HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-09-15, Page 1Tis 1113110N S IGN L
jatejsassi # Arditiobed every
Market Square, Goaer irk.
er 104 sag Job Prinkug executed isith
otratimme dispatch.
rensadit Hieruie S 'grad .- -TEN
WILL -GS ter aanum if paid strictly la
,r Twelve and Sot Pence swab
oei▪ ,:raelee a the year.
rd. raper dberriatiesed until 'nears are TEN SH ILL ING
pig op, wisesIbipublietter Hawks it bis. •Ist••cat
orootags to do so.
Ativ, mot -easel in the country Into
"erosible for sie subscribers, shall re_ VOLUME VI.
ceire. a seventh copy gratis.
All letters addressed to the Editor
soot so peet-paid, sr they will not lie taken
egg of the post office.
remise of Advertising.- -Sit id" end
ander, first insertion, .£0 2 6
Each oilmelueot insertion, 0 0 o
Tee laws and under, first inner., 0 4,
Each subeetweet insertion, 0 0 10
Over tea lista, first in. per hue, 0 0 4 1
Eacb ,oheeotwot inserting, 0 0 1
ere A liberal discount made to those who I i
Adrertmetnents without written imam.
adsertim by the Tear.
hem wilt be inserted untd forbid, sad
rborged accordingly ; aid no advertisement $
discontinued unpaid for at the time of with.
dowel, unles by the coosent of tbe pub -
- A•melomeinTallesWeliwo
'garbs .
C"' he consulted at all hems, at
the residence formerly world by 1
ifoliertModerier/I, Esq., Fast Street,Mar-
krt Square, Codtrich.
Jerich. April 22th, 1852.
inc 1849. 2s n25
flADINET MAKER, Three dot-4'114'os' o
Ito oo. Canada Company's °Mee, Wetm-
o re'', Giolerlab.
August 2'7t1t, 1549. . erns°
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Coameyan-
eer, Solicitor in Cbaamtry, Ice. has his
• as formerly in Stratird.
Stril!ord, 9nd Jan. liiSO. 2vre19
Aug. 25tb, 18.52. v5r.21
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q. -Bo!
-1 and Conveyancer, Stratford.
Berridei amid Jilt:waits 1,a4.., 4,„
GODRRictl C. W.
JOHN STHACHAN Barrister and Mem-
bey et Law, Notary Public and Convoy -1
Attothey at Law, Solicitor us Chaos :
eery, Conveyancer.
Goderieh, l'IthrNoirember, 1:15t.
Office '27, Adidas Street,
• LONDO:Y, C. W. ,
Mint 1611, 1551. • 'I.2°
o rylo: ,n tbe Post Office Buildings, 1
3.m7111,1153. tien12
. .
r.Worket square, Goderiek,1
AGENT for the Provincial Mutual and
.`" General Insurance Office, Toronto, -
Mao Ageat for the Bt. Lawrence County d
steal.Oadenrburr, New York. Loral
Agent for Samuel Moulson'a Old Rochester
Nersery. July MO.
West of W. E. Graces 8tole, West
Street Goderich.
Feb. 19, 1861. ' ib5-n4
Arm for Ontario Mapine 4 Fire los-
mire-me Co.
INSURANCE effected on Holmes, Shirt- •
fivag aad Goods.
All.kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and r
1 Oh and Accoonte adjuoted.
Office over the Treasury, Goderich. 0
Ju'f 22, ma. v5n26
FORWARDER and Commission Mer -
Meet, titorehoutm Keeper, general
ilrati far Om sale of Wild bands Cleared I
otnrloi Heembold Furniture and Produce
e'net tssenstion,
des`naea,Aanni,maGeteri,ct seer h,Nerth of the Kilmer -
Yard UM In% ei-oft
Putters' Mutual Insurnnee Co.,:
CAPITAL .1,000,000.
A HelpgyNo, itanotow, Agent for •
a__44•Cissoties of Waterloo end 'loran •
'Pet ri, ase. d
R..411R. Saw'ithettor is Cbancery.
011.-"7 t-LCosne
reyser, kc.
tario sumo.", gieg-St .
Gore Reek. and the Beek of
isenti Asierlea. /I * nicrow. 4 10
U'L ''"4111111K11. end Previrsoiel Lug
prd 30, taw
/ 're Ton inn es tins snots.
NUM111111 32.
- .--
Hurrah for Go(lerich !!
II AYE on hoed aa iminease Steck of the
•ry best Deem t
p lob of BOOTS soil
• . on sale at the New Brick build
ag, adjoining Mr. Ham, Watch -maker,
rehab will he sold at the Lowest Prices f
7.adi or approved'One; call and . ur
113P -'rhe highest price plod in Cash for
Slidell and Sheepskins, kc. A merit
Stuck of fiadiogs always oo hand.
