HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-17, Page 74anyory 17!. '194; Pao ""WROPIONI/ 4 41/14 a al I g7Ou're getting warm] T4Ei vg the letter r wanted two Weeks ago!" ENCLI$1.1 COT.T.ITI, large, male, black.'body with white legs, Excellent cattle deg, Phone Ken Johns, 44r5 Kirk- ton. 171` BOAR STRAYED onto farm of Orland Squire, Centralia, Owner may have same by paying for 'ad and feed. 1.7* My$ ffoletein spripging cows and heifers, clean test, purebreds and grades. Phone Keith Marr, Laril Iee, eth 652- 3200, 1:3-2:7* CALF, .3 weeks old, Hereford heifer, phone-2774 Heneeli. 17* WELFARE FIELD WORKER FM RADIO, tape recorders and television sets. We have our own service man and guarantee satisfaction, Seedy Ellipt, 444 Main St. 17c SUIT, 2-piece, black knit; dress, trimmed with green fur; brown dress; gold woe' skirt; sizes 14-15. May be seen at Brady Cleaners, 17* 'MOISTER chesterfield from the '63 furniture show, brand new, Royal blue, a beauty too, See it in our showroom pow, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 17c MAYTAG WASHERS and driers are quality machines. See that at 444 Main St. Sandy Elliot. 17c OLD BALED STRAW - John Kabat, RR 1 Clandeboye, phone 228.6281. 17:24;31* AQUARIUM - A complete tropical fish aquarium includ- ing 10-gallon tank, pump, fil- ter, plants, •lights, stand and fish, Very reasonable. Phone 228-6660, 190 Columbia Drive, Centralia. 17c SIMMONS mattresses always dependable. The quilt - top Beautyrest 'mattress now re- duced to $99.50. Also showing the Simmons stain resistant and allergy free nylon puff quilt-top, now only $49.00. You must see this mattress to appreciate the value. Other mattresses at $19.00, $29,00, $39.00. All are avail- able in 6' 6" for the tall man's sleeping comfort. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 17c MALE COLLIE PUPS-Orville Rollings, Clandeboye, 17c DACHSHUNDS, Toy Manches- ters and Fox Terriers, reg- istered and unregistered. Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Clandeboye, phone 227-4598. 17:24:31:7c MODERN APARTMENT, in Crediton, ell utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Available im- mediately. Phone Crediton 234-6301. 12:27thic HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in Ex- eter, oil heated, modern con- veniences, available now. Phone 235-2e64. 1:3tfne ROUSE, comfortable, in Ex- eter, 3-bedroom, with modern conveniences. oil heat, gar. age; Phone 235-2535, 3;10:17c 1-1)OUSE, 4 • bedroom, with modern conveniences, in Grand Bend, Oil furnace, Available mid January. Phone 238-2533 Grand Bend. 10:17:24:31;7;14* C. V. PICKARD 22 Words .85 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see WINGHAM AND NORTH HURON 20c Off If paid by Saturday following last 'insertion. Second Insertion 211/2 PER WARD (Minimum 550) 11S. LACOMBE SOWS, purebred, due to farrow late January and February. Registration papers available if wanted. Also young purebred 'Lacombe, boars, Contact Emerson Pen- hale, phone 25r17 Kirkton, or first farm east of Elimville. HOUSE with low tax acre- age; comfortable 3-bedroom h o rn e; desirable location; garage and small barn. This property is in good condi- tion; moderately priced with liberal terms; quick posses- sion. SMALL HOUSE with new bathroom and oil burning fur- nace. While this is a low priced property, you will be agreeably surprised at the comfortable living it offers. Terms if desired. INDUSTRIAL building-80' g 28', tile block construction, heavy duty wiring, radiant heating. While this building is particularly suited for small industry. Machine shop etc., it could be converted into dwell- ing apartments. BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK - Choice location on Main St. Two stores with two apart- ments above, Whole building is centrally heated. Oil. Sep- arate storage 'basements for stores. Full bathrooms and kitchens in apartments, Apart- ments clean and ready for occupancy. Reasonable price. Terms. Salary Schedule $3,600 to $4,400 All Civil Service Privileges Senior Matriculation or equivalent required. Car essential-mileage rate paid by Department, 3 Male HOP Wanted SAYE MONEY BY Prepaying 1963 TAXES A good investment! MAN OR WOMAN to supply established customers with famous nationally advertized Watkins products. No invest, ;Tient. Earnings of $75 and tip weekly possible. Full or part- time. Write M. Beaumier, 350 St. 