HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-15, Page 4t.1� M I
�� uua M1 a1 a8 -ei•, per t,
I61tMe tbt►t bill M Mw op.mme M Ike"
as West Streal, nearly ypyul,e
. Is NtrotMea Law allies, s 0ph.did
eek of
. saw eat►ohei tiff m-efRlli9
W C RfRY. whim► he ba4 ptrrTl�temd
K the ssehow and en 14 weip�>1�iN�gaorr�•
obis tallt.s. Aad w k,eb be 48 deaf0�it q•
dv.pow ed at oath pricy •s Cassel 68 M
a•nge IRs Meru. and Patgenap M a atilt.
ermAeattar Ptablie.
QindarM` Oct. 97tb. 1831. v"40.
Two Jouruevtnen Wanted. -
44, A CABI N E P. and CHAIR
" Maker will bad eon.tast
aywrat &nd good wagon
ail • 40DEltlCH CABINET
Aj110 aHAlts FAc'rt, .
, Goderieh, Aug. 10th, 1883. s27t1
A P Rft id s of '44"'r,11,
NiriR he rateable
the Board of'1'rnatees fu. Ike clwati•s
,: by
: aa,&$ 0t-1 W N*" IW krse, fw
b beet pk- •ad grolooralo eta of a ►rich
bulldcttg,l attalse few ther,ousty Grsmaw
ie►ool and Common Behwb of as Taws
ofGed.rtc► United.
The new to be eapoad•d is takblNe thin
@0446 net to 0ieeed M+
1n time e A. 1130,
but the plan to be w ►re►a#W Nat the
balW?sg can be 4xfeaded a terwaadn.
The area of gleaned *pee ■h,cts tie ►uad-
tag is to b• wetted ,a a p.callei,agraw of
Nrefn sad a quarter surrounded by straws
os/tne .idea.
'tea plus and epecifieaUoas to be deGew-
d to the subscriber, at G,•der,eb C. W. els
or before the lot day sal I;epi, tabs# ural,
recall whom any further amfl•r uat.ue can be
U. 11. RITCIIiE, Seely
Board of Gummar School.
County Clerk*a Ochre,
Godench, July t7tu, 1653 t v5 9
Ch.be and Ctefoaist to copy for Doe
4cush,.-- ---
. � T D auiborize the Dlnnrcipd Crnrrtcij r,(
bI r the United O ttrstres of Ilurow areal
Bruce to Lo"v the herrn o/ Thirt
TIIE oast Motions Coarse for the Usited
C„uaties of Acres add Brwee, wall be held at
the tines Gad pieces following :
rusT Diva.a«.l
Colborne Inw, [R. Fib..] Goderieh. Saar,.
day let October. Starlet W,!liams, Ciert.
J Thorsand Poa►rds on total, rrevlit�the saa,Pn [all Ilion.
Co►tsoluLted Municipal Loan Nrd, Kuos', flotel, Hupurh.,, Iluroo Road, Main -
for the Jvn),oac of beil(ling Crard day 3rd Octotmr Ludwig Meyer, Ee1.,Clafk.
lore& DiyrwnN.
I &Ids uwh the riecruary Bridges, and Walker -s Tavern, Vilkp of Peneatssgram.
allwaaches Idwrete, witki)s the Algid Township off Ki"ard,ss. Therese, let E.pteaa-
Unifed (ountits. bee. C. R. Barker, Clerk.
!'t �„ wHERE.%S by -as Act of the Provincial ruasT■ DIVISION. '
Parliament, lAth Victoria, chap. ti, Flaagam'. Tavern, M.GIIlivray, T■eaday 13th
e ctilu ed, '• An Act to establish a consult. Septtmber, Gen. Caner, Clerk.
"end Moaupal Loan Fund for Upper Ca- ern" ur•rswa.
es, _ hada; it is enacted "That it shall be law The loans, and place color Loldisg the toll situiag
Of il,ia Court wi.l be asseeneed u ones u that
f MI for for Corpsrarion of Goy City or Clerk and Bainti's are appollo"
County by by-law to au,honze as► sum of
t msoeey to be meed on Ike credit O( the aaTu r,TMMN•
The time sad lace los o r
Cena.,hdaled Municipal linen Fared, and to P b WLg M swat sitting
appropriate such sum or so ouch tLereof of this (loon will be u.onmO.d a sent u that
as may be (Cone necessary to defray the Clerk and Bailiff's are appointed.
cost of making or tn-prottog say Bridge, &ato RNT■ DITfrlet.
LYacadmamized, Gravel or Plaekrd Road I Connors'Tavern. V,ll.ge of Bayfield. Monday
s within or wltb*at the Municipality, but the ilih September, 1J.►id Hand Ritchie, Eaq.,
making or improving whereof will benefit I GF,k.
this lahabitasts of such County or City," The S. v; nil of the several Coarse will ,ew-
f. Atoll wwsaaao the gravelling of the Road meece punctually ar I I v'elor\. A. M.
t knows as lbe Huron Road from the Town AKTIIUR ACLA. J. C. C.
1t or Goderieh to wl ere The same juin, the Godench, I8,b July, IP53. vg0yl
1 Coenty of Perth, the Road known a• the
Landon Road from The Village of ClinvI, CAUTION.
7 to the Town line of Lolidus, and the Road -
,Ip i from the Tower of Goeerleb to Brurefield, I i1EREBi' cousins any person or persons
passing betweeo the first and °!coed rens nul t„ trust in ally way my wit* Anna
i cessions of the Township of Glad ,:ch, B:ce u i wdl out troy the same, also Dot
the Village of Bayfield, and from to board, harbor or masetain her, as she has
thence Through the Townshf of ttan!,y t„ :I ft my bcd sod board wlthout Noy roto-
• DructMld aforesaid, would greatly h, ptLT I ca true M'hafewer.
. the inhabitants of tine said ••Dited CCua- War. BICE, Seo,
tree ; ssi tierces the inhabitants within McGillivray, June C30, 1853. vb•n23
The Paid Counties are de■irous of having The _ ------- - ___
- said Rcada graded and gravellyd, and the
necessary Bndgcv and at•proaches thereto, TO 1(.@i. Or to Sell.
built, awed are wi K that a special Orion or — ' .
. money be borrowed upon the .:edit of the rial)E 'MAiTLAND DISTILLERY,
�` Coosnlldatrd Municipal Loan Fund afure 1 laomfle,fronlthe TowOdGodericb,
,..• I sue, for the purpose of making and coo - there t. no other. Distillery within many
p:etmIt the same, and that, if oeccrawy t he uuace of the allure. For pac liculars apply
whole'rafnabte prnpgrty bulb real and par, at the ,f/aror Srg,tal Offie•, or to the lob-
Boost within the United Counties of Huron I ecnbe, IJ •, fetter net hfit )
( bJ �p p
And Bruce shall be taxed for tie period of i A. F. ►1ONTGOMERY.
IIINY years fsom the first Jay of January God*riab, An g.4tb, 1853. D25
next, for the purpthsr of rcJe••m,ng the to
►creat aad principal of Ouch Lose ; and
rJtrees it w18 rfquire the sum of Thirty N O T 1 C E.
