HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-17, Page 4Brinsiey gy PPRPON.' MOR L EY 40444 Adams Yiette4. 44. Ancl.Mr§, ,Stewart•Vtnokr spoon over the weekend. Miss Ida Hardy Ween.1 000 Strathrpy imp44. on Sundeye Mrs. Ruth Watson, who moved tq Exeter, was presented with dresser Ughts by the United . church Women at Ataegthucheld, At the home of Mrs, pi4FLOon on Tuesday, January 8, SIIParl.g4 Jerry Morley, parglyn Lewis are to receive awards from vnftectd church. Sunday School on January 20 for taioto attenciance during the pagt year.. Name /own committees Committees appointed by Henson council at its inaugural session last week include: Property committee, John Baker, Fred Broadley; street committee, Harold Knight and Jack Lavender; representatives to Mid-Western Ontario Deve- lopment Association, Reeve Jo- nes, and Mrs. Minnie Noakes, Recreation committee, John Baker, Jack Lavender, Rev. Curie, Mrs. Harry Horton, Eric Mansfield, Murray Baker, Oliver Jaques. Community park board, H. Knight, F, Broadley, Wilmer Ferguson, Jim Sangster, Cla- rence Lenaghan, Gerald Flynn, John Heal; library, Mrs. W.O. Goodwin, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. S.G, Ren- nie; Mrs. Keith Buchanan, Ro- bert Reaburn, Reeve Jones. Reeve Jonee was appointed relief administration for the year 1963. Representative to Au s able River Conservation Authority is Lorne Hay, and the building inspector is E.R. Da- vis. Ex-assessor area native By MRS. NORMAN LONG KIPPEN William Stogdill, 79, died in Toronto, January 3. He had been a native of Stanley Township. He had been in failing health for some months, and moved from Kippen to Sutton where he Was general merchant retiring a few years ago to Toronto. He was well known in the district and was assessor in Stanley Township a number of years ago. He is survived by his wife, the former Laura Dawson, and a nephew, E dgar Smith of Guelph. Funeral service was held S at- urday, January 5 from Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, with Rev. M. Morrison of Varna United Church in charge of the service. Interment was in Bay- field cemetery. ST. ANDREWS UCW The UCW of St. Andrews United Church, Kippen, held their meeting on Tuesday, Janu- ary .8 with group one in charge and 15 in attendance. Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Wilmer Jones were hostesses, and Mrs. John A. Cooper in charge of the worship. A chapter from the study book "The Word and the Way" was read by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. A Bible quiz was conducted by Mrs. Harold Jones and plans were made for a pot luck din- ner and quilting du ring the month of February. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love of Stratford Village, California, who spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, returned to their home and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Love who in tend spending a month or six weeks with teem. Mrs. Lloyd Cooper is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink- beiner of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs.Ern er sonAn- derson left by motor on Saturday for Florida where they will vacation a month. MARK 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Emerson An- derson celebrated their 25th wedding anreversery quietly, at their home on January 8. Those present included Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Campbell, Gregory The Mutual Life of Canada policyholders are accustomed to big dividends. The company is famous for its outstanding dividend record. The increased dividends that will be paid to policyholders in 1963 will further reduce the low net cost of their insurance. The Mutual Life has been providing policyholders with insurance coverage at the lowest possible cost since 1869 and has been applying the same principles to group insurance since the company entered that field. You can share in the dividends that go with Mutual Life of Canada policies. Your nearest Mutual Life representative will provide complete information on the