Goderich, June 11, 1863. eba2O-ly
Things were too this comlitioo, whee she
oemhborhooreceived occrson to its
d an eoi
social cgs le, in the person of a stripping
swam, fully six feet from the NorthGearge
of Ireland, a M. George Thomp„,
George was a remarkablyowes
well looking fel-
lOw, good Lumoured and gallant with,'
with much of the dry practical wit and
shrewdness, so characteristic of the ruing-
led Scotch tied Irish population, in that
part of his country from which Le came.
Ile accordiugiy, eocia became a lavorite,
and neither Lee nor merry makiag was coni.
pleted without his presence. With the
girls especially, George was t rt- LI 1
men ous y
popular, sod was the tause among them of
more than one serious oquablale. Hut Geo.
knew well what he was bout, aud divided
hie atteotton so equally among the local
belles, as to leave no room for amidst.
Alter a while, George became ac.
(painted with the buxom widow, who by-
and -bye doffed her weeds, and appeared
at meeting in a dress more suited to her
handsome face: and it was soon obsersed,
thatt-l! ey were oe very good terms with
one another. They will be 'married, I
guess, Said Ebenezer ERICA to his three
daughters as they drove home from Church
one Sunday, but if that coruee to pass,
George will hardly look as satisfied as he
does cow. It will be a good match for
him, however, as the widow is still rich and
young, and be knows bow to work the farm-
in style. Marry a widow limited ! ! said
the girl* with a disdainful 1"8 of the head,
Marry a -widow, indeed, George1 h
ann is not such a tool as all tha: coine• to.
But George did marry the widow Fraser,
nevertheless, to the talent.: cliagyiu and
mortificatica of lia:i the girle te the nciell-
borhood. Mrs. 1:hompsen. eniryed her
'Humid' sexy discreetly, and Geurge was
as civil and obliging ;:s usual, and so met-
ten progreesed very smoothly for a mouth
or two after the honey moon aa term-
' "il '
nated. By this time the widow, thatto'
had evidently relapsed into her old habits
of ruling, end some of the neighbours re-
marked correctly, that the tug of war had
commented between her -and Ler husband.
But be was a very diffeereut man from
poor Donald, and had resolved in his own
mind, that be would be master or know
for what. For some time he acted quietly
and independenfly, but his wile gradually
cornered him up, .and he saw he must re-
sort to more active operations, if be wanted
to be governor. In fact for a short time pre-
eious, she had rather had the best of it,
and one morning earlv, when George had
got ready to start to Brockville, oith some
tam produce he wanted to sell, she mounted
the wagg-oo, as in the olden time, !o pocket
t proceeds and to look atter the gue
man. 'rhe htsband ne.v..r said a word,
but -drove out of the ea: d axil oil! in the
proper direction, and Mrs. l'homisson he-
po forthwith to felicitate hcescif on the
(act, that be was at leugth stilolo, :Ito the
proper degree of stdijecti in. 13ut halt
was said till they had got to n creek wiii.:1,
tbey had to cross, and' which happe.ned to
be swollen by late rains, when George
managed to get off the wagon and 100stned ,
one of the wheelsunpeiceived. Tilej
had scarcely got half way over when ofi
„m,. this wheel, and souse went the wagon
into the stream. Mrs. Thompson took all
this cooly enough, but by -and -bye, became
not a little alarmed, when she kaw i : team
which George bad meanwhile up:arched,
scram e out t le a ream ani o-
blof I t Istart 1
wards home hotly followed by her help-
mate, wbo after going a short distance con-
cealed himself behind some bushes to have
an eye alter his wtfe. Hour after hour
passed away, but 00 husband came hack,
and the creek was rising. until at last Mis.
'flout saw there was go help for it,
but to wide on shore, and return home
which sbe did d •withwet, and com-
I telcrest fall • but determined, licier
p e y en ,
over, to scold George within an inch of lee
111.. Thoroughly tired 0„1 et,„t length
cited Incise, hot no hothand was there.
Sbe now became seriously alanned, and
this feeling was not a little increased when
several de d d be h
ys hod paw away, and r us-
band did not make his a 'ioi
ppearance. . w
felt he could not have suffered any bodily
hem, aid what thee could have become of
Itim I fled e weaned of her nil deserteu
h ,
ber ? she asked herself, and then the feel-
Meg aro'. in her mind, that I.� was not like
ber first himhaed, that he was spirited mid
proud, sad thet site had not treated him
with proper coosideretion. The iilea
R,kabed acro.. her toted too, that he had
tat ber is the creek, to plumb err for her
domineering Iemp.r. Pride on'reated bet
for Annan tame from task ter eimpuriem. hot
he *oases H. better her,
these were assented to he would retura
home, but uot otherwier. And gladly did
she assert to the efahmeed tern's; and %')
returned, limes] Iii, wife and made
up the matter, and they bare ever siuce
been die best of frieuils. Mrs. Theinpseu
is too food of George to risk Lis loss a se -
c4nd tune, and so she tcstri, t, herself to
her proper sphere and dillies, sod Le is far
too sensiLle a fellow to sti am the reigns too
tightly. He rules and that fact is enough
him : and so this Irish Petrachio and
tut buxom Scottish E.*, ba‘e become
model° conjugal IlaPPiln." and fideittY•
A fon days since we had a le% chat with
George wbo had come into town to trade,
oath Mrs. Hillyard and GriMu„ wlaotri be
considers enterprising awl respectable
young men, and is resolved to patronise.
