HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-31, Page 3SH
Divided on
nuclear arms
TimesArtocato, Pao,' 3
1191,4'S of Skating: team of
04090 ,c9i1P.4.44. ktg, Ba-rt, Berry,Mehertt
Uttle, WoOph,
Xatharl. ..44.4 ,PJ3, 'Wright .944,
lenged a group .of !enter ..ehp,
40114 to a breelnhall• Thee
final score WAS. 14. .The gOal
ler the .teachers was scored by
Wooden and the only .one
for the Students was made by
Pale l'arvey, .4911.4 $nell and
Heger refereed the game.
very impartially.
114 vccwrig Mae was for, •
lowed by a dance at the school.
The entire ,profit for this.
affair will be used. by 0)0 paper
Staff in the MibliShing of :this
yews. "Ink Spot",
At hgf-titae at the girls'
basketball game between Strat-
ford and S High a limbo contest
.was held, One of the members
of the senior team, John NO-
rimer e n r e d and emerged
victor, She was crowned
"Limbo Queen. of Stratford Col-
legiate Institute" and proudly
wore her crown during elasses
the next day.
High single: C. Glenn (307) High triple: E. Morgan (742)
Dairymaids (K. Baskett 222) 84
Aces (L. Dickson 301) 80
Satellites (L. Calcott 224) 75
C. °Mies (D. Shipley 240) 66
Dumbells Carling 226) 63
Ramblers (H. Lewis 248) ..... 01 Shamrocks Thompson,
Cl. Riley 183) 52
Sputniks OE. George 177) 48
Diamonds (ID, Smibert 219) -- 43 Legionettes (D. Butler,
33, Crudge 213) ..... 42
High Hopes (E. Coughlin 107) 41
The Clowns (11. Black 233) 17
High single: L. Dickson (301)
High triple: L. Dickson (710) High average: B. 'Wraith (180)
The Top rive (M. Carling 570 The Wingdings (A. leVissel 722)
Little Shots (L. Blake 535)
Toe Tappers (53. Cockshat 563)
Whlgdings 7.1
Top Five 34
Little Shots 30 Toe Tappers 15
High single: A, Wissel (567)
'High triple: A. Winne! (722) High average: A. WIssel (186)
Miss Amanda Shier fell on
Sunday fracturing her hip and
is a patient. in ataMarys Memor-
ial Hospital,
Mr, Mitchell Willis of Camp-
bell River, B, C, formerly of
WOOdham fell recently Andfree-
tured a vertebra and is in a
body east.
Wedneacley afternoon guests
With Mrs: JIM McLaughlin and
Mrs. Jack Williates Were Mrs.
Heber Melte, Mrs, Herman
Paytitere Mrs. Russell Meta-
riaon, Mrs. Eric EUzttphreys,
Mrs. Tom Crew of Kirkten and
Mrs. Harold O'Brien of Base
Line. The afternoon was spent
playing etichte with the PriZeS
for high Score to Mrs. Harold
O'Brien; IOW., Mrs. Tom Crew
and lone hands, Mrs. Erie Hum.
Mr. and tete. Robert Hattie
son and Mr. and. _Mit. bon
Morphy attended the Pratte.
Tinney receptioh at the ttirieh.
arena on Saturday evening.
Mr, and Mrs, &Ain Witte-
veep and Mr. 'WM. Bud2inskl
Metered to Pert drediti MAU),
day and visited With their Miele
add aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Midi and Mei .and Mrs. Gordon
WitteVeen. and family Of Idea
Onto. Mr. audxlnski left foe
borne on Monday to 06xwarren,
Maniteba having spent the past
two weOks with hiS sister, Mrs.
