HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-03, Page 9Jack Smith's
Trade-In VVatch
Dr. Borden Sanders, Janet litMeitteraeleMeen.sientatele
and David of Weiland, Dr.
Brittain Sanders, Mrs, Sanders
and Charles of. Toronto, Mrs.
Ida Sanders of London and Mrs.
Richard Creech of Exeter with.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rundle and
Larry, Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Brintnell and baby, all of Wood-
ham, Mr. Frank Levy and
daughters of St. Marys and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Wilson and lam-
U of Lakeside with Mr. and
Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, Ron and
Mr. Don Love and Miss Mary
Davidge of Toronto, Ceara Love
of Sarnia, Fred Lobb of Bruce-
field, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars
and family of Grand Bend on
Sunday and Mr. and Mrs, Clar-
ence Hardy and family of Lu- Grace McKenzie, London, Mr.
can, Misses May and Maud Bill Mayer, Port Credit, Mr.
Hodgins and Mr. Mansell Hod- and Mrs. Robert Mayer and gins on Christmas Day with Mr. Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ross Love and Kath- Bob Duncan, Exeter. Mr. and
'ryn, Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Staffa, with
Mr. and. Mrs. jack Corbett Mr. and Mrs. John Tempteman and Al, Mr. and Mrs, Ross on Sunday,
Corbett and faniiiy, all of Hen- Air, and Mrs. Lyle Warden,
sail, Air, and Mrs, Les Adams, Mrs. W, Fell and Lorne, Mr.
Harvey and Gloria, Mr. and and Mrs. Alvin Worden and
Mrs. Don Adams, Mark and family, all of Staffa, with Mr.
Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Mrs. Russell Worden. Morenz and Billie, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Duncan,
Mrs. Harry Chapman of Lon- Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Will
dot, ABAF Ernest Moron of Miller. Cromariv, with Mr. and Sheai'water, N,S. and Miss Di- Mrs, Lloyd Miller.
ane Hood of Grand Bend with Mr, and Mrs. Peter. Pidgeon Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz, and (Aleph, Mr. and June and Sharon on Christmas Mrs. Tom Kay and family,
Day. Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Me-
Mr, and Mrs. Alton Comfort, Keller and Bill, London, with Air, Roy Comfert, Miss 'Marilyn Mrs, C. Drake.
Cook, all of Fehwick, and Mr. ,eAlr, and Mrs. James Norris,
"d Mrs' Gars" Brady, Greg Brampton, Mr. Eric Norris, • and Gayle of Welland, Mr. and Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs, ilMINtentalfttneaterMINIMMIESMI Mrs, Milton SWeitzer and San- Sam Nortis.
dra, Mr. and Airs, Jack Pinker,
This week ih Away for Christmas ing and Terry with Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Carter Kers-
Mrs „Stuart Sweitzer and font- Winchelsea iii' lake And family with Air, and
Mrs, Bill Billing, Mitchell.. Miss EleAtion Sharpe and Air, and .1.,6sue
Arts, Norm McCallum of Loh-
"By MRS, WILLIAM WALTERS and girls with Mr. and Airs. don, Mr, Glen Sharpe of Guelph B.Avniond Munro, and Mr, and Mts. Matt Swell, „it,, and Mrs. Russell Miller' zee with Air. and Mrs. Verne "' attehded a family gathering in Sharpe, BusSeldale Air, and MPS, Grant Halting- ke ton and family of Arkoria With.
e, and' with
ir, and
u"a 'n d l7 s7, Mrs. Harrington's parents,
and Mrs. Robert Adams and bli6ilfIll :Freale and family, Lam-
Mr. and Alta, Cliff Rnssell
with relatineS in Essex. and Kat-n will Mr and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert llart Pet" Willard flteter, - Alr. And Mrs„ Arthur Kanto
Air. and WS, Earl Guen- and family in Stratferd with the, %lanai and Karan with Mr,. Pearl Eraheiq And lien, And WS, Clyde Nicholson and ,„,„. 0„.0 8t,otio.p family at. Brig den on Christmas and Day. " Nenttean 7ron, Mr and Mrs, Chris Baum , A of, t 46,1 „,
Often with Mr. And Mrs.
