HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-17, Page 11,r4.•:•Msr.". • 4.-•k, aa, ,Ma.atraa.e.,,ar.., ,r•
Weekend Values — January 17, 18, 19
. . . Harold Cartwright
Call J8 at
General Insurance
Real Estate
For January
$7.50 Cold Wave
$8.00 Cold Wave
Pat Beauty
Allt6 St. Liicari
..not me!
For relief from
backache or that
tired-out feeling
I depend on-
Gas available
for all appliances
through Davis Hardware
at Davis Hardware
HEAR ANYTHING? cir COURSE NAT I No fan noise from this
room heaters Convexionaire circulates heat without a fan. Heat flows
throughspecial front louvres to warm the win)leroom, not.just the ceilirig.
Look for these teaturee toot
• cool double Wall ceristtlictidie means no burned fingers. ▪ hidden front "Contras for convenience and safety.
• in naturl gaa )coropan&
• styligigned for any mom--1101110 Or Catlit&
Drop in and deathsthe amazing Conve.tiotiaire for yeettelf.
Ng!, 11 4a!wary 17, 1903 Mark centennial
withactive dear
Times-Advocate, January 17. 1903 Pasty
Py pgiota,A Lucan Meeter for 1963 at the Deem,
her meeting and was Metalled
by Wes.. Murray Hodgins and.
Cliff Culbert at ehe January
meeting last: Thursday, Follow-
1pg the installation of the 1963
efficerel an Oyster supper was
served in the /edge room.
and district .news
CNIB campaign
reaches target
Mr, Jack Steacy, chairman
of the CNIB for Lucan and Gran,
ton District, reports that as
far as his records show, 19e2
was the first year the collec-
tion reached its objective, when
S228.49 was handed M to him.
Phone 227.4455
Start excavation Zone heads
for another store instal slate
The Midron Construction Co.
began excavating this week for
a new building on the site of
the Winer Leonard Fox store
and dwelling, between the P.
Haskett & Soli furniture store
and the new IGA. When com-
pleted this will be rented by
Mr. J.S. Radcliffe for his new
drug store.
The space looks small but Mr.
Radcliffe says it will be 641 x25'
and will give him much more
space than his present 32'x19'
building, and will permit amuch
better display of his large stock.
Mr.-Radcliffe expects to move
early in the spring.
M. and .Mrs. Robert 'Elston
and Mrs, gurepbrey Art-httr.
Wetted. with Mr. arldalr. Wm,
NPYittte of Neepeler on .Sane
Miee.NPrtneglAton teepend-
lag the weep at Gait as etudept
teaeher 'there.
Mr. and Mrs, TOM Coward
Attended. the funeral of hie
brother,jtro. cowArd op Free
day at ..g.tcAtAr,
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Baker
were guests' with Mr. and Mrs,
Matt, Allen on Monday even-
ing in honor of Mrs. Allen's
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Dewar
were guests with mr, and Mrs.
W. McNeight and John Arthur
on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weibe
and family were guests with
mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker
one evening last week,
Mr. Arnold Weilie of Alberta
spent the weekend. with hie cou-
pins, Mr! and Mrs. Ted Weihe
and family.
Mr„ and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Naughton and family attended
the ;Wen wegichng p1, and.
Mr4t Russel .1gc.A1Plaet Ailaa
Craig& on Sunday when they WI.
open house to their friends and
Guests and: visitors at
John ,Ftinrs. on Sunday were Mr,
and mrs, ..Carmen Rinn and John
Of St, Marys, Mr, Anct .Ntrs, Art
Rinn and family of ThAtreAfprld
and Mr, and mrs, Wilfred vitt-
eon. Mr. Rinn is. feeling ..much
better after being corifined..to
his bed for eeveral days.
Mr, and Mrs. George :Wilson
attended the Masonic at home,
held in. Granton last week. •
Coopers UCW held their
meeting at the home of Mrs.
James Brine with 13 members
and one visitor in attendance.
Mrs, Duncan MeNaughten
took eharge of the worship ser-
vice , opening with a story
"God is interested in you".