John •WitteVeein J Olin and
(302) (645) High single: D. Rath High triple: D. 'Rath
1Voodbutchers (A. Dewar '604) 3 Shamrocks (J'. Gilmour 623) ..0
Dairymen OE. Morgan 742) 3 Fire Haters (N. Zoniar 5,83) .. 0
Lumber Kings (O. Taylor 591) 3 Hot Shots (J. itfurcly 479) 0
C. Rest'in (T. Bermenton 606) 3 Rex OR, Hodgins 582) 0
Duffers (B. Chown 6.83) 2
Legton (C. Glenn 696) 1
Hotel (M. Bobor 626) Agrico (j. Vanlleshoot 579) 1
(I14., Herbert 2551 - 5. - Bluebells (5. .iShiprway .,,.0
Strikers .0. Hearn 132) ... 5 idlow-outs 113. wenor 140)
Jitmo Beady 100) ......
Vinsplitivrs Stokes 141)
Dornbells 40 Jimcs. 30
-Strl kern 31 .131tiehelis 24 inow. on t;$ 10. PinmAitters
"'A" .PHoateF,
G. Glenn sa
.1, Heitman A. Blake .. 4 Don Pixon O. Hooper
-osi t
E. Slater 43
T. Van Vleet
B. Hooper 28
H. Atkins 26
P. McRoberts! 23
• Rosser. 17
Ladies' high single: M. Bison
(350) Ladles' high (653) Men's high single: K. Simpson
(301) Men's high triple: K. StraPsOrt (754)
triele;. H. Eisen
Elect slate
at Elirnville
The congregational meeting
of Elienville United Church was
held on Friday evening, January
25, beginning with a slipper.
Rev. Hugh Wilson phaired the
meeting and Delmer Skinner
was named as secretary.
Reports of the various church
organizations were reviewed. It
was decided to buy a new elec-
tric stove for the kitchen and
a new carpet sweeper. Liability
insurance, also the possibility
of instating running water in the
church basement were u n de r
discussion. The budget of the
stewards for 1963 was approv-
Officers elected were: Elders
for three years, Howard Pym,
Newton Clarke; stewards, Gor-
don Ford, Lewis Johns, Lorne
Elford, Ross Skinner, Mrs.
Philip Hern, trustee, E 1 ston
Lynn for five years; IVI & M
Committee, Mrs. Elston Lynn,
Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mrs. Ken-
neth Johns, Miss Ruth Skinner,
Philip Johns; manse committee,
Kenneth Johns, Mrs. El st on
Lynn, John Ridley; envelope
steward, Bruce Delbridge; Ob-
server secretary, Howard Pym;'
cemetery board, .Allen Johns,
Kenneth Johns, Newton Clarke;
Ushers, John Ridley, Philip
Johns, Edward Skinner, Grant
Skinner, Floyd Cooper, Brian
Hern, Robert Woods and Brian
The meeting was held at the
church on Wednesday afternoon
with 19 members present. Mrs.
Jackson Woods and Mrs. Har-
old Kerslake were in charge of
the program.
Mrs. Hugh Wilson introduced
the study book "On the Rim of
East Asia". Mrs. Philip Johns
gave a piano instrumental.
During the business, it was
decided to have lunch only every
three months with a 251 tea
instead of previous 101 teas.
Mrs. Jackson Woods gave the
Bible study and Mrs. E. Skin-
ner and Mrs. Harold Bell were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcox of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly,
The 8th line community mon-
thly social evening was held in
Metropolitan School on Friday
night with eight tables of pro-
gressive euchre in play.
Ladies high score went to
Mrs. Claire Sisson; ladies lote,
Mrs. Mac Spence; ladies low,
Helen Tarlton; gents high, Glad-
Wyn Hooper; gents lone hands,
Andrew Rae; gents low, Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harlton
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngson
were the committee in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle George
and family of Kerwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy,
Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceGrasby
add Debbie of London Were Sun-
day guests of M. and Mrs.
Claire Sisson.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thack-
er, Miss Arrie Thacker, Mr.
Marvin Harty/10k attended the
Edgewood Junior F armee s
banquet held at the Feerester's
• Granton, on Saturday
Mrs. Gertie Thomson Of St.
Marys spent a few days at her
hoine here,
MI Leather
Thermal Shoes
EPEE Matches
to remain here
Rev. Thigh 1-e Wilson, of
'Thames Road UC charge, haa
been extended a eignai honor by
his official board.
