the sense, and of the man. '114 Daughter*, we hear, are in the held with reference to tido wafter. They may put the sons to shame. Send on to c tort lin itit 11 any individual in the Tomecrener rants rserita the approbation of the Total Abritinence Serie:ties of Canada, the llos. Cameron tbe man, as, thr000lt good sell evil reoort, be has always been no en- erzettc alt consistente warrior in th cause. The inn -nitre" of the onoinator. was n ot that each organieatien Owned rent ribute from es I,nds, Mit that vubseriptions ii a peony sod upwards be collected from Ow tudivatu•.1 member; an.I other. hymnal& to a 1 roltibitery Liquor haw. --Noriert of the ,it. • ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP "NIAGARA." ilatar•x, Sept. 14. Ti,. Niagara arrived here to day with Liverpool dales to the 31st, three days later than those by the Frorrihn. The Cao hlarbrt has undergone 00 ChM -twee. doting week.. The price, uf last week ate geutrally repeated by the !reading bro- kers. Corroto—Sales of the week 37,000 bales. The market for breadstuff% coo- tinueevery feverish and excited. Western Canal flour '29i. Plailardelplua anal Balti- more 30s 6.1. Indian turn more active.-- Prey tsions genera11 y uncI ranged . '16. latest reports (rem it,, 'Fast are less favor- able for Ole speedy adjusinuat orthe diffi- culty between Turkey and IlusOa. LIVKItP0oL, August. 31. The following ti. float Richards and Brother's circukr of August 29. On the evening of cur Mast market day (Friday) & good deal of rain fell, which cir- cumstance together with the contmued de- mand ot France, caused a very active de - mandril* wheat and finur Id a 24 advance s no wheat and I - per bit en flour: In the mennome tbe tore, became more settled. The activity on activity' was not general; holders were firtn is demandin r extensiverates. I yatea. Where salts were. effected they ! were obtained. • CoNSTA NTINO PLY, Aug. 22. • Colonel Ruff lett yesterday nithnn auto- . graph letter (rein theStiltan to the Ernpe- d ror of Austria, expressing his thardss to 1Ve ovederstaed that Alr. Brown's sr me- wled. ei do.bt wi.ether to steed las ground out mew. cc at Gime to kiosk ends r to M. ft: mere*. A l,i. 04101 51r. lkl,05,%llrI wear faro to us indicalin,; a doubt oe Atr 11. s timid taer It ,Hald dot he safer to %f7 woes r ther coestiteency. - IficAr Mennise. Ft-iiaia emir 'retro ***** erlegreple ere peer ',sump( rammy. '1 6.., eseAriere saw so seecrestel working order ream.t }..SAIIIMJ 0,18 oho comment, see of minis is seboterged 119 miles. Two .ids oleo comer' lbeelmul met Ireland. -- Immo •re ewogrroaine wliteh will stretch 1:iss hely t• Ambit, by way of of the j leAseidnet Gimes bed border's'. leihe Liaierd *ewe Stableorged (Airs ese hig. snip env st ear low rivers: lee bit regress with several selml winch will semi ermillOt the outmost easter, peed eivelbed. Treasatiestie mews blenitesei Ai the grow cities •}11.111,0N LAST firs BEI 414.411filliboadlTaeaboacs. !!!.. he American Enemas train Oilseed oa the New York and emblem' Radioed, stable( al 1 Isie SAW sea, shunt 3 o'clock, wee rue tato hy • freight train going west. The Espirees 'rein Winn behind tom, the pares - ger can of the express' train were bedly broke*, tad any passengers were badly Mjured. The following is the list of serious eausidtioa. Buckly Thatcher of Lichfield, Medusa coenty, Ohio; kilkd, Patrick Wall of Mauebester, both thighs broke' his brother in the same car, injured to the 'foot, Jobe Vaughon, Syracuse; both thighs frac- tured, Edw. Jewett, Newhaven, Conn., badly burl aboot ohs bead and Deck.— Many passengers wore or leas iajteed were left oa the train mat from Syracuse.— Coroner White is bolding as inquest. NSW ORLSA0III,1'....4pt. 12. The Ammeter 'ream arrved last night with the California mail and dales Own N/exicu to the 4tb aed Vera Cruz to the Sib. The Mexican Covernment are making stremous efforts to sop highway robber- ies. :Several culprits bare been executed. More troops have beep tout to the (locate, ostensibly to repel the Indians. Santa Anna centinues kis high-handed eseasui ee, executiag all peewit* on the shgbest suspicion sad without warbiag. It is believed saintlier revolution will close his arbitrary and tyrannical course. Lliur minister Mr. Gadsden was well received. Passengers by the Tezas sao, Santa Anoa had already raised 00 01007 of 50,000 men tbe Guest ever known in !Mexico. has been assisted it is believed largely by Spanish subjects. Tbe number of deaths yesterday MIA only 40. The fever is raging fearfully along tbe N.1 BOSTON, Sept. 16. The murderer of Mr. Cousin, and wilo, of Sherborue, Massachusetts; was arrested last night about a mile from the stone of tbe 'herder, he has partly confessed. ST. Jonas N. B., Sept. 15. Tbe first sod of the European and Ame- rican Railroad was turned by Lady Head assisted by the Lieut. Governor. Oyer 25,000 persons were preset. New York Markets. NLW YORK, Sept. 16. Flour market for Western and State dull and heavy, sales 4800 bbl. 6. 