Mrs. Holland gave a reading,
Mrs. Florence Jameson and
Mrs. J. Wareham had charge
of the study book, from Asia's
Rim on As Asia Goes andCara-
vanipg in Korea.
Mrs. McNeughton had charge
of the business, plans to meet
the allocation were discussed,
Year's reports were given by
Mrs. Alfred Baker and Mrs.
Ellis Strahan.
the Rev, E. A. Gagnon spoke
on "Sanctification" and in the
evening, "Jesus Touched". At
the latter service, Mrs, Ed.
Butler sang a solo, accompany-
ing herself on her accordian.
beam", a study on. Okinawa,
Hong Kong, South Korea and
TaiWan was intrcideced by Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and the first
chapter reviewed.
The UCW meeting was held
in the church school room
Thursday evening.
The Pastor, the Rev. G. W.
Sach, installed the new 1963
Mrs. George Paul gave a
talk on the Middlesex. Presby-
tery and four voting delegates,
Mrs. Ii. B. Langford, Mrs.
Erle Young, Mrs. A, E, Reilly
and Mrs. Stuart McL ell and,
were chosen to attend the Mid-
dlesex Presbytery. Twenty-five
dollars was voted to Five Oaks
Christian Workers Centre. Re-
freshments were served by
Mrs. G. Carpenter's and Mrs.
J. 0, Anderson's unit.
The Explprers' 11th expedi-
tion was held in the school-
room last Tuesday evening. The
worship service was taken by
counsellor Ilene Donaldson.
The making of pot holders
for the Bunny Tea was continued
during the craft period, The
study book was taken by coun-
sellor Margaret Sach. A to-
boggan party was planned for
January 19.
At the WA meeting held last
Wednesday afternoon at the
home of the president Mrs.
Howard Currie, used Sunday
School papers were rolled to
be sent to Alaska.
Mrs. Ernest Ferguson con-
ducted a Bible discussion from
Hebrews 4.
On Thursday the quarterly
home mission rally was held in
the church. Rev. F. McPhail.,
of Chatham was the guest speak-
er. Special musical numbers
from Chatham, Tharriesville and
Lucan members were enjoyed.
At the YP meeting at the
church Friday evening the
president, Paul Graham, gave
the message, "Making the
The Bible Sword Drill,
which consisted of finding Bib-
lical passages quickly ran for
several weeks. The winner s
were Margaret Eizenga and
Peter Butler. Each was pre-
sented with a New Testament
as a reward.
Sunday morning the pastor,
The LOL held a successful
eight table euchre in the lodge
room, Lucan, last Wednesday
night. High score prizes went to
Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. Pat
Ryan; lone hand prizes to Miss
Verna Linden and Mr. Ken Jef-
fery and low score prizes to
Mrs. Mabel Ryan and Mr. Lorne
Barker. Mr. Cecil Neil won the
draw for a box of groceries.
Deputy Zone Commander,
Dwight Ball and W.J. Smith,
chairman of the cenotaph com-
mittee, installed the Legion
Auxiliary offipere at a meeting
held in the Legiop Hell last
Tuesday eve.
President is Mrs. Pat
Crudge; vice-presidents, Mrs.
Ralph Rummell and Mrs. Lloyd
Mason; secretary, Mrs. Rus-
sell Goddard; treasurer, Mrs.
Wilfred Stocks; egt-at-arms,
Mrs. Doug Ewan; executive,
Mrs. Keith Dickson, Mrs. Tom
Weller, Mrs. V.A. Seifried and
Mrs. Keith Montgomery.
Mr. Smith also showed pic-
tures of the building of the
cenotaph from the beginning to
its completion and the dedica-
tion and first Remembrance Day
service, He also showed a mo-
ving picture of Lucan's 1962
Santa Claus Parade.
Mrs. Russell Goddard won the
mystery prize.
Throughout the Year 1962 Ir-
ving Masonic Lodge 154 of beep
has been celebrating its centen-
erg, Clifford Culbert, chair-
man of the centennial committee
reports the highlights. On Jan-
aary 11, Pre, W.11. Meralls was
Metalled WM for 1962;
On February 13, which was
the actual birthday or the ledge,
a special meeting was held,
when Wor. Bro. Clayton Amos
and officers from Upton Lodge
380 London, paid a fraternal
visit and conferred a degree
on one of Lucen's young busi-
'lees men. At this same meet-
ing the late Bro. Harry E.