Tkoumend 1 our,d-i to tt'.; ku Ih.J aforesaid y �yi; into the enc nsure of theeubaeri•
Roadn, Prd Druigea tbrrcon.
De r therelai- •ratted b)" the Municipal bear 4i Lot No. 5 �outbers Bound►),
Council of Ib* United Counties of fluron Towasb:Il of Vib.,roe about the 19th of
►yd B•ece, amd it w literally enacted by Ibe July last a light brown Hone about t 4r
ihorliv of 0.0 Dome. that the Wa:deD of l l0 titan cld• The owner tr rcryueated to
"' AaidL'DnedC*aaliesi under and br vie prose prallonty pay expenpes and take him
tea of 1144 menu0ned Atr, .heli refs ewsJ
ib* *arca of ?ham. Tb.,u.....t 1".....l. ., :L. � E.
Iis. pu. 14.
than it@1ati.
I wast of Mr. Tholooke bum)
Dia. I ah. 1 ii. Webo
W ser Brag?, 00000@0,
8 prepared to !•rebs► DESIGNS TM
PLANS, as the paeca meow" two.
God,ria►. Now. lit►, I UL Tee49
rIT11E subscriber "to to later= the labs
taste of Goderiep and its vicinity, the
be b" received a Largo Supply of the
test Improved Fatter" at
which he offers for Bele •t very reduce
Prices for Coach. This embecri►er also ken
on bud as usual, at hie Old Stead, a lar`
sad very superior sefortmeat of TIN
WARE of every description. The su
October lakes this opportunity of reserves
bar sincere thanks to the Pahim for shover
liberal patronage he has received scene h
has hers f8 busisa■m to Goderwh, k bo
by strict attention to bessd0000, and mode
ate priers, to centasne to receive a she
of public patronage.
N. B.-Gnlaiag, Painting, Olaung. P
per and hell lisagiu carried on as beret
Godaricb, 6th Sept. 1849. v9n31
4 ��-�- -- --_ _. - _ - - _ - - - __
AMM TO RKM�11 BAM knee (mit 1t „ ," nes Ate eAatSawE tAt stable sf Lduw wvvJ ttf
JIIw�Dfti tAc �sawsloy ! C atiow
„i gratis. TWt oirPor of the
Os1. I& INS. T— Of Codenab, IIf the Amount
a j1W11 yj rr oi'te and iNuodic AR. Mo for
Fwrf,"" therein an forth.
v1iYFNT. WJUU aawlil me flllnetelpsf "Ces2U11 of """"'- -`
�EW'Atgr 1 M,eM • Y N• Town of Godench u at process
ori ltlidtad N $*vur Peru.., for work done,
'• ![leg Jtreeti ^*rests, C. W. is the •mlcast ter fest buodred pounds; cad
RIAJ�. Shags" the Board of Commas Pr1eal
TNR GREAT TilRKItM MEYyH� b M M J1Tltta9s vs Lo10N~ required of the said Yea.
Y FOB H�N� IMPORTCH Eva, boo to amnmfea ~ t M nem of six handledchl
Ma«ea,s.l,.rtnlBa*••tb.tr new MAeslrcw � shim Settle* of new school
AM M g,r UIV.Mi■g W 36-U AWS Me mile "' li@ boo* Woad raw: an%e with which demand. t►• CNa-
AZOR't TURK►HN HALM.-Tbo easy (ait»ted u *be 1,"d nem av soca fir nil dNw it es
nnlsie r*m9dy for BaktrNaa sed hr pr••utisp ea Mad. bo,b W evNboNo ad Red) •aoP! ►Maas to eompllt uA
S►crw0 1►• Council have taken •tock to tbo
�tfr «mamMa. k stopping du lahus eel o! the boar. AiaHan, mash a( filo. The weawri�d..Mrt) a �e1lJaad Gravel Read Company, to the
rheso� aePr W las stuck, for bosau({ea8 ad ka"g "irate an °•d etple'•os .f tfor acne *tyle •f ado'at of two kusdrec sad fifty you°If
BD4a•er .W 0a eawb"• n orfs, ``key. and is • aeallbl esodtew, bM o; u inape And have 9100 resolved t., grado a°i grs••t
sarpsla ed tar As"o eqm . lar peaiuwe q«fits" an w hllewr. GRAND SQUARE PIANO-fiOI din, C cartels of the
EW%$ Mam"thanaaeat,rrrheSaotf,a lar It free• IM badkeerdoodr,ir stre*glMu few, the Muefaewie* •f Cauu L Gs- a� to pkv Hrn (streets to lkf town,
Not, .ai stele* the �TA�&MrAt �r�e�B,a�� to w,aarsI�sgr. tM ran, Imparts health sad 1180, a the ewe- teRD. LA,W a; Rad Irasa" de Waaaa, I'l iM• Other )Deal t a c st of the
�amnswm.9 br�wu,YY P was4, wilhie the tows; rel a tool e/ the
rMlrse lalia, Gad neeau tko Mir eMcBu/ arl•ar at �l�,w
O" r 1M bsA Moue pq. 9d 11 ea■ro the rare n sol Mean. a. ♦ P. bees ohm w bead, a larys Risher nem of twelve ►uedr•d and fifty
Ila- ane bells mrlYatt« br0oliblly wMa dwa •piellNM ai8kl. This �k of NOW Task Rad SMI" Plane- restless °f 1 parajs; sad, what&" It a therefore Dees@-
+'+•� as1 1161= a made from the original wseiptpcsered caoelle91 quality, Ili" they ass w&►wsr sa sill s"F Gad exeedleat o wage debentures to
0ac� iiautsq °°° sot orly tuft pay eyWill*�y from t\e wi8ieat TerITisk akim (p►)a,cru� of ratspreta, and ee Tally la regard to tach bwp- I Ing *g at of two thousand five bundled
s �w0 ad �r�tsf.0 Cooauueopk, where it is ai•errlly saw ,c is IBM*. 'Rey .,If shim sclero dis same
r+•�s� >�gNtias TM Took* have always bee■cel•bruodfirtheir �,eeats red awwlsew of rw far a member of I��: sad whereas, for the payment of
cru. w h ,*.&Fiat shill u compoar i■ lbs ricbse, Per- yeah. w theet ever «goa ag the anraiaaa. the MN deb0mlerss, and the iatsn•t to ►e-
d t,tM, swwle8 t.. r.._ �.p.•wq i 00" dao there", verep er Wr sitstsrsoa9p rs�p� fames sod all other toilet anwke. is T,pkq a�as ,ad w,ur t«c which pray natremeetee i e&o, tt will be o•eeaary to
Brituh diff ental Amirante
ryare� Boom--? �ltwe`iIn-a�a a the aromatic herbs, die, of wraith This B°Im * 0fetherwaw good repalalioa, an spy to have I nbe urvally, A° a special rate, over and
• as •�w .am • eempoeed, anim* almwt ■oiver=Uy kwwn and •IyMr y.ea-Frrn we to Mly •ehetod by Allocation, tad to addition to all other rate°,
pr.eeet9a !M �y be used for the *air. Heves a ease of b°W"w or • se of the firm, " Mr. R, G. hip, Preiamasf Ike following cams, that le to ANY: is the
tar meNtknktilay man& (thio hr«i f hear is entirely unknow■ a that of Manu. Organist of it. James'° C°tWrd, year 1853, the °um of £75; Is each of th&
Io0 W etaaor ass, bssrvL tonally. We wish bat o« trial to be made sof Targets." w►oo .v.ke,MW saperuaa 000bbo I Ysors 1854, 1855, 1838, Gad 1857, the sum
fi tTiapaalD eT t. Shu will do suite to eaatoi.ee yso of rte •ir- \as an 4 lbs lith esu iastreapM• . Of Liao; Nd, in the tine 1858, the ,um
T IrILLIAII a ■OIrsAT, Y. e.
