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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-10, Page 3Saintsbury
TimPfAlivOcilif 4aiWary 10,190 PAIR 3
Kirkton $ervices of prayer
planned at 'Crediton,
of the tatter's sister,. Mrs. Leah
Wind of Detroit,.
Miss Pearl ratirner is spend,
log a few days in London.
Blind airnpaign -
just $35 short Grand Bend group ,
Fall campaign for the Cana- •
Blind eiciret quite make its obe C 110 OS es executive dian National Institute for the
Lorne Chappell, Crojnarty.
Saturday evening guestS with
Mr, and Mrs. E. ee Paton were:
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morrison and
family, et, Marys, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Paton and family of the
third line, Mr. ,and Mrs. Lyle
Paton, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Garlick and Kevin, Lon-
Dalen and Duane Ferns of St.
Thomas have been visiting with
their grandparents,Mr.and
Mrs. E. L. Paton.
The winter project for the
441 Girls will be "Being Well.
Dressed and Well Groomed",
Each girl will be reqeired to
make a cotton dupter,The girl*
wishing to take this project.may
get in touch with Miss ,Karee
Taylor or Mrs. Roy Moreez.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jen-
nison left on Sunday foe Flor-
jantiye, according to the final
tePort of Chairman P.P. Taylor
issued this week,
Contributions totalled $965.-
'25, just short of the $1,000
The past year's campaign fell
about $13 short of the 1961
"After coming so close be-
fere," said Mr. Taylor, "we
had hopes we could reach our
objective in 19 e 2. However,
we'll try again in 1963."
Contributions' by community:
Exeter . , . $648.00
Centralia . . . . , . . .1'7.75
Crediton , . . , • 78.50
Dashwood. . ,... 36.60
RCAF Centralia . . . 179.40
Woodham , . , 5.00
Total . . . . . .., $905.25.
Kin pledge
Mrs. A.Pollock
dies at 91years
Mrs. Alvira Pollock, the for-
mer Alvira Mollard, and widow
of the late Sol Pollock died in
Victoria hospital, London, Sun-
day January 6 in her 91st year.
Born on the. Mollard. Line
near Grand Bend she also lived
there all her life where she and
her husband farmed. He died
in 1949. She was a member of
Grand Bend United church.
Surviving is one daughter,
Mrs. Donald (Madeline) Webb
of Lansing, Michigan and one,
son Gordon, of Detroit; four
grandchildren and three great-
The body rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman funeral home
until Wed. January 9 when fu-
neral services were conducted
by Rev. E.J. Roulston and inter-
ment made in Grand Bend ceme-
tery. Nephews of the deceased
were pall bearers.
$t. Paul's Fellowship Club
met on Supday evening In the
church basement. Ken Blackler
led in the devotiopal period.
The nomipatinge orn Mitt ep
presented their elate of efficere
for 63.
President is Gerald Paul;.
Vice-president, Ken Blackler;
secretary, Joan McCormick;
treasurer, Norma Paul; mem-
bership convertor, Harold
Davis; transportetion, Bill
Waghorn; devotional, B r ns
Wackier; special events, .Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Payn-
ter visited. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg. Doupe, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler,
Philip, Wendy and Jane visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Carruthers of Stratford. Robert
returned home after spending a
few days holidaying with his
aunt and uncle.
New Year's visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Roger were:
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson,
Jill and Peter, London, Mr.
Fred Cross, Mr. and Mrs.
George Cross and boys, Byrdp,
Mr. and Mrs. David Roger and
Danny, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. L.W.M. Freele
dies in hospital,
Dr. L. W. M. Freele of Grand
Bend, formerly of. Glencoe, died.
in Westminster Hospital, Lon-
don, on Tuesday, Japuery 8.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Margaret Leitch, two
daughters, Mrs. Jack (Betty)
Rogers, Dorchester; Mrs. John
R. (Mary) Qraharn, Toronto;
two sons, Morgan, Sarnia, and
Clinton, Grand Bend, two bro-
thers, Dr. Roy S. Freele, Wind-
sor, and Harold Freele, Wind-
Funeral services will beheld
in St. John's church, GI encoe on
Friday, January 11 at 2 pm with
interment in Oakland cemetery.
