HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-01-03, Page 5Davies Grant Denning, Berm -; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS- Municipal Auditors • ' • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a 20% OFF OR EXTRA TROUSERS FREE! :09,41.•*••= • • , lk t.' `14. **, . 34.41, "11, 4144:44,44 ••• •:•• • - • —•••••C . A A:Irte-ttli:tr‘%.4...:4.6 • DON ROOTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • * Domestic qt Commercial * industrial Motors, Control , Lighting 70 Huron St. ,1 1Atost 235-0282 • ••• •x,a it • Onee=a-year sale $75: tailored-to-measure suits at $60. Or extra trousers free! 105 clearance time at Tip Top Tailors, Right now (and for as long as the stocks last) the price of tailored.to- measure clothes is reduced by 20%. We still have a fabulous collection f this season's fabrics, tones and patterns (all imported from Europe's finest mills) so corn° in soon and take your choice. If your bank balance is still suffering from a ChriStmas hang-oVer, you can alWays charge it. TIP TOP TAILORS WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR PHONE 235.6991 EwER '60 DODGE 4.door sedan, 6-cyl. automatic LOW $1595 MILEAGE '56 DODGE Regent Sedan, 64y1, engine VERY, VERY tcaC CLEAN sildUt.) Thanks Our thanks for your loyal patronage during the past year We look forward to serving you throughout 1910. ,SHOP AT WUERTH'S AND SAVE Skates for the whole family et inanerpsoring prices. Itubbie and UMW. Repairing • Protnptly Attendnet To Wuerth's SHOES EXETER '62 VALIANT 4-door sedan W,TD`: $1895 '58 DODGE 4-door, V.8, stick shift SHARP BLACK $1195 AND WHITE '55 DODGE Deluxe Sedan DARK BLUE -- $495 We stake our reputation on the "DEPENDABLE" emblem. Ovr used cars are tested and reconditioned to protect your investment. -Exeter Motor Sales hboass FOR b000e', PHONE 235.1 /SO PH:0 2354065 -- 6eorgo 235.1 1.f,g,'!!" Tha Times.Adypcate, Janvory "1963 Pa left my films at... HOLIDAY BONSPIEL W1NNERS—Bev Alexander's rink won the first draw in the holiday bonspiel at Exeter Curling Club Saturday. Frem left, the turkey winners are skip Alexander, Lois Armstrong, Howard Truemner and Gord McCarter. —T-A LOIS OTTEWELL'S FOUR TAKES LADIES' LEAGUE FIRST DRAW TITLE . Skip Ottewell, Helen Webber, Burdene Morgan,) Shirley Davidson Rinks skipped by Bev Alex- ander and Ross Hodgert won Exeter Curling Club's holiday bonspiel Saturday. Bev Alexander's foursome won the 9 o'clock draw with three wins and a plus of 10. They squeezed by Bob Coates 9-8 in thee first contest, took Ross Krueger 11-5 in 'the sec- ond and gained their final win against Clarence Down 8.5, Down, who won second in the 9 o'clock, swamped King Mc- Donald 18-1 in the first game, scored another big 13.5 win over Harold Elder before bow- in gout to Alexander. With Alexander was Lois Arm- strong, Howard Truemner and. Gard. McCarter, The Down rink included Jean Page, Carfrey Cann and Marg McCarter. Takes close ones Ross Hodgert's four scored two nip-and tuck victories be- fore winning the 11 o'clock draw with a 9-4 score over Bob Ma- yers. Hodgert defeated Gerald Prout 7-6 in his first game, then edged Harry Coates 6-5 in the second game, Harry Coates won second with two victories and a plus of 11, two more than Mayers. He de- feated brother Pete 7.4 in the The Ottewells----Lois and Ken— A foot-deflected rock helped dominated the first draw of Lois to her victory. Her rink Exeter ladies' and men's curl- was ahead 6-4 at the end of the ing leagues. ninth end but the. Gaiser group The husband and wife skipped rallied to set up a strong house their first respective rink to in the teeth. They were lieing trophy wins in nightly sueces- three when LUis, with her last sion last week. Mrs. Ottewell's rock, took out shot and laid foursome won the ladies' corn- one, petition Thursday night by de- Mrs. Gaiser then threw the feating Maida Gaiser's rink in same type of stone, trying for an exciting sudden-death final. a three-end which would have The same night, Ken's team given her the game. However, defeated Sandy Elliot's rink in as her rock approached the the semi-final, then went on to house, it was deflected by the defeat Lee Learn in the title foot of one of her sweepers and contest Friday night, had to 'be taken out of play, The rinks were tied 7-7 in the Alexander, Hodgert eighth end but Ottewell counted two in the ninth, anal added an insurance one in the tenth for win holiday bonspiel a 10-7 win. Husband and wife rinks win first curling draws KEN OTTEWELL'S RINK WINS MEN'S FIRST DRAW CHAMPIONSHIP A Skip. Ottewell, Harold Elder, Harvey Pfaff, Jack 'Taylor opener, and took his third with a hefty 13.3 score over Clar- ence McDowell, With Hodgert were Dora Mc- Tavish, Charlie Prout and Helen Sanders. The Coates' rink in- cluded Bernice Cann, Dick Jer- myn and Jean Snell. Winners received turkey pri- zes. The game ended 7.4 for 'Mrs, Otte