'Koch Street, Montreal 15, Quebec. 10;17:24:31c 17* BIG Savings on SNOW TIRES! Six Insertions 2c PER WORD (Minimum 450) PIGS - 20 choice York weep- ers, Phone Dashwood 34r3, 17c MALE OR FEMALE Age e5-45 The following discounts will be allowed for prepayment of taxes in Exeter: FIRST INSTALMENT Discounts allowed if paid on before February 1 2% March 1 1A% April 15 1% SECOND INSTALMENT Discounts allowed if paid on before February 1 4% March 1 3i% April 15 3% Payment may be made to Eric Carscadden, Tax Collec- tor, in the Town Hall Thurs., Jan. 31 from 9 to 12 a.rp, and, from 1.30 to 5 pen., and Fri, day, Feb. 1 •from 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 'to 5 p.m. and 7.30 to 9 p.m. 17:24:31c JERSEY COW, carrying second calf, due first of Feb- ruary. Aaron Restemayer, phone 112W Dashwood. 17* HOUSE, in Exeter, suitable for 2 apartments, equipped With stove and refrigerator, oil furnace, Available im- mediately. Apply 321 Huron St. W.. Exeter or phone 348J2 Hensall. 10:17* BRICK HOME, Main St. Cred- iton; 2.storey, with garage, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, oil furnace. Possession Febru- ary '1. Phone 235-0416. lOtfnc Apply in writing immediately to; PERSONNEL OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ROOM 3310, EAST BLOCK PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO, ONTARIO 10:17c 4 Female Help Wanted Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted tp One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. HOUSEKEEPER, 35 to 55, to live in and take charge of home for three adults, with Weekends off. Write Box P3Q, Times-Advocate, Exeter, 11:22tfnc STENOGRAPHER 11 Poultry For Sale DAYOLD & STARTED PULLETS available at all times. Get your order in early to assure you of early order dis- counts. Apply to: H. Lawrence, Hensall, phone 37.1 Hensall; or Henderson Started Chicks Ltd., Seaforth, phone 358 Sea- forth. 11:15tflic 8 Situations Wanted S4DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times-Advocate. 3:8tfnc Classifications AVAILABLE TO CARE for small child or baby in my own home week days. Mrs. Elmer Gackstetter phone 235-0447. 10:17c DUPLEX, modern, complete. ly furnished and heated. Avail- able immediately. Apply 120 Sanders St. E., or phone 235- 0313 Exeter. 17* APARTMENT, spacious, main floor, heated, modern 2-bed- room, laundry room, avail- able February 1. Apply at 45 Huron St. E., Exeter, phone 235-0565. 1:17tfric 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, clean and bright, automatic oil beat provided, private 4-piece bath; no pets please. Apply 169 William St„ evenings or Saturdays, or phone 235-0736. 1: 17*tfnc HOUSE FOR RENT in Hen- sel', 4 bedrooms, new bath- room and new kitchen, new oil furnace. Immediate pos- session. Phone 171 R Hensall, 17c See Us Today For A Real Deal! 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales CAR BUYS WOMAN WITH CAII to call regularly each month on established Studio Girl Cos- metics clients in and around Exeter, making necessary de- liveries, etc., three or four hours per day. 'Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CW'J-63, 840 Lafleur Ave., Montreal 32. 3:10:17* 9 Services FOR RENT-Two apartments. We also solicit your busi- ness for any type of general insurance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235.0414 9:13tinc 12 tars, Trucks For Sale 1947 MERCURY 3-ton truck with stake 'body and hoist, good tires, new motor with 2,000 miles. Will either sell or trade for a 4-wheel drive jeep. Apply Campbell Eyre, Seaforth, phone 863'W4. 