HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-10, Page 4MIMSEZIMISUSCS"' By MRS. NORMAN LONG Save $401. I Frigid Aire 20 Cu. Ft. Freezers WE'VE BEEN SELLING THEM ALL 'YEAR AT $299.00! • ALL COPPER TUBING • ZINC-LINED CABINET • SIGNAL LIGHT ' • LID LIGHT & LOCK • 2 BASKETS • 2 DIVIDERS ' NOW ONLY $259 TOM URLIN Arva — Call Collect GE 2-7916 Open Evenings 'Til 9, Saturdays 'Til 5:30 WI 'hears child. Coop officials honor farmer Roy's UC and Marian .Ritchie Auxiliary .choose executive Hensall Legion, Auxiliary presidents take office Zone c-1 ComMander Doug Andrews Clinton, right, gives some advice to the new presidents of Hensall Legion and its Legion Auxiliary, Jack Simmons and Mrs, Howard Smale. Executives of both groups were installed last week during a special ceremony in the Legion hall. -- T-A photo Blake SY MRS. ppm. .F9,R.Rm. MiSe grO andfrientt.lAY* returned their Otte g .14 Maryland, Penn. after .spending an -Paterthle holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'g.Th" and .faro- Mr, and Mrs. Bert Faber of Kippen, visited Sunday wtttt .Mrst B1400111. Pesch of P140 John .Geiger spent last 4peic with mr, and Mrs. Donald son and family of Terente, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forrest, Mr.. Harold Finlay, John, ,Tim and Margaret were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. liars Old Hendrick and. Elaine, pf Daphsmed, Mr. and Mrs, grvin, Martin, have returned to the United States after visiting over the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Menno Martin and famil- ies. BeitIMMAIMIMISFISSMSWSSOSINTICSSMISISSESSWanagageralferMallS. "sm'13.inagNOIRMI 'Page 4 January 10,1963 Mr. and Mr's. Paul Decharme visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Max Duchar Me and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb and family visited Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Gingerich and family. Hensall Mrs. Kee Hogg 9f ThOrtitiale,. visited pa Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McKeilar, Mrs. John Wallace and Mar- garet qp.rter Kere- 14e and Joyce, Mrs. Jehri ferseM and Mrs, T. LaingWere among those whp attended the 441 Iipiriernaktng club achieve. Zl irtdd4nyy, Which wee held in Mit-- Pnel District High School Joyce Kerslake andMa.rgeret ATM Wallace were preSeeted with provincial honor pins and certificates at the achievement day for the project "Cotton Aceesseries for the Club Girls Bedroom" held lelVlitchell Dia- trtctnigh School on Saturday. Ina Jefferson and 4444 Scott were successful in winning comity honer Pine and certifi- cates. Mr. Filmer Chappel, who ,spent the holiday season with relatives in the West, returned home on Sunday. Mrs. Roy McChee is visiting in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family. '. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were Mr, and Mrs. D.G. Armstrong, Men- treal, Mrs. L. E. Abbiss, Torons to, Mr. Don Hosrnan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kitchen- er, Keeton, Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship. --Sydney Smith and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 'This must be the school my secretary attended." Township. Friends and relatives attend- ed from Burlington, London, Cromarty, Staf f a, Kitchener, Woodstock, Kippen, Mitchell and district. .Robert. Stirling Grahre Of let Z cons IQ Hibbert township died Sunday PecopPer 3o in the Stratford General Hospital where he had beep a patient for two weeltS. He was' born December 16, 1900, the son of the tate Hebert Gratini and Witherpina. Park and Silent his entire life gn the same farm. He was a member of Roy's United Church, serving as clerk of the church fpr the past 18 years. Surviving are his wife, the former Carrie McLean, Whoin he married on December 20, 1950; one stepaori, Anderson McLean; two sisters (Marjorie) Mrs. Stanley Hocking, and (Jessie) Mrs. Roy McCiil- loch, Hibbert, and three nieces, Mrs. Kenneth Davey, London; Mrs. William Benter, Mitchell; Mrs. Robert Wad dell, Kitch- ener. Funeral service was held at the Heath-Leslie funeral home Mitchell on Wednesday with Rev. A.H. Deynard efficiating. Mrs. Edward Gilek played the organ and Miss Caroline Chris- tie of London