e Me v�„ Ire• than all the ad.emrmreu them else be Th,IF syn 1 het. featly guataArp every Latru'
pvbl*hed, sad that oil may be able to test its ■wea purch•rd of lb*m. 1 of ole rat and prop,affererty
the amount of Town
° oinre, it a put say I. l Grp Bottles a the low Marra 8. d P. hale tsJs a very br8• Mak =bole rateable property of the said Towo
FOR "ALB BY Eric. of Soc pet ih,ule. e! BRASS AND WOODEN 1NHTRU- i of tierieb, for the financial year pre was
r* BENJ. PARSONS, Remember the ps.ite has the siganre mf MENTS, rOR MILITARY. AMATEUR, iO! Ikt passlDg o! this By Law, sou
Sole dgnt. Comstock 6 Brother sa the splendid wrapper. Dad QUADRILLE BANDS. Lakeville *very £7708 IMG. 5d., sad a beream for the pay -
A. Goderieh, Jan. 24, IE53. COMBTOC'K 8 FAMILY AR-T1B1L10U8 Description of Swinged Bad Weedoa in.un- 0001 of the said interest, and for the ere,
o. wau.e,temn for • e&0plese Oe,Molrm •ties of a sinking fund for the payment of
FILI,H, far the ren of all Bilious albcuema- rr Violin atria of a cry speeir gealiq,
Buffalo, Brantford ST•d GoreCTieh Abu fer Li- Cerphiots, (loot Jsoodiee, Dye- Mwara 8. A P. m ala the Nob Amts w W Md debt' there will be required upon
ppsi&, llthe0 tism, F.vew, Yervos.ne". Ery the sole of WARREN'S CELEBRATED the said rateable property en &naval rate
RAILWAY. sys�meadDi...$Ccotth.Shia. lmpuntyoftbo HARMONIUMS Bad MEI.ODEONB. Th. i■ the pound, os follows, that utosay:
Bled, lsfiamatiens, Yalaehelor, Dick Headache. "west Bud mem Fashionable Meme eta dtaays for the year 1853, the sum of Std. in the
Ca61160666- Pnia i° the head, arcus, Hide, end, for each of the ears 1851, 1835,
OTtCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, •the be proesred at abet Fatdlasbweet. Clawed Po y
N ' Beek sad Limbs, Female Lk"aseo, des., Ale.
purouant to R Rewlutwe of the Board 8"red Maic-eaoioliag of all th& «10kratBd 1868, and I837, the sum of 41d. m ins
Th el any dratue in which Pvga-
CAPITAL ,4100,000.
THE whole of which a taken and a
lerge portion paid to Gad invested.
The wbseneer will eoattnues to grant
A oursac" at the current rat" of Premie
es", agaianl
00 Hooses, Furniture, Coeds, Produce,
and other descriptions of property, alto
against lass rim damage by the
On Cargoes or Vessels, as wall ea the in,
land Waters of this eoatineot " beyond
sea to Gad from the Ports of Greet Britain.
Forma of Application, with all requisite
informauou. furnished by
Goderieh, Juno 301h, 1853. nt2-1y
>r "a
of Dire loin, meat of tw NI;W ISSUE,
OF SHAREI$ of the loeraased Capital
t.i ere issearc y
are Medicine• are «t more or It" ngairtd.-
Nu can feel well while a cost,,* bobit of
Or■ione•; also, Church Made. Poona, and for the year 1858, the sum Cl
Second hand Pismo -Fortes Bought, Sold, sad tis. 8}d, in the pound.
Pismo-Frta Tamed, Re- '
Block of the Buff■lo, Brantford sad Goder
ziy proeaiy; besides, it soon prem $Cris«
"a is ltiehsa M Be it therefore enacted, by the Munteipa
Ptairl, ass for bat*' Convert the Town Godoneh in C000
teh Railway Compay a required to be made
to the Treasurer of the Compost at the
and often local diseases, wbieb might have
*corded by • nmely amd jdieieao ase of proper
of of
Yasse ler Military HmBda. iuliBn, Ploneb and ail assembled, under sod by virtue of the
Opens' The «west end Ove Pepe- i Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Arco
Bank of British North America, Bramtlord,
at fife equal "follow*:
We nB reeomm�*d those Pills with :he eat-
lar Ballad*. l•arrxciso Broke for eearT Ya -
sial laotram"t; Vocal Isrractiw Books of aid It is hereby enacted by authority of the
t, on r he'o
!0 per tut, on or be'ore the let day of
nt a«s
Don us g tMo lar 6mprrir a
the beat M«urs I maw. that from and after the passing of
way next,
the Pills Ica using to ■r.
A permes them way tat tad drink w
The terms sod wool F°■Wemabb Deane Yu- this By -Law, the Mayor of the maid Moot -
do ofall laisds. Pentos, SebettieMs `el I Cweeil shall have and aothor-
�•Mo• p
per cent eD or before the let day of
u«I aad ddnira4l• ear iameduiel i Oar ark.
Jul. vest.
90 per cent o0 or before the 1°t day of
lag about, tyre■ cake is large dome they
Cathartic the bowel• of
peii1 twee The arwest Forte►. German,
electMOzMat A. Pismo -Fru Music by •:I an, ily, and be is hereby ,sad zed and bo -
powered to iRes, gnsq mid make debae-
September next,
are actively eleadsus
all unhealthy matter and poredoeee healthy .._
IuLu, Dad E■gbeh hbbalttiworeeaivYd week- I tares of the said Municipal Council for Gov
ly. `.it
90 per coot on or before the 1st day of
entitles d the Stanch and Liver. They an
'nem sot lose then £95, nor exceeding is all
A Liberal DireweI to bre Teachers, and
20 November etxt,
t on or before the lot day of
a EB.ctul Assletul of .'former, kat" the
some flood of action on the balance body that
Heed. of Schack. Er Every artick Warrant-the Read mem of £9500 for the purposes
00. a distancehave Music not I bows provided a1wayo. thatot
me for ed;he
Januapryy, In
By order,
storms and burriceara have os rb* ter, or that
the aides have as the Ona -•real rellrT.