10:17* DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Annual Meeting For dead or disabled animals, call of the SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held at the NEW COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL '63 METEOR fully equipped, in stock, ready for delivery. DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 175-C-62 9:20tfnc. HADCO WELL DIGGING - Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 6:7*tfnc WAITRESS for RCAF Cen- tralia Snack Bar. Phone 228-6611 local 341 or 235-1377 Exeter. 10:17c CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St., Exeter. Apply Jean W. Wein, 199 St. Vincent St., Stratford. 10tfnc '60 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1958 DKW HARDTOP, mile. age 46,000, recently repaint- ed, new snow tires, easy on gas, owner transferred over- seas; $500. Call 228-6860. 17* '58 (PONTIAC, automatic transmission, in good condi- tion. Cash only. Phone 235. 1781. 17* 14 Wanted To Buy '61 CHEV HARDTOP 4-door, fully equipped on HAVING PURCHASED Thos. Welsh & Sons saw mill in Hensall and operating it now I am in the market for logs and standing timber in this district, paying top cash prices. Special prices on good hard maple, cherry and soft maple logs or standing tim- ber. Contact: Gets Saw Mill at Hensall, phone 1; or write Gets Saw Mill, 290 Ashland Ave., London, 7:26tfnc CHESTERFIELD, used and in good condition. Six or 8 healthy African Violet plants. Phone 235-1925 Exeter. 10:17* I WILL PAY a good price for old and •pretty hand-painted china, and old glassware. Also need pitcher and basin wash sets, old brass and cop- per. jewellery, and attractive coal oil lamps with matching shades. Write Box R 12 Exe- ter Times-Advocate giving a description of articles. 17:24c SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 at 2 p.m. P. L. McNaughton, Sec'y-Treas. '59 METEOR SEDAN Radio, 6-cyl., 2-tone 17 Property For Rent HOUSE IN CREDITON, main street across from church. 2 storey 'brick home with ga- rage, 3 bedroom's, 4-piece bath, oil furnace. Possession Feb. 1. Phone 235-0416. 17tfnc '59 METEOR MONTCALM Fully equipped, red and white STORE on Main Street, op- posite the Exeter post office. Apply at Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 9:13tfn* 17:24c 1 Lost, Strayed SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED- Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfnc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, on dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66C61. 11:22tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting 'barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5:25*tfne 23 Legal Notices 13 For Sale '56 DODGE SEDAN Automatic, 2-tone '56 MONARCH 4-DOOR HARD- TOP STRAYED 'from lot 4, cone. 18, Stephen township, 1 Hol- stein steer, about 700 lbs., in late October or first part of November. Anyone knowing whereabouts apply Earl Tur- ner, RR 8 Parkhill, phone 294-6525. 17c APARTMENT, in Grand Bend, 4 large rooms, furnish- ed, heated, television, ample cupboard space, $75 a month. Rollie Sports & Cycle, phone 238-2418 Grand Bend. 11 : 22tfne 18 For Rent NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William John Slavin, late of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, Retired Farmer. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or 'before the 8th day of February, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy Barristers, &c., 18 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. 17:24c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed FLOOR SANDERS, electric, Beavers Crest Hardware, phone 235-1033, Exeter. 12: 13tfnc '60 ANGLIA 2-DOOR Perfect condition "Actually,-Rod didn't feel much like going out tonight." BealefeeneeeeeteieleneWeeellealineeMMEMEMOSOMMWSLIAM '50 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN Only $50 APARTMENT, suitable far two people, heat and hot water supplied. Apply Pen- hale Apts., 70 John St. east. 11:29tfne FURNITURE and appliances. We will furnish your home complete with furniture, tele- vision, electric washer and drier, refrigerator and range of your own selection and you may apply the rent on the purchase price if you de- cide to buy it. Sandy Elliot, phone 235.0585, 444 Main St. 17e Business Director '57 FORD HARDTOP Fully equipped PHONE 228.6214 South End Service. LOWER APARTMENT, 3- room, heated, 'private ent- rance, available immediately. Apply 512 Main St., Exeter, phone 235-2836. 