HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-03, Page 6DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND SERVICE BEAVER LUMBER PHONE 235.1582 , MAIN ST. POPLAR PLYWOOD • Tile Underlay $139 4'x4' Sheet n MASONITE Tile Underlay 4'4' Sheet.. 89c VELVET 1000" DRY CHARGE—fits Chey., 1940- 54; Dodge, 1935-55 (most); Plym., 1939-55; Pontiac, 1949-54, 20-22 with trade-In series; Studebaker, 1939-55, and 6-colts many others. WET TYPE WITH TRADE-IN 9.95 11" WET TYPEInsar122n-oMe-thas;antre 42 Plates. Fits most late model Chey., Ponti ac, Chrysler products, Studebaker and many other makes. MTN t11iknle114 DRY CHARGE WITH TRADE-1N 11.95 .45 Huron County Council January Session. The Huron County Council will commence on Tuesday, January 15th, 1963, at 2:00 P.M. All communications or nO- tite of any deputations must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than 12:00 Noon, rriday, Janu ary 11th, 1963, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-treasurer, County of Huron, Court ,House, Goderich, Ont, :Air. and Alr.s. Gerald Schenk and family are visiting with relatives in Cornwall, . Rev. Torn Morikawa, St. Marys with Rev. and Mrs. A, Al'. Schlenker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wild- Long and Miss Ruth Wildfong of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. S. Klatt and family, With Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Schenk were Air, and Mrs. Paul Schenk and family and Air, and Airs, Andy Bierling and family, Exeter, Barbara and Wayne Preszca- tor. of Exeter are spending a few days with Mr. and Airs. Lorne Preszcator and family. With Air, and Mrs. Allan Becker, were Mrs. Pearl Faul- baler, Kitchener, and Alr. Lloyd Shantz of Waterloo and Mr, and Airs. William Bender and Ken- neth. Topics from Mt. Carmel „ . . Personal items A tragic accident was averted Saturday in Mt, Carmel vil- lage when a loaded gravel truck and a late model car driven by Lorne W, Kleinstiver of Dashwood side-swiped. Luck- ily no little children were close by. Holiday visitors with Mr, and Airs. John Hall were Johnny Hall and Airs, James Hall and family, of. London, Miss Mary Ann Hall and friend of the high school teaching staff, Mt. For- est. Many friends attended the funeral of the late Robert Steeper, Saturday, at M. Box & Son Funeral Home in Park- hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hogan, Merlin, spent Christmas holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Hogan and family. Albert Wydooghe left by plane and landed safely in Belgium before Christmas. It was a hap- py occasion since Albert had. n't seen his mother or mem- bers of his family in 14 years since coming to Canada. He plans to return by plane again after his visit. Miss Helen Sullivan, RN. of St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan Sr., and fam- ily. Air. and Mrs. Ted Lane and family of Detroit visited Mrs. Laura McCann and family over the holidays, The annual Christmas party held in the parish hall was a great success, It was sponsored by Holy Name Society. Students visiting their par- ents over holidays included Donald O'Rourke, Vincent Ry- an, Joe Houlihan, Mary Mc- Keever, Eleanor Dietrich, .Joan Glavin, Sheila Regier. Toni Fleming met with a painful accident in his silo changed. Officers elected were: presi- dent, Sharon Hodge; vice-pres- ident, Shirley Pfaff; secretary, Nancy England; asst sec, Bar- bare Attfield; treasurer, Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner; world friends, Elva Finkbeiner; stamp collector, Ronald Ken. ney; scrap book. Mrs. P. Boo- name. Builders enjoy dinner - The Builders Class of the HUB church held its annual get- together at a turkey dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, Friday, Dec. 28. Following the dinner the class was entertained at the home of Mr. and Airs. Wilmer Wein for a short