Charlie growl.) At Bothwell, ii,',,T .,i,Lv.A1'1'1 1,4,6y0i.,1 4 11, In
Mr. and 1\41,8, Halts, shobiled 1/4,,tr[
end tits,
rtriv 1400)66, oCrOt eRet,CTG IOitNwAl rienotrired iaraet
and Dave, who, Was home from p „(., Mel, Harold 'tltts OtildeS of RCAF 'Centralia TOMO, with Att, and Mrs! Art A'arwi andr4hi 11 had receiVed $1.(tS in singing ThOmpson And family At Lietiry. 11 ^
Mt, and Mrs, Roy Netter „ 'W.,. 1,, 01 .: ulfAlivdt116b et''.61‘1.110$.74:,0260:. aho MI% .Rrtios Atrh. carols 'Oro
And faintly Of minion .F.,f,„177 2,.11 .ci;l soe"YAcrwitthron tr , ▪ Sjiirrsylrum are. Vita** this week with Mr, '2111.! uen
arid Mrs. Hugh Norm and Bill, mw ari( miles
Mr. John
Guenther of Toronle tollihtTeitotir,
parentS, Mr, a- ' • roan atrt pitrid a F a mily eisitiAr,
▪ HI 'Health wag A w6•6k6nd 'visitor with his S,
"et lirs Kar t al e, and wirs, . non
Gttenther And a Christmas Day ,wittrm
AtteStS with his nods, me. 47;14.Z "on 0,,,w „, boy, Arthur flOricastle, at. Chi) 0114 m es. and mt, and Airs. Slicq' atiO Mee. PasS rod Were Friday guests Wda. MIODLEIVK CiRtiat
Aliti Mrs, Ron' Pattbn and . 0AL„0
family P1 St, Marys. And Mrs. Abe Sinai, S. f
Another hope, another chance,
another road to take ,a
Another star .to. follow,
and another start 'to, make ..,,
New beginnings, new adven-
new- heights to attain , ..1
G olden. .opportuni lies
to work and build again
New and higher aspirations,
for the future days ,
Seeking, dreaming, moving on
-down bright and better ways,
Eleanor Milne of Wakefield,
Patricia Strong Que., was appointed Canada's
official sculptor, taking on the
The. last of 1962 has passed job of creating carvings and
and we are putting aside its statutes for federal biuldings.
sorrows, tasks, mistakes and jona Reed, 22, of Sudbury
misunderstandings, remember- won the world championship at
ing only the joys, the kind words the accordion eompetitions at
and acts and .the lessons learned Prague.
from eXperience. We wish to Vancouver's Mary Stewart,
keep these good things to show .17, won the Canadian women
us the way in 1063 competitors'. only gold medal at
For all. our .re.adm we wish the British Empire Games in
you a year full of opportunity Perth, Australia, .
and achievement, 'bright with Dr, Frances Kelsey, a native.
happiness and health. of Cobble Hill, an official,
Canadian women in the news of the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
A/ayor Charlotte Whitton has ,ministration. for 14 months, re-
been chosen Canada's newsiest fused to grant the sale of the
woman of .1962. She became drug thalidomide in the U.S.
woman of the year in 1951, her When it was proven that thali-
first year as mayor, and was doinide was responsible for
named. again in 1952, 1953, 1960 birth deformities she was yin-
and 1961. cheated and on August 7 Presi-
In November she was again. dent Kennedy p ersonally
elected for a two-year term as awarded her the U.S. Civil
Ottawa mayor with a 6,000 mar- Service gold medal,
gin over lawyer Sam Berger, One of the most vocal cam-
Runner-up in the woman-of- paigns undertaken by Canadian
the year balloting was Mrs. women forged ahead. in 1962'.