12:6tfnc HOUSE, 3 'bedrooms, living room, dining room, oil heat, garage. Apply John Burke Ltd., Devon Bldg., Main St., Exeter. 12:6tfnc APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished, all utilities paid, available Jan. 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate, Box 109. 12:13tfnc DRY SLAB and body wood. Apply to Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232.4450 Nairn. 11:22tfnc RCA VICTOR "New Vista" Television and "Total Sound" Stereo. See the 1963 models. Sales and Service. Exeter Electric, 235-0730. 12: 13eowtfric ItaMMSMSHMIMMIMINMEMBNIUMMURAMMON I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Laye, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10: 4tfnc DRESSMAKING - Mrs. C. Aouilina. Any kind of sewing, alterations. Phone 235-1965. 17:24:31* ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 15 Wanted About one Canadian in five in the 65-69 age group now re- ceives the old age pension paid on proof of need. Russ and Chuck Snell PH 235.2322 EXETER YOUR WASTE PAPER-Save Your waste paper for Exeter Lions Paper 'Drive on Wed- nesday, January 23. Please put your paper at the side- walk 'by 1 p.m. 17c ROOMER or BOARDER. Ap- ply Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, phone 235-1077. 17* V111M:ingirg,'W.1:. *WIWW4ggt,f,41 6,6in ,V0.4,X,F.2**.*%:;*;•; exewereeeeeeeekeeeeeee eteeeeetweeeeee. FURNACES G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 HOUNDS - Red-boned rab- bit, coon and fox hounds, starting to run. Apply Oscar Miller, 2 miles west of Dash- wood, phone 44r7 Dashwood. 3:10:17* Guaranteed Installation Servicing and Cleaning * Sheet Metal Work * Saw Sharpening GARNET SHIPMAN 505 Andrew S. Exeter 17:24:31:7:24c C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9.12, 2 - 5 Tues, and Fri. Evening, 7 -9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 The Industrial Mortgage and Trust Company ts="12M%.4`kM.MMRSAMMP. s", OblV$4$$$M$$$$$$.%1 ..V..41$*.$X$ $ P$T * APARTMENT, 'in Exeter, 2 bedrooms, heated, 3 - piece bath, living room, laundry room, private entrance. Ralph Sweitzer, 53 James St., phone 235-2800. 12: 20tfnc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, modern and comfortable, Available im- mediately. The former Sim- mons Apartment Bldg., phone 235-2012, after 6 p.m. 12:13tfric SPARTON SIGHT, SOUND can be yours for less money at Exeter Electric, New 1963 TV and Stereo. Sales and Service. Exeter Electric, 235- 0730. 12: 13eowtfnc MARCONI MASTERPIECES-- "Award" and "Citation" mo- dels 'in TV and Stereo. We sell and service them. Exe- ter Electric, 235-0730 (beside Lyric Theatre). 12:13 eowtfnc SIMPLICITY 2-SPEED wring- er washers are guaranteed for 12 years, and our prices are very attractive. Sandy Elliot. 17c LADIES' FIGURE SKATES, CCM, size 7, in excellent con- dition. Very reasonable. Mrs. R. Blake, phone 235-0361. 17* SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 235.0963 EXETER 16 Property For Sale Capital and Guaranteed Funds BALANCE SHEET OCTOBER 31, 1962 CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate. 8:23tfnc HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath, in Exeter. Phone 235.1475. 17c APARTMENT, for one or two pqrsone, ground flioor, 3 rooms, bath, heated. Private entrance. Available Feb. 15. Phone 235-1055. 17c APARTMENT-Air condition- ed, one-bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, heated, central Main St., oc- cupancy Feb. 15, For par- ticulars, phone 235-2234. 17tfne FARMERS like the complete grinding and mixing on the farm services. Saves labour, time and 'is economical. Mo- lasses and Master concent- rates available. Kirkton Mobile Feed Services. Phone 107 Kirkton. 