25 • 6 31 for common to gond Stele 618 a 6 31 for mixed to fancy Alichigais and common to good Ohio. C:raie—Wheat market more buoyaiit' for pi ime on the spot but carioca In arrive are offered more freely and hardly at firm, sale; 15,000 bbas Ca- nadian 141 a 1,45 the tatter is for prime earcels. Sales Genesee 1,50 a 1,51; 5,- busbels white SIIchIgan 1,16 a 171 1,- 500 bushels red Southern 1,37. Eye un- changed; Oats easier ;oleo State and West- ern 46 a 48. Corn more freely offered .Ie, 18,000 bushels 82 a 83 I r unsound 84 for WesteOn, for Southorn White; St for Jersey yelloo; 63 a 851 for South- ern yellow, l''revisions—Mailet for Pork eery firm. Demand fair—tale *16 for mess 12.75 a 13 for -prime. Beet in Lnr demand and firm 6,73 a 73 for country mess; 12 a 12,50 lor city mess and repacked Chicago, Lard Butter and Cheese firm. Ashes—The Austria fur the preaervative .0( peace. lutarket is better for Pearls; sales al $5,31 a 1 $5,37; and Pots at $5,25. • ADDITIONAL NE WS BY 'flIE • 6,2'IAGA. RA." SA ItiNG • Oit' TIIE ATLANTIC. The Easters ddecathea. LW YOILK, Sept 15- . At the moment it lien all was :elided; and leterso apparaii.ly &erased, to termivate the 1crisis, the nor party iu Turkey unexpect ly nbia,uei SUIIL. 6tit aaccr*d111.1 10 coin- : plicate the negoeiotione, Lerause delay h 1.grven liusia a new excuse for postponag ilw se. uout. A hostile meting against , France and England has alto sprung up :memo:Abe Turk. 'rhe ;set:sent slate or affair; is, that a meeting of the lir: nd Coun- cil, by entrimand- of the Amba.ssader, was held on the I Sill. note as drawn lip by. the fuer pe.0e,S n:1% accepted wOh trio- dificatiOns. -11 was then sent off to the Czar, and would reach km on .the 21st Aueest, so that na ansWer can be rceeired tot some days. An assertion has been made it' the Paris Bourse, that the_ Sultan had crucluded to forego the atneedinents, 1st. 'I hat the four powers should guarran- tee aaisitrat any new I'suissian demands.— hat an order to evacuate the prinei- pafittes be given before an Ambassador leases. Constantinople for St. l'etersintreli. The rumour is that Turkey is willing to Imre the principalities feigned into [...tees under tlw proteetten of rue four power.. Appeaiannet in the "'leech market indi- cate a further reaction In bread-do:Ts. Af- ter tbe recent extraordinary improvement the price of bread crsnot to be raised dur- ing the first week in September. Report says that the. crops in France will be bettor than was expected. A despatch fri m Athena states that TL, ....es had bete almost destoyed by nu ea. inipiale. .111.111.1 V111 !Wild t so inure war steam rs t o oa. Liverpool Markame. Corn msrkrt eineettted. The, wentbet out, calieeel Ilo matei to fleet nate, while 16. lielitneas of ninety owl a archer in Freii‘ch toe osier, Settle 'retaliative peedsases to be re -sofa. 'Merril givilie a ebeek on Intone«, on Ind two., list holder. diO press, and priers were Not therefore mooch eh/myrtle • 111'0.'0, Shipley Co'. r hyalite goners abate wheat a S . 3d in 8, fist; reit 71 1011 a ets 24; Illettionore, l'hilsdelphs, and OUP) leer Sae 34. l'ar.artesei 214. 6.1 • 294 6,1; whit* ledian en -it 33es 334 lid, muted 32s. Tbe week's advance n. wheat ovs 24. an earn 6d, and oo Soar Is, with goad .emir, for the Jaffee. Aiwa* irate lbs *dieser nes freer 44. sad ea wino 10. Is...4, Pork etenity; heMers Ilmra. Limited de- emed for bosom. Prirefterbologed. reoemettelle Sept. 12. The Washes bort 43elei. Helm from he Ailenter,nmwint at Fal beer tam eight. I et said that Mere of the etirebire Se iris.. or reetaty. Boleros, ft.'pt. 12. The Bark Nieershis Frost Gentgeer, from mat into this i• err lo—tior s. ress, Paky. • New Olceswe. Sept 19. The ear' lista. os lbw 1.1 as gess- eg the NEW rORK, Sept. 17. - The slestn4lp Atlantic sailed at noon, with 100 paesenoirso.anr1 no specie. IThe New York, Atlantic and Pacific - Railroad Company 6.1.1 their first ineetino , at Metropolitan Ilail last evening. 