HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-17, Page 12Announcements
Births. No Charge
Marriages and Deaths 750
(Marriages and deaths are reported without charge
in news columns. This cher9e applies only to list.
ing under Announcements.)
Engagements, Cards of Thanks 750
In. Memoriams (4.line verse) $1.00
insurance, coverage. at the
school and recommended a
number of changes which would
consolidate policies and
crease coverage. Decision was
Nstpqnbd until a fiiture meet
Miss S. Smith
dies in Newark
Miss Susan Smith, sister of
James D. Smith, Waterloo St,,
died suddenly at Fresbyterian
hospital at Newark, N, J, on
Monday, January 14, in her
55th year,
Miss Smith had spent five
years in London before going
to Newark several years age.
Shema hanyedecaViesieitnead
ln Ehaxdetemradoen
many friends here.
Besides her brother, James,
she is survived by a sister,
Mrs. Sam (Mary) McKnight,
Newtonabbey, Dublin, Northern
will arrive by plane
home, on Wednesday morning
far thahened
C. Dinney funeral
where the funeral service
will take place on Thursday,
January 17 at 3 pm conducted
by Rev. S. E. Lewis. Interment
will be in Exeter cemetery.
Exeter representative Mur-
ray Greene attended the board
of directors meeting of MO-
Western Ontario Development
Association in Stratford, Wed.,
Jan. 9, when plans were made
for the annual conference in
Guelph March 6. Speakers will
be Hon. R, W. Macauley and
Hon.,William Davis.
DOBBS FOR DODGE introduces a new
12 MONTH or 12,000 MILE
Alarrant g
cetriNcAn No..... .. . ... ed. .... .........
Lssued To......
Address . ..............
City ..... ... ...... .19.4‘,g
Year" " ...... License No..,., xat
peedorneter Mileage No././
ape dcr-g-k
Custom radio, smoke btoWn
(listed warranty) . . $1895
4' x 7'
4' x 8'
Champagne, a decorator colour that goes with
any colour scheme. Rich cherrywood grathed,
random grooving. . prefinished, ready to
Sports Model, fully equipped
white with red trim . $2395
Long Wearing vinyl asbestos 9" it 9" tile that you can install
With brush and SeiSsOrS .,any room. Trend colours such as
Roney Beige t Rainbow" `Taupe, Hiawatha beige, Snow Gold*, etc,
Carton lots only
96 tile per carton
(54 sq. ft. coverage)
Seldon given seventh term
Grand 'Bend
Model !clan"
H&S topic
Pape 12 Times-Advocate, January 17, 1963
Biddy1ph area LOL
chooses executive
of Fredericton, who recently
was named Metropolitan of Cap-
ada. He is a former member of
St. James.Church here and was
born in McGillivray township
near Clandeboye, the son of
Mrs. Alex O'Neil and the late
Mr. O'Neil,
It was decided to start early
morning service on May 12, to
run till Oct. 13, except the
annual Memorial and Decora-
tion service on Sept. 1 which
will be at 3 pm.
The cemetery has added a
new range also another drive-
way in 1962.
The ladies guild served lunch
after the meeting,
Wallace G. peldon, starting
his 17th term as a *Mbar Pf
Exeter Public School Board,
was re-elected chairman at the
inaugural meeting last week.
The_ election followed oath-
f R. S. il
of loe ceremoniesHta ,m
ein St,
assisted. W. H. Hodpon was
re-appointed pecretary,treas-
of-fuMircaeecrrK,eannzdleProellnie LnC2itieruf a°nt,
Committees appointed were:
Fuel supplies and janitor--
R opS rs e p t ree tkye,y- Ca
Ph te le ll l mt enDt loe ay
ald, Herman Dettmer and Ray
Teachers—Hay Frayne, Ross
Tuckey and Bill Huntley.
Inspection—C 1 a r ence Mc-
Donald and. Herman Dettmer,
The board approved purchase
of $100 worth of library books.
Teachers were given per-
mission again this year to visit
other schools for a day to ob-
serve methods of instruction.
The board will provide a sub-
stitute teacher for the day but
the teacher is required to pro-
vide transportation.
The Frank Cowan Co, along
with its, local agent, W. H. Hod-
gson Ltd., represented by M. J.