At a Meeting Monday night,
the board invited him to P.0911.
plete his active ministry at
Thames Road.
Mr. WilePti is eOmpleting 26
years in Huron PreshYtery, hae
ving •served in Auburn, tares,
seta, and Wesley-Willis 1104,
Clinton. Previous to this, he
Was in thealamiltoncooference.
He has served for many years
on the presbytery's settlement
committee and has also been
secretary of the conference
2 2
3 1.
-(1A!, ,aFtoop,
:11111141rds„(S. Nugel 005) Rockets (L. Ho.ugh 7.202
Huskies. -(13, Faronhar -.051)
Supertest (C. Poore 011/
SPnrei..4 (13, Stanlake 6.00)
11 Spec ials (G. Webb 700)
Pepsis (j. Coughlin 0,37) .„.„„
1.14 (R, -Stagg 580)
Ringers 14. Wright. 020) King)/Ins (C. 'Walker .618)
'Tradesmen (0, Campbell 532)
Benoit11 (C. Donn() 041)
Kingpins 155568 ) 49 Big Six (00374) „. ....... 48 Rockets (60007) 48
S. Billiards 159518) . ....... „ .48 Tradesmen (56398) 43 'Ringers (58130) 41. Pepsis (56030 43 Spores (575117) 28
A a H Specials (56140 .28
Supertest (53031) 25 Hensel!(48906) 24
1-.1,3skies (52994 18
2 2
(Ioderich ,(1). Queen 1.50) ...... - I .iorteh. (9.1„. .001mm 493) .... ......0.
St. Marys. (M.. ,11,PF1Patt 713) .--5 Mitchell (M., .Meyors 093) 3
Credlton (11, Durand: 754) 7
Stratford: 014... Harn1,017 020) 0
Clinton (0, 13arris 703) 5
Exeter (G, ..Farquhar 010) 2;
.1Goderleit 87 Clinton 86. !St, Marys: 77
Crediton 62
xeter e .N.litchell 4 60
Zarle.Strailifordh 40
, 18
High !single: 0. Pssery (cretl-
iton) 308
High .triple: M. Moore ((1Cids-rich) 233 High average; T. Murray (St.. Marys) 223
Jets (0. Stine 265) 5 T. Birds .(p, Deaver 220) ..„ 4
Pin-austers (392, Kearney 3483 5 Kingpins ('N, Brady 253) 0
13ombers (J. Gifford 334) 5 Podgers (Y, p.enhode 311) 0
130Mbers 54
T-131rilS 53
Jets 33 Pin,,Busters. 30
Dodgers 24
King1/10:3 16
High ,single; M, Kearney (211) High double: M. Kearney (348)
U4 „ 1i-Em-Downs OD, Snell 328) .. pynamiters (H. camimen 316)
Comets (14, Hockey 437) Cool Cats (P. McFalls 257 ,...
Atoms (13, Wright 488) 5 Strikers (13. Beavers 312) 0
Atoms * 54.
Strikers 43
Knock,Ern-Dewns 40
Dynamiters 30
Cornets 22
Cool Cats 21
Wright (269) High double: B. Wright (488)
'He( Boas (\1, Bobbins 644) 4
Westons (B, ietra. 484) 0
Bankmonts (F'. Boogemens 5132) 3 Larks (11, Heywood 348) 1.