Claire Kirkland-Casgrain of Delegations from the Voice of
Montreal and long time sham- Women presented pleas for
pion of the rights of Quebec peace to the Geneva disarma-
women, She became the first ment talks and the United Na-
Woman cabinet minister in that tions.
province, In September 500 Canadian
Four of the five members of women from many parts of the
the last Canadian Parliament country and many backgrounds
were re-elected in June 18. A met at a conference in Toron-
to to discuss the role of today's
For ten years the Canadian
Report on Association of Consumers has
struggled to have its sizing sys-
tem for children's clothes based,
on body measurements ac-
cepted by 'the government and
tetteM.a.W.S&FISOMMiXetitiMM by manua cturers. In February
announcement was made that
children's underwear bearing
the Canada Standard Size label
was available. This has since
been extended to other chil-
dren's garments.
It is significant that this
30,000-member women's organ-
ization is working to protect,
educate and represent the buy-
ing public,
."'iTtIn2nr.Aark aail4tr2=2:*
1.114 is the lime of .endings, newcomer .was isanel Hardie,
Inn; ,new beginnings, too AU', for Mackenzie River.
Ellen Fairolough shifted front
.Cod sends us Another year minister of .nitlzenshiP. antl. 1M ,
and. inakelli all things new migration to postraasterlene-
Myrtle Banifard Inca= war-
den of ltaliburton .County at 23,
the youngest wontan. eve]' tO
hold such a. position, She, nye,
sides over an .ai.knale council
Of 12 reeves and deputy-reeves.
In the field of liter'atur'e
la 13urnford of Port Arthur won
the Canadian Library ,Assonia-
medal for the best chil-
,dren's book In English, The
credible _journey,
Helen Bacon of Toronto had
two of her stamp designs used
during the year, one marking
Victoria's centenary and the
other Education year,
Christmas and holiday visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold
of. London, Miss Ruth. Fassold
of Vancouver, B.C„ F.O. Rob-
ert Fassold, Mrs. Fassold and
Kim of Ottawa, Mr. and Airs.
Jack Ratz, Joan and Paul. on
Christmas Day and Mr. and
Mrs. Melton Wainer of Inger-
soll on Boxing Day with Mrs.
Milton Rata.
alle gets not
TH. I TH 3 officers .for '43 Report can Thames Road
Mrs. Stuart •Thelatier was 'W.ILWAM ROHDE
elected president.' Of the Chat_,, '' •••••••.,:,mtwzr lengers Pentecostal '
.church at the ..44M-141 Meeting
P ° P Iite;s Alvin Cottle
,Person :]
rs,liarrY DOugal Christmas .eve.
V1 sl4 is i .
T o n
5 n t4veYjo11r g'etZtreastr W s Z, Alr.ad:Air, Jack lr>,ebner'Hugh 'Williams; parcel . vanirait, ter,Dm joy:and, Mrs. were FridaY evening: guests of and Cathy, flusseldale, Mr. and
Vern Mill],
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mrs. Don Reid And Debbie,
Airs, Milford. Prouty, who. has Mr. and Mrs. Donald BroY, Hensall, Miss Jean Anderson,
been secretary treasurer .for Robert. Janet And Ruth were Stratford, Mr. Pole Blank,
year's, resigned, .parcets •Thitrsday evening guests with Science Hill, Mr, and. Mrs,.
tirade pp, for widows, And Mrs, 'William Rohde, 'Fleming Simpson, Bonnie and
widowers, and fatherless. Miss Sharon Fassmore re- Dale with Mr. and Airs. James
turned. home ,on Friday after., Anderson ..on, Sunday.
Rev, L. 'TOW, gave a tries- noon from St. Josephs Hoapital, Mr. and Airs Robert Gann.
sage on "Three names of nnr. London,. .after having been a Air, and Airs, Ray. Cann. with
Lord". Mrs, Triehner presided patient there for two Weeks, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Lave, 'Grand
for the meeting and Mrs, Jolly Mr, and Mrs, Carl •Willert of Bend, on Friday evening, the
led in prayer, Zurich, Mr, .and Mrs. Norman occasion being the birthdaY of
Whiting of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Love.