Gaiser, presented a survey of
By 1N110, J, ti..PAION
Officers were elected at the
annual meeting of tbe District
of Bialcielph LOL, held et Hay,
Officers are; Mester, Burns
Blackler, Woodham; deputy
master, Russell Page, Grand
.Bend; chaplain, Wellwood Gill,
Grand Bend; recording secrea
tary, Leonard Smith, Lucan;
financial secretary, C h a r les
Reid, Varna; treasurer,. Lloyd
Nem Exeter; marshal,
Davis, Exeter; lecturer, Wil,
11.0 Castle, Bayfield; deputy
lecturer, William. MeW al n e,.
Bayfield; tyler, Lorne Hodgins,
Auditors; Russell Page and
Leslie Hutchinson of Grand
Bend, past master, Ronald De-
ham, Woodham.
After the election, Oliver
Jaques, Henaall, county master
of South Huron, installed the
Mr, Art Haiat is holidaying
in Florida,
Miss peuline Mason of Lon,
don spent. the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Maileel
Pte. Robert and Mrs. Sharon
of Torento spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Newman Sharon.
Rev. p, Rouleton of Exeter
conducted the morning worship
service at Grand Bend United
Church on Supday, Jan. 13, and
Mr. and Mrs. Roulston were
guests with Mrs. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Keyes and Leroy,
At St, James, the rector, the
Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, conducted
the service on Sunday with Holy
Communion. His text was "Seek
and ye shall find".
At the United Church, the
minister, the Rev, G. W. Sach,
took the service with subject
"The Door of Hope."
At the annual fathers' night
at Exeter Home anct.
meeting Monday night Dr. Don
Ecker Showed a film "Sociable
Sixes to Noisy Nines", one of
a series of films provided by
the Department of National
Health and Welfare,
It dealt with a medel family
with children .ages six, eight
and nine suggesting a rule for
parente: to accept the six-to-
nine-year-olds as they are, not
just as inferior adults.
F011owing the film the an,
Menge was divided into six
discussion groups with .4
spokesman from each group
summarizing the opinions on
the model family. The copsen,
sus was that discipline in the
film family seemed lax but
that the time the parents spent
with their family was commend,
Ross Tuckey acted as vice-
president and conducted the
meeting and Lou Bailey was
secretary. The parent-teacher
question "When is the opening
date of the next session of
parliament?" was won by Mrs.
Art Clarke.
Mrs. Ron Heimrich's room
won the award for having the
greatest number of parents pre-
sent, It was drawn to the at,
tention of the parents that a
booklet on the Robarts Plan
for schools would soon be avail-
able for parents of grades seven
and eight students throggh the
Home and School.
Grade five fathers served
The' WA of St.
The-Lake Angllcan Church held
a euchre party in the Parish
hall last Friday night. The com-
mittee in charge was Mrs. Wm.
Rendle, Mrs. Lloyd 131cer and
Mrs. Frank Pitirnb,
The Prize winners were Mrs.
Les Hutchinson, Mrs. Ross
Dinsrnore; Mr. Ron Crown; Mr.
L. Hutchinson; Mrs, N. Sharon;
Mrs. A. Crown.
There will be another Euchre
and Bridge on February 1.
The Rey. Ray Farrell of St.
John's-By-The-Lake C hur c h,
Grand Bend has announced that
the annual congregational sup-
per and vestry meeting will
take place in the parish hall
on. Friday, January 18 at 6
The UCW evening unit met
on Monday evening with 29pre-
sent and . Leader, Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Lawrence Mason gave
a talk on Korea.
Letters were read from Dal
Ho and Chamber of Commerce
awarding honorable mention of
the Nativity Scene.
Mrs. Fred Willert was in
charge of devotional assisted by
Mrs. Ken Roberts and Mrs.
Wm. Jewer. Mrs. E.A. McMas-
ter sang.
The Orpha Club met January
8 at the home of Mrs. Leonard
Ravelle and material and wool
were distributed among mem-
bers to make articles for chil-
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Robert Keyes and Mrs. Ken
Mrs. Clarke Kennedy won
the prize donated by Mrs. Susie
The next meeting will be
held January 29 at the home of
Mrs. W.F.B. MacLaren.