Fsirinnes (0. Wein 037) 3
Canners (13. !Itilett, 13. Simpson (605)
S, i eels (P1, Patterson 627) 3 13(31Didleys 1W, Webb 503) 1
N, !Supertest (O. Bunter- Ducar 002) Milkmen (S, Stire 523)
Should Canada have nuclear
weapons? fiere are some 90,
pions expressed by students-of
S High. *nit this very contro-
versial pebtect,
Iris Marshall, leAi“Weneeti
some means eftiefenselnitwhe,
they nuclear arms aro the an-
swer only more informed people
should rjecide.11
Orenda Hocock, 1.IQ;
Canada should not have nuclear
weapons. They are too expen-
sive. A lot of good could be
done with all the money that
would be spent on theme/
Moss Deslardine, le.s: "No,
we should not have nuclear awns
because they would only invite
Ella Mae Schleiritter, 11A:
"1 don't think 'that we should
have nuclear arms because
their purpose is offensive not
defensive. Also they are expen-
sive and would put a great
*Ittlior4y'gni4Y7dit'er, nlgrcy;';‘Re, We
oee 0,aortm:e •nuoi@ar
because they would only lead to
war-, Canada has enough expen-
s ,without b‘stigymieog
Hob Cuill,erier, 12B;
cdoauy,•p.n w4tretiy.:11. e F
e t o .hp 3, 100
them for the ,defense of our
On Friday, January g4, the
Paper Staff of S High held its
annual fund-raising fete which
included a skating party, a
broomball game and a dance.
All three activitieswere very
well attended by students of all
Following one and ,one-half
Mr. saidMrs. „leek Stewart
held their Ilappy Poublea club
trayelling dinner on Friday
Mr. .and. Mrs. Mac fiedgeet
wereguests at the HowatteKeen
wedding at. St, Andres, Pree-
byterien Church, Stratford, on
Friday evening,
Mr, and Mrs, Winston Shap-
ton and family, of.Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Alien E is ten and
family of Centralia were Fri-
day evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Cpl. John and Mrs. Wilson,
Michael and Craig of Yellow-
knife N,W.T. who have been
visiting with the former's par-
ents, Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wil-
son, for the past two weeks left
on Friday morning. They are
going to visit at Ottawa, Sault
Ste. Marie, Winnipeg, Victoria
on their homeward Journey.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Ballan-
tyne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann,
Mr. and Mre. William. Cann, Mr.
and Mrs. William Lampert, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Rowe spent
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Carmen Cann of Exeter.
Miss Ann Marie Rowe of
London spent the weekend with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Rowe.
Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Hodgert
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Johnston, Carol and Mary
of Whalen, Mrs. William Jeffery
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Rpbert
Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann
on Saturday evening, the oc-
casion being the 36th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cann.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pym, Mr.
Barry Jeffery went on the Junior
Farmer's bus trip to Detroit
on Saturday to see the hockey
game between Chicago and De-
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ballan-
tyne, Mrs. Clara Hackney,
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. William
Harper, Cromarty, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Bell, Douglas and
Paul, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs.
William Cann,Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Ballantyne and Brenda
were Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Ballarayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Case de Mooy
and Sandra of London spent the
High' single: R.
chauns; • Christine Price and
Heather Bracken, Gnomes; Judy
Holland and Brenda Lane, Pix-
ies; Norma Lynn Gange and Jan
Brown, seconder, Fairies.
Mrs. Betty Smithers, Tawny
Owl, and Mrs. K. Sie grist,
Snowy Owl, assisted by Mrs.
Gwen McDonald,
weekend with Mr, and Mrs,
Alvin Paestesee.
Mr. and Mrs, M elv in Ger-
dleer and Marilyn of Exeter
were Sunday Cheats with Mr.
and Mrs. ,,Tack Stewart.
Quite a number of our ladies
attended the Both anniversary
banquet of South. Huron WI on
Monday evening at Legion Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Blake lkiicKeen
and Sharpn of Staples near Lea-
mington spent the weekend with
Mr. and. Mrs. Tern Murdock.
The official board of the
Thames Road charge confirmed
the actions of the congregational
meetings by inviting the minis-
ter to remain for the balenee
of his active ministry, Mr.
Donald Bray was appointed to
The Happy Doubles Club held
its meeting on Wednesday even-
ing last. Rev. Hugh Nilsen was
in charge of the worship ser-
vice assisted by Mrs. Wilson
and Mrs. Abner Passmore.
Mr. John Wilson spoke a few
words on his work in Yellow-
knife. John is a constable of
the RCMP.