Airs. Qlenn. Jeffery spent Sat-
Topics. f rom Mrs, Ronald Clarke of London.
evening ,ovening with Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cann,
Mary Anne, Cathy and Nancy
'of Belleville were Saturday eve-
.nRionbg.,te gtti cesatnsn with Mr. and Mrs.
Alr. and. Mrs, Reg Northcott
of Saskatchewan, Mr. and Airs.
Ceeil.Rowe, Airs. Chester Rowe,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowe, all of.
Exeter, Mr, and. Mrs. Bert
Brown and girls, Windsor, were
Sunday evening guests with Mr.
and. Mrs, Harold 'Rowe.
Mr, Laverne Kellett and Miss
Verda Kellett of Elimville spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
George Kellett,
Misses Mabel and Mildred
Thomas and Miss ida Hail of
London spent. Friday with Mr, eve.
and Mrs. William Elford, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murdock
Hall remained for -the week- and. jeffery with Mr. and Mrs.
end, Lloyd Murdock. of Blenheim,
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed, Wainer, and Air, and Mrs. Blake i,Me-
Nancy, Peter and Jonathon of Keen of Staples. Miss Sharon
Orillia visited on Saturday with McKeen returned home with
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Miller, Air, and Mrs. Murdock for a
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Elford, few days,
Ava and Michael of Elimville, Mr, and Airs, Robert Mayer
Miss Ida Hall ofLondon, Mr. and family with Mr. and Airs.
and. Airs. William 'Elford, Ron- John Templeman of Staffa on
Arthur Abbott has been aid and Doris were Saturday Saturday evening,
guests with Mr, and Mrs,- Don- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me-
Mrs.ald Bray, Curdy of Kitchener, Mr: and
engaged as teacher 'for the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison, Mrs. Cruickshank, St:. Marys,
corning term at SS No, 9 Bid- Mr. and Mrs, William Allison, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc-
dulph, Mrs, Jean Morg,an,were Sunday Curdy,
evening guests with Mr. and Mr. and Airs. Robert Simp-
Mrs, Bev Morgan. son, Bruce and Wayne of Ex-
Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson eter, Mr. and Mrs, j.ames
returned home on Thursday Simpson and Ann, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Earley, evening after having been to Ken Simpson, Gary and Ellen
Shirley and Joan, Kerw,00d, Sault Ste Marie for the Christ- with Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire'and mas holiday with their Baugh- Simpson,
family and Mrs. Ethel Squire, ter and son-in-law, Rev. Donald Mr. and. Mrs. Leon a rd
and Mr. Jas. Mawhin- and Mr's, Deas,
Cooper Jr. and family, Wind-
ney, Crediton,, with Mr. and - (Intended for last week) S017, Miss Sharon 'Hume, Lon-
Mrs. Norman Hodgins, • • Christmas visitors don, Mr. Donald Genttner of
Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
.Mr. and Mrs, Allen Jaques Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Clarke Gledhill, Larry and Lisa with
and Mr. and MrS. Ray. Jaques of Sehringville, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hume..
and Steven, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny of Mr. and Mrs. Ray :Tones,
Milton Kellar and family and Winchelsea with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Donald of Exeter
Mr, Walter Gunning, Exeter, Ray Clarke on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. William
and Mr. Wilfred Herbert with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning. Susan, Bobby and Debbie, of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Knight
London, on Monday and Mr. of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
And Mrs. Jathes Harris, Caro- Lloyd Knight.
lyn, Rabble and Patty. Harris Mr. and Mrs, Bev Brintnell
of London, and Mr. and Mrs. and Kerry Sue of Hamilton,
Art Harris and Ronnie on Mrs. Appleton of Dashwood,
Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Vera Coward of Exeter
Leonard Harris, with Mr, and Mrs, William
Mr. and Mrs. Martin de Coward.
jonge, Carol and Pat of Appin Mr. and Mrs. Case de Mooy
for Christmas, and Mr. and and Sandra of London with Mr.
Mrs. Gerald Langilie, Dennis, and Mrs. Alvin Passmore.