‘Vell'an Irishman after all, is just the per.
.on to tame a Scotch 18brew. It George
had had less wit he never would have mai-
ricd tbe widow in the first place, and could
hardly have made her a good wife us the
second.-LceaLs Times.
But Mr. GN
ranger, ot PM
mid weruied with tasperteel
latent"' of ee'z'n't 1"/ "1
r• a Itla daPI '1"C° the et
rate rood home in il
aim well kaew she tested sot
and bee cow which fureishe
children most be lest: le
Grainger took his little Elle
as was Ana cueteut before r
child did not return los car
I in ' w I
use+ rin.h, hieb ea h
W no* r t',on
" w II. ilkul be"
the replied she was perfect!
itssittg sit "" 1"" ""
sileome,she looked up to bii
peel -
. Unehoyou have a great et
Yoe, my child. replied
have twelve as fine 011•4 ID
emte pail wont under.
Thee why, uncle, reseme
fon take Mn. Greend's col
Ob! Paid Mr. Grimm 1
dos.; 1 04,11..11 it for itto r,
ter the Dottie Ole livae is.
Oh, then, Untie, said the
I shall buy it, for you know
niini a hallantlar•
Atd what do yen want w
darling., a.ked Mr. Grave
fondly on the heed.
"01 I should gore it to po
'Ham, u'd r"": "Ind th
little W ill ie, and Mary wool
eat their bread lone. en
ut can have their nico rieb
fur their rippers. 1 did feel
You ta:ki.d td tak:rig their cc
them clothing but their dry I
A tear sate bees to ghat(
ma" ere. He ut for "a"
sorbed le &rethought.
Let me learn a leiteOn ho
• ,
chdo. 1 bit. enough sr
enongh; thispeor 'remit) ha
hsistenceandet 1 would
" y
to add to my a 01!..tfi:bd p
to :,-,i ail my life like a 'dare,
too narrowlieerted 'enjo
that I hay° 1° di:Menl!Y ti.
(rem 1I°' m°1"e"tt close °hi'
open wide rdy heart. . 0
- Ellen no* vhild he ,aid, ye
. •
has bought the widow's cos
And aeataig biniaelf at hie
wrote Mn. Greene a rece
despatched a servant with it
woman:might steep comforts
and the nett day seseral p.
Grangerimdle received the sz
and the old man often says th
dol.ar purchased more real el
ell the money he ever spent.
Owen rem marl
While Turks and Pu lens whiniest' *words,
And klch tiarboilkrotehtsgowAonwhc"."
°John Hull" sits plodchang is Me halls;
His " Dun arnis and wooden walla"
Guard solely kis dominion.
/Ls old " Gray Wigs" in counctl sit,
And safely guide, with well curbd bit,
Ilia d !or young pretenders.
too ;Yaw Vrth, to cut and slice
The spouting whale 'mid fields of ice,
tie trains ha brave defenders.
But clouds are low'ritig in the south,
And ')n the" bulldogs" ope their mouth,
is the roaring lion;
His mighty tail begins a thresh, .
Along his sides be phes the lash,
Till echoes reach to Zion.
Theo " Jonathan" potion his boots,
Through swamps, der aposutains, load be hoots,
019 goes bis swiftest runners;
From Texas through to °recoil,
The shout renames, the word is ton,
And quick coalesces his gunners.
. Ant) now say's John to Joenathan,
! A '
A lucky plot lye bit upon,
My be old wigs have planned it •
While in their calculating mood,
They've weighed it, and prunounc'd it good-
And you must understand it."
•' That Northe en bear, the' Autocrat,'
11' t'" d in tarknens' like a rat'
Because be thought me napplog,)
To5rop my progrem to Me Pliali
1Ied like himself t' enjoy the femme,
By means of 'spra rapping:*
"Its nce for help my child, I ask you,
For. while you're joung 111 oo more task you,
You've prov'd wort your will;
1 onl`''`aY. be neutral nuw.
And ',then you bear my dffs 'bow -wow,'
Doak "a' and °al' kw "11.1.
" 1 know you like" Nick's' looney well;
Your ships and locemotives *ell
First rale, to fill his navy;
&Thin, many as Too can
And, while you'r coaxing ' Old Japan,'
I'll make him cry pwcari.
"Between so both, 1 make so doubt,
We'll nicely leirig the trade abOut.
This being the firm we've tried"
Says Jonathan, " toy amunah '01,1 Bull,'
With all my heart Ingive a pull, '
Tin reedy, 'cut and dried.'
„..,11 •
1 eell them engines, guns and boats,
As fast ashen can gather oats,
I've Met, the lads to make 'ens .