advantages of Mutual Life of Canada protection. ,41111111/ El.,CTRQFFICgR$ The annual meeting of Cro- marty Presbyterian church wap held in the church basement on Thursday, January 10 with a good attendance. Rev, J.C, PoYne was appoin- ted as chairman and Mr. Jas, Miller, secretary. Reports of the past year were read. Managers elected for a three year term were; Elden Allen, Lloyd Miller, Carlyle Meikle. Mrs. Carter Kerslake was pa- nted to represent the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary on the board with the Ladies Aid and WMS to appoint representatives to the board at their next meeting. Officers elected for 1963 are; Secretary, Jos. Miller; treas- urer, Thomas Laing; trustee, Gordon Hoggarth, Nelson Howe, William Miller' i auditors, J.M. Scott, Gordon Hoggarth; Sunday Sehool superintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott, assistant, Mrs. C. McKaig; record secretary, Mrs. Sam McCurdy; every day secretary, Mrs. Thos. Laing. Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. C. Kerslake; library committee, Mrs. T.L. Scott, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs. M. Dow; ushers, J. Mc- Dougall, J. Wallace, Jas. Mil- ler, G. Carey, Duncan Scott Laverne Wallace; cemetery committee, Calder eVicKaig, T. L. Scott, Ken McKellar, Sam McCurdy, Tom Lain g, John Hoggarth. Approval was given the board of managers of the congrega- tion to have a new heating sys- tem installed in the church and to have the interior of the church decorated. PLAN BAKE SALE The Ladies Aid meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J.M. Scott with the president Mrs. Scott in charge. Miss Olive with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Boulianne. Mrs. Ezra Feist returned home Saturday after spending some time in South Huron Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hil- born and Kathy of Hanover spent the weekend with Mrs. Feist and Nola. A number of the young people of the United Church attended Toc Alpha held at Main Street Church Sunday evening. An in- teresting and informative even- ing was held. Mr. Isaac Gower returned home from South Huron Hospital Monday and is doing nicely. Teen Town will hold their regular dance Friday, January 18 at the Crediton Community Hall. Mrs. W. Mack visited with Mrs. R. G. Bailey of Galt. DRAIN TILE 4"—$SS per M Feet DeI'd. 5"—$85 per M Feet DeI'd. 6"—$110 per M Feet Dei'd. 7"—$155' per M Feet DeI'd. 8"-8185 per M Feet Del'd. Above prices based on 1000 Linear Feet, in full truckloads or more, delivered within 36 mile radius of our plant. For detailed prices on all sizes tile, either delivered or F,O,B, our plant at Elginfield, write or phone RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. RR 2 London Phone 227.4721 Lucan Products Of Genera! Motors Ii i Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sang- ster and family, London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Mi- nnie Sangster. Flowers at the United Church Sunday morning were in me- mory of the late John G. Cor- nell. Mr. V.M. Pyette of Yarker, near Napanee, will succeed Mr, K.K. Christian as bank mana- ger here. Mr. Christian is being transferred to Napanee. O.S. Jim Smale, RCN, Corn- wallis, N.S. has returned after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smale and David, Mr. R.M. Peck was taken by ambulance to Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday with a heart condition. Mrs. Laird Mickle spent a day last week in Kitchener, visiting her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David. Mr. Robert Lambi is a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital. The Misses Margaret May, and Susan Goman, of Exeter, were weekend guests with Ann Mickle. Mrs. Sylvia Bremner and Jerry McClinchey of Hensall shared the $130.00 jackpot at the. Legion Bingo Saturday night which went in 56 calls. Mr. James Mustard will cele- brate his 90th birthday on Sat- urday, January 19. Mrs. Sim Roobol and her daughter, Mrs. D.M. Dodds of Seaforth, returned home from Rochester, Minn., on Sunday. The CGIT of Carmel Church under the leadership of Mrs. Ross MacDonald, and assistant leader, Mrs. Ed Fink are ac- cepting used Christmas cards. They will make a pack and mail them to overseas missionaries. Cards may be left with CGIT members or at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr. enjoyed a few days in Que- bec over the weekend. Miss Elvira Churchill, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Shad- dick, and nephew, Bill Shaddick. 