Debbie and Cathy of Chatham Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Elford,
on Wednesday with Mr. and Ava and Michael of. Elimville,
Mrs. Harold Carroll. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bray,
Mr, and Mrs. William oral- Robert, Janet and Ruth with
ters and Danny of Winchelsea, Mr. and Mrs. William Elford.
Mr. Maurice Quance, Mr. Clif- Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey,
ford Quance, Mrs. May Beer Glen and Elizabeth of London,
of. Exeter, Mr. and Airs, Ray Mrs. Fred Dawson of Exeter,
Clarke and Ronald with Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone with
Nelson Clarke on Wednesday. Mr. Fred Dawson and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Dun- Mrs. Murray Dawson.
can, Floyd, Janis and. Sheila Mr. and Mrs. Toni )3allan-
with Mr. and. Mrs, Gilbert Dun- tune of Exeter, Mr. and. Mrs.
can. Monday evening. • Gerald Bell, Douglas and Paul
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hun- of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
New' Years visitors *way • kin, Margaret and Kenneth Ballantyne and Helen of Lon-
with Mr. and Airs. -Hugh Rend- don, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ball-
rick of Kippen on Monday. antyne, Don and Larry, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart, and Mrs. Lorne Ballantync and
Janice and Sandra with Mr. Brenda with Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. -Alan Coward of William Cann.
Kitchener on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,Jeffery,
Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates
Brian, Barry and Barbara of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry-
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coates, Paul. and. Jim of Eden,
Miller, Exeter, Saturday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jef-
Mg. and Mrs. Art Harris and fery.
Ronnie of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Sanders, Exeter,
Mrs. Ross Cottle and family with Mr. and. Mrs, Richard
(Intended for last week)
Christmas visitors
Mr. Edgar Miller, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Duncan, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Miller and :family, Crom-
arty, Mr. and. Mrs. Johnny
Miller and Karen, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilber Miller and Ken,
Staffa, with. Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Miller.
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Mayer,
Shrei. a.nd Kirk, London, Miss
The story In
P.ersonel items
Mr. and Airs. Wm. Fischer
and Janice, St. Marys, also Air.
Jack Weal,cott and son ToinMy-of Calgary. were Sunday eve-
ning guests with Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Klahre,
Miss Carol Foster and Alr.
Jim. Foster were in St. Marys
on Sunday, guests of Mr, and
Mrs, Gordon 'Corbett.
David Johnson, London hol-
idayed last week with Carol
and Mary Johnson.
Air. and Mrs, J. Finkbeiner,
Jackie and .Joanne spent New
Years Day visiting relatives at
Mr. Howard Morley of Hazel
Park, Michigan visited Airs.
Cora Morley on Monday And
on Tuesday she accompanied
him to visit with his family (Or
A few weeks,
Mr's. Wynne, London, is vis-
iting with Mr, and Mrs, Bert
Duffield and Gayle for a time.
New Years visitors
Mr. and Aids. Angus Earl,
Zion and Mr. and Airs. Don
Pullen. Guelph, with Mr. and
Mrs. Milne Pullen, „
Mr. and Mrs.Paul . Shrier,
Stratford, with Air, .and Mrs.
.Laverne Morley. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Field and family, Lon-
don, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Johnson.
Mr, and Mrs. John Marshall,
St. Marys, and Mrs. .Wynne,
London, with Mr. and Mrs,
Bert Duffield.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bacon,
Air. and Mrs. Chas. Massey,
Mrs. Marjorie Langford and
Carol, Mr. John Massey, Mr.
Wm. Massey,' St: Marys', Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon,
Connie, Bobby and L a r r y,
Guelph, with Mr, . and Mrs.
Grafton Squire,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry .Klahre,
Catherine and Martha with Air.
and Mrs. P. L. Pickles, Byron,
on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Paul and Sue Ann with Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Squire, LuCan,
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Roy and Bonn with Mr. arid
Mrs. Gordon. Kirk, Exeter, and
on Monday with Mr. and Mrs,
Stan Pullman, Staffa,
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil and
Donald with Mr. and Mrs,
Ainsley Neil, Exeter ,
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Squire,
Douglas and Bill with Mr. and
Mrs. Bristol Holden,• St. Ma-
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Parkinson
and Wayne with. Mr. arid Airs.