And when 'Nick' geo them :rinn'd and
r,,j ,,
As your"old wigs" have gt>t it .- -d, n '
Why you can go and take 'em.'.1
Then John lanhed the. out the loudh., hie
Sus he, "My offspring her eat my paw,
0 let ue 'stick together:
The' Union Jack' and Stars and 13triperi'„
-Siall4iulth, the world such dreadful wipes,
'c 'ern like a feather."he
F. A.
Manningvilk, August 10,18:53.
- -
Improved Farm for Sale.Roue'd
!DIEING Lot No. *2, 2nd C ton,
Milt Township of Tucketernitb, Hume
toad, tho property of John P. Smith F
' 'eq.,
!optioning 100 acres, adjoin sag the Budd.
og Lots to the rising and flourishing vit.
age of F.gmeed•ille, the Med is of first
ins quality, beautituey situated on the
sii.ks of the Hayfield river, and well lidera-
id to agricultural perms's. For further
articular, apply on the premises (if by let-
er pre paid) to the sularriber.
Mc/fillet) Poet Office,
ruckersenth,Jon•;31b, 11.53. •ege_gol
Ellett Villers was 11. orphan Meta of a
wealthy farmer, trim had commeoced the
world with no capital bet industry. Fortune
smiled upon his labors, and be was woo able
to purcisime for himself a snug farm, upon
which he built • neat cottage, and weut on,
y ,ar after year, addle,/ tract after tract of
land to Ms St ,do clammily, wall h• could
look for miles around o a hie awe possession
A little village reared its bezel above a
beautiful cluster of trees, and nwried him as
its master and was known be his name.-
Ile had, 1 eerie life: reiectedoeo iron,
amongst his ec:eilast'a dsughtere, %%lib
whom 10 eivide his carer.,
whoooj .hare 1,,,,
pja; and hand in band they journeyed on
through life's tedieue way, so immer.ed in
hte'luenti:t of bioitheas'as rut to Derec,re 11:e
. * ' •
vacancy around them. But, at the age of
faty, Mr. Granger found that,uoisc.h•tand-
'rig the bounteous gift. of Providence, there
was • •oid in his breast; he had no smiling'
offspring to gather around his knee at dewy
eve, no lisping prattle to greet h.a return.
However he was not long left to mourn
aver hie lonely state, the . death of an only
e•ater at this per.od, gave to hie charge the
or,disn Ellen, and the old man entored, a•
t were, upon a new lfe.
'f liere was no pain that Elise'a. preemie
co. ild not mitigate, nq grief she could not
assuage. No fears°, threats could alarm
him, save the fear of loosing Ellen, the
idol of his hope. the centre of b.• attrac•
Merry Christmas paidit, r.
ite annual visa t,.,
the young fo•ke, and the collie r Mimed to
Elea for her play houre"groared beneath
the weight of the tokens depoeited there
iby numerous friends for the
deh • 1 f
ig tin, t iii iincy child, or gaining , he
of tie weslihy uncle. Among the
rest of the gifts wits a bright It ill dollar,
Wile!) she turned orereuidaaover. d I , al 'd
bristmas sport i
it 10 her work -box. C a an .
Pastimes toner, the toys and playthings lost
acirsttramione, and Ease etgbeeyee some_
li,ngrew oe which to bestow her atteneme.
She. became mated with a pretty dell
whet, oho oao, ono or her playmates baye,
p d s wish to have one, as she
clad it cost only half a dollsr, and she could
it.ack„„, it et her own expenoo.
Theolull was at cordingly purchased, and
Ellen received ber charge, and took good
care. of 11 ut 01 she needed nmeting
Ohmy beautiful dell and half dollsr,too!
' d Fll of e . 11 be t' I
exciaime • en urprise, bier au i:u
eye beaming with delight towards her no
less dc,ighted Made.
Some months afier this a neighbor call.
cd ee Mr. Granger to sol,cit and in retie,-
ng a family who had been reduced to beg
gary by the intemperanch of the husband:
but aid was sternly refused, as the old
,,,,,coo,,,, „ii 1,, 0,,j 4,t little we, of
wastieg his substance on drunkenness and
,dleness• The friend, °swilling tn be pot
off, continued M plead for the ',tarring wire
and hetet,' childeen.
n rdt win hehind her
Ellen, whn had bee . g .
was an attentive nhe .
erver of all th•t
was mining, and skipp.ng gaily from her
hell ng place. bounded off with to• ow 'Deese
ot the fawn, and prosiest!, returned, pettier
into the gentleman's hail d her sliming hall
"Take this," seid:ehe.and buy them breed
See, the eoaLnued, 1 ba•• al. 1 vraat sod •
ball -dollar, too
"86'61 °WV. "id the P"Ii"" 1.117
'rig her n his arms. "you are deft, 11 to
an a lieseing to those to whom yes ii Pr:
"Take your money, ,
chola." flaki th, 0,„,),,,
...Ind b.asauriad it has perchseml hied
f,,r the ,,,,,e.,y yo .,..e. h.. .11 lb.
W•5•1111141d 0 hereirith to relieve the theorem,-
The we, Meet M W Wee lied hegen tr.
whistle around 110 4.ellings If i"e poor.-
ft farm.r iea• mak,.