sang "Beyond the Sunset". The pall bearers were Vern Alderdice, Kippen; Charles Tubb and Donald Johns, Mit- chell; Fred Johns, Calvin Christie and. Donald Hocking, Hibbert. The directors and employees of Mitchell Co-operative at- tended in a body to pay their respects. Temporary entomb- ment was made in the Eliza-' beth Ritz Memorial chapel, Mit- chell with burial to follow in Roy's cemetery, Fullartpn Plan drive f©r dimes Dies on trip to hospital Skaters given special lessons Special figure skating in- struction lessons were held in Seaforth during Christmas holi- days under the private instruc- tion of Mr. Arthur Bourke, Stratford. Those attending were Mary Pattinson, Aylmer; John Hub- bell, Corunna; Mary Sills, Sea- forth; Judy Harmsworth, Sar- nia; Bruce Brady, Seaforth, and Pauline Bell, Hensall. Signalling the start of the 1963 March of Dimes campaign, Marching Mother Mrs. Orrin Williams called on the women of Hensall to volunteer their services for the campaign, Jan- uary 29. Fifteen volunteers are required and volunteer mothers are asked to contact Mrs. Ro- bert Baker Jr. and Mrs. John Baker. The Hensel' Kinette Club is sponsoring the March of Dimes and for the third consecutive year the mothers of Hensall have volunteered their services for this project. Committee includes Mrs. John Baker, chairman; Mrs. Robert Baker, recruiting; Mrs. William Fuss, publicity; Mrs. William, Clement, supply and Mrs. Homer Campbell, finance. By MRS. .1, TEMPLEMAN . STAFFA Mrs. Arthur Kemp, a former member, was gtiest speaker at the Staff?, WI on Thursday after- noon. she spoke on the ertgin of the calendar. Mrs. TOM Lain presided and gave a short paper On the Christmas rose. A letter Was read from the 1001 which the Institute$e adopted child attended also a card was passed around that had been received from the child. Mrs. gussell Worden pre- sided for the business. Mrs. John Templeman told about the local leaders training.school which she attended on window treatment. Plans were made for a card Party in Staffa Hall on Friday evening, Jan. U. Mrs. Carter Kerslake gave a five minute talk on the people of the Maritimes. Miss Eliza- beth $reale favoured with a solo. Everyone displayed their most unusual Christmas gift. An ex- change of gifts was enjoyed at the close. Hostesses were Mrs. Tom Laing, Mrs. Ruby Reed, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and the hos- tess, Mra. Ross Smale. GIRLS Hibberts' Little Lassies and their leaders, Mrs. John Wal- lace and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, attended the 4-H homemakers achievement day on "Cotton Accessories For the Club Girls Bedroom" which was held in Mitchell District High School on Saturday Jan. 5. Misses Margaret Wallace and Joyce Kerslake both received provin- cial honours on Saturday. Miss Kaye Worden commen- ted on the Hibbert's Little Las- sies display and also told about her week in Toronto and Ottawa as a delegate to National 4-H week. PERSONALS The young people from Staff a, Roys, Zion and Mount Pleasant United Churches enjoyed a hay ride party on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 26 followed by lunch in the Family Life Centre of Staffa Church. Eric Norris and Terry Day- nard from the OAC Guelph spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daynard. Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman were; Mr. and Mrs. William Rowcliffe, Hensall, Mrs. Ernest Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Armes and family, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. EldridMeNicol and Mr, George Miller, London visited on Sunday with Miss Margaret and James Miller, Mr. George Miller remaining for a few days. John G. Cornell, 38, of Hen- salt, died Monday evening en- route to hospital at London. He was an employee of Thompson's Elevators. Surviving is his wife, Jean, three sons William, Beverley and Gregory all at home, father, William P. Cornell of Appin; brothers, Gordon, London; George, Dutton; sister, Mrs. Gordon (Marion) Nesbitt, Riverside. Remain s at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall. Ar- rangements incomplete. Resting at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, where public services will