AUDrr—Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
land Audit, RCAF Station
Centralia, announce the
birth of a son, Jeffrey
Grant, at South. Huron Hos-
pital, January 12—a brother
for Michele and Stephen.
BURNS—Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Burns, RCAF StatiOn Cent-
ralia, •announce the birth of
a son, Kingsley Dawson, at
, South Huron Hospital, Jan-
uary 9.
DIXON—Mr. and Mrs. Des-
mond Dixon, RCAF Station
Centralia, announce the
birth of a daughter at
South Huron Hospital, Jan-
uary 11,
ENGEL—Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Engel (nee Lorraine
Taylor), Toronto, announce
the birth of a daughter at
Mount Sinai Hospital on
January 13, 1963.
GALLOWAY — Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Galloway, Crediton,
announce the birth of a
son, John David, at South
Huron Hospital, January 9.
KENNEDY — Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Kennedy, Lucan, are
happy to announce the
birth of a daughter, Anne
Denise, in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London—a sister for
Debra, David and Darren.
RINFRET — F/0 and Mrs.
Roland Rinfret, Main St.,
Exeter, announce the birth
of a son at South Huron
Hospital, -January 16.
ROZON—F/L and. Mrs. C. L.
Rozon, RCAF Station Cent-
ralia, announce the birth of
a son, Phillip Jerome, at
South Huron Hospital, Jan-
uary 11.
PAWLOWSKI—Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Pawlowski, Hensall,
announce the birth of a
daughter, Eve Elizabeth, at
South Huron Hospital, Jan-
uary 1.
SHEATH — Bill and Audrey
Sheath (nee Beaver), Scar-
borough, announce the birth
of a daughter, Susan, Jan-
uary 8—a sister for Eunice,
Steven and Gordon.
WILLIAM'S — Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Williams, RCAF Sta-
tion Centralia, announce the
birth of a son, Thomas
Albert Edward, at South
Huron Hospital, January 12
-a brother for Linda, Jim-
my, Kenny, Billy, -Bobby
and Donny.
District councils
Crediton class
elects officers
The Dorcas Band and CIC
classes of the EUB church met
last Monday evening in the
church schoolrooms for a sup-
per meeting and annual election
of officers.
Officers for the Dorcas class
are: president, Mrs. Al v in
Finkbeiner; vice-president,
Mrs. Ross Krueger; secretary,
Mrs. Roy Ratz; assistant, Mrs.
Eli Brown; treasurer, Mrs.
Lorne Morlock; reporter, Mrs.
Ervin Finkbeiner; choriste r,
Mrs. Emery •Fahner; pianist,
Mrs. Steven Dundas and Mrs.
Ervin Finkbeiner.
Conveners: program, Mrs.
Gordon Morlock; membership,
Mrs. Nelson Schenk; social,
Mrs. Emerson Wein; good
cheer, Mrs. Ed 'Hendrick. The
teachers are Mrs. A. M. Sch-
lenker, Mrs. F. W. Morlock and
Miss Ella Morlock.
Following the election a sing-
song and contest were enjoyed.
The Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
rector presided for the annual
vestry meeting at St. James
Church on Thursday evening.
A two-minute silence was
observed for the late Karl 0'
Neil, who died recently, after
serving over 20 years as a
faithful vestry clerk of St.
James Church, and filled many
other offices, also for Cecil
Carter, another officer of the
Vestry clerk elected was J.
rector's warden, Ro-
bert Latta; people's warden,
Murray Carter; delegates to
synod, John Hewitt, M. J. Simp-
son; alternate, Harry Murless
and Jim Cunningham.
Board of Management, Rev.
Lancaster, Rae Hodgins, Jim
Cunningham, Roy Cunningham,
M. J. Simpson, Jack Whitmore
Jr„ Alan Hill, Murray Carter,
Robert Latta, Harry Murless,
Mrs. Andy Carter, Mrs. Jim
Cunningham, Mrs. Alan Hill,
Mrs. Rae Hodgins; sidesmen,
Earl Morgan, Tom Tomes,
Clare Paton, Alton O'Neil, Ro-
bert Hodgins, Elmer Joyce and
Cpl. Al Boggs.