80 OFF PACK — 24 oz. Ivory Liquid Detergent 77c 100 OFF PACK — Quart tins Sirnoniz Liquid Vinyl Wax 99c /00 OFF PACK Tide Giant Size 69' Margene Margerine ttt.., 49c Carnation Intfaiit piekige Skim Milk Powder 794 12 BIG DAYS 1 BARGAINS FOR ALL THE MEN 1 Joynt's January Clearance • 0 • 0 • • 40 0 40 ••41 • •••••••••••••••••••• 40 40 40 4P • 41 41 It 40 41 41 40 40 11 41 41 41 40 41 40 41 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0 40 40 40 0 40 41 40 0 0 41 40 40 40 40•0•41 4! Starts gee January 181 ENDS SAT., FEB, 2 Shop and' Save T. C. JOYNT &SON Phone 62 Mensal! Crediton UC school to stress temperance Cromarty McK ELL.AR Per:4 Janwry 17, 1963 • Hensa and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Plume Mrs.Archie MacGregor, 'Phone eere*geeMeeeeeeeee*Itte24 By MRS. KEN PPeare led in devotions and Mrs.. Gerald Carey feVered. with a reading. During the business. Period plans were discussed for im- proving the bazaar, and er, rangemerete were made fer a bake gale at the March meet- ing. The hestess was assisted in serving lunch by Mrs. T.L. Scott and Mrs. R. Dodds, Kin support racial study PERSONALS Mrs, T.L, Scott and Mrs. M. Lamond attended the annuel meeting ef. Stratford Presby- terial in St. Andrew's church, $tratford on Friday. Mrs, William Sillery of Exe- ter visited on Thersday with milt at Dorchester and with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ghee and family, London. also Mc- By MRS. PREWATOR ORMPITON The 44444 meeting of the Crediton Upitecl Church Sunday School Wes bele oti FridaY even- ing, January ll, with a good etteedance, Reports were given from all classes showing a successful year. A temperance program is to be arranged for the last Sunday of each quarter, It was decided also that the Sunday School should close two Sundays during the summer months, A slate of officere, With the exception of superiptendent was Presented by the nominating committee, the superintepdent being ;eft for the session of the Church to procure. Teachers ere: Beginners, Doreen Kenney, Marlene King; primary girls, Mrs. N. Lam , port, Mrs. R. Reid; boys, Mrs. E. Neil, Mrs. H. Lightfoot; junior girls, Mrs. J. Galloway, Mrs. C. Kenney; boys, Mr. N, Lamport, Mr. R. Galloway; intermediate girls, Mrs. S. King, Mrs. R, Finkbeiner; boys Mr. R, Moon, Mr. Ed. Lam- port; Christian Helpers, Mrs. S. Klatt, Mrs. W. Mack; Adult Bible Class, Mr. Ed. Chambers, Mrs. G. Hill. Officers, associate superin- tendents, Mr. Ed. Lamport, Mr. Ed. Chambers, Mr. C. Kenney, Mr. E. Neil, Mr. N. Lamport; pianists, Doreen Kenney, Wendy liensell Kinsmen held a din- ner meeting Thursday at the Kosy Korner Restaurant, with president John Heal conducting the business session, Jim Hyde and Jim Orr were appointed a committee to look after a $50.00 draw which will be made February 28. Plans for the CKNX barn dance to be held at the local arenaSatur- day, January 19 were finalized. A cheque was sent to the chairman of Racial Relations Fund. This money is to help set up a commission to inves- tigate racial relations through- out the world. Each kinsman member in the association is asked to contribute $1.00 to- wards this campaign which will amount to over $12,000. Ron Wareing of Hepsall was a guest at the dinner, Neil, Judy Lamport, Ruth Hod, ge; treasurer and euPP1Y sece rregttaa rrYy: l,LaMighP940eptt4 l sect. tentience sec., Marlene King, Iand. Marilyn Galloway, Jean Enge Paper sec, Douglas Light, foot; program committee, Mrs. H. Reid, mrs. N. Lamport; missionary committee,'Mrs, E. Neil, Mrs. J. Galloway; tem- Perence Pomnlittee, Mee. S. King, Mre. examiners, Mr. and Mrs. L. Preszeeter. SCHOLARS RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Twenty scholars of the U.C. Sunday School received their Robert Railees Diplomas fee perfect attendance. They were: Bruce Hedge, Elaine Pfaff, Perry Preeecator, Glenda Pfaff, Diane Hodge, Bill Hodge, Sharon Hodge, Elva Finicbelner, Shirley Pfaff, Ruth Hodge, Wendy Neil, Bob Hodge, Ron Kenney, Brian Lamport, Judy Boulianne, Jim Finkbeiner, Richard Moon, Judy Lamport, Doreen Kenney, Douglas Light- foot, Diplomas were presented by Mr. N. Lamport. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES Service for Mrs. Leah Wind, 84, who died Tuesday, January 1 at her home, Lathrup Village, Was held Saturday, January 5. She was born at Crediton and was the daughter of the late Elizabeth and Charles Wolfe. She married Harry Wind in 1898 and had lived in the Detroit area 62 years. Her husband died November 2, 1959. She was a member of Metropolitan Methodist Church. Surviving are two daughters Mrs. Joseph Hanna, and Mrs. Richard Hopson, four sisters Mrs. Fred Gratton, Mrs. Simon Morloek, Mrs. Harold Moir and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser and one brother Roy Wolfe. Burial was in Acacia Park. Cemetery. UCW STUDIES KOREA At the UCW meeting held in the Sunday School rooms on January 10, Mrs. R. Reid gave an interesting study on Korea. Mrs. Jack Galloway was in charge of the worship hour assisted by Mrs. R. Finkbeiner. Mrs. G. Zwicker, president, was in charge of the business. Annual reports were read by the convenors of the different committees. It was decided to have a bazaar again in the fall. Mrs. R. Reid and Mrs. C. Kenney were named as a com- mittee to meet with the EUB Ladies to arrange the World Day of Prayer services for March 1. It was decided to send lay- ettes to the Hazelton United Church Hospital where Dr. Whiting is in charge. Hostesses were Mrs. G. 9wicker and Mrs. L. Hill. PERSONALS Mrs. W. Mack attended the annual meeting of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario held in Toronto last Thursday and Friday. She was reappointed as historical research and cur- rent event convenor for Ontario. Mr. Reg. Finkbeiner of Lon- don spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner. Miss Paula Boulianne of Lon- don visited over the weekend CORRECTION PLEASE The president of Hensall Le- gion Auxiliary, who was pic- tured in last week's paper, is Mrs. William Smale, not Mrs. Howard Smale as our caption read. The T-A regrets the er- ror. Church group plans activities UCW unit 4 at their meeting Thursday afternoon decided to have a quilting in February, to look after the church nursery in March and April and to provide flowers for the church in Sep- tember and October. Mrs. James McAllister re- viewed a chapter from the study book "The Word and the Way" and also conducted the business. Mrs. George Armstrong gave a New Year message and com- mented on the study book "On Asia's Rim." Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie read the Scripture. The unit will assist with the supper to be served at the annual congretational meeting Wed- nesday, January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Don Forrest, (nee Finlay) bridal couple, were honored at a reception and dance held for them in Zurich Com- munity Centre on Saturday Jan. 12 and were presented with a purse of money, Music was provided by Ken Mittleholtz. Chiselhurst unit to hold quilting Chiselhurst UCW met last Tuesday afternoon with Presi- dent Mrs. Percy Harris in the chair and 19 ladies present. The first chapter of the study "On Asia's Rim" was reviewed by Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Mrs. Russell Brace conducted the devotional assisted by Mrs. R. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Alf Ross sang a vocal duet. A quilting will be held at the church January 22 and a pot luck supper will be served at the annual meeting January 31, Mrs. Ross Riley and Mrs. Alvin Cole were lunch con- veners. Dime drive January 29 At the meeting of the Hensall Kinettes at the home of Mrs. John Deltz, Mrs, John Baker, general, chairman of the March of Dimes committee, announced the date for the canvass to be Tuesday, January 29 at 8 pm. The group need 15 volunteers besides their own members for this project which they are sponsoring. President Mrs. John Heal chaired the meeting and wel- comed an ex-Kinette, Mrs. George Sawyer, guest for the evening. A novelty game was enjoyed under the leadership of Mrs. William Clement with the win- ners being: Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Mrs. Bob Baker and Mrs. John Drysdale. Carmel group launches study At the meeting of Carmel Presbyterian WMS Mrs. Har- vey Hyde introduced the new study book, "On Asia's Rim." Mrs. Glenn Bell, Miss Han- nah Murray and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall conducted the de- votional. Discussions were held on the year's work and it was voted to plan a bake sale for the spring and a bazaar for the first Saturday in November. Mrs. Earl Campbell presided for the meeting. ber brother and OPter-404W, Mr, and Mrs. Will iornaton. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Scott and_ family of Goderich spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace.. Mr, and Mrs. Alen Gardiner leftOn Wednesday Pit a motor trip through the septhern States. Mr x and Mrs. John Wallace attended the fuperal of an uncle John A. Wallace Which took Piece in Stratford on Saturday from the NoMane-Oilbart fee neral home, Burial was le Pori- hank cemetery. Mrs. Ales Walker and daugh-. ter Kimberley spent the week with reletives in Lopdop. Mrs. Grace Scott has retur- ned home after visiting several weeks in Gedeelch at the home of her son, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited en Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law Mr, 'and Mrs, H.R. Currie and fa- The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Public health work outlined to Institute The company with the outstanding dividend record severed the roll call with "Food beginning with your initial and how to cook it." Mrs. Clarence Reid intro- duced the guest soloist, Miss Sharon Strong of Seaforth, who favored with several solos, Mrs. Ross33 roadf ootaccom- panted her at the piano. Other numbers on the program in- cluded readings by Mrs. R. H. Middleton and. Patricia Moir, selections including several spirituals by the CGIT girls of Carmel Presbyterian Church under the directionof Mrs. Ross MacDonald, leader, and Mrs. Ed Fink, assistant leader. Forty three members and guests were present. President Mrs. Fred Beer conducted the business and Mrs. Orr took the chair for the pro- gram. Program conveners were Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Clarence Reid; hostesses, Mrs. James B erigou gh, and Mrs. Pearl Koehler. Mr. George E. Walker is a patient in South HuronHospital, Exeter. 10163.1W Mrs. Maurice Tudor was guest speaker at the home economics and health meeting of Hensall WI held on Wednesday evening, January 9. She spoke on "Public Health Nursing" dealing with pre-natal classes for mothers and visits to hospital and upon re tur n home, medical and dental check ups before child goes into school and inoculations, Mrs. Tudor, a former public health nurse at Vancouver, B. C. gave an in- formative address. She was in- troduced by Mrs. A. R. Orr. Plans were discussed for the South Huron WI 60th anniver- sary being held in Exeter Legion Hall, Monday, January 28, with a banquet at 7 pm. Mrs. L. G. Lymburner will be guest speak- er and will show pietures of her trip to Australia as a delegate. Mrs. R.M. Peck read aletter from the institute's adopted child in Austria, Members an- dt400d otinsoh BOLOGNA 3 $l Sirloin STEAK 79: PORK HOCKS 251 SPARE RIBS 49c add Brenda of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Anderson, Exeter and Mrs. Arthur Andereon, PRODUCE Arizona White No, 1 96's GRAPEFRUIT 8 Von 49c FOR 29c 4 FOR 85c Imported cello 10.oz. No. SPINACH FROZEN FEATURE York 13.0z. chicken, turkey, beef MEAT PIES AL's HENSALL