Tan fent' rlol On t 1
"Pio Pe°1'1'°•• for hie Willer. stern -
Aed Mr. Gra vigor, am iiet 1 o a Matte, where
his owe ammo wee evmeeroed.!dehed aye
im roeum?, tpd wed h.. leo ,ni. a. G,..
Ni „tests. Bea.
(Oee door East of C. liA fre. '
Pra--.8 -tore,
INOULD reform the inhabitants cif Gode-
• ' rich and neighborhood thin be is pre-
ta•eti to make to ord•r or otherwise, any
cf Lads'. and Geotlemiths Fine or
?ancy work, is the neatest and most
ash,ocable style. Aed will also furnish
ieavy Boots and Sheep, to sort the oe
essities of those that may favor him with
heir cesium: His prices will be moderate.
. Coders* July 29th, MM. - T6029
A UCTIONEER, Accountant and Gene-
Rh nil Agent. Boole sod immolate ed
noted, and all kinds •of Deed' drawn,-
;ales attended in any part of the ministry.
Leticia addressed to MItebell or Ilarpur,
ire, will toi attended to.
April 5th, 1858. v61110-1,
Ircriceeen., is prepared to attend Sales in
ay part of the Vetted Counties, on the
met liberal term. Apply at • the Firit
holster] Court 'office, or at his hquee, -East
Inset, Godericb. •
N. 11. -Goods and other property will be
revved to sell either by priVato or public.
helium 6.1839.. • :v4.047.
W. &.R. SI1.11PSON,
nroROCERS, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers
.J" and Oilmes, No. 17 Dundee Street,
.ondon, C. W. •
retires', IMO 1511. ' r5 -a5
•The Greek Church. . -•
-- - -_ _ _
. • - ••-
RAN ING itunag the paet two yeers seta
ed lo the capic•ty of GENERAL
iCENT for the collection of debt it, desires
. to be generally unmkretoon that he will
crept the Agency for the coilection of
nes in any part of the Upper Provnee,,bes.
wen ('obourg in the East and Lake Huron'
, cos west. - In making this announce -
ient. he would beg to expeess his theeks
o h., fr.ezde for part favours, and now re-
e, c'fid1)solw.ts a colita,Lance c! the
51110. •" -
1., communostions on hummers, address-
d (poet paid) to Ayr P. 0.. North Dum-
-ire, C. W., will be promptly attended to.
April 1, le5t.' vante
- . • . • •
• --
A lesson was gisce ((Ten'
re.tsrmirn that w
our fair towhe
hop' toward' ' ‘
cul -un hir of a
1 '
123 caused heoelf and her t -
ma t I
- ' a un floppiness, viz: -.le
tily last week alt husband
' • k
Ncss \ o, on business, auil s
almost a daily friend and n
was well acquainted with li
hail 1:iiivIllingly heeu made
to some ilisazr(eaLle episode
tic life. Our fnend's bi irnd
' if a wag, and on the return ,
Natoli, iaSt Friday MOrtii
call as soon as convenient
wif ., and informed her con5
while he was in New York
famed for tier 5...! t. niptatin
her husband bolding a i.retty
his lap.
'Ile •rene Gait nceurred e
band bad Petered his house
1 1 had be!
irateen thrown into !
agined. %Ye will Lot moon
it. The green eyed minute
the fair dame into a paroxyst
, , ,_3_ ,
lwr "uusnu San a`tounIc'1,
his parinur, by. Die fierce
mada upon him with her nitn
, Perfidious isreth- ' vile
h - ' •
onored man!• . disgusting 1111
of his wife% i
peace. -these e
est epithets that fell from h
husband after storming and i
long time, finally ascertained
the i harms made ags.ust Lei
thou-. Ile went unnwdiateli
i er, noweig. wi i
the l'hell k .11 tl
candid any in his owe defenci
ought in pacifyieg the bar
whose lair was %miler hie re
posted oil to land bit friend .
teirseth a Bartel worn.' too
!else ity. bet the wretch had le
rrinailtdvr ed. Fetal end Saha
in a "Iriat "113111 ma"'
fire. The leaskswel took lin
eel& wa5 not the tie -t - -do
v eho'saleah nlille• 11" `lel
I, monk rooms of les
i) asset to,his wilt
. 'S."
Me eight w err he wool
Ou Sunday nrsiiig it 53
the stores had worn dow• il
the lady. and .he sal aline
roach dejected. '11 Ise Ink.h 11
s..-.1 -
',Par ORIN-1.0001. III Ina shirt
from the
Sad hie wee drip broom he eippet,
Maggie's into, gad likes bell;
Meietir till his bed he elippit,
iiighing af,ra till iiiniall.
•Wally aril .11,i, or Pii. Wire Reformed.
A few days since, we were iofinitelY
amused by the• I t. f the
ii a ton o manner, in
which a Shrew was tamed who lives not far.
from Brockville. The details were fur-
n ishitd by a friend, resideot in the neigh -
berhood of the parties.