Lankip was presented with his
50 year jewel. At the luncheon
in the Anglican Church base-
ment, which followed the meet-
ing, a large birthday cake was
Friday April 27 at the Lucan
Memorial Centre over 300 sat
down to a turkey dinner. The
guest speaker was Rt; Wor. Bre.
Jack Irbine DGM of Lambeth.
Sunday, April 29, a church
parade was held to the Liman
United Church, where the guest
speaker was Wor. Bro. Rev.
Alex Campbell of St. James
Lodge 78, of St. Marys. He
was assisted by Rt. Wor. Bro.
Duncan Guest, of Centralia, past
grand chaplain.
ThursdaY, October 11, mem-
bers of the Lebanon Forest
Lodge 133 of Exeter and the
Granton Lodge 483 paid a free
ternal visit.
Saturday, October 20, a spe-
cial meeting was held to honor
Rt. Wor. Bro. Harold Corbett
who was 25 years a past DDGM
of Irving Lodge. At this meeting
were 25 past and present Grand
Lodge officers.
Monday, October 22, the of-
ficers and members of Irving
Lodge paid a fraternal visit 10
Union Lodge 380, London, and
conferred a degree there.
Thursday, Nov. 8 was the date
of the official visit of the Rt.
Wor. Bro. Clare Reith of Sea-
forth, DDGM of South Huron
Bro. Harold Cartwright now
of London was elected. Wor.
The LOBA will hold their next
euchre Jan. 23.
Owing to the Week of .PreYer
services the meeting ,of the
Weree.W.§ AtPttlie,rY was net held
until January 9 at the rectory,.
With Mrs. Wesley AtktnePn as
assistant hostess. There was a
ePleaclid. attendance out, with
two new members, Mrs. .PtltPrt
Hobert§ and Mrs, Walter
After the worship. service,
taken by the president,
Erwin Scott, the new slate of
oftcers was installed by the
Rev. E. O, Lancaster, Letters
Were read from a former mern
bAr, Mrs, Bert Jackson, and
from Miss Lillias Powell.
Mrs. Harold .liodgins took
over the meeting and gave a talk
on "worship".
Mrs. Jack Murdy -offered-her
home for the February meeting,
The Evening Branch of the
Woman's Auxiliary met at the
home of the president, Mrs. Don
Ankers. Assistant hostesses
were Mrs. Clarence leaskett,
Mrs. Gerald. Lewis and Mrs,
Chas, Corbett, Eleven members
and one visitor were present.
The president was assisted in
the worship service by Mrs.
jack Steacy.
Feep for 1963 were paid. The
next meeting will be at the rec-
Flowers in the chancel on
Sunday were in memory of the
late James Hodgins. The rector,
the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster took
as his theme "Seek and ye shall
The YPU held a business
meeting in the school room
Sunday evening to make further
plans on the program to be put
on at Shakespeare.
Owing to the change of date
of the figure skating class the
CGIT meetings will be held on
Monday evenings instead of
Tuesday. Due to the fact the
new mission study is "On Asia's
Rim" Roberta Cochrane opened
last Monday's meeting with an
Asiatic game called,"Elephant,
Mrs. Cliff Cronkite, the new
assistant, starting next week
will give a series of talks on
the hair and nails. Patterns
were chosen for stuffed animals
to be made and taken to the
Crippled Children's Centre.The
worship service was taken by
Marilyn Hearn. The new mis-
sion book "4 from Moon-
Personal Items
Due, 1 think, to technical dif-
ficulties at the printing plant.of
this newspaper my article has
not been published for the past
three weeks. However their co-
operation in the past and I hope
in the future, is very much ap-
preciated by yours truly.
Much has happened during
the last three weeks, details of
which if written, would undoubt-
edly consume top much space.
Suffice it to say that all groups
have been quite active especial-
ly hockey, figure skating and
teen town. While on the subject
of Teen Town I might mention
that both senior and junior sec-
tions of this activity have now
merged and are now one or-
ganieation under one executive.