anc emu
by Mail for Lattice Mayorh issue
N. B. B. a P. is trout Ea- any of the said debentures un(cn he .ball
DEAFNESS. -Use Dr. Lamette's Aee•tie
-Meow per y
repo sad sell as Cheep as say boom is Cashile. I be thereunto required by resolution of the
Oil, far file care at Deafness. Also, Of those
August 3rd, 18S3. 76026 said Municipal Cooawl -
OIBee of B. B. k G. Railway Co.,diugree■bie
«lees, like the boating of in$Ccts,
And be it therefore enacted, t hat the raid
Cwh fr Wheat
Brantford, March 15, 1853. v6 n9I
Wallas of water, whining of stem, which are
debentures shelf b•enme due sad be payable
Farmer, Farrier A 81age Frel►rietera ----'- -- sympwms of spfroaching declares. Person s T the GODERICH MILL. at the rfRte of the Trearnrer of one Belo
- who to we bees deal for twenty years, and were A WM. PIPER. Municipal Council on the 30th day of DO -
W. MERCHANTr3 I DISSOLUTION OF PART\ L'I:- •abject to are ear vamPcu, have *race using oats 601•rieh, JAo. 94th, 1853. •6eb! comber, in the year of out Lord 1858: and
' SHIP. botttle, hero made well I that the iater«t of the said deben'ures shall
�RATM (}AMIMG OIL RHEUMATIS1f.-Comrotk•a Nerve and -- -_ _ M able batt earl on the 30th da of
THE public aro hereby notified that the Bot Li uln,at, le warranted to core any ease of Sheriffs Sale of Lands ply yearly 9
uaruasouw u Tea mToar r ■■ar=se , June and the 30th day of December in ssefi
V ry ilo>htresal Copmrtnerahip heretofore creating b• Rheumatism, Cco Couractcd Cords, and ear, at the office of the Treasurer 08 &faro-
ADIBa�alaa ' tw�•n JOHN k ROBERT DON OG11, as I Meseln, or stiff oisio.'*'real gtborne weak Limbs, United Co■sri, of Y Vfrtme of a acid.
Innkeepers, is this day dlssoleed by mutual i and eoahlea thorn who, are crippled to walk ({gree and B � Wnt le Fieri I
consent. All parties indebted to The Paid f •sats. Comstock h brother, Proprietors, New �•' Asti be it therefore enarted,by the lather -
r._ firm are requested to settle their respective York, sod nose genuine without their came on To WIT: Facing, issued oat at i ity aforesaid, that the said debentares shall
�' accosts with Jobs Dosogh, who will also the wrapper. tier Majesty's Court of Quams's Beach, be issued under the common Peal of Shp
pay all lialidiueo. T TOOTHACHE. -Dr. Kline Drops, for the end as alias Writ of Fieri Faetu uesod said Municipal Council, and shall have Can-
to" DONOGH, care of the Teahaebr. iI is with confident• out of the said Court, and to moe directed pians attached to them for the pryment of
itommir DO,NOG)l. tharwe en reeommea lit ssa. inlolbble cors i, against file lands and tenement of JAB- i ,be Paid interest, and that the said D,ben-
Goderieh March, Who 1853. v6oG-6m ell Caere, ce25ct any injury to the teeth or PER KF,MBALL GOODING and In&e4 'tures and C..poms shall be respectively
s , p■u. lariee25ete
o'Cil. r
The shove .s a tree copy ora By Lew to
Tam taken tea.. cosaiderstroo by the Muniei.
Mt Cousci' of the United Countier of flu,
too sod Bruce of the Huron lintel. Godd
rials, nen Tuesday, the 2nob day of POptem
bar. 1853, (,h* data of ,be first publication
of 'be said By.IAw a the'll*ro4 Signe!
Nalw•pape•, be ng the 111h dvy of Argues
1853) and that nn Yoedar, the 19th day of
Septetube-, 1833. at 'be hour of too O'clock
in th,• f"rroeon. s general swolipr Bar foss
gnallfi,d Mnnirlpsl Pkclnn "Fill be b1l:f for
the Purpose Pf COSIOAerier the &Bid By.lew
and apportoo or dle,, proving of The .once
-fnr the Township of .1 A.A.1,L at The
Loops 0f R ef.R►d rra!oy ?t•aior, Sib r�n-
09"10s-for the To%- abio , f Sidd.lfsA at
Me tat.co of Patrick MellbarRy, i,omd,n
Road -rot the Tnwa.bip of C*/borre, at
The Se►ov,l Ho,sre, gob c.P"forias-f•,r she
Tows of Gnder,ell, at 'be Ilere. llotel--
for tie Township of t;ederrck, at Mr. At
ebimma” 99 MoilsaW C.,scesnnn-for she
Township of //e„, at Mr. William WI:
Bone, Loads„ Ro•d-for the Townahijs.1
al"up,t and ,Morris at The lReh Dol 11ao•P.
VU)ago of C T"101- •for the Townships of
.YeBillep and Greg, eeheol house, No. 9,
McKillep-for the Towvbfn of .IlcCrlG
Grey, Flantyar,'a Tattooer, London Rood.
I••r the Teaesblp of 8te.lry, cf ('orper'0
Tar•rN, 86yacld Rood--fbr the Tow°aMp
of 81104"I” at Shp rehoal bsur, pro• I.
lead (o4 --loot The TOwseb,p of 7bek,,
*milk. at Mr. John Wlk*r • MIN R.rol-
for Ike Towasid 1p , f r.-,iorwe, at Mr. Toy.
lora f3ckeol Urw00, Losdw Resd-.ler The
Towd►lu,p at M'sans.och at 1-1 17 in the
ser.rrc•tor.--and five ,he Towssblpat
•, e.il,A in all ,be reoar*ng
the Comm IF d b•tu, &t the
Forsomib Walker, Kmmr-
D. H. Rlrrn►r.
G4wwty Clerk.
of A Is&&
• , eel ,
lforon'and Bruce.
FhrrofT'. Office,
etsdtt of the Paid `Consolidated Mueisipel
U.borece, Aug. 17, It, *1"3, **so At
"They faa't Z Shame via" IL"
it I ^
LcaD Fund Act, to be expended ;a mak nj�
and balding the before d Hov,
Atiltee.—A Phroarn-for �.
.a �a lrw,
. .
n.0 `
n:entical .
and c, 'which said auto of 'Phiriv
Thouws Pounds,
scree of excellent lard, 43 acres Clear.
.ctrl r ry �+a4 will sure m.w geese .ee
bm so an* -
ed and well leered, with a good lob buys,
"&:I be repsi•1 wife tea-
t N the rapfration of thirty years front
r OT No. b, 5'h collectivistic, Eastern Do.
L .Irina, Ashfield, IOD acres of good
� assembly W�lo' Pei
J1TBe taRuse% `w�a` Icahn Gala. of
is tit u:ted on 3ral Conception, lot 14, Town-
Shia of Wawar•neh, and one halt toile frurd a
diff Of the first peyote Nov oar account off
1 laud, 30 of which are cleared, in pool ,tate
boil% FFO& Wowada, 11F4kA6 Bruissm
qe red down. F„r particular@ apply to the
p.upnetor no the premuoa.