About f f
i teen years ago, a Scotchman,
Doaeld Fraser, arrived out from /tie old
couatry, purchased a farm in the back part
of Leeds county, and settled down there-
00 with his wife, a Mgr dame then about
twenty-one, 'ind whom he liad recently
married. Why Donald had taken this las-
sie 'to be his wife it was difficult to say,
per ec an fp° es
for the the 1-t l' itof him-•
' was
self in all rehpeeta. Ile was about five
! -
fect five in height, she was four inches tall- ,
er : be was thin mid spare looking, the wits
plump as a partridge and had a blush like a
peony ; he was meek in his manners, and
of quiet and retiring habits: she was sur-
dy and boisterous, and had a good deal of
the Mer Mendes about her. I far°t na-
hire bed constituted her to rule, while
Donald was formed to obey: Ise seemed to
have an intuitive koowledge of this fact, and
oil:mooed to has fate without a murmur.
The neighborus toked ha ni once and a
while, about Lan" grey mare hieing the bet-
ter horse," and o petticoct goverment"
. of
the order the day, "nee gimes
Vic. lad ascended the throoe : but Donald
took it all cooly, gawked les pipe es red,
rend his Dthee, Barter Paella', and the
seam Worth's.", on stated neenSionS, and
worked away at bis farm, as if be was the
moo independent fellow in the world.
In Iff(weli° of hale. "Arc r""e Pre-
vented ber bosbeed with two fine boys and
a gar', who formed a source of the purest
IA to Dowahl, reconed I
eil 11)13s m umre
thee erer to the coedits°,, of slain, to-
daring him at the male time to work Yo
bard, that be cease to be reputed a rich
was, skeet', before hie death, which street
took Plane • Tear &Bar th• balk a Ins
bird elide.
The widow missed her deported ride-
MO sairly.an oho mud lientrif, soldier emarty
two yews appeared to deep menriumt as
siesiei_. whim e'er the Rift isphilet er
along, fat she wosli tolerate
Co the Settlers of the Huron
rtilE redesigned begs leave tn give nos
• tics to all then who may have any
waters to transact with the Canelo Coni-
any that since the removal of their olbce
:om this town. he fin determined to open
n agency office bore for the benefit- of
lose wbo may 004 W14h to travel to To.
olio to tr. aaaa ct their busmen in person.
' mei his thorough knowledge of the Com
any's mode 11 transacting busmen
having been oo long employed in their
lie fcel• confident that he can aid
lid give satisfaction to all Mime who mar
muir e his Ferries. Cenveyanciog. Laii-ii
nd General Agency Office', alto • hat of
and, nor sale kept, and a registry • of there
'nosing to perches* withont change except
quire a .ale is droved, when a moderate
sr centage will be respired.
A Lai. RonliRTSON,
Land Agent, lite •
Goderieb, Jas. (5, 1853. %6-si I
- - - - ---- - -uecle,
riN AND COPPER SMITH, next door
S to the Victoria Hotel, West Street,
lodertch, has constantly on hand, • choice
lock of Tinware, Coolog and Box Stoves,
:co ..wIticb tie wall sell at considerably.re-
uced proem..
TI. MOW price paid in trade for old
,. braes, pewter, sheepeltioa. calf anal
aPPe .
sel bides• feathers and rages. All kinds of
lerehantable produce taken in eichatige at
Bela prices.
Gorkwieb, F'eb.„Ilik HOC al -.s
- -
to melte over my right, 11.1" i"'' el.'mdb
' Notes and Book areounts, to JAMES
OtiALDSON, beloegoig to the ere* or
'slime" ilelati" a" jmaaa Etwa""")NTIRIC• .
A. MeI
fitisses.•Davegi Canines,. •
Gookmek March arde 11/113. *9•9 1
mig meedily windies
the A km
resister open 41111,
be otar a boy malting at 1,1., 1
Sear. a note. Cont,eItilsi
allere4 the °let
,!_ !r_ , __, ,
"""r" `"'" ''"'" 1"" 1'1"
hysterics liege the •-fs, mid
applying • 4•1np of r.insidu..
freolardwr. k. The iimis b
borers, Ignog on the rarprt.
a frIl Ill
„4 o ho, *Kyoto. 15,
ing • :_..
.1),1,. moo_ -_: A3 1
'm 'Y !real rartelttly hire 1_0s
elfrefe Oat Wel 1'
itic-MiU and Skin* machine.
X7 AINTED immedistely.for Nemo. J. Iti
r V Weederforde k Co's Sow Mill, a
ed Sawyer, •ho understand, tskl,
_. _ bliediy gae,-slee 150 se.-
ens G. •
mi yoom ini to work a skink, Mae him.
'mei with miclowery will be r'-
7er' m wed mg, on, es,,.et Mr.
Pah teeMemeter. Ap.
aster, got of
sad after arraogiag for the Nasty oi Mel -
Area, obe started its mt of the truant.