'IONA J4. 9,4•1•44 to= litho impemeifte dee made d be poiseawl ef tbe r;8.d dee elothesied le Whine, seem peg 1.1 the hoe did ems, se it wee medered wards by a letter ef card t by ales k Co. to the Beek writs toitetorat mew ii Ille Oeelareel ilot his dea.re to prevent the debeeteres boot, ebruwe opus th• math* itimpoothlirjag ticanres•bit.i,own." (*111 had previously eadcavooraid to obtain Nosey upon that credit, sad proposed Irma". tO two Finance Curowortee, wb woula beer se proputemeas oo the seaket The c, mmonie•titteo th the third party wee by letter: it was wet by Owes. &At pressed epee the subject of a letter seal by him through 11,. Cot los, or shown to ill. gentleman, he denied all recollection o belief or any such letter. The letters sent have been de.troyee. Although 1' was a business tressection .1 was a privitte one the Woos were marked private and 11 1,1 his ride not to keep such. llg would not venture so say thee., la ems deatrayed tinier dattely. ar P1.!" 100 uste• mouths after tie transaction; nue would be et•te • time, but certainly before the clime Oahe Perliament Ir)' 8^P^.hn. Ile had no idea lhat they would he arcitioile to the coodect of Ow *1111; 111111 r..gretted as mach as the learned cowls.' that they had been Ositoyetl. He declared that I,e ha, re, with to keep back any thing, sad would have tasted all t11 - before but for 1. e vertreution shirk bad be. raised apriihiet bon. Ile had searched dihgenth too in vam f.tr she mentorantlemi bohk, which lie wa• terry to have forgot toe till after be had made the affidavit. Ilat dui not think he nits bouud, after the refine! anus Finance Committee to meddle with the nutter, to communisiate to thous lee plan of room( the messy. It was from he third party only that be new what wu the profit on the wanes lion, which wee stated at £8,000, of *bleb his 6rot received not quit• one half. .t the time the money waseo furaishroOthe contractors were press ed and would lave token off 25 per cent, far the accommodation. They had lost .C25,000 by the arrangement, whicb, aftor all was beneficial to thean More svideoce was as was much the above, in re- exminin.tion by I'm own couneel, and us could not Wm) being struck with the whet edtreOrdinary identity allot que.tions fur- nished by the bre( atub the sta.eraents 'ratted from the defeatism by the opposing counsel. it 00111 far to remove the impres- sion, prejudicial to Mr. Boa ee, w loch had been created by his eagernese. to expla,n co:1,17,1:711:7 ttohenitreec.t answers tech he was Mr. !Woof, of the Beek of Upper Cana- da, stated that the fist be heard of the transaction was a letter hoot Mr. Macke, the purport of which was that Siory be Co. had undertaken to mea C.S0 OO Toron- re city dchentures at 20 per ceet, discount, led emit Glyn k Halifax had • Mired to as- eist in the negotiation. There wee reel:J- ed a letter from Glyn hallex & a.. erat• ing that 'hiv would give the necessary credit to • ffeet the nreOlialtori, by an ad- vance of .C15000 to £20h00 stg• The money was r.ccortimely ad.:treed to the bank us the draft of Mr. ilinclon whom the Loops firm had an .hormed to draw for the amount stated; •rd the debentures were del'"ited in the bank for the seturity of Glyn, 11.11 fax fa, Co. No sCenlInt was repeced by the bark with Mr. Mocker. Ti. contractors obtained a Ica downed ponds op the credit of Mr. Ile.WeS before the debenture. were Maned. Mr. Hineke, in virtue -of the letter of credo from Glyn, Halifax Lt. Cu. drew all the dramas on account of the deben• tures. Witness dhl not believe that the city could bare obtained part for 11• &bens woe ei•fier here er in Loodoe. At the coachman of the evidence the Chareeler ovimated to the Countel for the plaintiffs that :heir witnees had d.s, proved their bill; and thus the case was dia. post,' of.--/Modrr. o.-_- flailaserian Iseastaso-The Pada eiM wes ememallieg males at 0.