well, Comes from behind Ken Ottewell's rink game from behind twice to defeat Sandy Elliot in the semi-final. The game was close for about five ends before the Ottewell rink barged ahead. In the final against Lee Learn, Ottewell built up his ends quickly, then plugged the front to prevent the dairyman from coming through with his ac- curate take-outs. The strategy worked, with Ottewell winning seven of the ten ends. Never- theless it was a close contest, Walper's Men's EXETER. Ontario UNTLEYS DRUG STORE -4a4T4 Telephone 23S-1070 e r Hustlers win 22-21, teachers get default After a two-week Christmas Bill Gilfillan led, the Zurich lay-off, Exeter -lice basketbal- squad with seven points. Keith lers resumed their weekly ac- Lovell and Bill Pollen were tion at SHDHS gymn Thursday. close behind with six apiece. Last year's winners, Zurich Charlie Kernick was the take- Hustlers extended their win- charge guy for the losers. He ping streak by edging the Fly- found the range for 10 of his ing Farmers 22-21 in a close 12 points in the second guar- contest that was in doubt to ter,' to keep the rural boys in the final second. the game. In the wind-up tilt of the In the second contest, the re- double-bill, the Peripatetic Pe- inbreed Moonshincrs broke in- dagogues claimed a win by de- to an early lead, doubling the fault over the Moonshiners score on the P'Pers at half- who had only three regulars. time 3045, After the rest, the Picking up a player from each teachers came back to hold the of the clubs in the first game, winners to a 36.34 count, bring- the shiners romped over the ing the final score to 66-49. teachers 6649 in exhibition Tom Burke led the shiners play. with 21 points, Bill =Wan Hustlers hang on contributed 18, Al Wiper ad- ded 12 and Felix Boogemans 8. Last year's point leader, George Wright again paced the losers with 18, followed by Ron Bogart's 12. Zurich Hustlers —Bill Gilfil- lan, 7; Keith Lovell, 6; Pollen, 6; Wayne Clausis, 2; Dick Roelofson, 1; and Bob Ghaffe. Plying Farmers — Charlie Kernick, 12; Ivan Hunter-Du- var, 3; Ray Wilson, 2; Chubb McCurdy, 2; Glenn Lamport, 2; and Harry Schroeder. Moonshiners — Toni Burke, 21; Bill Gilfillan, 18; Al Wiper, 12; Felix Boogemans, 10; Ivan l-Iunter-Duvar, 5, P-Pers — George Wright, 18; Ron Bogart, 12; Jim Carey, 9; Ron Heimrich, 4; Doug Rick- ert, 4; Jim Russell, 2; and Joe Wooden, BACKACHE May be Warning Backache in often caused by lazy, kidney Adler', When kidneya gel out AI Oder, excess icicle And wastes remain in the' system. Then backed* Imbed real or that tired-out and heavy'' headed feeling may soon follow. Theta the tin* to hire Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dedtt'S etirindatt the kidneys to normal idiom Then you feel better:7/60 Netter—work Netter. Get IN'titrrit Kidney Pills' now, ta 4400,00ANAA,AA.:miwomm....14111iimmo.A.i,Aw4A.40, Combines draw Continued from page 4 when regular netminder Den-• nes Mock was injured and forced to leave, Richard Stade, the fifteen- year-old midget star came in as the replacement, and turned in a standout performante, Gerard Overholt put the vis- itor's into the scoring column, with the only goal, of the first period, on . play with Earl Wagner and Bill Murney at 13.64. The home team got back on even terms just after the 15- minute 'Mark of the second, Statham scoring only seconds after Min Livermore bad re- turned from a hooking son- tenet, B. Brady put the Rockets trite The lead, early in the final session and Ti, Carrot:has ad- ded another at 6,16, to up the score to 3-L . Less than a ininnto. later. Larry Bedard. PIA the H,Z. squad right back into. contention, beating Brown on a solo ef- firt. With live minutes left in the contest, Bob,. Johnston took a OW from Bill Shaddick„ di- rectly in front ;And 'fired Mite the game eqtrialiZer. Strathity picked up seven of the eleven 'penalties ca.11octi• in- etuding a misconduct to West- gale, Moek'S,injory was net SeriOUS and he is extiottod 10 he in the nets for the next game, Finishing the first half with a 14-13 edge, the Hustlers upped the lead to 18.15 at three-quarter time and held on to squeeze out on top by a single point. • Flight S e'r'g e a n t Tot My ThompsOn's rink won the fam- ily curling bonspiel at- RCAF Station Centralia ever the holi- days. Twenty-four rinks competed, composed mainly of husbands, wives 'and children. Thompson won the "A" event with runner-up honors going to F/S Al L. Hillson and S/L J. MacDonnell. W/O Harry Ailey captured the "B" event, with S/L W. D. Burton in second place and F/O R. D. McCallum placing third. The "C" division was won by Henderson King. with F/O Al Johnston in second place. F/S F. C. Bratrud received the con- F/O solation price. charge CE families vie in 'spiel CHRYSLER APPROVED Start 1963 with a USED CAR DEPENDAR [that's a BIG word with us Dave Redford was in of the bonspiel. AUTHORIZED DEALER