Mrs. Ross Hodgert, presi-
dent, took charge of the busi-
ness. it was decided to invite
the officers of the Sunday School
to the February meeting, A
musical number was given by
Ray Cann and Robert Jeffery
and William Rohde with Mrs.
Reg. Hodgert at the piano. Mrs.
Ray Cann gave two humorous
Progressive crokinole was
played. Prizes were won for
ladies high by Mrs. Lorne Pas-
smore; ladies low, Mrs. Robert
Jeffery; men's high, Donald
Bray; men's low, Reg. Hodgert.
It takes
for dollars
to grow
Monday evening, January 21,
some of the pare at s of the
Brownies of First RCAF Cen-
tralia Pack attendeci the Brown-
ie meeting and witnessed an
enrolment ceremony. Those en-
rolled were Emaline
Debbie Johnson), Debbie Attvill,
Paula finch, Cheryl Bavkley,
Patricia Rooney, Nancy MI-
downey and Brenda Morrison.
Golden. Bars were given to
Debra McLeod, Jan Brown. Sec-
ond year stars were awarded to
Debbie Wade, Patsy Gagne; first
year stars, Kathryn MacLeod,
Norma Lynn Gange, Jan Brown,
Christine Price; Sandra Wa-
ters, Susanne Gagne, Debra Mc-
Leod, Karen Setters.
Sixer and seconder stripes
were also given to Patsy Gagne
and Debbie Wade, Lepre-
Too Late To Classify
9 PIGS, 6 weeks on January
27, reasonably priced. Apply
William B e n d e r, CreditIon,
phone 234-6230, after 6:30 p.m.
WOMAN to care for family,
for 3 weeks, •to live in, com-
mencing 'February 4, Phone
235-1027. 31c
KILPATRIICK—In memory of
a dear friend, 'Peter, who
passed sway two years ago,
January 31, 1e61.
A little tribute, true and
Just to show we still remem-
--Ever remembered 'by Flor-
ence, 'Bill and family. 31c
0 You cad gm
Hot Shots (J. Schroeder 474) 3
7 Atoms (M. Brenner 500) .. ...... 2
Westerners (W. GM 568) 7 Untouchables (G. Waldron 463) 0
Firecrackers (K. Gilleris 607) 3
Braces (G. Masse 493) „,..„, 2
Legionettes (D. Rath 645) 1 Harmony Gals (B. 'attars 641) 2
Firecrackers 71
Braves 65
Legionettes 60 Harmony Gals 55
Atoms 54
Hot Shots 42 Westerners 35
Untouchables 35
Nippon Tigers (57306) N, End Supertest (57330) 47 Crystal Loggers (59759) „ 44 Pal:lanes (501.38) 41 Bankmonts (555211) ..... „„ 40 Canners (53077) 40
Larks (54354) 40
1.1111kMon (53371) 18
Hot Rods (52955) 32
13o•DidleYs (52265) 30
Sterling Fuels (48958) 21
Westons (49930) 11
High single. S, Nagel (301) High triple G, Webb (702)
Hidden score: D. Wolfert
Who Cares (B, Bold 528) Busy Bees (G. 'Webster 501) ..
High Hopes (N. Rooth 698) .... H. Hire (P. Ballantyne 532)
Handicapper (V, Stagg 494) „ 7 Droppettes (A, Schroeder 425) 0
All ey oats (F, Walker 550) ..„
Bloweites (D, Prance 522) 2
Lollipops (L, 13rock 6(17) 7
Jolly Six (G. Skinner 526) 0
Ali things require time to grow anti dollars ore no excep-
tion. Waiting • . putting off the day when you will start
putting dollars to work is a positive waste of vital time .«,
a probable waste of dollars that could have !wen earned.
See vs now. Let vs show you how dollars con be put to
work, at once, in a broad cross-section of industry, under
constant professional management. Let us tell you about
Mutual Funds . . .
United Accuraui tive
Fund Ltd.
Allan Westeott, Agent
May We Suggest You Get The Facts , .