• 'nodule* 1. - ham Tie Mime wood Ile aril thro ems set esker .,y natives sere being ui Mere goes beer* be reaper. Alieteer Mature of She sews le the to - rival at Honolulu of the United Slates fit - 1 ease 8t. Lserresee. .nd tli• ship of war, • Portsmouth. a itb istelaireeee tbit a Fritsch • fleei, c.tosistiag of eleven vesrels of war, • is ta Om coast, p106.61, destined fur the Island. o This rooftrees the Idea that the tui'dea . &petiole of the America') fleet from the coast of South America was in consequence of Matruelioas Item the ttlatini•iratioa to protect the Hawaiians &omit the ItifilOilre 041 'grooms- of the French. Should lb* ✓ latter niske say hostile deinonsiration, the A nrericaa fltJ oath be rot up all o%.' the oland., Ana France be baulked of het prey. Murtha* Jackson, a Jew outfitter at Ss old", Ites been sentenced ter pay Ilst. and coats, ur ea four hours in shit stocks, for not observing the Chriattaa as well as the J•ed lab Sabbath. - - - - - NSW COUNTY OF GREY.-- A 'earresPoo- dent of the Leader writing from Syalentram, informs us that :---" The name of John 51cNab, Esq., Barrister, of Toronto, is I freely and approi ly mentiened in eGle• oection with the county Jul:phi? of Grey 1 Among the applicant. is said to be one of the Jarvis s who residers at Guelph. It is however impossible to regard bis selection as anion& :be possibilities of the future.— Mr. Alc.Nab's appointment would give sa- isfaction HI thecouotry." We are glad to hear that tbe people of Grey Lave hit upon so worthy a member of the Bar for their County Judge. hlr. :11e.Nall is a young man of sterling integrity, of fair talents, and will not be likely to disgsracC tbe Bench with such intemperate exhibitions as have some tiines been seen in that quarter. We hope the Corermnent may take the hint aiaL.apnointment nhich will give so great satisfaction in the country.— North Anse - r — The Yellow Fryer fa New Orleans. BALTINIORE, Sept. 17. . New Orleans papers of the 10th arc re-; i ' ceived. The deaths for tbe week coding i 1011 inst., were 576, of which 421 were! of fever. More 00 6. Koala tall l WA SIIIMeiON, :7:et. 17. i It is rumoured in this city that there was a prolonoed Cabinet merino.- yesterda the subject under consideration was the I joint protest horn all the print tpal govern - totems of Europe except England against Capt. Irigraliem's conduct in the Knsta affair. '1 he pi oleo it is said, was received i by the Moonier Pea:Win. TIlla RAILROAD DEBENTURES' CASE s. The '. .1 ,ng or evidence is 'Intense com- e:. ne. d b. f.,ro !Iv. Cnaneory isttgeo on Meads!: the essay wiles.. siaMlned that . ay being Mr Ilevree. Te• substance lit Ito ee idence wa• that the purclutte of the debenture* from Mn cenirselora resulted In • profit of £8,000.0( a loeh B .tven and 11411 °blamed needy one half.— Ile referred to tell oho was the party that tormahed 1:..ii money with ob;c4 10 porchn.e the dr bentures• - trt T,e..hy the (-name vas proceeded oiii., Mr. NOWICI rn.oinIne bm ex•mlnation . I M,. Ihtivr,,. At the commencement, .to; Ceanceller, fn reference to some objec none which liad been taken the day before -a to the to do ef examination. Mated bi• Nen' on, 9/herein the Vice( hancellors eon correct Mott it was entirely crimpeterat to the counvel to put any question terodrair in test the veracity of the witnete which *mild be admimoble is see eAnr1 of ISM And flirt principle was folly acted op to by Mr. Moscato. fur three boort the Mayor endured the °..,t searchiog teetotalist...re in- to the thaeliet of the 'rummest**, eon - omens, hinwel with greet eelfpowteiteian .nd he jv,n.t rec i respect to she court sad esti I 4t Sli HI ay stage of the pro• p"..'01.g. a cosmilltellisti its* held soi- lage0*4 defendant and hie eitoseel; and ne primula.. that its effect WOO in ed•tse his Werabb to mem, emery emotes bet t. b.* rhos% et fella aro be *Wooed to by bit Teninnel. Very heeeetot roterence wee ge.de by the drefendeot se isfeematicto as to perlicsaisce whir& saoght he feeetelted by Mr. kid.,*, bet the emmen woe met to 8. .861110 fosse bie perp mire ef gooks. OM pree•med fame from the eattaadaat Mee." .olls. ',stoma!, is Itio expreemnote el hie mite. No eepheatioa nook p1... es bp who vrs• the post*, elosst• grortod Orkrall weedy le the fesAisssil padre. who so foe hootebvil tbe trameey. Mr. Domes eased em ny *basket the treemembo ieme owe fror t, hese Ili et 001 ro.liter paella elitwegh Is.• 'rho i—i.• strelhas 'Id" Ot 11•11GI b ce,..erskalas It..tit at Upsett, nada. Mr. III.esse I matelf, as peseta. fily eteeed IAN, sofroesma 16, poise te the ft is. perte., bed es.4. kb. per., RAILWAT ROUTle; TO TUR P•cioc.