This will mean better co-opera-
tion and co-ordination with the
recreation department. Their
next dance is on Friday, January
18 and they are holding a pre
Valentine Dance on Friday, Feb.
1 with a top disc jockey in at-
tendance. It may also be noted
that a boys and a girls group
has been formed to learn and
become proficient in table
In hockey activity the Lucan
Ilderton Combines continue to
stay well in the top half of the
league. The Lucan Juniors are
beginning to show better class
hockey, due mainly, I think, to
the acquisition of a few players
from the now defunct Exeter
club. Shamrock Hockey is as
popular as ever and the local
House League is proving to be
quite a successful venture. Do
not forget, folks, Minor Hockey
Week starts in Lucan and
throughout the whole of Canada
on January 26. So don't send,
take your boy to the arena,
not only this week but every
The Saturday Night Dances
with the Canadian Playboys con-
tinue to draw the people and they
all seem to thoroughly enjoy
Playoff time will soon be here
so get out and support your
favorite hockey team whether
it be senior, junior or minor
or even all three.
Finally here is the House
League Schedule for Saturday,
January 19. Pee wees: 2 pm,
Canadians v Rangers, 3 pm;
Maple Leafs v Hawks, 4 pm;
Bruins v Redwings, Bantams:
5 pm. Bisons v Indians, 6 pm;
Hornets v Orioles. Midgets:
7 pm Beavers v Maroons.
BREAKFAST PORK SAUSAGE .......... 3 lbs. for $1.00
BREAD, 24-oz., FRESH DAILY........................185 a loaf
MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE-200 OFF-10 oz. jar $1.19
GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 5 one-lb. pkgs. $1.00
VEGETABLE SOUP 4 ten-oz. tins 490
Mr. Frank Jolliffe of London
has returned home after a two
week visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jolliffe.
While here a family gathering
was held consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Jolliffe, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Jolliffe, Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Joliffe of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jolliffe of
Walkerton, 11 grandchildren and
Mrs. Herbert Jolliffe's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burgess
of London. Revington Meat Market, Ph. 217-4291
Masonic service
for Roy Stanley
A former resident of Lucan
and vicinity, Roy H. Stanley, 58,
was found dead in his home,
St. Thomas, early S a tu r day
The body rested in the Sit
ton funeral home, St. Thomas,
until after a service, under the
auspices of the Masonic Lodge
44 AF and AM Sunday evening,
then to the Murdy funeral home,
Lucan, where a memorial ser-
vice under the auspices of IOCIF,
70 Lucan was held Monday even-
ing. On Tuesday the Rev. E. 0.
Lancaster of the Anglican Holy
Trinity church conducted a
funeral service. Interment was
in St. James Cemetery, Clande-
Pall-bearers included, Mes-
srs, George Thomson,, Fred
Revington, Cecil Lewis, Clay-
ton Haskett, Blake Catalan, and
Gordon Meeks.
Mr. Stanley is survived by
his wife, the former Ione Mohr,
one son, Master Sgt, Owen Stan-
ley of the United States Air
Force at Great Falls, Montana,
one daughter, Mrs. Norman
(Vivian) Laidley of Rexdale,
two grandchildren Owen and
Roy Stanley of Great Falls and
one brother, Mr. Harvey Stan-
ley of Washington D, C.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Stanley, Mr. Stanley was
born on the Coursey Rd. He
attended the Coursey PS and the
Lucan HS. He began work at the
Standard Bank, Lucan.Af ter his
marriage he worked for a short
time in Detroit, then in the
garage now owned by Mr. Roy
Hamilton. When the L u can Mo-
tor Sales was destroyed by fire
August 8, 1955, he was working
there and had to jump for his
life from the second storey.
Some time later he began work-
ing as bookkeeper for the Nu-
way motors and about four years
ago moved to the Haskett Mo-
tors at St. Thomas.
As long as I have fat turtle-
doves, a fig for your lettuce,
my friend. --Martial
"The store with the home-killed meats" LUCAN
• eeee
The Women's Institute spon-
sored a progressive euchre in
Aberdeen Hall Tuesday evening.