%W Loss. seecivcd from the Receiver
of .cultivation, well fenced,with a
ta1R, Si Vast, Bend Cracks, Stmoa,
(yfa2falo8the wlbrritc of this Ry -law.
young ort►arYl of 100 choice fruit trees",
Peet, Serf Ani or (Trete!, ala
llheirruatiam. Anes o[ Animals, Fstemal Poi
t Aad be it caaeW, That the Tree
with a well finished house, befog within j
sena, Painful Nervous Affectioru, F:oat Bignals
cetyl, for tbo iiaas boing, of the said flatted
milt of is Now mill, sod 3t allies of a ;'Fiat
Boad , Coma. WhiLloers, Baron and
(Atinliot, Qa tbe•6rst day of J*nuo ry
is tisk •Ar of oftener autuch simcs
mail• et_d within 10 miles of Godench, aro a
Fur ttl►Iher
ChA1bbain., Chapped Head, Cramps.
unctions of the Muscles. Swelling% W
_t and a
the R4111ster General of the Province
good road. particulars apply
to Samuel Hagen, the
of the Joints. Caked Breese, da � �
row Far daring the seowipoarce of the anid
os prettttiees.
A•hareld, Jufy 20. 1863. TAe94fm
Jrlan pay weer to the said Receiver Giver-
rat &'I pr• gill divfdesde. teats, toil. n'r re-
I ?uta on ha. b«Doe no evfbrand m that trrtnwK
tures, retell tlefount of I" aforesaid
S.lierl(l 'S Sale (of Lan(ls.
dive ., ■M r a conequence, the d""ad
gnat thmnInner the cewu7-�cas mpMttywf
Reade aud� by tb* Paid Treasure-,
K as muck m 0s be r[ tred b
I teen have induced abvm In pet= of Spm
P„r„ s„ imrniim artselefor lbs gLrw,r1
f 4u y
th0 said Rcfwis0t al to terra of the
Corrfrin n
Ylsru■ erd liner,
Y Virtue c f •
B Writ of Fien
' ants thus to mf their same art reaam oisrfla
m t p i,"i,at) or an. only Ie&. ants" which Ow .
it Ir
above Menu ono Ajt ,-
S. And he it ensMM, ')'hat. fur aQ,rd,nr
tier MajeOty'e Court
Facfa* issued out of
of Qne*s's Bench, awed
talian en.tahly refer one, whfell red
t+eaFly .,.;-. 7..� nae m the United torr aa`id
tod. in:na.,n,,,nand cod 000d.rfnt enen.ati ut The
additional security for tine due payment of
the interval and principal of the Lnae
to me directed agaaeat the lands and Iene-
M ALL el.tan, amt Hoatla. in particular, tmdwead
i pr.oas to ATTB"v no impure a towlors ways
there shall be ratted annually upon all file
ratatr of Jespar Kealbsll Gooding &t the
Olaa cf William Holusev, I have ee.zed and
u ro.VIDICI „ moor or I» mtamvr viae*
TM mines ■nl,,nshtnr taaeary holse►or Y A«uaa0
e.rtaFn menenur drl.n Sha on asvperi.g up. t►• vis
nte•b!o teal and personal property within
'he Wal United Counties, during the crm
taken is u08atiom lbs lo.luwmg property
Nr or %We ■vane.,■ counterfeit for use ruwv=w
Pins on Th. pn.dbf rcolice of the Ties r
tinutxe of Use Paid ).ran, in sdduion to aft
),•awe running uumbere joarteq, wrvcly•
ora redone mea u a ..tante- emodvrrim
w,Pnv,:,Ted druegfw.. Who; then, can be aslat
other rate° or Inket ImpnSrJ, or to be nu
Posed e a the rateable
po prcpCrtr of the
I lir, and .ivrl atter in the rowm of Gude
JI '
rcb, containing use tcorth n( an acre, be the
Show 11 No. -I--m lM crvdnmy of their aremass
ern ,h.7 awe be ill ` tba .arm t.pidry In rDe•sd
Goy or .II arbsr ns" twlatee of trots reossstlwt
. -
O.Id United Counties, ouch sum or nnoD
Ibat .nay be required from Since to t.;uo b
same mute or fees, which lanes and tree-
I a_ 'I rote can you place in Nems
7tw VsePdnnrwooed tsanrone da.■team ws,
the Receiver (l.n•rel of she province is
moat& I shall offer for sale at The C„urt
Room, to the Town of G-!- ch on Wed-
cams•. Bs e.re far file —.f raee pr.P.Mwis r
y Coot _k'Prdaa"'w"+•^
term• of Ihb Thove tiled act, in oddiUan td
Deeday the second dal of November next.
V• f°'w�`e d w sew :"Cl. W. Mwoam l4 Lrapw
Ir 1. Na o.r.T ,...mica NtBes=w.a.
t►s pr"to n„ ctioorit■ the Preceding sec
at She ►,wwf twelve of the eta k none.
Other can bI ['••iO'' Thin f &0••Iy{ d• Pomba
lion of this By. Law.
JOHN 51CDO\AID `th ff
om tbm.Iwar tbstr awmy the tPsslklaM w
o'Cil. r
The shove .s a tree copy ora By Lew to
Tam taken tea.. cosaiderstroo by the Muniei.
Mt Cousci' of the United Countier of flu,
too sod Bruce of the Huron lintel. Godd
rials, nen Tuesday, the 2nob day of POptem
bar. 1853, (,h* data of ,be first publication
of 'be said By.IAw a the'll*ro4 Signe!
Nalw•pape•, be ng the 111h dvy of Argues
1853) and that nn Yoedar, the 19th day of
Septetube-, 1833. at 'be hour of too O'clock
in th,• f"rroeon. s general swolipr Bar foss
gnallfi,d Mnnirlpsl Pkclnn "Fill be b1l:f for
the Purpose Pf COSIOAerier the &Bid By.lew
and apportoo or dle,, proving of The .once
-fnr the Township of .1 A.A.1,L at The
Loops 0f R ef.R►d rra!oy ?t•aior, Sib r�n-
09"10s-for the To%- abio , f Sidd.lfsA at
Me tat.co of Patrick MellbarRy, i,omd,n
Road -rot the Tnwa.bip of C*/borre, at
The Se►ov,l Ho,sre, gob c.P"forias-f•,r she
Tows of Gnder,ell, at 'be Ilere. llotel--
for tie Township of t;ederrck, at Mr. At
ebimma” 99 MoilsaW C.,scesnnn-for she
Township of //e„, at Mr. William WI:
Bone, Loads„ Ro•d-for the Townahijs.1
al"up,t and ,Morris at The lReh Dol 11ao•P.
VU)ago of C T"101- •for the Townships of
.YeBillep and Greg, eeheol house, No. 9,
McKillep-for the Towvbfn of .IlcCrlG
Grey, Flantyar,'a Tattooer, London Rood.