During the business it was
voted to pay the budget in full.
There are over 40 families on
church roll.
A letter is to be sent to
Most Rev. A. H. O'Neil, Bishop
GB decorations
Town council and PUC were
among the 25 who received
awards land honorable mentions
from Grand Bend and Area
Chamber of Commerce in its
outdoor Christmas 1 i ghting
competition, results of which
were announced last week.
Town council received first
award of merit in the com-
mercial class for the decoration
to the main corner tree. Second
commercial award went to the
PUC for its office window
and decoration of the tree at the
main corner. Third award went
to the Colonial Hotel for its
living room windows.
Three residential class
awards of merit were won by
John Quinlivan, Fred Newton
and Melvin DesJardine, all of
No. 21 highway south.
Judges awarded honorable
mention to 17: Anglican and
United churches; W. Sweitzer,
No, 21 south; W. F. MacLaren,
Main St.; Village Inn, Main St.;
Marty Burke, Oakwood; Ken
Young, Oakwood; Ray Gelino,
No. 21 south; Wellington Baker
and Bruce Eagleson, Southcott
Pines; William Sturdevant and
Eric Mcllroy, No, 21 south;
Ed Gill, Tom Baird and Ted
Stanlake, No. 21 north; Kirk-
wood and Edwards properties,
Two houses in the surround-
ing area received special men-
tion; Alvin Walper, Dashwood,
for his unusual outdoor display
and imagination; Verne Weido,
No. 83 highway, for his large
lighted tree.
Judges were Mrs. C. E. Ken-
nedy, Mrs. Maudie Macdonald
and Tom Semple.
The CGIT held their seventh
meeting on Monday evening. The
worship was lead by Janis Gill
with the theme "The New
Mrs. Wilma DesJardine led a
discussion on the CGIT purpose.
The girls were divided in groups
for bible study on Andrew.
A new hymn was learned un-
der the direction of Mr. Doug-
las Gill.
support GB rink
Three municipal council s
have supported Grand Bend
Lions Club in the operation of
its popular outdoor skating rink
just south of the public school.
Grand Bend council has con-
tributed $100 towards expenses;
Stephen Council has approved
a grant of $50 and Bosanquet
council has donated $25.
Lions have installed boards
at the side of the rink to im-
prove the surface and provide
better facilities. A pump has
been located at the site to assist
in flooding the ice.
County council
-continued from page 1
Dan Beuerman of McKillop (two
years); Deputy-reeve Joseph
Kerr, Wingham (three years),
and Deputy-reeve Grant Stir-
ling, Goderich township (four
On the 1962 Huronview com-
mittee were Mr. Forbes and
Alvin Rau, defeated in Stanley.
The new committee comprises
Cliff Dunbar (1), James Hay-
ter of Stephen (2) Norman Jones,
reeve of Hensall (2), deputy
reeve J. A. Sutter, Clinton (3)
and Reeve Elgin Thompson of
Tuckersmith (3).
The board of health last year
included Scott Fairservice of
Blyth and Karl Haberer of Hay,
who retired. It now comprises
Deputy-reeve Robert Gibson,
Howick (3) , Deputy-reeve D.
Geiger of Hay (1), Warden For-
bes (1), Reeve Glenn Fisher,
Exeter (2), and J. Morrissey as
provincial representative.
Lions host
to farmers
Exeter Lions and their guests
were told to "get your paper
work done" by William J. Ro-
binson, London, a trust company
representative, at the club's
annual Farmer's Night program
Thursday evening.
Mr. Robinson stressed to
about 75 men the importance of
having their affairs in order,
particularly from alegal stand-
Each Lion was host to a
farmer for the evening. Pre-
sident Fred Darling conducted
the meeting and a sing song
was led by Norm Walper, Elmer
Bell, Russ Hopper and Bill
Courtney. The speaker was in-
troduced by Mr. Bell and than-
ked by Don Graham. Lion Harry
Strang arranged the program.
The club's coffers benefited
by $2.00 from a good-natured
exchange between President
Darling and B.W. Tuckey, a
former president, over conduct
of the chair.