Prize winners were: Ladies
high, Mrs. Pepper; lone hands,
Mrs. G. Smith; men's high,
Harry Rodd; lone hands, Law-
rence Beckett; lucky draw, Mrs.
C. Scott.
Grand Bend
is happy to announce the appointment of
The Ladies Guild and WA met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Irvine Thursday evening.
Mrs. Irvine presided for the
WA meeting. Scripture passage
was given by Mrs. Wm. Wag-
horn. Mrs. Garth Blackler gave
the opening chapter of the study
Mrs. Waghorn presided for
the Guild meeting. It was de-
cided to have a pot luck lunch
at the vestry meeting on Jan-
uary 23. After the business of
the meeting roll call was an-
swered by acting a charade.
.as its agent for
Limited Special Offer !
Available only at
Davis Hardware
20" GAS
We cannot guatentee publication of any advertising subititted after the
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Compact 20"
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Porcelain '
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Wyman Niters
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Reg. $169 PHONE 2354331
$1 10
eekar ;$3MiagaatMagrAtai '•$M
"BON PROPANE LTD. Ph 238-2005 Grand Bend
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozer
entertained with a triple birth-
day party Saturday in honor of
their niece, Rosemary Vance of
Byron, who was celebrating her
18th birthday, of their daughter
Jane's 12th birthday and also
the 11th birthday of Maureen
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Smith. Out of town guest
was Rosemary's mother, Mrs.
Mary E. Vance of Bryon.
Mr. Jospeh Haskett, who was
badly injured when he got his
arm in a combine, November 6,
is still a patient in St. Jospeh's
Hospital. He had hoped to get
home for Christmas Day but had
skin grafting instead. The large
cast on his arm has been re-
moved and a smaller one put on.
Mr. Tom Weller has changed
the name of his restaurant from
the Lucan Coffee Shop to the
Shamrock Restaurant and has
installed a large electric sign
Mr. Don Simpson, last week
put on a special, "Coffee 51 a
cup" to celebrate his new Cory
Electronic coffee maker,
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lee and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Lee of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Carter and Miss Patricia
Carter were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Thomas Lee.
Mrs. J. Bawtenhaimer and
son Dale, have returned to
Sarnia after spending a few days
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Robb.
David Tollefson, four-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Tollefson, of,Toronto, has re-
turned home after spending 10
days with his grandmother,
Mrs. J. A. Graham.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden High School Staff
was home for the weekend.
Mrs. Lily O'Neil, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Harold Hodgins, and family,
since before Christmas, re-
turned home to Detroit Satur-
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout
and family of London were Sat-
urday guests of Mrs. Wes At-
kinson. The girls , Ellen and
Jennifer remained over for the
Mrs. Frank Jolliffe, convener
for the Muscular Dystrophy in
Lucan, reports she has sent
$11.75 (collected from bottles
deposited in the village) to Tor-
onto headquarters.
Mrs. Perey Armitage is
again, a patient in St. Joseph's
Pupils and teacher at S.S. 2
Biddulph had a holiday last
Monday--furnace trouble.
Last Wednesday Mr. Horatio
Simpson suffered a heart at-
tack and slight stroke and was
taken to St: Joseph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dickson
attended a party held at the home
of the letter's father, Mt. Harry
Secord, of London, Wheh he
entertained the officers and
Members of the Kanegio Yacht
Club of Pt. Stanley. Progressive
euchre Was followed by an even-
ing of =isle.
and Mrs. S, J. Morrison
and babe of Detroit Were week-
end guests of Mr: and Mrs.
Ralph Rummell and family:
Many froM this coinMini:ay
attended the Radio and TV Rally,
held last Wednesday night, Janu-
ary 9, ih the London arena.
Last Sunday' 48 members, of
the Freeman fatally met le the
Moose Ledge Hall Woodstpck
for a (amity get,to!Lgether. Mr,
And Mrs. dames Preetrian and
!Ohne' were Liioan'e rePreeen-
Mr. and Mrs. Lestet Howland'
Of Detroit Were 'Weekend Viste
ter . bt and e. Ro9 HaM114
,a,2 teMatelerMelagateateeet.eeeee':.teeleakeeaf,tzarat4
„ „ , „ „ a-, •