No Obligation ... No Fees
0 Sputniks (E, Reid 585) ..... .„
Jolly Jilin (A. Zachnr 465) .. 2
IF you fed
Six candidates
receive degree
The initiatory degree was
conferred on six candidates at
Tuesday night's meeting of
Exeter Lodge 67 100F, by the
local degree team.
The candidates were Norman
Brock, Barry Jeffery, Bill Pin-
combe, Jim Prout, Harold Bell,
and Keith Coates.
The travelling gavel was pre-
sented to Noble Grand Allen
Fletcher by the noble grand of
Wingham lodge, who was ac-
companied by several of his
members. A number of mem-
bers from S e af or th and Brus-
sels lodges were also present.
Blowettes Lollipops 83
Handicap:airs 82
Alley Cats , ... 71
High Hopes 68 Who Cares 67
Busy Bees .... ....... . r -65
Mighty Mice ..... ....... ... ..... .. 62
!Droppettes 63
Sputniks 47
Jolly &ills 47
Jolly Six 25
and N.
These days most people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose-harder to regain.
Today's tense living, overwork, worry-
any of these may affect normal Haw
action. When kidneys get out of order,
excess acids and wastes remain in the
system. Then backache, disturbed red,
"tired-out" feeling often follow. That's
the time to take Dodd'* Kidney Pills.
Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal
action, Then you feel better-sleep
better-work better. Ask for Dodd's
Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 04
Clandeboye UC
plans renovation
The annual congregational
meeting of Clandeboye UC was
held with the minister, the Rev.
G. W. Sach presiding in the
Sunday School room.
Rea Neil was re-elected for
his 38th term as recording sec-
Elders are Lloyd Lynn and
Wilmer Scott re-appointed,
Wm. Northgrave, Arthur Simp-
son, Gordon Eaton and Rea
Stewards, Andy Thompson,
William C. Simpson, James
Donaldson, Gerald Lynn,
George Simpson, Gordon Eaton,
Clarence Millson and Alex Mac-
Intosh. Church treasurer, Wil-
liam C. Simpson.
A special committee was
named for re-decoration of the
church with chairman, Wilmer
Scott, Mrs. Arthur Hodgins,
Mrs. Murray Hodgson, Mrs.
Wilmer Scott, Gordon Eaton,
George Simpson and Clarence
Sunday School superintendent
James Donaldson; sec-treas.,
Mrs. Gerald Millson; Mission-
ary and Maintenance convener,
David Kestle, pianist, Mrs. G.
W. Sach, assistant, Miss Judy
Scott; auditors, Murray Hodg-
son and Victor Hodgins. Favor-
able reports were received for
the year of 1962. Church treas-
urer, William C. Simpson.
To save money is one thing. To save money
without sacrificing style is another! That's an
art! That's a Ford! all the lively ones from
Ford! Take a Falcon (there are 15); it costs
less to buy, less to drive, trades for morel Yet
it sets the style in fun! Fairlane is priced only
slightly above the compacts, but it offers com-
fort and luxury, with real savings on gas, And
Galaxie elegance can be yours for less than
ever before with the new Ford 300 series. FORD
quality means economy too—here is quality so
superior it makes possible the Service Con-
venience features you enjoy in every FORD car,
Ask your dealer about the total FORD Warranty
for 24,000 miles or 24 months; it's outstanding.
Economy becomes a lively art when you get all
the features, all the performance, all the luxury
you want—plus all the savings you want!
They're all yours at your Ford Dealer. Hurry!
„easeeedayaefeweeseseseasayeasee&sejaaeaes ....seaseeeeejeaelaSellireiekeNiesS:00...4...0Si9sea,„?