NEW YEAR GUESTS quet at Ilderton recently ,and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire the Atkinsons' were guests with
and boys; /mean; Mrs. Ri ehaeo Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley,
Dickies, Exeter, and Mr. and Denfteld' Saturdayevening" li es. earl Atiensen with Mr; Mr, and Mrs. To Rees with
and Mee. Harvey Latta and Mr. and Mrs. Jill Wilson,
Exeter, on Tuesday, and on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickens Saturday night Mr. and Mrs.,
with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Albert S ith' London, were
MacDonal_ d on Tuesday; with gnests with the Rees family.
Mr: and Mrs. Gorden Maines Mr. and Mrs. George Atkin-
on Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. son and faretlY, London, on
Hugh Davis on Saturday. Tuesday with George's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Atkin-
and family with Mr. and Mrs. son and on Saturday evening
Ross McFalls on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Me/nice and
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis Joan were guests with the
with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Els- Atkins°n&
ton on Monday; with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson
Mrs. Gorden Maines, Russel- Were New Year's eve guests
dale, Wednesday; with Mr. an d with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Phillips,
Mrs. Jim Young, Luca.n, Tues- London, and New Years day with
day and the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Glazier.
and Mrs. Albert Dickins and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Drought,
family, Lambeth. Centralia, and Miss Nyle
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee Greenlee, Dashwood, and friend
and boys and Ivan Kirk with were Saturday evening guests
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green- with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green-
lee Tuesday. lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Barker on Sunday and
with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mc-
Lean, Elginfielci, New Year's
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green-
lee and boys with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Tindall, New Year's
Week of Prayer services will
be observed here on Wed., Jan.
16 in the EUB church, and on
Thugs., Jan. 1.7 in the United
Church, Both services will be
at 8:00 pm.
The meeting of the WSWS
of the EUB church was held
Thursday evening, Jan. 3 in the
church school roems..
A piano duet by Mrs. F.W.
Morlock and Mrs. Emery Fah-
nee was followed by the de-
votional and solo by Nola Feist,
The study book "The Christ-
ian Mission of East Asia" was
given by Mrs, Emerson Wein
and Mrs, F. W. Morlock. The
program closed with a candle-
light service for the New Year.
During the business, reports
for 1962 were given by the dif-
ferent committees.
World Service Day is to be
observed Sunday, Feb. 3.
The boys and girls Fellow-
ship of the EUB church was held
January 4. It opened with a re-
cord and prayer by Rev. Sch-
Business was conducted by
Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner. A story
was told by Rev. Schlenker, and
Mrs. Finkbeiner gave a talk
on missionaries in Sierra
Mr. and Mrs. William Oes-
tricher spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green,
Thursday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. William Bender and
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Becker and
Brenda were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Caswell and Dennis of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butler
of Nashville, Tennesse. Mr.
and Mrs. Butler are members of
Grand Ole Opera troop who
have been on tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Varley and
family attended the funeral of
the former's father, Mr. Henry
J. Varley, who died at his late
residence in Parkhill on Wed.
January 2. The funeral was
Saturday Jan. 5 from the M. Box
and Son Funeral Home with in-
terment in Parkhill cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCann
of Clinton visited over the week-
end with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Margaret Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Feist and
boys of Waterloo visited Sunday
with Mrs. Mary Faist.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser
attended the funeral onSaturday
Mr. Frank Parkinson and
Glenn werarecent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier,
Miss Donna Cowley, St.
Thomas, spent Monday evening
with Miss Avis Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bryan
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vin Baker and Marion, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Hodgins and family
were Saturday night guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pullman,
Mitchell, and Mrs. David Tay-
lor, Cabri, Saskatchewan visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Cleve Pullman.
Mrs. Melville Gunning and
Muriel also Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Shamblaw, Kirkton, visited on
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith, Belmont.
An executive meeting of the
UCW was held onMonday after-
noon at Mrs. William'Morley's
The first Euchre of the season
was held at the school house on
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Laverne Morley in charge.
Winners for the evening were:
Ladies high, Mrs. Wm. French;
gents high, Wm. French; lone
hands, Wm. Morley; consola-
tion, Ken Hodgson.
The W.A. of St. John's-by-
the-Lake held an election of
officers on Monday Jan.
Honorary President is Mrs.
Ray Farrell; presidept, Mrs.
Maurice Ticiernan; vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Lloyd Baker; sec-
retary, Mrs. Frank Plumb
treasurer, Mrs. Newman
Sharon; Dorcas secretary and
helper s, Mrs. Wm, Rendle,
Mrs. E. Wilson, Mrs. B, Pugh,
Mrs. R. Verhaye.