The meeting was held in the
Legion hall and the auxiliary
We wish to express our sin-
cere thanks and appreciation
to our friends and relatives
for their many 'acts of kind-
ness shown us during our re-
cent bereavement in the sud-
den loss of our dear son and
brother, Robert. Special
thanks to those who helped in
our home; for the beautiful
floral tributes, donations to
the Gideon Bibles and for the
many messages of sympathy
received in so many ways;
to Rev. Simpson of Avon UC
and Rev. Brittain of Green-
way UC, Mrs. Harry Isaac
and Mrs. Harold Brophey for
their lovely duet and Miss
Attend funeral
of Frank Taylor
Attending the funeral of the
late Frank Taylor on Saturday
from out of town were his sister
Mrs. Charles Holtzman, and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zimmerman
and Mrs. George Seward, Pon-
ti a c, Mrs. Charles Haney,
Waterdown, Mrs. Lillian Holtz-
man, Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Louno, St. Clair Shores, Messrs
Rex Schneider and Donald Sny-
der, Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Ford and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Phelps, Detroit, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing,
Norma and Mervin, Sarnia,
Mrs. Marshall Box and Mr.
Lawrence Box, Parkhill, Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Randall, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Randall,
Mrs. Donald Pedlar, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mepham and Mrs.
Ella Hedden all of London, Mrs.
Ella Brokenshire, Hagersville,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hills,
Pall bearers were six grand-
sons: Robert Mepham, Edwin
Hills, Lloyd Hodgins, Jack Tay
tor, Bob and Jim Russell.
The deceased was president
of the Senior Citizens club for
eight years, for all except the
first year of its existence.
Mr. Taylor loved to sing and
was a member of the choir at
Crediton as a young man and
later at James Street United
The first suggestion that
there should be a government
park at Niagara. Falls to ac-
commodate sightseers was
made in 1795.
At the home economics and
health meeting of Clandeboye
WI, for which Mrs. Arnold Blake
was hostess, Mrs. David Henry
gave a talk on food preparation
for the family, organizing the
housework and keeping up the
homemaker's morale by read-
ing and social activities.
Mrs. Andy Carter gave a
paper on arthritis stating that
pasteurization has helped rheu-
matoid arthritis, also regular
checkups and adequate rest
Roll call was answered by 15
members with a medial dis-
President Mrs. David Kestle
conducted the business when it
was decided to have a euchre
party, January 18 at the Clan-
deboye school. Mrs. Maurice
Simpson and Mrs. Roy Cunning-
ham are to be conveners for it.
A letter was read from an
older sister of the six-year-old
girl in Italy in which the In-
stitute have a share in the
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Andy Carter, Mrs. Gor-
don Eaton and Mrs. Rea Neil.
Mr. Almer Hendrie, is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. He was taken by the
Murdy ambulance of Lucan on
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing
of Chatham spent the weekend
with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Hendrie and visited onSaturday
and Sunday with Mr. Hendrie in
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cob-
leigh of Lucan visited Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Paton and Jimmy on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewar
of Detroit spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigs-
worth and family. On Saturday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Horuk, Wm. Jr. and Roger were
guests. Mrs. Sigsworth has been
ill with a cold.
Stephen Carter, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Carter, has
been quite ill with cold and
flu. Several children have been
home from school with the cold
Evelyn Curts, organist, the
pallbearers and flower hear-
ers, Dr, 'Scrimgeour and the
114. Box and Son funeral home,
—Mr, and Mrs. John Steeper,
Wayne, Bill and June (Mrs.
Don Hyder ), 17c
'Mr. George Coward and
family wish to express their
sincere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbors for their
many acts of kindness and
sympathy shown during their
recent bereavement in the
loss of a dear son and brother.
Special thanks to Rev. Hiltz,
pallbearers and Hopper Hock-
ey Funeral Home, Exeter.
The family of the late Frank
Taylor wish to express their
sincere thanks and apprecia-
tion to all their friends, neigh-
bors and relatives for their
many acts of kindness during
their recent sad bereavement.