--Cot. Benton rurnithes letters for peblreation to the National letetligeecer, from Messrs. Ileal. and Heap. who are now ergaged in explormg the Central Roule for the cen- templaicd Railway to the Pacific. Mr. Benton, in • letter explanatory of the move me; hi lie . ,oef ! ei hi tree res fgr : nn t'gi :Br::eftlne; nonendallealp:cnoicre: the only debateable I Route. The whole rooto hoe now beet P000, rot Fremont know. the Cramb river, and all bevrend.) any the paeoe• traversed: and all found to be e ood for road. and *et tleniente, and Inviting the hand 0( 16. flrus• et to improve it. Nothing in now wanting hnt the wirver explors.mn which Fremont has set out to give• 11e is ant &food of snows in Ills (etiolates where there are valley I., and power, and 000011. Ile has stooel epees a al/notion to a kitting snots *form and looked doer, into& valley some thoesande of fret below where the run was shoving, green gra.' covering the greued, sad nib. nisieedurolesee. 'of ittlitoes :pelt:Ls% ftrheosei dead of winter strummer Lake." ' Ile bay stool in a SVIey Innirtir SO Mr easy stores roves In th. unmet; cream', *bilis the melee wore ferdirg•1 their pare rooted ire valley camp. Ile Ass been roar to lug (temp na a Lirove el wood Orin, • meet steels eihmh killed all assmate es ohs pre. roes; witnees the loot of Motet • theeesed head of Gnvernment oxen nom -hung fr eisigoes:ol.wktellthenrebits i:on aser.. lie its ps.....p‘aotiamsfa.., rete New Monte, ie ten. while ha, le the ea • 'mow Boom, *loitered by woods, feet t as esimel, sad Mimedrn theeedyee in heats weed: and me's, to stead in the most ele- vated of therm pump" no the ~eel rents in Jesuitry seal. Fle will have With Ism indsers• ant 0000at•in mem who are se more aria of emote them hioneelf. nra----aes Ifteets Be 0mt.-00e ter the mem ~row of ,6 ryes** spal.ettioas hes beam the pies .1. nob proprietor, rho hea gaiom/ ke lionteosee fort ewe hy gee spool,. Wee. Hie eke mow le no era all pow by a embotrosolowl64 gas boo6. susesamots, siod 11111.8' ly *Moos enthenty 00 ememese. woe Eno of Ate (11111.110f, n Ossiossso kw rot Iloar souk epas.this stegrelar orts _ - Poem pea see Peerte.—The ansoust 01 mosey exploded by the Poetised pimple for rune, 11,, before the Maine Law, in litre* hundred grog shops wit 11,128,601:0— That was the root tax of the city. Al the same lima, th/Oschool isewas only $20,000, i he tax for streets and sideaalks, et0,000; sad Hut 'whole tax for all corporate topes - ties, eel, 'bent .100,000, but the rum tax was OM SOO! And now 10 all Main., there is sot tom actuary grog -shop! An 194/1010411 Lan.—Papa. what dem the editor lick the Priam; Current witbr— "Whip itbe doe* wb:p 81. my elide"— "Thee he hes, pa." r Hush! Tom. that te • very naulitoy word !" paps tbt• itre paper ails, Price Correa!, carefully cor rected, and 1 guess when 1 get corrected 1 gets licked—dei't 1 . TUE OWE .OF A PRINTER. The followieg strange evestrul retool of a yourneyeme printer'. I re i• tak•n from one of our exchanges, which paper aeaeris 11 correct to the letter. 11 deveiopea chat • 010 Can d bit. likes. and obit queer airnerienterpriarng unselfiab fellows primer's °The life or a printer is, to say the lea.(, one of variety. 1 left hams at the age or nme, ani was apprenticed to the printing business at th• age of 13, &nee then 1 have saluted Fiurooe—been in Eneacd, Ire- land, Scotland, Wats* and Orem*: in Ca- n ada, Nova Scotia, Labrador, Swill; Amen ca, West lathes, and all the Atlantic State. of the rnien from Maine to ',mistime; have 114 10 IT cones and towns in the Baited Sates; 1 have been a mein in the merchant semen., and have sailed la all wanner or craft—ship, bark, brig, schooner, sloop and 'steamer, in the reenter army as a private soldter, deserted and gut idiot to the leg: 1 ha•rt studied two rears for the ministry, etc year (or an M. 1). travelled thrtogh the New' England States, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginm as a journeyman printer, generally with no more has a brae. rule in my ocelot; Ila;. been the nubile! air 01 101 paoers,ons ro Bostoo, and one in Roxbury.Maeraand 000*0 Blaine. At one tame 1 had *7350 in my pocket, of my own: 1 have bee. married twtee; arid atu now nearly 26 years rile! I bate twee a temperance lecturer and a proprietor c1 a temperance theatre." SMUGGLING -.-A CHINAMAN WITH A TIN STOMACH.