be held Thursday, at 1.30 p.m. conduc- ted by Rev. Harold F. Currie. Interment will be in Longwood Cemetery, Melbourne. Tractor dealer, J. H. Hyde dies Former minister goes to Toronto Rev. George C. Vais, a for- mer minister of Carmel Pres- byterian Church, Hensall, and more recently of St: Gile's Presbyterian Church, Galt, has accepted a call to North Park Church, Toronto. By MRS, KEN McKEL1.AR cfzOMA4TY The annual Meeting of ReY'S UCW was held at the home of Mrs, 'rhos, Colvitionn, With Mrs. Harvey Pow presiding, Mrs. John Hocking and Mrs. Harold pridharn led the worship service. Rev. A. H.Daynardpresented the topic, dealing with the government of the Anglican church, comparing the different levels with that of the United Church. Mrs. John Hocking named the slate of officera for 1963 as compiled by the nominating committee. Past president is Mrs. Mur- ray Christie; president, Mrs. Norman Dow; vicesPresidents, Mrs. Harvey Dpw, Mrs. Elmer Dow; recording secretary, Mrs. Russell Miller; correspoeding secretary, Mrs. George Neil; treasurer, Mrs. Murray Christie; Christian education and literature sec., Mrs. John Hocking; Christian citizenship sec., Mrs. Stirling G r ahm; Christian Steward sec., Mrs. Ross McPhail; pres s, Mrs. Harvey Dow; social committee, Mrs. Fred Johns, Mrs. Elmer Dow, Mrs. Don Johns, Mrs. Don Hocking; supply and relief committee, Mrs. Harold Prtd- ham, Mrs. Mervin Nairn, Mrs. Tom Colquhoun; member to board of stewards, Mrs. Fred Johns; member to p ff ici al board, Mrs. Norman Dow. ELECTS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxil- iary' was held in the Sunday School room with 14 members present. Mrs. Lloyd Miller pre- sided and was assisted in the worship service by Mrs. C. Kerslake, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. J. Templeman, Mrs. L. Elliott and Miss 0. Speare. Mrs. N. Harburn reviewed the concluding chapter of the study book on the "Down Town Church", with Mrs. M. Dow assisting. Mrs. Dow also con- ducted a contest. The various secretaries gave their annual reports and officers for 1963 were elected. President is Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler; vice-presidents, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Harold Parsons; secretary, Mrs. Eldon Allen; assistant, Mrs. Gordon Laing; treasurer, Mrs. Norman Bar- burn; assistant, Mrs. Eldon Al- len, pianists, Mrs. Gordon Laing, Mrs. Sam McCurdy; Work committee, Mrs. Ger- ald Carey, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Gordon Scott and Mrs. Sam McCurdy; welCome and welfare, Mrs. John Templeman; flower convener, Mrs. Duncan Scott and Mrs. John Miller; birthday box, Mrs. Duncan Scott; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. Jas. Miller; supply sec., Mrs. Lorne Elliott; nominating com. Mrs. Norman Harburn and Mrs. Gordon Scott. WMS STUDIES ASIA At the WMS meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs. T.L. Scott, introduced the new study book "On Asia's Rim". Mrs. T. Laing presided and conducted the worship period. Mrs. Sadie Scott used the words "Hitherto has the Lord Helped us" as the theme for her topic. The president Mrs. McKaig had charge of the business. Mrs. M. Lamond reported on the work being achieved by the Canadian' Bible society. Mrs. N. Harburn conducted a Bible quiz. The hoSteSs Was assisted by Mrs. Lamond and Mrs. W. per during the Social hoar. NEW YEAR VISITORS Mr. and Mrs!Ed, Dick with Mr.mid Mrs. Harry Sterns at Snnry. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Ramsey and children of Listowel and Mr. anti Mrs. W. Ilulley and Welly With Mr. and MrS. 'Alen RamseY. Mr, arida/it's. Alf Ross, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elden Allen and family with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. and Mrs, Keith McLaren, Misa Wanda McLaren, and Miss Norma Parkhpuse of Hamilton With Mr. and Mrs.StephenKen- drick of Windsor. New year's Day visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and girls was Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and family, Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Lipyd Miller, Dianne and Ronnie visited New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, Cromarty. Mrs. Mary Templerpan and Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman and family visited New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. George Neil, Russeldale, visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Miller and family, IVir. and Mrs. Eldrid McNicol, London, visited Wednesday evening with Miss Margaret and James Miller. Mr. George Mil- ler returned home With them. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, Cromarty. Mr. Lloyd Crawford of Tor- onto was home with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford for the holiday. Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace were Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Mar- garet Ann and Debbie, Mr. Bob Parkinson, Mr. Murray Finlay- son, Miss Carol Howe, Mrs. Harry Elliott, Susan, Ronnie, Stephen and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner with Mr. Henry Eggert at Ro- stock. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie of Komok a with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. McKel- lar, Gary and Paul of Seaforth with Mr. Lindsay McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hulley, Bobby, Sandra and David, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Jackie McGhee of London is holidaying with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee. The Harry Norris family home with their father. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar- diner, Larry, Shirley, Barbara, Ronnie and Brenda with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shute, Kirk- ton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamil- ton with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sadler, Staffs. PERSONALS Mr. Robert Hamilton attended the funeral of a cousin, Mr. Harry Prebble, at St. Tomas on Thursday. Miss Joyce Dow has accepted a position in the office of Stacey Bros. Creamery in Mitchell. Miss Carol Howe has retur- ned to London where she is attending Wells Academy. Mr. Hugh Scott returned to Guelph where he will resume his studies at OAC Mrs. Alen Crag and Mrs. Alan Somers, St. Mary's and Kin pay $500 for pucksters At the executive meeting of Hensel' Kinsmen held at the home of President John Heal it was noted that $98 had been paid to Hensell arena for ice time for minor hockey so far this season and over $500 will be paid for minor hockey for the hockey year. Plans were finalized for the CKNX barn dance to be held in the arena Saturday, January 19, The next meeting will have a guest speaker and films from the Ontario Hospitalization De- partment. ORM John H. Hyde, 66, died sud- denly on Thursday, January 3 in Clinton PublicRospital. He was a native of Grey Town- ship, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hyde. He farmed in Stanley Township before tak- ing over the Allis-Chalmers tractor and implement agency over 25 years ago. Surviving are two brothers, Alex, Kippen; Latirier, London; one sister, Mrs. Gordon (Erna) Herdman, Buffalo. One brother, Howard, predeceased him in 1948, Funeral service was conduc- ted by Rev. Ross MacDonald from the Bonthronfuneralhome on Saturday, January 5 with interment in St. Andrew's cemetery, North East Hope. A masonic service was held on Friday evening by Huron Lodge 224, AF&AM. Pall bearers Were Nelson Hood, William McLachlan, Er- nest Talbot, Gordon Schwalm, Robert McKenzie and Stewart Bell. Install officers at UC service Rev. H.F. Currie installed the executive of the Hensall UCW at the morning service at the church, January 6. Past president is Mrs. E.T. Rowe; president, Mrs. Walter Spencer; vice-presidents-Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. Jim Taylor; recording secretary, Mrs. R.M. Peck; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Edison Forrest; treas- urer, Miss Mary Goodwin; unit leaders, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mrs. Dave Kyle, Mrs. J. McAllisterapian- ist, Mrs. T.J. Sherritt. Chairman, finance commit- tee, Mrs. John Heal; community friendship and visitation, Mrs. Laird Mickle; literature, com- munications and periodicals, Mrs. Douglas Cook; dance com- mittee, Mrs. Sherritt; press and publicity, Mrs. Jim Taylor; supply and social assistance, Mrs. Albert