I••r the Teaesblp of 8te.lry, cf ('orper'0
Tar•rN, 86yacld Rood--fbr the Tow°aMp
of 81104"I” at Shp rehoal bsur, pro• I.
lead (o4 --loot The TOwseb,p of 7bek,,
*milk. at Mr. John Wlk*r • MIN R.rol-
for Ike Towasid 1p , f r.-,iorwe, at Mr. Toy.
lora f3ckeol Urw00, Losdw Resd-.ler The
Towd►lu,p at M'sans.och at 1-1 17 in the
ser.rrc•tor.--and five ,he Towssblpat
•, e.il,A in all ,be reoar*ng
the Comm IF d b•tu, &t the
Forsomib Walker, Kmmr-
D. H. Rlrrn►r.
G4wwty Clerk.
of A Is&&
• , eel ,
lforon'and Bruce.
FhrrofT'. Office,
ran Relief, .
All �eR6drvrRdtethe Ile , dM Will be
Godes-h, 2nd Auji 18.3. � n16 -1^l)
t ar.mp lmertM,M��,wwwwSmite
"woPnabwthythe u.eor'AYutaaeloal
- - -
Sao *dad t�da um by I �°tsl4' 1a d•
r"B. PARSONS, Goderieh.
The subscriber offers for Pale one hundred
Clark k Co., Part Sarnia : Ebarts as
scree of excellent lard, 43 acres Clear.
Robertson, Chatham; B. A. Mitchell, Los
ed and well leered, with a good lob buys,
don; S. Cook, Kiehmood; A. Higia►ot
I@ oraSard hearing frwt. Tne above laud
is tit u:ted on 3ral Conception, lot 14, Town-
Shia of Wawar•neh, and one halt toile frurd a
Th''s following are W►olas4:c Agents. will
Gen. Hilt'. Detroit. • Routh k Davies*, Por
School house -all the money will be re-
Stanley : T. Bfekle k Both Hamilton
qe red down. F„r particular@ apply to the
p.upnetor no the premuoa.
i,yman, Bro. k Co. Trrnsb; Boyd k Pao
No. 40, Coartlamrf Strop-, New �ork.
Waw nosh, 4th Aug , 1851, B28
_Way 97,1839. s"5 ofto
United Cwnfite of Y1 Virluo of a
Buren and arwte, to %Veal of Alluh-
To Wit: mint ts0uwd net of
Her Mojesty•s Court at 411.4"@ Sew h, and
to me directed agvaat the F,+1416 rel an
we:l as pertoaal eaf Ge'eree Rearett, sa s►-
Be,•nd,ng or eoecealed the►:or, at the wit
of JOw..1 BRI -Tots, flour the *nm of Thely tee
pound. its °►ill AgP, 1 hate oeraed .II the
001910 spot A. well as personal of The said
GRrMem BRwRrr", and unt•ss the sM
Geearge Bleanrrt contacts wrtNn the juriedw•-
lion of He nfd Court and put to Mil to IS,
Bell n, er Colima the PTme to be dfeeMrged
elth,n throe cal4ad. r seethe from Ae her
•f the
po►lieattos of
Net,est, all
Ibe =tato real " wolf a pono0al of Ibe
sold George Soonest. or en moth Ihoreoo ss
may be ormenry, will ►e held fish:* to'
the pareant, boac-At or Bvtr(ee+inm .f the
said slab•, et el.r.w• of pock attar Plunrlit
w PlarAtiRe to .ball or Rosy SOka prryew -
rsge against the propOVIy &r4 toners fifth*
00ad• George Beans" ,rtl\fe fix ametbe d
Ib in" of the dope Well.
J. 1U4DOls AL06
;Pb W, Ilwrwer All Drees.
Fametwo Onus, tt
ilodmrob, IIdN Jut, loss i a!t-fr
United Glnalira of) BY .iota& of a
Hartle end Brats, j Writ of At
to reit : )) uo►ewat, bAAWd
out of her Mejewty'a Cumuli, Cwrt of the
United C"Dtrea of [lures sad Bract, and
Is rete direeted agaimet the Mato, eat as
well a personnel, of Patrsab Duggan, ea
obeessdimp *v eseeseled deatw, at thio "it
d 0648 Molecules. i have merged all the
aelase, real 08 well 88 pws8ea1. e( the
aid Pale" Deggas ; Sed ashes t►. sod
Patrick Dlsrgen marts within /b* jeri4dim
lion of Ibe Mid Courts and Is" is hIW
the met in , w easea the .boo* to M
eh*'Cg0d Within three e&lo•dar wantM ilea
,be 4eI day of The pabinat4e of ob tie..
Isla, all 'be 08410, reel se t•*il as porasaab
N 'be Mid ratn•k Dsselso. w M Mos►
tb*re*( of may its -""wry. aim be illi
,lab"' for the N swat, boob. w oatlsAs,
X. of the Pbld claim w ehiwu at Nab
0thof Phfwiff lsr PlalstI%w •bell =May
limit* pr•eardfage . iM t aad
imets of the maid Patrick gg wic"
also membe from 160 woofer the she"
M0,' 24tJ 1u.* & 1'' lift -ting
_____ _ _ COMSTIK K'S VERMIFUGE. -Thus is Rattenbury, at Ism suit of ITENJAMIlt signed by the Mayor and couniersigned by
- - -_-_ - -- BREWSTER, I have seized and taken is i the Treasurer of the said Municipal Cooe-
the most #atraordisaly remedy for Worms ever P '
NOTICE. execution the followiog property, Tiz: ' cif
used; it ttTietaslly eradicates Worms from both
IHEREBY give notice that Sir, William Adults and Chrddrea. It cannot harm the most Lots running Dumb ire fourteen, ninety- And be it further enacted by the au -
Chester Tippett, of Bayfield, is not su- detinteinfant or atrossest Adult, sod move,
fall •is Gad ninety-seves to the Town of God*" thority sforeea,d, that far the parment of -
thorized b mile to Collect the debts or re 1e eeamplelely root out and destroy all kinds of rich, each Carl& sing ose foarib of an ars, the
Worms, The cost. 25 coo per bottle, puts it be the some more or leap, being the pro- i on °Std debentoree and the interest there -and
ceive the money c'De to Me Estate -he tier- I on there shall he a4Pesstrd levied, end
. tog transferred and assigned ron.e time I
Within the reach of all, and all ptnen who ere p*rty of the said Jasper Kpmball Oeodtmj• raised upon ibe whole saleableproperty in
w::hnc• a a:e wentonly exporting the live of Also, Lot runninganother fift -setae,
since, sa appeared in the Public Prints of th- rr' term to those fell destroyers of ouch, the sad Town of Goderieb. as a epactal
y T containing one -fou of ae aero be the Felt - n each year as after mentioned, ear"
Goderieh, all his debar and other property, i •, tt or¢s," Look /ear the Dame of Comstock an above end ftl addition to all other r•
to me for the bent -fit of his Cred!!^rs- I Mine more or less: and lot number six, rr.
which debts I have since placed in the hands Bottler Proprietors, of the Wrapper of each eoneesio■ C. in the Town of Grderieb, whatsoever, as follows, that is to say, -
w,y(� of D. H. Ritchie, Esq., Clerk of the seventh eoataining by admes•arement nice acres the year 1853, a rat* of Std. in the Pound.