—Tbe duties imposed by our Tariff are enmpaaitliely so light that the temptation to smuggling have scarcely warranted the risk consequent to tietection. We have therefore bad very little to do with such dexterous and adventurous bands of tmugglers as have for years infested the coast of England and France, and set at defiance a swarm or coast guards and re- venue cutter.. But still ingenious tricks and stratagems are employed from titne to time to evade the eustome„ by running through articles of trysail bulk and great talue. The Chinese are perhaps tbe moat cunning smugglers in the world. Their dexterity in hoodwinking the revenue offi- cers is proverbial in every country with which they have land dealings. 'Fbey do not, like the bold and hardy smugglers of England, face the storm OP the most tem- pestuous night, when the cotters dare not venture out of their . safe havens. The. y seek not secluded spots, where lowering cliffs and deep caveros offer facilities for the operations of the adventurers. In fact, 'ber.' is nothing romantic aboot them. Mir expedients are trick, and wile, and cunning device. They retain in this coup - try their passion for opturn, and those who have gained •ecese to their inmost haunts asy they may be seen at limca, listlessly dreaming away their lives under its influ- ence. This drug is very costly, tad when- ever an opportunity offers, they attempt to smuggle it into the city. An instance oc- curred a few days ago which illustrates their system of tactics. A ,easel had ar- rived from China with a targe number of Celestials on board. A revenue officer was as usual placed on board to see that no cargo was landed without authority.— Among the passengers on board oat jolly looking old fellow attracted my attention by his extreme portlinees. Ile had in fact • stomach of almost Fallstaff's proportions, but somehow or other he did not seem eaey. kits movements were ungainly and coo - strained, and the officer approached bun, and began to poke him jocosely about the passel", veleta to hie surprise a hollow sound was gives back. Ile repeated his punt bee, this time for siitioulet,,end found John to have a prodirhard and unyielding stosaach.--11cre was • diseerety. A cm - teem officers oo the scent of a smuggler is a rat is permit of a dainty mese. /elm was seen diveisood of his twee sad eppertemacre, when b, be appeared to bus. tin stomach! and fernier, that if eosin' be detached without rieriouair tater- feria& with his digestion. A p al memento examiltabon was held epos the tin corpora - 60,s, sad strange 1..j it was 10.04 116 et *eel. Whether Jobe bested that be had elites ft, end its disagree' with his astern feectioes of digestiost 8.4COM- pelted Wm to reerwt le le smelted recep- tacle, a, u&seher be • eelmewledged the core," we know foot. At any tete, his at- tire tin stomach, celibate lorieded Were emits/Ailed 11 eostrabeed, and *Al dimebt- i•la lee Wit et saletso• .1.151Xidloye fee the husk af tleoele $.m's e.t. JCR ass Eaten i Aufwer.—.041 the b aims% Oen 11111. 4, se !frit frog of der plant* were omarely bided, hcire usirmt vicietty. le efilimiatiete bee - Imbed Week, Al the resilibee of 4 far - pest meter ememAlloodraiell ime. ieveleved, Obsst fieseigosjadio j. t*free on toiler siert led. . A els/ loom as mei to hove Moe coer• A4 seed ea Meow Meat. ve tilt AVE L 131 PKIRTU. The Comely C.uImet ea llionelap last, for the tepriorsa of decide; as the Gravel Road Teedera. There were 37 pet in altogether, and the greater part of the day Saul 00111taettl is falai( them over. The contracts were only let at the time of our goiug to press last evitaieg, and we caa give only the names of the tout:actors and the sections :--- T. M. Daly sad James Orr of Strat- ford, Huron road; sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 8. 11, 12, 16, 18, 30, 21, 25, 24, 28; Si. Mary's read—sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8, 'rheum's Stank ssd IbleClahaety of Mit- chell, Huron road sectium 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 23. W. Smith and Francis Fishleigb of Mit- chell, flares road 'echoes 25 sad 27. Javan Hill, Herm Road Seell00 John Guest of Si. Mary's—St. Alary's road stenos 11. Charles Rankin and !Iron, Zorra Juoc- lima road seetioa 1, 2, 3, 4. Mathew Neilsen, 2ktrts road sectiou 5.--P erth News. Disrersatwo C4112.