Arthur Hardie, Devizes.
Air, anti Mrs: Win. Morley,
Janice and Robbie Were entoir.
faMed on New Years 'Day by
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym,
Elimville at a family gather-
ing at Eliinville Hall,
Air. and Mrs. Bay Clarke and
Ronald of Sunshine Lin* and
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Clarke of
Sebringville with Mr. and Mrs,
Win, Walters and Danny,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Smith
and Penny of Crediton with Mr,
And Mrs. Colin Oilfillan and
Mrs. Garnet Miners with Mr.
and Mts. Howard jOhnt and
family of Elimville North,
Mr. and Mrs, Phil ,Bern arid
family arid Mr. and rs, John
Coward with Mr„ and Mrs. Bev-
erley Parsoris of neat Exeter,
SO your tletter firth
Prints" your preStriPtieti . to
Costume Jewellery
Savings up to 50c-h
50% OFF ,
Your old watch, in any Condition, will
save you 25% on your new watch,
Jack Smith
• ' •
Mr. and Mrs= Kenneth Dun-
can, Floyd, Janis and Sheila,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan,
Faye and Dennis with Mr. and
Mrs, Russell Miller, Cromarty,
on Saturday.
Air, and Mrs. Laverne ilercid,
Karen, Wayne and. Eddie, of
Woodham, Airs, Edgar Ro.dd of
Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne
Passmore, Paul, Beth and
Sharon with Air. and Airs. Jack
Stewart, Boxing Day,
Airs, Muriel Miller, of Sea-
forth, Mr. Robert Miller, To-
ronto. with Mr, and. Mrs. Barry
Miller for the weekend,
Air. and Airs, Murray Dam-
son and. Larry with. Mrs. Daw-
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.
Sie.mon, of Walton, Christmas
.,.r'sr'S'SlaTeers'llfros Etheringinti4 TAO viaitect with
Mt. and Mrs. Ara:ie.. g.theripp
for i in 110 ifterom
Air. and Airs, Doug RIVOr$:
/Ind girls, ,Mrs, Bruce givers
of Byron, Mr. and, Airs. Ross,
Krueger and Jean, Mr. Harry
Fahner of .Crediton, Air, Robert
Crawford cif Oodericb„ Air, and
Mrs. William. Jeffery, Exeter,
Mr. And Mrs. Harry Jeffery
and family with Mr.. and Airs,
Robert, Jeffery,.
Mr. and Mrs, .Gordon AlcCar-
lee of Exeter, Mr. and Alrs.
Robert Hero, Linda and Fred
of .Jarvis, Mr. And Mrs. Lee
Webber., Barbara, Marlene and
Douglas with. Mr. And Mrs.
_Jolla Selves.
Mr, and Mrs. David McLeod,
And family of P.arkildl, Mr,
and Mrs. Donald Kernick, Mar-
aret, Teddy and Mary with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kernink..
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Miller
and Ken, Staffs, Mr, and Mrs.
James Miller and family, of
Crornarty„ with. Mr. And Mrs.
Tien. Duncan,
and Mrs. E. J. Willard
of Mount Hope, Mr, and Mrs.
'oy Willard and Chris, Kings-
ton, with Air. and Mrs. jack
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mayer
and Robbie, Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Mayer, Kirk and Sher-
ry of London, Mr. William
Mayer of Port Credit, Miss
Grace Mackenzie of Exeter
with Mr. And Mrs, Robert
Visitors out of community
Mr. and Mrs. jack Duncan,
Faye and. Dennis with Mr, and
Mrs. Alex Duncan of Exeter.
Mr„ and Mrs. Gilbert Dun-
can with Mr. Arthur Gardiner
of 'London.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Ballan-
tyne, Brian, Jimmy and SIM.-
lee with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford
Salmon of Dashwood.