Division Court, Bayfield, for collection, COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAIN KILLER and three quarter*, be the same more or , in taeIT of the years 1853, 1855, 1836, and
who, with me the undersigned is along an. O atedieiae has been discovered that is a leap, being the property of the said Isaac 1867 a rate of 41d. in the petted, earl in
thoiized to grant receipts upon payment of N hDrPilf adapted to Br internally a d,epe Ratteobury; which lapde and tenements, the year IS58 a rate of 6s. 81d. m tho
the same. to be taken, and yet perform each wooden wbes or so mseb of she time me may be nese* pound.
JOHN STRACHAN, oPP1iN Discreetly tea wash or bath, by friction. copy to MI My the said claim, i shall offer And be it further snseted,by the authr+ri-
Lamenesh I Assignee In ,Art Eslnfe of 2ate, is all You beer to risk to try it; and as far sale at the Court Room,
is the Tows too aforesaid, that this By.:ane @ball 91110
That cam ear be no object to the proprietor, it is e(Godertob, on FRIDAY, the FIFTH day I offri:t end come foto operation immewatel
f 1
- I C. 'rIPPE'rT, b,Ptd Ibat loth a price can be no obstacle to say dr AUGUST next, at the boor of Twelve .
Godarich, Sept. 22nd, 18bS. n35 iner"T, &ad will never from and titer the passing thereof.
I 1+tennc its Trial. The of the Clock, coos.
0",131650 ear Per bottle, according to the J. McDONALD, NOTICE.
�- DOf'TOR YOURSELF. size- willeotbl* 411to use it. If tion daobt, bo- ShotifF,, H. L B,
°•bs°w THE POCKET.ESCULAPIUS: gli with a 93 Cent bottle, and that Will remove
Sheriff's Office, The above is •true copy oft By -lea tr
yawdsed it .ad make you buy, Gad o$C and re- t6o17-fit I be taken into consideration by the Munici-
I OR ENERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. afsra*ed it n Your friends, more than n hundred Godench, 5th Ma), 1853. IItT of the Town of Godwneh irk the
THE: FORTIETH Edition, with one errrifieates wood. Who will rail te try it tboo. [First published 14th Mai, 1653.1 D•
Hundred Engravings, showing Disea- Rod More life and suffering for 25 cents. Th t, eoulrty of Huron, at the Council Room, on
T,erwl4 sea and Mahformations of the Human „Pain Killer" may he word with a Paeceis that POSTPONEMENT. the 30th day of September next, at the
as'�Iw System in every shape And form. To wlach wilt aston:sh the beholder, in each cases u Th* The shows sale has been postponed to the hour of 19 o'clock moon, at which lime and
or is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Fe- following: Cholera alorbvs, Distressing DTeee- SECOND day of November next. � place the members of the said Municipality
mal•°, bei* 01 the highest importance to teq' Pacm it, the side sad Stomach, Cons, Cats J. McDONAJt D, Sheriff, H. k B. I are balmily required to attend.
vs". g 8 P &Rd Braitep, Choler lulaocam. Brooebiti°, ShenR's0111e• THOMAS KYDD.
�` marriag people, or )bore coulemplating He, ling States on alas or Beast, Childeee Trtpih- Goderieb, Aug 10, 18" J v6-m271d ' Town Cfrrk.
marriage. B7 Ing, Raising Blood, Hoenenew, Quissy, to a _____ - I Goderieb, July b, 1853 T6n_3tf
sear . WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. few hours, C110blains and Frosted Feet, 8pamean,
Let no father be ashamed to present a Prevent a Blister from Burns. Bruises arrests, ATTACHMENT. i
.CSCULAPIUS to big child. It way save Measles• Cramps, Hafts, Scratches, or Tom WANTED. ea
him from ao early rare. Let mo our Flesh, Bites or 9t:afr.. Certifiaun to fill ■
R y g volume mi ht Uwitsi COotip o Y .Trice of ••v -
mu or woman enter into the eecret obh. 8 he published, Bbpwi■g t6o war. ✓% B A TEACHER Wanted for a Commc,
w auoms of warned life without ,radio the derfBl effect a of Couredock's Peti■ Killer, bot they Huron avid Brsee, ? 0es1 writ• of At• School, at School Section No. 4 Col -
atm Il •re tea eommon, aad used brarticle•,(so.ser• to wit : ) laehmeat issued But i borne, with a Second or Third Class Corti-
�OCRET rEBCULPAlUB. Let Do one of Her Ma t 's Count Court for the i &ale, Immediate application is requested.*
w�f ft: and the k erne bon!. will vi even thu ° Joo T y.,
theirde fres a b&dcnied Cough, Palain ,bo0isad unknown same td coovisct the oar. United Couatiea of Heron' and Breea, end I For further information apply to
the Sieh, restless eights, nervone feelings, Beware of worthless Articles called Palo Killen, to We dineted, agafnet the estate, real Ike ' JOSEPH FiSHER,
and Ibe whole its ta of Dypeptic sensations, sad never buy say but Coulroek'tt well a pttrsogal, of ALaxANmsa Mdirrtaa. WY. HOLIDAY, Trotter,
Ya ted given op by their physicians be enoth-
•t w er mem•nt without Crosscutting the h78- GF,OROF. B HONDURAS 8AR8APA- an absconding or concealed debtor, at the H. PENNEBAKER.
1`iaa RILLA E7CTRACT, for Iha eS of all SA As. resp0etne rtrito of Lase Cuill , T6*mo Colborne, June 201h, 1853, n31
1Dv CULPAiUS, HAT. the married any loop,,- R IL from in Bales, Mer a I. HamJtoIt and Btsjawio
r,msae dlmoat, reed ihn truly uee(ul book, awe it 2 Pare ■tate sf rhe blood. 7116
has been Ih• mesas of savrag Ihoutends of 8arseperill■ eorni°s tea times ..seek PP•rc Parmea&, 1 inTe Nixed all the estate, rnl u FARM FOR SALE.
Pa+uwaV unfortunate creatures from the verylaw a of " ndhre, BOraapwdla u say othr. Ia fat, wells personal, of the said A10xasdw
en death paella, an Principally nom McIntire ; gild unless the said Alexander OT No. 91, Huron Road, contel91o;
of an'
the won kw Common Snows- sr■a McIntyre return within tire �a rifidfetfos of L
Dmly (�` An Person °ending TWENTY -I 11.4 saddo oat has* Th, desired •offset until o the rid Coors and of is bail to the Ae• 111 acres, 40 or which are cieare,i.