—A pitiable ob. rot was found eresderiag is the 'Artois of the town ors l'huredny eight last. It was a young etas, quite a stranger to the place, and who had evidently come from a dis- tance, as be was footsore and weary. Ile was poorly clad, and los feel and hands were dreadfully burst. Squire \Voods kindly took lora to an empty room to Ow court house, and locked him there for the night, with the object of rookies enquiries and, taring hint properly taken tate o(; he is evidently au idiot, and amble to speak anything, ho nearest approach to speech being an hatoberent moan. If be has any friends, they should communicate with the magistrates here forthwith.—Peeth :Yews. flueltaL0 & BRAN't VOSS RAILROAD. - We are glad to leers that %Via. Wallace, Esq., tbe 'Superintendent of this road, has appointed Silas O. Ilensenway, Esq., as Paymaater. Mr. Heameerly has had a good oppertunity to familierise himself with railroad ‘business— being for some time connected with tbe State Line Road, sad others, and will fill the place time assigned with honour to himself and profit to tbe Coinpany. We learn from Mr. II tliat the road is rapidly progrettieg upon the Canada side, and it is expected to be complete in No- vember • Messrs. Bidwell, Banta b. Co., aro now building i -ferry Propeller, which , is to cost $35.000, and to rim from Black Rock to the Depot on the other side. The dock there is nearly finislie:d, and the ne- crstary buildings are its proton Of tion. We shall hail with pleasure the hoer when the road is ficished, behestug that it will be one of the most convenient and productive of our public thoroughfares. -- Be, alo Ethpress. ▪ - HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT EAlur.rt 22,1853 PROGRESS. Ie these limes of general advoneetnent, we can scarcely take op a paper, or travel to any extent, witboot being made pleas- ingly sensible of tbe rapid strides which va- rious places in different parts of the world are making in the great march of improve- ment, to no couslry on the face of the globe is this advancement more apparent than on tbe Continent of North America, nor is Canada behind in present progress any other portion of that contineet. Ca- nada, so long indifferent to her numerous advantages, leas at length (thanks (n an en- lightened policy with regard to public im- provements) felt her proud position and is rapidly aaeuming her proper sphere among the countries of the earth. Her agricul- tural and commercial adrantagts are now beginning to be understood and appreci- ated, while her towns and cities partaking of the general prosperity are becoming worthy to be the grand emporiums of the treasures of our rich and productive soil, as also of tbe improved fa orications of the in- creasag skill of our artisans Whilst we would rejoice with the inhabitant& of Mon - tree), Toronto, Hamilton, London and other cities and towns of our country, to tbe progress now rapidly making in their midst—we cannot help saying a few words in favor and in behalf of our owe adopted Town—Goderich, the neglected, the abused Goderich. And here we cannot kelp remarking what she might bay. been long ere this, had a jedsciout policy been exerted in ber behalf by Otos* most toter. esled in ler advancement. The fairest protege of the Canada Compaey, her in- fant developentents hare been stunted is their growth, and the eel buddiags of her prettied promises wheels oeght tesiderly to bare bees soothed ovetured,have beau pie•beti and distorted by the foolernisotho• oboe* every ears ought te have been to promote and develope her rare capabili- ties. 'Hut Goderielt is no Imiger in the leading strings. She can and does at leagth net for herself. nay destiny sea se longer be essieolled by • Cow piny of inerehaete whims onommege meat hes tended le se mall extent dur- ing years peak to prevent bow growth sad prosperity, owl irto hires opposed Isearli every Nay fieprovesset si- yuntelopteiby tieimist oworttilter. sr rtiatra tint forma have life Ot'00;VOM in GOtiet004 v•110M4git anoillsi of boson, tetany of 411111116A. mad 0411444blid, eharester, 00110.01010491841#4004 So* i•legtoodRig" fhb 11001111:604411111k 440044.0401•411, sin *rail Ir• bollills-rooes osseous te topers Buts hove Awl! ffrtati7111111 plops" basebraged Reeds at &statist - 's" etilraseets Rogues arc rented keg &dm they are nebitcd, and many stran- gefe'deaareete of Deconning residents hare Ebcte1nsectloidaittoes lit: ea4iitl. o•suitablet. building materials has sot been equal to the deimad, awl this difficulty has been seriously felt during the present memos—the erection of many houses having been postponed in consequence We have reason to believe that thM evil will soon be remedied. During the