$be relented bonne dtsappinted. Another
week elopes* no stirs of lent Vet, but l'''
need d' her bothand am fine morning
our "aerator ktualed up te her door. Ile
eras oe anibaseeder teem Ceerarge maul ref-
gers,oh seeord,..._
seat to, with oseareenows shot .I. ......•
ebe,eie be keebeemeteit 0,,, It,. ro„,.1,4
"moat e pp*, wro„,e pedbeaki,,,,i htra,LI.
Wore bet lueiV,ril, art ....b smesemee
gore no
co* etergroes whoterateme, eied looked
tbe rest of the frafernity.
grZell Moomesiele so
Ihnlittene. Air IL tin'
'Pee chattel as
lillk blita•g Om the 191911A twillidapers.
nevi preponeks of vorrounsedstro.
*Iva, nistelelantplo esetragswee.
THL' tin weft bee_ p eoseteetly on ki
ire al` a„at GODERICH rASININO
-.co. Altus Min* pAcorogy, e. Ar A
la* /Bra's* Bo* tbs Merkel Briall".
ad/ftelseeee /4sr• les Baler's TannerilO
y, •
oewneestal• .01 tory
▪ -r-neir sr...wog the alma,. d000riptsee.
.61111 he vrt4 aslogesse 04.111111-
169 had
* eh. a.„„ 41111pprovng credit. Hs
I e emparill 011 good
.1:44:1401-tia,TLIZei r:611 tee a
ales611.199, omen tie
441111.046,46 „dart DODD.
amide lot fealty
ties declared Nia
▪ *he del oot
aim. Tee poor
reht themes', as
:raker the money
1 food for her
he seeming Mr•
• oe bus knee,
eiriag. but the
mew with her
at to fear she
g horrrogated,
1 well. After
bis hp JD deep
face and kindly
any cow ',been%
r. Grenger, 1
nay 'pasture a•
d the child. will
, who bas but
do rot want the
at that re due
delighted child,
I bare got a
ith a cow, my
r, patting her
or Mrs. Greene
en you know
J not have to
d ga to bed
ream and milk
so sorry when
w, and leaving
n is the chi
moments oh -
said, from this
1 more than
s but a scanty
lake from her
urse. I have
ar.d base la en
y the bleating@
ell (or. 1 wil
accounts, and
tut half d•illar
writing dei k
ipt in 0111, Load
, that the poor
by that night;
or families in
nit treatmept;
at El!en's ham
joymtnt than !
I.: A 1,01-
ly to one of
11 do snitch, we
eeokoess that
c client spouse
ade a v6it to
•Ili; there met
•oghbour who
• family, and
a witness of
5 in his slower
was something
the parties
ng, be made a
on the jealous
enhally, that
• that city et,
1, lie had seen
Lida bid iii
hen the hiss -
ler this fire -
t, may be lm -
pt to describe
r had wrou4ht
01 fury aol
upon entering
nrisIsuglit she
ble tongue.
monster!' doe
rtiner slicer
rcro the er lips. '1 lie
%postulating a
the nature it
, and its au-
wcni to seek
t nothing he
would avail
(biome tigress
n roof. Ile
lei had ionic -
n bis domestic
ft town. 110
?May WWI 1)55-
17 the pr --
monk - Li. sp-
an town in a
t, or rather
bower as he
deem* from
seed her.
s evident that
• •Irroglls of
to her parlor
.1 era• nn
sler yes, lords -
wile his drove
1,4 nme o'clock
mit Joivr, sod
• his
ahrieke. Ile
afrea. ley story le trim.
inskeeril-erho, by the way, se
Mir obis gym lived-_heillari •
2111111r11M1 it eta
teal, as she heilentioed the
full, in which we were diming
,be Crystal Panes, end
down into that sent without ea
hig yrr Mee ..i'
'0, beware, my lady of jeabisery.
Idle green eyed mousier which dollfra
*COW ie feeds 041. 4
Yours trimly
The perusal of of than note bad esesee •
sorb revelsioo in the orerstraissed booms of
the wife that hyaterios ' supervithede but tae
recovering from t!:e tethporery attack, it
reconcilliatioa speedily tollowed, aad tte
heolmool, who gear/rangy forgove is wife
YUJL ie., is new a happy wasm.--Deo?'
R•Irr Lott* -The Oliveto Jour set cif
Monde, *aye:- A raft. of 3y00 pia* atawlogs
to tow of the Canadian steamer City of
Toronto, from Belleville bund to thie port.
broke loose in • poilall on Friday evening,
when within 10 or 15 lades of Oswego. -
The steamer came an without the loge,
Womb the heavy sea% ot Retool*, oust
have scattered in the Like. Thai rok wo
understaod, belonged 10 D. D. Vare.