Alexander; nomin- ating chairman, Mrs. W.B. Cross; co-operation in Chris- tian and missionary education, Mrs. James McAllister; Chris- tian citizenship and social ac- tion, Mrs. Ian McAllister. To honor manager The citizens of Hensall and community are having a fare- well dinner in honor of Mr. K.K. Christian, manager of the Bank of Montreal for the past eight and a half years who is being transferred to the Hank of Montreal at Napanee. Dinner will be held at the HenSall Arena Tuesday, Janu- ary 22 at 6.30 pm. Tickets for this dinner limited to 150, May be obtained at Wilson's Drug Store, Joynt's Mens Wear and Crest Hardware. FOR QUALITY, FLAVOR, SAVINGS! Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert visited on New Year's day with the for mer' s mother, Mrs. Dickert of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner of Crediton spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Mr. Buck Dennison of Camp Borden and Mr. Harold Barker of RCAF Clinton were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Robinson and family. Wed- nesday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson and family of London. New Year's visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber included Mr. Alvin Rader and family, Zurich, Mr. Don Rader and family, DashwoOd, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Penhale and Ricky, Hay- field. Mrs. Wm. Kyle is apatient in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Bert Faber visitedSun- day with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch of Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hutchi- son of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of Staffa Were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mrs. Peter Grldzak and Mi- chael spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson of Cen- tralia. PERSONAL Mr. John Hyde, Windsor, Mrs. Wallace (Louise)Stephen- son, Exeter, Miss Jean Hyde, London, Mr. and Mrs. P. (Eve- lyn) Yacknovets, Oshawa, Miss Marjorie Hyde, London, visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kip- pen, and attended the funeral of their uncle, John H. Hyde. Rolled Pot Roasts T-Bone Steak Head Cheese Pork Shoulders F.E. PRODUCE Ontario Cello No. 1. 451 79> 79a 39: 3-pound hag 29c PER TIN Delicious Apples Mexican Na. 1 ICI-ounce package 25c Personal items Mrs. Minnie Sangster, who spent the holidays with mem- bers of her family, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stret- ton and family, Lucan, spent the weekend with her. Mr. and Mrs. George Ihgram and Mrs. Earle Sproat were New Year's guests of Mr. Allah Johnson of Kippen. Mrs. Sproat also attended a family Christ- maS dinner party Of twenty at the Dufferie House, Centralia. Mr. Lorne Hay is a patient In Scott Memorial. Hospital, S Oaf or its and is recovering nicely train an operation. Mr, Alex Munn it a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. The Legion bingo jackpotthis Saturday will be $130.00 in el Calla, with twb door prizes, The Misses Ruth Ann Tra- ciiiair, and Ruth Ann Herne, of St. Thotnat, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Queen. Mr. arid IVirS. Archie Mae- Gregor spent the W ee k e nd visiting with Mr. and MrS. DoS MacLaren in Toronto. Mr.- Ale* (Sandy) Mlinn, Who MS been a patient in St. JO- seph's HoSpital, London, Was able to return hOrne On Monday. Mr. Roy Smale, who has been receiving treatment in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for the psJst 'several weeks was able to 'rebate hOMe thiS week. FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL prompt, Confidential SerVite THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE 6t. TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 entect Our Representative: JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 235-1863 EXETER 24-6unta package 59c 2-pound 1340 49c Cello Tomatoes FROZEN FOOD Highliner Haddock Fish & Chips sotto,. Poly Peas "ZIP" 15-ounce tin Dog Food EA, 9C CASE OF 48 $4.27 York Brand Vegetables 3410UND ECONOMY PACK Rose Margarine 55g CARDS N FA-rai tunnce tins Kernel Corn 3 FOP 39c iti,ok4 this Peas, peas & carrots, Wax' rans, green beans, beans With pork 10 FOR' 994 YORK KERNEL CORN 040. 10 POR 990