pre- sent year extensive public improvements have also been undertaken, the leading streets sad Market Square are being graded and grarelled, which when com- pleted, will, in connection with the works on the Harbor Hill finished lab season Odd greatly to the appearance and pros perity of the Town. Tim Sespension Bridge across the Maitland erecting at the expecte of the CouLties will also 1,.. an elegant and valuable ituproyeeheie. and last, bet not least, the Railroaj. which the contractors are pnehing for• ward at rapid rate, with the prospect of an esrly completion, will crown our pros- perity. Among the private improve- ments, the splendid fiat -roofed brick building of Dr. McDougall on the corner of the Market Square and West street, finished this season oeoupies a prominent positiou, the lower floor of which eontains two new Mores, in ono of which Mr McKay keeps a very 'choice assortment of general merchandise, and the other is occupied by Alessi -8 McDougall and Reynolds., and is handsomely filled up Sr Druggists Store which in adOition to a large amortment of drugs and whew ieals contains a very neat variety of fancy goods. James Watnon, Eq, is also eneetitsg two handsome Oriel: Stores on his property in West Street, which will add greatly to its appear- ance, and we understand they are both rented. Two brick %Ones are also being built on Mr. Wallace's prmo ray n early opposite the Huron Hoer , and a few yards lowce on the aame street, Mr Henry Borten, Sen., has f:ei.e.1 a hand- some brick store, Mr. Horace Iforto:: is also building two large morn, en the M cr- lat. Square «hull will be a great uniir.o...• meat in that locality. hie Caivey has erected a fine brick brave. Mr. I itgains has also raised a large two story frame ',gilding on Victoria street, and we notice also Many other signs of imerovernent rn the same street. such as stone cellars, frames of buildings, &..r: , all in progress . It would be futile for Let to attempt to de- scribe all the new buildings erectedor com- pleted during the present year, hut from actual enumeration we find them to be about sixty in number. But the mansion of Charles Wielder, Esq ,6* dosertirre of ape cial notice, it is a very handsome brick Mi- ke situated cmthe bank of the river and overlooks the harbor; 11 6* admissibly finislrei and has a coarsb house, stable,&c., attaslied • Mr. C Crabb who last year finished los • n oble brick store on the Market Oquare and launched a new schooner bas this year com- pleted a very large storehouse on the Wharf, which in addition to the Massive stone store- house of Mewl, Seymour and other store - age aceoniodatiorm will provide for the re- quirements of our eh. pping trade. The steam saw -mill of Messrs 1 arrows and McDonald on the wharf has added greatly to OW mean, of le..ildiag lids season and Las been kept in steady operation night and Jay. The foun- dry lately purchased from tlie Hon. Mal- colm Cameron by Meesrs. Story & Co., has greatly extended its operations; and is doing a good business. The shipping of our port has been increased this year by seven or eight vessels During the warm Ae2•011 we were favored with the presence of many respectable familtes from the States and elsewhere will came to spend the summer months in our healthy Town.— A more favored locahly for a limner residence can not be found in Canada tkei that presented by Goderich, where ape and its landred diseases, the bane of rotor other watering places is entirely unkeseo escept among strangers from a dialect% who frequently corn. here to spends k" weeks as a certain core for those distil" - tang Complaint+. These advantare 301 improved Steam cominunication wet "e vowel to See attempted nett year. "nil insure a greet annual ink* of view' to. our Towo. The portlatiot a Goorrich sr tie °Wig of tbe last general Cense, was 13`19, *1 most approach very closely to 200 are a few 01 16. ages of nw which the compeenee of our the opening mot lIPsItrii e04' went ammeneeMy. COUNTY 00 AS the °sooty Own/ esesioe, *5 800 Ale Ise WKS% feefersaativa ea thg and Comet Mere By -14014 grit to 'Ws WO bee, Geordies here void Re04—Stepises, 11 MegIllivary and R r4-4)44604‘ 261,1401k IspF Ifeiromote, l'OeVONtellk, CAW. also'boisi vit Ft MAW Pesti 00 Tbe rate ee fel i.,i---t. arid og ir itt readers Bead ch were 141:144detc1thotbeAmebly'417TKilinvi;ie81`,.1 it, Lit u the a relate Reese, was as aerials Time*, t 51 1'o