Press, Mrs. John Aselstyne;
birthday box and flower fund,
Mrs. Lloyd Baker; penny-a-day
fund, Mrs. J. Cutting; social
secretary, Mrs. B. Cox; 1963
auditors, Mrs. Nola Taylor,
Mrs. Ken Young.
Rev. C.A. Brittian has been
confined to his home for the
past two weeks. Rev. E. Rouls-
ton of Exeter conducted the Sun-
day morning worship services
in Grand Bend United Church.
Rev. and Mrs. Roulston were
dinner guests with. Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and
family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter
of London,Mr. and Mrs. S.K.
Salton, Ruth Marie and Jerry
of Mitchell spent New Years
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes
and family.
Miss Donna Holmes of Strat-
ford and Mr. Jack Keyes of
Mitchell spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gratton
flew TCA from Toronto to Flor-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Deters
of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Love, Miss Kathryn Love
of Shipka and Mr. Fred Lobb
of Brucefield were birthday din-
ner guests on Sunday in honor
of Mrs. Elmore Datars with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars and
Exeter Kinsmen Club has
pledged 8.1;1,500 donation toward
the swimming pool project.
Kin approved the donation,
which will be made "on break-
ing of the sod", at their meeting
Thursday night at the Dufferin
Hotel, Centralia.
Members of London East club
presented the local group with
the zone's "Raider's Tro-
phy"--a paid of grey rabbits--
for temporary keeping. Exeter
club now must award the "tro-
phy" to another Kin group. The
program is designed to encour'
age inter-club visits.
Kinsmen are making plans for
their second annual club bons-
piel this Sunday. Past president
Art Clarke is in charge of the
President Cal Wein presided
for the meeting.
, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tha-
cker and family were New Years
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Pattison of St. Marys.
Mrs. Lottie Jones of St.
Marys and Mr. Ross Jones of
London were New Years guests
of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamJones.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Grasby and
Debbie of London. They attend-
ed the funeral of the latter's
great uncle, Joseph Petch of
Strathroy on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford
of Granton spent Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Lottie Jones spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
William Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop-
er and Jeanette were Saturday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Timms of Baseline.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lake,
Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Fairbairn and family, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill John-
son and boys, New Years. Mr.
and Mrs. Alf Shannon and boys,
Sault Ste. Marie, on Friday
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill John-
son and boys visited with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Lake on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Donald with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll New Year's eve
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley
with the Carrells on Thurs-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Car-
roll, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll with Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Shipley, Lucan,
on Friday evening.
Mr. Arnold Cunningham and
family, Mr. Arthur Coates, and
Mr. Ken Wilson were Wednes-
day evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Latta and
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Latta and family, Clande-
boye, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Latta.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Barker attended the
Federation of Agriculture ban-
son is a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London having under-
gone an appendix operation last
Friday evening.
Several relatives from here
attended the funeral of Mr.
Robert Smith at Thedford on
The Berean Bible Class of
the United Church will hold their
meeting on Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sel-
bourne English.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks
attended the funeral of Mr.
Honsberger of Vineland on Wed-
nesday and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Brown attended the funeral of
her brother, Mr. Smith , at
Collingwood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock
and Bill were New Years eve
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Strong in. Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lankin,
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hern and family were Friday
evening visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Brock and family.
Mrs. Ross Here of Detroit!
spent a few days at her home
during the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hern were last Friday evening
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Kerslake and family,
"I can't understand it. At
home you're always ready with
a smart answer."
A dollar bill, once broken, iz
never a dollar agin.
Rev. E. J. Roulston of Exeter
has taken the service in the
United Church the past two
Sundays owing to the illness of
the minister, Rev. C. A. Brit-
tali). In the absence of the
organist , Miss Evelyn Curts,
Mr. Foster of Exeter was
organist on Sunday.
Mrs. Eldon Steeper is a pa-
tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPher-
son of Toronto spent a few days
last week with Mr. Harold Pol-
lock and Miss Ruby Pollock.
Mrs. Harold McDonald spent
a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Southcott and
daughters in Toronto.
Mrs. Don Hyder and Teresa
of Avon are visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Steeper, Wayne and Bill.
A presentation was held in
Corbett Community Centre last
Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hodgins who had moved
to Parkhill.
Janis Eagleson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Eagle-
nd a a
tram the
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