Miss Therese Corriveau of
London, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lucien Corriveau and family,
of Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oesch
and family, of Baden, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
David Oesch and family, of
Mr. Andy Corriveau, Lon-
don, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lu-
cien Corriveau and family, of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oesch
and family, of Zurich were
Suns* visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. James Dinsmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Forrest
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Forrest and Margie visi-
ted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Riley and family, of Cro-
Rallettes (P. Veal 616) 5
Lucky Strikes (G. Elsie 503) 2
Nile Hawks (M. Goodwin 569) Hot Dogs (I. Campbell 465) „.,
Happy Gals 87
Pln Poppettes 87
Pills 78
Frisky Slx 67
Trailers 66
Bollettes 59
Hot Dogs 59
Merry Maids 68
13e Bops 57
Wee Hopes 49
Nite Hawks 44
Lucky Strikes 43
High single: N. Meilkle (330
'Bidden score: M. Wolfe
Alley Girls (B. Read 482) 7
Earlyones (M. Bridges 520) 0
The Jokers (11, Coombes 404) 5 PloPPettes (B. Fahner 432) ,,., 2
Top Cats (M. BoWles 691) „ 5
Nighten's ( J. Lafreniere 515) 2
Nightengales 70
Ton Cats 65
Floppettes 54.
Alley Girls 50
The Jokers 49
The Earlyones 48
'High single: M. Bowles (287) High triple: M. BOwles (591)
Sparrows (F, Romaniuk 208) .. 3
Owls (P. Schroeder 233) 2
Canaries (J. Loader 279) 5
Chickadees (L. Farquhar 182) 0
Larks (R. -Whiting 281) 5
Robins. (J, Clover 172) 0
Canaries 45
Sparrows 42
Owls 36
Chickadees 32'
Robins 28
Utrks 27
'High single: 13. Whiting (169) High double: R. Whiting (281)
Burns Canadian Smoked
5P:r I vbg 434 • tymJast
High single: B. Reid
Rooth (226) High triple: L, Brock
Trailers (N. Melee 099) .. .... 5 Happy Gals (D. Munroe 555) 2
Frisky Six (3. Fite 534) 4
Be Bops (W. Brintnell 567)
Wee Hopes (C. Sweitzer 534)
Pills (111. Edwards 942)
P. Poppettes (A. Vairbairn 604)
Merry Maids (H. Beaver 547)
5 '2
6 Legion 2 Woodbutchers !Dairymen Shamrocks
Lumber King's Central tRestaura,nt ......
Rex Duffers Hotel Hot Shots Fire Eaters Agrico
37 33 32 31. 30 26 22
Burns e-lb. Tin
Berns Miner
MARGARINE 4 ibs.$1
Odds Ends (D. Munrbe 593) 7
Blowers (11, Loader 5441)
Crackerjacks (13. Caldwell 630) 7
Chickens (11, Gracett 650) 0
Cool Cats (C, Edwards 053) „„
Dodger's (44, Penhale 596) 0
White Roses (M. 'Wells 682) - 7
Hot Toddies 0
Globetrotters (J. Clover 585) , 4
Twisters (I. Campbell 588) 3
CoOI Cats .... . .,........... ...... 86
()Mekong 77
Twisters ........... ......... 70
Odds & Enda 65
White :Rages 62
Crackerjacics 59
Hot Toddles 87 Globetrotters ..... . .......... 55
11.1oWers .16
Deidg,Orit 26
High single: M. Gravett (320);
C. Edwards (243) High triple: M, Gravest (650):
C. Edwards MO High average: B, 'Gra.vett
(220)1 H, Wells (153)
13hic JAYS. (G. EOM 260) .„ .... 5
Tigers (P.. Were 1S5)
dockets (31))) batiing 234) 5
:Seem, Darts (M. Idle 2193 0
Cats eentheett. 273) G
Nile Hawks IL. )etiegb 2s4) .,. 0
'Wild Calm 49
Nite llawas 40
Silver ISerte ...... 32.59
pock ets
Blue Jays 39
Tiecre a0
atigb Waite B, Sotitheoit (1611)
High double: L, (20))
Zebra: .: 210)
Lions Gleeee .24')
0roccalilee Mettniele 00) 13
leleahenis elee Darling 265)
orecidiees .37
pebepashaets 47 Ze •
Woes ...... ..„. ....... 1.1
Vigil Ii, atilmasti (147)
1110 doublet Jee 05e)
F.• • Jun. .Photio 285,4313
586 Mtn Street South, Telephone 285-1646