busi- ness meeting and social time. Christmas program Annual Christmas program of EUB Sunday School was held Sunday evening, Dec. 30, with a good crowd in attendance, Superintendent Ross Haugh was chairman for the program which consisted of recitations, exercises and musical num- bers. A feature of the evening was the presentation of illuminated chalk drawings depicting a Christmas theme by Ross Mc- Kay of London. Christmas visitors Air, and Mrs. Hilliard Sper- ling, Mr. and Airs, Claire Spar- ling, Allan and Douglas of Walkerton with Air, and Airs. Clayton Sims, Personal items Mrs. Mary Faist returned to her home after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Faist and family, Waterloo, Fn., and Airs, W. F. Misner Savings on SNOW TIRES! See Us Today For A Real Deal I CAR UYS '03 METEOR, fully equip- ped, in stock, ready for delivery. '61 COMET SEDAN As good as new. '61 CHEV HARDTOP 4-door, fully, equipped. '60 MONTCALM METEOR :Fully equipped sedan, '50 METEOR SEDAN Radio, 6-cyl., two-tone. '56 DODGE SEDAN Automatic, two-tone. '60 ANGLIA 2-DOOR Perfect condition. '50 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN—Only $50. South End Service Russ and chuck Snell PH 235-2322 EXETER , The, story in Yule song:5 :•Crediton .'14jC choir GrandOend at Kirkton return to Summerside, P,E.I., l,ov. c,, 'reveller, who is. a Mr. and Airs. junior Doupe CREDITON aftr spending sorno tine wi th patient in Victoria Hospital. had their daughter, Vivian Crediton VC choir under the was home for Christ- Dee, christened. matt. and Mrs. Misner's parents, Mr. and. LoOdori, next day direction of Mrs. S. Airs. Maurice Beaver. Mas but troethtiorsrpeidtala.gain the Rev. T. Elliott gave an in- assisted by guest soloist Frank ..,,, Miss margaret Varley, Mr. spiring message. Airs. F. to. Clinton. Sunday afternoon jr,,,c _ Wildfong of Exeter, journ eyed and Mrs. Robert Wright and Dr. McMaster is a Patient in aSi‘iVdit2el, Mrs, .4 c presidedrai 0 a" at tjheen io,iragnann, a.. e of London visited Christ- hospital in Toronto. where they entertained rest- mas day with Mr. and. Mrs. Mrs. Curtis Grattan is a The church was decorated in dents and staff at Huronview, In addition to choir numbers Joe Varley and Mr. and. Mrs, patient in South flizron Hos- kpeperi:onngai "i'tite11131 11ristiltas° Wein. pitaL and solos, Marlene King and C. Rev. and Mrs. A. Ai. Schlen- Mrs, Mae Holt visited in Murray J a r v 1 s, Thornioe, Doreen Kenney sang a Christ- Icer and family spent several Toronto with Miss Bieulah Holt spent last week with his grand- mas duet and everyone joined days with Mrs. Mary Ernke for C'hriatmas week. parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan in carol singind, messengers featured a candle- fanillY• Alr. and Airs. John Stacker spent the Christmas week with light service. Scripture was Ricky G a i s e r, Dashwood, spen t last week With relatives Miss Dawn Blackler of Toron. read by Noami Bocock, prayer spent the weekend with his in Toronto. Lou at her home. was given by Latina Clarke. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDonald Mrs. Olive Langiree and Candielighters said their pieces Lloyd Geiser. and Dean of Clinton visited on Norman of Kitchener and Miss and lit candles, New Year's visitors Sunday with Air. and Mrs, Ron Sally Bragg of Streetsville vis- film "Christmas Around The Mrs. Roy Rats of Shipka. and family visited on Sunday Brinsley Morley and Ida Hardy, Thursday while picking out frozen ensilage with a pick. X- rays showed a broken bone in his foot. He is now on crutch- es. Mr. and Airs, Joseph Carey and family were among the 46 supper guests at the home of latter's mother, Mrs, Laura Glavin, Christmas night. Pay Tima4,AdvocoiL January 3, 190.4. Christmas Service featured the — singing er the junior choir of 15 voices and ladies' triple Persenel items t}y MRS. LORNE PRES4CATOR