Mr, and Mrs. Barry Miner
with Mr. and Airs. Drake of
Air, and Mrs, Mac Hodgert,
Jack, Joanne, Laurel. and Lee
with Mr, and Airs. Elgin Lux-
ton of Owen Sound,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred :Hun
kin, Margaret and Kenneth
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Gilfillan of Exeter;
Mr, and Mrs. William Lain-
port and Glen with Air. and
Mrs. Roy Lamport of Cent-
Mr. and Airs, Lloyd Stewart,
Sylvia, Ronnie, Robbie and
Donna with Air, and Mrs. Alvin
Schieck of Drayton.
Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Hack-
ney, Dennis and Linda with
Mr, and. Airs. Albert Smale of
Mr. and Mrs, William Johns,
Harold, 'Perry, Bradley and
Trudy with Air. and Mrs.
Lewis Johns of Elimville.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Coward
and Jean with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Kleinfeldt of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Slone,
Dianne and 'Bob with Mrs.
Isabelle Wein of Exeter.
Mr. and. Mrs, Ray Cann wills
Airs, Peter Ferguson, Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs, William 'Rohde,
Douglas. Glenn and Calvin with
Air. and Mrs. Clarence Thom-
son of Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Almer Pass-
mOre, David, Dennis, Darlene'
and Dale with Mr, .and Mrs.
'Mg Tin es-Advo ,ca to,
At the meeting of Ilurondale
Women's 'Institute held in SS 5
t..Tsborne,. Elmer D. Bell, QC,
was the speaker dealing with
legal points far women.
The motto "Peach childrea to.
respect their own .community"
was discussed. by Mrs. Archie
.Ethe.rington. Roll -call was an-
swered by naming one .advarite
age of living in a democracy.
Miss Margaret Oke favored with
piano selections and Mrs. Wit.-
liam. Sims presided for the pro-
It was decided to pack a bale
for the Children's Shelter, Gad.
erich with Airs. Albert Keys
and Mrs, William Etherington,
committee in charge. An in-
vitat.ion was aceepte f r o m
Grand Bend WI to meet with
that bratieh February 21 at 2.
Announcement was made of
the banquet in Exeter Legion
Hall January aa to mark the
leave for south
Birtle Francis, John St.,
Exeter, and Mrs. Mary Gun-
ning, Grantor), exchanged mar-
riage vows on Wednesday, De-
cember 26 before Rev. W,
Alaines, Granton.
A wedding dinner was served
at the Dufferin Hotel, Centra-
lia, Mr. and Mrs, Francis left
for Florida,
50th anal r.emtry. 4ts. 1:11450
oninstriet WI with ,G,
143,Tohurner, .P.Ort ,Colborne,
F%VfO president, as speaker..
Hosteges' were Mrs,. William
Eernick, Mrs, Gladys Sims,
;Airs. ,Clarenee. " Airs.
Lorne 1?Assirtore and Mrs. Haigh
The :next meeting will be held
January 39, at 2 p.m, in James
Street TJC,
Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 7 to 9
School Girl Perms-116M
Regular 58.50
Mrs. Valeria
89 Anne St.
ftus ;fi,. 194; P.#0e-
1 learns 'rights'
from local lawyer..
Beauty Lounge
244 MAIN ST. PH 235.1533
Perms Cuts - Sets = Tints
Monday to Friday, 9.6
Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. Exchange vows,
Wellington Ilaist of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cattle STYLING
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hutchison of Munro.
Air. and Airs, Alvin Cottle,
Air, and Airs. Ross Cottle and
family wills Mr, and Airs, Tom
Campbell of Elimville.
Mr. and .Mrs. Bev Morgan,
Johnny, Gerry. Scot and Susan
with Mr. and Airs. Newton
Clarke of Winchelsea. Be-N-Jay
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Pym,
Air. and Mrs. John Pym and BEAUTY SALON
Pauline with Mr. and. Airs.
Tony Shulman of Embro. Phone 236 Hansa II
Span CereSpirella supports are individually designe.d
for abdomen, back and breast.
Your made-to-measure garment will relieve tired,'
aching backs and exhaustion caused by weakened
muscles and wrong posture.
Phone 235.1920 for Appointment
Dress Coats
20(Yo OFF