Naw BILIDORO learn that the, To-,
route and Sarnia Railroad, after pulsing
through the Market Square, will resell the
Waterloo reed by • tubsilar iron viaduct,
spanning the read obliquely kretweern Rich-
aidson's and Hers corner. The vieduct
will have two arches, of 30 feet spanoe one
of 50 feet and will be of tatfinent height
from ihe ground to perm t the pss..ago ef
laden vehicles beneath -19 or 23 feel -
which will oecessitsis; an ezeamities
some depth on the north eels. The plea
will be far preferable to bane, tie line le-
rereected by the roadies), cm the eameleellife-
will obviate mesh sennysnce sad esteenna,
and possibly prevent nosey ectItenkkeeee
Gpielph Herald. ,
TUR WRLLt.D Ca • the '
month of August, the bastes 01 15. roes!
has been unuaually large, nanniosrlew, 1.
versel• passed up and doers, GO esitoonors,
pr Ilere, and •tearners, evAlasins .(...Ii
craft not going through but 'Ayala( bertweee eah.
certain locks. Lest year for that same.
•period, the emetic, was 485, which ebo:vil
an increase on the month's operetiowe of 40
vessels, whilst th• corresoAtilling tonsge
will probably exceed 10,000 oink to the same
'Imo. This ie undubitable evidence of whet
neat year's work will amount •to, when the
er West is opened op by Railway commit •
etc aticn.
Ladiev;would even erij ,y seeing tie comp
d'Ilellait; before the soldier.' hats r are
made pretty little gardens, hill of dowern.
Some are laid out as furtificat len and Mats
work., with cannon made from the chalk
taken fromthe neighboring chalk. pitc--.
There are chalk pill itt and columns of ell
shaper, moppet ing eagle., and the old and
young Emperor, with chalk mntluel on the
areh, 'llodneur et Patric!' 'Valour et Dio-
cletian!' Each regiment, in the centre of
its quarterireetu a handsaw, column, In
which is fixed the regimental eagle tonna-
ard• A lar,,e rugged:high nock, Mad* of
Mot stones, wta "Souvenir de St. Helene.'
Near to tine is a statute of the peewit Eine
peror. supported on a shield by four eohltere
of d:fferent artne,and Dear to Lida ha • group
ut French generale, with oho Empress. -
these works would du c:edit to sow
artist. T re (loaner" of Om 'artillery sed
engineer* have guns of sl I sor, P. m idea of
fort,fiestions and lartocolar towns. and •rt
excellent representation of rho earep.....
Beautifully -execuod.p•ilare, with names of
battles, and mono Heats to favouril o gone.
rale, one superior lo Inc otliers. At Pore
Bitgeaud, !sly.' Tali goncral ivair much_
rimpected, but wit' carried off by the cho•
feta derive; the outbreak of 1919. lo the
two street, of soldiers' hut!, at nett but
are four round turf ishfre, on which the Mee
eat their dinners. The officers' huts area
beautiful little garden., will torf conchwa.
nal therm sub iltern %h.) lt Ave not *pleat
to stake garden+ hare 8 imve•-,eit• hanging
fr011t the eters of the road of toeir
Nothing is to lt.' seen en the canals to 'nook
the delicacy of the moot fast.d:mie. British
effacers would be pliee•ed to no halt tams -
fully mid inftweistiy French so diem paw
their idle hours, and eiviliens nwild pen.
reit' that the cultivation 01 taste and cons
Lisbon u. not ineonsietesit with t`m charms -
'au of a selilier.-Vorreepandcoce of tbee
Morning Gunmen'.
I the I idy in
hcr hoitsemial
•pirit• to her
'mult" hy eke
Ile picked it
ttslWt' •so tbe
in most have
woe tress
A game of erickm woe nleyed nn Friday
week, bet wen this married sal meek ladles
of W•lee, ne•r Rot wertiam. The player,
wore bloomer hate trintned with pith asol
blot', and decorated with rot•titee of various
land. The retook of the game was se rol.-
lows:- Married, 11 and 16; uatrierreed, 14
and IL
The Montreal flerrilaturs :--Not on!
are we to have a steamship eontpeny ; 10.
we hear that another joint %lock cumpatay
is to be formed to build 51 iron elipper
ships of the very beet ehereeter, early of
*beet 1400 tem Imarthes, to melte regnise
voyages between One port awd [overrate.
The completinn of the Poetised Italway
will allow them tn cretinism the Canadien
trade throughout the Winter; making Port-
land the plate of esetry fluorin that
It is further said that game isidividlieg
ship-ovriert• are shoot tnlawild propellers
for the trade between British parts sod dle
be,ts'altbAcr7riviatoirpo.-tnItedITImeagemeforwthata W11114.o".
"ik thIell
Allft ie wet me eery leing ago
enee V.* MI. "rob, • Isiet Levi harry
04 5.PW10144441. PO 0'40 411411, '. eiertitil IRA -
el limn, weight i.. hes•mileeele. His pen
60 P.sat 1....golansni. 3.v. mertytteetemisimi.v.... We astiontosoc 31:
o',OSA *tree ;venire* 01•114116 ele11111111014
In ithearire 311110 raw nem beef. Its
ilw.."*:...baiiert.:rysh's7bipt:eb..lievrweraf:' „tonal
mese probe., euebeermatevi. k