and family left the past week to trio. By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL treats Huronview Kirkton ited Oh r h Messensers Christmas meeting en spent Christmas with Mr. Jar me and amt.. y ar ,spen The choir brought the con- ag•od.otber relatives at .1111' Mr. and Airs. Dee Jennison Jarvis. Cert to a close by presentin s4i -i- Nos o.ine Maim, formerly and family left Stmday for Mrs Blanche Campbell, their andienee with land, wild Mr. and Airs, Albert treats of of Vancouver Island, and noW Florida. Armstrong, Parkhill. s p en t cookies, fruit and candy. one of London's two policewom. -1.. and Mfrs. ,El merson Deds. Christmas Day with Mr. and Chirstmas meeting or the and Airs Ed T,arnport and tog the holidays in A" °ride. Mrs. Fred Switzer, Miss Pat Chang of Hamilton ' Mrs. R. S. Hilts showed a Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Schlep- Mitchell and family. fled last week with Mr, and World". Presents were ex- ker and family with Mr. and Air. and Mrs, Douglas Gill Mrs. Roy Switzer. Airs. Lennea Statton with friends in Windsor for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Cohn Love and Gerald, Air, and Airs. Jim Love and family, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Love and family of To- ronto, Misses Esther and April and Lloyd Whiting and Miss Brenda Aiollard of Parkhill, Rev, and Mrs. C. A. Brittain, Joel and Maryanne, Mr. and Mrs, William Sturdevant with Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ramsden and family of North Bay, Mrs, Allan Miller, Wayne, Linda and Glenn with Mr, and Airs. Ed. Gill and Airs, Mary Gill and family, Mr. Kenneth Patterson, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Patterson and family, Mr, and Mrs, R. L, Knight and Robert of London and Miss Mae Patterson of Newmarket with. Mr, and Airs. Johnston Patterson and fam- ily. Mrs. Lily Gill, Mr, and. Airs, John Kowalchuk, Larry and Reed, Mr. and Airs. Ron Mitchell, Wayne and Dennis with Mr, and Mrs, Wellwood Gill, Mr, and Mrs. Wally Becker and family of Allenford with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Walper. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin- Webb with Mr, and Mrs. William Whyte and family at Sarnia. with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love at Exeter, Mrs, Earl Finan. is confined Letter from to her home with pneumonia. Air. and Airs. Dave Ferguson of Saskatoon are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Me. Gregor. Christmas visitors By GORDON MORLEY White gift service Miss Bonnie Watson assisted with the White Gift Sunday service at Brinsley United Church service at Brinsley United Church by the presen- tation of "The Story Often told — But Still Forever New." The Scripture 'reading was given by Lawrence Amos, Rev, Kenneth Hick during the service asked the donors of gifts to present them around the . lighted Christmas tree and candles which decorated the church. The Kemp Sisters of. Denfield visited wit Ii Mr. and Airs, Dean Wihte during the Christ- mas holidays. Christmas visitors Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and family of Clinton with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and fam- ily. With Airs, Walter family, were Miss Career Problems MISS E. A. McTAVISH Guidance Counsellor SHDHS will be available for inter- views by appointment on Thursday r evenings at the school. Phone 235-0880 Airs .Gordon Allison, and. Mr. .and Mrs, Morley :and Edna. Air. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick. ROA and Neil, also, Mr, and Mrs. Don Newey of London with Mr. George Neil at Matching Mahogany trim for a finished room available at Beaver Lumber, Batik la not Just random grooved plywood, It's random grooved and selectively veneered for wall colour uniformity. No sanding, matching or 'finishing required . .. you Just nail it on, DREG DELIVERY ANY QUANTITY. Convenient deferred pay- ment budget plan. Terms as low as $9 a month, to help you stretch your bud- get. Enjoy your home im- provements now. "Champagne", a decorator colour tone that goes with any colour scheme. A splendid preffnished cherrywood grained 1/4 " hardboard, Champagne Cherry is random grooved for modern plank effect exclusive at Beaver. Another Carload Volume Saving. FREE DELIVERY ... ANY QUANTITY. Nothing to pay 'till June Stretch YOUR BUDGET "BATIK" MAHOGANY GENUINE LUAN MAHOGANY PLYWOOD ... PREFINISHED SATIN SMOOTH. EXCLUSIVE VALUE .49 EXCLUSIVE AT BEAVER PANELLING CARLOAD VOLUME SAVING CHAMPAGNE Cherrywood Air. and Mrs. Alvin FauMet and family with. relatives at To. "Clau'reb, Service at Anglican :Church on Sunday was cancelled owing to the storm. Free Help! Phone Beaver Lumber to- day for free estimates on any remodelling or repair- ing job. Men are available new to do 'the work for you ,and Beaver will be happy to make all the ar- rangements. DO IT NOW— CALL BEAVER TO GET THE COMPLETE JOB DONE AT LOWEST COSTI 4' x 7' PANEL x 8' . $4.57' DELIVERED 4' x 7' PANEL 4' x 8' . . . $6,25 DELIVERED .97 Bev. Alfred S. Trueblood,. for- mer minister at: Brinsley United Church from 1944, to died at Toronto Oener:al .Hospital.. served in the :ministry :for -45 years. Velvet white prefinialted 121ix.12" tile with over 1000 sound absorb. ing micro perforations per tile, Carton lots only, 64 the per carton (64 sq. ft, coverage) CARLOAD VOLUME SAVING Famous Armstrong EXCELON vinyl tile that you can in- stall with a brush and scissors anywhere in your home. aupe, Hiawatha Beige, Colours—Honey Beige, Rainbow T Snow Gold and other colour trend colours. Values and Help! NEW YEAR! A GOOD TIME TO GET THINGS DONE AROUND THE HOME ... BEAVER LUMBER IS READY WITH HELP, IDEAS AND CARLOAD VALUES, ACCOUSTICAL TILE you don't :carry a ;shovel our trunk in winter, member that a hub cap can be used in 411 eniergeney -tn dig, :out of snow, ,says Q4,1" Wie SafetY Leagne. 1 3 c A SQ. FT. ARMSTRONG VINYL ASBESTOS Floor Tile 93/4c EACH Carton Lots 96 tile per carton (Coverage 54 sq. ft.) 11.114MONIMMORIIIIMMIRINION11.1.11.1• NCR-POWER SUPER SERVICE POWER-SEALED DRY CHARGE 30 MONTHS' INSURANCE GUARANTEE Don't let summers last heatwave fool you — The frost will be on the pumpkin in •a few weeks. That's when you neasi a jack-rabbit-starting battery. Mor-Power Super Service Batteries are equal or better than original equiprnent--Pluo the added benefits of Sealed Power—that guarantees the freshest power money can buy. Longer life — and more features—at lower cost per month of guaranteed service. DRY CHARGE—fits Chey., 1955- 62; Chrysler, 1956-62 (most); Dodge and Plym., 1956-62; Pon- tiac, 1955-62, and many other late model cars. 13.95 with trade.ln 12-volts WET TYPE WITH TRADE-IN 12.45 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER CARS — Including Imports; Installation 50e CHARGE . , 11.95 `TYPE 1 0.45 lCH A RGE FITS FORD PRODUCTS (MOST) 1940-54 FITS FORD PRODUCTS (MOST) 1955-62 WITH TRADE-IN WITH TRADE-IN .. 15.95 "T7.prg . , , „ 14.45 Brand New KEYSTONE 7:actory fresh, budget priced battery for lowest cost, starting and ighting power ... available only at Canadian Tire. Exclusive! Generous! Ironclad! Insurance Guarantee' Comprehensive goad Hazatd tritirance aealest Battery Failure trom any ittitivOi driving hasard-,,sincluding fire, accident, frost, breakage: Guarantee Insurance S'eriod,a,1Z months to MohO pending on the type et batierY. Customer pay: for only service DRY " ra CHARGE Insun *Months' ce-Guarantee 33 Plates. Fits Chey., 1940-54; Dodge, 1933.55 (most); Plym,, A K 1939 -55; Pontiac, 1949- AsJ 54, 20 - 22 series, and many others. with Trads•its DRY CHARGE WITH TRADE-IN 7.95 Get Big Savings on Snow Tires Tool ASSOCIATE STORE 436 MAIN STREET — EXETER Phone 235,0160 Milton Robbins & Son Ltd,