1:17-2;21* ASSETS Oct, 31, 1962 Dec. 31, 1961 $12,151,515 $10,583,480 357,800 370,515 5,070,382 4,728,802 268,710 267,260 1,017,380 816,361 427,396 385,827 1,027,811 275,916 286,019 295,745 65.333 39.161 20,672,346 17,763,067 6,153,314 5,164,278 V6,825,660 $227927,345 PERCY C. WRIGHT CROMARTY For the next auction sale, call the Wright Auctioneer. Phone Hensall 690r22 Collect Mortgages and Agreements for Sale Loans on stocks and bonds Dominion and Provincial government bonds Canadian municipal bonds Corporation bonds Preferred and Common shares Cash on hand and in banks Office premises and equipment Other assets BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C, C, V. LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER Snow Plowing WARTIME HOUSE, 2-bed- room, corner Anne and Marl- borough, immediate posses- sion. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2350. 12: 20tfnc MODERN BUNGALOW, 3- bedroom, with garage, Avail- able now. Phone 235-0454. 12: 27tfne DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons 24-HOUR SERVICE Car lots, driveways, garages, industrial lots, etc. Estates, Trusts and Agency funds LIABILITIES Guaranteed Account Trust deposits and interest Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Interest Provision for income taxes and other liabilities Gilbert Dow USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head 'Office - Exeter, Ont. $ 7,861,389 $ 6,946,143 11,359,841 9,392,231 34,298 21,280 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 2354233 Phone 235-2764 12:20-1:27c FINANCE yoUr car on our 6% discotnit plan. Phene Don Williamson, Commercial Credit Plan, 633 Dundas St., London, Ont., GE 3-1746. 3:10:1'7c FIRST CAPITAL Capital Stock Authorized-20,000 shares par value $50 each issued and fully paid, 12,700 shares par value $50 each Reserve fund Dividend payable, January 2, 1963 Balande-Profit and Loss accotint MORTGAGES Directors Milton McCurdy President Timothy B, Toohey Vice-President William H. Chafe RR 1 Kirkton RR 3 Lucan RR 4 Mitchell 635,00 635,000 635,060 635,000 31,750 31,750 115,068 101,663 20,672,346 17;763,067' 5,153,314 5,164,278 06,825,660 $22;927,345 a Charlton, General Manager FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETR IST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 ALUMINUM doors and win- dows, painting paperhanging, cabinet work of all kinds, tile floors etc. Tom Walker, phone Exeter 235-0722. 1:3tfnc OPEN FOR DANCING en- gagements, for peesentations and social parties "The Swing Slickers". Phone Cliff BrOck, Crediton 234-6495, 10:17c Estates, Trusts and Agencies E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cremarty THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1880 Contact Our Representativet JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE John Cowen, O.C. President BOARD OF DIRECTORS MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC CHARUS L, .14,40KENzit 13, coinni„ /Aim. PETER L, .RA3tMOND, B.A. Open Monday to Friday PHONE 235234 EXETER Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Herry Coates Centralia Clayton Ilarris Mitchell Solicitors Mackenzie & Reyinend Exeter ecritary-TreastIrer Arthur Fraser Exeter :john COwan, 0.0,0 President Sarnia Hatter Lackhatt, ViceePteeident , Sarnia iyilliam D. Ferguson, vido4tomdeht f 800tit matt= D. Mael<etilie FOroat John. If, Moffatt Watford George . W. Parker .* wtarfili Roger A, .WIISMI w .* w 4' V 'Mina.. Charles lietzied . . Wallotebtirg Calvert M. Carktithere, 10X., TP4 C4S6 Sari iii. Ilarrisbn dotoy , 6 Petrone; t.tegoty A, Hogoi Senile Gordon 11. BearrOW, Sarnia. Stanley Wilk . * V V 6 4 V Si * saints, W. Logan , 4 Strait 10 Livestock For Sale :HOLSTEIN IrtletItS, sZ1/2 years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due aeon, John rierendSen, phone '21r4 Kirk- ton„ 83 highway, 1'.i miles east of Farquhar* f:3,2:74! EXETER H.L. RIVERS, MANAGER, FOREST OFFICE IMISMOMMINOMMIMMIONSIONANIMIMIMMONI PHONE 235.1863 4