FIVE CENTS enelowed to •letter, w41 Pers" tau pleased perhaps do"...f hostile. iato tion sr cause the Pa • to be di°ebarsad I re 11 miles of Goderieh, and i Of th
receive Doe copy of this work by autil, or his system. on the eosfnly, Gerrp B Hands rvitMa three calendar moofSs Gom N0 Ant ; fiounehing vtll•ge of Clfeton. A, p'v o
d Ave copies will be sal for o" Dollar. lar Sarsaparilla, from being ceutposed of tele bat lh• premiums to i
Addren (post paid.) materials and smm.ferur.d with the lest smuts,
of ilia pa well em of lbtn settee, all the P W. B. MOORF.. 1
DR. Whit. YOUNG, care, everhiring sear real a =011 u noDRJ, of the acid
ha0, (every fumed of , sarsaparillaloombeteg sub_ Jdy 1, ]Sbi. s93 -
Ne 1 69 Sy>rwrc 31., 1'kilrrdelpkia, •e ted to IM Bvietnt Cbomees! ,eau, •ad its Alfx2edar Mclstyre, of se mneh thereof u
Fob. 17th. v6-ot geoo!nea•.e swetimioed be" It I. toed, ) sets my be seceeaan ), will be bold liable for the -
lefnedistely woolp•werfCII, Thi* is so Mieonl pmy0mrt, b0e*13t or sildectfon of said GODERICH, PORT HURON, BAR'• t A
Port Neelrnn,, but A p■rely Veg•s" cowvw. w, elafmw, air elaime of each other plaistltTOr AND DETROIT.
MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT I PnPDred do $Ci.. . Prime, pie°' •od we nae Plight k u still or m0 take proc0odHW
4 , ealove the
v acorn it is the bnt 8ar.aparttla @Ten Agoisat the pre 1 enc otJieb of the Mid
be the public. Alexander McIntyre, within six mouth@
Ler Trot Lintas TARO Nana . -Ys" Who from tb• (suis` of Ibe above writ.
are aofr"iog with ,Am ".By i8° ,bar hook Tho New Low-p►esewrs Strowit
is heir ,o, " wsuev how J.;3 NALARkOrlfril kB.
may be. be met 4 O.." �°te ywr e°a Slfrfff'm OSIMP
Ho.dvfu tR'd: ► you
to find It a Goderieb, l9ed Jamaica 1t6t. A!1 is" RUBY9
drfishdol sMreaapanlb, elyd yso will find 1r 0
0 - - "-IF- Yen who de•inebasm.ii(.l. ,Iso, ,kn. tis* SAMUEL WARD, 2nd, roMMANOW,
fel1A Plsphs0, Metbass, Coad all iweelitk% am I' O $ T. WILL run during the s
MOUTH SIDE DD.VD f8 YT.,) rely *were* ilea C.0..Ote to w. We g Prances wM°
bring able m.dicine w A NOTii by Timsmm fAltehm0�ttad Wm. a follows: - Leaves Dclotoil Fr
0/Fo•'to Jt/ean.. A_a�lrwead d Jtoavlul.{ that the red owm b*fen ,be 60 p,hilae, ewid.sl DeagDOrty im hmoP mf B. D. Attobm God.neb •Tory Wdm00d.y sorsittp tt y
.Perners discrimtaise betw i" wese 0,o p•°1* will Dom, AoMW* is" 1411*. 8d.. rated 14th Oc- o'elcek.
W*was soy he had SfIF.RT ML`BtC e( the pure H•BdnnA M manicies firs ichor, stilt. oble Ik! ISaoOt►s After Iwav08 GodOrieh every ThursdayiX•
e►0ry IevrriptioA, lnRtrmerlms °� lu.na �""a th'•"!�s 1� �y i■ °t 1 o'eloek. Rovsing ,,ace pt
Books Which Th ,it le(• pph� a ( bQre
for all kle,ds of IastrcutwtR, ILC., s cheap wvMeA arks eewawT i. 011wd, sad a~6d.otly M_ ALSO NhwW the weather prevent the RG
Re ems M bad In Toronto, Heaton, pe Nen li•vteg that George Hit" S imasBnlls A waits ► J0 Hawkins red Thetas eomemg s the WdoesdBy 91gbt, At
Yob. .pea tried will bs slweyv r sod. We have pm Hawklw h �Mf.7i.-ANVbw-. Amb- amv0 me the following Friday of 1
A11 Nwde of MUSICAL, iNRTRU- a vp as keg° ca"1". *am ofwhich regsol is Add M JA 70, ttL, t1q Iaha Oatmeal, ' For Freight of Pe ■.tet • �
Villas to out of a, „ BBLog• _r► -y_ r
MBNTS, Mw a PmDO Fort• down 10111111110. to ■ CAOTmv F.nu_ Sas•iparilloeMsaY. 1sm I N'I l�h sA4v ieM; nits H WAZV
Medieime half bass,. Am reporBrfa of Ikln wq 1�~ the above "lea GoJoric►, Mamb Yt►V ISM.
Ncloo of fill kisd■, and of superior quail- amid. N■t woprime, m 4 Sol it i@sm�bgw•dw ed,to do 0iM tti I IPWJ wYl be eWeMf
be tm eel, over Ili aplack an or myy is eeBBrerfsitiag t\rrT{iiwe,P, M Iger rwwvd0d : r lily ire eislly pm7obl• to the
Meow S/ wfll mad y "fee:" M the
of Cefow"k A III & , Pnprlwas.m� otimr of the lkbwr*w, they eau be 0. mo N O T I C B,.
r. A116•dr Wfgpor, •r eOiA Ys dmer9l.% an"may eaber Pat -•
The FIAP/l1S are taco Th• satsNid_ rdey* caws M o Goumostrh R. D. AR'CNiSON. ALL d"mm hd@mw q r
""IS ' f W (allowl,ig md0bret°rl ulak el-
Ap�br. Pis. 11,Tf� %Me few d -Asbflmii, Italy It, 18A. vi-ou by NIt ote . of%be Gediathpill Finer/ -
ti101 CWWNwiag, S rt amd DwhN, TB. Antos petrse, N
)IwwlMged t4 M 1M bwt w tblm pen N AA N /I4r pact IkD..t les b«Ilmfw M,, rIV � dicer EBs (k! TOE "now to stall me bead thea b0r
theifloboF"are tk0Y1{,6p1AN411,warm. Its li•i$Cieh,C, "B r ddi j Del► NI711101r T1lACT. Mibf+tb• Bret of Jmmm 04 is to
Iheltaa+el by Plane* k Co. A Estop*, C. 4DIAW H. & dMb dao to the *hens Ord
Flaw .tad Yel•dbss .sold N ekeaP and R#Fs" • G.. tlpbay„g, ed R 1� le•�mmfirl■f was W It be lbo test of Jaswsry, ltt% (f! ba
m A terse a° Ib•y 1'r rtr�����Mbw■ h MiA pnOil. fistYvy o
so4 w pre, as"% C. L - in OL Bamissat h at the mom t wr�g
0olt'w6 IN errant•, w iron the utab«m shat* A•wiitsiea _ _ st to M. flhs 0W Ib raoMrtw eat Ara ut I ON"" h the b� N � g✓ Di -
f1i msyrs ti 112. ft"" i NAI disk L.
��,a,�g fllsarr,( �is Lee" by Mitofbwet gab@ vt (indurtah ' Ttslee Cart AW ealineUei IrH
HERMAN KOROS, y0fol or a-e.� 1. 1fI tMq b d -M 9 wY ear- WILfiI�
�eie2► rlakvary, IIWIL •rwt•wn • Cr, 0M so" At V. • ;. Ietl,p _ 3 � � I
1,wrb►Dht,�wBdrrisll, rub rlth, t� si7 r GedOliab Fw t6
1 14th efApnl1.
- A .u_:__ _, r+ -A