The family of the late Miss
Vera Rowe wish to express
their appreciation to all those
who in any way extended
sympathy to them in their
recent bereavement. 17c
I wish to express my sin-
cere -thanks to all my friends,
relatives and neighbors for
cards, flowers and treats
while a patient in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter. Spec-
ial thanks to Exeter Legion
for visits and treats, Hensall
Legion and Ladies Auxiliary,
Hensall United Church and
YPS, Amber Rebekah Lodge,
General Coach, Dr. Goddard
and nurses and staff of Ex-
eter hospital.—Roy Smale. 17c
WILHELM—In loving memory
of a dear sister, Lucinda
Wilhelm, who passed away
one year ago!, January 14,
I often sit and think of her
When I am all alone;
For memory is the only thing
That grief can call its own.
—Ever remembered by her
sister Addie' and brother
Emanuel, 17*
LEWIS—In loving memory of
a dear mother, Clara Lewis,
who passed away December
29, 1958, and dear father,
Arfihur Lewis, who passed
away January 16, 1951,
Many years have passed since
the day
The ones we loved were call-
ed away;
God took them home, it was
His will,
But in our hearts they liveth
—Lovingly remembered by
son Wilbert, daughter-in-law
and family. 17*
HOWE—In ever -loving mem-
ory of a dear mother and
grandmother, Mrs. James
Howe, who passed away
January 15, 1958.
Deep in our hearts your mem-
ory is kept,
We loved you too dearly to
ever forget;
Time so far has only proved
How very much we miss you
—Fondly remembered by the
family Ed, Bill, Nelson,
Ethel and families. 17c for used car
Actual reproduction
of the benefits you
will receive from
this new warranty
with any of the
selected used cars
listed below
Date The used vehicle covered bY o
Warrant), la su toed by the
undersigned for
the exclusive benefit of the
purchaser for a period
of 12 months from the date of delivery or /2,000 il
The undersigned agrees: mileage shown above, whichever occurs
En e; r°111
(1 /
During the next 3 (Reic
months or 3,000 il es hever terminatetinrst) he period stated in fl.) has elapsed, to allow a 20'; discount off th ree utar prl of
parts only:.
ng the nrst month or 000 inlies (whichever terminates first) after
de. the me
livergasof the
vehicle to pre
r, to a/low 30q off , rlar price' for both parts and 'Amor.
VELVET '1000'
;I lOn iV i) Fell a 4tree. oustt Tate f 1 Pitelt F 1:'°i . 4 S ' 4 :ha ' 423".."::
liens encumbrances.
s vehicle guaranteed to
be tree and Clear Of all
Prefinished velvet white 12" x
12" tile with over 1000 sound
absorbing, accoustical, micro
perforations. Special tongue and
grooving for fast, accurate ap-
plication. Normally 16 1/20 per
tile. Beaver Carload Saving Price
13 1/20 each:
Carton lots only ., 64
tile per carton (64 sq.
ft. coverage)
Sedan, automatic V-8 trans-
missioh, 'white & metallic green $1195 .
Slant 6, 3-speed automatic
buff with tan trim $1595
George 235-1130 PHONE 235-1250 Fred 235.0865
Dashwood hall
-continued from page 1
during the day.
Two furnaces have been in-
stalled to permit the front sec-
tion and auditorium to be heated
separately. Ductwork and
plumbing remains to be instal-
Donations are being accepted
at the Bank of Montreal, Daah-
wboci, or by Lorne laleinstiver,
Dashwood, secretary of the
Donations received in recent
weeks include:
Clarence Gale,
Dashwood. .. .$2.00
Jack Ford, Dashwood . .10.00
Larry Snider Motors,
Exeter . 10.00
Ross Johnson, Zurich . .30.00
Wilmer Wein, Crediton . 2.00
Central Chev & Olds,
London . . .20.00
Elmer Pickering,
Dashwood „ .5.00
Irvin Eckstein, Dashwood, 25.00
Mrs. Mary Ravelle,
Grand Bend.. . . .5.00
Welwood Gill, Grand Bend .5.00
Lorne Gather,
DaShwood , . 10.00
Ernie Appleton, Exeter 2.00
Legend Guenther,
Sask . 5.00
Harry ileffinan,
DrishwoOd . 50.00
Ray Morlock, Crediton . .1.(56
Albert Hoffman, ZUrich . 2.00
Anonythotis. . 4 kV , . 1.00
William Musser,
DashWoo,d a .
Web" Merrier, Zurich d y.00